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Issue #41

secondStyleThe best of Second Life clothing, hair, skins, accessories and more

Carissa CrimsonSTYLE ICON

With the helpFROM MY FRIENDS



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contentsissue 41

Main Features14 SLister Wives by James Shwarz

64 Style Icon: Carissa Crimson by Sophia Harlow

76 With a Littel Help from my Friendsby Elysium Eilde

76 Super Starletby James Shwarz

Bleeding Edge 8

Fresh Faces 12

Fashionable Furnishings 16

Editor’s Pick 29

Mini-Guide | Giving Thanks 74

The Look 88

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While American Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated internationally (obviously), we wanted to do a spin off on what the meaning behind the holiday is - Giving thanks. Second Style’s staff has so much to be thankful for, and as you will see in the following pages we’ve found a stylish way to express it.

In this our 41st issue some of the highlights are James’ amazing spread Slisterwives, is a *very* unique Thanksgiving dinner, of sorts, While Elysium takes a more direct approach and reaches out to the women who are most important her her Second Life.

If you are more focused on decorating for the festive feast, Jennaa’s come up with quite a few different looks for your Second Homes in her Fashionable Furnishings. You can also find a lovely

Thanks from both Rylan Carling and Alicia Chenaux, not only to their loved ones but to the amazing creators who provide us with all that is the basis of our magazine.

Sophia Harlow’s Style Icon this month is Carissa Crimson, and they had a very intimate chat about what makes Carissa such a staple in the Fashion world. I

snuck in a little bit of accessory must have, in some nice turquoise tones, with will accent all your warm fallwear, amd Fayne was kind enough to share with us a slightly more well known Fresh Face.

We are also very excited to announce the addition of Makenzie Irling to our growing staff! Kenzie is reaching out to our budget conscious readers, and showing both the men and women some practical ways to stretch their wardrobes.

Next month is our always anticipated HOLIDAY issue, in the meantime, enjoy your November.


editor’s note

The best of Second Life clothing, hair, skins, accessories, and more

Issue #41

Publisher, Editor-in-ChiefSenior Layout Designer

HeatherDawn Cohen

Managing EditorAdvertising Director

Felicity Blumenthal

Senior Staff WritersJames SchwarzGabby Panacek

Staff WritersRylan Carling

Elysium EildeJennaa Loire

Alicia ChenauxSophia HarlowFayne Khandr

Makenzie Irling

FounderJosie Hamilton

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Fresh Faces | GOSby Fayne Khandr

IN BRIEFIf I weren’t talking to you right now I’d be: on a secret assignment for Her Majesty’s Government.

My favourite release to date is: my coffee machine.

My favourite SL Designer is: Tricky Boucher.

I’m good at: ideas. I’m not so good at: putting them into practice.

The temptation I can’t resist: watching rugby on the TV.

My most treasured virtual possession is: the walk an-imation I use in my AO. It’s an old Reverie male walk that you can’t get hold of any more.

If I wasn’t a fashion designer, I might have been: banned for lewd behaviour.

What excites you about SL?: the changes the Lindens make are usually exciting, although not always in a good way. Each time you log in you never really know what you’ll be confronted with.

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Creating for over 3 years, Gospel Voom and Elpis Oh aren’t exactly new to the grid but have certainly raised their profile on the fashion scene over the last twelve months, introducing the Gos brand to a new market in the metaverse.

Gospel actually started creating in Second Life by building The China Cafe, a language centre for a Chinese/Chicago Public Schools col-laboration. Around the same time he first ventured into retail. “I want-ed to make a watch as I didn’t like the alpha-based styles on offer and I felt naked without one. A few friends wanted copies and the business idea grew from there.”

Other consultancy projects started and it soon became clear that Gospel needed a scripter. “I joined up with Elpis early in 2008 after I won some commissions for various immersive build projects. I’d cre-ated an old fashioned rum distillery full of working machinery and the realism attracted attention. They liked my pipes. Ahem.”

