Download - Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 1 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise IHE Tools for Users and Integrators: Connectathon, Integration Statements.

Page 1: Sept 13-15, 2004IHE Interoperability Workshop 1 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise IHE Tools for Users and Integrators: Connectathon, Integration Statements.

Sept 13-15, 2004 IHE Interoperability Workshop1

Integrating the Healthcare EnterpriseIntegrating the Healthcare Enterprise

IHE Tools for Users and Integrators:Connectathon, Integration Statements

and RFP Toolkit

Cor Loef

Co-chair IHE Radiology Technical Committee

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Benefits for clinicians and administrators

IHE Process


Integration Statements

RFP approach

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Benefits to IHE ParticipantsBenefits to IHE Participants

Clinicians Improved workflow Information when and where needed Fewer opportunities for errors Fewer tedious tasks/repeated work

Administrators Improved efficiency Best of breed opportunities Decreased cost and complexity of interface deployment and


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Prof. Societies Sponsorship

Healthcare Providers & Vendors

Healthcare IT Standards HL7, DICOM, etc.

General IT Standards Internet, ISO, etc.

Interoperable Healthcare IT Solution Specifications

IHE Integration Profile Interoperable Healthcare IT

Solution Specifications IHE Integration Profile

Interoperable Healthcare IT Solution Specifications

IHE Integration Profile Interoperable Healthcare IT

Solution Specifications IHE Integration Profile

IHE Process

IHE drives healthcare standards based-integration IHE drives healthcare standards based-integration

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Healthcare Integration Problem

Interoperable Healthcare IT

Solution Specifications IHE Integration Profile

IHE implementation


IHE Deployment

Interoperable Healthcare IT Practical Solution IHE Success Story

Valid IHE Healthcare IT Product Implementation IHE Integration Statement

IHE process steps

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A Proven Standards Adoption ProcessA Proven Standards Adoption Process

Easy toIntegrateProducts


ProductWith IHE


User Site



IntegrationProfiles B

IHEIntegrationProfile A



Product IHE IntegrationStatement

IHE ConnectathonResults

IHE Integration Profiles at the heart of IHE : Detailed selection of standards and options each solving a specific integration problem A growing set of effective provider/vendor agreed solutions Vendors can implement with ROI Providers can deploy with stability

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The Annual “Connectathon”The Annual “Connectathon” Unprecedented Cross-Vendor Testing Voluntary Participation

Designed End-to-End Scenarios

Advanced Testing Tools

Rich Pool of Technical Talent

Connectathon for IT Infrastructure San Diego - January 26 - 30, 2004Connectathon for IT Infrastructure San Diego - January 26 - 30, 2004

Connectathon for Radiology Tokyo – February 2004Connectathon for Radiology Tokyo – February 2004

Connectathon for IT Infrastructure, Laboratory & Radiology - Padova Connectathon for IT Infrastructure, Laboratory & Radiology - Padova (Italy) March 29 - April 2, 2004(Italy) March 29 - April 2, 2004

Connectathon for IT Infra, Lab, Cardiology, Radiology - Connectathon for IT Infra, Lab, Cardiology, Radiology - January 2005January 2005

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IHE ConnectathonIHE ConnectathonManaged by the IHE Sponsors (Users)

Shortcut to rsna-connectivity2.lnk

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Vendors publishVendors publish IHE Integration Statements IHE Integration Statements

Product UVW supports the

IHE K Actor with the

IHE X and Y Integration Profiles

IHE J Actor with the

IHE T Integration Profile

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IHE Integration StatementIHE Integration Statement

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Leveraging IHE Integration Leveraging IHE Integration StatementsStatements

Vendors Claim IHE Compliance in an explicit way Can rely on an objective and thorough specification (IHE Technical

Framework) Willing to accept contractual commitments Willing to correct “implementation errors”

Buyers Can compare product integration capabilities Simplify and strengthen their RFPs Can leverage a public and objective commitment Decreased cost and complexity of interface deployment and


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Information Flow in HospitalInformation Flow in Hospital




PACSModality Display



Lab Cardio

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The Product World…..The Product World…..

Product XYZfrom Vendor T

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The IHE The IHE WWorld….orld….

IHE ActorIHE Actor






IHE ActorIHE Actor

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Mapping IHE to ProductsMapping IHE to Products

Poduct XYZfrom Vendor T

IHE ActorIHE Actor






IHE ActorIHE Actor

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Phase 1: Modalities with RIS ConnectionPhase 1: Modalities with RIS Connection

IHE Integration Profile:Scheduled Workflow

(DICOM Modality Worklist)

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Scheduled Workflow (Modality Worklist)Scheduled Workflow (Modality Worklist)

Modality Modality WorklistWorklist

Proposed Protocols

Loaded and Reviewed

WorklistWorklistPatient Name, IDPatient Name, ID

Requested ProcedureRequested Procedure

Examination TypeExamination Type

Scheduled Date, TimeScheduled Date, Time

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Phase 2: Modalities with RIS Connection & PACSPhase 2: Modalities with RIS Connection & PACS

IHE Integration Profiles:•Scheduled Workflow (full)•Patient Information Reconciliation•Presentation of Grouped Procedures•Access to Radiology Information

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Patient Registration/UpdatePatient Registration/UpdateOrder ManagementOrder Management

Order Order Protocol Protocol DefinedDefinedStore ImagesStore Images

Storage CommitmentStorage CommitmentStorageStorage


List of ImagesList of Images

PACS &PACS &ArchiveArchive


A Closed LoopA Closed Loop•Update Scheduling ISUpdate Scheduling IS

•Match Procedure with OrderMatch Procedure with Order•Support Billing Based on MPPSSupport Billing Based on MPPS

•Avoid Reading incomplete ProceduresAvoid Reading incomplete Procedures

Scheduled WorkflowScheduled Workflow

Modality Modality WorklistWorklist

Procedure Scheduled Procedure Scheduled

Proposed Protocols

Loaded and Reviewed

WorklistWorklistPt A, …, Pt A, …, SPS=P1, P4SPS=P1, P4

Pt C, …, Pt C, …, SPS=P1, P5SPS=P1, P5

Pt B, …, Pt B, …, SPS=P2SPS=P2

Pt E, …, Pt E, …, SPS=P4SPS=P4

ModalityModalityPerformedPerformedProcedure Procedure StepStep

With Performed With Performed Acquisition Acquisition ProtocolsProtocolsPerformed Step:Performed Step:

Status = CompletedStatus = CompletedPerformed Procedure: CT HeadPerformed Procedure: CT Head Performed Protocol Code=P1Performed Protocol Code=P1

Pat Name/ID, Dose, Pat Name/ID, Dose, Accession #, Study UIDAccession #, Study UIDComplete List of ImagesComplete List of Images

Scheduled Protocol Code=P1, PScheduled Protocol Code=P1, P55

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IHE – Driving Market Adoption

IHE User Success Stories – Submitted since RSNA 2002(IHE Becomes Reality)

Provider Demonstration of their IHE Success – Planned for RSNA 2004.

IHE measures success on:

Compliant products availability

Provider deployed integrated systems

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More information….More information….IHE Web sites:

Technical Frameworks:• ITI V1.0, RAD V5.5, LAB V1.0

Technical Framework Supplements - Trial Implementation• May 2004: Radiology• August 2004: Cardiology, IT Infrastructure

Non-Technical Brochures :• Calls for Participation• IHE Fact Sheet and FAQ• IHE Integration Profiles: Guidelines for Buyers• IHE Connect-a-thon Results• Vendor Products Integration Statements