Download - QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring

Page 1: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring

Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring to announcements and

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yE .... RLy HALF-YEARLY QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Semeatral) (Trimestral)

All 3 SerieS} CAs -3 series) R.s. 40/- Ra. 24/· Ra. 18/-

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Ministrj"of Steel, Mines and Metals (Deptt.· of Min.. and Metals)

Office of the Controller of Mining Leases. Goa. Daman and Diu



These are 35 cases f6r modification of terms of the

ni!11iilg . leases held by Mis. S. Kantilal & Co ..• Maxgao.

Sr. No. N.O de serie



















.. ' 19.


Case No.

Caso n.O





















Title No. and Date of Lease

N.o do titulo e data do arrendamento

3 of 13-6-1949 T. T. 4-11-1949

16 ·of·23·12·1949 ,"-.... 5 of 23·1-1950

17 of 2·3-1951

66 of 14-12-1951

67 of 14-12-1951

1 of 4-1-1952 T. T. 30-9-1961

.f of 1-2·1952

17 of 29·2-1952

18 of 29-2-1952

50 of 2·6-1952 T. T. 28-8·1961

60 of 18·7·1952

61 . .Qf 18·7-1952 T. T. 22·2·1959

96 of 14·11-1952

35 of 15·5·1953 T. T. 8·8-1954

70 of 31-7-1953

43 of 6·12-1954

44 of 6·12·1954

28·of 16·7-1954

5 of 8·2·1956



Ministerio de A~o, Minas e Metais (Departamento de MInas e Metal.)

Reparti~ao do Controledor de Arrend.mento$ de Mines de Goa. DamaO e Dio

Porto rio


Estes sao os 35 casos para modificagao das condigoes dos arrendamentos de minas. pertencentes a MIs. KantilaI & Co., Margao.

.~ -"














-Do--~Do-' . -Do-





Fer/Mang .


Village Area in hectares Aldeia. .Area em hectares

Salauli 99.7319

Sancordem 85.2900

Villiena 100.0000

Netorlim 44.0750

Maina 99.0812

Rumadem 56.4370

Molcornem 80.7500

Sancordem 73.8000

Vill~na 94.9000

Villiena 74.6500

Niquinim 48.2000

Curdl 78.6250

BaU-Cumbari 50.8200 Villiena 79.5000

Vadem & ~igonem 30.5840

Netorlim 22.2000

Cumban 60.1920

Nanora de Latam- 98.8600 barcem

4' ,.c. Sancordem 97.2830

Bat; 99.9900

Page 2: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring


~. 0 \1~ :i?i:'i'e .







27. • 2,8.








'Case'No. ". cilso-<ri:~ ,






:Z-573 ,;

"';Z-591. "







. Z-784

,6 Of'14-3-1956 T. T; 7-11-1958

29'A of 22-8-1966

30,of 22-8-1956

36 of 29-8-1956

49 of 19-12-1956

31 of 12-8-1957

32' of;~2-8-1957

"." 50 "f 14-10-1957 ,"

49 of 12-9-1958

. 2~ .,of 29-6-1959,

, .1;2 of 28-9-1959

, ",69 of 28'9-1959

68 of 28-9-1959

5 of 29-1-1960

20 of 17-6-1960

Notices "'were served on the lessees ill which the proposed modifications W:e,t~:,in~Itt~9.n:e.d __ ~p., th~: .~~~me~ Counsel for the lessee argued that the leases are not liable to be modified because 'firstly:hiS clients'are-not lessees, but concessionaires and secQudly the Mining Lease (Modification of T,erms) Rules, 1956 (heremafter -c~lled the 'Rules') defin~ the term 'existing mining lease· ... as -those Mining Leases which were granted before the 25th day of October, 1949. hence the leases whi"ch were granted after the 25th October. 1949 cannot be modified.

I have given my anxious and careful consideration to the above pOints' and, in my view. these contentions have got.

"no force.

The first contention was that the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 (here~nafter .called the 'Act') and the Rules do not apply to these cases as' these persons are concess~oI!air~s. and.-not le_::;s~es . .In my y~e:w. .t<hi~ " contention has got no force, as we have to look to the pith and substance of the case and not to the form or words which have been used under the "Portuguese Law. The Act defines the Mining Lease and Mining operations as follows:

Section 3 (c): «mining lease» means a lease granted for the purp,ose of undertaking mining operations, and includes a sub-lease" granted for such p'

Section 3 (d): « .operations» means any operations underta~en for the purpose of winning any mineral.

These definitions are very wide and include any. deed granted for mining operations and the mere fact that under the Portuguese Law they were called mining concessions instead of Mining Leases would not make any difference.,

The concessionaires cannot deny that they are operatingf the Mn::;,es under the deeds called Concessions. It will be significant to note that under the Portuguese Colonial ,:baws, Mining Concession was defined in almost similar mru.?-ner and gave the power to the concessi(:maires to operate the mines.

The relevant definitions read as follows:-

Section I (u): «Milling Concession» is that which is granted to the manifestor and permits him to explore" a mining pro­perty and to enjoy thereon all mining rights. It is unlimited in duration as long as the concessionaire complies with the conditions which the law and the title of concession imposed on him. '1-

Section I (v): «Title of Concession»; A document legally establishing a concession.

Article 2 sa:ys that the proprietorship"o't deposits, of metals and metaliferous minerals. belongs to th~ State and such

Min'eraiis' ,-, . '

Minfri6!s c'




Itoh' If~ii,. ;, Irbn

J!'erjMang . Iron

Iron Hon"





:'Vlllage" . "::-Al'd~i~




Talnali, Cumbari 'e: ~ati .

"Bat; CumbarL



,b~ngor" Bali



S<!-l~uli .. Curdi ',,",'


Salauli --' ,

" Batt

. _ Al:si: ,i;~" h~Fi:a~"es' ' Area em "hec!~~~s: -



100.0000 ..


.li8.7000 '.',









94.5200 ~


Foram expedidos avisos aos arrendata}rios, mencionando as modificagoes propostas e o_-advogado de defesa, dos arren­datarios. arguiu- que os arrendamentos nao estavam sujei- <

tos a serem modificados,' em primeiro lugar, porque os'. seus clientes nao eram arrendatarios, mas concessionarios e, em segundo lugar, porque c «Mining Lease (Modification of Terms) RUles», 1956 '(referido daqui ein diante como «normas)) definia 0 termo ,«actual arrendamento mineiro» como sendo os arrendamentos de minas concedidos antes de 25 de Outubro de 1949 e, por isso, os arrendamentos de minas concedidos depois de 25- de Outubro de 1949, nao· podiam ser ",modificados.

Tendo apreciado, cuidadosamente, as alegagoes acima feltas, sou do -parecer, que ~s mesmas naD. tem forga de "lei.

A primeira alegagao e de que-, 0 «Mines and ~inerals-' (Regulation and Development Act», 1957 (referido daqui em diante como «citado Act») e as normas formuladas ao abrigo do mesmo. nao tinham aplicagao aos casos vertentes porque as partes interessadas eram concessionarios e nao arrendatarios. No. meu parecer esta alegagao nao tem forQ~l de leI porque 0 presente casQ tem de ser encarado a fundo e nao simplesmente -baseado na forma ou 'palavras empre­gadas pela lei portuguesa. 0 citado ACt; define 0 arrenda­mento e exploragao ~e minas como a seguir se indica:

Artigo 3 (c) «ar;endamento mineiro» signlfica um arren­damento concedido para os fins de se fazer exploragoes. mineiras e lnclue um sub-arl'endamento cQncedido para 0-

mesmo fim.

Artigo 3 (d) «explorag5es mineiras» significam quaisquer exploragoes feitas para os fins da extracgao de qualquer: minerio ..

Estas definigoes acima mencionadas sao bastante amplas: ~,' e incluem qualquer"' titulo CQncedido para -a exploragao de minas e 0 simples facto de que ao abrigo da lei portuguesa os mesmos eram chamadQs «concessoes de minas» em vez de «arrendamentos de minas» nao deve fazer nenhuma diferenga. .

Os concesSionarios nao podem neg-ar que exploram _ as minas ao abrigo dos titulos chamados concess5es. :m de toda a significancia notar que ao abrigo da Lei Colonial Portuguesa, uma _soncessao mineira achava-se definida de' maneira quase identica e concedla poderes aos concessio~ narios para explorarem as minas. '.

Sao seguintes as definigoes:-

Artigo I (u): «concessao mineira)o e aquela que e dada ao· manifestante e Ihe permite explorar uma propriedade mineira e exercer sobre ela todos os direitos mineiros. Tem duragao ilimitada enquanto 0 concessionario cump~r as condlgoes que a lei e 0 titulo de concessao lhe imPus~7/~m. ,

Artigo I (v): «Titulo. de concessao» - Documento que prova legalmente a concessao. '

o a-rtigo 2.°_ diz que a propriedade dos dep6sitos de metais e minerios metalicQs pertencente ao Estado e os respectivos.

Page 3: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring


'~'J:lrJUNE,1~6~';( JY AISTHA 15, 1891)

;beds cannot.· J)e prospected or: .~urked wi~hout Jicenc,e and ·'concession _ by _ Government :in _terms of the 'present Decree.

• :' Article 9 is very stgnifican:t to note. because it uses the \word ,_'Concessionaires or Lessees' of mines. It 'shows that even under the Portuguese Law Concessionaires and Lessees were synonymous.

Article 14 says that the concession of ap. ore does not imply possession of the surface of the' ground in which it is found, but involves for the concessionares and - the prow prietor of the ground certain rights and reciprocal obUgations -in accordance with the terms of law.

Articles 42, 73 and 91 prescrib'e the tax etc. which are to be paid by the Conc,essionaires.

These provisions of ,the Portuguese Colonial Mining Law ·clearly show that .th~ concessionaires and Lessees are the :sa~e and the" differe~ce was only of nomenclature.

I accordingly hold that the 'concessions are in essence Leases and as such they' can be modified under the Act and Jtules.

The second and last pomt which was urged before me was '~hat according to the Rules' the existing mining leases, mean a lease executed before the 25th October, 1949 hence the -leases or concessions which were .executed after the 25th !october, 1949 cannot be modified. In my view thls contention .)las also got no force.

It is true that under the Rules 'existing Mining Leases' nave been defined as those leases which were executed before the 25th October, 1949 but we have to look to the prOVision ·,()f Section 16 of the Act which says that all Mining Leases _'granted in the territory of Goa, Daman and Diu before the ;commencement of the Act therein shall, as soon as may be .after the commencement of this Act, be brought into confor~ :ruity with the provisions of this Act and the Rules made 'under Sections 13 and 18. The Act was applied to Goa from -1 ~ 10-63 hence all the leases or Concessions which were ~gra:nted before 1-10-1963 are to be brought into conformity with the provisions of the Act and the Rules. It would be ,significant to note that under Section 16 of the Act all the 'Mining Leases executed before 1st October, 1963 are to be :modified to bring them in conformity with the Act and 'Rules and there is no rider that only those Leases which 'were executed before the 25th October, 1949 are to be 'modified.

~ Section 3 of the Rules provides for the appointment of :a"Controller of Mining Leases and that appOintment has not been challenged. Once a controller of Mining Leases 'has been apPOinted he derives his jurisdiction to m9dify

<the leases to bring them 'in conformity with the provisions :;(jf the Act and Rules. The main mOdifications which have

-~,:;:!:~been proposed are regarding the period of the lease, the '\'troyalty to be paid and the maximum area permissible to ~<me lessee. All these provisions are found in the Act itself.

Section 8 provides for the period for which a lease can be .granted. Section 9 fixes the royalty to be paid and Section 6 fixes the maximum area for which a mining lease can be .granted.

The Rules only details the procedure which is to be fol­lowed in giving notice etc. and can never over-ride the ,specific provisions of the Act. Indeed if there is any con­tradiction between . the provisions of the Act and those of' the Rules, then the provisions' of the Act shall prevail. "It is thus clear that once a. Controller is appointed, he shall ,modify the Leases in conformity with the Act and Rules, ..and the mere fact that. the «e~sting Mining Leases» have been defined to be leru;;es granted prior to 25th October, 1949 does not bar the Controller to modify any l~ase granted up-to 30th September, 1963 to bring them in conformity with the Act. The position would have been different if the existing mining leases would have been defined as leases granted before the' 25th October, 1949 in· the Act itself.


