IS mi -...

w^"''iWfllH'^*^WWPwllffi'WWN( / dHmtmj&*'\r,~ :<*w?" ^PPS^jw^ffeSi^ lit-. •'-' OVMTHETOr '•„•'.: urttti *••:" UNITED STATES WAR BONDS-STAMPS ^ ^ j ^ i s ^ ^ ^ 10% OF INCOME IN WAR BOKDS '•*• •' ''••IS FIFTY-EIGHTH YEAR ALTAMONT, N. Y, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1942 <12PA£ES} NUMBER 48. lining? pf Befeptafye $ e ^ i c e A't:,,a;-"aie:et/ing' /last /Week -in' 'Albany] of draft//board /mejri'be'rs. frbiii:. '13 countfess; BrigadieiV; .'Genbral: Ame, s TV Biowii," .^ta/te'-, •dite'etpr' ,'of' •:Selective; Sei vice; gave '.pi'.dejf-sV'foi; the registra- tion of th^ thojisaiid^ . o£ young .rileii in tjhis;' area, between" 18' and,' 20 years ot 4gfeaV'Tilbsiday;:.|unft : Jp: / . A. .tight; ening-pt^S.eieotiw^SeKvioei'egUlatipns. is lmmineiit as' 'the- .ATmy ; ' : 's,''s piogra.hi. to, jncreaEi4:Jitsj''S!tee to., an evonibu^i:j};opo.$qo^&£h;-:'••'•.;.'•-•: : ••-"•.;; The- •rfiffch;.rfegj"s#at|pn;,>'yv.i.ll:.; inci : ud„e. men : bpjn ; i}ii:-of/;afiel\,ian. 'i,1i922 and.' en op::.ifre'f9'i;s! : ':J'U'n'e ; ' r 1024.:: General; Biowii. !estrmated!'^th:at in -New York state/,,ab%t.':'2?^ years' :old," Avili' regisieil'.-frith another 70,-OOp included .in. toe -W : ito- 2>V2 y e a r . age group. -.'•-. •-•-•' .'• ., • : '' According to the general, 'a major" poi tipn of the registrants :\vlll not be ; : eligible for. military-.service but will be 'inducted' a'®'.soon".as.''fcli'py- reach •the ir-/',. 2Oth.• bfiirbhdaiy.': -;' • ' 'College'' stii?' dentst'.-aiVe. .warnejl.'. not"tp.;,e*i)eqt : de-j teimerit' .simpiy;:ibecaiisie they' are.'stu-j dents'. General' Biwji ; "said-/ "College and; university •students- in; training for necessary- occupation's had better go to--summer 'school-'.or-go'! to-work'. in ^dmeV-'.War..•.i.ndus'try.''this:' surhiner,' PI they; ma'y ; . ; be indiu'cte.dv'' .... •':' He. added that Students jiotVpirepat' ing for essential, pccupatiipiis 1 are /npt eligible for de'fei'merii refartfless' pf what 'they J dp/' duMoig .the" •. 'summer; that selective "sSry'ice' regulations' per-, mit Sefetiaeiict'^bjB^tyjB'tt phily ^hen; the re;grstrailt^^ is^|c[Uh'd •:to ; te';a."''aeces-! s<ii y , tiaaii" in ''Wai&jiig' and/ pj-epjara-' tion'\;foi"any.;4ii(|usitry, ip'uSiil^ss*, orp pleytient,' agriculittiiat pinmiit,. go verp; j menial';MrVi'ca]oV/ib^(Bir.^cvliBe jbr enr 1 deavpr, khe'-'mairiteflance. of. which- is netessary/.to^thb;.^ ; : Ex^iajning'tiie .fe^uifement that a student; must- .cpiii^leite^t^o',,years' of college wbi'k ibefor-e -being; iBPhgid'ered; for defermeat*. '.thf.Sejecti^f-Sevnce;] ducctof• said';"th1| JdidVpJoi;:#$y.:' to a•! coursei' that 'r%iuiT,es-;,a;jpacRg^vih^- ol at least two-years, of cpllfege 1 $cademie : the'situQent to* lt)^a:..'.'Hfi^jpf if/maif •He '.gave,/as/:.-.'aT!F' : ^ enrplltetd in/mfsjlrpai; ^ol|%^' wfitf iwiil be ieensidered dtirin^ 5eS^,n-pi their jour years' as;' medi ! car;.kt€d'eiits' : i'Pr deter- ment-, -providing their scholastic record pointsi - tb--prdbaibi,evgMaUktiq'n. . - jleaieral iBrb'wnk •watihing'.itp {stu- dents ivas• aiimedrat thpjsfe who:are not -continuift.g .'th^ii;'•.s'tuiaW.H! :#uring the stiminler 'oi: are' ipt' war] effort:-' '• • -~-'- : . ...... " ; '•'?':...'. '. ..,.- The -me/eting. -ini .Aifd^.y. included draft board 1 ..ojfficjil^;-Jrpfli-. rGlihtpn-j. C61umi]t)ia, ^ssex;;. ;M'a4Mrii-,' .Gre&he h Hainiltph, Eem'Ss.eiae#i,;.iS^i;apt6ga, S.che- . hebtady, Schoharie; ^#;:j'0n and #ash-: ' in'gtpii'.Couhitfes-.''' \ V-.••• '; ' '•"-• .. -r^-^ Buy vyat;.'saylna ! i.;pp|ia&''—^ .•; : lBKSi^' . -' The ^VQ'TO' held' ,,itS. iip' 'mlssi&n and. relief 'meelingla't^trie'-iipp^.e. of Mrs. iitiAnna Wilsoiv at Guilffei'laridV'Tiie's- day,' ffiine 10. .'The ropim WSs dcborat- ed. Vith'.-;flqwel•sf^ ! Vp ) fitte^t ; tohg• ] '''wA^e, , s'ometh'i-fi^.' ''.'bright'' ;aiiy u ''-,':'s6methXiig sweet".- "':,•'" •'';..' '''•• '•;*•*''".' ; '' \.'-l'."y '. Ail ihterest-in'g boiiquet. was iblooiris f rpth'-ttte 1 /Frances ..•^'•^'v^ii-l§,r-d' : ''P"^pii'y- which wasrpiahtetl ih-jPi's; .Adit Myu- dei'se.flower gkrde'h:'and; cared;for by; ,'h'er. Bame^, ^tliel": f e a t ^ TQ/^res^ht; Stamp! Expires Sum Hbto<w' Iipjcai Mieii l a U; S Arinefl;; i'bijefes 30; N6W Ones Crd^^into.Use Juljr 1st' ! ) . I Se£0nd ^iMjesi^f o ifollbran •-.,' ^Aiyt 'M0^00o^r.Class "'. ,' Wins Kanner .".' -Keehi -.jlititoh;- fp^jtwg. pn -the sii.b- j.ecC ''Amei^cani^rj^flen', and Ruth •Ros'S) with; the."'V'tittEit!'-;'.''The' \^h'ite 'HanBs. 1 of- . ^ e l h a ^ - ^ ^ p n - ' . the 'i!lr&r •praises- liiu', i'fi'e<.''pr#|#flhWl-. speakipg. cpntest; p't. t : he;;^;^i^pnt.'''High. school- held .ih the iyfaipht& ? l}al|..;here Fi'iduy night/:. •.'..- :.-?>v;: 3 tJS:Ki';'" .''.' '-..''.•'.' .;,. Second; •''W^4'fep3.d^yai ; d.. Hpll- •oraa,' 'Whose ; 'tppic:^%|[% "New Ladtes."- CM-bS' 'To..- .Be iGppqtteraj'*, ..and '.Ruth Eigi4- -'"vv-hpse- .;s:ufe'iec;fc-'.!%«as.-. : ";Yeli'p'W 'Butterflies;''';-•:\-: : .V^V7: ( ;*'. .-•".'•'•'•" '". , Wihiiiers'p.f; , fif.^.-Br|z?s^w0r award- ed' $10 : ea'Gri;::A'nd«..^^6'fld;..prize .wjri- ners 're.cei'ved,.;$5' eafiBv^l^Names pf .the winner^ are' •tbivtbltiife.bji'Bpd.-.oii a cup. to irept'- at;:&i r ;,.^hop'I." A. -'barmer .Was aw,a.rdejd/Ttti'4l^rf^W'pf. class. which. : wpn;- jno&t ; j>o.i'iH.s;f;iii;>#l^jeiri'ehts.. ' ;' Jfudges'! were"' ,-iffi^fi?gS.. pearleye ol jiilisdale;,:i^Efes;' .ff#;gq?it'ivilerli'hy of Tr.oy.,.'anid -.Misa ; ->u)e^ ;jfecbyy, of R'os- selvi.H'e;..'' 'Chief, r d^re^toi?.. .-^as . Mrs. .Herman 'Ka^s^.;::-:^?'.;^••;•='''.>• "'. ; '.' (^.piarttittees'.' %ere':'f Ofepmpibkg,..Mis. •Helje.hi-.y'Srpiinset^&fiflM^ Pafig^urni,;.Mi^.#ifr^.n;S^^ ;•. stage, Miss Eiii.ab,eth:'.jSw^l%i;^Wt&r. -Miller, .rienTy-Q'tsjiiiii. and*.a^^yd: : <3:aige,". '{Buy; ^ar/S^iWJjspBoiids C/ilwiiM* 'Cereihpniesv bono ring, Altamont^ men ^v. Sow serving, m,the armed forces of_ th» kiJnflent t.ft - :b'e"&^ecffr#i#ma-h;" SUnqay, June 21,, when A service flag flag l^ill be..d«d4;caitedr •' ' " •Present; piahs- call 'for a huge, par-: ade, including -all, Altampnt prganfzar ; tions,; and; a- dedicatipn" service . at the ipark,' Officiate ;annpunc.ed yesterday that., seating "will ibe arranged at the' park ifpr.all mothers sons are npw; in'the sei'-vice'. .'ot rain, | liought .their- first auto, use stamps ; th& dedication ceremonies will... take, place, in the IMagonic-Halh •.. .-••;•'. .! ^'.AH/groApS'.ipartici'pating- in the dai.' r; are. to meiet at.tlie. Altampnt.B*<tir- grpunfU' prprnptly . at ; .3 -p'cloek. . T'fie;; iliievpf march: has. been aniipu'ncedaS: fplio^rs::... Starting i'i;pm. 2:.36, a r a n d ist*. to. Main Slb,;to..;Li'jicpln, •A-v.e,,ji;p; ! W?esterii' Av.ei, .to "MiHjjfe,' Awe..,, to.:. Main. St.,. -.disbanding.. ai,...peppt- Squafe: T<he .reviewing; stand, .wlji ,i>P: situated at.KegipS-iiail,, .Maple -Awe.. Tih6.,Ali*mpnt: Band^and .massed: ccibrs 5 ,| Federal autpmobile USQ'tajc ; stStopgj ;gumaned on. the face,,. went; pn sale: „ , . . . .,„-.,,, :p,oilec.tor*s.pi:nces,an*%iei«i|ederaj:;BiHi^ 'iiig;' Al|bahy,:.and all Capital District"—"' --"-•• rpostpfhoesi- . ' : ' ' •No .car . owner .wiio. Iack3. the $5 Federal stamp on orafter July 1 will be given a gasoline ration -card;' . . '•• Iafarmatiph caa'ds whteh purchasers filled cut' •;- iii February when . they hay.e 'been discpntinued. : The-new stamp, ."i;t."was. said."..'will have- spaces' i prortded... on 1 .the; back for'entry.of' thp.'j make,, modelf. serial, number, and. lir [.•'.cerise,-number;. ..The serial humber.on ;th;e',|ac'e (tf .'the."..stamp" wiJI- provide ievi^enc'e- of tax 'paym.^iit.. ',,•'', '-.'•',. ."; {diricial's suggest ,th'a't..i:li .affixing .the. stamprto' .{he ip.w'er'.rig'ht.-cprnQr'p.f the 'AYiiids.hield,. to. moisten the glass, .in- '•'stfiftdy'pt'jie.'st'ainip. . . . ^as.olinp station., atteudaiti.s. have ;been. watped 1 'to check carefully,;.the- the' r lJeglbh; ahd'Fire- £)epartmenit,: ; . w iH. s^riail the. stamp'which ap.