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  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship

    Quotidiana Is My Homestead

    A Fiction of Philosophy by Alex Broudy

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship



    Yesterday I made Aliyah, today will bring me home.


    It wasnt until fortune struck chance that glee could have ever renewed my soul within me.

    Nesting within what I thought I was without, my Land of Milk and Honey nourished Her gentry

    on the spirit of needlessness. And from this brewed a magnificence I could not have seen.

    As brilliance of the self radiates unto others dissolutely, ones selfhood is tarnished as

    jealousy sets in on the behalf of the admirer - its affect concealed beneath an exterior image.

    And so, I was uniquely envious of those religious ones I also hated.

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship



    The present is big with the future.

    - Gottfried WilhelmLeibniz

    Yesterday I embarked on a backwards journey. In search of my spiritual innards I moved

    in palintropes, rolling back fixed philosophies one by one .1 See gloss (below)now!

    Moved to feel I tried to explain what was beyond meaning, This backwards journey

    seems to walk the same walk that elliptical thinking does. Afterthought snapped, Are you off

    your rocker, or has the poet got your tongue? I paused, No, lather up that idea some more

    If ellipses were to walk, how might their innards travel? This was the pulp of a new frontier.


    1. Imagine something hypothetical: If mind and body were physically separated such that each

    was contained in its own glass jar, how would shattering one jar affect the other? Now: shake your head so

    your brain rattles. Really startle yourself.

    Done? Good, so what was it you were thinking immediatelyafteryour brain settled? Try

    to elucidate this thought by re-reading and repeating the paragraphs instructions.

    Whatever you conclude is arbitrary. The significant thing is that you went back

    to the beginningandbeganagain. This is a semblance of palintropic thinking, an

    especially deconstructive method for stepping back, remarking and remixing into the

    future. You may now resume your journey.

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship



    And, no matter how fleeting the imagery, I remain steadfast that last night I glimpsed beyond, I

    saw the unseeable.


    I spent lifetimes in meditation untangling that knotted mix, my selfdom. Seldom did I

    not feel. Experience found me, urging a new vocabulary to surface along with a new context for

    lifes cynical wonder. Hate is a word I have since dispelled from my vocabulary.

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship



    Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone.

    -Jorge Lus Borges

    Later I pondered something remarkable about elliptical thoughts walking, This remix is

    an anecdote for my religious mix-up. Unsure of my own construction, I decided to dive its

    strange depths.

    My primary attempts to reach into hindsight appeared defunct. Enshrouded by thick

    murk, I could only envisage hindsights exterior shell. My worn recollective memory made it

    appear as if everything was wrapped in some self-obfuscating blanket.2

    Little by little I began to taste the inner-fruit of reflection. It was succulent, savory. And

    while I could never fully see inside my wobbly walking thoughts, I could imagine. Wonder

    displaced confusion, passion grew from nothing I was reflecting my way towards the answer.


    2. What was your first recollective memory - a memory so indelible that you can manifestly feel,

    taste, smell, hear, see right now? Try to transport your self to this scene, grip it and hold on.

    When I did this I saw my 1st-person self (from the 3rd-person perspective) acting goofy.

    When I (1st person) imagined myself acting this way, I laughed. Now I can recollect laughing

    about being goofy from either perspective. The process is wonderfully elliptical, quickening at

    times while in slow motion for others. Can you imagine peeling back each layer of your

    recollective memory in order to retrieve a transitory thought?

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship



    Intellectual man had become an explaining creature. Fathers to children, wives to husbands,

    lecturers to listeners, experts to laymen, colleagues to colleagues, doctors to patients, man to his

    own soul, explained.

    -Saul Bellow

    I, man, was trying to explain the soul away. Whats worse, I did it as a justified raison

    d'tre. How could I wade in daftness at such costs?

    For an unknown period there had been a bystander gazing on this, apersonalconflict.

    All at once her presence belittled and aggrandized my sense of self. More than anything it

    perplexed: how could she have read my mind?

    Non impensabile, she responded, lei pensa a voce alta. Questo normale per tutti

    gli italiani; inanzitutto, di noi chi non siamo pazzi!3


    3. It is not unfathomable, sir; you think aloud. This is normal for all Italians; at least, for those

    of us who arent crazy!

