Download - Robust H Control of Building Structures with Time Delay · 2017. 3. 21. · new delay-dependent stability criteria. Zhao et al.16 discussed the robust H 1state-feedback controller

  • Robust H∞ Control of Building Structures withTime DelayKun Liu, Long-xiang Chen and Guo-ping CaiDepartment of Engineering Mechanics, State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong Univer-sity, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China

    Wei-dong ZhangDepartment of Automation, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China

    (Received 13 April 2014; accepted: 26 August 2016)

    In this paper, a robust H∞ controller for a building structure with a time delay is studied. Firstly, the motionequation of the structural system with an explicit time delay is introduced. Then, the state space representation of adynamic equation without any explicit time delay is deduced by a specific integral transformation to the time-delayequation. Secondly, a robust control method is applied to the H∞ time-delay controller design and, due to thecompensation of the time delay, the proposed controller contains not only the state term of the current step, butalso a linear combination of some former steps of the control. Finally, numerical simulations and comparisons of asix-story building using the proposed time-delay controller are carried out. The simulation results indicate that thecontrol performance will deteriorate if the time delay is not taken into account in the control design. The proposedH∞ time-delay controller in this paper can effectively compensate for a time delay in order to get better controleffectiveness. Besides, this delay controller is robust to both structural parameter and time delay uncertainties.


    The idea of using an active controller to reduce the responseof civil engineering structures has been studied since it wasproposed by Yao.1 Various control methods in the automationfield have been introduced into the studies of structural vibra-tion control. The research results indicate that active controlmethods can effectively reduce the response of flexible struc-tures and its control performance is much better than that ofpassive control. Active controllers are mainly designed basedon the physical model established for the structures. The moreprecise the physical model is, the more effective the controlleris. However, errors may exist inevitably between the physi-cal model and practical structures due to some uncertainties,such as the structural parameters and boundary conditions ofthe structures et cetera. Besides, signal noise and external dis-turbance may also degrade control efficiency in control imple-mentation. Hence, the designed controller is desired to havestrong robustness for the uncertainties so as to eliminate thenegative effect of the uncertainty factors on control perfor-mance. In modern control systems, the robust control methodis robust to the variances of structural parameters and externaldisturbance, so this method has received a lot of attention andmany studies have been done on it.2–5

    However, a time delay exists inevitably in active control sys-tems for many reasons, such as online data acquisition fromsensors at different locations of the structure, data process-ing and active control force calculation of the computer, andcontrol force signals transmission to the actuators to build uprequired control force. Various research results indicate thateven a small time delay may cause actuators to apply energyto the control system when energy is really not needed, whichmay cause degradation in control efficiency and even make thesystem unstable.6–8 So far, some methods have been proposed

    to handle time delay problems in active control systems, suchas the Taylor series expansion,9 phase shift technique,10 statepre-estimation,11 and two direct design methods for time-delaycontroller.7, 12 The first three methods work well with somesmall time delay problems but cannot deal with large time de-lay ones. Two direct design methods7, 12 are to design a time-delay controller directly from a time-delay differential equa-tion and no assumption is made in the entire design processand they are suitable for both small and large time delays. Caiand Chen8, 13 verified these two methods by conducting an ex-periment using several flexible structures as research objects.Nowadays, time delay problems in robust H∞ control havecome to the attention of many researchers. For example, Duand Zhang14 investigated an H∞ controller design approachfor vibration attenuation of seismic-excited building structureswith an uncertain time-invariant time delay in the control in-put. Zhang et al.15 studied the robust stability for a class of un-certain neutral systems with time-varying delay and nonlinearuncertainties, and using the Lyapunov method, put forward anew delay-dependent stability criteria. Zhao et al.16 discussedthe robust H∞ state-feedback controller design for a class ofsemi-active seat suspension systems with norm-bounded pa-rameter uncertainties, time-varying input delay, and actuatorsaturation. The desired controller is derived by solving theLMIs and the corresponding closed-loop system is asymptoti-cally stable with a guaranteed H∞ performance. Chen et al.17

    considered Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems with both stateand input time delays, robust H∞ fuzzy controller is designedbased on the Lyapunov-Krasoviskii functional method and nu-merical simulations are given to illustrate the effectiveness andfeasibility of the proposed controller. Since the robust controlmethod is robust to the variances of structural parameters, itprompts the following question: “will the designed time-delay

    14 (pp. 14–26) International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2017


    controller using a robust control method be robust for time de-lay (the magnitude of delay does not have to be a little delaybut varying within a limited range)?” In actual control systems,the magnitude of a time delay tends not to be significant andmight vary within a limited range. Even for the control systemwith a significant delay, such as a space-craft controller, thedelay also appears to be in a small range. It surely will makea difference if a robust controller over a time delay varyingwithin a small range could be developed.