;j~os nao' p.o~rao' ser pesquisados .;nem .. :'lavraaos:~-sem :lic::enga .e concessao do,, nos. terinos' '<1~ pres-ente.1el .

o artigo 9.° e de toda'a'convente:ncia. frf.sar;:porqu'e ·~~prega. a expressao «'"concessionarios: ou arrendatariOs»::-:'dji:' minas. Isto demonstra que mesmo, ao abrigo-'da lei' -portuguesa.' os termos conce,sSionarios e arrendatarios eram: sinonlihos':

o artigo 14.0 dtz que a concessao de urn .jAzJi~-.mineiro nao ImpUca a posse da superficie do terreno. ~em '~_que ele se encontra, mas envolve para 0 concessio-nario '¢. para 0 proprietario do solo direitos e obrigaQoes reciproeas, em harmonia com as disposiQoes que foram legalmente estabe-lecidas. ",

Os artigos 42.°, 73.° e 91.° fixarn as taxas a serem pagas . pelos concessionarios.

Estas dfsposiQoes da Lei Colonial Portuguesa, acinta citadas claramente demonstram que os concessionarios e' arrenda­tarios eram a mesma coisa e que a diferenga era' apenas de nomenclatura.

Eu, de conformidade, "entendo que as concessoes'·.sao. na sua ess~ncia, arrendamentos 'e,' por isso podem ser ·m.odifica­das ao abrigo das existentes leis e nonnas,

A segunda e ultima alega~o feita ~, que de '. harmonia com as normas, a expressao «actuais arrendamentos minei­ros» significa os arrendamentos executados anteB 'de 25 de Outubro de 1949, e que por isso, os arrendamentos execu­tados depois de 25 de Outubro de 1949, nao podiam ser modificados .. No meu parecer esta alegagao, tari).p.m, nao tem forQa. de lei.

:m verdade que ao abrigo das normas os «a~tu~s arren­damentos mineiros»' achamwse definidos como arrendamentos executados antes de 25 de Outubro de 1949,' mas,... ~ neces­sario ,referir-se ao disposto no artigo 16,°. do' ci.tado Act, que . diz que todos os· arrendamentos mineiros cOncedidos no ter.rit6riO da Uniao de Goa, Damao e Dio, antes da entrada em vigor do mesmo Act, deverao, -logo ap6s a entrada em vigor do meSmo Act, ser trazidos de conformi­dade COm as disposH;oes do mesmo Act e das ·normas for­muladas ao abrigo dos artigos 13.° e 18.°. 0 Act foi tornado extensivo a Goa, a partir de 1 de Outubro de' 1963 e, por isso, todos' os arrendamentos ou concessoes concedidos antes de 1 de Qutubro de 1963, deverao ser trazidos de con­formidade com as disposiQoes do citado Act e normas, Convem frisar que, ao abrigo do artigo 16.° do mesmo Act, todos os arrendamentos mineiros executados antes de 1 de Outubro de 1963, tern de ser modificados para que 'estejarn de conformidade com 0 citado Act e normas e em nenhuma parte esta previsto que s6mente os arrendamentos execu­tados antes de' 25 de Outubro de 1949 tern de ser modificados.

o artlgo 3.° das citadas normas preve a nomeagao dum controlador de arrendamentos mineiros e ninguerii" se opOs a essa nomeaQao. Uma vez que tenha sido nomeado' 'urn con­trolador de arrendamentos minelros, e c;la sua .'jurisdigao modificar os arrendamentos a fim de que Os mesmos" estejam de conformidade com as disposiQoes do citado Act e .. normas. As principais modificagoes que se' 1>fOpoe' ''ref~rem:'''se'' ao periodo do arrendamento, direitos de privilegio a serem pagos e a area maxima que se pode permitir a cada arren­datario. Todas estas disposigoes estao previstas no pr6prio Act. 0 artigo 8.° prev€: p. periodo ~durante 0 qual pode ser concedido urn arrendamento. 0 artigo 9.° f~a os direitos de privilegio a serem pagos e 0 artig-o' 6.° 'fixa a 'are~ maxiina que se pode atribuir a um arrendamen_~o' mtl:ie~l,'~:,~:~ . . ,.

As nOrmas somente indicam, em detalhe, 0 procedimento a seguir no respeitante aos avisos a serern expedidQs;' etc. e jamais podem ir de encontro com as disposigoes; do Act. Supondo mesmo, que existe qu.alquer contr~qJ~~-.~J~~p..tJ;'e a~ disposigoes do Act e as disposigoes das _.nonnas, as di.~po~i­Qoes dQ Act prevalecerao. Fica assim 'claramente est'abele­cido que 'uma vez que seja nomeado urn controlador de arrendamentos' mineiros, 0 mesmo p'odera modifica.'r os arrendamentos de ·conformidade com 0 Act e nonnas, e 0 simples facto de que os «actuais a-rren.damen.tos .minei­ros» q~e. se ·~cham·. definidos como arr~damen.tos ~once .. didos antes de 25 d~ Outubro de 1949~ 'nao impede Q~ con~ trolador de mod1ficar qualquer arrendamento concedido at6 30 de Setembro 'de 1963, a fim de que·-· 0': mesmo possa .. ' de conformidade' com 0 Act. 0 caso terla·:· sido diferetlte se os «actuais 'arrendamentos mineiros» tivessem sido definidos como arrendamep~os ::concedido~ antes~~~,,~5 de Outu~o de 1949. 11P.l'r(iprI9 .;\0\;,,'

Page 4: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring

For the. aforesaid reasons, _ I hold that all the -leases or Concessions- granted- before the 1st October, 1963 would be modified in accordance with the modifications proposed. in the No~ices and the above mentioned Leases shall stand modified as follows:-

1) The period of the leases shall be 20 years commen­cing from 15th January. 1966 in all th~ _ cases.

2} The dead rent shall be payable at the rate of Rs. 25/­. per annum, from 15th January, 1966 in all the' cases.

3) Th~ royalty shall be payable in respect of any mineral removed by the Lessees from the leased area after 15-1-66 at the rate for the time being specified in the second Schedule of the Mines and

:Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act; 1957 in respect of that mineral. ' '

4) The lessee shall also pay. for the surface area used by him for the purpose of mining operations, spr­face rent and water rate at such rate, not exceeding

. ,the land revenue; water and cesses assessable on the land, as may be specified by the State Govern­ment.

5) The following clause shall be deemed to be inserted in the lease deed and shall form part thereof; «Except for the modifications made by 'this order, the lease shall be subject to the rules made or deemed ·to have been made under Sections '13 and 18 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) ACt' 1957 and orders and Notifications published

. by' ~he Government of India, from time ~o time. 6} It Is further clarified that the royalty, shall be paid

iil accordance with ~:fection '9 of the Mines and Mine­rals (Regulation and Developmetii) Act, 1957 instead of' according to the stipulations in the lease deed. The royalty, the dead rent, surface 'rent etc. for the period prior to 15-1-1966 shall be paid as may be determined or ordered by the Government.

7) The area exceeding" ten square miles shall be sur­rendered. The Lessee shall submit a statement within 15 .days mentioning the leases which he wants to . surrender and in default suitable orders' cancelling the 'leases will be passed. .

8) It is 'further, ordered that this o-rder shall be pub­liShed in the '"Official Gazette and copies thereof be sent to the lessee and the State Government.

9) This order shall not apply to Coal and other minor minerals.

(to) The lease is restricted to winning of Iron and Man­ganese ore only.

This order shall govern all the leases of the aforesaid person ~d copy of this shall be placed in all the cases.

A. P. Agrawal, Controller of Mining Leases Goa, Daman and Diu.

panaji, 30th January, 1969.



Thes'e are 80 cases for modification of terms of the mining leases held' by MIs. Chowgule and Company (P) Ltd., Mor­mugao Harbout', Goa.

Sr. No: Case No. Title No. and Date of Lease


Pelas razoes actina expost'as, . sou do patecer que' todo$. ,os arrendamentos ou concessoes concedidos antes de 1 de Outubro de 196-3, devem ser modificados de acordo com as niodificac;oes propo'stas 'nos respectivos avisos e, por isso, os arrendamentos acima mencionados sao modificados comG­a seguir se indica:-

1) 0 periodo do arrendamento sera de 20 anos. a partir de 15 de Janeiro de 1966, em todos os casos.

2) A renda fixadevera ser pagaa razao de Rps.'25/- por­ano, desde 15 de Janeiro de 1966, em todos os' casos~

3) Os direitos de privllegto serao pagaveis em relaC;ao a cada minerio extraido pelo arrendatario da area arren':' dada, depois de 15 de Janeiro de 1966, na percentagem que presentemente se acha indicada na segunda ta­bela do «Mines and Mineral (Regulation and Develop­ment) Act, 1957», em relaC;ao a este minerio.

4) 0 arrendatG'irio tambem 'pagarii pela area superficial por ele utilizada para a explorac;ao da mina, a renda de superficie e a taxa de agua segundo a percentagem, . nao excedendo a contribuio;;ao predial e outros impos­tos pagaveis pelo terreno, que vier a ser indicada pelo--Governo Estadual.· .

5) A seguinte clausula devera ser acrescentada no con­trato do arr-endamento e devera considerar~se como· sendo parte do mesmo. «Com excepgao das modifica­c;oes feitas por esta portaria, 0 arrendamento fica 'sujeito as normas formuladas ou ,que se consJderem formuladas ao abrigo dos artigos 13.'1: e 18.0 do «Mines­and Mineral (Regulation and Development) Act,. 1957» e das portarias e de&.pachos publicados, pelo. Governo da India, periodicamente.

6) Esclarece-se que os direitos de privilegio serao pagos, de- conformidade com 0 artigo 9.0 do «Mines and Mineral (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957», em vez de sere,Jl1 pagos conforme se acha estipulado no contrado do arrendarnento. Os direitos de privUegio" renda fixa. renda de superficie, etc., pelo periocto anterior a 15 de Janeiro de 1966, serao pagos con­forme 0 Governo determinar.

7) Devera,:,se fazer a entrega da area excedente a dez quadradas. 0 arrendatar10 devera prestar uma declara~ao, dentro de 15 dias, mencionando os arren­damentos de que deseja fazer a entrega, na falta da qual, serao expedidas orderns cancelando os arren­damentos.

8) Determina-se que a presente portaria seja publicada­no Boletim Ojicial, e de que copias da mesma, sejam enviadas aos arrendatarios e ao Governo Estadual.

19) 0 disposto nesta nao tera apJicW;ao em relac;ao a carvaO e outros minerios.

.10) 0 arrendamento restringe-se a. extracQa,o de minerio· de ferro e mangan@s, exclusivamente.

A presente portaria regulara todos os arrendamentos da firma acima mencionada e uma c6pia da mesma, devera ser­junta em todos os casos.

A. P. Agrawal, Controlador de' Arrendamentos de Minas d~ Goa, Damao e Dio.

Panagl, 30 de 'Janeiro de 1969.

Porto ria


.Estes sao os 30 casos para modificac;ao das condi0es dos­arrendamentos de minas, pertencentes it MIs. Chowgule and. Company (P) Ltd., Mormugao Harbour, Goa.