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship



    Fate: A lusus so brutish it stirred and confused us. Creed: A line so straight it timed my fate.


    With swift words she caught my heart and yanked out my tongue. I was muted by

    exactitude. On the precipice of achieving clarity, my minds own Sisyphus buckled. I would

    have to start the ascent again.4

    I felt compelled to crack Sisyphuss spell. Since far finer acuity would be needed, I

    administered a hearty dose of rigorous self-honesty.

    Splicing certainty with curiosity spun me round, down, up and through many older

    abstractions. Each was necessary to pontificate, but few conclusions were on point. I asked, In

    death, do we lose that 1st person consciousness we possess in life? If so, is there an omniscient

    view we can attain in life, perhaps through study and intense introspection? Would this view

    ultimately lead to happiness? Is any happiness sustainable? What is infinite perspective?

    Forse. S. Forse. Solo un po - non pu averlo pur sempre. Non lo so, una fantasia?

    said the onlooker.5

    She answered each question with a certain surgical exactness. The little Italian girl, this

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship


    peeper of my spoken thoughts, observed my quandary with clairvoyance beyond my own.


    4. Lets play connect the dots. Suppose you are gazing from your beach chair far off into the

    Mediterranean Sea. Where sea meets sky lays the horizon, a place you can only jump to intheory. Jump to

    it and look straight up. Now raise yourself to a point just slightly above the final telic height of your last

    glance; shift your gaze downward. Congratulations, youve theoretically peered beyondthe horizon.

    This game in perception represents more than just navel gazing; it also illustrates the type

    of mental exercise needed to press past the precipice when thinking palintropically. We can see

    beyond conceptual horizons when we apply this model to our own thought processes.

    5. Reader, again I will translate to save time: Maybe. Yes. Maybe. Only a bit -

    you cannot have it forever. I dont know, a fantasy?

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship



    Your battles inspired me - not the obvious material battles but those that were fought and won

    behind your forehead.

    -James Joyce

    Between her small hands stretched a small book. Taught as it was and pointing

    downward I could hardly catch sight of the title. Even still, I couldmake out its English

    lettering. Curious, I engaged.

    You know, switching between languages like that is quite the talent; how did you come

    about polyglottery with such youth?

    English! His tongues are vast! she said with great snark. I took you for confused and

    babbling, not American! What brings you to Jerusalem?

    Bedazzled, flabbergasted, I tilted my gaze upward. As if there were someone up there

    going to feed me the answer. Alas, glint caught my pupils; swelling like sponges to water they

    twisted and turned and Alas, foiled. Damn you, Sisyphus!!.

    I inflected, Turning points that reveal something new are transient overall, but What

    blasphemous jazz, what fecund garbage I tell you! What dastard made me think such sinful

    thought? What will will lead me rightly.

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship



    Preserve your memories, theyre all thats left you.

    -Simon and Garfunkel

    As the questions bubbled up through and out of my skull - soaring skyward - something

    popped. Aha!

    Che sucesso? Aldo, tutto bene? ForseALDO! Can you hear me?, she asked out of

    concern but her questions were so piercing I could cry.

    Yes, yes. Can you lower your voice? My head split just then. Like another cleft tool is

    your voice to my ears right now. I was internally garbled, mixing and mincing.

    This is the story of calm, Aldo; see if you can remember. It wasnt long ago that you

    first told me this tale; in fact, it was only several months back. Do you remember where we


    No, is it relevant? Because I just dont see how it could be at this moment, my head is

    splitting and

    Nonsense. Listen good.

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship


    And then there was calm. This little girl, my precious daughter, was singing the rich

    notes of seraphim. Hearing her voice assuaged me, and my fits of second guessing, over-

    thinking, and under-appreciating dissipated. Quotidiana became my homestead, a benevolent

    place of perennial synchronicity, a grateful place where today I continue to dwell.

  • 8/3/2019 Quotidiana Is My Homestead: A Fiction of Philosophy


    Fiasco Press Journal of Swarm Scholarship