- assemble at" the- park. - Th©." parade « ea V3 on its .?ace and thegtamp serial will halt *>n. Mlaple AVe', ,withi-.guesfe. «U'Wber^aiatedj.inctli^ ga^^he vation .:taking.their, positions on the review-. * oc,te ; ^^ e "&*• .*»? W™^ do ing "uuid: AiAltamoht homes along. ^•|f. attertants will«pt be:.R ? rmitted the' W.dE-mafphareVas^ , v . ... . '. . , . . . , , ,.• :\J.^..i i.MU_ - I T ^ - Buy War Savinas Bonds -?^- ...' T5he: 'Aitfeiif •ffEdicgf^'CJhristiari., _En-' deaybr '.tjn-ion. 'mg4ffpi^'pn .'Juiie 8 in •HippeJ VBagtlst -..dhur;^p"^ibk.ny,"' elected the:' iEQlipiif'(^i'cfe|Fffri#' the coming. year:.:. •'; ( .;"' '.•• ^\:\<f?-/. •. ;..•, '. ". '.. Pr^s'iden't,,..;;lujj:a^,.Albert,' Ai- '; : bany; ;.firs>t ••. "^g^pyegta^jif,'-.^'kaTgre'tta. Richard«pn r ';ip'baflfc^isVcpnd vioe-presi- (lent, I|a^||t."^^;;:MFree^tville;i. third ylb.e^^s"i^e^1tp',ia^pii'ie-,' ' Quay, .| Feiira. ; .Bushs; ',;^|^ i -^i^-jir&IJi'Kn^ DorP.thy;' 6iw;tl s',. ' ; A|S^,^5 ^ti-t'i'.^'i.ce- pf esid'e'at r -. •!j^ft'-:'i!^Ii^H i . ? -wfiftz'egkill; [cprr;e.s.|iehdin:gvs^re,^Mi:?M^ '• S:cttehl0c&d^ : ; : ; ' : ,':;fecpj'Sli^.-; j.^cre'taryj- yM'ary,-'; Eii-zabe'th:'. fvilitic&pTS;,, V/Aibany:;/ ''trea- i stre.t,;'©iSr4hc^'^W^S<^»^^ e'xe'cji'tiye. ;' : c:di|nSeUo^if^^iteit..We^ Msiiii. ":j*^r^S;aiiiaR'i:|i|y?;; -cb^a^ejlpr,' -""•"• "- 1 - ;'iCenl«fc;-| •CheslteR •Wing,, "ifew- .Salem.' • . . ' . ' ' '.,.-' '.'' 3i4ppi''ts : :p;r!r^is.ti-atiQn. .for Jtiie 51st arinual"iNiew; Ypriv--state.-Qlir'isti'an. En-. deavpr'convention to :b6. field in Buf- fald; .June 2-5. -Ho. 2-8',.indicated.-that >the Albany ©.hipri' had -ohtaiiied 57 pf an 80 registraitiPh-.quPta,' wiiih, .phe' society, at the '-House' -of FriendsWpl. Albany, iekdiii.g' the-•'•IocM uriion/ib." ippi-centage of '(iiidik '.attained..:. - T.heiJsogifety pf t h e feiiildeiiland ".Federated'.'church held second' 'place. ' /.- '""•• - . A- Suinday' , 'e'veiii'ri'g •'s'upper-me'etjng is Fbei'ng' Bianne'd' 'fpr the. 16%'.of August. :by' k;conimittee inclu'ding'STr.s.'Charles RicihliidsQr4'''Aiiss- Julia Albert aii'd -An- 'dre"\fr'"&; .A^'e'eier, Ait ',*&•" meeting alL':"'.the'''.societies of'the,iV-'Uiiiion -will' meet on the Vafe r ri or pn^. of the rural churches and "hold an open ,«ir mee't- ihg ."dphductedi ©ntirely; 'by 'ycun'-g people'.",-;' •.••'... . ','"'. V' : ';-' ...'.—^-'. Buy .War Savtrigs'yBphds"'-^—. the.American-flag.- .-.:. ,'•'.••..•- -, • • '• ••: r Ph<j paradfe."witi compjlse kiese ,dl-: visions': •-,.,. .•' . ; .... "• i ' First—Gpand inarsha'l-,",John- Walker;. Adp. Gen. Ames- -T..Brown, Mayor Fi'ed- ,] e#c]k., -M-•• Keenhplts, . ^Cpunty Legion as ' Commander John. J. Bergiin; William Hall Starting T'lie'sday nighti June 16,'ahd'. ' The ajihiial meeting; »b,£; 'the : spciety. will'''be- : held in the• Refpimed: .church! at 'Guilde'rlarid iCentei''. on: Tuesday' Juiie-30. .-'•'." : - . ..':-•?. '•:'.; '. : _ .*.-:| A •fliag: lunebe.on witi ;bfe served at- the nppii hour,.which;wjli:Sbe a covered dish lmibhedii-as usiiaii Vdpmniittee is Mrs. Anna iL-awton and Mrs.. Aghe:s Van' : i5c}t^.•. " •:" i ; - ";.'. .'•'; .- •.••'.-':.••, .' . - It'w;'as voted to send'.a-.cbntributipH of $5.00 tq:.assist' Okptain.,James A;.W,.^ihvlris'.s'^^ wpi'k .pf Staking' alcbhpl. educatipn . tb.' men in service.catnps. 'by,;mea4s of his Kjity.:Band; ..Aih'erican.-...Xiegipn a'hd Aux'iliaiae.S', Afm;y jeeps, from: various areatimiiitary"Posts, -Americah-liegipn I's'' ' Cbiiiing' pict' anhpunced for the Tuesday iiigh't 'shows ' arc: 'Ju'n,§, i6 tamibuiafVcei Red:. Cross'-. aniiUblance a 'a'cce/ssbfles. ••••'• •<Se*cen4MMarshali -, Harry • Lewis ; ;rf$5eri.M'dyiJun'e |s,,' r Shadow,q£ the Thin Man," with Wfni.anT Pp*ell and Myrha 'iv'py; .Tuiie' 30, "Two;-' Faced ".-..- ...;T ' L i v T-,. !..«„•.. »H» ,-JvjyruH uuy , u s e au, uwo- uaceu (iliief Altarnont Fire Department; AU.a- ,^' . , ;,'..,.;,_ A ' ri ,JL?-„z5- mbnt Band,' Altampnt Firq Deipartment i:Ah#' 'invited-''.ebbipanies;' '• first' 'aid-. -Squad'SC •' " ; - ; .' .. ' .Third—iMarsihal', ' Cii.arles Rickardi' chief vWlage : air.' raid warden.; Alta- mpn't High 'school, band, air raid' Svar-; .dens,.: Masbhic Lodge, Easte-rh.. Stav, ''Sa•fety'^h'pbl.''6te"•lWhe'&ig;»•• •-•' V^-~-"\-i2Z~rr---r..-, -'.-;,,. ., .^ .. The.%-aire^ is-eqiiippeu'^ith. a l l i ^ ? 1 ^ 6 ^ e ' - , ^ ^ atl0I J' ...-?T needtula*.pai-*tus.'•'•'" ••"'•- •' l.B'ur.eau, Altaniont High .SC^IPPI ste and I ".f' he , Qhbcolate "Sjpifti'e.t,"' star'uiig.La.^ress of-the £V'ening."ur§ that'the ..-, :. •|^ hr y-.^ an*-tli6."itiemlSeV*-i'*S' , t9ifi cliurcli. be-not like tot's >affc :jpoMng back : ward. He excoriated thp|e.;who Pb- sprv-e the form of religion-^-ith'put liv- ing '-it. He - blamed'".muiili... pf, .the present world coufliict; vti '.the. spirit pf "-nprmalcy" which followed the' last iiWo'ria'War, Vhich normalcy, he" said, S;.meaht.'.u looking : . i-A- Buy War savings-tebrjds Mel'vyu Douglas:.. July 7,' ''Design .for l.'Scandal," starring . Resivlihd Russell: Land 'Waller 'Pidgepn; July 14, "Kath- Meehi" witli'ShirleyTemple:- -. ' .•-• There will jbe t\vd. Bhpw-s, bile at 7, : an,d one- at- 9. -Admission wiij be 33 .cents,, tax in eluded i for., adult's; 22 .cents, tax.included,.ior .children. 'War saying's'stanips wiij ^e.giveii dents .and'faculty, all ptheb citizens^ away at th.eyTiWsd'ay.'ngi'ht shPws. '•' The^ pr.Qigram4'aS(ip.ndUcted~by Mrs-. !^ e "-~ •"-- -•-•--•• , - - . - . v .... •Fi'arices febcb, assiitetl;'by : -M*s, Msie an 5 J*nouft ;E roups dtesinng to maixh •Viah'Vo^staftaMrs/AdW'Mynuerseofi' ^ourthf-Mai-shal, Jo'hn Cole, ;cluur:- Altamont; - ; ' " ' ••"-'• puan 'lbPal.'Boy Scput Trbpp cemmitr Several participated in making the'^ee; BpyvScpUts, Troop 56, Delmari' meetifflgvavery' .' ;, iloc^.Bpy and Girl Scput Irppp.s, and (Flowers -wei'o sent put; to soine mem- Buy War ,'SaVinqs Bp,nd*s: bei's ill pr shut iu^CpiftVibUted. .——• Buy War. Savings Botids the Bt'eWhies. -~-. Buy Wah SaYirifls. Bonds -^~ .„ , Ravena captured the chiapmicnBhip Tl pf the Central Hudson Valley bas^bafi /league last Thursday, by nosing Piit rBethieheiii Centraii 2-1, at Hawkiiis' Stadliirh'. Bob Galiagh0f, standout Raveha hurler, limited the Delmar nAnfe tp but two hits. Ravena could garner only, three safeties i'rom Dixspn, Bethie- heni: pitcheT. • • Jack Adams paced the, winners with ; a triple. J , 000 Oi'O P'-l- 2 4 At a mbeting^ of the tfb'bp : qpmmittee of Boy iSbout Troop 5irAi'tahibh.f; 1 held 1 Tuesday night, membeiis* decided to ppStpohfe the solicitation' t'0r funds Wu'oughbut the village.'at this time., iPostpoiiemeht is tnade' bwihg to vari- pds pther clrfees being niade hbi'e lipw iby other organizations^'. The Tfi'oap piaiis tp hold a fqod sale and solicitation intlSe early fait so as.BWhlehetn not to conflict With cuiu'etat campaigns. !Ravpha .,... TOP 000 1-^2 3 a, it is hoped that the peppie of the Dixon and 'Rayniondi Gallagher ahd : village appreciate thq neei&.o'f a Boy.Shadei', Scout organization l),l\A Will support | - 1 —- Buy War Savings Bonds -rr—• the I'bod sale anil fund.di'ive" 16 the Siibscribe tb the Enterprise—?2,0P: i;uile§t extent. , , pei* year. For Rubber 'Gbltectibnt A twbAveeic nation-wide' bampaigu to colledt'ail scrap rubber has been proposed' 'by-President RboseVelt. .'Cailing, fof an enthttsiastiC '.attempt' .by. hbusehpiders, factpVy and Shop-: keepers to round up old tires, boots, galoshes,, garden hose, etc., the Presi. jdent hinted that if the outpouring is as tremendous. as some authorities ;predict it wiji >be, natibii : wide gasoline ; fatipning may not 'he necessary to aile-: ; viate the rubber shortage. —^ L ,yV4r i Sayings Bonds -— Friday evening, June 12, .at 8 o'clock in the Reformed: church at Knox Oj'pha K Gage will present the i'purth in a of piano recitals for this sea- son. Appearing in this recital will be Beryl Miac&iillen, piano, assisted by toer sister, ILeah Jeani iplaying the baritone horn. the' recital will be open to the public. rs F5- Of »•• . 'Special'.• tribute was''',:pai'd. "Sunday bight to the three hundjrfid years of the.'