Unsolved Ques

1 Difference between asp and asp.net Ans- ASP: 1-asp is interpreted language based on scripting language like Jscript, vbscript. 2- Asp has poor error handling concept. 3- Asp has mix HTML and coding logic. 4- In Asp limited oops concept available. 5- Limited session and application state management. 6- There is no in build XML support. ASP .NET: 1- Asp .net supported by compiler and has compiled language support. 2 - In asp net full oops concept available 3 - Separate code and design logic possible. 4 - Full proof error handling concept 5 - Complete session and application state management. 6 - Full XML support for data exchange 2 How do you do exception management? Exceptions are a very powerful concept when used correctly. An important cornerstone in the design of a good application is the strategy you adopt for Exception Management. You must ensure that your design is extensible to be able to handle unforeseen exceptions gracefully, log them appropriately and generate metrics to allow the applications to be monitored externally. 3 If you are using components in your application, how can you handle exceptions raised in a component? The best way of handling exceptions while using components is ... log those into database from component and just pass user friendly message to Interface who is calling component. 4 Can we throw exception from catch block? We can absolutely throw exceptions in catch blocks. This is called bubbling the exceptions to one level higher. If catch block can not handle exceptions, then it can throw the exception that it caught, to its caller. Ex protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Test(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.ToString()); } } private void Test() { try { throw new Exception ("Dev");

Transcript of Unsolved Ques

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1 Difference between asp and asp.net

Ans- ASP: 1-asp is interpreted language based on scripting language like Jscript, vbscript.2- Asp has poor error handling concept.3- Asp has mix HTML and coding logic.4- In Asp limited oops concept available.5- Limited session and application state management.6- There is no in build XML support.

ASP .NET: 1- Asp .net supported by compiler and has compiled language support.2 - In asp net full oops concept available3 - Separate code and design logic possible.4 - Full proof error handling concept5 - Complete session and application state management.6 - Full XML support for data exchange

2 How do you do exception management?

Exceptions are a very powerful concept when used correctly. An important cornerstone in the design of a good application is the strategy you adopt for Exception Management. You must ensure that your design is extensible to be able to handle unforeseen exceptions gracefully, log them appropriately and generate metrics to allow the applications to be monitored externally.

3 If you are using components in your application, how can you handle exceptions raised in a component?

The best way of handling exceptions while using components is ... log those into database from component and just pass user friendly message to Interface who is calling component.

4 Can we throw exception from catch block?

We can absolutely throw exceptions in catch blocks. This is called bubbling the exceptions to one level higher. If catch block can not handle exceptions, then it can throw the exception that it caught, to its caller.

Ex protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Test(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.ToString()); } } private void Test() { try { throw new Exception ("Dev"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }

5 How do you relate an aspx page with its code behind page?

The topmost line of code behind file...<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>

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6 What are the types of assemblies and where can u store them and how?

Assemblies are the building block for any application and it can have dll files, exe files, html files etc.We have three types of assemblies.

1- Private assembly – can be shared by only one application.2- Shared assembly – can be shared by more then one applications.3- Satellite assembly – can be used to localize application into regional application.

We can store assemblies in gacutill.exe

7 What is difference between value and reference types?

Value type– it’s fixed in size and stored in stack (LIFO).if we assign a value to another it will create two copies.All primitives’ data types except string and object are example of value type.Value type drive from System.valuetype

Reference type – its does not fixed in size and they maintained system heap but they are also use stack to store reference heap. Two primitive types object and string and all non primitive type (class, interface, and delegate) are example of reference type.Reference type drive from System.object

8 Is array reference type / value type?

Array is reference type because its use address of value.

9 Is string reference type / value type?

String is reference type and stored in heap.

10 What is web.Config? How many web.config files can be allowed to use in an application?

The web.Config file is the configuration file of any application. This means it’s containing the configuration settings of web application like (authentication, authorization, tracing, debugging, connection strings).An application can have more then one web.Config file but root folder will be different for all. So we can say root folder can have only web.Config file.

11 What is difference between machine.config and web.Config?

Machine.config file is the configuration file for all the application in IIS. Web.Config file is the configuration for all the web application or folder.Machine.config file for the machine level configuration and web.Config file for the application level configuration.

