Download - r l t M^l$§p£, •wing -…some'people havenever tried Ifet. .-"• $ Bridge Street, J dF

Page 1: r l t M^l$§p£, •wing -…some'people havenever tried Ifet. .-"• $ Bridge Street, J dF


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S 4 "tCW^

• V £ r & * . ^ d'J

--JN. :y.rp Ri BAY; M AY 4r^& * . — . > . . . . . i - . * . . r . . - - * ~ • • - •

are ibtutd If yonr teel yon effort t o J ^ ' # e % - s C The -fyttaaMtfo ©i **«enm littl* t^ell^iivift s tat t

, « s ^

mowtjaij i p & | | p f s ^ lev :eay ^anfiL -%«^^lifci!|giBBtiir; ligaJ&Qp.,- I t ^ i ^ S t ^ i

t e e t h «aa%a^tee

porcelain . ' " X ^ c a a <$o

taste is '|JMtl^l|i$:-^ * leaves ^S^^^m^-' - y. tion ot^Mlite^leafii-oessiti tie mouth. #rice, 25c, . : . '

HITCHCOCK'S PHARMACY O s r . J t t u g t t a t

Hvdsdn R m s r P h o n e 73-J. CEnton Telephone 2ff».

• f % ^

P r A € k 5 a D E 3 f f

" M a k P a m T


^ Milk S t r a i n e r s *

r S t m u a e r P a f l s


-^3*0.5 BRIDGE SX,




i eU ijroti t h a t : a f te of S^lf w buy la* | % e # ^ t s 1 s ' 3 w s t as^g&rad a » «

* •" a t <sosts iPe t rCents , afr£

£ $ o # e * i l s f a s t a ^ ' g o b d W & f i £

4 wwmf^rai m m& PICIBKT.

Place t ottr Order at

- v~*Aiidget Value Kecefrred,"

SlifrlilS 1 SPECIilTI Witlr E v e r y Th ing

AH OIJR tlNE JUST AS GOOfy Remember tnerjeis font one place,

C O U I G A H S , CLINTON S T . B o t n Phones .


Albany and New York

PfpingteAn , | q^fPHEPtATTSBUKGH

j^^ooIiofrMusic |From April irwf

1 To June-9th.


X e a v e Albany ^week"* d a y s ] a t 8 P . M . onLat r iva 1 of t r a i n s from n o r t h a n d "west. Tickets "sold land b a g g a g e checked t h r o u g h from D . H . .S ta t ions a n d L a k e Charriplain s teamers . 1 S t a t e r o o m s secured b y ma i l Or-wire t o

1 CITY T I C K E T OFFICE, 5 8 "No. Pearl S t . . Albany, N. Y^

CHAS. f=. HUDSQN, Director,

So. 5 0 C o u r t S t r e e t .


FANOLINE I The Olvpncnt JPreparea by the iffir r

Commercial House g | 1 0 & 1 2 RIVER ST .

JOHN J. HANLON, Proprietor

the Best Moderate Price Hotel i

in Nor thern .New York. T


:. f. BAKER Stationer and Netvs Dealer

I Souvenir Goods, Camera Supplies [ sp Amateur Work, CJrottlatling Ll«

iCufflterland Bay Worts, 'TZ,Ware Fr*mlttS' *rv°3Ta™ Plat t sburgh , Clinton GoJ, IS. ~SC.

.•alaable and prompt remedy. Jfoth-can l a k e i t s place as ..a cure l o r

[iPILES and the variquB troubles men-UBonea o n t h e label . ^ , Inquire for it *l any of the Drug-

I School Supplies.