-i?irst church in' the i'36.fch, regular - sBssion, of' fch^' General Synpd "M "tire .Reformed.,•Church' in Arhericav-:. w-hen ' the . Rev.,.: l)r.'. Robert Wycoff Searie, 'secretary, of the ' Ne^v Ydrk^Biederatipn of. Ohurc^-es, spoke pii "Remember Lot's Wifie^ . ', '.. Th.e.., session also was; .flovPted to epininiis'sioninig mi'ssipnav^s-; -fer , ser- ;'-in ; . Eehtncky. ..'. .•..' •."' . ' 'Doctor. ..Searle, gtyingt'tli'e.historial l.K. William- K. Sanford.'Alb^any attorney. president or the Juftibi-';-qhambev of j Com"mei-ce and chairman , of the Al- bany County Navy Relief Society's campaign, ieft WedneS#y;.-f.or MSama. where he will undergO'training in the ground forces of the- Artay Aiir Forces. ". : : ' Buy VJPir SavinflS/BondS ^ Subscribe to the .Ehtetp'rise-^^jOO per year. ' .. ','• Saturday Is Proclaimed State "MacArthur Day" 'wiji-be observ- ed Saturday in N?W;York state, Governor Lehman ha« proclaimed. v t h e .Governor declare*'. MacArth- Ur's name ''fired the imagination, aroused sluggish /patriotism and strengthened confidence in our Army and Navy." ' , . &r On Iu0s. and Thurs. . The sugar.ratipning board for. a).- J loting /sugar. ..fpr canning- purposes 'W\h'^fipi['t^i;h'--T'V«^A}f ; -it<d:^}\urs- day during. June from 3 tp. 5 o^clpck .at the: Altamont High school,; ,'- . During July arid August, the b$ard Will meet.ThuiSdays,; frdnj 3 .j to 5, and.'du'rin.g: : the .same, hp.iirs on -Twebday: and Thit'rsdays iii Sepr, tetnijer 'and Octpber;: •:;. •,-., ..'Among, questions which appli.-- c'arjjEs rtiiist'answer are: Number of -quarts 6f; fruit', canned.. lasV y<iar; number, of. quarts, of .fruit no.vy on..' hand; . number of quarts, expected, tp'^nned'-.dii.ring thi.s period. . On' the , local, board;. are'-, Mrs. Luth.erSe.c5r, chairman; Mrs.: Net-' . tieoZimmermah, 'fyifcs. Anita Hiltohi; JMVs. 'William.•yyands, : Mrs..•Edmtyhd. Lape,. Mrsj.'Stuart .-.RomboOgh, and : : Mrs. F.rpderick-'U.hfc .. -•'•••.-••, mi m III ,ect Gpst Federal; G-pveranient Dollars; Gave, Ernploynient; To. 'Tfe.QU.s^nds|- : '-ii^]tt^lil- ': •• • •;.;'•• Work Boom T o : T M s ^ X, / v -': TpBe Presented IiiH^lderberg '^Refp'^ed^'&h]D^c^'''.T6n%nt:..> At 8 O'clock ;• -Ralegh, y,. Moffett of Altampnt .will ^preseh/t .his pTip' a'piano .-recital in the Helderberg. Reformed' bhtfrch at Guilderlend- •Center...tonight. (Friday) at 8 o'clock. ... •'•": ;-•' .;., Mir. Mpffett has announced the pro- gram .as fPllows'; •' ••.•,.' "... M.arche Militaire,. Schubert, Berndce .'•Gray 'and -June Pendcrf; - Starlight Waltz, Brainardi Evelyn Lois. Sharp; Minuet, .Mozart,-- Doris E-- Stehlegel y - MPrning Pra,yer;. Streabbbg, Igeriborg S-. - Bapth-; Indian • ' Dincej Mc-tntyre,- Howard' W. Bor'dejtt; Playful. Kitten*; Lawspn-, Emma Hand-ville and Patricia- .'Pendprf; - The:' ,S*a.liP>v", : Burgni.uller." Marilyn J.' Bennett; 'Serenade:,:. Schu-' pert, Marilyn - C.' kbti : ; " Amai^llis,. ^Kjing, .Mary-. Jane Kajy .and "Shirley Hiamibohd:,; •• Rem^niber.. Peail Harbor,. iSayev- Edttb '• -M." Relyea; Patriptie •p&m,, ^a^bani/Keitnetfc-Ht Ciik^maji:;. "Jeliar'cii';< pf ". : t£e'' JBoyr- Scbu.tsi'"'- : ferant- 'S;chaeier/>Gerii'd' and :Rbnaid* Mraiter. The /Skaters W-altz,. > '.#aidteufei : , Alaj'he 5f. ;;;/-'Cb,nnec.tieut March, Na'ssann, Janet E. Keenhpits..,- Sehppl Cadets,.Burgmnlier,' Charles"H, Rivers: Dance pf the Rosebuds;, Keats, .Charles and. Marguerite'• Prink; Le., Secret,' •Gautier, Eunice - J...':Hand-viile;' .Nela,- Ar'ndt,-. jane; Ann- 'Hiighes;' Ebcha3ited; : Gardens, Kehlmanh,. Liliiah' E.. Sharp;, Tarentella,. Friml, Hester Thaj^er aid*; Nancy.' Del Cebns; : the . Sebin'i Re/' turn,. Fisher, : . Beatrice.'. M.' Fi ; ck; NP- bo.dy. Knows, the Tfcpuble. I've/Seen.; Negro spiritual, Jane .E. Hilton:; Heal}.-, tiful .'Blue T>anube/' Strauss, Hilda -M. .RivenbuKgh'; readings, Marriage, .in; Three' iSoenes,. DeLprenzp,'; The PiariP Lesspn, DeLprieMO, ,,Miss M;arie De- Lbrenzb.'. .. j .FaHing Watei®,. Tihiaxi Kathleen C. Jpusma; .Indian' Love Call, ; Friml. Ruth H. Ficfc;. The ISleigh,' Kpuntz','. Jean Hail and Marj'orie O'gsb'iuy;", America We Love Thee, vocal selec.- 1 tioh, woids by Ruth G. Ahles, music by'Elizabeth S. G-gsbury; Laces ./and: Graces', Salzei;,' Dprdthy A. Wain;' Melpdy of Lpve,. Erigelmann, Mjillicenf E.. Rcbin^pn;' Innprppiptu, Opus- 14'2, ,No. 2, Schubert, Arthur G. Tre'ssler; Venetian Love Spng, Nevin,, Mary p. Rickai'd; organ," Will & ( the' Wisp, NeVin,'Marjprie Arnpld; Prelude in C Sharp Minor, Rachmaninpff, Barbara •Secor; Hungarian Rhapsodie No. 2, Liszt, Jane Warner and Ida Mae. Dorsett; vocal s.olp, Guns, O'Hara, : Raleigh V. Moffett. . '..'...". Ice ci'eam and cake 'wall be sold at the close of-the:.program. / ... . ' ,..'" ,.~ Buy War SavinQs BgnSsJ^^z 'Aid to Russia; W Prodajin|d By Lehman Generous donation to the Russian .war relief in recognition of,the "vital; assistance given eur cause by the Russians", was urged by . Governor; Lehman Tuesday in a proclamation designating June 22 as "Aid to Russia' Day." ' ' " "Russia now is an ally pf the United; 'States in the war against Germany," lie said. "Every blew struck against the Nazis by Russia is' a blow -in he- half of American- defense. Every aid given Russia is help to a fellow com- batant." ' Buy War Savings, Bonds Funeral services for George Saddle- mire, who died Saturday at :his' home in Knox, were held Tuesday at 2 p. in. from, the Brank Funeral Home iii Berne and in' the Knox Reformed church. The Rev. Norman B. Vander Hart officiated, A native of Knox, Mr. Saddlemire was a lifelong resident pf that ccm- munlty, where he -was a farmer Until his retirement several years ago. His late wife was the former Sarah Arm- Strong, Survivors include William and Oiin C. Saddlemire. ***-• Buy War Savings Bonds •^~- Tin pailSi such as these in which cern sirup cbnies make gepd cpntain- ers to keep rendered lard and dther Tats, pr to store eppkies, macarcni, dried beans or dried fruit. The-gates'- of the Vopi'lie,esyill6 ; army reservatiptt \\fiil ppeii/ .'•.' to tlie;pxiblic yatui'diay f.6r of tlie• United Natioiis : and id:mkvk the. offieial coikpietion-. pf .; the jjroject. Bushed to coiiipletion in l'ecoi'.d tiiiie, tlie/ttapt. ,' covers an ajea- of. apprpiiifiately. six ;sqnare ,niileSv.' ,.TIie : /jju^^/. project coMt-thie fe^.ej:al : : :^.-Y;en^eUt''nearly;ten millipii/ctp|faa|sy •'. gave eniplbymeiit to thbiisands,.. and hroiight.ah almost'-Ttpprp?;-'. c '•.. cfideiited v wprk']3oonitp:t^is,seGtibn^^^ .-•; ."• y-•'/.;/.',.-'!/- : ' ••'.".C)'liay designated-'.the.-:VPprheesyill.e. Holdiii^'and;'lie r ..: ' cphsignhient. Stat.ibh, it is at ciearihg* ceater „for. '• ieacl-lease;'"' •material' alid /the.huh fpr shiphieiit 'of .'supplies and equipinent: :tp army stations the country../'. ';'.' /.;• ':"'//''///•"/••'•'..: '• ,'•/ The arniy pf. consti-uetidii./yprkeijs ,, who •s i warmed''ipve.r fthe'sipraiwiing; tr^tct ... ' shortly., after it ' begun in'-AJigiistj ,, 1941,' has diwind'le'd ,<to- almost npthin'g, but .a.pprpx:i.mately : 1,000''-Wh'ite : cciiar '. wopker.s':-:ha«e/•'. .• -. ' ••', ' f/WA '• workers are pai'r-yinj|: but/the j' final phases., of 'polisihing up. thfe pro- ". ,'• ' 'jeet, putting-.'d;own':iConcrete/Voa'd4 i%}>' •/•.'.', irig •put'.stree'ts',: la-ndBcapiii'gv.;..' T.he%..' task; w-'iii;.'be pfae.ticai'ly-'' coinplete'/; by' •"'• Saturday. ' "; ' .''. / : .-,' -.'••'- ''• ? - ; ';,- •'.••r'.-; '. 'Prpbably';n.P. other boss ey-e,r.saw:.-hi.s ..... 'Pf-fic.e.force-, .e-ypahd;so- rapidly^^a's- Liejit. Cpl/'J.' ,p/'Chambiis'S'; cprn^a'ndi&g/pfr •'"„•. i-icer 'at .the staticn,-...' : , •'..•',-.• ..'•'',! '.".;;'--.i'"-" '. SixhaontHs':'agp.:yyhen Coionel Ghairii''./.; 'bliss was., 'sent. jt'e-. Atbahy frpm;;. ,thie/ ' .... Quartertnasters. !Corp's "tb a"dminist'er' ... :.affa, .the. station there, weffe. only. a toandful'. ofi. office. W-prkers- ^hlpl.oy.ed.:'..._.'.' Today .jhe.'is ""boss"- to. l,6oP/{;i'y : it|3.-n.- •'. •./,. qffice/ : .wp.rk:ers" : ana ai.number :o;f;.Ar.'hiy''' . men and! pft'i i cers\ ';.,.. '• •'•.. v" : : : ' • It will -be -just, -six: mpntfisS'tp: .