12 What is shared and private assembly?

Private assembly – private assembly can be shared only one application. By default we use private assembly.Shared assembly – shared assembly can be shared more the one application.

13 What are asynchronous callbacks?

Delegates can also be used as Callbacks. Callbacks are used in many Windows API calls. You pass in a function pointer to the API call. When the API call gets finished with its job, it then “calls back” to the function via the function pointer you passed it. This allows your code to know when the API call is done. API (Application Programming Interface)

The framework provides an easy way to use a delegate with an API that needs a callback. Here's how. You can define and pass a delegate as a native function pointer several ways. Here are two. First we declare our delegate and the API call we want to make.

14 How to write unmanaged code and how to identify whether the code is managed / unmanaged?

Managed code – code produced by (VB.NET, C#, J#) .net framework language called managed code. Managed code run under the CLR. MSIL will be produced in managed code. Garbage collector runs automatically in MC.

Unmanaged Code – code produced by third party called unmanaged code. Unmanaged code does not run under the CLR. MSIL does not produce. Garbage collector does not run automatically in case of unmanaged code. Its run forcefully. (GC.Collector)

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15 How to authenticate users using web.Config?

If we are using form based authentication at that time in the web.Config then we can set the authentication mode to “form”. Then we can specify user name and password which we were going to access.

<authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name="appNameAuth" path="/" LoginUrl="login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30"> <credentials passwordFormat="Clear"> <user name="jeff" password="test" /> <user name="mike" password="test" /> </credentials> </forms> </authentication> <Authorization> <deny users="?" /> </authorization>

16 What are strong name and which tool is used for this?

The strong name contain information about the assemblies such as (name, version, number and the public key). It may be or may be not contain information about culture.Sn is a tool to create a strong name

Syntax: Sn – k mykey.snk

17 What is gacutil.exe? Where do we store assemblies?

Gacutil.exe is a tool provides by the .net framework. It is used to register an assembly in global assembly cache. Normally we store the assemblies in “c:\windows\assembly”.

18 Should sn.exe be used before gacutil.exe?

Yes it is mandatory to assign strong key name before placing it into the GAC. Because strong name contain the public key.

19 What does assemblyinfo.cs file consist of?

Assemblyinfo.cs file created by .net runtime where the information like version number, strong name and signature number stored.

20 What is boxing and unboxing?

Boxing – converting value type to reference type called boxing.Unboxing – converting reference type to value type called unboxing.

Class form{Static void main (string [] args){Int a=10;Object ob; // value typeOb=a;Int j;J=convert.toint32 (ob); //reference type}}

21 Types of authentications in ASP.NET?

There are three type of authentication...A) Form authenticationB) Window authenticationC) Passport authentication

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22 difference between Trace and Debug?

According to Microsoft documentation there is no much difference between Trace and Debug Class. Debug only works in debug mode and trace works in debug and release both modes.

23 Differences between Dataset and DataReader?

Data Reader – datareader is a component that reads the data from the database management system and provides it to the application. The datareader works in connected manner. Its read the record from the database, pass it to the application.

Data Set – Data set is the class of using System.Data; it is stored to use multiple tables and its follow disconnected architructure. Its use to fill the data using data adaptor. Difference between datareader and dataset –

Data Reader – a) it is read only and forward only data.b) We can access one table at a time by using data reader.c) Its come under connected architructure.d) Its much faster the data adaptor.e) It can not persist the data.

Data Set – a) it defined with multiple tables.b) Its come under the disconnected architructure.c) It can not define with out data adaptor.d) It can persist the data.

24 What is custom tag in web.Config?

Custom tag allows you to create your own tag and specify key value pair for it.

