Download - Metadata Files...Pablos Casals, Puerto Rico - Danilo Dold, Sicily - Professor Erich Fromm, New York and Mexico - Lt.-Gen. Sir Brian Horrocks,

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    ~.... . t hey ",ere .not the . tYDf:S that wOlud l " There h~ve :)f late been some very strotl::; demons trations in DstraliR R!ainst cons c riotion and the war in VietnR~ .

    ~~ustr~li~ ::lDpe8rs to be "'oin~ too far alon" wi th the U. 3 . A. and ~mQn?st students and the thinking nublic this is cll::)sing sorrf: concern . I nto the b~rgl;:li n, the Federal Jovernme.nt is becomi n~ more rmd more militant . Students are under p cloud of suspi c ion . It ,.,ould RDDear thAt educm 3 III ~ ~ ;QZ 3 '" It ~ .~'V() ..z05V> V> ~ >-I m . to.)>0 V> m• !l : ~ Z~o >;Q

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    t) alllnesty international a movement to fight persecution and protect human rights

    Victorian section~P.s . By return mai l !!!! 5/566 Toorak Road , TOORAK , 31 ~ , VI •

    7th . May l q69 .

    My deAr Phylli s ( and chi dren )

    What joy it "r s to e your fami l i;:1r 1IritinG on the 0 tsi dE o the irletter! No, nothing has been the matter - you have n:Jt of end"'d s in th s l ightest 1.r y - ere under t e 1m ression e had o~ ended you ! I remember n my lAst corres>')ondence sking yo' '..rhether you considered M. D. eli .;ible for mnesty aid. Well, rhen we did not hear from YOt ",e fe l t that

    nerh s I had heen a l ittle indiscreet and as consea~€nce yo' ~ere in some troub e . We then decided to wait a bit - nd then sent you nd your fami l y Chri tmas card . Jell, ben • there yas no re£>')Qnse ta l l e fe l t i t bet t er to bide out tim( to ~ee if you wrote. We ,yere very worried in case I had said something out f lace,Rnd, as a result h s endangered your f mily Emd 1foursel . What a relief to know this is not the case nd to know you re .,rell ! We trust ou are .

    Tow i M. D. going? To the day f writinl this l etter he has only years ~nd 16 dRYs to go . Row flre the children .•• r have ~~hthi ' s photo~r~ph in our collection •• she s so dear ! . re t.hey "oin,~ well at scho:Jl and how have Lhrir reslllts FIt exam been . We ould very much I i e to catch up o al l th . new~ nor tra t ev ry t hing is o. -. a · i n .

    Last, out not least , he are you? Did you ex"'ms meet lo1i tb good resu ts . We both feel sure they did . Please wrile and tell 118 how everything is . Also would you e se ive me Rnother list of the childrens ' birthdays . I (throu.:> beinguntidy) los t the letter in l:rhi ch you had mentioned tr, IT' All .

    IRn Rnd I have been in the best of health . Life in hust . ofrtun~tely do s not have t b trials and tribulations of Ii e i ~ ) . A. We hRve been extremely busy with Amnesty and ~p~rt from endeavourin' to have _risoners released , tt

    " Victori n Secti:m has ')een occupied ~.,.ith ""und faising - thisI ". ' . is very neCASS"Olry so • I . can con tinue "Ii tb its wor'(.

    ce.., the Elizabethian rheatre OperA rrust st ged a season 0f on rase We were fortlmate eno gh to obtain 56 son tic~cts Rnd 53 every ooera including he Haske B '1, a·dame But terfly and als tR ff wt th Ti to ..:iobbi . It. was €.xtremely ba.tisyi'1g but p, ysicallv and !!lental y exhausting . Nearly every ooera was in itslian and as my italian only extends to tlree v ars (at school) i t was a little dif ic lIt.