-the..' when. ihe. •'cbip'.n^'i.'..tpGt / charge at Vporhees-yiile. and ^His/.fei-Jp^;'. ,- officefs'-'have:. 'arra'niged/'a.. paf'ty; iat.-. tho'."" j^awthbi-ne'-ljin, hear' A-ita'inont,;to fplr. : •• lpw. the .public /d''nstr^.ti,pn: ;Sa:tu:r- day./ . . " / , . -.-;.- ""; .../ '•/;' /"/'•' .'•.'•,•.•'•"'.-.^-V.'. .'.'-. /(Continued on. Ease*:?):: - •'.. .:•' '/' .-': -s-^vBUy .War :S^_vings;;B;pnd.s;^irr ,'.-"'.*'•" •i. Will Peidicate :i1af At Spe/cial Cerenipny; At l i (l ; clc»cjt; / Honors 18 Men/V , "'A.'servic^ flag,'containing/18 stars,' 1 and--honoring men. frpm St..''Join's- ' Lutheran .church" who are serving- in .the '-United States .armed" fo.rcesi will :-be dedicated Sunday 'iripi-ning,,.at .11 o'clock at a .'special' ceremony arfang-' ed'-by Dt-. p : E: ; Voigt, pastor P£ the ch'useh,. '• ;/ ' . ... '.'. V" : ::..• •' . The-; presentaticn.-' speech will : be made'-by Luther Warn'eivaiid the; ac : ceptance by ir.viug Lainhart. .- Remain- der'-of the special -program 'will ift- : .elude' an, approp'riate' serinbrA; by :-Dr:- j,yoigfei*-..v •''..;-.•'.':• .•:•••/;• '.-*^ > :! - •'• ••••'•••': •-'. '. . Among.'prgamzatipns... expecting... tp. •attehd/the.'-.sSi'yice: In a.J>pdy. are HelV dcubterg. >Pbsi; American Legijpn, the Women's AtpaJjatfJiyo'f' the. Legiob,,/an|, members of the -Bpy and Girl £>cput. krop;p/s^ : t^x •• •'•'-, '' ' .-. '..-,-• '-.---AJ J "<Fie flag vtrllt ; 'b.onpr Victor Weaker,; flfcedferick Tjiffanyj James Vanderpbelj J b h ^ - ' D o d g ^ Robert l&'as&er,.. .Rffb'er.t| Gemberling,' R/' Eean' .Cdrtrigbt, .Ffeed, T. Osbenlighter, Wiliard J./ ^taffprd, dl'aytp.h Wor.mer, ' William. Ma'ttice/ Rphe.Ft'Martin, Levereti,.Cb.-v(;an, Gee. Reed' Weaver, ®verett'.ilds§,. Hprace .Secof, Kirby Vad Zah'dt, and Foster Potter.. • ' '/'•'. .' •'' ""... •/'••• -.—H.'Blijf. yVa'r §ay.jngs Boridi/^——' s 'j^ ••?-i s i •; ;.^f '-:.: B'; wm By the time the uMniatum pf-.'Paul V. -Mcliufct, -federal 'security ..admihis- ti:atPi > , reached tihe^meditiai. .prefessipii. this week,.advising them.te .enlist.iqr'\ /military s'eryice .'"pr/else," practicaily; all eligible, doctors .iri. Albahy .County.'' had offered. ..-,"' •".. .',:,'.' McNutt's'.- blunt, .statement- 'was' -de'. Mvered in Atlantic- City ; Tuesday- be- fore delegates of. 'the .American M-e.di-, •caf .Associatiph at-their.'first meeting: p| the aiinual session.. • •• •'• v .:.• -, •'. He said-: doctors' of the.-nation,must take over emergency civilian and- mili- lary Biedical needs'. • - ' Consequences even more far-reach--j ing than" the drafting of' doctors' ^as indicated'in McNutt's statements w"heh ; | he hintod, tlie fi'rit time an''outs'tahd'- ing •ad'ministi*ation -figure'ha.S 1 dpng'sp, that - "goVerrime.nt medicme-': might IpHow- the war.. " -'. ' ' - ..'.- -• V.?ih|l'e, he : ; was,; spe/a,fcing it wks. re- vealed. 'in/.Aibahy. sdme'.. 2.5P' physicians had'aipplied fpr military' cpjhmissipns sinCe^^riitoen.t '.adj^sed', thein. to do .so, ' Capt. Harjr.'y ..F^bricarit, chief njedicai; effider of'., the'- .Albany inducr :tiph. .Station,'said: th-i?-was'a' "fairly good-'.' •response'.apd; nearly equaled, .the' eligible: list.' •. ;', ,.. ; .,.'/ .-.••,." Tbe: situation in 'Schenectady was reflected in. other statements -by ,Mc- Nut't vvhen; .he said' -in "bopni "defense towns?' defense. meaica-i care was vital to keep production, lines moving. '• —: Buy War Savings Bonds r 1 —' Pending..receipt •;6£' ; &^£o ! nn0 : Gbpy-''- -• of 'the order; by Oiffice /pf - PefiepS:e:. ; . Tran5p'ort-atipn,..CU'rb,ihg' in^eTcily..s,^r : - -.Vioes,', United 'Tractipii' 'Company;; .'plr':'' •ficials;'' '.'vVedaesday. announced-.- Viai'ey: .EWere engag'e'd in a. survey tp detepniin^, , ; ;•which line's;, ! ,if .any,./woiiid: fail.'.^ifftilq-;' the..h6\-y:es.t'chrb pn .4ra;nspprtalip.h% ' /..' ;/; Because; -.- ''th'e'-' brd'ef .':a& .- pjibiished '•;.' /s-pecificaliy: ' Btate's tli ; at' it : dpe#;' not' fa^ply t o .>bji : ses;'^hifeh ''operate/^i&in'' .;1'5; mileSi'.Of."'City 'iimitsi/pi; 'sch.e;d:u;leg' pn.-\v;hich .the ayerage fare: i-s/ |,§|cbnls ".'. or'.'.T-ess', -thife' tJTC, at 'giance! : .i6els | that'..' tfi-e' l iy (CJfTCj. ,serylice/'';^jiien'- ". : s6'uTd be 'affected'i&. tihe .lii-e/tb'.';!" ; . ;Berne!./j-'- /'/..;/, -.,'-.'.••/'.'.;.'./'^-Vx--.' . ' ...Three, buses a day. are .opei^ted: pn. " : the- .•Pelmar-Slingedahd'-Efejniei-e '.rbut-.e 'to''West',Berne... The' lipund tiip/ is- | p / ' miles.' ...The Pnefway, -fare/.is:.35 : -cenis...;- [., ..'The.'• <>E>T;' in the"' same'; .6r.4|r'-jhaS-' '- ; u-rged.dioppihg pf''"s'.cisdu.ies' i,br...sjir ! r '/ vice which do; rnbre tHari, i p'Gen't" of s'ea:ting.-.c|«papltyi.'/.-:AG- pprdihgto. Niies: Rer.s'pnsv gene'i^f marir .. .ageri' .tihe 'West- -Bei-nfe triip& do not "IjEp.f,'';' |.;d-Uce..'4p: ;c.eht' seated passen'^'r'/ loads'. .'The ••giaWe.'/jihfitd^-'.'lxto.'.pf/vlii'g'*" •trip .to ,'the',-V0oiihe'esv-ilie. 'Army; DeJo.t;•'.". •althpuigh-- jihiat; service ,is/.^ithin.'.;d;§-:..' -niile's'-'6f. Altoah.y', ' ' ' .... • .-.'•'•. •:/•;,-. '..' . .4^-. Bliiy VYar. Savings' Bonds .'rr^r?/.-.' fl^mess feeing flntel|e^y A familiar scene at Union S'tatien, Albany, Sunday departure of J Albany units pf the State Guard fpr Gamib Smith, Peekskill, hut the de- partirig ttoops will he ^different frpm those Whp entrained four and five. jr.ears" ago. ' They'll 'be middle-aged men, bald- headed men, business men leaving of- fice, <store and 1 Shop fpr an Intensive 10-day training program in the field', Before the war New Yprk's 1 -Miiitia,. noW - federalized, were most youhi; men, but when; the war drained. the younger troops older men jumped ihtb: •the breech. "..'•• Sunday .they'll take up the rigbrpiiS'l life of an Arrhy camp, marching, djHlV; ing, manetiv-eiingi learning 'all'--". jfclj|i:] rudiments of*real war. ..'-'; Approximately - 325 -Albany' jcttett, niembers of 'Gpmpahies A,/ r B^ $/. lEt^A' quarters 1 and ServicCj Me'dical.'Uiitt^fc meat, Band, Regimental fflCea^" 14 * 1 *^ 1 ^ and Battalion: Headquarters' :m quarters- ©etaohtti^at;. wlil'., " m m *:•: a WW ''. iSixty-three "nights ef harness/:iacing-,. : '" ;lpnges.t night"ruii in' "the" history' pt"- ©aia T mutirel, ,ha/ftB4b^e.n^ajirio;u^c'^ officials. pE "bhe Sai-atdga, Sac^ay'- .'The prpgrajn w:il|/riiii in/June'11: .'•through'A'ttgvist !2^j : 'S'un'days'•exe.fip.tectj '' 'and is expected to .'s/iipply ••diy#si'0p. .foi v .thbusaiids •6lae&v))f-:.\v^riMOTX^rs.•'• . whp cannot -'go fai-.fepm'iipme/diue'/tp '•;•- jfull-time '.-'• pi'pductio'n: schedules/''aitd "' gasoline raltioriing. .; .'• '-,.>-... "•; •''.'.• " '. Like ..night basebal,; night' ha-rn'e'ss.'" 'racing••.has- cdme'/into-•'being.largely • through-•th.e.-'demands of .fahe". p\&lic/|pr. .• the 'Scheduling .•.qf-..s'P'pi% i - ; w ; he'n^ .figost... people-are/free to-attend.' ""Thisiyeah.. nigh? races, will fill a;ii imppriant -War- time .need," says Milt.oii Dahzi'gei;-,; 'tKe;' track's general .mankger. : •• ' ''A^iSara-/ ; ipga We're taking, the aiPpea'l/pf'-P' , |:de'nt Rppsevelt tor more' '•' •seriously." , .Last year,/night/haj-nss's - •racing /at ; the : fainous 'S'pVi-ai|: : pniyt';2^v iriightS."'- . ••'— .' • : •"'"••" •;•:'.?'' - v . . . ; • .'• Buy War Savings Bonds- —- -. .... j . .- . i - • (fi'ditpr'S Nqte-^Frbin. time, to i6inir». .: as addHsses. pf seldiei'Siare sttbiiiitt^cl . to .the Enterprise', they, will be ; . pilbr. lished dm this: column,' so ;thjat-'friends :pr ieiatives: wishing tp,.write tb' the' / Soldiers, may do so. '• gi'verl-. are) subject, to change' without notibe. .^g''^'"/^!^.'^^.^^..^^^ change^'.of ''. [:'4d3^'^iBi^he4'W0bmttte,dv); '•/ ''•"•/,,.'.(. i PviJ. Reidv L. VJah ; W»r«iely i^im%.. ••: Stv:808''^A,^fv'^i f : ? 5 4 . ^ p ' ' tfopfe v :;. ^Stee^'Sah-^ ^rattcico^ .Caii]fV'-: l - ••'•• i, Pvt. Wiliiam' ,S., OEristmafe: <?| !*Bdi:ifnV iMli.% -eif'MoPlafb-*^ (rt«f*ttrir* fr.*w*«'*i J ^'W*^w^ms*^'^^ S^ammssrr- "~'. J '"^f.' ;!: "i^'.l¥!*M

