Download - Show Me The Green - Aventri · Northwest Biosolids 2016 Carbon Mathematics Factor Emissions Coefficients (tCO 2 eqha-1 yr-1) Dry prairie no-tillbaseline (0.13) Additionality through

Page 1: Show Me The Green - Aventri · Northwest Biosolids 2016 Carbon Mathematics Factor Emissions Coefficients (tCO 2 eqha-1 yr-1) Dry prairie no-tillbaseline (0.13) Additionality through

Northwest Biosolids 2016

Show Me The Green

September 13, 2016 – BioFest 2016, Semiahmoo, Washington

John M. Lavery, RPBio, PAg

BioFest 2016:

Vegetation’s Value in the Biosolids

Investment Equation

Page 2: Show Me The Green - Aventri · Northwest Biosolids 2016 Carbon Mathematics Factor Emissions Coefficients (tCO 2 eqha-1 yr-1) Dry prairie no-tillbaseline (0.13) Additionality through

Northwest Biosolids 2016

Today’s Trip to the Bank

Can green do more?

• What is biosolids value?

• Can the vegetation investment recover


• Core business vs. vertical integration

• What the Alberta willow demonstrations are


• What does the next step in cost recovery

look like?

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

The Almighty Dollar

Estimating the material value of biosolids

• Urea $260/T; DAP $360/T

• N (2-6%); P (0.5-1%); K (0.1%); Micros

• Organic Matter

• Biosolids Value $35-$70/Tonne.

But true value is what the

market will pay.

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Northwest Biosolids 2016



• Nutrients and organic matter

• Improves soil tilth

• Reclaims productivity in marginal soils

• A true environmental superhero

• Everyone will see this

• Everyone will want some

• Demand will outstrip supply

• Biosolids will generate revenue.

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Northwest Biosolids 2016


Value recovery is rare

• Production, transport, application

• Markets, demand immature, competition

• Supply oustrips demand

• Managed at a cost.

Benefits universally realized…

…are we too diverse?

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

(sub)Vert the Process

Find a new value proposition

• Vegetation that meets a need

• Value that must already be realized?

• Vertical integration

• Highest and best end use for generations

One that is:

• financially palatable

• financially profitable?

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Alberta Vegetative Value

What is its value?

To achieve

• Feedstock for compost

• Soil improvement

• Carbon sequestration

We will use

• Biosolids

• Marginal farmland (brown chernozems)

• Short Rotation Willow

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Green Investment - Willow

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Value – Environmental Services

Productive fallow for marginal soil

• Agricultural rest

• Biosolids and willow roots - OM

• Litter - OM

• Diversification – visual,


• Windbreak

• Improve marginal soils

• Improve long term arability

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Value - Carbon

Biosolids produces high-C feedstock

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Carbon Mathematics

FactorEmissionsCoefficients(t CO2 eq ha

-1 yr-1)

Dry prairie no-till baseline (0.13)

Additionality through land application of biosolids (from BEAM) –agronomic (single application averaged over three years) 1.28

Additionality through carbon sequestration in above-ground willowbiomass 11.09

Additionality through carbon sequestration in below-ground willowbiomass 1.72

Additionality through willow contribution to soil organic carbon 1.46

Additional soil and biomass sequestration (per ha) in each of first threeyears 15.42

Verification in process!!!

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Municipal Compost Feedstock

The willow has internal value

• Feedstock for new composter

• stable, consistent, reliable

• Biomass to compost biosolids

• Be financially profitable

• Achieve highest and best end


• Be relevant to as many people in

as many places as possible.

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Northwest Biosolids 2016


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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Feedstock Value Challenge

Other highest best use?

• Livestock bedding for CAFO’s?

• Chips for biomass energy?

• Biocoal?

• Biochar? activated carbon?

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Anecdotal Value

Compost Feedstock

• Up to $30/tonne; Potential 10 year agreement

Bulk Livestock Bedding

• $60-$150 per tonne ($2/cuft); Light drying/storage required.

Biomass Energy and Biocoal Feedstock

• $30-$100/tonne; Drying required (torrefaction for Biocoal).

Biochar (reclamation and amendment)

• Up to $450/tonne; Pyrolysis required

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Achieve Max Value

…but without the wrinkles?

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

A Need Identified

Excess lagooned biosolids targeted for use

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

A Need Addresses a Need

Enhance Alberta’s prairie coal mine reclamation

with biosolids.

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

The Green Investment

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Multiple End Uses

Harvest the Willow at 3-year intervals for:

• Planting stock

• Soil carbon amendment

• Energy feedstock (biocoal)

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Northwest Biosolids 2016


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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Lifetime Project Carbon

FactorEmissionsCoefficients(t CO2 eq ha

-1 yr-1)

Afforestation baseline 0 or soil emissions

Parkland No-Till Baseline 0.25

Additionality through Land Application of Biosolids (from BEAM) –Reclamation rate (years 1 through 3) 4.26

Additionality through carbon sequestration in above-ground willowbiomass 11.09

Additionality through carbon sequestration in below-ground willowbiomass 1.72

Additionality through willow contribution to soil organic carbon 1.46Additional soil and biomass sequestration (per ha) in each of firstthree years 18.53

**Additional soil and biomass sequestration per year beyond year 3 15.55

Year 1 sequestration (additional to parkland no-till) 166 ha 3,075.98 t CO2 eq

Year 2 Sequestration 332 ha 6,151.96 t CO2 eq

Year 3 Sequestration 500 ha 9,227.94 t CO2 eq

Years 4-36 Sequestration (per year) 7,775.00 t CO2 eq

Estimated Sequestration 2015-2024 82,220 t CO2 eq

Estimated Sequestration 2015-2034 (20 years) 159,970 t CO2 eq

Total Estimated Sequestration to 2050 284,370 t CO2 eq

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Does Value Exist?

Line Item Debit Credit

Initial investment in willow and biosolids without return

(1000 ha)$9,875,000

Biosolids applications annually

(25dt, $250/dT, 300 ha) for 20 years$37,500,000

Willow harvest annually for 20 years (300 ha) $1,200,000

Willow conversion to biocoal annually for 20 years $3,600,000

Carbon Credit for Above Ground Harvested Biomass

(20 years, $30/CO2eq)$6,654,000

Carbon Credit for Below Ground Biomass and Soil

Organic Carbon$4,464,000

Value of biocoal produced

(70% biomass recovery, $40/Tonne Value, 20 years)$5,040,000

Debit and Credit Totals $16,158,000 $52,175,000

Net $36,017,000

Savings on biosolids management 18% $7,733,000

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

By The Numbers

23 year reclamation project

• 1000 ha reclaimed without topsoil


• 790,000 wet tonnes of biosolids

• 126,000 tonnes of coal displaced

• 376,600 tonnes CO2 eq in


• 18% savings in biosolids costs

over project lifespanSoil relocation costs

• 1000 ha; 2000 Tonnes/ha;

$50 per tonne

• $100,000,000

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

Meet the Need?

Biosolids and Vegetation

• Topsoil replacement

• Nutrients

• Organic Matter

• Reclamation

• Planting Stock

• Carbon

• Energy

Are the Willows the Thneed

that every mine needs?

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Northwest Biosolids 2016

[email protected]


John M. Lavery RPBio, PAg

Northwest Biosolids 2016