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  • 1. SHUTTLE PROCESSING (Before Flight Activities Rarely Seen By The General Public)DISCOVER --- DISCOVERY

2. External Tank Arrives by Barge from MS 3. Vertical Assembly Building External Tank 4. Removing External Tank From Carrier 5. External Tank Enters VAB 6. External Tank in VAB 7. Preparing to Lift the Tank to Vertical 8. Lifting Tank 9. Solid Rockets Are Attached 10. Engines Are Attached To Solids 11. Engines Are Attached To The Shuttle In The Shuttle Processing Facility 12. Shuttle In Sling Ready For Lift In VAB 13. Shuttle Has Been Moved To VAB And And Will Be Attached To External Tank 14. Shuttle is Attached 15. Payload Preparation Room (PPR) 16. Cargo Package For ISS 17. New Module For ISS 18. Payload Ready To Be Moved to The Launch Pad 19. Payload Carrier Leaves PPR 20. Payload Being Moved To Launch Pad 21. Lifting Payload Into Position For Insertion Into Discovery When It Arrives At The Pad 22. Shuttle Discovery Leaves VAB 23. Shuttle & Crawler Launch Pad TRIP: Length--- 3 mi Time--- 6-8 hours 24. Crawler Control 25. DISCOVERY ARRIVES AT PAD 26. READY FOR LAUNCH 27. We Have Lift Off