Download - REDDICK RACKET CARDIFF CLIPPINGS CAMPUS · reddick racket cardiff clippings campus chatterings surprise at home of mr.

Page 1: REDDICK RACKET CARDIFF CLIPPINGS CAMPUS · reddick racket cardiff clippings campus chatterings surprise at home of mr.




Mrs. Frank Patchett is much Im- Ring with her husband here Tuesday Mr. Hughes, of Campus, was in town mr, Wright, of Essex, visited rela- J. D, Brophy unloaded a ear of Miss Julia Bergin spent New 1 ,

proved at this writing. morning between trains. Sunday. tires in town a few days this week. Staler buggies last week. in Custer Park with her aunt, Mrs,

Father Murray was an Essex Pas- Misses Mabel Austin and Gladys Miss Rose Bertoncello was in Cam- Mr. Casper Roladelly, of Pennsyl. Nick Plainer made a business trip to Nell. „, i., .

senger Sunday morning. White were Cardiff visitors Tuesday pus Friday. vats, is visiting his mother in Cardiff Chicago Friday of last week.

days ied-

ifarlsasSi; Stella Scott, ru-y aotntiyboaafy,sfi igonaht, ttit:, :da,: (lisitt. ,:i.

Mr. Tom Reilly, of Kankakee, was morning between trains. Mr. Brown, Dwight, was on our Mrs. Ed Wagner, of near Kempton, J. D. Brophy unloaded a car of coal her


seen on our streets Friday. Mrs. Fred alulford. Mrs. Frank Pat- streets Monday. visited in town last Sunday and Mon- In the lssement of his residence last


in Chicago

.W,Ci hi.

William 0

,:a. i gi,T. .Fiblaoasol



Frreitduaryn returned after his

iii,,, i n , chett and Mrs. McFall were Joliet Thos. Ty Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kelly were east bound rell was iti Reddick on bus, day.

passengers Friday afternoon. passengers Tuesday morning. ness last Monday. Mike McDermott, of Custer Park, Hugh Ford, of Joliet, Bee. New was on our streets Wednesday of last years here visiting Mrs. M. R. Walsh , Kirk Cannon, of Streator, w. call- Mrs. Dan Jones and daughter, Robt, Gorman, of Campus, was on week. a week with his daughter, Airs Jar,:

ing on friends here Sunday. Audry, of Cardiff, spent Sunday here our street Fsriday. and faintly. and family.

visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Fred Johnson and Mrs. Sam Joseph Foley, of Chicago, spent the Miss Estella Unz was a north bound Mr. John Ricketts, of Campus, was Now don't forget that Campu,,

passenger Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Kiley, who has been vie. in town last Sunday. Belt were in Campus Friday between holidays here visiting his aunt, Mrs. No. 2619 Si. W. of A. ball will be

Ring relatives in Tonics, ill., passed trains. J. D. 131:ophy. Miss Mae Scrogifis spent a feu' days Gus Therine was in Chicago sever-

A crowd of our young people at- Mr. Edward 'Bodes, of Chicago, spent on next Friday night and a good time

through here Friday afternoon on her Is assured. Be sure and come. . days the past week. at her home in Essex last week. al way to her home In Campus. tended the dance in Campus Mond, Monday evening visiting Thos. [Awe

Tony Smith was in Reddick last ing. Mrs. Laura Cahill, of Chicago. re. Joe Engl., of Essex, spent Tuesday A C. I. & S. section hand, who was

even iess and family.

Monday between trains. turned to her home Thursday evening here with his lady friend. working on that road, was severely ., Mrs. Clayton, of Cabery, visited her mrs, Fagin, of Cullom. spent New

Mrs. ells. White was in Essex a spending Christmas with h e e Mrs. Cora Sohr, of Essex, Sirs. Jas. Walsh, Thursday w. seen hurt, Monday morning. He was moved sister, M of

. Years here visiting her sister, Mrs her

a' ''' re of days last week. Thos. Lawless.


on our streets Sunday between trains. to the Emergency Hospital in Kooks- last week. Hugh Kams and family. kee, where he died Tuesday morning. Mr. Durland, of Chicago, transacted Mr. a. Mrs. H. Richie, of John Kieiy returned to her of near Cam- •

Miss Nellie Feehery accompanied by

Mrs. H. James and son spent New business in Cardiff Friday. Leo Feehery • went to Chicago last se, The Lady Macabees held a surprise pus, were in town Thursday. home Friday of last week after a week Years Day in Kankakee with their urday to spend New Yeard win,

I party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Theo. Pritchard spent last Mon- Miss Anna Shostram, of South Wit- spent in Tonlea on business. relatives. parents, Thos. Feehery and family. ' Wm. Atkinson near Essex Monday day and Tuesday in Chicago. mington, is visiting her sister, Airs.