. <

CityjSational Sank JOHN m. ©^iSBJBN i * * v - ljPjresia^nt:

IsJQHN • I B A T J < 5 H B A K > .^ i ce^r -es iaen i

''Cl E . -MliaAjr!".. *Vw-• •• * •.« «^ -.•CasMer. 1:.,„ - I. - ©JKE0TQB&.:,;- /••; • .:

Jolui Haigbi^ipi :•!$» &• lMpe» BL T- KeSlogg, . 5 . JP~ OimJil-n^iban^; It, iL. ^ied^ett> Geo. Cha;iiqoii,

/ ' .j' J . :N<sWei£ .- • , . Transacts ;«. G6fteral 0ommerciiaa

•I BanMiig Busin^es. ." IJepo^itoM offerjed. every/ facility

wMeTi #telr I>atence, Tju&iaess and re-^ionsib3|Ilty wa*rai|t, •'. ..,„ i

a n y F

e^asonable^ prices. T

a t t e n t i o n ,is given t o needs of t h e housewife a s a s t b e b u i l d e r . .' - j .

s tock oi HABUW'.ARE e m -aces every th ing t h a t m a y be foired(. Business? comes here^ * .use i t ' s t he bes t p lace t o b u y

some'people haveneve r t r i ed I f e t . .-"•

$ Br idge St ree t , J


1 "" ^lrTIMS'- * • ' * ' ' . ? • l-IHSITEDSTAaraBS. A., y

YORK President

Tite"&esideiiii Ca&bier

CaTanagCa, H, 3 ^ f % ^HOfir^f; tConwayJ Patrick 1 Psiflon,; p , fWi

OenerW Sacking JHMflnpai. fifitt^ sjp 'and ,ijporej«tt jDraf^. '-.•:. ': ' '• . jatereW ©»ifl *m sw»*W $mp&+


; V -^,tf.

^ ^ • i ^ •* " V / - • i r - ^ f - ^ ^ w - --- ^ m ^ » i


i - A *.„ I *. S* ! *



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Tntx«>d«cell «nd M»efr didpost-1

tiottMPreseiiitkm of V<M* ridC of GbTenKw. " '


Plattsbftrgb, & Y.

Both Phoni*.

A l b a n y May 3.—Tl^e legi8^ait|nire adjourn&d -at matot. The clooW In t i e 4egislatiT« Chumbtrra. said ft 'ras 12 o'clock, trat-ty was eonttUMrible a*t«f -that hotur. l a 4be Seriate the Waliiwrrglft tail for th» i>rottetloa of the paHeade* on. the Hudson Tive** V M pasaed. TH» propoafction-to amend fchfe conatitoUolk, introdttided in the »A«»m1)iIy by Mr. MerritE und in the Senate^hy Senator M!aiby9 to permit the bniftdlng ot dam« for water storage purposes on the 9fa$e lands passed the assemWy. j Senator Raines's bill providing for

a new building for thfe state library was passed "in the" Assembly, Messrs. Palmer and Le-TSVStra being recoiled in the negative. The measu're i ro rides for the expendntiiTe of $*»<>< >*» jft00» for the proposed structure, $400^00^ of -whteh. is available at this time for #he pu-rdbase of the «ite and for plans. The <MU now g]oes to Governor Higglns.

The Assembly rules cotamtttee}te-ported favorably Senator iBarne^s bill providing for two more Justxces-in the t^ird jadicial district, ijir. Palmer spoke against the measure It was passed by a vote of 89 ayes| to 33 noes.

Portrait of, &MH*nor At this point a harf&some oil p/>r-;


' • / -S.

mmmc^ w^Mi.

brought intft the wefi. In present­ing the portrait tQ -the Sein^te Set*-1

tor Grady spok* of the governor's! services as * member of the Senatej and l.eutenaat governor. Thel jjift, was -accepted on behalf of the state by Lieutenant Governor Brace.

The portrait ^11 be hung in |the office of *he lieutenant governor,

- I'

i*J> ^^«"-JSX"S'^i S ^ r f <*~£,VS, r 2 *!*'• - ¥Rf€E^W©!€EfffS f .- ~^rzrA

* ' i


Lai •Making a-n- appropriation for" Re­

building the dam' across the Great £>bazy rJVer at Cbazy ^Ijake, lihe sum of $10,WO Js appropriated. Assembly ^comfelttee."" ,

AmewMng the town law, relative to appeals, from „ l?own boards ^o boi'ds of. «upervfsors. In Senate committee, k , i

Amending the f oreet.Ush and gafete law, relative to^the salaries of in­spectors <-• Before govemw,

Authorizdng the comptroller to hear "and determine the applicatijn or,Martin V . . B . Turner tor the can­cellation of the tax sale of 1890. Be­fore governor. „

Amending the tax law, relative ito sales for non-payment of taxes Clinton county. Law.

legalising inf certain respects the action of certain officers Of the coun­ty -of Clinton and town of Altoha i»r latlve-to the leyy of taxes. Before governor.

