RV 2014: Tangible Changes to Address a Changing Climate by Christopher Forinash

Adaptation and Transportation Christopher Forinash Rail~Volution 2014 - Minneapolis


Tangible Changes to Address a Changing Climate Early planning to address climate change focused on trying to reverse global warming. As those efforts continue, it's important to address the impact global warming is already having: sea level rise, extreme weather events, record-breaking heat, drought and wildfires. As a top contributor of greenhouse gas emissions, the transportation sector plays a critical role in both curbing emissions and adapting to changes that put roads, airports, rail, transit systems, pipelines, ports and waterways at risk. Hear about state and federal actions to adapt to climate change, then explore tangible steps communities are taking to make transportation systems more resilient. From New York to Los Angeles County, hear case studies about responding and adapting to local climate risks. Moderator: Kate Meis, Executive Director, Local Government Commission, Sacramento, California Christopher Forinash, Program Director, National Sustainable Communities Learning Network, Institute for Sustainable Communities, Washington, DC Cris B. Liban, Environmental Department Manager, Metro, Los Angeles, California Projjal K. Dutta, Director, Sustainability Initiatives, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, New York

Transcript of RV 2014: Tangible Changes to Address a Changing Climate by Christopher Forinash

Adaptation and Transportation

Christopher Forinash

Rail~Volution 2014 - Minneapolis

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Asking the climate question

How might changing climate affect …?

– Ask at all levels: system, networks, facilities, and services

– Ask in planning, design, construction, and operation

Kate asked: What are your risks?Responses? Challenges?

What is adaptation?

What is adaptation?

Fundamentally a risk management strategy– Likelihood of climate impacts

– Severity of potential consequences

Identify assets, vulnerabilities, potential responses

Evaluate feasibility, effectiveness, cost

Incorporate into decision-making

What range of responses?

Main adaptation responses– Protection: defensive measures

– Accommodation: change designs

– Managed retreat: removal, relocation

– Avoid: prevention

Start here: vulnerability assessment– Identify areas, populations, systems for focus

– Use best climate data

Southeast Florida

• Climate Compact– Four counties (2+2), 5.9 million people, signed in 2010– Common scenarios and vulnerability assessments

• Regional climate action plan in 2012– 110 recommended actions in 7 areas– Many on transportation (including mitigation)– Adaptation Action Areas

• FHWA vulnerability assessment pilot


Adaptation Action Areas

• Change to Florida Community Planning Act

• Optional comprehensive plan designation for areas that:– experience coastal flooding

– are vulnerable to the related impacts of rising sea levels

• Purpose: prioritizing funding for infrastructure and adaptation planning

Resilient Vermont

Response to flooding in 2011: from recovery to resilience

Resilient Vermont recommendations

Know our risks: Conduct a statewide Transportation Vulnerability Assessment that produces a statewide data set and map that shows areas of highest relative vulnerability and is used to guide prioritization of investment

Align rules and investments for strong communities:– Designate pilot adaptation areas and direct

investments there– Provide guidance and incentives to adapt

transportation infrastructure

Gulf Coast assessment

• Advanced effort that produced key findings as well as tools and methods

• Vulnerability assessment of coast from Galveston to Mobile

• Mobile region– Detailed asset mapping, vulnerability assessment, risk

analysis– Excellent new tools– See Rob Hyman presentation from September 2014



Other resources and tools

FTA adaptation workshops and pilots in 2011-12 –fta.dot.gov/12347_14013.html

NOAA digital coast – csc.noaa.gov/digitalcoast

DOT – climate.dot.gov

Georgetown Climate Center – georgetownclimate.org

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Christopher [email protected]

Thank you!