Mrs. H. McLain, of Kankakee, was' ._ _ Leo. Feehery, of former Campus boy. Mi. Florence I, Fl ning In honor of their daughter, Mrs. Arstrong, of Buckingham, was Jake Roebach this we. but now of Muske on, Mich., spent came Friday of last we. to spend

between trains.

. eeher seen on our streets Friday morning evening

of Chicago,

M Mrs. g '

Airs. John Williams of Oswego, Ill. in town Thursday of last week. Verginary, of Braceville, via- last Friday here calling on friends. New Years with her parents and

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urbain, of Buckingham, iced her daughter, airs. Robert Mc- Harry White and sister, Gladys, of Air. Neil Reilly and family, of Clif- grandparents, Thos. Maguire and fan,

Mrs. B. Johnson and daughter, E s. was a Cardiff visitor Thursday. Cleish several days last week. Essex. spent a few days at the Austin Lon, spent New Years here with her ily. borne last week. i tells, and Mayme and Kittle Johnson Miss Rose Quin and Miss Lizzie

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerns, of Sher, parents, Mr. Michael Kans and family. Mr. DMus. of Wellington, and Mr. spent New Years Day with Mr. and Hamil went to Chicago Friday. rand, Ill., were visiting friends and '

Jim Stacey: was a South Wilmington Malone, of Manhattan, attended the Mrs. G.. E. Johnson in Kankakee. Mr. and Airs. Clarke Slater, of near relatives here the past week Quite a few from here attended the

visitor Saturday evening. Must be funeral of Mr. Ahern and also called some attraction. Mr. John Reinmiller, formerly of Campus, were in town Thursday. Clarence Her. and friend, Henry K. of C. hall in Dwight Friday evening

on friends between trains last Satur henry

mist, Kathryn McDermott spent Sat- Reddick, but now of Chicago, is suing Mr. M. of last week and report a Jolly time.

Bates, of Kankakee, trans- Johnson, of Sherrad, visited the form- day. Evans Miesse & Co., underwriters for acted business in Cardiff Monday. er's mother here the past week. Mrs. Kate Laidig left for her home

urday and Sunday In Braidwood visit- • Mr. Frank Laidig returned to hi, ;15,000 for part settlement of commis- William Beatty, of Round Grove, Air. and Mrs. Martin Kline enter- in Kansas Wednesday after an extend- log her relatives. home in Topeka, Kansas, last Friday alone on stock sales of more than 75,- was seen on our streets Monday. twined Mr. and Mrs. McDermott, ed visit with her father, Thos. Law.

Miss Baud Schott, of near Union 000 shares. . Al to resume his college studies, after

Hill, visited the Reddick High School Sir. an d mrs. J . J . Williams re- of Custer Park, New Years day. less. week's visit with his grandfather

Monday afternoon. The masquerade skating was not turned from Herrin, Ill., last Friday. Mrs. Jas. O'Brien and children re- Airs. Nellie Johnston and children, Thos. Lawless. as largely attenaed Friday night as was turned last Sunday evening from a of Sibley, spent New Years here with

Miss Christine, of Kankakee, is here Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parker returned The ball given by the Lady For., expected. Those receiving the prizes two weeks' visit with relatives in Chi- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John , „

taking care of Mrs. Frank Patchett, from Herrin, Ill., one day last week. last Monday night was a grand were: Prize for man, Fred Graf; first cago. Ricketts.

who was very sick. case, there being 87 numbers sot prize for ladies, Mabel Austin; second Mr. Wm. Haddinger, of Kansas City,

Rob McNeil was an east bound pas Mrs. Mat O'Brien returned to her Mr. Davis, the second trick man at cellent music was furnished by is

prize for ladies, Maggie Johnson; third is visiting nis sister, Mrs. E. Kerns. senger Wednesday. prize for ladies, Gladys White, of Es-

Mrs. Harry Guest, of Essex, was vis- sex.

home in Chicago last Wednesday sitar the Wabash depot resumed his position Burch's orchestra of Fairbury. An A large number from here attended making an extended visit with re , Friday of last week, after a much elegant supper was served at the Cone

the dance in Cabery New Years eve. tires here. needed vacation. mercial hotel.

flnaaoaO Mrs. Fred Diefenbach entertained . ceceatate .. Corbin. This makes the twelfth tinne

her sister and family of Reddick a few • • . . . that W .W. Wilkinson has succeed , i UNION EMI. days the past week. . .