Providing for the taxation for trait of Governor Biggins wasj schoo^ purposes of the lands owned

It was presented to the state by *etoa-tors who have served 10 yeawk or more, including Sen*jbor* Brines, Brackett. Malby, Grady, KcCarten Foley, White, JMartlja, Davis und nm-

!cox. , ' s j The following are the bills Iwtro-I duced _fev_jh^Segtsators ,tofjCllnfon^ jand Essex eountles: f Senator JPrhne—^ir^-ark Bistrjjet

Senator Spencer- G. Prime of Up per Jay/Is -chwirmati of 4he"commit* 'tee on revision and a member of jhe commlttjees on finance andi banks.

IN irm--:i^wiE- v&m®* THE RtAL TC

Every ^Lcmgh a M(arlpd

is than a

Of Hei»lrf«e In l a Cttrlag It a TlMW-««ck Trfal.

There U o fly one test by which I to Juage ot-Jhe elnclencyj of a*y article i n a that is ^y its ability tb do t iat which ttl is intendea to do. Many lair vigors Ttiay look iilce anaj amen n ee, but the ipolnt is -do they eradicate. Djwi-flrulf and stop falling hair?

No, they do not, but Herprclde dees, because la goes to the root of the <»\H and 1UH?j the germ that', attacks the papilla from whence the hair gets Its life. |

Letters from prominent people every-' -where-are &*HY proving that Newbio's

Hecplclde atanas ~the "test of use" j It Is a| delisrhtful dresslns. clear, -p'xre

HCe. Und frejf from oil or grcsse, , Sold M'JemaltaK drug«!gts_ &MI IQc, ;4n

«taTtip*^br WSapV*- to.'Wifp flpirptcffle' < -P. ! > * i » » « i * . ' K r t / i f S , • • . • • • • • ' • , i . ...;• X

P.rices Orch. * i . p b a n d T5c, BjaJ. 75^1). :«t50«5,;GaiL--25c. ;

Seats on $ai'e Thursday 10 a. m.



* ' •f>Spe^Ial-

Express ioniof *h» ?monih «estor»d. by hlgWy improved atsi^iclajl teeth and bridge, work. Art i s t ic fliltog-ahd

Painlees extraction of crown f5ork, teeth. _ :Y Ayatunder used for painless 4«-jtfaction. 1 Aivatone used TOT allaying sens! ilvehess for toling and crowoitog.

BR. iouis J, oom . j - • • •". 19-doBtt--Street t-iome Phone .22. Formerly lustruetot

1 College f>1 Veatistiy, -qjudsoo* Biver Phone 6-B. " .


3X)-72:^tate S t r e e t :

Send for BooMets

• * 9 ^


- ."


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i

BEFOBJB . . . ' , • • * • • .

^ ^ ^ ^ W ; ^ > v



Cbaui^ was Made at

sfwiiifl's.. (PHIJTOGKAHH: BY %0(bDWABD.

H i s legislaitlon, which; w a s mainly o f ' 4 local nature this year, including4

these measures: > ^appropriating |3,S0O v fOrt jthe^

restocking of the Adirondacks with wild moose and beaver r Signed by the-«overttOr. * * . l

Legat ing the acts of the library; election of Rouses Point* TVTth the governor. t .

^Authorising the state 'comj>troiler JH|^|H|fJL to; hear the petition of -John Brown for the eaneellatlon ,of « tax^- sale. Z -.<*

Eatablishiitg a steam ferry1 across Lake Champlain to ' Addison Junc-tipn; t pent jto the governor. 14

Providing»for the cancellation''bit a state tax sale of property ownel by Charles L . Weekjs, •grfVernor..





