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Survey on Mathematics Problem Solving and Proof NAME: __________________

NOTE: All responses will be kept confidential by Professors Dewar and Bennett.

Check, if true: I have taken MATH 190 ______ . I have taken MATH 191 ______.

I am currently enrolled in the following MATH classes: ___________________________

1. Briefly describe the most interesting problem you have ever worked on.

2. Briefly describe what you think mathematics is

3. Briefly describe what features you think make a mathematics problem interesting.

4. Briefly describe what you think the purpose(s) of proof in mathematics is (are).

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Survey on Mathematics

Circle the underlined word in Statements 1 - 28 that most closely describes your approach to and attitudes toward problem solving.

1. If I am given a problem quite a bit different from the examples in the book, I canAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

figure it out myself.

2. Drawing pictures or imagining real physical situationsAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

helps me do mathematics.

3. Reading a problem more than once is Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never a waste of time.

4. When I have finished working a problem, IAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

check my calculations for errors.

5. There areAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

obvious ways to solve a good mathematics problem.

6. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never stop thinking about a problem after I get an answer.

7. When I get the answer to a problem, I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

look back at the problem to see if my answer makes sense.

8. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never try to restate a new math problem in my own words.

9. Solving a mathematical problemAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

involves finding a rule or formula that applies.

10. I amAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

interested in knowing how mathematical formulas are derived or where they came from.

11. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never have trouble getting started on a problem that is new to me.

12. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never enjoy exploring mathematical relationships.

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13. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never enjoy solving problems that require me to figure out my own individual approach.

14. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never learn mathematics best when someone shows me exactly how to do the problem and I can practice the technique.

15. When I have finished working a problem, IAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

check my calculations for errors.

16. For the math problems I have encountered, there areAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

obvious ways to solve them.

17. After reading a problem, IAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

try to remember if I have ever done a similar problem before.

18. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never enjoy solving problems that are an application of a particular rule or formula.

19. I can Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

think of at least one way to begin to work on a math problem that I have never seen before.

20. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never enjoy solving problems that are similar to a problem I have seen solved.

21. After obtaining a correct answer, IAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

want to know an explanation for why the solutions works.

22. If I know a few concepts, I canAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

figure out the rest.

23. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never enjoy solving problems that require research and original thinking.

24. If I can't solve a problem in 10 minutes, I willAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

be able to solve it.

25. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never take time to estimate what the answer to a problem will be before actually doing the problem.

26. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

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read a problem more than once to make certain I understand it.

27. After I have solved a problem, IAlways Usually Sometimes Rarely Never

try to think of a different way to solve it.

28. I Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never enjoy doing large numbers of easy mathematics problems.


Circle the response that most closely indicates how you feel about each statement 1 - 24.

strongly stronglydisagree disagree neutral agree agree

1. I usually believe that I can dowell in a mathematics course. SD D N A SA

2. Most good mathematics problems can be done in a single sitting. SD D N A SA

3. I frequently discuss homework andclass notes with other students. SD D N A SA

strongly stronglydisagree disagree neutral agree agree

4. The main benefit from studyingmathematics is developing the abilityto follow directions. SD D N A SA

5. If I do not understand something inclass, I will usually ask the teacher aquestion about it. SD D N A SA

6. I usually take clear and complete notes in a mathematics class. SD D N A SA

7. After a conjecture has been proven, it ispossible to find a counterexample. SD D N A SA

8. I almost always make a persistent effort to do my homework before the next class session. SD D N A SA

9. If I have questions arising from thehomework, I ask my teacher or another student. SD D N A SA

10. I find a way to check my solutions to home-work problems before the next class. SD D N A SA

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11. In mathematics you can be creative and discover things by yourself. SD D N A SA

12. If I have trouble understanding the textbook,I find other ways to master the concepts. SD D N A SA

13. The average U.S. citizen rarely encounters applications of mathematics in his/her everyday life. SD D N A SA

14. A person must possess a special talent to do well in mathematics. SD D N A SA

15. No really new mathematical theorieshave been discovered since the 1800's. SD D N A SA

strongly stronglydisagree disagree neutral agree agree

16. Mathematics is a creative endeavor. SD D N A SA

17. Sometimes very theoretical mathematical results are later found to have real world applications. SD D N A SA

18. I work persistently in a mathematics courseregardless of how well I do on the tests. SD D N A SA

19. I am usually enthusiastic aboutlearning in mathematics courses. SD D N A SA

20. Talking over math problems with another person is a legitimate problem solvingstrategy. SD D N A SA

21. Expert problem solvers often find trial-and-error and other seemingly haphazardmethods are necessary in mathematics. SD D N A SA

22. I miss at most two class hoursper semester. SD D N A SA

23. If I see five examples where a formula holds,then I am convinced the formula is true. SD D N A SA

24. I usually reread my class notes carefully before the next class. SD D N A SA

Please answer the next four questions on the back of this sheet.

1. On the back of this sheet list as many general problem solving strategies (such as, draw a picture) as you can (up to 10).

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2. On the back of this sheet list as many careers as you can (up to 10) that are appropriate for a person with a college degree in mathematics.

3. On the back of this sheet list as many famous mathematicians (living or dead) as you can (up to 10).

4. On the back of this sheet list as many fields or areas of mathematics as you can (up to 10)