    O'lr Christmas Card this yeRr included G p em by Ian - if Y:')11 d d n:)t r c ;.ive it olease let me kno , anj if you r,'ould li'--ce a co J I shall certainl ' fon ard Y'1U one . Some peo Ie id not ully aODreci te the ~K~ poem ' s ITessa e ~ but then

    PATRONS OF "FUND FOR T H E PERSECUTED" The Archbishop of Canterbury, Great Britain • Roger Baldwin, President of the International League for the Riahts of Man, U .S.A. • Pablos Casals, Puerto Rico - Danilo Dold, Sicily - Professor Erich Fromm, New York and Mexico - Lt.-Gen. Sir Brian Horrocks, Great Britain • J·F. Lalive, Switzcrland • Professor Salvador de Madariaaa, Spain - Yehudi Menuhin, Great Britain - Professor Gunnar Myrclal,Sweden . Pablo Neruda, Chile - Alan Paton, South Africa - Abbe Domuuque Pirc, Nobel Prizc Winner - Mr. Walter Reuther, International President of the United Automobile Workers, U .S.A. - Scan McBride, S.C., Secrelary General of the International Commission of Jurists . Professor Z. K. Matthews, South Africa - Philip Noel-Baker, M.P" Nobel Pr;.., winner, Great Britain - Professor Gioraio La Pira, Mayorof ilprence, Italy - Professor Julius Stone, Austratia , .• AM"ESTY HAS 'CONSULTATIVE STATUS WITH THE UNITED NATIONS (ECOSOC) AND WITH THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE. ~

  • -aDlnesty international


    Victorian section "Burleigh" .,566 Toorak Road, TOO RAK, 3142. AUST.

    28t h. May, 196 •

    Dear P yllis (and chi l dren ) ,

    Fi r s tly, pI ase excuse th A. I. let t erhead. I am having a day

    home sick today and took t hi s opportuni t y of writing to you, but

    did not have any pl ain ai rl e t te r s .

    Have you any furthe r pl ans in mind re visiting your husband? Wha t a bar baric system it is tha t will not allow you to travel by traim I suonose thi s is t o discourage you f r om vi si t ing M.D. y ba rring ~~9in travel nd th, leavi n only ai r travel availabl e . If I had

    ece i ved any donati ons fro m ~ ap eal I would have fo rwa r ded t hem t o you to go to ard the f r e , however no-one appears to be veryready to car t wi t h oney. If any come in witin the next month or so I sh 11 advise you. Hones t ly though, I do not eel very expectant!

    Are your etters coming throuoh with more expe iancy yet? It

    would a pear th t t he S • . • government does preci sely as it l i kes !

    Its about time it was broug t to i ts knees.

    bout two weeks a ~o I as i nterviewed on the r adi o about mynneal an Human Ri ghts Year. Durin t hi s programme which

    incidental ly wa br dcas t ove r t he A. B. C. (Aus t r al ian Broadca s~ing Com~i s s ion) I cRlled f or the downf all ofthe S. A. Jovernment. 1 . resent were in agreement, but unfortunate~

    the interviewer, wh has a T.V. pr ogramme al so, was loathe to

    use me on the latter media as I called f or the downfall of the

    S.A. government over the us t r alian government radio! He f elt

    s wa t a cont r avers ial for T.V. What rubbi sh:: This is

    _Bctly why S. A. has ~ot 8W~y wi th i t f or so l ono • Si moly

    bec use governments of re s ce tive countri es are too cowardly

    to stand against S. A. whethe r i t be f or pol iti cal or economic

    r e sons . South fri ca is very f riendly with tf e Aus t r alian

    government, and much to my di sgus t, Australia never votes

    Rgainst any resol utions passed in t he United Nations aga inst

    S. A. and i ts f as ist pol i c ies. Australia of course , cannot

    be too outspoken i n racis t ma t t ers as i t has one of t he

    mos t disoaus t ing fo rms of immigra t ion - t he WHI TE AUSTRALIA ,. 1\' , POLICY. 'This policy i much disliked by the educated oeople of Aust r l1a bo ant to see i t relaxed, but however t rade unions and th such l i ke a r e afraid it wil l bring huge amounts of non-skilled peopl es and t hus cause an inf lux of cheap lebo r . Its e 11y a pre t t l ~me ex use , howeve r our Labo r Party i s doing what it can t o s timulate mor e advanced thinking amongst these sections of t he populat ion. But al as, these very scare p pI e st I cl in to thei r beliefs '. So you see hy l i s, Au tralia i s i n many ways desiruos of

