Download - Screens HWDIH 4-15

Page 1: Screens HWDIH 4-15

HWDIH — Seasoning ScreensA.M. / OPENING SHIFT PREP• Remove previously clean screens from oven basement

• Use brush to remove any remaining seasoning on clean screens

• Check screen stock for screens that need to be reseasoned (pies are sticking to screen, screens that are rough to the touch [like sandpaper], not enough / too much seasoning)

• Remove large debris from dirty screens

• Place dirty screens in oven basement for 5-7 days to burn off all seasoning

P.M. / CLOSING SHIFT• Turn off oven burners ASAP after close and open both oven doors to cool for 20-30 minutes

• If seasoning brand new screens, rough up screens with brush to help Vegalene stick

• Place screen on table, starting with smallest screen

• Take 2 Vegalene cans and hold one in each hand at 45° angles to the screen as you spray

• Starting at the edge of the screen apply a thickcoat of Vegalene, moving in a spiral towardsthe center of the screen

• Flip screen and spray other side

• Stack next screen on top of the last, making a tower as you spray

• Check each screen before you put it in oven; if the screen mesh is blocked with Vegalene, blow sharply to pop the bubbles

• Place screens on top and bottom shelves in the oven, overlapping screens slightly

• Once all screens are placed in oven, close doors and turn on burners

• After oven has reached full temperature, allow screens to cook for 45-60 minutes

• Turn off oven and leave screens overnight

• Leave a note for morning openers to leave screens in as long as possible before removing from oven

rev 4.15.15