    In this paper, we are interested in the problem of robust H∞control of a six-story building with a time delay and a methodto deal with a time delay is also proposed. The robustnessof the H∞ controller against structural intrinsic parameter andtime delay uncertainties is numerically investigated. This pa-per is organized as follows: Section 2 briefly introduces motionequation of the structural system with an explicit time delayand specific transformation for standard state space representa-tion without any explicit time delay; the robust H∞ controllerdesign with a time delay is given in Section 3, including thecontroller design and control implementation; numerical sim-ulations of a six-story building using the proposed time-delaycontroller are carried out in Section 4 and concluding remarksare given in Section 5.


    Consider an n-story building, the structure undergoes anone-dimensional earthquake ground acceleration w(t). Thetime delay in control is τ and the motion equation of the struc-tural system is written as:

    MZ̈(t) + CŻ(t) + KZ(t) = HU(t− τ)−M0w(t); (1)

    where Z(t) = [z1, z2, . . . , zn]T is the interstory drift of eachstory unit of the building structure; M is an n × n mass ma-trix, all elements of M are zero except M(i, j) = mi fori = 1, . . . , n and j = 1, . . . , i; K is an n × n elastic stiff-ness matrix, all elements of K are zero except K(i, i) = ki fori = 1, . . . , n and K(i, i + 1) = −ki+1 for i = 1, . . . , n − 1;C is an n × n damping matrix, all elements of C are zero ex-cept C(i, i) = ci for i = 1, . . . , n and C(i, i + 1) = −ci+1for i = 1, . . . , n − 1; M0 is the vector whose elements arethe mass of each story unit; H represents the location of activecontrol force; and U(t− τ) is the active control force.

    In the state space representation, Eq. (1) becomes:

    Ẋ(t) = AX(t) + BU(t− τ) + Bww(t); (2)

    where X(t) =[Z(t)


    ], A =

    [0 I

    −M−1K −M−1C


    B =



    ], Bw =




    By the following transformation of Eq. (2):18

    H(t) = X(t) + Γ(t) = X(t) +

    ∫ 0−τe−A(η+τ)BU(t+ η) dη;

    (3)then Eq. (2) becomes:

    Ḣ(t) = AH(t) + BU(t) + Bww(t); (4)

    where B = e−AτB.

    Figure 1. The structural model of a six-story building.

    Figure 2. The time history of the El Centro earthquake.


    3.1. Design of ControllerThe control system with the observation equation can be de-

    scribed as:{Ḣ(t) = AH(t) + BU(t) + Bww(t)

    z(t) = C11H(t) + D12U(t); (5)

    where z(t) is the controlled output and C11 and D12 are knownconstant matrices, DT12D12 = I, C

    T11D12 = 0.

    Let the robust H∞ controller be described as U(t) =KH(t), then the following closed-loop control system shouldbe asymptotically stable:{

    Ḣ(t) =(A + BK

    )H(t) + Bww(t)

    z(t) =(C11 + D12K


    . (6)

    The norm of transfer function from w(t) to z(t) satisfies:5

    ‖Tzw(s)‖ =∥∥∥(C11+D12K)[sI− (A+BK)]−1Bw∥∥∥ < γ;

    (7)where γ is a constant and γ > 0. From Jia,5 we know that ifmatrices X

    T= X > 0 and Y exist and satisfies the matrix

    inequalityAX+BY+(AX+BY)T Bw (C11X+D12Y)TBTw −I 0C11X+D12Y 0 −γ2I

    < 0;(8)

    International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2017 15


    Figure 3. The time histories of the system response with a no-delay controller: (a) the first story unit; (b) the sixth story unit; and (c) the active control force.

    the closed-loop system in Eq. (5) is asymptotically stable withthe H∞ performance index γ, and K = YX

    −1is the state-

    feedback gain matrix of the robust H∞ controller.

    Based on Eq. (8), the following optimization problem canbe obtained:

    min ρ


    AX+BY+(AX+BY)T Bw (C11X+D12Y)TBTw −I 0C11X+D12Y 0 −ρI

    < 0;X > 0; (9)

    where ρ = γ2, the H∞ state-feedback controller can be ex-pressed as U(t) = KH(t) = H [X(t) + Γ(t)].