' ..mending-, the tax law,' relative t o tax-atlon, of ^ t e ^n4» 4tt.>im» |£f Dahnemora and Altona, Clinton Co.



by the state and situated within th» boundaries of Umon i^ree school No. 1, of the town of Dannemora, Clitt-'ton county. In'Senate Committee. Essex Connty-—Assemblyman. Hooper

Abolishing electiofT -dflstrict Kd. 2 jot ikhe town of Sschroon, Essex conn--jty, and annexing the territory there->t to election district No. 1 ot such own. "In Assembly committee. , Amending the election law relative

JO the abolition, or consolidation of election districts in town. X*w. i Authorising tbJe ^comptroller to hear and determine the application^ At Charles *L. Weeks for ean<»ll«A itHs place again early today.hut were Cion *f 4h* tax sale malfi_Jby the, comptroller 4n *1900. In Senate committee. , Establtehlng a, ferry from and to Gunnison's landing dn the town of ^ o w n Point, Essex county, across Jpgfce Champlain, Law.

Amending the forest, fish and game 'law' relative to Mongolian ringnecked And English pheasants. In. Assembly committee.

Amending the domestic commerce law relative to the duty of hotel-keepers to'provide fire escapes. In Aspembly committee.

JO!££3s^_w4BLjn^^ than, hekeloforeV" \ No arrests~\have been* made and no further trouble as look­ed for.


•Former College Professor Sentenced t o "Ten Years in the" Penitentiary.

I Kansas City, M o . , May S.—^ Michael Angelo McGmnls, Q. former, iCOllege professoT, and author4" of a standard work on mathematics, was convicted of forgery in t h e Criminal

Qlirt here yesterday, a&d\ sentenced y iO. years. In £bx>. penifceniairy. -SScM!

In^is. and ?t.''-r^onfederate forged;-a; leed fo-«^aty";,lot and Sold the prdp-btytorf^CttK'- %'• ' !

^ l l e pjutiaisliing % newspaper in teuton eiounty,, Itossourl, McGmnas.

-Was *ent to; the penitenPa'ry for. mis^; ise- -Of' t h e emails. I n . *he p|eniten-|tary ;he: ;*r^t6. the book * h i # made eim ianaoia^: • wi=tb jnaith«inajticians inro^Hout jthCworld. He catHed; It' Allg^ra,Vthe "GniTersal'Solutapa «or

ulneiicali: and ' Uteral Eauaiticms." jfter-'bXsirelease ' f rom pr-isop. the odit WW published simulftanfeously

an' A^merJca'-'rand England. ' RING JBl&WARp AX.I4 BIGHT.

Rnmor - Of. BHs Assasination [ W a s .."•"•.':,•*' : :Ealse. .^' ',,,-',

l/ondon,;'Eng^ May '3,—An ftlarm^ ing i sraimdr gained currency . this morning fmi TPng Edward had been ass4^in«ted: at i iPattts where' ;heis sf:oppSng on bjts re turn from Athens. 1fhe; sfnsa%ion: caused by the. rumor djid n o t subside until official infor-niatiion "wajfi given o u t from Buclking-

,m Pala.ce that the rumor Was ut-rly falsa and that King Edward

•mas expected t o return- Saturday.

i , • '—, ^ . = - S - - * I Night and >ay Bank Closed. j New Y o r k May 3 . -^Desp i te the

best1 of intepMons, the. Night and; Day Bank had id c lose its dooiss last eyen-n i g j u s t after 8 o^clock. Then the easi-ier c a l l e d . i n an elictrioian and directed W m . t o get t6 work and find ouit Just'wherre t h e . short circuit .was t l 'at ieaused 'sallithe l ights t o go ;oi|t. T:ie : p lunge inito darkness was what c$.u^ed*-"in6. cessation of business .

t^fifooof feood? Bad blood to good ble

^ r t b i . * P P ^ w A ^ . S| dtnftbinc &e mm f*M

Good Mood^locd.Aeilthj. Ittfe| blood,bid health; thereyoaluivi ft. IPh-f hot help lnwre futt 1 little and change the b»d to "

peer blood to rich blood! Ask -four psrillt, and how it you! CottM j

{,»• »«*»U ! ,W» BBbi'