• HIGHLAND . . EMINGTON : BLACKSTONE : himself as clerk of his camp. Th , The family of Art. and Ed. Beauclere • • • camp has fifty-one members in g , , , ,, I

. . . . spent Saturday and Sunday visiting . standing and one applicant was

e ■ Berger was a business caller In friends in Kankakee. Mr. Frank Brayton called on friends J. O'Brien drove to Dwight Sunday Dr. Seymour spent last Friday in toted at this meeting. Reddick Satuday. Chas. Waco and family are again in Morris. afternoon. Dwight.

Miss Maude Schott visited the Red- residents of our village having recently Mr. Thos. Curtin is at present on aliss AI. O'Brien and Elsie Robinson Mr. AlcAleno went to Cornell last - sesetteneareeetar a

dick school Monday. moved from Goodrich. the sick list. are on the sick list. Saturday.

Frank Dittus spent a few days with Mies Ida Gersping, of Kankakee, NEVADA relatives in Dwight. spent from Saturday until Monday

Charley Small was shopping in D. Lyons was in Chicago on business J. P. Keating and wife went to

Dwight Tuesday. the first of the week. Pontiac last Thursday. Peter Geiger and family spent Sun- with Silas Laura Schott.

and Will Brodrick were Ala- J. Wagner, of near Kempton, visited Airs. Ira Applegate has been quite day with Gustave Berger. George Geiger and Percy Cook were G. B. Hager transacted business in

zoo callers Monday. relatives in town Friday. sick for the past week. Collie Swatz shelled his corn and in South Wilmington Monday dispos- our town Friday.

hauled it to Essex Friday.

in of a bunch of rabbits. The dance at Nick Mevels last week R. Barham was a north bound pa. A son was born last Monday to

Miss Laura Dougherty returned e was well attended. senger Tuesday morning. Air. and Mrs. John Hamer.

Ed. Riordan was a business caller Daly Brothers and Fred Larson, our NormalWednesday, .

In Reddick last Wednesday. village orchestra, filled an engagement Clyde Kelmer and wife were Nor- J. Wyllie was a north bound pas. Born, to Air. and Mrs. Frank Thomas O'Neal, of Dwight, was seen

in Bonfield New Year's night. i cis visitors Saturday. senger Wednesday morning. Greene, last Tuesday, a son. . The choir will meet with Miss Caro- on our streets Monday.

line Dasen Saturday evening. Our Sunday school will be at 10 Miss Catherine Carey visited rela- Cash Engles, of Reddick, was a call- A. E. Dunlap made a business trip Wm. Carey, of Dwight. cIsitet, i.,,,,

oclock next Sunday and preaching fives in Dwight over Sunday, er in town Monday afternoon. to Pontiac last Wednesday. G.. Van Voorst went to Indiana fives are last Wednesday.

after Sunday school at 11 o'clock. M M iss Ella Jepson visited friends in Ed Steger, of near Campus, was a Sir. Arch Wilkenson and family Saturday to visit his mother. Mr. and Airs. L. Blocker visited .s

Mr. and Sirs. A. R. White, of Clarke Dwight the first of the week. caller in town Friday afternoon. spent Sunday at the home of W. W • Mrs. Jam. Smith and children were Streator the first of the week.

City, spent New Years with the latter's H. Thomas, supervisor of Union, Wilkens.. over Sunday visitors in Kankakee. Mr. C. •prole and sister spent Suu- Miss Catherine Kelagher visited

sister, Mrs. A. T. Dyer and family.d called on friends in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ruddy am

Chas. Puckett worked the past week ay at the home of H. Small. riends in our town last week.