Transcript of IS mi -...

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' • * • •'



lining? pf Befeptafye $e^ice

A't:,,a;-"aie:et/ing' /last /Week -in' 'Albany] of draft//board /mejri'be'rs. frbiii:. '13 countfess; BrigadieiV; .'Genbral: Ame,s TV Biowii," .^ta/te'-, •dite'etpr' ,'of' •:Selective; Sei vice; gave '.pi'.dejf-sV'foi; the registra­tion of th^ thojisaiid^ . o£ young .rileii in tjhis;' area, between" 18' and,' 20 years ot 4gfeaV'Tilbsiday;:.|unft:Jp:/. A. .tight; ening-pt^S.eieotiw^SeKvioei'egUlatipns. is lmmineiit as' 'the- .ATmy;':'s,''s piogra.hi. to, jncreaEi4:Jitsj''S!tee to., an

evonibu^i:j};opo.$qo^&£h;-:'••'•.;.'•-•:: ••-"•.;; The- •rfif fch;. rfegj"s#at|pn;,>'yv.i.ll:.; inci:ud„e.

men :bpjn;i}ii:-of/;afiel\,ian. 'i,1i922 and.' en op::.ifre'f9'i;s!:':J'U'n'e;'iS.tfr 1024.:: General; Biowii. !estrmated!'^th:at in -New York state/, ,ab%t. ' : '2?^ years' :old," Avili' regisieil'.-frith another 70,-OOp included .in. toe -W :ito- 2>V2 year. age group. • • •• -.'•-. •-•-•' .'• ., • : ' '

According to the general, 'a major" poi tipn of the registrants :\vlll not be;: eligible for. military-.service but will be 'inducted' a'®'.soon".as.''fcli'py- reach •the ir-/',. 2Oth.• bfiirbhdaiy.': -;' • '• 'College'' stii?' dentst'.-aiVe. .warnejl.'. not"tp.;,e*i)eqt: de-j teimerit' .simpiy;:ibecaiisie they' are.'stu-j dents'. General' Biwji;"said-/ "College and; university •students- in; training for necessary- occupation's had better go to--summer 'school-'.or-go'! to-work'. in ^dmeV-'.War..•.i.ndus'try.''this:' surhiner,' PI they; ma'y;.;be indiu'cte.dv''.... •': '

He. added that Students jiotVpirepat' ing for essential, pccupatiipiis1 are /npt eligible for de'fei'merii refartfless' pf what • 'they J dp/' duMoig .the" •. 'summer; that selective "sSry'ice' regulations' per-, mit Sefetiaeiict'^bjB^tyjB'tt phily ^hen; the re;grstrailt ^ is |c[Uh'd •:to;te';a."''aeces-! s<ii y , tiaaii" in ''Wai&jiig' and/ pj-epjara-' tion'\;foi"any.;4ii(|usitry, ip'uSiil ss*, o rp pleytient,' agriculittiiat pinmiit,. go verp; j menial';MrVi'ca]oV/ib^(Bir.^cvliBe jbr enr1

deavpr, khe'-'mairiteflance. of. which- is netessary/.to^thb;.^ ;:

Ex^iajning'tiie .fe^uifement that a student; must- .cpiii^leite^t^o',,years' of college wbi'k ibefor-e -being; iBPhgid'ered; for defermeat*. '.thf.Sejecti^f-Sevnce;] ducctof• said';"th1| JdidVpJoi;:#$y.:' to a•! coursei' that 'r%iuiT,es-;,a;jpacRg^vih^- ol at least two-years, of cpllfege1 $cademie:

the'situQent to* lt)^a:..'.'Hfi^jpf if/maif •He '.gave,/as/:.-.'aT!F':^

enrplltetd in/mfsjlrpai; ^o l |%^ ' wfitf iwiil be ieensidered dtirin^ 5eS ,n-pi their jour years' as;' medi!car;.kt€d'eiits':i'Pr deter­ment-, -providing their scholastic record pointsi- tb--prdbaibi,evgMaUktiq'n. . -• jleaieral iBrb'wnk •watihing'.itp {stu­dents ivas• aiimedrat thpjsfe who:are not

-continuift.g .'th ii;'•.s'tuiaW.H! :#uring the stiminler 'oi: are' ipt' war] e f f o r t : - ' '• • -~-'-: . . . . . . . " ; ' • ' ? ' : . . . ' . '. . . , . -

The -me/eting. -ini .Aifd^.y. included draft board1 ..ojfficjil^;-Jrpfli-. rGlihtpn-j. C61umi]t)ia, ^ssex;;. ;M'a4Mrii-,' .Gre&heh Hainiltph, Eem'Ss.eiae#i,;.iS i;apt6ga, S.che-

. hebtady, Schoharie; ^#;:j'0n and #ash-: ' in'gtpii'.Couhitfes-.''' \ V-.••• '; ' '•"-•

.. -r^-^ Buy vyat;.'saylna!i.;pp|ia&''—^ .•;

:lBKSi^' . -' The • VQ'TO' held' ,,itS. iip' 'mlssi&n and. relief 'meelingla't^trie'-iipp^.e. of Mrs. iitiAnna Wilsoiv at Guilffei'laridV'Tiie's-day,' ffiine 10. .'The ropim WSs • dcborat-ed. Vith'.-;flqwel•sf^!Vp)fitte^t;tohg•]'''wA^e,, s'ometh'i-fi .' ''.'bright'' ;aiiyu''-,':'s6methXiig sweet".- " ' : , • ' " •'';..' '''•• '•;*•*''".';'' • \.'-l'."y

'. Ail ihterest-in'g boiiquet. was iblooiris f rpth'-ttte1 /Frances ..• '• 'v ii-l§,r-d':''P" pii'y-which wasrpiahtetl ih-jPi's; .Adit Myu-dei'se.flower gkrde'h:'and; cared;for by;


Bame^, ^tliel": f e a t ^ TQ/^res^ht; Stamp! Expires Sum Hbto<w' Iipjcai Mieii l a U; S

Arinefl;; i'bijefes 30; N6W Ones Crd^ into.Use

Juljr 1st'

! • ) .

I Se£0nd i M j e s i ^ f o ifollbran •-.,' ^Aiyt 'M0^00o^r.Class "'. ,'

Wins Kanner

.".' -Keehi -.jlititoh;- fp^jtwg. pn -the sii.b-j.ecC ''Amei^cani^rj^flen', and Ruth •Ros'S) with; the."'V'tittEit!'-;'.''The' \^h'ite 'HanBs.1 of- . ^e lha^-^^pn- ' . the 'i!lr&r •praises- liiu', i'fi'e<.''pr#|#flhWl-. speakipg. cpntest; p't. t:he;;^;^i^pnt.'''High. school-held .ih the iyfaipht&?l}al|..;here Fi'iduy night/:. •.'..- :.-?>v;:3tJS:Ki';'" .''.' '-..''.•'.' .;,. Second; •''W^4'fep3.d^yai;d.. Hpll-•oraa,' 'Whose;'tppic:^%|[% "New Ladtes."-CM-bS' 'To..- .Be • iGppqtteraj'*, ..and '.Ruth Eigi4- -'"vv-hpse- .;s:ufe'iec;fc-'.!%«as.-. :";Yeli'p'W 'Butterflies;''';-•:\-::.V^V7:(;*'. .-•".'•'•'•" '".

,Wihiiiers'p.f;,fif.^.-Br|z?s^w0r award­ed' $10 :ea'Gri;::A'nd«..^^6'fld;..prize .wjri-ners 're.cei'ved,.;$5' eafiBv l Names pf .the winner^ are' •tbivtbltiife.bji'Bpd.-.oii a cup. to irept'- at;:&ir;,.^hop'I." A. -'barmer .Was aw,a.rdejd/Ttti'4l rf^W'pf. class. which. : wpn;- jno&t; • j>o.i'iH.s;f;iii;>#l jeiri'ehts.. '

;' Jfudges'! were"' ,-iffi fi?gS.. pearleye ol jiilisdale;,:i^Efes;' .ff#;gq?it'ivilerli'hy of Tr.oy.,.'anid -.Misa;->u)e^ ;jfecbyy, of R'os-selvi.H'e;..'' 'Chief, r d^re^toi?.. .-^as . Mrs. .Herman 'Ka^s^.;::-:^?'.;^••;•='''.>• "'. •;'.' (^.piarttittees'.' %ere':'f Ofepmpibkg,..Mis. •Helje.hi-.y'Srpiinset^&fiflM^

Pafig^urni,;.Mi^.#ifr^.n;S^^ ;•. stage, Miss Eiii.ab,eth:'.jSw^l%i;^Wt&r. -Miller, .rienTy-Q'tsjiiiii. and*.a^^yd::<3:aige,".

'{Buy; ^ar/S^iWJjspBoiids


'Cereihpniesv bono ring, Altamont^ men ^v. „ Sow serving, m , the armed forces of_

th» kiJnflent t.ft-:b'e"&^ecffr#i#ma-h;" SUnqay, June 21,, when A service flag flag l^ill be..d«d4;caitedr •' ' " •Present; piahs- call 'for a huge, par-: ade, including -all, Altampnt prganfzar; tions,; and; a- dedicatipn" service . at the ipark,' Officiate ;annpunc.ed yesterday that., seating "will ibe arranged a t the' park ifpr.all mothers sons are npw; in ' the sei'-vice'. .'ot rain, | liought .their- first auto, use stamps

;th& dedication ceremonies will... take, place, in the IMagonic-Halh •.. .-••;•'. .! ^'.AH/groApS'.ipartici'pating- in the dai.'r; are. to meiet at.tlie. Altampnt.B*<tir-grpunfU' prprnptly . at ;.3 -p'cloek. . T'fie;; iliievpf march: has. been aniipu'ncedaS: fplio^rs::... Starting i'i;pm. 2:.36, arand ist*. to. Main Slb,;to..;Li'jicpln, •A-v.e,,ji;p;!W?esterii' Av.ei, .to "MiHjjfe,' Awe..,, to.:. Main. St.,. -.disbanding.. ai,...peppt-Squafe: T<he .reviewing; stand, .wlji ,i>P: situated at.KegipS-iiail,, .Maple -Awe.. Tih6.,Ali*mpnt: Band^and .massed: ccibrs5,|

Federal autpmobile USQ'tajc; stStopgj ;gumaned o n . the face,,. went; pn sale: „ , . . . .,„-.,,,

:p,oilec.tor*s.pi:nces,an*%iei«i|ederaj:;BiHi^ 'iiig;' Al|bahy,:.and all Capital Dis t r i c t "—" ' - - " - • • rpostpfhoesi- . ' :' '

•No .car . owner .wiio. Iack3. the $5 Federal stamp on orafter July 1 will be given a gasoline • ration -card;' . . '•• Iafarmatiph caa'ds whteh purchasers filled • cut' •;- iii February • when . they

hay.e 'been discpntinued. : The-new stamp, ."i;t."was. said."..'will have- spaces' i prortded... on1 .the; back for'entry.of' thp.'j make,, modelf. serial, number, and. lir

[.•'.cerise,-number;. ..The serial humber.on ;th;e',|ac'e (tf .'the."..stamp" wiJI- provide ievi^enc'e- of tax 'paym.^iit.. ',,•' ', '-.'•',. ."; {diricial's suggest ,th'a't..i:li .affixing .the. stamprto' .{he ip.w'er'.rig'ht.-cprnQr'p.f the 'AYiiids.hield,. to. moisten the glass, .in-'•'stfiftdy'pt'jie.'st'ainip. . . . ^as.olinp station., atteudaiti.s. have ;been. watped1 'to check carefully,;.the-

the'rlJeglbh; ahd'Fire- £)epartmenit,:;.wiH. s^riail the. stamp'which ap.-assemble at" the- park. - Th©." parade «eaV3 on its .?ace and thegtamp serial will halt *>n. Mlaple AVe', ,withi-.guesfe. «U'Wber^aiatedj.inctli^ ga^^he vation .:taking.their, positions on the review-. *o c , t e ; ^ ^ e " & * • .*»? W ™ ^ d o "° ing "uuid: AiAl tamoht homes along. ^•|f. a t ter tants will«pt be:.R?rmitted the' W . d E - m a f p h a r e V a s ^ ,v. ... .'. . , . . . , , , . • :\J.^..i i . M U _ - I T ^ - Buy War Savinas Bonds - ? ^ -