The Gos team worked on learning simulations for Universities all over the globe, creating laboratory simulations for students to learn with. It’s a wonder there was any time at all for fashion design, but along-side the consultancy work Gos’s watch collection grew and he added the Custom Eyeware range just over a year ago.

“We love innovating with product design,” Gos tells me, “and the Custom Eyeware was the first time we really started to use the interac-tive scripting that we’d developed whilst working on the consultancy side. We morphed lens shapes, created update packs with animated cans of spray paint and added features like auto-set monograms.”

Accessories have been a mainstay since the business began, but more recently Gos has expanded into footwear, starting with the icon-ic Docs. “I’d always wanted a pair but again couldn’t find anything around that really did it for me. I wanted to really virtualise the boot, show what they could be in a virtual world. The key to the Docs in the morphing; you wear these boots in different states, the same way you would in real life. They’re very customisable, right down to how you break them down and reform them, how you lace them up. This fitted very well with what we knew we could do inside Second Life.”

Had Gos anticipated how well the Docs would be received? “I didn’t expect them to be this popular,” he admits, “but you never really know what will catch on in SL.”

The footwear collection has been steadily growing and gained atten-tion from fashionistas grid-wide. As well as looking good, every new release features unique scripting to enhance its use, from scaled siz-ing to texture updates, morphed shapes and multiple wear options.

I’m always keen to know what Gos will come up with next, and when pressed Gospel responds: “We’re into fun-to-play-with products that enhance the avatar and we’ll keep creating on that basis. We’re cur-rently working on some military style boots that are a little more hard-edged, not quite as gentile as some of the previous releases. We love diversity as much as anyone else and want to make things that can set different tones rather than being stuck in one genre.”

“Gos is all about make-believe real. I guess what we bring to the mar-ket that other people don’t is that we make things ‘work’. We make them interesting and interactive in their own right and don’t just make a dummy item. Our products are not just visual but an interactive ex-perience. That’s what we like and it’s what motivates us.”

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An elderly couple sitting by the fireplace, a large family ‘breaking bread’ together, a romantic couple having a picnic at dusk, or a solitary man spending time with his trusted companion; whoever you are, Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy the abundance of life and to give thanks. However you choose to celebrate the season, you are sure to find some remarkable, creative and brilliant home décor items to help set the tone and to create an befitting ambiance.

Thanksgiving has been an annual tradition in the United States since 1863. Its exact history prior to 1863 is debated, however, there are some common themes and icons that have carried through the decades. Enjoying a feast from the season’s harvest is one of the first known origins of the holiday, and in today’s society, is fundamental to the celebration. Fresh seasonal food, pumpkins, turkeys, candlelit tables, quality wine and earthy tones are all synonymous with the holiday.

Thanksgiving finds our homes dressed in full finery: candles lit, silver polished, favorite fall centerpiece pulled from the cupboard and linen pressed to crisp perfection.

Timeless tradition and contemporary embellishments are equally at home on a well-dressed Thanksgiving table. But always try to include some personal touches amid all the traditional trappings. Unexpected details such as leaves looped over chair backs or place cards tucked into dried artichokes, add individual style. Use a multi-tiered arrangement of seasonal fruits to add fall color to the tabletop.

Artful abundance should be the dominant decorating theme throughout the house and garden at Thanksgiving. You can transform any piece of furniture by filling it with overflowing autumn produce, cream-colored candles and the finest servery and tableware. As with any décor, personal touches are vital and can make the difference between a well presented home, and one that is impressive, magnificent and awe-inspiring. Let your décor energize and inspirit life, love and peace.