    3.2. Control ImplementationThe computation of the integral term Γ(t) in Eq. (3) is in-

    troduced in this section. The data sampling period T is chosento be identical with the computing time step ∆t, i.e., T = ∆t.Assuming that the time delay τ can be written as

    τ = lT −m; (10)

    where l is a positive integral number, l > 0, 0 ≤ m < T . InSun,19 it is pointed out that a time delay has a small effect on

    16 International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2017


    Figure 4. The maximum response quantity and the maximum active control force varying with the time delay when using the no-delay controller to control thesystem with the time delay.

    control performance and can be ignored in the control designif it is smaller than data sampling period T . A time delay canonly affect a control system when it is larger than T . Hence,this paper only considers the situation of τ > T with the con-dition of m = 0 (i.e., time delay is integer times of samplingperiod). For the case of m 6= 0, refer to Chen8 and Sun.19

    Between any two adjoining sampling points, the controlforce exerted on the structure can be considered as a constantif the data sampling period is small enough, that is,

    U(t) = U(kT ), kT ≤ t < (k + 1)T . (11)

    Since numerical computation for the control system is car-ried out on every sampling point, when m = 0, the integralterm Γ(t) in Eq. (3) can be written as18

    Γ(t) = IG(∆t)U(t− l∆t) +F(−∆t)G(∆t)U [t− (l − 1)∆t] +F(−2∆t)G(∆t)U [t− (l − 2)∆t] + · · ·+F[−(l − 1)∆t]G(∆t)U(t−∆t); (12)

    where {F(ξ) = eAξ

    F(ξ) =∫ ξ0eAθdθ ·B

    . (13)

    We can observe from Eq. (12) that when a time delay existsin the system, every step of control implementation contains

    not only the state term of the current step, but also a linearcombination of the former l steps of control.

    F(ξ) and G(ξ) can be determined by the following equa-tions8, 19{

    F(ξ) = eAξ =∑∞p=0



    F(ξ) =∫ ξ0eAθdθ ·B =



    p! ·B. (14)

    When ξ is given, F(ξ) and G(ξ) will both converge to constantmatrices in limited steps of iterative computation.


    A six-story building adopted in Du and Zhang paper14 isconsidered in this section as the structural model, as shown inFig. 1. The El Centro earthquake with a maximum ground ac-celeration of 0.4g, as shown in Fig. 2, was used as the externalexcitation and the earthquake episode was 8 s. An active bracesystem (ABS) was installed in the third floor. The mass, damp-ing, and elastic stiffness of each story unit were given as mi =345.6 ton, ci = 2793 kNs/m, and ki = 3.404 × 105 kN/m,respectively, for i = 1, . . . , 6. The data sampling period T andthe computation time step ∆t are both taken by 10−3 s, that isT = ∆t = 10−3 s. The initial value of vector Z was zero. InEq. (9), C11 = diag([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), D12 = 0,and γ = 0.9.

    International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2017 17


    Figure 5. The maximum response quantity and the maximum active control force varying with the time delay when the proposed controller is used.

    4.1. Nominal System

    4.1.1. Control with No Time Delay

    Consider the case with no time delay in control, that isτ = 0, the controller designed in the case of no time delay(called no-delay controller in this paper) is used for the build-ing structure without a time delay. Figure 3 shows the resultsagainst time of the interstory drift and the absolute accelerationof the first and sixth story units, as well as the active controlforce with no-delay controller, denoted by the solid line. Asobserved from Fig. 3, the responses of building structure can

    be evidently reduced by the proposed H∞ controller in thispaper.

    4.1.2. Control with a Time Delay

    Here we consider the case with a time delay. Firstly, theeffect of a time delay on control performance is checked. Fig-ure 4 shows, against a time delay, the maximum interstory driftand the maximum absolute acceleration of the first and sixthstory units, as well as the maximum active control force usingthe no-delay controller to control the system with a time delay.It is shown that if a time delay is neglected in the control de-sign, system responses would be instable with an increase of it.

    18 International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2017


    Figure 6. Time histories of the system response with the time-delay controller (τ = 0.1 s): (a) the first story unit; (b) the sixth story unit; and (c) the activecontrol force.

    Figure 5 shows the variations of maximum responses againstthe time delay when the proposed time-delay controller is used.It is observed that, due to the compensation of the time delay,the controlled structure still remains stable even when the timedelay increases to 0.25 s.

    Secondly, the effectiveness of the designed time-delay con-troller is verified. Two cases are considered: τ = 0.1 s andτ = 0.214 s. Figures 6 and 7 show the results against the timeof the interstory drift and the absolute acceleration of the firstand sixth story units. They also show the active control forcewith the proposed time-delay controller when time delays areτ = 0.1 s and τ = 0.214 s, respectively, denoted by the solid

    line. It is observed from Figs. 6 and 7 that the time delay iscompensated effectively by the proposed time-delay controllerand excellent effectiveness can be obtained, which proves theproposed controller works well when a time delay exists in thecontrol system.

