Download - Reishi Gano (RG) Capsule Product Range :. Ganocelium (GL) Capsule Product Range :

Page 1: Reishi Gano (RG) Capsule Product Range :. Ganocelium (GL) Capsule Product Range :

Reishi Gano (RG)Capsule

Product Range :

Page 2: Reishi Gano (RG) Capsule Product Range :. Ganocelium (GL) Capsule Product Range :

Ganocelium (GL)Capsule

Product Range :

Page 3: Reishi Gano (RG) Capsule Product Range :. Ganocelium (GL) Capsule Product Range :

Introducing : GANODERMA

•Known to Mankind for over 5000 yrs•First Records 2838 B.C (Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic) China•CHARAK SANHITA : Chatrak Chikitsa•KURAN : Sulahal Wakarah aayat 57-61•Medical / Scientific reports during last 100 years confirm Efficacy and Safety.

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‘King of Herbs’ Why ?


Nutritive ( Yang +)Therapeutic ( Yin - )

Single herb having both the Properties !

Gano is for both: ‘ Healthy’ & ‘Unhealthy’

Page 5: Reishi Gano (RG) Capsule Product Range :. Ganocelium (GL) Capsule Product Range :

Ganoderma: The Miracle Mushroom !Why ?

No side effects (Non Toxic) even on prolonged


Not limited to specific organs or tissues ( non-


Normalizing the overall functions of the Body

ADAPTOGENA rare quality found in Ganoderma

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Ganoderma Ganoderma LucidumLucidum



> 400 Active Ingredients

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Main Ingredients in Main Ingredients in Ganoderma &their Ganoderma &their Benefits.:-Benefits.:-

Enhances Immune System both – Humeral & Cell mediate Immunity.

Strengthens Natural Healing ability. Prevents abnormal cell growth. Strengthens Cell Membrane. Prevents Cell Decay. Improves Oxygen Carrying capacity of RBC Helps Liver & Kidney to improve their functions.

Enhances Detoxification. Neutralizes Toxins- Eliminates Toxins form the

body. When toxins are eliminated – Health is Protected.


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Main Ingredients in Main Ingredients in Ganoderma & their Ganoderma & their Benefits.:-Benefits.:-

Ganoderma contains 800-2000 p.p.m. Ge Increases Oxygen absorption at Cell level Enhances Cell activity. Prevents Cell Degeneration. Balances Electrical Charges in the body. Regulates Electrical functions of Brain &

Nerves. Prevents Tumor & Metastasis in Cancer. Stimulates & improves various functions of



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Main Ingredients in Main Ingredients in Ganoderma & their Ganoderma & their Benefits.:-Benefits.:-

Vasodilator effect. – Antiplatlet, Analgesic, Muscle Relaxant.

Reduces both Cholesterol & Triglyceride level in Blood.

Ensures free flow of Blood: Prevents Heart Attacks.

Increases blood flow in both Macro & Micro circulation. (Organ Functions depend upon blood flow)

Prevents platelet aggregation. Prevents Thrombosis (Blood Clotting)

Maintains Endocrine, Balances pH of the Body – No acidity.

3. ADENOSINE ( The Regulator)

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Main Ingredients in Main Ingredients in Ganoderma & their Ganoderma & their Benefits.:-Benefits.:-

Strengthens & Maintains entire Digestive (GI) System.

Whatever food we consume, all nutrients are absorbed & distributed to the entire body.

Improves nutrition of body. Strengthens Liver & Heart Muscles. Excellent Anti-Allergic. Stabilizing Mast-cells - Prevents liberation of

chemical factors responsible for allergy. Useful in various allergic conditions.

4. TRITERPENOIDS ( The Builder)

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Main Ingredients in Main Ingredients in Ganoderma & their Ganoderma & their Benefits.:-Benefits.:-

Helps rejuvenation of Cells & Tissues. Prevents Decay. Removes Free Radicals from the Body. Cleanses, Protects & Beautifies Skin. Heals Skin Disease and Wounds. Retards Aging process of the body. Acts as Anti-Oxidants.

5. GANODERIC ESSENCE ( The Rejuvenator)

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Main Ingredients in Main Ingredients in Ganoderma & their Ganoderma & their Benefits.:-Benefits.:- Glycoprotein – Tumor inhibitor D6- Helps in protein synthesis, Nucleic acid Metabolism Ganomycin A&B – Antibiotic Ganodelan A&B reduces blood sugar. Increases pancreatic blood flow. It is Helpful in Sugar. It is an anti-inflammatory agent. Useful in painful & inflammatory conditions (e.g. Arthritis) Use in degenerative disorders (e.g. Alzheimer's, parkinsonism.) Natural Painkiller with safety.

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Main Ingredients in Main Ingredients in Ganoderma & their Ganoderma & their Benefits.:-Benefits.:-

Anti-oxidant Value – 23000 (While ginseng anti-oxidant value is 5000)

Free radicals are very harmful to every cell. Antioxidant Detoxifies free radicals It is a powerful carcinostatic. Used as supplementary form of treatments

with Radiation, Chemotherapy, Surgery etc. Prevents Metastasis & relevant Pain.

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Main Ingredients in Main Ingredients in Ganoderma & their Ganoderma & their Benefits.:-Benefits.:-

It can modulate so many reactions in our brain.

Stimulate various brain functions – Memory, Brisk & Action, Sleep Function.

Helps to regulate blood pressure Ace Inhibiting effect ( Ganoderic Acid Fraction-

F) – BP Lowering effect. Ace Inhibiting effect helps the Heart to

improve pumping action – Helps in Heart Failure.

Ganoderma is a powerful Cardio tonic.

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Main Ingredients in Main Ingredients in Ganoderma & their Ganoderma & their Benefits.:-Benefits.:-

Non Toxic Non Specific Overall normalizing effect.

Powerful Adaptogen Protection of Health Prevention of Diseases

King of Herbs Herb of Immortality.