Mineral/s Village Area in hectares

N.o de serie Caso n.O N.o do titulo e data do arrendamento Mineriojs Aldeia Mea em hectares

1. . Z·26 5 of 8-7-1949 Iron Sirigao .00.7500 T. T. 22-2-1959·

2. Z-34 [3 of 18-11-1949 -Do- Mahem 00._ T. T. 22-10-1954 •

3. Z·43 5 of 113-1-1950 Fer/Mang Gautona 50.6500

4. Z-60 21 of 5-5-1950 -Do- Vichundrem 51.3287

5. Z-61 22 of 5-5-1950 Iron Cost! 62.7457

6. Z·118 38 of 20-4-1951 Iron Costi 100.0000

7. Z-243 93 of 14-11-1952 Fer/MSiIlg Colomba 74.0050 T. T. 13-10-1959

8.·· Z-!US 98 of 5·12'1952 Iron Onda .. 74.6100 T. T. 13-10.JSG9

Page 5: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring

'5TH. JUNE, 1969 (JY AISTHA 15, 1891)

Sr. No. Case No. 'Title No. and Date of Lease 0

N." de serie Caso ri." N." do titulo ,e data do arrendamento

9. Z-272 19 of 6-3-1953

10. Z-284 31 of 24-4-1953 T. T. 4-11<1953

11. z-:no 57 of 19-6-1953 . T. T. 4-11.u953

12. Z-369 116 of 30-10-1953 T. T. 30-9~960

13. Z-428 30 of 19-4-1954 T. T. 10-12-1954

14. Z-478- 31 of 30_7_1955 T. T. 10.10-1956

·15. Z-525 35 of 29-8-1956

16. Z-531 41 of 24-10-1956 T. T. 17-6-1960

17. • ,Z-552 12 of 29-4~957

'18. Z-567 26 of 3.a-1957

19. Z-581 40 of 11.641-lll57

20. Z-582 41 of 1641-1957

21. Z-583 42 of 16-9-1957

22. . Z-655 51 of 2241-1958

23. Z-656 52 of 22'5~

24. Z-657 53 of 22-9-1958

25. Z-658 54 of 22-9-1'958

26. Z-674 70 of 24-11-'1958

27. Z-675 71 of 28-11-1958

.28. Z-676 72 of 28~1-,1958

29. Z-677 73 of '28-.11-1958

30. Z-783 19 of 29-4-1960

Notices were served on the lessees in which the proposed --1l1oditflcations were mentioned and the Learned Counsel for the lessee argued that the leases are not liable to be modified because firstly his clients are not lessees, but concessionaires .and secondly the Mining Lease (Modification of. Terms) Rules 1956 (hereinafter called the 'Rules') defines the term ; 'existing mining lease' as those Mining Leases which were .granted before the 25th day of October, 1949, hence the leases which were granted after the 25th October, 1949 ,cannot be modified.

I have given my anxious and t::areful consideration to the .above points, and, in my view, these contentions hav.e got no force.

The first contention was that the Mines and Minerals -(Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 (hereinafter called the 'Act') and the Rules do not apply to these cases as these persons are concessionaires and not lessees. In my view this

-contention has got no' force, as we have to look to the pith ,and substance of the case and not to the form or words which have been used under the Po~tuguese Law. The Act .defines the Mining Lease and Mining operations as follows:

Section 3 (c): «mining lease» means a lease granted for the purpose of undertaking mining operations, and includes .a sub-Ie~e g,ranted for such purpose.

Section 3 (d): «mining operations» means any operations ·undertaken for the purpose of winning any mineral.

These' definitions are very wide and include any deed :,granted for mining operations and the mere fact that under ~e Portuguese Law they were called mining concessions jDstead of Mining: Leases' would. not make any difference.

, .



. ~Ii~eral/s . vilfag~ , Area in hectares

M~nerio/s Aldeia Area em _ hectares

Fer/Mang Piliem of 100.0000 . parbandora

Iron Pale 83.9730

F~r/Mang Sulcorm.a 99.3325.

'~Do- Vagurbem 6Hl900

Iron Nadora 78.0900 <~

Iron Gavanem 98.0800

Iron Nadora 97.3040 .', Iron/Mang Ponocem 68.6650


Iron Costi e Dudal 20.0000

~Do- Xelopo 100.0000 Curado

-Do- Nudou 80.4600

-Do- Molern 99.1400

-Do- Tudou 91.4000

-Do- Arnbolt 100.0000

11'.911 !Navelim 90.8000 Amona

.lrqn ". 0 Sigao 79.0090 ",Calem


Iron Vagurbem 92,4{J50

Iron Sigao 60.{)389

"::r:roh.!Mang Sanvo:rdem 57,1000 , Iron Maem - 96.0000

Iron, Maem 100.0000

• :! ' :u:QnjMang Maem 97.9400 ~

_Fe"ram expedidos avisos aos arrendatartos, mencionandO' as modificaQoes propostas e 0 advogado de defesa dos arren­datarios, 'arguiu que os arrendamentos nao estavam sujeito,s· a serem modificados, em primeiro lugar, por_que os seus clientes nao eram arrendatarios mas concessionarios e, em segundo lugar, porque 0 «Mining Lease (Modification 'of' Terms) Rules», :1956' (referido daqui em diante como «normas») definia 0 termo «actual arrendamento jnineiro,~ como sendo os arrendamentos de minas concedidos_ antes de 25 de Outubro de 1949 e, por iSso, os arrendamentos de minas concedidos depois de 125 de Outubro_ de 1:949, DaO podiam ser modificados. ~ 0/

Tendo apreciado, cUidado~ame_nte, as alegaQoes acima feit~s; _ sou do parecer que as mesmas nao tern forQa de lei. .

.A primeira alegasao e de que 0 «MInes and Minerals (Regulation and Development Acb, 1957 (referido daqui em diante como «Citado Act») e' as normas formuladas ao abrigo -do mesmo, nao tinham aplicaQao aos casos vertentes porque as partes interessadas eram concessionarios e _nao arrendatarios. No, meu parecer esta alegaQ3.o nao tern forQa de lei, pOl'que o· presente caso tem _ de ser encarado a fundo e nao simplesmente baseado na fOl'ma ou palavras empre­gadas pela lei portuguesa, 0 citado Act define 0 arrenda­mento e exploraQao de minas como a seguir se iIidica:

Artigo :3 (c) «arrendamento mineiro» significa urn arren~ damEmto concedido para os fins de se fazer exploragoes mineiras e inclue urn sub-arrendamento concedido para 0 mesmo fim.

-Artigo - 3." (d) «exploraQoes mineiras» signifiea quaisquer exploragoes feitas para os 'fins da extracQao de qualquer minerio ..

Estas 'definiQoes acima mencionadas sao bastante amplas -e_ incluem "qualquer titulo concedido para a exploraQao. de -minas e 0 simples facto de qUE;! ao abrigo da lei portuguesa os . mesmOs eram chamados «concessoes de minas» em vez. de «arrendamentos de minas» nao deve .fazer nenhuma. diferenga.

Page 6: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring


The concessionaire~s cannot <deny that they are operating the Mines under the deeds called Concessions. "It will be significant to note that under the Portuguese Colonial Mining .Laws. Mining Concession was defined in almost similar man~ ner and gave the power to the concessionaires to" operate-­the mines. ,

The relevant definitions read as follows:-

SectioIi I (u): «mining concession» is that which is granted to the manifestor and permits him to explore a mining pro· perty arid to enjoy thereon all mining rights. It is unlimited in duration as long as the concessionaire complies with the conditions which the law and the title of concession imposed on him. ~

Section I (v): «Title of Concession»; A document legally establishing a concession. -

Article 2 says that the proprietorship of deposits of metals and. metaliferous minerals, belongs to the State and such beds cannot be prospected or worked without -licence and concession by Governme:p.t in terms of the pres~~.t:;Decree.

Article 9 is very significant to note because it used the word 'Concessionaires or Lessees',. of mines. It shows that even under the Portuguese Law concessionaires and Lessees were synonymous.

Article 14 says that the concession' of an ore does not imply ,possession of the surface of the ground in which it is found, but involves for the Concessionaires and the pro­prietor of the ground certain rights and reciprocai-obligations in accordaJice with the terms of ~~'.,;

Articles 42, 73 and 91 prescribe 'the ,t§l.x, e~c. w~,9tt are to be paid by the Concessionaires. ';J-

These provisions of ~he port't~uesefi' C016ili~,2Mining Law clearly show that the ""concessionaires and Lesse~s are the same and the difference was only of nomenclature.

I ,atlcordingly hold that+ the Conces~ions are in essence Leases and as such they can be modified under tne 'Act and


The second and last point which was urged before me was that according to the Rules the existing mining-leaSes mean a lease executed before the 25th October, 1949 hence the leases or -concessions which were executed after the 25th October, 1949 cannot be modified. In my view this cQntention has also got no force.

It is true that under the Rules 'existing Mining. Leases' have been defined as those leases w~ich were execute? before the 25th October, ].,949 but we have to look ,to t~e V_J9visions of Section 16 of the Act which says that all Mining Leases granted in the territory of Goa, Daman and Diu ~efore the commencement of the Act therein_ shall as soon as may be after the commencement of ' 'this Act, be brought into confor­mity with the provisions of this Act and the Rules made under Sections 13 and 18. The Act was applied to Goa from 1-10-63 hence all the leases or Concessions which were granted before 1-10-1963 are to be brought into conformity with the provisions of the Act and the Rules. It would be significant to note that under Section 16 of the Act all the Mining Leases executed before 1st October, 1963 are to be modified to bring them in conformity with the Act and Rules and there is no rider that only those leases which were executed before the 25th October, 1949 are to be modified.

Section 3 of the Rules provides for the appointment of It; a Controller of Mining Leases and that appoilitment has

not been challenged. Once a controller of Mining Leases has been appOinted he derives his jurisdiction .. to ,~odify the lease to bring them, in conformity with the provi~ions of the Act and Rules. The main modifications which. -~ave heen proposed are regarding the period of the lease, the royalty to be paid and the maximum area permissible to one Lessee. All these provisions are found in the Act itself. Section 8_ provides for the period for which a_lease can, be granted. Section 9 fixes the royalty to be paid and :Section 6 fixes the maximum area for which a mining' teases can be granted.' .


Os concessionarios nao podem negar que exploram as­minas ao abrigo dos titulos chamados concessoes. :€ de toda a significancia Dotar que ao abrigo da Lei Co~onial Portuguesa, uma concessao mineira achava-se definida de marieita quase identica- e conceilia poderes aos concessio-· narios para explorarem as minas.

Sao seguintes as definigoes:-

Artigo I (u): «concessao mineira» e aquela que e dada ao­manifestante e Ihe permite explorar uma propr.iedade mineira e exereer sobre ela todos os direitos mineiros. Tern duragao­ilimitada, enquanto 0 concessiomlrio cumprir as condj~oes

que a lei e 0 t~tulo de concessao lhe hnpuseram.

Artigo I (v): «Titulo de eoncessao» -Documento que prova legalmente a_ concessao.

o artigo' 2.° diz que a propriedade dos dep6sitos de metais­e minerios metalicos ·pertencente~ao Estado e os respectivos. jazigos nao. poderao ser pesquisados ,nem lavrados· sem licen~a e concessao cio Governo, nos termos da presente lei.

o artigo 9." e de_ toda a. conven~encla frisar, porque emprega a expressao «concessionar.ios OU arrendatarios» de minas. Isto demonstra, que mesmo, ao abrigo da lei portuguesa os­termos· concessiomirios e arrendatarios eram' ,sin6ilimos.

() artigo 14.0 diz que a concessao' de Urn jazigo mineiro­nao implica' a posse da superffcie do terreno em que ele se encontra, mc;ts _envolve para 0 concessionario e para o· proprieh'irio do solo, direitos e obriga~5es reciprocas,' em harmonia com as disposi~oes que foram legalmente estabe­lecidas.

Os artigos 42.°, 73.° e 91." fixam as taxas a serem pagas· pelos conceSsionarios.

Estas disposi~5es'da Lei Colonial Portuguesa, acima citadas. claramente demonstram que os concessionarios e arrendatarios_ eram a mesma coisa e que a diferen~a era apenas de nomen­clatura. -"'

Eu, de conformidade, entendo qlle as concessoes sao· n-a sua essencia, arrendamentos e, por isso podem ser­modificadas ao abrigo das existentes leis e normas.

A segunda e. ultima alega~ao feita e, que de harmonia com as normas, a expressao «actuais arrendamentos minei­ros» significa os arrendamentos executados antes de 25 de Outubro de 1949, e que por isso, os arrendamentos execu­tados depois de 25 de Outubro de 1949, nao padiam ser modificados. No meu parecer esta alega~ao, tambem, nao· tern for~a de lei.