    4.2. Robustness against Elastic StiffnessUncertainties

    It is well known that the H∞ controller has a strong ro-bustness against the variances of structural parameters and ex-ternal disturbance. In this section, the robustness of the H∞

    International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2017 19


    Figure 7. Time histories of the system response with the time-delay controller (τ = 0.214 s): (a) the first story unit; (b) the sixth story unit; and (c) the activecontrol force

    controller against the elastic stiffness uncertainties of buildingstructure is studied.

    Firstly, we consider the case with no time delay in control.In this section, we take K as the elastic stiffness matrix ofnominal system and K̃ = K × X̃% as that of the uncertainsystem. When using the no-delay controller designed by Kto control the building structure, Figs. 8 and 9 show the sim-ulation results for the cases X̃ = 80 and X̃ = 120, respec-tively. It is observed from Figs. 8 and 9 that, in spite of thechanges on elastic stiffness of each story unit, the designedH∞ controller can robustly stabilize the system and remark-ably suppress the responses of building structure. Extensive

    simulation results indicate that the H∞ controller is alwaysapplicable when 61 ≤ X̃ ≤ 370 , and is not good when X̃ islarger than 370 or smaller than 61.

    Secondly, we consider the case with the time delay in thecontrol. Time delay τ = 0.05 s is introduced into the con-trol system and proposed time-delay controller is used for thevibration attenuation. Figures 10 and 11 show the simulationresults for the cases X̃ = 70 and X̃ = 110, respectively. Itis observed from Figs. 10 and 11 that the designed H∞ time-delay controller can also robustly stabilize the system no mat-ter of the changes on elastic stiffness of each story unit and thetime delay in control. Extensive simulation results indicate that

    20 International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2017


    Figure 8. Time histories of the system response for the robustness of the no-delay controller against the elastic stiffness of the building structure (K̃ = K×80%):(a) the first story unit; (b) the sixth story unit; and (c) the active control force.

    the H∞ time-delay controller is applicable when X̃ ≥ 52 andcontrol performance will deteriorate if X̃ is smaller than 52.

    4.3. Robustness against the Time DelayUncertainties

    In this last section, the robustness of the H∞ controlleragainst the structural parameter uncertainties is investigated.It prompts the following question: “will designed time-delaycontroller be robust for time delay?” Also in this section, therobustness of the H∞ controller against the time delay uncer-tainties of the building structure is studied. The time delay τ

    is used for the time-delay controller design and the real timedelay of active control system is expressed as τ = τ × Ỹ%.When using the time-delay controller designed by τ = 0.1 s tocontrol the building structure, Figs. 12 and 13 show the simu-lation results for the cases Ỹ = 50 (namely τ = 0.05 s) andỸ = 200 (namely τ = 0.2 s), respectively. It is observed fromFigs. 12 and 13 that the designed H∞ time-delay controllercan robustly stabilize the system and remarkably suppress theresponses of building structure in spite of the changes on thetime delay in control. Extensive simulation results indicatethat the H∞ time-delay controller is always applicable when

    International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2017 21


    Figure 9. Time histories of the system response for the robustness of the no-delay controller against the elastic stiffness of the building structure (K̃ =K× 120%): (a) the first story unit; (b) the sixth story unit; and (c) the active control force.

    0 ≤ Ỹ ≤ 240 (namely 0 ≤ τ ≤ 0.24 s), and is not good whenỸ is larger than 240.


    By using the H∞ control method, this paper studies theaseismic robust H∞ control of a building structure with a timedelay. An H∞ controller with a time delay is presented inthis paper. The simulation results indicate that when no timedelay exists in the control system, the no-delay controller canevidently reduce the responses of building structure. Whena time delay exists, the control performance becomes worse

    if the time delay is not compensated in control design. Thetime-delay controller proposed in this paper can effectivelydeal with the time delay in control system. Simulation resultsalso show that the proposed time-delay controller has good ro-bustness for both structural parameter and the time delay un-certainties.


    This work was supported by the Natural Science Founda-tion of China [11132001, 11272202 and 11472171], the KeyScientific Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commis-

    22 International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2017


    Figure 10. Time histories of the system response for the robustness of the time-delay controller against the elastic stiffness of the building structure (τ = 0.05 s,K̃ = K× 70%): (a) the first story unit; (b) the sixth story unit; and (c) the active control force.

    sion [14ZZ021], the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai[14ZR1421000], and the Special Fund for Talent Developmentof Minhang District of Shanghai.


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    26 International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2017

    IntroductionMOTION EQUATIONROBUST H CONTROLDesign of ControllerControl Implementation

    NUMERICAL SIMULATIONNominal SystemControl with No Time DelayControl with a Time Delay

    Robustness against Elastic Stiffness UncertaintiesRobustness against the Time Delay Uncertainties