...' T5he: 'Aitfeiif •ffEdicgf 'CJhristiari., _En-' deaybr '.tjn-ion. 'mg4ffpi^'pn .'Juiie 8 in •HippeJ VBagtlst -..dhur;^p"^ibk.ny,"' elected the:' iEQlipiif'( i'cfe|Fffri#' the coming. year: . : . •';(.;"' '.•• ^\:\<f?-/. •. ;..•, '. ". '.. Pr^s'iden't,,..;;lujj:a^,.Albert,' Ai-

';:bany; ;.firs>t ••. "^g^pyegta^jif,'-.^'kaTgre'tta. Richard«pnr';ip'baflfc^isVcpnd vioe-presi-(lent, I | a^ | | t . "^^ ; ; :MFree^ tv i l l e ; i . third ylb.e^^s"i^e^1tp',ia^pii'ie-,' ' Quay, .| Feiira. ; .Bushs; ',;^|^i-^i^-jir&IJi'Kn^ DorP.thy;' 6iw;tls',. ' ;A|S^,^5 ^ti-t'i'.^'i.ce-pf esid'e'atr -. •!j^ft'-:'i!^Ii^Hi.?-wfiftz'egkill;

[cprr;e.s.|iehdin:gvs^re,^Mi:?M^ '• S:cttehl0c&d^:;:;'

:,':;fecpj'Sli^.-; j.^cre'taryj-yM'ary,-'; Eii-zabe'th:'. fvilitic&pTS;,, V/Aibany:;/ ''trea-istre.t,;'©iSr4hc^'^W^S<^»^^ e'xe'cji'tiye. ;':c:di|nSeUo^if^^iteit..We^ Msiiii. ":j*^r^S;aiiiaR'i:|i|y?;; -cb^a^ejlpr,'

-""•"• "-1- ;'iCenl«fc;-| •CheslteR

•Wing,, "ifew- .Salem.' • . . ' . ' ' • '.,.-' '.'' 3i4ppi''ts::p;r!r^is.ti-atiQn. .for Jtiie 51st arinual"iNiew; Ypriv--state.-Qlir'isti'an. En-. deavpr'convention to :b6. field in Buf-fald; .June 2-5. -Ho. 2-8',.indicated.-that >the Albany ©.hipri' had -ohtaiiied 57 pf an 80 registraitiPh-.quPta,' wiiih, .phe' society, at the '-House' -of FriendsWpl. Albany, iekdiii.g' the-•'•IocM uriion/ib." ippi-centage of '(iiidik '.attained..:. - T.heiJsogifety pf the feiiildeiiland ".Federated'.'church held second' 'place. ' /.- '""•• -. A- Suinday','e'veiii'ri'g •'s'upper-me'etjng • is

Fbei'ng' Bianne'd' 'fpr the. 16%'.of August. :by' k;conimittee inclu'ding'STr.s.'Charles RicihliidsQr4'''Aiiss- Julia Albert aii'd -An-'dre"\fr'"&; .A^'e'eier, Ait ',*&•" meeting alL':"'.the'''.societies of'the,iV-'Uiiiion -will' meet on the Vaferri or pn^. of the rural churches and "hold an open ,«ir mee't-ihg ."dphductedi ©ntirely; ' by 'ycun'-g people'.",-;' •.••'... . ','"'. V':';-'

...'.— -'. Buy .War Savtrigs'yBphds"'-^—.

the.American-flag.- .-.:. ,'•'.••..•- -, • • '• ••:rPh<j paradfe."witi compjlse kiese ,dl-: visions': • - , . , . .•' . ; . . . . " • i ' First—Gpand inarsha'l-,",John- Walker;. Adp. Gen. Ames- -T..Brown, Mayor Fi'ed-

,] e#c]k., -M-•• Keenhplts, . Cpunty Legion as ' Commander John. J. Bergiin; William

Hall Starting T'lie'sday nighti June 16,'ahd'.

' The ajihiial meeting; »b,£; 'the : spciety. will'''be-:held in the• Refpimed: .church! at 'Guilde'rlarid iCentei''. on: Tuesday' J u i i e - 3 0 . . - ' • ' ." : - . . . ' : - • ? . '•:'.; '. : _ . * . - : |

A •fliag: lunebe.on witi ;bfe served at-the nppii hour,.which;wjli:Sbe a covered dish lmibhedii-as usiiaii Vdpmniittee is Mrs. Anna iL-awton and Mrs.. Aghe:s V a n ' : i 5 c } t ^ . • . " • :" i ; - ";.'. .'•'; .- •.••'.-':.••, .'

. - It'w;'as voted to send'.a-.cbntributipH of $5.00 tq:.assist' Okptain.,James A;.W,.

•^ihvlris'.s'^^ wpi'k .pf Staking' alcbhpl. educatipn . tb.' men in service.catnps. 'by,;mea4s of his

Kjity.:Band; ..Aih'erican.-...Xiegipn a'hd Aux'iliaiae.S', Afm;y jeeps, from: various areatimiiitary"Posts, -Americah-liegipn

I's'' ' Cbiiiing' pict' anhpunced for the Tuesday iiigh't 'shows ' arc: 'Ju'n,§, i6

tamibuiafVcei Red:. Cross'-. aniiUblance a 'a'cce/ssbfles. ••••'•

•<Se*cen4MMarshali -, Harry • Lewis;

;rf$5eri.M'dyiJun'e |s,,'rShadow,q£ the Thin Man," with Wfni.anT Pp*ell and Myrha 'iv'py; .Tuiie' 30, "Two;-' Faced " . - . . - ...;T ' L i v T-,. ! . . « „ • . . »H» ,-JvjyruH u u y , u s e au, u w o - u a c e u

(iliief Altarnont Fire Department; AU.a- , ^ ' . , ; , ' . . , . ; ,_ A ' ri,JL?-„z5-mbnt Band,' Altampnt Firq Deipartment i:Ah#' 'invited-''.ebbipanies;' '• first' 'aid-. -Squad'SC •' " ;- ; .' .. '

.Third—iMarsihal', ' Cii.arles Rickardi' chief vWlage : air.' raid warden.; Alta-mpn't High 'school, band, air raid' Svar-; .dens,.: Masbhic Lodge, Easte-rh.. Stav,

''Sa•fety' h'pbl.''6te"•lWhe'&ig;»•• •-•' • • V^-~-"\-i2Z~rr---r..-, - ' . - ; , , . . , . ^ .. • The.%-aire^ is-eqiiippeu'^ith. a l l i ^ ? 1 ^ 6 ^ e ' - , ^ ^ a t l 0 I J ' . . . - ? T

needtula*.pai-*tus.'•'•'" ••"'•- •' • l.B'ur.eau, Altaniont High .SC^IPPI s t e

and I ".f'he , Qhbcolate "Sjpifti'e.t,"' star'uiig.La.^ress of-the £V'ening."ur§ that'the ..-, :. •|^hry-.^ an*-tli6."itiemlSeV*-i'*S',t9ifi cliurcli.

be-not like to t ' s >affc :jpoMng back: ward. He excoriated thp|e.;who Pb-sprv-e the form of religion-^-ith'put liv­ing '-it. He - blamed'".muiili... pf, . the present world coufliict;vti'.the. spirit pf "-nprmalcy" which followed the' last

iiWo'ria'War, Vhich • normalcy, he" said, S;.meaht.'.u looking : .

i-A- Buy War savings-tebrjds •

Mel'vyu Douglas:.. July 7,' ''Design .for l.'Scandal," starring . Resivlihd Russell: Land 'Waller 'Pidgepn; July 14, "Kath-Meehi" witli'ShirleyTemple:- -. '.•-• There will jbe t\vd. Bhpw-s, bile at 7, :an,d one- at- 9. -Admission wiij be 33 .cents,, tax in eluded i for., adult's; 22 .cents, tax.included,.ior .children.

'War saying's'stanips wiij ^e.giveii dents .and'faculty, all ptheb citizens^ away at th.eyTiWsd'ay.'ngi'ht shPws. '•' The^ pr.Qigram4'aS(ip.ndUcted~by Mrs-. !^e"-~ •"-- -•-•--•• ,-- .- . v . . . . •

•Fi'arices febcb, assiitetl;'by:-M*s, Msie a n 5 J*nouft;Eroups dtesinng to maixh •Viah'Vo^staftaMrs/AdW'Mynuerseofi' ^ourthf-Mai-shal, Jo'hn Cole, ;cluur:-Altamont; -; ' " ' ••"-'• puan 'lbPal.'Boy Scput Trbpp cemmitr

Several participated in making the'^ee; BpyvScpUts, Troop 56, Delmari' meetifflgvavery' .' ;, i loc^.Bpy and Girl Scput Irppp.s, and

(Flowers -wei'o sent put; to soine mem-

Buy War ,'SaVinqs Bp,nd*s:

bei's ill pr shut iu^CpiftVibUted. .——• Buy War. Savings Botids

the Bt'eWhies. -~-. Buy Wah SaYirifls. Bonds -^~

. „ , Ravena captured the chiapmicnBhip Tl pf the Central Hudson Valley bas^bafi

/league last Thursday, by nosing Piit rBethieheiii Centraii 2-1, at Hawkiiis' Stadliirh'.

Bob Galiagh0f, standout Raveha hurler, limited the Delmar nAnfe tp but two hits. Ravena could garner only, three safeties i'rom Dixspn, Bethie-heni: pitcheT. • •

Jack Adams paced the, winners with;

a triple. J, 000 Oi'O P'-l- 2 4

At a mbeting^ of the tfb'bp: qpmmittee of Boy iSbout Troop 5irAi'tahibh.f;1 held 1 Tuesday night, membeiis* decided to ppStpohfe the solicitation' t'0r funds Wu'oughbut the village.'at this time., iPostpoiiemeht is tnade' bwihg to vari-pds pther clrfees being niade hbi'e lipw iby other organizations^'.

The Tfi'oap piaiis tp hold a fqod sale and solicitation intlSe early fait so as.BWhlehetn not to conflict With cuiu'etat campaigns. !Ravpha .,... TOP 000 1- 2 3 a, it is hoped that the peppie of the Dixon and 'Rayniondi Gallagher ahd:

village appreciate thq neei&.o'f a Boy.Shadei', S c o u t o r g a n i z a t i o n l),l\A Will s u p p o r t | -1—- Buy War Savings Bonds -rr—• the I'bod sale anil fund.di'ive" 16 the Siibscribe tb the Enterprise—?2,0P: i;uile§t extent. • , , pei* year.

For Rubber 'Gbltectibnt A twbAveeic nation-wide' bampaigu

to colledt'ail scrap rubber has been proposed' 'by-President RboseVelt.

.'Cailing, fof an • enthttsiastiC '.attempt' .by. hbusehpiders, factpVy and Shop-: keepers to round up old tires, boots, galoshes,, garden hose, etc., the Presi.

jdent hinted that if the outpouring is as tremendous. as some authorities

;predict it wiji >be, natibii:wide gasoline ; fatipning may not 'he necessary to aile-: ; viate the rubber shortage.