1i:: verdade que ao abrigo 'das normas os «actuais arren­damentos mineiros» acham-se definidos como arrendamentos. executados antes de 25 de Outubro de 1949, mas, e neces­saria referir-se ao disposto no artigo 16.° do citado Act,

.que diz que todos os arrendamentos mineiros concedidos tio territ6rio da Uniao de Goa, Damao e Dio, antes da entrada em vigor do mesmo Act, devcrao, logo ap6s a en (tada em vigor do mesmo Act, ser trazidos de conformi­dade com as disposi~oes do mesmo Act e das normas for­muladas ao abrigo dos artigos 13." e 18.". 0 Act foi tornado· extensiv~ a Goa, a partir de 1 de Outubro de 1963 e, por isso, todos os arrendamentos ou concessoes concedidos antes de 1 de Outubro de 19'6i3" deverao ser trazidos de con­formidade com as disposi~oes do eita_do Act e normas, Convem frisar que, ao abrigo do artigo 16.'-' do mesmo Act, todos os arrendamentos mineiros executados antes de 1 de­Outubro de 1,g63, tem de ser modificados para que estejam de confarmidade com 0 citado Aet e normas e em nenhuma parte esta previsto que somente os arrendatarios execu­tudos antes de_ 25 de Outubro de 1949 tern de ser modificados,

o artigo 3." das citadas normas preve a nomea~ao dum controlador de arrendamentos mineiros e ninguem se opOs; a cssa nomea~ao. Uma vez 'que tenha sido nomeado um con­trolador de arrendamentos mineiros, e da sua jurisdi.~ao· modificar os arrendamentos a fim de que Os mesmos estejam de conformidade com as disposig5es do citado Act e normas, As principais modifica~oes que se propoe referem-se ao­perfodo do arrendamento, direitos de privilegio a serem pagos e a area maxima que se pode permitir -a cada arren­datario. Todas estas disposi~oes estao previstas no pr6prio· Act. 0 artigo 8.° preve 0 periodo durante 0 qual pode ser concedido urn arrendamento. 0 artigo 9.° fixa os· direitas. de privilegio a serem pagos e 0 al'tigo 6.° fixa a area maxima que se pode atribuir' a urn arrendamento mineiro.

Page 7: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring


A -"",

6TH JUNE, 1969 (JY AISTHA 15, 1891) -----------------------------"'-=-

The 'Rules only details the procedure which is to be fol­lowed in givIng notice etc. and can never over-ride the spe('1fic provisions of the Act. Indeed if there is any con­tradiction between the provisions of the Act and those of the Rules, then the provisions of the Act shall' prevail. It is thus clear that once a Controller is appointed, he shall modify the Leases in conformity with the Act and Rules, and the mere fact that the _ «existing Mining Leases» have been defined to be leases granted prior to 25th October, 1949 does not bar the Controller to modify any lease granted !lp-to. 30th September, 1963 to bring them in conformity with the' Act. The position would- ~ave been different if the «existing mining leases» wquld have been defined as leases granted before the 25th October, 1949 in the Act Itself.

For the: aforesaid reasons, I hold - that all the leases or ~oncessions granteq before the 1st October, 19'63 would be modified in accordance with the modifications proposed in the Notices and the above mentioned Leases shall stand mOdified as follows:-

,1) Th~' per~od of the leases shall be 20 years commen­cing fto~ 15th January, 1&66 in all the cases.

2) The <dead-rent shall be 'payable at the rate of Rs. 25/­per annum from 15th Janu~ry 1-966, in all the cases.

3) The royalty shall be payable in respect of any mineral_ removed by the Lessees from the leased area after 15-1-66 at the rate for the time being specified' in' the second Schedule of th~ Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1195,7 in respect of that mineral.

4) The lessee shall also pay, for the surface" area used by him for the purpose of mining operatIons, sur­face rent and water rate at such rate, not exceeding the' land revenue, water and cesses assessable on the land, as, may _be specified by_ the State Govern­ment.

5) The following clause shall be deemed to be inserted in- the lease deed and -shall form part thereof; «Except for the modifications made by this order,



- the lease'shall be subject to the rules made or deemed to' have -been made urider Sections 13 and 18 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 and orders and, Notifications published by the Government of India, from time to time.

It is further clarified that the royalty, shall be paid in accordance with Section 9 of the Mines and Mine, rals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 insteac of according to the stipulations in the lease deed. -, The royalty, the dead rent, surface rent etc. for 'the period ,prior to 15-1-1966 shall be paid as may b~ det~rmined or ordered by the Government. '

The 8lI'ea exceeding ten square miles shall be' sur­rendered. The lessee shall submit a 'statement with-in 15 days mentioning the leases which he wants to surrender and in default suitable orders cancelling the leases shall be pas.sed.

8) It is further ordered that this order shall be pub­lished in the Official Gazette and copies thereof be sent to the lessee and the State Government.

9) This order shalf not apply to Coal and other minor mineralS.

1.0) The lease is restricted to winning of ]ron and Man­ganese ore only.

This order shall govern all the leases of the aforesaid . p,erson' -alid copy of- this shall be placed in all the cases.

A. p ~ Agrawal, Controller of Mining Leases Goa, Daman and- Diu." ,

As normas somente indicam, em detalhe, 0, procedimento a segulr no respe~tante aos avisos a sereJ;ll expedidos' _etc. e jamais: podem ir de encontro com as disposi~oes do Act. Supond_o mesmo, que existe qualquer contradil]ao entre as ~isp'osigoes do Act e as disposil]oes das normas, as disposi­goes do Act prevalecerao. Fica assim claramente estabele­cido que uma vez que seja nomeado UIlJ. controlador de arrendamentos mineiros, .0 mesmo podera modlificar os arren­damentos de conformtd-ade com 0 Act e normas, e 0 simples facto de que os «actuais arrendamentos mineiros» que se acham definidos como arrendamentos concedidos antes de 25 de Outubro de 1949, nao ;impede 0 control-ador mod-ifiear qualquer arrendamento 'concedido ate 30 de Setembro de '1963, a fim de que 0 .mesmo possa estar de conformidade ~o~.:? Act. 0 caso teria sida. ,diferent~. '3e os «actuais arrendamentos mineiros» tivessem ,.sido definfdO:s como arrendamentos concedidos ante,s de 25 de Outubro de 1949. no pr6prio Act.

,Pelas razoes acima expostas, --sou do parecer que to.dos 'os arrendamentos OU concessoes concedidos ,antes, de 1: de

Outubro ,de 1963, devem ser modificados de acordo com as modifi~ag6es propostas nos respectivos avisos e. por 'isso, os arr_~ndamentos acima mencionados sao modificados -como _ a' seguir se indica:-

1) 0 periodo do arrendamento sera de 20 anos, a: paJ;"tir de 15 de Janeiro de 1966, em todos os casos.

2) A renda fixa devera sel' paga a razao de Rps. 25/­por ano, desde -1-5 de Janeiro de 1966, em todos os casos.

3) Os direitos de privilegio serao pagaveis em relagao a' cada minerio .extraido pelo arre.ndatario da area arreu­dada, depois de ':tl? de Janeiro de 1966, na percentagem que presentemente se acha indicada na segunda tabela -do «Mines and Mineral (Regulation and Development) Act,:_195_7», em relagao a este minerio.

4) 0 arrendatario tambem pagara pela area superficial pOI' ele utilizada para a exploragao da mina, a renda de superficie e a taxa de ~gua segundo a percentagem, ·nao excedendo a contrfb-uigao, predial e oiltros im~ postos pagaveis pelo terreno, 'que vier a sel' indicada pelo Governo Estadual.

5) A seguinte clausula devera ser acrescentada nO ,con­trato do arrendamento e devera con.s:ideI:ar-se como ;:endo parte do mesmo. «Com excepgao das. modifi­cagoes feitas pOI' esta portaria, 0 arrendamenio fica sujeito as normas fOl'muladas ou que se considerelll formuladas ao abrigo -dos artigos 13.0 e 18.0 do «Mines and Mine-ral (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957», e, das pOl'tarias e despachos publicados pelo Governo da India, peri?dicamente. "

6) Esc1arece-se que os direitos de privilegio serao pagos de conformidade com 0 artigo 9.0 do «Mines and Mineral (Regulation and Development) Act, 1J9IM'», em vez de serem pagos conforme se acha estillulado no contl'ato do arrendamento. Os direitos de pr-ivilegio, renda fixa, renda de superficie, etc., pelo periodo anterior a 15 de Janeiro de 1966, serau pagos con­forme 0 Governo determinal'.

7) Devera~se fazer a entrega da area excedente a dez milhas quadradas. 0 arrendat3irio devera presta;r lima declaragao, dentro de 15 dias, mencionando- os arren­damentos de que deseja fazer a entrega, na falt~ _ p.a qual serao expect-idas ordens cancelando iOS arrenda­mentos.

8) DeterminaMse que a presente portaria seja pubUcada no Boletim Oficial~ e que c6pias da mesma, sejam enviadas aos arrendatarios e ao Governo Estadual.

'9) 0 disposto nesta nao tera. aplicaQao 'em il'elagao' a carvao e outros minerios.

10) 0 afrendamento restringe-se a extra,egao de minerio de ferro e manganes, exclusivamente.

A presente portaria regulara todos os arrendamentos _ da firma acima mencionada e uma c6pia da mesma, deyer~, ~er junta em todos. as caso.s.

X. P. 'Agrawal; Controlador de Arrendanientos de Minas ',de Goa, Damao e 'Dio.

PlIJIlagl, 30th January, 1969.

Page 8: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring



Revenue Department ,

, Notificotion


In the year 196'6,. Government. had, under its Not~ication No. GAD-B'Misc-127-66 dated 26th July._,1966. appomted a, Committee consisting of:-

.1) Shrj, J;>. B. Venkatsubr.amanian, Law Se'cretary - Chair-man. .

2) ShrIr Tito Menezes, Sessions Judge ~ Member. ;<

3) Dr. S. A. Nadkarui, Ex-Secretary (Revenue) ----' Member. 4) 'Shri Gop~l Apa Kamat. Advocate - Member. ,

t,o give its recommendations on the following points: - ~

1') Whether the "zoncars" are entitled to the compensatl!on only to the extent of t13 per cent or to the extent of the value of the full property;

2) .In whom do~ the Comunidade property vest;

3) If the whole of the Comunidade is abolished, what would be the' compensation to be' awarded.

As the Committee was unable to make any progress in its work till July. 1967, Government re-organised the Cqmmittee wIth Shri Anthony D'Souza the Law Mini-ster as Chairman and the following as members: - '

01) Shri Gopal A. Kamat, Speaker 'Of the Assembly-_ Member.

2) Shr,i R. L. Segel, Law Secretary-Member. S) Shri ~to ;M.:enezes, Sessions Judge - Member. 4) Dr. S. A. Nadkarni, Ex-Secretary (Revenue) - Member.

Subsequently, Shri T:ito Menezes was replaced by Dr. Re-dualdo da Costa, Mayor of Panaji and Shri W. G. Ranadive, RJe­venue Secretary was appoDnted a member in lieu- of Shri Gopa,l !l-pa Kamat.

The" rel?rganised Committee submitted its report to Govern..: "ment on i22-2"11969. In their report the Committee stated that the terms Of referen'ce" given to the Committee were too narrow and that they prevented the Committee' .from going into the whole problem of the' Oomunidades and making its recommendations; -The Committee was also una.ble to express any, opinion on -the first and the '-third terms of reference since it felt that the amount of compensation payable would obviously depend on the manner in_ which the quesiDon of payment, of compensation arises. The Committee also took cognIzance of the fact that the" Legislative Assembly of this Territory had recently passed the Goa, Daman and Diu Land Rev-enue Code Bill which sought to bring about occupancy tenure"in the territory. It a:lso took ,cognizance of land re­forms measures which have already taken plac-e' in the Daman area idf this territory ,and similar legislatl'on contemplated by Government for the Diu area of this territory.

Consl'derjng these developments, the Committee felt that it would not be proper or desirable to .consider the problem' of Comunidad-e lands in isolation and that it would be neces­sai-y for it to consider them in the light of 'the land reforms already mctde in this teTritory an(l -similar reforms which have taken place in the rest of the 'country. In" conclusion the Committee submitted to Government to enlarge -the terms of referenc~ and to permit it to draw up a quesUonna"ire for eliciting public <o-pi~nion on this subject and to interview per­sons having definite views' on this problem. The Conunittee recommended that .either Government may entrust the wider t,erms ,of reference to an <lJltogether new Committee or to the same Corrimtttee" but after enlarging its membership.