•*r > . c t ; i i tt. - imoi

F i g h t t o B e Carried IntdVpenMsyi-i

vania f olltics-^All Quiet a t -

ft oiint Carrael. * * >

Scranton, Fa. , May 3^—Surcharg-%i4*ed by theJed. with the teejlng'thit a strike will

" - b e ^ h e o n i y - i aean« by WhR*. their-de>T minds upon the a&thraeite'operatora,1) can be real sed, t h e 6 3 0 delegates , fe^resemtinf districts one, Keren and? ntfte of t h e union "mine workers-, covering the bard coal fields Of Penn-, 4yIvanA, *MembHed ih,NJod^nt conven­tion in "the bounty Court House to-. day, their i attonai1 president,. 'John Mitchell, pr •rsiding.'; Against" tteis feeling thert will he but One cpni trol^ng •elemjent and -that will he The counsel that _ willr come from John. Mitchell, lor maay qf them, jertiaps the majoritjf, have been dnsrferueted by their locals to he guided by Mm.

Here in the metropolis of the anr-thracite region, ibhe people are about reconciled to the fact that the con­vention^ will declare a strike.

,When the convention assembled at 10:05 o'cloc?: the court'house was crowded, the general public being ad-<-mitted at t i e opening session. On the oall for S ominattons for presiding' officer, Pires^aent Mitchell was tinaji-imously choi en.

The situa- ion is 'not so uncertain as i t seems, ajccording 4;o a member of the scale pdmmittee, who said this morning;

"The delegates will,- after a fuU consideration of all that has been done, vote [to go on strike. The operators in their desire for a fight hare conceded nothing. They in­sist that we back down or fight. As men we wajnit <to fight, and to the end."

Tne present fight of the miners for better -conditions Is to be carried into politics. Mitchell have given has sanction to the plan whereby in­fluential union leaders will become candidates for representative and senator In tme «tafce legislature

Mownt Curmel Snbdped. Mount Oafmel, Pa~, May 3 .—Cap

tain Page's state troopers entered

•wing Is a'ref>ort thai we are dolno; the be5t lauiidry work that hag ever been done In

O f tHL*

1 r *

SEEDS—I offer seeds of SUPERIOR quality at mjoney-saving price—order now. Canala Cluster Oats, yield over 80 bus iels~j?er acre, *1.25 bu., Timothy $2.»0, Clover |9.00, Alsike ?8.50, Alfala 19.5-0, Pure,Red Top 8c. .per lb., Orchard Grass $1.85, 2 or 6-rowed Barley $1.00, Beardless Barley, $1.00, Iowa Gold Mine Corn, best Ensilagi sort |1."25, Learning or Pride of Ntrth Corn $1.00, Spring Rye $1,40, 'Spring Wheat $1.50, £peltz $1.00, Field Corn, Yellow or White $1.25, Stowell's Evergreen Corn $2.0«, Field Peas, $1.50, Mangle Beet 20., Bags. 18c, Grit «0c, Shell 50c, Beef Scraps $2.25, Chick Pood $3.25, Calf Weaners 30c, Cow weaners 50c, Corn Plant-erVs $1 .50 , Crank Seed Sowers $1 .50 , Stock IrftbeH $4.50 per 100, Sheep

dQip; € 0 c / pe:' rpkt.j Incubators $&$$, iBrooders • :i;5;oo, , lEfaW^ Potatoes". %i3& '• j fe; eiything 'lor. the fatM, garden, ..apa lawn:. Catalogue free. E^talbllshedMhearly :*40 years. J. H Ebeling, ai1; Warren St., Syracuse, jN". r . ;wiiplefaie:.and 1 Retail Dealers and importejr of Seedi. Refejr to any banfejie^

Presidio Hospital ajhreatened; jS^d '^nMsco^ i f ay' ^^TPhftj-I'aunr

day^in the1 *ear o f the^eneralfeaiOspi-tal. a,t, the> Presidio was ftotaliy.; de^ strbyedc b y fire" this morning- The hospital containing a thousand or mpre patients* narrowly ^scaped.