In Kankakee helping put up ice. Mrs. Honora Joyce, of Essex, spent Paul Nolte, of Griswold, called on r • M s Mollie Trainor went to Chicag.

a few days of the past week at the Martin Goss is a visitor at the home friends in town Friday afternoon. Alonday morning. Jerry Riordan, of Joliet, visitsd

P. L. Jarvis was an over Sunday homestead with her son and (laugh- of Will Taylor in Elwood, Ill. Air. and Airs. Lowers of Pontia riends near Nevada last Monday. Mr. and Airs. E. Kerns, Cardiff, of Cardff,

visitor with his parents in Exline. ter. Air. and Mrs. C. 0. Thompson took visited relatives in town Sunday. visited at the home of Mr. Joe Cot Miss Etta Flynn, of Emington, is Fred Feller, of Dublin, was a bus, Sirs. Cox, of Southern Illinois, is dinner at Geo. BeIswanger's last Sun- his over Sunday, visiting at the home of Wm. Cahill. Lyons and Barham shipped a load ness caller in town Friday afternoon. visiting at the home of Mrs. Addle da Silos Mantle Trainor who is teach- of cattle to Chicago Monday evening. Mrs. Frank Dougherty and daughter. Quite a number from here attended Schott and family. She attended our Mrs. B. Bonar entertained friends ing in Chicago spent her holiday va- Irene, wore „Toilet passengers last s .

the dance in Essex New Year's eve. Sunday school. from the city, the latter part of the Farmers in this vicinity are qui t e cation at her home north of town. day. Miss Laura Schott, after spending week.

busy shelling and delivering new corn. Air. Jimmie Hadley who has been The shooting match in town Satur- John O'Neal, of Marseilles, Ill., vie. the holidays with home folks. returned Claud Ratcliff was called to Barnes- At the home of John Masching on in Washington,. D. C., for the past day afternoon was quite well attended. lied with old friends in Nevada Wed to her school studies Tuesday morn- ton, Neb., because of his mother's ill New Years arrived a bouncing baby four months returned home for the nesday.

The L. A. S. will meet with Sirs. in, at otta„a, Iiiinots. health. boy. holidays. Fred Wepprecht Thursday afternoon. Aliss Story Hodgman visited at II,

Major Schott spent Christmas and The dance at the home of Joe Short Oscar Thompson, of Symertoon, Joseph Corbin, who has been quite

Dr. Allison, of Essex, was a caller New Years with his grandparents, Mr. was well attended and a good time re - spent Thursday in town calling on seriously ill for the past two weeks, Alfter home Thursday and Friday of

in our burg Friday afternoon of last and Mrs. A. G. Potter, of Dwight. He ported. friends. is reported as being some better at last week,

week. returned home Saturday. Martin Go. and friend attended Miss Haezl Adams and mother were this writing- Frank Alfter went to Joliet Mon.

day to seek employment at the E. J. Willie Cook had cha"ge of G.. Van Harry Mier and family from Es: the masquerade at Verona Wedner,• north bound passengers Thursday a, The Modern Woodmen camp here 8, E. car works.

Voorst's lumber yards a few days of sex passed througn this vicinity New day evening. ternoon, held a meeting recently and elected

the past week. Years day on their way to Bucking: ros. are having a hard time Airs. G. FL Finch entertained her Mrs. Joseph Grundler and Mrs. Ed

Goss B the following

for the ensuibg Stearns, were among the Streator Pi. Henry Elmherst, of West Bend, ham to spend the day with relatives. moving their corn Sheller on account brother, E. Horns and wife of Cardiff, year: Council, A. W. Applegate; bank-

er, A. E. Dunlap; clerk, W. W. Wit- sengers on Monday. Iowa, is visiting relatives in and Miss Pearl Schott spent from Sat- of the icy roads. Sunday. kinson; advisor, R. S. Bennington; James Riordan was called to Streit- around town. urday until Monday with her sister Mrs. A. Welsh and daughter, Diable, Mrs. O. Nett, of Cabery, visited her escort, C. E. Applegate;

l , ; watchman, tor Friday evening on account of the Henry Balgerman and family from and cousin, Misses Olive and Violet spent the latter part of the week vial, parents, Mr. and Sirs. J. Hughes, last , serious illness of his hi._, mother. We are

near Buckingham, spent Sunday with Schott. She also called on some of ing relatives in Marseilles Saturday and Sunday. John Horner; sentry, •1110 Ambrose,

his father here. her old schoolmates and friends. physician, Dr. Seymour; managers, B. glad to report she is much improved Miss Julia Rothesberger, after spend- T. Drew entertained his daughter, D. Hadlty, Ira R. Applegate, Jos. F. at this writing,