The recommendations made by the Committee have been carefully considered by Government and Government has been in agreement with the views generally expressed by the Committee. Government has therefure, been pleased to appoint a more br:oad-based Committee to be called the Land Reforms Committee, under the Chairmanship, of Shri An­thony D'Souza, the Law Minister. Shr·i A. K. S. Usgaonkar, the Mhltster of State shall be the Vice-Chairman of the Com­mittee. The, members of the Committee -shail,be as follows:-;-

11) Shri IR. L. Segel, Law Secretary. 2) Shri W. G. Ranadive.Revenue Secretary.


. .sERIES II 1!Q, ,lJ)


Departamento de Rendimentos


No ano de 1966, 0 Governo por despacho n.O GAI):.B-Misc­-127-66, de 26 de Julho de 1966, havia nomeado uma Comissao composta dos seguintes:

1) Sr. P. B. Venkatsubramanian, Secretario de Justi~~ presidente.

2) Sr. Tito Menezes, Juiz das Sessoes-vogal. 3) Dr. S. A. Nad.karni, ex-secretario (Rendimentos)--vogal. 4) Sr. Gopal Apa Kamat, advogado ~ vogal. " ,

a fim de _ fa:t;er as l:mas l"eCOmen6.agoes sobre :08 seguints assuntos: -

1) Se os «Zoncars» tinham d~reito a compens~gao somente ate ao limite de 13 por c,enJo ou ate ao limite ~do valor de toda ,a propriedade. "

2) Em cuja posse devem ficar os terrenos da" Comunidade.

3) Se a Comunidade for totalmente extinta qual sera. a "compen;::,a<;ao a ser paga,

Como a Comissao nao pode fazer qualquer progresso no seu trabalho ate Julho de 1967 0 Governo reorganizou a Comissao com 0 Sr. Anthony D'Souza, Ministro de Justiga como seu presidente e os seguintes como seus vogais:

~) Sr. Gopal A. Kamat, Speaker da Assembleia - vogal. ;2) Sr. R. L. Segel, Secretario de Justiga-vogal. "3) Sr. 'J'ito Menezes, Ju:z das Sess6es-vogal. 4) Dr. S. A. Nadkarni, ex-secretario (Rendlmentos)--+vogal.

Posteriormente, 0 Sr. Tito Menezes foi substituido pelo Dr. R~dualdo da Costa Presid~nte da 9amara Municipal, em Panagl, e 0 Sr. W. G. RanadlVe, secretario de Rendimentos foi nomeado v:ogal, em substituigao do Sr. Gopal Apa Kamat;

A Comissao reorganizada submeteu 0 seu relat6r1o ao Governo em 22 de Fevereiro de 1969. No seu relat6rio a Co­mi.ssao e.."'{pos que os assuntos submetldos ao estudo da Co­missao eram de ambito muito estreito e impediam que a mesma entrasse na apreciagao de todo 0 problema das Co­munida!;!es e fiz-esse as suas recomendagoes. A Comissa;o tam­bem DaO deu 0 seu parecer sobre 0 primeiro e terceiro assunto desde que achou que 0 montante -da -compens-agao a se-r paga dependeria 'obviamente, da maneira em que 0 pagamento da compensagao deverra ser €ifectuado. A Comissao tambem tomou conhecimento do facto de que a Assmbleia Legislativa deste territ6rio recentemente promulgou a lei «Goa, Daman and DIu Land Revenue Code 'BIll» que- visava 0 trtu"Io de posse de terreno neste territOrio. A mesma Comissao tambem tomou conhecimento das rnedidas de reforma agrarla ja adoptadas na area de Damao deste territ6rio e de legisl~ao similar que 0 Governo contempla para a area de Dio deste- territ6rio.

~"omando em consideragao estes desenvolvimentos, a ComiS­sao" achou que nao seria apropriado ou desejavel considerar o problema dos terrenos das comunidades isoladamente e que .seria neCeSS8.1~~0 cO~lsidel'<'i-Io a luz das reformas agrarias que ja foram ad.optactas neste territ6rto e l'eiormas similares adoptadas no resto do pais. Em suma, a Comissao pediu ao Governo que alargasse 0 ambito dos assuntos' submetidos a mesma e que a autorizasse a elaborar urn questionario a fim de obter a opiniao publica sobre 0 assunto e para poder entrevistar pessoas com pontos de Vista definidos sobre 0

assunto. A Comissao recomendou que 0 Governo pu poderia submeter os assuntos com ambito mais largo a, uma Comisw

sao totalmente nova ou que poderia submeter esses assuntos it mesma Comissao depc'is de aumentar os seus mernbros.

As recomeIidagoes feitas pela Comissao foram cuidadosa­mente apreciadas pelo Governo e a mesmo concorda: em geral, com '0S pontos de v.ista expressos pela Comissao. 0 Governo non:eia, 'por isso u~a _ Comi'ssao de Ambito rna"is largo a ser desl~nada por ComIssao de Reformas Agrarias, sob a presi­dencIa do Sr. Anthony D'Souza, Ministro de Justiga. 0 -Sr. A. K. S. Usgaonkar, Ministro do Estado sera 0 vice-presidente da Comissao. Os seguintes serao os vogais da COmissa6. .

a:) S1'. R, L, Segel, Secretario 'de Justiga. 2) Sr. W. G. Ranadive. -Beeretarlo. de'Rendimlll)to&.·,

Page 9: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring

5TH JUNE, 1969 (JYAISTHA 15,1891)

. 3) Shri Mukund Shinkre. r4) Shri DevMass Kudchadker. 5) Dr. Alvaro de Loyala Furtado. 6) Shri K. B. Naik, M. L. A. 7) Shri Gajanan Pati!, M. L. A. 8) Shri Pandurang Mulgaonkar. 9) Prof. Ro'K. Barve.

10) Shri M. S. Prabhu. 11) Shrl Suryakant Nail<.

Th"e Revenue Secretary will also act as the Secretary of the Committee.

. The terms of ._r€ife~nce of this Committee shaH -·be as follows:-

1) What are the v8Il'ious land' tenures- under which lands are held in the Goa territory and what is the incidence of each such tenure. What are the laws which govern. these tenures. . "

2) In view of the passing of the Goa, Daman and- Diu Land Revenue Code Bill by the Legislative Assembly and generally to bring about a ten~al reform as has been done in the rest o;f the country, is 'it neces.s~ry or desirable to abolish these tenures' ' and to' convert them into ocCupancy tenure as provided in the Land Revenue Code.

S) As a further step in the matter of land reforms in this territory, is it desirable 'or necessary to bring the tenants of ag.ri.cultural land_s (excluding lands on which cocouuts, arecanuts, .cashew or mangoes are grown) into direct rela~ tionship with the Government by conferring occ!Jpancy rights on them in respect of the lands cultivated by them as tenants.

4) If suggestion (2) is to be implemented, in whom should the lands which are useful to the community (such as tankS, protective bunds, roads, nallas, etc) and uncultivated lands be vested? Should they be vested in the Government or the Village Panchayat.

15) If suggestion (3) is t9 be implemented, should the tenants holding land belonging to small 13.9-d owners be exCluded from becoming occupants of such lands or should such owners be given a concessional right to resume land for personal cultivation and after the exercise of such ['ight the occupancy right should be conferred on the tenants in respect of the non-resumable area.

6-) If suggestions at (2) to (4) above are to be implemented, what should b~ the quantum of compensation payable for loss of rights of land and what should be the occupancy price to be charged by Government for conferment of occupancy rights.

7) Is it necessary or desirable to exclude :lands held by the Co~un~'jades and the religious institutions from the sugges­tion )(i2.) or (3) or both. If not, is it necessary to provide any ,special safeguards in their case.

'8) In the case of lands used for growing of coconuts, arecanuts, cashew or mangoes, should the lands be conferred on occupancy basis -as in the case of tenants of paddy lands, on the persons who look after their maintenance, or whether they should be continued with the owners on occupancy basis.

9) Wheth~r it 18 necessary or desi,rable to impose a ceiling on the extent' of agricultural land (including land used for growing of coconuts, arecanuts, cashew or mangoes) which a person ,can hold in this ter.ritory under his personal culti­vation. If so, what should be this liniit for the various classes of land.

10) If suggestion (9) is to be implemented, how should the land in excess of the ceiling Umit with any person be disposed of and what should be the compensation payable for such surplus land.

11) In order to bring about peasant-proprietorship in this territory, is it desirable to prohibit transfer of land in any manner in favour of a person other than an agriculturist and also to prohibit leasing of land for, cultivation except i~ speCial circumstances.

. 12) Is it necessary to await the completion of- the cadas­tral survey and the introduction of the Record of Rip"hts ~ this terrItory before any of the 'above suggestions ca;; be Implemented by Government,

3) Sr. Mukund Shinkre . 4) Sr. Dey-idass Kudchadker. 5) Dr . .Alvaro de Loyola Furtado. 6) .sr. K. B. Naik, M. L. A. 7) Sr. Gajan~n PatiI, -M.'L. A. 8) Prof. Pllll.durang Mulgaonkar. 9) Prof. R, K. Barve.

10) Sr. M. S. Prabhu. 11) Sr. Suryakant Naik.

o Secretario~ de Comissao.



Secr.eUrio da

Os seguinteL, serao os 8.$suntos q,ue competem . a Comissao:

1) Quais sao os dfferentes tit-ulos de posse ao' abrigo dos 4:uais sao possufdos no territ6rio de Goa equal e a inoid~ncia de cada um desses titulos? Quais sao, as leis qU,e governam esses titulos? ~2) Em vista da promulgagao da «Goa~ Daman and 'Diu

Land Revenue Code lBill» pela Assembleia Legislativa de Goa e a fim de introduzir em geral, uma reforma sobre titulos de posse como foi feito no resto do pais, seria neces­sario QU desejave:r aboUr esses titulos de posse e converte-Ios em titulcs de ocupat;;ao ,como se preve no «Land !Revenue Code» ?

3) Como medida suplementar em materia de reformas agrarias neste territ6rio, seria desejavel ou necessario que's os arrendatarlos de. terrenos agricolas (excluindo os terrenos em que' se produz cocos, areca, 'caju .e manga) estivessem directamente relacionados com 0 Governo confermdo-se-lhes direitos de ocupagao em relagao aos terrenos culUvados pelos mesmos como arrendatarios?

4") Se a- sugesUio' n.O (2) e de ser posta em pratica em cuja posse devem fical' os terrenos que sao (iteis a. comuni­dade (tals como reservat6rios, valados protectores, estradas.­rigueiros, etc.) e os terrenos incultos? Devem os mesmos estar em posse do Governo ou do Panchayat Aldeano?

5) Se a sugestao n.O ('3) e de ser.posta em pratica deyer.:lo os arrendatarios que estao em posse de terrenos perten­centes a pequenos proprietarios ser excluidos de virem a ser ocupantes de tais terrcnos ou devera dar-se a esses pro­prietarios 0 direito concessional de resumir 0 terreno para o cultivar pessoalmente e ap6s 0 exercIcio desse dii'eito deve-se confel'lr aos arrendatarios 0 direito de ocupa~ao em l'elat;;ao a area nao resumivel?

6) Se as sugestoes n." (2)-'- e" (4) sao de serem postas em pratica qual devera ser 0 montante da compensao a ser pago pela perda dos direitos aos terrenos equal devera ser 0 prego de ocupagao a set' cobrado pe10 Governo para conferir o direito de ocupa~~o-~

7) Seria -necessario ou desejavel excluir os terrenos per~ tencentes as comunidades e institui~oes religiosas da suges­tao n.O (2) ou (3) ou ambas? Caso contrario sera necessario providenc-iar qualquer salvaguarda especlal no s-eu

8) Tratando-se de terrenos utilJ.isados para a produ{;ao de coc_os, areca, caj'l e mangas deverao os terrenos ser con­feridos a titulo de ocupagao como no caso dos arrendatartos das varzeas as pessoas que olham pela sua manuten~ao, ou deveriio os mesmos continual' com os' proprietarios a titulo de ocupa~ao?