— ^ B.uyL,yV4ri Sayings Bonds - —

Friday evening, June 12, .at 8 o'clock in the Reformed: church at Knox Oj'pha K Gage will present the i'purth in a of piano recitals for this sea­son. Appearing in this recital will be Beryl Miac&iillen, piano, assisted by toer sister, ILeah Jeani iplaying the baritone horn. the ' recital will be open to the public.

rs F5-

Of » • •

. 'Special'.• tribute • was''',:pai'd. "Sunday bight to the three hundjrfid years of the.'-i?irst church in' the i'36.fch, regular - sBssion, of' fch^' General Synpd "M "tire .Reformed.,•Church' in Arhericav-:. w-hen ' the . Rev.,.: l)r.'. Robert Wycoff Searie, 'secretary, of the ' Ne^v Ydrk^Biederatipn of. Ohurc^-es, spoke pii "Remember Lot's Wifie^ . ', '.. Th.e.., session also was; .flovPted to epininiis'sioninig • mi'ssipnav^s-; -fer , ser-;'-in;. Eehtncky. ..'. .•..' •."' . '

'Doctor. ..Searle, gtyingt'tli'e.historial

l . K .

William- K. Sanford.'Alb^any attorney. president or the Juftibi-';-qhambev of j Com"mei-ce and chairman , of the Al­bany County Navy Relief Society's campaign, ieft WedneS#y;.-f.or MSama. where he will undergO'training in the ground forces of the- Artay Aiir Forces.

". : : ' Buy VJPir SavinflS/BondS ^ Subscribe to the .Ehtetp'rise-^^jOO

per year. ' .. ','•

Saturday Is Proclaimed State

"MacArthur Day" 'wiji-be observ-ed Saturday in N?W;York state, Governor Lehman ha« proclaimed.

v t h e .Governor declare*'. MacArth-Ur's name ''fired the imagination, aroused sluggish /patriotism and strengthened confidence in our Army and Navy." ' , .

&r On Iu0s. and Thurs.

. The sugar.ratipning board for. a).- J loting /sugar. ..fpr canning- purposes

'W\h'^fipi['t^i;h'--T'V«^A}f;-it<d:^}\urs-day during. June from 3 tp. 5 o^clpck

.at the: Altamont High school,; ,'-. During • July arid August, the b$ard Will meet.ThuiSdays,; frdnj 3 .j to 5, and.'du'rin.g::the .same, hp.iirs on -Twebday: and Thit'rsdays iii Sepr, tetnijer 'and Octpber;: •:;. •,-., ..'Among, questions which appli.--c'arjjEs rtiiist'answer are: Number of -quarts 6f; fruit', canned.. lasV y<iar; number, of. quarts, of .fruit no.vy on..' hand; . number of quarts, expected, tp'^nned'-.dii.ring thi.s period. . On' the , local, board;. are'-, Mrs. Luth.erSe.c5r, chairman; Mrs.: Net-'

. tieoZimmermah, 'fyifcs. Anita Hiltohi; JMVs. 'William.•yyands,:Mrs..•Edmtyhd. Lape,. Mrsj.'Stuart .-.RomboOgh, and : :Mrs. F.rpderick-'U.hfc .. -•'•••.-••,

mi m

III ,ect Gpst Federal; G-pveranient

Dollars; Gave, Ernploynient; To. 'Tfe.QU.s^nds|-:'-ii ]tt lil- ': •• • •;.;'•• Work Boom T o : T M s ^ X, / v-':

TpBe Presented IiiH^lderberg ' Refp' ed '&h]D^c '''.T6n%nt:..>

At 8 O'clock

;• -Ralegh, y,. Moffett of Altampnt .will ^preseh/t .his pTip' a'piano .-recital in the Helderberg. Reformed' bhtfrch at Guilderlend- •Center...tonight. (Friday) at 8 o'clock. ... •'•": ;-•' .;.,

Mir. Mpffett has announced the pro­gram .as fPllows'; •' ••.• , . ' "...

M.arche Militaire,. Schubert, Berndce .'•Gray 'and -June Pendcrf; - Starlight Waltz, Brainardi Evelyn Lois. Sharp; Minuet, .Mozart,-- Doris E-- Stehlegely-MPrning Pra,yer;. Streabbbg, Igeriborg S-. - Bapth-; Indian • '• Dincej Mc-tntyre,-Howard' W. Bor'dejtt; Playful. Kitten*; Lawspn-, Emma Hand-ville and Patricia-.'Pendprf; - The:' ,S*a.liP>v", : Burgni.uller." Marilyn J.' Bennett; 'Serenade:,:. Schu-' pert, Marilyn - C.' kbti :; " Amai^llis,. ^Kjing, .Mary-. Jane Kajy .and "Shirley Hiamibohd:,;•• Rem^niber.. Peail Harbor,. iSayev- Edttb '• -M." Relyea; Patriptie •p&m,, a^bani/Keitnetfc-Ht Ciik^maji:;. "Jeliar'cii';< pf ".:t£e'' JBoyr- Scbu.tsi'"'-:ferant-'S;chaeier/>Gerii'd' and :Rbnaid* Mraiter.

The /Skaters W-altz,. >'.#aidteufei:, Alaj'he 5f. ;;;/-'Cb,nnec.tieut March, Na'ssann, Janet E. Keenhpits..,- Sehppl Cadets,.Burgmnlier,' Charles"H, Rivers: Dance pf the Rosebuds;, Keats, .Charles and. Marguerite'• Prink; Le., Secret,' •Gautier, Eunice - J...':Hand-viile;' .Nela,-Ar'ndt,-. jane; Ann- 'Hiighes;' Ebcha3ited;:

Gardens, Kehlmanh,. Liliiah' E.. Sharp;, Tarentella,. Friml, Hester Thaj^er aid*; Nancy.' Del Cebns; : the . Sebin ' i Re/' turn,. Fisher,:. Beatrice.'. M.' Fi;ck; NP-bo.dy. Knows, the Tfcpuble. I've/Seen.; Negro spiritual, Jane .E. Hilton:; Heal}.-, tiful .'Blue T>anube/' Strauss, Hilda -M. .RivenbuKgh'; readings, Marriage, .in; Three' iSoenes,. DeLprenzp,'; The PiariP Lesspn, DeLprieMO, ,,Miss M;arie De-Lbrenzb.'. .. j .FaHing Watei®,. Tihiaxi Kathleen C.

Jpusma; .Indian' Love Call, ; Friml. Ruth H. Ficfc;. The ISleigh,' Kpuntz','. Jean Hail and Marj'orie O'gsb'iuy;", America We Love Thee, vocal selec.-1

tioh, woids by Ruth G. Ahles, music by'Elizabeth S. G-gsbury; Laces ./and: Graces', Salzei;,' Dprdthy A. Wain;' Melpdy of Lpve,. Erigelmann, Mjillicenf E.. Rcbin^pn;' Innprppiptu, Opus- 14'2, ,No. 2, Schubert, Arthur G. Tre'ssler; Venetian Love Spng, Nevin,, Mary p . Rickai'd; organ," Will & (the' Wisp, NeVin,'Marjprie Arnpld; Prelude in C Sharp Minor, Rachmaninpff, Barbara •Secor; Hungarian Rhapsodie No. 2, Liszt, Jane Warner and Ida Mae. Dorsett; vocal s.olp, Guns, O'Hara, :Raleigh V. Moffett. . ' . . ' . . . " .

Ice ci'eam and cake 'wall be sold at the close of-the:.program. / ... .' ,..'"

, . ~ Buy War SavinQs BgnSsJ^^z

'Aid to Russia; W Prodajin|d By Lehman

Generous donation to the Russian .war relief in recognition of,the "vital; assistance given eur cause by the Russians", was urged by . Governor; Lehman Tuesday in a proclamation designating June 22 as "Aid to Russia' Day." ' ' "

"Russia now is an ally pf the United; 'States in the war against Germany," lie said. "Every blew struck against the Nazis by Russia is' a blow -in he-half of American- defense. Every aid given Russia is help to a fellow com­batant." •

' Buy War Savings, Bonds

Funeral services for George Saddle-mire, who died Saturday at :his' home in Knox, were held Tuesday at 2 p. in. from, the Brank Funeral Home iii Berne and in' the Knox Reformed church. The Rev. Norman B. Vander Hart officiated,

A native of Knox, Mr. Saddlemire was a lifelong resident pf that ccm-munlty, where he -was a farmer Until his retirement several years ago. His late wife was the former Sarah Arm-Strong,

Survivors include William and Oiin C. Saddlemire.

***-• Buy War Savings Bonds •^~-Tin pailSi such as these in which

cern sirup cbnies make gepd cpntain-ers to keep rendered lard and dther Tats, pr to store eppkies, macarcni, dried beans or dried fruit.

The-gates'- of the Vopi'lie,esyill6; army reservatiptt \\fiil ppeii/ .'•.' to tlie;pxiblic yatui'diay f.6r of tlie• United Natioiis:and id:mkvk the. offieial coikpietion-. pf .; the jjroject. Bushed to coiiipletion in l'ecoi'.d tiiiie, tlie/ttapt. ,' covers an ajea- of. apprpiiifiately. six ;sqnare ,niileSv.' ,.TIie:/jju^^/. project coMt-thie fe^.ej:al:

::^.-Y;en^eUt''nearly;ten millipii/ctp|faa|sy •'. • gave eniplbymeiit to thbiisands,.. and hroiight.ah almost'-Ttpprp?;-'.c'•.. cfideiitedvwprk']3oonitp:t^is,seGtibn^^^ .-•; ."• y-•'/.;/.',.-'!/- :'

••'.".C)'liay designated-'.the.-:VPprheesyill.e. Holdiii^'and;'lier ..: ' cphsignhient. Stat.ibh, it is at ciearihg* ceater „for. '• ieacl-lease;'"' •material' alid /the.huh fpr shiphieiit 'of .'supplies and equipinent: :tp army stations the country../'. ';'.' /.;• ':"'//''///•"/••'•'..: '•

,'•/ The arniy pf. consti-uetidii./yprkeijs ,, who •siwarmed''ipve.r fthe'sipraiwiing; tr^tct ... ' shortly., after it ' begun in'-AJigiistj ,, 1941,' has • diwind'le'd ,<to- almost npthin'g, but .a.pprpx:i.mately: 1,000''-Wh'ite:cciiar ' . wopker.s':-:ha«e/•'. .• -. ' ••', ' f/WA '• workers are pai'r-yinj|: but/the

j' final phases., of 'polisihing up. thfe pro- ". ,'• ' 'jeet, putting-.'d;own':iConcrete/Voa'd4 i%}>' •/•.'.', irig •put'.stree'ts',: la-ndBcapiii'gv.;..' T.he%..' task; w-'iii;.'be pfae.ticai'ly-'' coinplete'/; by' • •"'• Saturday. ' "; ' .''. /:.-,' -.'••'- ''•

?-;';,- •'.••r'.-; '. 'Prpbably';n.P. other boss ey-e,r.saw:.-hi.s ..... 'Pf-fic.e.force-, .e-ypahd;so- rapidly^^a's- Liejit. Cpl/'J.' ,p/'Chambiis'S'; cprn^a'ndi&g/pfr •'"„•. i-icer 'at .the staticn,-...' : , •'..•',-.• .. '• ' ' ,! '.".;;'--.i'"-" • '. SixhaontHs':'agp.:yyhen Coionel Ghairii''./.;

'bliss was., 'sent. jt'e-. Atbahy frpm;;. ,thie/ '.... Quartertnasters. !Corp's "tb a"dminist'er' ... :.affa, .the. station there, weffe. only. a toandful'. ofi. office. W-prkers- ^hlpl.oy.ed.:'..._.'.'