Mr. and Sirs. Chas. Bossert enter- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heischer, of log the holidays at her home in Coal Mrs. G. Hargreaves and family, of tamed a number of relatives and Buckingham, passed through our burg City, has resumed school duties at the Manhattan, New Year. friends Sunday. Sunday on their way home from a Curtin school. Mr. and Mrs. T. Alurphy, of near -

Charies Daly and James McGInnus v ieft with the tatter's sister . Hrs. Nick Frank Frances met with a severe Cardiff, visited their daughter, Mrs. spent the holiday week with friends Hines and family north of town. accident Tuesday. While hauling corn May Gaston and family Saturday. in Champaign. Mrs, John Schott took par; in a all- he slipped on the icy road and had Oct ANY BANK The new officers took their places ver medal contest at. ...dick last Fri. the misfortune to fall beneath the PREJUDICE. in the Sunday school Sunday morning, day e vening. Those why a tt ended wagon wheel and his leg was cruellyd. Curious to state, erepellee keeps

January 2, 1910. from this way were: Mrs. Addle us out of more good thine. than does lack of opreirernIty. Schott, Miss Pearl Schott and George A Wild Blizzard Raging. We sites paee by an ar Icl• of merit CAN HANDLE YOUR BUSINESS AFTER A FASHION,

e Geiger brings clanger, Suffering—often death because the price e, h i ,. 'fie sonar WHEN TIMES ARE GOOD AND MONEY EASY. WHEN ARE YOU SATISFIED Sir. and !tire. Beauvars, who for the deatie—to thousands, who take colds, article at du., the pri ,, , , oil I I loi I

WITH YOUR STOMACH? past year have resided with Ed Wese- coughs and lagrippe—that terror of to, Pager I o try It. K C le, hie le , e• TIMES ARE IIARD AND MONEY TIGHT YOU NEED THE der eel. for one-third the price of to , BUSINESS CONNECTION WITH A BIG, STRONG AND RE-

Do y. want • better one— one that won't man. have moved to Lehigh to take Winter and Spring. its danger signals Baking Powders contr.. by t„ belch gas, or turn sour, or feel heavy or make charge of a farm. Thos. Post and wife are "stuffed up" nostrils, lower part —T rus te e LIABLE BANK. DO YOUR BANKING BUSINESS AND you feel miserable, late residents of the village, now or' of nose sore, chills and fever, pain In Yet K C is guaranteed the B' , MAKE YOUR CREDIT GOOD WITH THE STROe.GEST

11I-O-NA copy the place vacated by Mr. and Airs. back of head, a. a throa,gripping Baking Pow, r at any price. , ,

, P Th ladles of this city who 1 Beauvare. cough. When Grip attack., as y. ,..

linen what K ( link! owe v.',er


Cures Indigestion value your life, don't delay getting Dr. prefer t , to any outi• ,,. . i • itev arc

., "Who is there:" cried the iml'ae" King's New Discovery, "One bottle loo Kind 10 1,111,1, their money en , e i

, k re''',7 ....`". ` It "", five .moos. "kin" orator, "who will ll. a vcd'e cured me," writes A. I,. Dunn, of Pine a better art tele. li 'a the di, . , The Bank of Cam pus It turns mu, unsatu ,nartory. MUC

,MOUS 1110T.. against the truth or my statement?" Valley, Miss., "after being laid tip' between "Trim , Price. , ad the

into ne'",‘ .....v."4" . dig.t the 1.... Just then a donkey on the outskirts three weeks w ith (e r r,- For sore , honestc°.31"'"°n * ea meal. e.

eI the cm' gave vent to one of the A 25 ounce cnn of re ,'

lunge, Hemorrhage., C.,...1.. ,elde, y6 pow d er for cent.s.—acti y. , .. We guarantee M tab- piercing "heehaws" of the tribe. Whooping cough, Bron, h o 1 I 1 hm, returm,d If you dua't like 11 e.... .. W A L S H BROS., Proprietors lets to cure stomach disease. The laugh was on the orator for a it.. supreme, 60,, $1.01). , :11111.11n• Money back if they fail. moment, but assuming an air of trl• teed by John A. 0 . mailey, ,,,,, r , „ I How about letting us prim you .,,„,„. CAMPUS .. .• .. ILLINOIS

, umph he lifted his voice above the din west Side Drug sturp, tine stationery for the new year? It's 50 Cents a Large Box , , say, "I knew nobody but an ass a good way to start the new year in

FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCiCiISTS. 1 e °sod try ft" ADV./ MIMING IN TRIM PAPER PAY/. business. Call us up by phone. .