9) Seria necessario ou desejavel impoL' um limite sobre o maximo de terreno agricola (inclu'indo 0 terreno utilizado para a produ~ao de cocos, are'ca, caju ou mangas) que ull). indivlduo pede possuir neste territ6rio a. titulo 'de cultivagao pessoal'( INo caso afirmativo, qual devel'a ser esse limite pa~a v:arias classes de terreno?

}O) Se a sugestao n." (9) e- de .ser posta em pratica qual e o destino a ,ser dado ao terreno em excesso do maximo ·Fmi"te fixado para cada pessoa equal devera ser a compensagao-a ser paga pelo terreno em excesso?

11) A fim de que se possa conferil' 0 direito de propriedadc. aos cultivadores neste territ6rio seria desejavel proiblr a' transfer.sncia de terreno, seja de que maneira for, em nome de qualquer outra pessoa ale-m do cultivador e tambem de prorbir . 0 arrendamento de' terrenos para cultivagao exc-epto em cir.cumstanc·i,as especiais?

12) Seria necessario aguardar que. se complete 0 cadastro agrimensario' e a introdu~ao do regi'sto de direitos neste ter­rit6rio antes que 0 Gove:mo porrha em pratica qualqUer das sugestoes acima mencionadas?

Page 10: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring


113) The Committee ,shall be free to consider _ :any other items connected with the aforesaid terms of reference and make suitable recommendations thereto.

The Committee shall be authorised to draw ~p a question­naire for eliciting public opinon. It shall also interyiew. per­sons desiring to He heard on this problem. If the COl}l.mittee feels it so necessary. it is authorised to tour other States for having on the spot studies of land reforms conducted in these States. The tour programme should, however, be got approved from 'Government. The Coinmitt~e is requested -to submit its report before 31st December, '19.69.

. ,'" '_ _'_ - ..._,f:- , ,_. , ,--

In 'order' to assist "the' Committee in the 'collection _of ,~f()+~ mation on the various terms of reference, Government -'is pleas_ed to- give it the, assistance 9f· Shrt -S. K •. ~a~dhe, Evaluation Officer- and an U. D. C. '

By order _ and ,in the naV!-e of the Administrator of Goa, Daman· and Di~. '.

W. G. Ranadive, "Secretary- (Revenue).

Panaji, 29th May, ,1969.

• Directorate of Civil Administration


Upon opinion of the Disciplinary Board of Goa, confirming the penalty 'Of dismissal proposed by the Inquiry Offl'cer appoi:nted to conduct discipli:nary action against him, Zoivonta Xembu Sinai Assoldencar, clerk of the Comunidades of !Bali, Adnem- .and Fatorpa, is hereby cUsmissed !from the service under sub-clause no. 9, of clause 854 of E. F. U ...

D. N. Barua, Collector and D. C. A.

Panaji, 29th April, [969.

••• food and Civil Supplies Department



Read: Government order no.14-6-68-FCS (EDN), dated 11-2-1969, appointing Shri Joseph Aristides Varela as a Deputy Inspector of Schools in the Directorate of Education, Panaji. . "

On the recommendation of the Union Public Service Com­mission, Shri Joseph Aristides Varela is appointed to the post of Deputy Inspector of Schools carrying the scale of pay of Rs. 425-25-500-30-680. His initial pay in the scale is hereby fixed ·as shown below: -

1. The Union Public Service Commission have recommended that the initial pay may be fixed under the Rules. Taking into account the previous service rendered by Shri Joseph A. Varela in the post during his appointment on ad-hoc basis, his initial pay is fixed at Rs. 560/~ (Rupees five hundred and sixty only) from 7-12-1968. The next increment:-vill be admis­sible on 7-11-69.

2. The above pay fixation is made in exercise of the powers under F. R. 27 and is in accordance with the instructions contained in the GOvernment of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Office Memorandum no. F.2(46)­-E.m(A)60(Pt. IT of 1966) dated 7th February, 1968 as amended from time 'to time.

'3'. This issues wIth the concurrence of Finance Department vide U. O. no. Fin(E)j2376j69, dated 2-5-69.

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman ~d Diu.

V. 11. Sq,khdlkar, Under Secretary (Planning).

Panajl, 6th May, 1969.

" ~ERJE$1LN6 •. 1Q

13) A Comissao podera considerar quaisque'r outros pontos relacionados com os referidos· assuntos e fazer recomenda-~oes apropriadas. - .

A Com,issao 'e autorizada a elaborar urn questionario a fim de obter a opiniao publica: ~.,me,sma_ tambern. entr~vistam as pessoas gue desejam ser ouvidas sobre ,0 assunto. Se a Comis­sao achar necessario, e a niesma autorizada a deslocar-se a outros Estados para urn estudo, in: loco, das reformas agra­rias introduzidas nesses Estad'Os. 0. pr'ograma do tour deve, porem, ser aprovado pelo Govel'I).o. A Comissao devera sub­meter 0 seu relat6rio aJltes de 31 de Dezembro de 1009.

A- fim' de· ajtiq:ar a Comissao a coligir dados sobre os varios assuntos submetidos ao seu estudo, 0 Governo poe '3. disposl­~ao da mesma os servit;os do Sr. S. K. Gandhe, '«Evaluation Offl'cer» e urn «U. D. C.». ~ J"

POl' o;rdem e em nome do A~r de .Goa, DmnAo e Dl<l •.

W. G. Ra.fiadive, Secretario- (Rendimentos).

;Pa:nagi, 29 de Ma10 de 1009.

• .,Direc~ao dO$Servi~~$de Admini$tra~ao Civil


Segundo_ 0 parecer_ d9 Conselho -Disciplinar de Goa, -con­.f.irm~do a" penalidade. de; d~mlssao proposta pelo «Inquiry Officer», nC)Iuel:ldo, para organi'oo.r 0 processo disciplinar, Zoivonta' Xembu Sinai Assoldencar, escrivao das comunida,des de Bali, Adnem e -Fatorpa, -e 'demitido do serV'it;o ao abr-igo da alinea 9.a do artigo 354:.° do Estatuto do Funcionalismo Ultramarino.

D. N Bama, Colle~tor e D. C. A.

Panagi, 29 de AbrllJ. de rHi69.

;L-. ----.~ ......... ----

Departamento de· Alimenta~ao e Abastecimento Civil



Ref: Portaria n.O 14--6-68-FCS (EDN) de 11 de Fevereiro de-1969, nomeando 0 Sr. Joseph Aristides Varela, ins­pector adjunto de escolas da Direct;ao dos Servit;os de Instrw~ao em Panagi.

Sob a recomendagao da Comissao de Servigo Publico da Uniao, 0 Sr. Joseph Aristides Varela, e nomeaqo inspector adjunto de escolas com a escala de vencimento de Rps. 425~25-~500-30-680. 0 seu vencimento -inicial na escala e fixado como a seguir se indica.

1. A Comissao de Servi~o Publico da Uniao, recomenda que o seu vencimento inicial seja fixado de acordo com as normas. Tomando em consideragao 0 servi~o anteri.or prestado pelo Joseph A. Varela, no lugar-durante a sua nomea~ao, provis6ria, o seu vencimento inicial e fixado em Rps. 560/- (quinhentas 'e sessenta rupias) a partir de 7 de Dezembro de 1968. 0 pr6ximo aumento sera admissivel em 7 de Novembro de 1969.

2. A fixagao acima referida 'e feita no uso das faculdades conferidas por F. R. 27 e esta de acordo com as instrut;oes contidas no memoranda do Departamento de Despesa do Minister,io de Finant;as n.O F.2(46)-E.III(A)60(Pt. IT de 1966) datado de 7 de Fevereiro de 1968, com as alterat;oes que sofrer periocltcamente.

·'3. A pre.'3ente portari~ e expedi9a com a aprova~ao do De­partamento de Finangas, dada pOl' nota n.O .Fin ~E)/2376/6~, de 2 de Maio de 1969. .

Por ordem e em nome do Admlnistrador de G:oa, _ Damao e Dio.

V. H. Sakhalkar~ Subs~cretario (Plan1flca~ao)-. ." -'-..

Panagi, 6 de Malo de 1969.


Page 11: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring


4c. \

5TH JUNE, 1969 (JYAlSTHA 15, 1891)


13-5-69-FCS (EDN)

1. Shri M. Ramakri~an, a candidate recommended by the Union Public Service Commission, is hereby temporarily appointed as an Assistant Lecturer -in Electrtcal Engm'eering in the Government Polytechnic, panaji, in the scale of Rs. 375-25-500-30c590-EB-30-650, plus the ilsua~ allowances admissible as per rules from time to time, With -effect from the date of his taking charge, until further orders.

2. His initial pay is Rs. 375/~ (Rupees three hundred and seventy five only) per month as per the r~commendation of Union Publfc Service Commission contained in their letter no. F.1/10/69-RF, dated 31st January, 19-69.

3. The -apPointment is subject to the conditions laid down in this Office Memorandum no: 13-5-6S-FCS(EDN), dated 24/2/69 and the ',' rilles· and regulations laid down by the Government from time to time.

~. The appointment is on probation. The period of proba­tion will be two years.

By order and in the name of the Administrator: of Goa, Daman and Diu.

V. H. 8a'khalkar, Ultder Secr~tary (Planning).

panaji, 9th May, 1969.

• Public Works Deparlment


. PWD/LAfilJll58j36j69

Whereas by Government Notification No. PWD/LA/57/68 dated 9-12..-68 published on page 333 of Series II, No. ---39 of the Government Gazette, dated 26-12~68 it was notified under section <4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (herein­after referred to as the «said Act») that the land, specified in the schedule appended to the said Notification (hereinafter referred to as the «saM land») was likely to be needed for a public purpose viz for expansion of Workshop of Works Division IV, at St. Inez.

And whereas the appropriate Government (hereinafter referred to as the «Gov'ernmenb) is satisfied that the said land specified in the schedule hereto is needed to be acquired for the public purpose specified above.

Now, therefore, the Government is pleased to declare under the provision of section 6 of the -said Act that the satd land is required for public purpose .... specified above.

12. The Government is also pleased to appoint under clause (c) of section 3 of the said Act, the Sub-Divisional Officer, North Sub-Division, Panaji to perform the functions of the Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of the said land, and to direct him under section 7 of the said Act to take order for the -acquisition of the said land.

3. A plan of the said land can be inspected at the office of the said Sub-Divisional Offtcer, at Panaji.


Porta riG

13-5-69-FCS (EDN)

1. 0 Sr. M .. RamakrisItJ:I-an; . carididato recomendado' ·'pela Comissao de Servi,.eo Publico da UnUi.o, e nomeado, tempora~ rtamenle: leccionador' asslstente' de engenharla eh~ctrica d8. PoIitecnica do Governo,. em Panagf., na escala de-. Rps' '-375.; -25-500-30-590-EB--30-650, acrescida dos subsidlosadmlssivelS segundo as normas, periodlcamente, a partir -da data em que tome poSse e ate ordens ulteriores.

2. 0 'seu vencimento inicial sera de Rps. 375/;' (trezentas e setenta e cinco por roes segundo a recomendat;;ao da Comissao de' Servigo Publtco da Uniao, contida na nota n.O F.l/10/69-RF, de 3-1 de Janeiro- de.1969.

3. A nomeagao esta sujeita as ·condigoes constantes do memorando n.O 13-5-69-FCS(EDN) de 24 de Fevereiro de 1969, e as normas e regulamentos· forrnulados pelo Governo, pe-:­riodlcamente.

Por ordem e em nome do Administrador de Goa, Damao e Dio.

V. H. Sakhalkar, Subsecretario (Planificagao).

Panagl, 9 de Malo de 1969.

• Servi~o. d •• Obras P6blicas



Atendendo a que por despacho n.O PWD/LA/57/68 de' 9 de Dezembro de ,1968, publilcado a pgs. 313'3 do Boletim Oficial D.O 39, 2.a serie, de 26 de Dezembro de t1968. fora tornado publico, 3JO abrigo do artigo 4.° do «Land AcquisitIon Act.' [189"4» (refendo daqu~ em diante como «Citado Act» ) .. _que o terren'O descrito no quadro ane-xo ao mesmo despacho (refe­ride daqui em diante como «aludido terreno») era de utilidade pubUca para os f·ins do alargamento de Garage da Secgao das Obras IV. em Santa-In~s.