Today .jhe.'is ""boss"- to. l,6oP/{;i'y:it|3.-n.-•'. •./,. qffice/:.wp.rk:ers":ana ai.number :o;f;.Ar.'hiy''' . men and! pft'iicers\ ';.,.. '• •'•.. v"::: • ' •

It will -be -just, -six: mpntfisS'tp: .-the..' when. ihe. •'cbip'.n 'i.'..tpGt / charge at Vporhees-yiile. and ^His/.fei-Jp^;'. ,-of ficefs'-'have:. 'arra'niged/'a.. paf'ty; iat.-. tho'.""

j^awthbi-ne'-ljin, hear' A-ita'inont,;to fplr. : •• lpw. the .public /d''nstr^.ti,pn: ;Sa:tu:r-day. / . . " / , . -.-;.- ""; .../ '•/;' /"/'•' .'•.'•,•.•'•"'.-. -V.'.

.'.'-. /(Continued on. Ease*:?):: - •'.. .:•' ' / ' .-':

• -s-^vBUy .War :S^_vings;;B;pnd.s;^irr ,'.-"'.*'•"


Will Peidicate :i1af At Spe/cial Cerenipny; At l i (l;clc»cjt; /

Honors 18 Men/V ,

"'A.'servic^ flag,'containing/18 stars,' 1 and--honoring men. frpm St..''Join's-' Lutheran .church" who are serving- in .the '-United States .armed" fo.rcesi will :-be dedicated Sunday 'iripi-ning,,.at .11 o'clock at a .'special' ceremony arfang-' ed'-by Dt-. p : E: ;Voigt, pastor P£ the ch'useh,. '• • ; / ' . ...'.'. V": ::..• •' .

The-; presentaticn.-' speech will : be made'-by Luther Warn'eivaiid the; ac: ceptance by ir.viug Lainhart. .- Remain­der'-of the special -program 'will ift-:

.elude' an, approp'riate' serinbrA; by :-Dr:-j , y o i g f e i * - . . v • ' ' . . ; - . • ' . ' : • .•:•••/;• ' . - * ^ >

: ! - •'• ••••'•••': •-'.

'. . Among.'prgamzatipns... expecting... tp. •attehd/the.'-.sSi'yice: In a.J>pdy. are HelV dcubterg. >Pbsi; American Legijpn, the Women's AtpaJjatfJiyo'f' the. Legiob,,/an|, members of the -Bpy and Girl £>cput.

krop;p/s^: t^x •• •'•'-, '' ' .-. '..-,-• '-.---AJ J "<Fie flag vtrllt;'b.onpr Victor Weaker,; flfcedferick Tjiffanyj James Vanderpbelj Jbh^- 'Dodg^ Robert l&'as&er,.. .Rffb'er.t| Gemberling,' R/' Eean' .Cdrtrigbt, .Ffeed, T. Osbenlighter, Wiliard J./ ^taffprd, dl'aytp.h Wor.mer, ' William. Ma'ttice/ Rphe.Ft'Martin, Levereti,.Cb.-v(;an, Gee. Reed' Weaver, ®verett'.ilds§,. Hprace .Secof, Kirby Vad Zah'dt, and Foster P o t t e r . . • ' '/'•'. . ' • ' ' ""... •/'•••

-.—H.'Blijf. yVa'r §ay.jngs Boridi/^——'


' j ^


•; ; .^f '-:.: B';


By the time the uMniatum pf-.'Paul V. -Mcliufct, -federal 'security ..admihis-ti:atPi>, reached tihe^meditiai. .prefessipii. this week,.advising them.te .enlist.iqr'\

/military s'eryice .'"pr/else," practicaily; all eligible, doctors .iri. Albahy .County.'' had offered. ..-,"' •".. .',:,'.'

McNutt's'.- blunt, .statement- 'was' -de'. Mvered in Atlantic- City ; Tuesday- be­fore delegates of. 'the .American M-e.di-, •caf .Associatiph at-their.'first meeting: p | the aiinual session.. • •• •'• • v .:.• -, •'. • He said-: doctors' of the.-nation,must take over emergency civilian and- mili-lary Biedical needs'. • -' Consequences even more far-reach--j

ing than" the drafting of' doctors' ^as indicated'in McNutt's statements w"heh;| he hintod, tlie fi'rit time an''outs'tahd'-ing •ad'ministi*ation -figure'ha.S1 dpng'sp, that - "goVerrime.nt medicme-': might IpHow- the war.. " -'. ' ' - ..'.- -•

V.?ih|l'e, he:; was,; spe/a,fcing i t wks. re­vealed. 'in/.Aibahy. sdme'.. 2.5P' physicians had'aipplied fpr military' cpjhmissipns sinCe^^riitoen.t '.adj^sed', thein. to do .so, ' Capt. Harjr.'y ..F^bricarit, chief njedicai; effider of'., the'- .Albany inducr

:tiph. .Station,'said: th-i?-was'a' "fairly good-'.' •response'.apd; nearly equaled, .the' eligible: list.' •. ;', ,..;.,.'/ .-.••,."

Tbe: situation in 'Schenectady was reflected in. other statements -by ,Mc-Nut't vvhen; .he said' -in "bopni "defense towns?' defense. meaica-i care was vital to keep production, lines moving.

—'•—: Buy War Savings Bonds r1—'

Pending..receipt •;6£';&^£o!nn0: Gbpy-''--• of 'the • order; by Oiffice /pf - PefiepS:e:.;. Tran5p'ort-atipn,..CU'rb,ihg' in^eTcily..s,^r:--.Vioes,', United 'Tractipii' 'Company;; .'plr':'' •ficials;'' '.'vVedaesday. announced-.- Viai'ey: .EWere engag'e'd in a. survey tp detepniin^, ,

;;•which line's;,!,if .any,./woiiid: fail.'.^ifftilq-;' the..h6\-y:es.t'chrb pn .4ra;nspprtalip.h% ' /..' ;/; Because; -.- ''th'e'-' brd'ef • .':a& .- pjibiished '•;.' /s-pecificaliy: ' Btate's tli;at' i t : • dpe#;' not ' fa^ply t o .>bji:ses;' hifeh ''operate/^i&in'' .;1'5; mileSi'.Of."'City 'iimitsi/pi; 'sch.e;d:u;leg' pn.-\v;hich .the ayerage fare: i-s/ |,§|cbnls ".'. or'.'.T-ess', -thife' tJTC, at 'giance!:.i6els | that'..' tfi-e'..pnliy (CJfTCj. ,serylice/'';^jiien'- ". :s6'uTd be 'affected'i&. tihe .lii-e/tb'.';!";. ;Berne!./j-'- / ' / . . ; / , -.,'-.'.••/'.'.;.'./'^-Vx--.' . ' ...Three, buses a day. are .opei^ted: pn. " : the- .•Pelmar-Slingedahd'-Efejniei-e '.rbut-.e 'to''West',Berne... The' lipund tiip/ is- | p / ' miles.' ...The Pnefway, -fare/.is:.35:-cenis...;-

[., ..'The.'• <>E>T;' in the"' same'; .6r.4|r'-jhaS-' '-;

u-rged.dioppihg pf''"s'.cisdu.ies' i,br...sjir!r '/

vice which do; rnbre tHari, ip'Gen't" of s'ea:ting.-.c|«papltyi.'/.-:AG-pprdihgto. Niies: Rer.s'pnsv gene'i^f marir .. .ageri' .tihe 'West- -Bei-nfe triip& do not "IjEp.f,'';' |.;d-Uce..'4p: ;c.eht' seated passen'^'r ' / loads'. . 'The ••giaWe.'/jihfitd^-'.'lxto.'.pf/vlii'g'*" •trip .to ,'the',-V0oiihe'esv-ilie. 'Army; DeJo.t;•'.". •althpuigh-- jihiat; service ,is/.^ithin.'.;d;§-:..' -niile's'-'6f. Altoah.y', ' ' '....• .-.'•'•. •:/•;,-. '..'

. . 4 ^ - . Bliiy VYar. Savings' Bonds .'rr^r?/.-.'

fl^mess feeing flntel|e^y

A familiar scene at Union S'tatien, Albany, Sunday departure of J Albany units pf the State Guard fpr Gamib Smith, Peekskill, hut the de-partirig ttoops will he ^different frpm those Whp entrained four and five. jr.ears" ago. '

They'll 'be middle-aged men, bald-headed men, business men leaving of­fice, <store and1 Shop fpr an Intensive 10-day training program in the field',

Before the war New Yprk's1 -Miiitia,. noW- federalized, were most youhi; men, but when; the war drained. the younger troops older men • jumped ihtb: •the breech. "..'••

Sunday .they'll take up the rigbrpiiS'l life of an Arrhy camp, marching, djHlV; ing, manetiv-eiingi learning 'all'--". jfclj|i:] rudiments of*real war. ..'-';

Approximately - 325 -Albany' jcttett, niembers of 'Gpmpahies A,/rB^ $/ . lEt^A' quarters1 and ServicCj Me'dical.'Uiitt^fc meat, Band, Regimental fflCea^"14*1*^1^ and Battalion: Headquarters' :m quarters- ©etaohtti^at;. wlil'., "



*:•: a WW ''. iSixty-three "nights ef harness/:iacing-,.:'" ;lpnges.t night"ruii in' "the" history' pt"-©aiaTmutirel, ,ha/ftB4b^e.n^ajirio;u^c'^ officials. pE "bhe Sai-atdga, • Sac^ay ' -.'The prpgrajn w:il|/riiii in/June'11: .'•through'A'ttgvist !2^j:'S'un'days'•exe.fip.tectj '' 'and is expected to .'s/iipply ••diy#si'0p. .foiv.thbusaiids •6lae&v))f-:.\v^riMOTX^rs.•'• . whp cannot -'go fai-.fepm'iipme/diue'/tp '•;•-jfull-time '.-'• pi'pductio'n: schedules/''aitd "' gasoline raltioriing. .; .'• '-,.>-... "•; • ' ' . ' .• " '. • Like ..night basebal,; night' ha-rn'e'ss.'" 'racing•• .has- cdme'/into-•'being.largely • through-•th.e.-'demands of .fahe". p\&lic/|pr. .• the 'Scheduling .•.qf-..s'P'pi%i-;w

;he'n .figost... people-are/free to-attend.' ""Thisiyeah.. nigh? races, will fill a;ii imppriant -War­time .need," says Milt.oii Dahzi'gei;-,; 'tKe;' track's general .mankger.: •• ' ''A^iSara-/ ; ipga We're taking, the aiPpea'l/pf'-P' ,

|:de'nt Rppsevelt tor more' '•' •seriously." , .Last year,/night/haj-nss's -•racing /at ;the : fainous 'S'pVi-ai|::pniyt';2^v • i r i ightS ." ' - . ••'— .' • : •"'"••" • ; • : ' . ? ' ' -v .. .;• .'•

— B u y W a r S a v i n g s B o n d s -— - - . . . . . • j . .- . i - •

(fi'ditpr'S • Nqte-^Frbin. time, to i6inir». .: as addHsses. pf seldiei'Siare sttbiiiitt^cl . to .the Enterprise', they, will be;. pilbr. lished dm this: column,' so ;thjat-'friends • :pr ieiatives: wishing tp,.write tb' the' / Soldiers, may do so. '• gi'verl-. are) subject, to change' without notibe. . ^ g ' ' ^ ' " / ^ ! ^ . ' ^ ^ . ^ ^ . . ^ ^ ^ change^'.of ''. [:'4d3^'^iBi^he4'W0bmttte,dv); '•/ ''•"•/,,.'.(.

i PviJ. Reidv L. VJah ;W»r«iely i^im%.. ••: S t v : 8 0 8 ' ' ^ A , ^ f v ' ^ i f : ? 5 4 . ^ p ' ' tfopfe v:;. ^Stee^'Sah-^ ^rattcico^ .Caii]fV'-: l- ••'•• i, Pvt. Wiliiam' ,S., OEristmafe: <?| !*Bdi:ifnV i M l i . % -eif'MoPlafb-*^

(rt«f*ttrir* fr.*w*«'*iJ^'W*^w^ms*^'^^ S^ammssrr-
