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If you use your mind to study reality, you won't understand either your mind or reality.If you study reality without using your mind, you'll understand both.- Bodhidharma

- Trying to understand is like trying to see through muddy water.Be still and allow the mud to settle.

- Because clarity and enlightenment are within your own nature,they are regained without moving an inch.

- If you think you can speak about the Tao,it is clear you don't know what you're talking about.

- The wise succeeds without intending to do so.

Wisdom from the Zen Masters and Tao

"For fire to increase or decrease, fuel is the only cause. The more the quantity of fuel,brighter will be the illumination. Fire has the power to give light by its very nature. Sotoo, in the fire of intellect of the spiritual aspirant, the fuel that produces renunciation,peacefulness, truth, kindness, forbearance and selfless service has to be constantly fedso that the light of wisdom is produced. The more ‘fuel’ placed, the more the efficaciousand effulgent the spiritual practitioners will become. Only trees growing on fertile soilcan yield good harvest. Trees which grow on saline soils will bear only poor yield. So

also, it is only in hearts that are unsullied can holy feelings, divine power and gifts shinein splendour"- Sri Sathya Sai Baba

" Poison bearing insects will be at home only in dark, dirty places. Inside a room keptscrupulously clean no snake, no scorpion, no poison-bearing-insect can enter. So too,the sacred wisdom cannot enter hearts which are dark and dirty. Instead, poisonousbreeds like anger will find these hearts as congenial resorts. The sublime significance of 

 Vidya or Higher Learning can be grasped by one, when the mind is pure. It can becommunicated to one only when the pure mind sheds its revealing light". - Sri SathyaSai Baba

"The acid test by which an activity can be confirmed as holy and sacred is to examinewhether it promotes attachment or bondage."- Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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"The Vedas lay down four goals before man: Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth),Kama (desire) and Moksha (liberation). But they have to be pursued in pairs, Dharmaand Artha together and Kama and Moksha together. That is to say, Artha has to beearned through Dharma, and Kama has to be for Moksha. But man takes these fourseparately and ends up losing everything. He puts them into separate compartments

and adopts distinct plans to achieve them. He gives up Dharma and Moksha as beyondhim and wastes his life pursuing only Artha and Kama. This leads him to ruin."- Sri

Sathya Sai Baba