Download - SGSU Council Manual 2013 2014

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Who’s who in the SU

Council Meetings

Mandatory Paperwork

Society Dissolution

New Societies

Finances: Subs and Budgets

Finances: Purchases and making a claim

Room bookings

Minibus bookings

Society Emails and Webpages

Society Post

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This guide has been produced to help all Club, Society and Community Project committee members in how to effectively manage their relationship with the SU. It provides details on finances, room bookings, website usage and much more.

If there is anything that is unclear, or that you require further information on, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Anjalie Rajapakse General Secretary 2013-2014 St. George’s Students’ Union

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Who’s who in the SU


Mohammed Amer

[email protected]

General SU enquiries

VP: Education and Welfare

Yan Leung

[email protected]

Welfare and Educational facilities and spaces

VP: Finance and Activities

Tom Arjomandi

[email protected]

Finances, budgets and minibus bookings

General Secretary

Anjalie Rajapakse

[email protected]

Room bookings, Council meetings, website enquiries and general Council enquiries

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Who’s who in the SU

Media Officers

Ester Breij and Charlotte Lea

[email protected]

Website and Newsletter enquiries.

Sports Officers

Jordan Coleman and Georgina Chamberlain

[email protected]

Rob Lowe Bookings, Fixtures admin and Sports club enquiries

Community Project Officers

Jonathan Hurst and Esme Siriboe

[email protected]

Community Project enquiries

Societies Officers

Bhina Patel, Lucy O’Reilly, Alice Walker and Michael John

[email protected]

Freshers Fayres, Society admin, Music Room equipment enquiries, Awards Ceremony and Societies enquiries

Technical Officers

Eshan Ashcroft, Omar Abbassi and Andrew Mott

[email protected]

Technical support, Lighting and sound for shows and hiring equipment

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Council Meetings

Council meetings are the main forum at which Clubs/Societies can bring up issues, express opinions and keep up-to-date with the SU.

It is the main platform for Clubs/Societies to hold the SU accountable by providing us with essential feedback.

These meetings are very important and it is expected that at least one member of a Club/Society/CP committee be present. Each individual is only allowed to represent one society

Council Meeting Dates:

Lecture Theatre A 18.00

2013: 2014:

17th September 28th January 17th June 15th October 25th February 15th July 12th November 25th March 10th December 22nd April 20th May

Council Elect

Council Elect is a position on the SU Executive that has both the responsibilities and benefits of being a full executive officer. There are two council elect positions available, and their role is to repre-sent the views and opinions of Council at Executive meetings as well as relay relevant information from these meetings back to council. The aim of the role is to bridge the gap and improve communication between the SU Executive and Council, therefore enhancing Club/Soc/CP experience within the Union.

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Mandatory Paperwork Society Constitution

The SGSU constitution requires every Club/ Society/ CP to have an up-to-date constitution that reflects the current aims and roles of the Society.

Handover Form

A Handover form needs to be filled out at the beginning of the year and when your committee changes.

The mailing list of all Clubs/Societies and CPs will only be updated when a form has been handed in.

Handover forms can be found in the SU office and should be returned to the Societies Officers (place it in their pigeon hole).

Society Dissolution

If a society wants to be dissolved they need to bring a motion at Council. This is done by emailing the General Secretary before the next Council meeting and asking for the dissolution of said society to be put in the agenda.

There are also new amendments in the constitution that give the SU grounds for dissolving a society; please see below.

A Club or Society may be dissolved by a motion of Council or a General Meeting if showing no activity. A society may be assumed inactive if any two of the following events occur:

Lack of a valid constitution;

Lack of a full committee (to include President or Captain and Treasurer or equivalents), whose details must be given to the societies/sports/community projects officers before the first council meeting;

Missing three or more council meetings without apologies; Not producing an annual report

Lack of financial activity for one academic year.

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New Societies Once you have been passed you need to hand in a hard copy of your Constitution, Handover Form and Document of Interest to the Societies Officers.

You will be expected to attend all Council Meetings and a 6 month review.

Setting up a Society email

All Societies at St. George’s have an email address e.g. [email protected] allowing you to keep you society email separate from your personal email.

In order to set this up you must fill out a form that can be found on portal.

Portal: Home→ Organisation→ Learning & Institutional Services → Computing Services→ IT Help Desk → Application Forms→ Service Account (Shared Inbox) Request Form

If you are having problems please email IT helpdesk on [email protected] .

Once this email is created you can subscribe to it on convergence. Please refer to ‘How to subscribe to your soci-ety email account’.

Setting up a society page on the SGSU website

The SGSU website can be used to advertise your Society, pay subs, buy kit and tickets or to advertise your events. To edit your webpage you will need admin access. Please email [email protected] with your request and they will provide you with further instruction.

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How it works:

The SU currently has two bank accounts. One is for the trading arm which holds money from the Shop and the Bar, and the other is for the charity arm which holds money from Clubs, Societies, CPs and SU events.

