Download - RV 2014: Tangible Changes to Address a Changing Climate by Christopher Forinash


Adaptation and Transportation

Christopher Forinash

Rail~Volution 2014 - Minneapolis

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Currently, we have 10 offices worldwide and a staff of 85.

Help communities around the world address environmental, economic, and social challenges to build a better future shaped and shared by all.

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Our work with

Cities as solutions

~ 380 Teams~ 500 Communities~ 2,150 Practitioners

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Upcoming workshop

- Metro-Boston- New England

- National Capital Region- The Twin Cities- Sierra Nevada

- Puget Sound Regional Council- P2R2 Northeast Florida

- Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact

- Sacramento Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative- The Bay Area Climate & Energy

Resilience Project- Los Angeles Regional

Collaborative for Climate Action & Sustainability

- San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative

Think Resiliently, Act RegionallyOctober 14-16 in Alexandria,

Asking the climate question

How might changing climate affect …?

– Ask at all levels: system, networks, facilities, and services

– Ask in planning, design, construction, and operation

Kate asked: What are your risks?Responses? Challenges?

What is adaptation?

What is adaptation?

Fundamentally a risk management strategy– Likelihood of climate impacts

– Severity of potential consequences

Identify assets, vulnerabilities, potential responses

Evaluate feasibility, effectiveness, cost

Incorporate into decision-making

What range of responses?

Main adaptation responses– Protection: defensive measures

– Accommodation: change designs

– Managed retreat: removal, relocation

– Avoid: prevention

Start here: vulnerability assessment– Identify areas, populations, systems for focus

– Use best climate data

Southeast Florida

• Climate Compact– Four counties (2+2), 5.9 million people, signed in 2010– Common scenarios and vulnerability assessments

• Regional climate action plan in 2012– 110 recommended actions in 7 areas– Many on transportation (including mitigation)– Adaptation Action Areas

• FHWA vulnerability assessment pilot


Adaptation Action Areas

• Change to Florida Community Planning Act

• Optional comprehensive plan designation for areas that:– experience coastal flooding

– are vulnerable to the related impacts of rising sea levels

• Purpose: prioritizing funding for infrastructure and adaptation planning

Resilient Vermont

Response to flooding in 2011: from recovery to resilience

Resilient Vermont recommendations

Know our risks: Conduct a statewide Transportation Vulnerability Assessment that produces a statewide data set and map that shows areas of highest relative vulnerability and is used to guide prioritization of investment

Align rules and investments for strong communities:– Designate pilot adaptation areas and direct

investments there– Provide guidance and incentives to adapt

transportation infrastructure

Gulf Coast assessment

• Advanced effort that produced key findings as well as tools and methods

• Vulnerability assessment of coast from Galveston to Mobile

• Mobile region– Detailed asset mapping, vulnerability assessment, risk

analysis– Excellent new tools– See Rob Hyman presentation from September 2014



Other resources and tools

FTA adaptation workshops and pilots in 2011-12 –

NOAA digital coast –


Georgetown Climate Center –

American Society of Adaptation Professionals

Connecting and supporting the people who are building climate resilience.

– Build on Promising Practices

– Share Information

– Network & Connect

600+ Members Nationally– 35% Government (Local, State, Federal, Tribal)

– 30% Non-Profit

– 20% Academic

– 15% Private Sector

Joining ASAP

Christopher [email protected]

Thank you!