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1) Trust God, He knows your future; he may not reveal it, but he will walk with you

as the future unfolds. Don’t trust the stars; trust the one who made them!!!

2) When you feel God is rubbing you against the rocks, don’t think that you will ruin

down to dust; it’s just that God is polishing a gem…because you are SPECIAL.

3) There is no oil without squeezing the olive, no wine without pressing the grapes,

no fragrance without crushing the flower…So when things press you down; God

is taking out the BEST!!!

4) Losing in life and regaining what you have lost, makes you the most confident

person; because you are no more afraid of losing as you realize your ability to


5) Never let anyone make you feel that you don’t deserve what you want. You are

worthy of your happiness; what they say does not change anything, it does not

change you….UNLESS YOU LET IT!!!

6) The trouble with a rat race is that even if you win, you are still a rat. So always

run with lions no matter even if you are defeated, you still a lion!!!

7) The only thing I like about stones that they come in my way is, once I pass them,

they automatically become my MILESTONE!!!

8) To be a star, you must shine in your own way. Follow your own path and don’t

worry about the darkness. In fact, it’s because of the darkness, stars shine


9) If you want something which you never had before…. Do something which you

have never done before!!!

10) The future is not something we await. It is something we should create. The pure

taste of success can only be felt with a spoon of failure!!

11) Prayers does not change situation, but it change our attitude to the situation and

gives us hope; which in turn can change our entire life!!

12) Victory is always at our feet, but the problem is that we are too lazy to bend!!!

13) Believe in God like you believe in the sun, not because you can see it; but YOU


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14) People love you all the time. It’s just that they can’t love you the way you

understand love, but they love you the way they know to love.

15) Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Your past pain and struggle

was just the ground where God prepared you to receive a greater blessings that’s

crafted and planned by the almighty God. So as you stand at the threshold of a

decision that determines you life, remember you are not alone, God is with you.

He will do a brand new thing in your life, just reach out and receive it in faith!!

16) If you stand for a reason be prepared to stand alone like a tree. If you fall on the

ground, fall as a seed that grows back to fight again!!!

17) If you miss anything don’t fill your eyes with tears. It may hide yet another

beautiful thing standing in front of you!!!

18) Don’t read stories of success. Read stories of failure, because successful stories

gives only message, but stories of failure gives new ideas to WIN!!!

19) Life can give us number of beautiful lovers, but only true lover can give us

beautiful life!!!

20) Don’t judge a person by what others says. The person may be true to you, but not

to others because the same Sun which melts the ice; hardens the clay too!!!

21) Love does not always mean saying “I love you”, it’s a feeling of love and care for

someone from the heart!

22) Signboard on the side of a national highway: You are not looking at the road right

now, be careful!!

23) If you trust someone, trust until the end…whatever the result may be, in the end

either you will have a very good relation or a very good lesson!!!

24) Beautiful words written on a T-shirt: “Be nice to the people who smoke and drink,

because they won’t be around you for long time!!

25) “If the loser keeps his Smile, then the winner will lose the thrill of Victory!!!

26) An excellent quote written in a prayer hall: God has time to listen, but do you

have time to pray!!!

27) END is not end. In fact, END means Effort Never Dies….NO is not denial…NO

means Next Opportunity…always be positive!!

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28) There is no definition of a good day or a bad day. It all depends on you and your

thoughts that “either YOU RUN THE DAY or THE DAY RUNS YOU”

29) God always likes to know again and again what you want. It’s not that he forgets

your needs, but he loves to feel the sweetness of your prayers!!!

30) One can count the number of seeds in an apple, but no one can count the number

of apples in a seed. Future is unseen, may the best be yours.

31) Best traffic advertisement of the world ever: Picture of the Lord Ganesha with a

saying: Care for your head. Not everyone gets a replacement like me!!!

32) As you admire the wonderful things God has made, remember you are one of

them!!...wonderful inside and out…you are blessed!! You are special!! are


33) Never think why you are not like others, make others think “WHY THEY ARE


34) Never hate people who are jealous of you, instead love them because they are the

ones who think that you are better than them!!!

35) I don’t care if you don’t like me. I was not put on Earth to please you!!

36) No matter how noble our intentions are, but the world judges by our

presentation….and no matter how perfect our presentations are, but God judges

by our intentions!!

37) Ten wonderful 2-letter words: If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me!!!

38) The most beautiful blessing that can ever be given to anyone: May the worst day

of your future be better than the best day of your past.

39) There is nothing on this earth more prized than a true friendship.

40) The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they

have never found these dangers sufficient reasons for remaining ashore.

41) You can’t lose what you never had, you can’t keep what is not yours and you

can’t hold on to something that does not want to stay.

42) Always end your day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were;

Tomorrow is a fresh opportunity to make it better.

43) I may love to shop, But I am not buying your bullshit

44) When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place.

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45) There is no elevator to success; you always have to take the stairs.

46) No matter how many times I break down, there is always a little piece of me that

says, NO you are not yet done… Get Back Up!

47) I have learned that trust isn’t something that you put in people; it is something

you put in God. While people will fail you time and again, God never will.

48) Have a unique character like the Salt. It’s presence is not felt but it’s absence

makes things tasteless!

49) To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist, that’s all!

50) Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.