Fashionable Furnishings | Thanks

Table: LISP - Small Pumpkin Bench. (Pandora Popstar), Pumpkins On Table: LISP - Carved Wooden Pumpkin Candle 1&2. (Pandora Popstar), Poppies: Turnip’s Bottle of Fall Poppies. (Turnip Sorbet), Photo Album: Photo Album display. (Elle Kirshner), Curtain: [ARIA] Bryony curtains. (Yelo Uriza), Frames On Wall: Kyoot Home - Painted Frame 1-6. (Saeya Nyanda), Leaf Mirror On Wall: LISP - Maple Mirror. (Pandora Popstar), Leaf Wreath On Wall: LISP - Autum Wreath with Acorns. (Pandora Popstar), Bird Bookcase: Bookshelf Bird. (sato Yifu), Cat On Chair:Relaxing Gray & White Cat. (Carrie Tatsu), Leaves On Floor: LISP - Pile of Leaves - Autumn. (Pandora Popstar), Lights: lamp.redberry & lamp.flowergreen. (Jordan Giant), Pinecones Under Table: Turnip’s Pinecone large and medium. (Turnip Sorbet), Pumpkins Under Table: {what next} Fancy Pumpkins. (Winter Thorn), Vegetables In Crate: LISP - Harvest Box. (Pandora Popstar), Trees Outside: Botanical - T2C - Sugar Maple c & d. (Kriss Lehmann), Grass Outisde: *aG* Golden Grass. (Alir Flow), Fence Outside: Turnip’s Hay Y’all fence. (Turnip Sorbet)

by Jennaa Liore

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Dining Table: Colleen Desmoulins. (The Loft), Dinging Chairs: Colleen Desmoulins. (The Loft), Curtains: Atami Merlin. (Xstreet), Wine Bottle & Glasses: Yelo Uriza. (ARIA), Place Settings: Colleen Desmoulins. (The Loft), Chandelier: Minke Bailey. (MB), Candle, Skull, Pumpkin & Rat on floor: Minke Bailey. (MB), Art On Wall: Rouge Darcy. (!* REBEL), Pumpkins: vitrail Illios. (New Trails), Candles: Dendre Benelli. (Dendre’s sculpties), Broom: Damien Fate. (TenFifteen ), Potted Plants: Winter Thorn. (What Next), Bench: Colleen Desmoulins (The Loft), Rug: Vasanti Romano. (OneDom), Taken In: Vasanti Romano. (VRD)

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Fashionable Furnishings | Halloween

Trees: Kriss Lehmann. (Botanical), Pumpkins At Back: Callie Cline. ( pOsH fArmS ), Lights: Kriss Lehmann. (Botanical), Sunbeam: Yuki Aabye. (*rez*), Wheelbarrow: Minke Bailey. (MB), Cat: seu Ahn. ( Shop Seu), Plant at front: seu Ahn. ( Shop Seu), Stool: Minke Bailey. (MB), Ground Prims: vitrail Illios. (New Trails)

Trees: tetuma Kawashima. (napoliy), Barn: Turnip Sorbet.(Turnip’s), Hay In Barn: Turnip Sorbet. (Turnip’s), Shelf With Garden Items: Minke Bailey. (MB), Cat: seu Ahn. ( Shop Seu), Pumpkin Carving Table: Sway Dench. (Sway’s), Scarecrow: Soulkeeper Dreadlow. Soulless Productions), Moonbeam: Kriss Lehmann. (Botanical), Grass: Alir Flow. (*aG*)

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contact Felicity Blumenthal

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Carissa Crimson is a mystery. Just when you think you know her, when you have her personality pegged…she shifts a bit and you see a side of her you were not aware was there. Prior to this interview I thought of Carissa as being very devil may care kind of attitude, talented, open and not afraid to speak her mind. I read her replies and realized I was partly wrong. Carissa is so much more than a colorful personality behind the wildly successful Fashion Feed of SL and Silhouette Shapes. She is a sensitive, thoughtful, very intelligent and private woman who strives to keep what she cherishes the most close to her heart. Please read on to learn a little more about the lovely Carissa.

Style Icon Carissa Crimson

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by Sophia Harlow Photography by Carissa Crimson

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1. Describe yourself in 50 words or less. Wow, such an open ended ques-tion. I use a Marilyn Monroe quote in my profile that isn’t exactly accurate, but sums up how I WISH I could be. “I`m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle, but if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.” I’m not really selfish, but sometimes I really wish I was, almost as much as I wish I could be so flippant about how others feel about me.

