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Page 1: Relative sea level changes and vulnerability on the cordillera nature reserve

Relative Sea-Level Changes and Vulnerability on the

Cordillera Nature Reserve

Irma Caraballo Álvarez

Sofia Olivero Lora

October 25, 2012

Page 2: Relative sea level changes and vulnerability on the cordillera nature reserve

Project summary

O Climate change implications critical management and conservation problem

O Importance of critical areas O Cordillera Nature Reserve

O Cluster islets and submerged reefs

O Important ecological systems / Endangered species

O Coral, rock, and hardground reefs

O Coraline sandy beaches

O Sub-tropical dry forests

O Case study of special interest

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Page 4: Relative sea level changes and vulnerability on the cordillera nature reserve


September 2012, Picture by: Sofia Olivero Lora

Page 5: Relative sea level changes and vulnerability on the cordillera nature reserve

Project summary

O Global warming phenomenon increases erosion by sea level rise (Clayton, 2009).

O Transgression – erosion (Chaaban et al., 2012, Ahmad and Lakham, 2011, and Phillips and Williams,


O Tends suggests sea level rise (IPCC, 2007)

O Threats to ecosystems (Pendelton et al., 2010; Clayton, 2009; Gesch, 2009; Vafeidis et al., 2008; and

Davidson-Arnott, 2005).

O Some models suggest trends not necessarily due to sea level rise (Ahmad and Lakhan, 2011).

O Comprehensive analysis of shoreline changes O Sea level trends

O Possible effects

O Vulnerability

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Research problem

O Drastic shoreline changes

O Not a lot of research

O Coastline shifts due to sea-level change

O Sea-level changes impact on La Cordillera

Natural Reserve

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Goals and objectives

O Objective 1. Determine overall trends in

relative sea-level changes in the in four

study sites of the Cordillera Natural Reserve.

O Hypothesis. If an overall relative sea-level

rise is observed, then a transgression

should be seen and a reduced beach area

according to global warming induced sea-

level rise.

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Goals and objectives

O Objective 2. Determine the impact of sea-

level changes on the shoreline.

O Hypothesis. If relative sea-level is rising,

then higher erosion should be observed at

the beach.

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Goals and objectives

O Objective 3. Determine if relative sea-level

changes correlate with sea-level rise data for

San Juan and the Virgin Islands.

O Hypothesis. If a decrease in beach area and

transgression is observed, then it should

correlate with sea-level data from San Juan

and the Virgin Islands and the transgression

may indeed be caused by sea-level rise.

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Goals and objectives

O Objective 4. Asses vulnerability to sea-level

changes according to geomorphology, wave

exposure, and slope.

O Hypothesis. If variability is seen in the

shoreline changes among the study sites,

then the selection factors have an effect on


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O Study area

O Selection criteria

O Type and size of sediments

O Beach profile inclination

O Exposure to waves

O Availability of data

O Preliminary analysis geomorphology and


O Visual survey

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Aerial image of La Cordillera Natural Reserve

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Aerial image of Palomino and Palominitos

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O Shoreline changes

O Aerial photos and satellite imagery analysis

O ArcGIS v. 10.1

O Overlays

O Polygons

O ENVI v. 5.0

O Change detection tool

O Sea-level changes

O NOAA Tides and currents


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NOAA Tides and Currents

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NOAA Tides and Currents

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O Publication in peer reviewed journal and poster presentation(s) to disseminate findings

O Brochure directed to boat owners written with DRNA raise concern and educate

O Local and international tourists

O Sailors

O Local community

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Activity / Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Recruit experts

Images adquisition

Study sites selection

Data analysis

Aerial photos and satellite imagery

Overlaying aerial photographs and satellite

Correlation Shoreline changes/ mean sea level rise

Vulnerability assesment

Write project report

Final draft project report

Publish project report

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Potential benefits

O With data from this research it may be

possible to predict the disappearance of an

island with ecological importance and high

ecotourism value.

O Findings from this project could be used for

the development of new long-term

management strategies.

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