Tendo em considerat;;ao que 0 Governo interessacio (referido daqui em dia.nte como «Govern:o-») acha que 0 terreno descr-ito no quadro a este anexo tern de ser adquirido para os fills publicos acirna referidos.

o Governo declara, ao abr-igo do disposto no artigo 6.° do cUado Act, que .0 aludido terreno e necessario para os fins publicos acima ref-eridos.

2. 0 Governo nomeia, ao abrigo da alfnea (c) do artigo 3.° do oitooo Act, 0 oficial sub-diHsional da sub-divlsao do norte, de P:anagi, para exercer as funt;;oes de Collector, em todos os actos rela'Cionados eorn 0 aludido terreno e determina, ao abrigo do artigo 7.° do citado Ad. que 0 mesmo tome as necessarias medidas para a aquLsigao do aaudido te-rrena.

-3. 0 plano do aludido terreno podera ser consultado na Repart~ do r-eiferido oficial sub-divisional, em Panagi.


Taluka Village

Concelho Aldeia

Goa Panaji

Plot No. Survey No.

Tel'1'eno n. ° Cadastro n. °

1 ·2

Descr'iption of the said land

Name of the person believed to be interested

Descri~ao do aludido terreno

Nome da pessoa que se presume ser interessada

Shrt Akbar All Veljee Shrl Pedrlnho Barreto (Baker)


Approximate area in sq. mts.

Area aproxi­mada em m~




By order and iD. the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu.

Por ordem e em nome do Governador-tenente de' Goa, Damao e Dio.

Balcrishna R. NaiqU8, Principal Engineer, P. W. D. and Ex-Officio Add!. Secretary to the, povernment.

Panaj!, l~th May, 0.969.

Balcrishna R. Naique, Engenheiro-Chefe dos Servig'Cs' das Obras Ptiblicas e Secretario Adiclonal.ex-officio do Govemo.

Panagl, 16 de Malo de -19-69.

Page 12: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring

Principal ~nqine~r's Office

Land AcquIsItion, . Act 1894 (Act 1 of 1894)

,.1-\0 .. PWDJI.A/1258/32/69. -Whereas (tappe.... to . the. Appropriate Governme!lt (hereinafter: referred to" as the «Governmenb) that' the land -specified "tn" the schedule -hereto ,(hereinafter referred to as the «said- land,) is likely to -be needed for_ a pubUc "purpose viz for Widening of- Apeval....savoi· :-yerem Road" via KerL "

Therefore the "Governm,ent is ple~sed to _notify under sub~ ·section (1) of section 4 '"of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (hereinafter referred to "as the «said Act») that tlle said land is likely to be -needed for the purpose specified above.

2., All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyors" or other persons employed ,upon the ,said land for the purpose of the, said acquisition. Any contracts for the disposal of the said land' by _ sale, lease mortgage, "assignment. exchange or otherwise, or any outlay commenced or impro· vements made thereon without the sanction of the Collector appointed in paragraph 4 below. after the date of the publica. tion of this Notification, will under clause (seventh) of ,sec· tion 24 of the said Act, be disregarded by the officer asses· Sing compensation for such parts of the said land .-as may be finally acquired.

"3. If the Government Is satisfied that the said land is needed for the aforesaid purpose. a declaration to that effect under section 6 of the saia Act will be published in the G0-vernment Gazette,. in the due course. If the acquisition is abandoned wholly or in part, the fact will be duly notified in the Government Gazette. ,y,"

4. The Government is further pleased to appoint under ,clause (c) of section 3 of the said Act, the Dy. Collector, South Sub·Divn. ,Margao, to perform _the functions of a Collector under the said Act, in .respect of the said land.

" 5.' The Government is also pleased to authorise under sub~ ~section (2) of section 4 of the said Act, the following of~ ficers to do the acts, specified therein in respect of the said land.

1. The Collector of Goa, Panaji. 2. The Deputy Collector South Sub·Division, Margao. 3. The Director of Land Survey, Panaji. 4. The Executive Engineer, Works Piyision II, pwp,


Reparti,~ao do Engenheiro-Chefe

<Land Acqllisltlan ,Act 1894 (Act 1 of 1894).

. IN.· PWD/LA/1258/32/69 _.,.Atendenda a que a Gaverna ihteressado (l'eferido daqw_"_ em diante_ como' «Governo»-) acn~ -que 0 terren"o' especificado" no ,quadi-o: anexo (ll'eferidCJ; daqui em_ diante ,como _ «aludido terreno» e de utilidade publica para;: ,os 'f~s do ,alargamento da_ estrada Apeval.S,avoi": ~ Verem, via QueriIn. ' -

Torna·se publico ao abrigo da aUnea (1) do arti!go 4.° do «Land A<cqmsition Act, 1894» (referido daqui em cUante como citado Act) que 0 aludid_o terreno e necessarfu para Os fins

'pp:blicos acima referiqos.

2. Os interessados no aludido terreno sao por este avisados a nao impedil' ou interfertr com os agrimensores e outro pes~ soal em servigo no aludido terreno, para,-os fins da aquisigao do mesmo. Quaisquer contratos para aliena~o do aludido terr~o, por meio de venda, arrendaniento, hipoteca, cedencia, troca ou de qualquer outra forma, ou quaisquer projectos ou melhoramentos fettos no mesmo, sem autorizagao do Col~ lector, nomeado no § 4." abaixo, nao serao tornados em consideragao, ao abrigo do artigo 24." (setimo) do referido Act, pelos funcionarios encarregados de atribuir compensagao pelas partes do aludido terreno que venham a ser finalmente adquilIidas.

3. Caso 0 Governo considere que 0 aludido terreno e neces· sario para os fins acima referidos, sera publicado oportuna· mente no Boletim O/icial, urn aviso final para esse efeito, ao abrigo do artigo 6. () do referido. Act. Se a aquisigao for abandonada, total OU parcialmente, 0 facto sera notificado na devida altura, n.o Boletim OJicial.

4. 0 Gov-erno nomei-a. ao abr.i.go da alinea (c) do artigo 3.<> do citado Act~ 0 Collector adjunto da Sub·divisao do suI, em Margao, para exercer as fungoes de Collector em todos os actos relacionados com- 0 aludido terreno.

5. 0 Governo tambem autoriza, ao abrigo, da alinea (2) do artigo 4." -do referido Act. as seguintes entidades oficiais a exercerem as fungoes especificadas na mesma lei, em relagao do aludido terreno: ,-

~. 0 Collector de Goa, Panagi. 2. Collector adjunto da sub·divisao do suI, Margao. 3,. Director de Agrimensura, Panagi. 4. Engenheiro executivo da Secgao' de Obras II, dos

Servigos das Obras Publicas, Panagi.

A rough plan of the said land is available for inspection 6. 0 plano do aludido terreno podera ser consultado na Re~ in the office of the abovesaid Dy. Collector South -Sub-Division partigao do ,referido Collector adjunto da sub-divisao do suI, for a period of -30 days from the date of this Notification. ~elo periodo de .30 dias, contados da data deste despacho.




Village ,Survey No. Plot No,

Aldeia Cadastro N." Terreno n. ()

Apeval·Keri 1 2 3 4 1)

6 7 8


Descri.ption of the sai.d land -----=----:--:--'------:-::-c:-~_:___:_-__:-_.,._::_---- Approximate

Name of the person believed to be interested Area in Sq. mtS.

Descri~o do aludido terreno ___ _.,.::----:---...::.---_.,.-----:-_.,.---:-~--- Area aproximada

Nome da pe...<>soa que se presume ser inte~sada " em m~ -

A strip of land known/believed to be held by:­Shri Mudhukar Vaidya & other Keri Comunidade of Keri Shri Baban Mahadeo Desai, Ked Comunidade of Keri Shri Vaman Kudaiker. Kundai Shri Anant Kerik3lr, Kerl Comunidade of -Keri Shri Madhukar Vaidya and others Ker!

6820.00 125.00 60.00

4560.00 80.00

30.00 6450.00 1536.00


By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa~ .Daman and Diu.

Por ordem e em nome do Governador-tenente de Goa, Damao e Dio.

T. Kipgen, Development _ Commissioner.

Panajl. Hth May. 1969.

Land Acquisition Act 1894 (Act 1 of 1894)

PWD/LA/1258/34;69~ Whereas it appears to the Appro­priate Government (hereinafter referred' to as the «Govern­~,e.nt») that the 18lD.d specified in the schedule "hereto -{herein­~te_J; ,referr,eq. to as the, «:':laid land») is likely needed for a public purpose viz for construction of Quepem·Ambaulim Road. .'

T. "Kipgen, Comissario de Fomento.

Panaig, 14 de Maio de 1009.

«Land Acquisition Act 1894 (Act 1 of 1894)>>

PWD/LA/1258/34/69 - Atendendo a que a Governa inte­:res~aC!Q (refertdo dJ;Lqui em di8lD.te como, «Govemo») acha_ que o terreno descrito no quadro anexo (referido daqui em diante como «adudido terreno») ~ de utilidade, publica ijara' os fins da construgao da estrada Quepem-AmbauliIil:"" . . - .

Page 13: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring

,5TH JUNE, 19.69,,{JY AISTHA 15, 1891) :113

Th'erefore t1ie~' Government' H;-plea"sed "t'Cf'li'otifY--'Urider sub'':- Torna::se"-publico; -ffo"abrigITda-'"aiinea:" (il)' 'do' artigO':'4~or do ·se,chon (,1) pi'_ section ~ :of the L~n.Q., Aqquisition, Act.~ :1894 .. _ «I,.an(LA~quisith?u ;:~cJ, 181:M.» ,_(~e~e!ido qaqu,i _~,rp. _ cli~nt~ .. t;!Ot:!l9 (hereinafter referred to as the" «sai:~ A,cb) that th~ sai<i «citada Act») que.o aludido terreno e necessario par'). as flns lang ',is":1.ikely to be needed for the purpo~e'-speeif~e{'l" ~ab_ove __ ;':: "':pubiicos .actma re~E:ridos. . <:

'Z:-:,·:.;'\.:ll-Persons interested in the said land are-:her-ebY~'Warned .;.~: .;~~::63 i~~rq,~s·a.~9s no aludiclo~terreno sao por este aViSo.ct0s not. to_ obstruct or interfere ""'lith any surS~y0rs ·:Or ... ot~.!~r· ':8.,', p-.a(l:imp'edir o}.!-~· interferir"" cpm os a7,rime!lsores e outro pcrs.ons,.~i.nployed upon the said land for the,purp9se": 9/...tJ:e .::~(3_so,a!l ~W,Bervig? no ~ludidO" terreno, para os fins da aqui- • said acquisition. Any contracts for the ~isposal :of, t~c ,s.aid., .. ~l,g~.O do ,'l11esmq,.~, Qualsquer contratos para alienagao d;Y~ land by, sale, lease, mortgage, assignment; ",~XC1~~':"'~':;' 'O!',; ..ll.l!dt<:lo, terreno, ppr meio de v.enda, arrendamento, hipoicca, otherwise,-·or· any outla.y commer.ced or improvemer~t:J cec,enci,.a, troca ou de -qualque1- outra~ forma, tOU quaisquer thereOn without the sanction of the Collector, appointed in .projectos ou melhoramehtos feito~ no mesmo, sem a autori-p-ariigraph,4 below; 'after the date' of'the·publicatl.on 'of tIli:") zagao'do Col1ectol', nomeadcrno"'§ 4;°' a' seguir;'nao serao"t6mfi':' Notification -will under clause (seventh, of section '24 of dog". em, c~;msidel'n.ga6, ao abl'igo,'do arCgo ·24.o ",·(setinw) do the said Act, be disl'legarded by the offIcerassesslug compen- .~xef-el'ido'li Act, pelos funciona.l',i.os~ encan'egados 'de\.atrlbuir sation for such parts of the, said la~¢l fJ!'is. ,;may b~" finally)' comp2nsa~ao pclus nartes do. alud:do tcrreno Que v~nham a acquired. - s~r finalmente adquiridas:'~ ':, .~'; ',' :' ", ," " .