2. Your shapes are some of my fa-vorite on the grid, and your fashion feed is hugely popular…tell us more about both and any other future projects. The was a project that was born out of necessity really. This was back when the only syndica-tion feed was Fashion Planet. Aradia Dielli and I had just formed the FACES modeling agency and were trying to get our blog syndicated. After a few weeks of no response, I decided to create a new Fashion Feed, one that was more moderated without duplicate content and syndicating what I felt was more rel-evant high quality blogs. I honestly never thought it would become as popular as it has, especially with all of the new feeds that seem to be popping onto the scene monthly. It’s definitely a labor of love, and requires constant maintenance, but it makes me happy to provide the re-source to the Second Life community.

I opened my shop, Silhouette, a couple of years ago after friends harassed me to start selling my shapes. I’ve since ex-panded to offer eyes and prim lashes. An exciting new product I’ve been develop-ing are HUD controlled prim eyes. There seems to be quite the demand for prim eyes now with the growing popularity of using shadows in Second Life photog-raphy.

3. On top of all that, you also blog and I personally adore your eclectic style and wish you would blog more often! Describe your style. I would say that my style is definitely not trendy. I tend to fall back on classic pieces in my wardrobe. I love mixing and matching and color plays a large role in the looks I put to-gether. I wish had more time to blog, but even a Look of the Day post is quite a bit of work.

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4. Rumors…gotta love them. We have all heard them about ourselves..some are hysterical and a few hurtful. My all time favorite one about myself is that I claimed to fly across the world to have bbqs with a friend from SL and also to babysit their children. Imagine? What is a favorite you have heard about yourself? Honestly, I’m a pretty sensitive person and I learned years ago that I’m better off not knowing what people say about me. I suppose if I had to share one rumor though, it’s that I’m underage. I have what people have described as a little pip squeak voice so that probably contributed to the rumor.

5. Do you try to keep Second Life, Second Life or do you mix it with your real life? My real life is my real life.

6. We all have a life song, what is yours? Share with us a line or two. That’s tough, and honestly I relate to so many songs that choosing one is really im-possible. There is one set of lyrics from an Anna Nalick song that I always feel to the core. “There’s a light at each end of this tunnel. You shout ‘cause you’re just as far in as you’ll ever be out. And these mistakes you’ve made, you’ll just make them again if you only try turning around.”

7. What keeps you logging into SL again and again? Shopping!! SH : Yeah! Spoken like a true girl!

8. Imagine what your perfect SL day would consist of…now share with us the details. My perfect SL days are usually spent teleporting around with my part-ner, Mitch, shopping. A few hours at the Velvet listening to great music, and then finishing out the night cuddled up with Mitch and watching a movie

9. I am going into your inventory…and deleting all your skins. All but three, you can keep three. Which are they? This question is actually easier than I thought it would be. The stumblebum exclusive Audri skin from Atomic. The Electric makeup (which has the most perfect red lips) of Emma which is also from Atomic. And the new Sophie skin in nude from Mynerva.

10. Kiss on the first date? Probably not...

11. Where do you hope to be SL wise in 6 months? I hope I have more time to

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spend in SL six months from now. I’m pretty satisfied with my Second Life, I just wish I were able to give it more at-tention.

12. Since this is the November issue, I would be remiss not to ask what are you thankful for in SL and RL? My fam-ily and the close group of friends that I love. The people who know me and all of my imperfections and love me in spite of them.

Carissa, I see amazing things happening for you…regardless of it being SL or RL. Thank you for taking the time to have me interview you and thank you for show-ing us a side of you so few would have guessed at.

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ThankfulIt’s our time to reflect and give thanks. Of course, I am most thankful for love, the love of my one and the love of my friends. SL has def-initely brought some very special people into each of our lives. Beyond that, I am thankful to all the creators who share their talents with us every day. You inspire us to reach further, to stand back in awe, and to view things from a whole new perspective. Each of our SLs is an extension of who we are and of what we might dream to be. Thank you, to all of you, for mak-ing it such a beautiful place to live in.