Subs and Budgets

Subs allow you to buy anything you like (e.g. coaching) or to sup-plement your budget limit.

You MUST collect subs from each member, and pay it directly into the SU (using a deposit slip) where it is banked into your al-lotted accounts. You are not allowed to hold onto subs your-selves. The same should be done for any donations you receive.

Please speak to Tom (VP Finance) if you wish to buy items that would come out of subs, but do not currently have the money for as he may allow you to use a leverage facility (beware that you will be putting yourself in debt).

Your budget is not a grant—it is how much the SU will spend on

any particular cost centre (e.g. a £100 equipment budget can only be spent on equipment.

If you want to know how much of your budget allocations re-main, and how much subs you have collected, please pop into Tom’s office.

Budgets for 2013-2014 will be set by the Clubs and Societies Finance Committee that will meet on October 12th 2013. More information regarding applications will be released soon.

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Please speak to VP Finance before making a purchase as he will let you know if you have sufficient funds remaining.

Once a purchase has been made please forward the invoice onto VP Finance who will then pay it for you.

Making a claim

You may find yourself having to pay out of your own pocket for items that you have your SU budget allocation for. If this is the case; KEEP THE RECIEPT!

Fill in an Expenses claim form (found outside Tom’s office), get it signed by your club treasurer (or presi-dent if you are the treasurer) and the attach the re-ceipt (s). YOU CANNOT SIGN A CLAIMS FORM FOR YOURSELF.

Either hand it in to Tom or leave the form in the blue tray outside his office.

He will aim to process the claim within 3 working days—although some claims may take longer.

If there are any problems he will contact you.


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Room Bookings

The SU rooms (AHR, HGR, Music Room and Bar) must be booked by using your room booking user name and password and the instructions below.

1. Go to

2. Click ‘Log in’ in the top right hand corner and log in using your personal George’s log in and password.

3. The SGSU page will them reset to the home page.

4. Hover over ‘Facilities’ in the menu bar running across the top of the page.

5. Click on ‘Room Booking’


7. Log in with your room booking username and password.

8. Click on a date to book a room. You can also book minibuses here by clicking on ‘Minibuses’ in the top left hand corner.

Please note that all SU room bookings are provisional until Council because periods get busy and Council will be used to make the fairest bookings possible.

If you wish to book university rooms (Boardroom, Lecture Theatres) you will need a ‘WRB’ account and password, ask your predecessor or email [email protected] to obtain one. This is a first come first serve system. If you are having trouble with room booking please email the General Secretary.

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Who can drive the minibuses?

Anyone wishing to use the minibuses MUST have taken the Minibus Test.

Tom will announce the test dates via e-mail, there will be limited number of testing slots.

Preference will be given to Clubs, Societies and CPs who do not currently have any members who are able to drive the minibuses.

How do I book the minibus?

1. Book the minibus online for the day you want it (instructions under ‘Room Bookings’ of this booklet). If you require the minibus on a weekend, please fill in a form by Friday 5pm at the latest.

2. Fill in the relevant mini bus form (available outside Tom’s office)

3. Get the form stamped by one of the Top 4.

4. Go to security (ground floor HW) when you have booked the minibus to sign the keys out.

5. You must top up the petrol tank on return and pre-sent the receipt to Security. They will copy it for you if you need to keep the original for a Claims Form.

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Society emails and Webpages

Society Emails

All societies that are a part of SGSU have an email account (this was done last year).

You can subscribe to this email via your personal email and create an alias from which to send out emails (e.g. you can send out emails as your society name and not under your personal name). Details on how to do this can be found in the ‘How to subscribe to your society email account’ guide.

Society Webpages

Each society is given a page on the SGSU website which they can use to advertise events as well as selling subs, tickets and kit.

This page can only be edited by members of a societies committee that have admin access.

Please email [email protected] if you require admin access to your webpage.

All mailing lists created at the Fresher’s Fayre (via the barcode system) can be accessed by the members of a committee with ad-min access. This means that you can very easily email all the members of your society.

If you sell any items via the website you will be able to see a sales report, meaning that you can easily keep tabs on who has paid what.

Information on doing the above can be found in the ‘SGSU Club and Society website user guide’.

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Society Post

If you require anything posted to you, the address to use is:

Your Name Your Club/Soc/CP Name St. George’s Students’ Union St. George’s University of London Cranmer Terrace London SW17 0RE

Maria ‘Agnela’ Rebello (SU Administrator) will email you regarding a package. Please check your pigeon-hole in the SU Office regularly—you will not receive a notification if post has arrived for you.

I hope that this guide answers most of your questions and is informative. If you require any help with anything

at all please drop me an email or simply pop into the office.

I wish you the greatest of success for the following year!

Anjalie Rajapakse General Secretary 2013-2014 St. George’s Students’ Union [email protected]

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