    PATRONS OF "FUND FOR TH E PERSECUTED" The Archbishop of Canterbury. Creat Britain • Roger Baldwin. President of the International League for the Right. of Man. U.S.A. - Pablo. Casala. Puerto Rico - Danilo Dolci. Sicily - Profe.sor Erich Fromm. New York and Mexico - Lt.-Cen. Sir Brian Horrock.. Creat Britain - J-F. Lalive. Switzerland • Profe..or Salvador de Ma darlaga, Spain - Yehudi Menuhln, Creat Britain - Profes.or Cunnar Myrdal, Sweden • Pablo Neruda. Chile - Alan Paton, South Africa - Abbe DominiquePire, Nobel Prize winner - Mr. '«!'alter Reuther, International Pres ident of the United Automobile Workers, U.S.A. - Sean MacBride, S.C., Secretary Ceneral of the International Commiesion of Juris ts - Profe••or Z. K. Matthews, South Africa Philip Noel·Baker, M.P ., Nobel Prize winner, Creat Britain - Professor Clorgio La Pira, Mayor of Florence, Italy - Profe..or



  • ., change in these policies.

    I fee l we al l have t o do some t hing tq make this world a be t ter

    pl ace to l ive i n , ~nd fortunately I an sha res t hese vi ews even

    perhans more stron~ly th~n I . We t ry to do our best but some

    times even we , who a re free , f,e t discour aged . But Phyllis dea r

    do not get despondent, you wi ll be free one day - this we know. .,Injustice cannot be pe rpetrated f orever . S. A. will be free for

    all i ts peonI es tn time, of t ha t I feel sure, t he same as I feel

    sure the U. S. A. will l ose in Vie t nam . Do not despair ever.

    My word, I did not mean to write B l ec tur e , but sometimes t he injustices in the world tSet one down a l itt le and one has to let off steam.

    Mrs . :}hand! has just l e f t Aust ra lia - what a wonderful womall! If more world leader s fol l owed her suit we would not have the t roubles we have . She i an example f or all women (and men) to fol lm~ . She i s al so ve ry much against U. S.A. aggression in South East As i a . As are al l humane people .

    Have you r eceived t he magazi ne I sent you yet? It is quite a~ ~~tere sting nape r on Aust ral i a , but as I mentioned before A~~alia is not the l and of milk and honey as it would appear

    in t hat oublication! HO\lreve r, t he children mir--ht like it.

    Ple~s€ excuse the rather terrible typi ng fo r I am usinR Ian's typewri te r and its i mpossible t o t ype on . It is so used to his t wo ~inge r bashing . ~

    Love nd best wishes t o r ou, M.D. and kiddies, lll3H 010~ is.I~ E ,,,,'(-. t'X'T\-l I I,~.,

    r> ~:., '" n::;; •... % .. ~ ... ;: n 0 iI •. n < ...> > til• !:tZ .. '" ~ " IT0 nOo(.. ~ ~"~ .. ~ ."

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  • amnesty international


    Victorian sectiorr ., r


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    a UT.I 91:• " T "1' -

  • 566 Toorak Road, •


    29tho October 1969.

    Dear Phyllis:

    Many fuanks for yours of 8th. September 1969. Although I am late in

    replying, nevertheless they did not arrive until about three-four

    weeks ago. There was some postal delayo Ho wever we did forward on

    t he other letter immediately!

    Congratulations on passing the Exams (Practice) and every best wish

    for the November exams.

