Download - Sauce Recipes

  • Bread Sauce list:

    Loaf of bread (sliced ideally to leave to go stale)

    a medium onion

    500ml milk

    2 bay leaves - **Laurier**

    2 cloves - **clous de girofle**

    6 slices of good, stale bread

    teaspoon English mustard (may try French mustard)

    sea salt and freshly ground black pepper **sel** **poivre** 'moulin a' for mill

    Stuffing list:

    olive oil

    2 onions, peeled and finely chopped

    sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

    teaspoon ground nutmeg - ** muscade **

    a few sprigs of fresh sage, leaves picked and roughly chopped ** sauge **

    300g good-quality pork mince - sausages?

    a large handful of breadcrumbs