Hair – TRUTH – Bebe - espresso Skin – Belleza - ElleDress – Purple Moon – Mandy - RedKnee highs – from Indrya Originals – Sienna Dress - NoirBoots – Indrya Originals – Augustine Boots – Coquette NoirProp – Glitterati – The Bridge

THE LOOKby Rylan Carling

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The Mummy Look: Bandaged mummy skinPin HairLong nailsStapled scarsPale eyes and prim eyes.

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Thanksgiving isn’t just about eating lots of yummies and watching football! Although people do give thanks throughout the year, sometimes it’s important to really settle in and think about all the people who make your life so much better. For this month’s mini-guide, I want to give some special thanks to some wonderful Second Life people who have helped me out a great deal this year.

Thank you to Ryker Beck [Exodi] and Tricky Boucher [Belleza]. Their skins are the ones that I wear most fre-quently in Second Life, and without their amazing talents, I might be walking around looking crazy. They make skins that, while different, still look like ME, and I am ut-terly thankful.

Thank you to Truth Hawks [Truth], for his unbelievable hair styles in just my colors. I don’t know how he man-ages to produce such incredible work every single week, but he makes it look effortless.

Thank you to RubyStarlight Writer [Exposeur], Isabel-laGrace Baroque [Olive Juice], and Adorkable Peapod [aDorkable Poses] for their fantastic poses. These la-dies make it easy for me to take wonderful photos with their multitude of poses. Whatever pose I need to strike, I can be sure that one of them has it ready to go.

Thank you to Fallingwater Cellardoor [Shiny Things], Onyx Leshelle [Maitreya], and Gospel Voom [Gos] for making simply divine shoes and boots to put on my feet. A woman is never truly dressed until she has the perfect pair of shoes, and these creators have never disappointed me.

Thank you to way way too many clothing and jew-elry creators to mention by name for wrapping me up in their marvelous works of art.

I consider you all artists, and I’m honored to wear your work on a daily basis.

Thank you to Ulaa Coronet [Funky Junk], Clementine Ishtari [Awesome Blossom], Sesi Ackland [Little Boxes], Colleen Desmoulins [The Loft], Desiree Bisiani [Ambi-ance], and Pandora Popstar [LISP Bazaar] for their sen-sational prefab homes, furniture, and other home and garden décor. I didn’t think that I was a decorator, or interested in that side of Second Life at all, but you all proved me wrong.

And last, but certainly not least, thank you so much to all of the Second Life creators and residents for their tireless charity work this year. Together, our virtual world raised money for so many different charities, and even when it seemed like it was too much, people dug a little deeper to help out where they could. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you celebrate it, and if not, have a great November!

By Alicia ChenauxGiving Thanks

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Muse Classic Tank WatchMaitreya Gold Allure Sock

Je Suis Une Princesse EarringsJe Suis Isis Ring

Whippet & Buck Love is a Deserter NecklaceSigma Jewels Siren Bracelet

Maitreya Gold Allure SockMG Fashion Crocheted ShrugSurf Couture Sway Sundress

To Top it Offby Gabby Panacek

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thanks-giv-ing (n) A public acknowledgment or celebration of goodness.

The people in these photographs, my dearest friends and Second Style colleagues, embody goodness worth celebrating.

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alaMood Boutique Dare Eclipse BraceletSo Many Styles Pearl Necklace

Naith Smit Designs Cluster Fcuk KnucklesPrimalot Glam Rock Queen Bangles

Maitreya Toeless Slouch SocksTreads Kboots

Berries Inc. Cozy Top*S Feather J-Skirt

The point of thanksgivnig is to remember the things we have to be grateful for...our special time to give thanks for the thousands of fortunate moments, the multitude of blessings we receive each year. But, true gratitude involves action. We should strive to lend a hand, pitch in, make a gift...give back as often as we can. These people, and many, many more, exemplify the spirit of community and camaraderie, and for them, I am thankful.

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