Astor-SIiAW Nuptials , London, Bfag.», May 3.—Waldorf

Astor and Nannie Langhorn Shaw were married a t AH Sduls chU'-A to'day. N ~ *J -




The carp-rater is jont again with his h a m m e r He's a knocker that counts. ]



Xo Reason "Why Any Plattsburgh* Resident Should Suffer Any '

Longer. . Many ob%rvant Plattsburgh people

who have lieen- reading from t ime to t i m e 1 of - t h e remarkaible '.cures made by Pe psikpla tablets 'have won* dered-' i f It. really i s t rue that this remedy w411 cure stomach trouble a n d .iniaigfes tion. A •. .' Howevein, the truth of this states ment caa- <!a9dly be-verified. Drop ^nto the sto-e.'any.time you are pass-ing*andi we wiM be pleased t o give yo#the"nam3s of a riumber of prom­inent people i n town who can truth­fully tell of the benefits derived from tjae use..of these tablets.

i f .you'art trouWed with spur stom-adh,/heiartl«urai, .palipdiiatiion, wind bielching, f i l l n e s s "or dlsiteess after eating, or-any other,, of the symtoms of dyspepsia., you o ^ e it .to yourself to give this presctription for indiges-.tmn'4nd sfecmach trouble .a ten days' Malymna £i ^fter us lmgone 2.5 cent bijx.jjou- c a i honest lytsay you have not received the ; benefits hoped for Dj. K.. Gilbkrt. wi|l • pay ; back your money wiraiout t h e leausi.hesitation.

^Pf^yitunjfyt family washing, wet. ^ s l i ^ K ^ l l i diy, Al5o #11 Ittrtds of dye-4iif *nd cleaning promptly a t tended t o .

. - 1 0 +


H . U . t » h o n e i 2 2 - C l «,J

Clinton 2 3 2

rite 5 l i V 1 * * V J V

A l*ive Ba^inew rfi>

^rtefivemer<StoM^k&o^) tlbat the elecrric$$&'tify ^onvhidei> Kwc<sne feci Stay.ItattradS;Iti

Ctfif less t£an wort Attractive

• 5 ^

M* «fn<> *». .* Wttlt 3ll j,f


Plattsburgh L. IL JfcJPi Co. No. ^6 Margaret Si,1.) ^ ,

Oppoiite Witherill Haioc. J

15 the - s i l e c ^ , of Its , makers. I|f this "splepdid • wjear failejii to measure: to every the mammoth''. Stetson factorifes developed: - I sn ' t that dea r ! to you?

'.Ve have the Stetson Soft,aac in.ailjthe latest stylesi,

claim made wotrttl never

head-ior fit,


D«rby Hats

Also Shoes; Shirks, Collars and Cuffs, N^ekwear,, nosier|r, Under--•"! . ' A\Ajycear, T n i n k s a n d Baa;s. .

glklTP BR^tHERP^ Repair, SStore and;fInsure F u r s aga ins t Firej M o t h s a n d Theft*

a t a! nominal cost , : 82-84 MARGARET S T R E E T


S.'L'llfflilSH, OstecjpatMe Physician

GRADUATE b f KIRKSVELLEBCHOOI. Verrom Dlw aaei ana OIMSWS of Women

' miai CMIdren a ipeclaltT-ATM •—1«—«—4—7—«.

Mnton Phon^ 8S4 tee. 4T.JB. Mar»h'«.-«PP.r xr-c—-c-«--* Oonrt 8t | Flattahnnch. K. Y.

Phones: Residence Clinton 428-A. Oftice Clint >n 384. Office Hudson Siver 108-1 •.

A Small Payment Down i .AND

ONE DOLLAR W E E K L Y . Fo'r a few weeks will insure y o u years ,• ; if you l h y e s t i n a



1 a

(We have t h e Edison also !if y a n is^ant,it.) • - . " • ' • ' . i • • • • . • - . . ' • • ' '

ALL T HE LA JEST R E C ft|^' M S,t 0 C t Conie t o Headqua r t e r s for aayt]hing i n t h e Talk;-^

; ing Machine line*!


• I

40 Margaret Street.




f- *