~. If the Government is satisfte& th~~'S~id la~'d' is 3 .. \C~~o 0 Gove-rn'b· conSider,e Que 0,' aiu:did~ lerre~o' c' i;·e·c·~s. needed for the afor'esaid pUfP0$.e, a declaration to that effect sario para os ,fins aCinia:t>Yefet'i'd1>s",sera: publicad~ 1'':""oportuna-under section 6 of the said Act will be published in the mente, no Boleti1n, "OjiCiiiZ;' iirlf"aviso firra1'para ~sse efeito Gov.ernment Gaz~tt~" in the due couJ;'I?€!., .. If :the acquisition is ao~ [:.!)rigo co%rti~o 'S.,o do referiqo 1\ct .. S.S'!' a acmisic::'ao fo; abandoned wholly or in,£part;· the ·fad will,be duly not-~ifted abo..ndonada,.''total', 0L1.'·parc1alhlent.e; p:.facto sera:- notjficado in the Government Gazette. nu devlda altura, no Boletim Oficial. . . .

4. The Government is further 'pleased to appoint under clause (,c) of section :3' of the said Act, the Land Acquisition Off~cer, Panaji, to perform the functions of a Collector under the .,said Act, In respect of the said land. i!~ .... ~-

'1. .Q.GoVeiono nomeia, ao abrigo da aHnea (c) do artigo 3.° do cltado Act ..... o «Land Acquisition Officer», de Panagi, para exercer a~fung5es de Collector, em .todos os actos relacionados com 0 aludldo terreno.

5. The Government is also pleased to authorise under sub­-section" (2), of section 4 .of the said Act the following officers t~ do' the acts, SPej;lfie4 t~erein in respect of the said land.

f'. 0 Goverrw tar.l1bem autol'izu, ao abrigo da alinea (2) ~o artigo 4.° do cit~do Act, as seguintes entidades oficiais para exel'cerem as fungoes especific'adas na mesma lei, en: ,·claQD..o a.o aludido terreno.

1. The Collector of Goa, Pan&ji. '2·. The Land Acquisi'On Officer, ·Panaji. 3. The Director of Land Survcy, Panajt

1. 0 Collector de Goa, Panagi. 2. Land Acquisition Officer, Panagi.

4.' The Executive Engineer, W'orks' Divis~on,~ VI, Margao.

PWD, 3. Di¥-ector de Agrimensura;-Panagi. 4. Eng~nheiro executivo da Secgao de Obras VI, dos

Servlgos das Obras P.l1blicas, de Margao.

6. A rough plan of the said land -is available for inspec­tion in the offtce Oif the abovesaid Land Acquisition Off.icer, for a period of 30 days·,·from the date of this NotificaUon.

6. 0 plano do aludido terreno poder{t ser consultado na Repartigao do referido «Land Acquisition ,Officer» Panao-i, pelo periodo de 30 dias, contado a data deste despacho. <:> •

Taluka Vill:lge.

Cono~lho Aldeil:'o

1 2

Quepem Quepem



SurveY No. Plot No. Description of the said land

N~m('s (J{ C:0 iW;SC"lS 'h,,1~0Vcd to hC!. i::tC:l'c:s~c:d

DescriQa~ do altdido< 'terreno Cadastro n.'" Terreno No. --c::;:==-:;:-~=:===::..=--=:.:::=:",::.:::.:::~----­

Nomes (las pessoas QU0 se presumem serem interessadas

3 4

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 [·2

"13 N 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -311 32 33 34

.-;> '3'5 , 36


~ '". ~ ,


Shrl Alberto de Silva, Quepem Municipality Land, Quepem Shri CamUo Mascarenhas, Quepem Shr~ ZEl:ivant Sinai Malcornekar, Quepem Shn Mmguel Fernandes, Quepem Shri, Xa~taram Folo Dessai, Quepem Pre-mauClal of Goa PElilace 'Of the Deao Quepem

-Do- ' Shri Pandari Blsro Naik, Quepem Shr~ Govind Ram-chandra :Sorkar, Quepem Shr.l Albano Barreto, Quepem Prema:ncial of Goa Palace of the Deao, Quepem

-Do-Shri Fancho Furtado, Naveihn' Salcete

-----Do-Premancial of Goa Palace of the Deao., Que-pem

-Do-Shri Kanta Rege, Quepem

-Do-Shri Shaik Abdul Rehman <& Shaik Abdul of Quepem

-Do-Shri Sad nand Sonu N aik, Margao

-Do-Shr~ Jaganath Vasu Kem, Margao Shr~ Jaganath Vasu Keni, Margao Shn Atmaram Palandikar, Margao

-Do-Shri Anton Jrose Fernandes, Quepem Ambaulim En~l'n'8~r Bernadino CamiJo da Costa Campal Panaji: Shn Mmguel Joao CamH, Ambaulim " "­Shri Anton Piedade, Ambelim, Quepem Shrt Rosario de Costa, Ambeli:m Smt. Lax-imibai Kurtadker Ambelim Shri Custodio Gonsalves Ambelim Shri Mukund Pai Na.i.k Dessaf, Ambelim

Approximate area in sq. mts.

Are2. 8proxi~ mada em m~


1l49,2,) 8J2.00 325,25 323,00 368,25 443,50

3787,62 2908,85

166.00 142.50 223.25

1227,25 1160,00 1863,40 6267,75 7114,85 7205,92

912,25 1105,50 1723.00 1355,45 1872.90 1883.00

775.80 992,75

4163,28 2721,49

249,50 2239,62

280.25 189,00 272.00 221,00 340,00 162,00

Page 14: QUJ.!al:RLT (AnuaI) (Trimestral) VERNMENI · Goa, 5th June, 1969 (Jyaistha 15, ~ 891) All correspontrence referring

114 .. SERIES II No. 10'

1 2 3 4 5 6

Quepem Quepem 37 38 39 40

Shrt Anteu Piedsde R.odrigues, Arobelim Shr! Anant Vaman-Bale, Ambelim"" Shri Cristov Furtado, -Ohinchinim

588.00 1316.63 2119.22

Shri 'Atmaram Palandikar, Margao Shr~ Atmaram P~13.ndikar. _ Margao 'i~~~~~ y .. 4-t

42 43

Shr·i Cristao Furtado ""qhmch~t~i.rn ., Shri Xavi Ram Karmodker, 'Ambeli'm

2905.36 5061.32,

By order and in the name of the Lieutenant _ Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu. "' -"-

T. Kipgen, Developm~nt Commissioner.

Panaji, ·14th May. 19S9-.

Development Department 'A' #


. CDB/Coop/1171/68-69


Por ordem- e em nome do Governador-tenente de Goa,­Damao e Dio .

• % ' T. Kipgen, Gomtssario de Fomento.

Panagi, 14 de Maio de 19£9.

.. .. Departamento de FOJ)1entd' 'A'



Ref: 1. Govt. Notification no. CDB/Coop/1171/68-69-A ~. dated'26-2-69.

Ref: 1. Despacho n,· CDB/Coop/1171/68-69-A, de 26 de Fevereiro de 1969.

2. Govt. Notification no. CDB/Coop/1171;68 dated 23-4,1969.

In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section 2 of Section 13 of the Maharashtra Agricultural Produce (Regula­tion) Act, 1963, as extended to the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu, the Administrator of Goa, Damait and Diu~ hereby nominates the following persons as the Chairman, Vice-Cha:nt'man and members to constitute the Goa Agricul­tural Produce Market Committee ,for the period of two years to operate in the District of Goa as Market Area:

First Goa ~griculture Produce MarKet Commiitee

(a) Producers' representatives: .1. Shr,~ Leo Velho, M. A., L. L. B. Bar. at Law Margao,

- Chairman. . -2. Shri Pratapsing Rane, Sanquelim-Goa - Vice-Chairman,. 3. Dr. Jonnie Antao, Chand-or, Salsete-Goa-Member. 4. Shri G. D. Vaidya, Keri-Ponda, _Goa~ ~embet:'. 5. Shri Keshav Janardan Desai, Paikul, Satari-Member. 6. Shri Ganpatrao S. V. Desai, Lamgao-Bicholim - Member. 7. Shri Vasant Narayan Bhate. Narve-Bicholim -Member.

(b) Traders' representatives: L Shri Vaikunth P. Keni, Coconut Trader Margao­

Member. 2. Shri ·,Narayan Krishna Mungi, Supari Trading Corpo­

ration, Ponda-Goa - ~~mber. 3. Shri Vassudeo Janarclan Sadekar, Cashew Trader, San­

quelim - Member.

(c) Representatives of Cooperative Marketing So-ciety: '

1. Dr. Santaba. Jivaji Kundaikar, Kundai-Ponda, Chair­man, Central Supari Cooperativ-e Soci~ty, Ponda-Goa­Member.

(d) !Representative Of the market area: 1. Mrs. Irene L. Barros, Sarpanch of Betalbatim Village,

Salsete-Goa - M'ember.

(e) Local authorities: /\1. Advocate Mukund Sinkre, Presldent of Salsete Munici­


(f) Government Nominee: 1. Marketing Inspector, Marketing Wing of Cooperation

Department, Panjim - Member.

(g) District Agricultural Officer: 1. Zonal Agricultural Officer - Margao.

By order and in the name 0:( the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu,

S. N. Dhumak, Under Secretary'(CD). f0' "

Panaji, 9th May, 1969'. "'

2. Despacho n.· CDB/1171/68 de 23 de Abril de 1969. "" ,W

No uso das faculdades conferidas pela alfnea '2.11 do ar-tigo 13°. do «Maharashtra Agricultural Produce (Regulation) Act, 1963» confonne foi tornado extensivo ao ternt6rio da UnH'i.o de Goa, Damao e Dio, 0 Administrador de Goa, Damao e Dio, nonieia os seguintes individuos presidente, vice-pre­sidente e vogais da comissao encarregada da compra e venda do produto agricola de Goa, por periodo de dOis anos, para funcionar no distrito de Goa, como !irea ',com'ercial:

Primeira comissa.o encarregada da compra' e venda' de produto agricola, em Goa-

(a) Representantes dos produtores: 1. Sr Leo Velho, M. A. L. L. B. Bar at Law, Margao-pre-

sidente. 2. Sr. Pratapsing Rane, Sanguelim, Goa - vice-presidente. 3. Dr. Jonnie Antao, Chandor, Salcete.' Goa-vogal. 4. Sr. G. D. Vaidya, Querim, Ponda, Goa - vogal. 5. Sr. Keshav Janardan Desai, Paikul, Satari - vogal. 6. Sr. Ganpatrao S. V. Desai, Lamgao, IBicholim - vogal. 7. Sr. Vasant Narayan Bhate, Narve, Bicholim - vogal.

(b) Representantes dos comerciantes: 1. Sr.Vaikunth P. Keni, comerciante de cocos, Margao

-vogal. 2. Sr. Narayan Krishna Mungi, Supari Trading Corporation,

Ponda, Goa - vogal. 3. Sr. Vassudeo Janardan Sadekar, comerciante de castanha

de caju, Sanquelim - vagal.

(c) Representante da Sociedade Cooperativa de Com­pra e venda:

1. Dr. Santaba Jivaji Kundaikar, Cundaim, Ponda, presi­dente da Central Cooperative Society, Panda, Goa - vogal.

(d) Representante do Panchayat na area comercial: 1. 18ra. Irene L. Barros, president-e dci panchayat Aldeano

c1e Betalbatim, Salcete, Goa - vagal.

(e) Autoridades locais: 1. Advogado Mukund Sinkre, presidente da Camara Muni- ,

cipal de Salcete, Goa - vogal.

(f) 'Representante do Governo: 1. «Marketing Inspector, Marketing Wing of Cooperation

Department», Panagi - vogal.

(g) Oficial Agricola do Distrito: 1. Zonal Agricultural officer - Margao.

POl' ordem e em nome do Administrador de Goa, D:1mao e Dio.

S. N. Dhumak, Subsecretario (CD).

Panagi, 9 de Maio de 1969.

-"-----,----+--GOVT. PRINTING PRESS - GOA

. (lmpren~a 'Nacional - C-oa.~

PRICE-94 p,