    How did the operation fare? Was it a stone in the kidney, and if so,

    how are your feeling now? Please accept every best wish from both

    of us for a speedy and complete recoveryo

    Ian and I have been rather busy helping to organize a photographic

    exhibition of persecuted persons, world leaders, great people in his t ory

    etc., for Am. We did not realize there would be quite so much work

    involved in this sort of venture, but it is gratifying to see the

    exhibition taking shape. It is to be held this weekend from 1st.

    to 4tho November 1969. In Melbourne this is "M e lbourne Cup" weekend

    and lots of people come from interstate for the races o Also it is

    the time of many flower exhibitions etc., and our little cont~ibution

    has been arranged to coi~ide with this period. ..

    The following Saturday Am~ has arranged/~Rr exp e rt on RLJssia and Civil Affairs in the U.S.S.Re t o give a lect ure. She is regarded as

    one of the world's leading authorities on this subject and this

    promises to be a very fulfilling evenin go At the present time,

    there is great interest here ~egarding the U.S.S.R. because of the


  • -2 \Czecho situationo Also the former Czech. Ambassador to Australia

    has now sought political asylum in Australia o At the time of the

    - l invasion he spoke out agaihst the War~aw Pact countries invasion1 f... of his country, and as a result of his directness, he cannot go back to Czechoslovakiao IIan has now gone into business for himself and is working harder

    than he was accustomed to! However, he finds it far more rewarding 1· and satisfying! We hope eventually I shall be able to join him in

    ( the businesso In the meantime, my wage is relied upon for the necessities

    of life until such time as profits start rolling in. We hope!!

    My brother has just passed his fourth year medical exams and lS now ·st.. ',.-:t - entering into his fifth. The family was very pleased, although we had absolutely no doubts that he would not pass. Apart from this resume of the past month's activities, I really do

    not have much news.

    I have been following rather closely the reports of Dr. Hertzog's

    activities (which are scantily reported in our papers). It would

    appear there is a serious rift in the Afrikaaner ranks. However

    it is such a fuss over nothing! Ian says that in South Africa

    there is very strong feeling towards football - so we suppose

    that the Springboks have to ha ve some-one to play with!!!!!

    ~ I must sign off now, I am typing thisAat morning tee, and time lS

    ~ -up. Unfortunately it is not a terribly long letter, but I shall

    write again more fully bemre Christmas.

    Enclosed is a photo of myself and another of Ian and myself.

    The latter is not too good - my brother took it, and he is not

    too good at levelling the camera.

    Much love to yourself and the

    children, and take care,

    ~~ e.\.:...~c:~..b..:fl=, ).

  • 1968-03-02 Letters from Elizabeth in Australia - Done.pdfFile2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 235.pdfFile2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 224.pdfFile2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 223.pdf1968-03-02 Letters from Elizabeth in Australia - Done1968-03-02 Letters from Elizabeth in Australia - Done.pdf1968-03-02 Letters from Elizabeth in AustraliaFile1_1966_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo 160File1_1966_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo 161File1_1966_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo 162File1_1966_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo 163File1_1966_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo 164File1_1966_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo 165

    Letter from Lan and Elizabeth in Australia 2File1_1966_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo 154File1_1966_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo 155

    Letter from Lan and Elizabeth in AustraliaFile1_1966_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo 150File1_1966_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo 151

    1969-07-02 Letter from Elizabeth.pdf1969-07-02 Letter from Elizabeth1969-07-02 Letter from Elizabeth1969-07-02 Letter from ElizabethFile2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 72File2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 73

    File2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 94File2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 95

    File2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 144File2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 145

    File2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 150File2_1966-1969_letters from fnds & family to Phyllis Naidoo 151

    1970-10-02 Letter from Elizabeth in Australia.pdf1970-10-02 Letter from Elizabeth in Australia1970-10-02 Letter from Elizabeth in Australia1970-10-02 Letter from Elizabeth in Australia1970-10-02 Letter from Elizabeth in Australia1970-10-02 Letter from Elizabeth in Australia

    File3_1969 to1970_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo_Part30File3_1969 to1970_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo_Part31

    Pages from File3_1969 to1970_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo_Part33.pdf

    File3_1969 to1970_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo_Part33.pdf

    Pages from File3_1969 to1970_letters from friends & family to Phyllis Naidoo_Part34.pdf