25 How do you define authentication in web.Config?

In the authentication tag we have to specify the mode of authentication. It can be window, form, passport or none.Ex- <authentication mode=”window”>

26 What is sequence of code in retrieving data from database?

Sqlconnection con=new sqlconnection(@“server=servername;database=”databasename”;integrated security=true”);Sqldataadapter adp=new sqldataadapter(“Select* from employee”,con);Dataset ds=new dataset();Con.open();Adp.fill(ds,”employee”);Gridview.datasourse=ds.table[“employee”];Gridview1.databind();Con.close();

Oledbconnection con=new oledbconnection(string .formate (“provider=microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source={0};user id;”,system.io.path.combine(application.startupPath,”database”)));Oledbdataadapter adp=new oledbdataadapter(“select * from employee”,con);Dataset ds=new dataset();Adp.fill(ds,”table”);Datagrid.datasource=ds.table[“”];Con.close();

27 About DTS package?

DTS is the data transformation services. Its provide a set of tools that lets you extract, transform and consolidate the data from different sources to single or multiple destinations. We can create DTS solution as one or more packages.

28 What provider ADO.net use by default?

SqlClient is the default provider of ADO.Net.

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29 where does web.Config info stored? Will this be stored in the registry?

Web.Config contains authorization/authentication session related information. It is stored in root directory of the application.

30 How do you register the dotnet component or assembly?

By making Strong Name key.Sn-k mykey.snkThe command line instruction will create an assembly using the Strong Name key.

31 what is stateless asp or asp.net?

Asp and Asp.net both are stateless because both are using HTTP protocol which is stateless.

32 Authentication mechanisms in dot net.

Authentication refers to the method used by the server to verify the client’s identity. This feature provides method to authenticate clients via a set of standardized and reusable methods that require or no modification.

There are three type of authentication mechanism in asp .net.a) form authenticationb) window authenticationc) passport authentication

Form authentication > allow application developers to provide a form to authenticating users in standardized way. Window authentication > window authentication used by default if we not use any authentication.Passport authentication > verify the user through the use of Microsoft passport authentication server.

33 State management in asp.net?

State management is a technique to preserve the data. We can categorize state management in two parts.1. Client side state management 2. Server side state management

Client side state management > client side state management is a technique to preserve the data on client side.

Client side state management techniques are-------a) view stateb) query stringc) hidden fieldd) cookies

View State > view state is a client side state management. View state can be use to store state information for a single user. View state is an inbuilt feature in web control to persist data between page post backs. You can set view state on\off for each control using EnableViewState property. By default view state property set to True.View state information of all the controls on the page will be submitted to the server on each post back. For reduce performance penalty you can set disable view state for all control which you don’t need state. You can disable entire page view state by Enableviewstate=false.

Ex- ViewState[“MyViewState”]=myvalue; //add items to view stateResposne.Write(ViewState[“MyViewState”]); // reading items from view state.

Advantages 1. Simple for page level data.2. Can be set at the control level3. Encrypted.

Disadvantages 1. Makes a page heavy2. Overhead encoding view state values

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Query string > query string are used to send information one page to another page. They passed along with URL in clear text. Query string seems to be redundant. We can pass smaller amount of data using query string.

Advantage – simple to implement

Disadvantage – human readable, easily modify by end user.

.Hidden Field > Hidden field is used to store the data at the page level. Hidden field are not rendered by the browser

.its just like a standard control for which you can set its properties. Whenever page is submitted to the server then hidden field value also posted to server along with other control of the server.We can use hidden field in asp .net using following syntax...

Protected System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputHidden Hidden1;Hidden1.value =”Create hidden field”;String str=hidden1.value;

Advantages – simple to implement to a page specific data.- Can store small amount data so they take small size.

Disadvantages – not good for sensitive data.

Cookies > A cookies is a small piece of text stored at user’s computer. Usually information is stored as name- value pair. Cookies used by websites to keep the records of user. Every time a user visits a website, cookies are retrieved from user machine and help identify the user.

if (Request.Cookies["UserId"] != null)

{    lbMessage.text = "Dear" + Request.Cookies["UserId"].Value + ", Welcome to our website!";


{    lbMessage.text = "Guest, welcome to our website!";


If you want to store client's information use the below code


Server side State Management > server side is a technique to preserve the data on server side.

Server side state management techniques are.......a) application objectb) session objectc) profile

Application Object > it is a server site state management. Application object is used to store data which is visible across entire application and share across multiple user session. data which needs to be persist for entire life of application should be store in application object. Applcation.loack ();Application[“my data”] = mydata;Application.unlock();

Session Object > it is a server side state management. Its consume server side resources. Session can maintain data across the page. Session object scope is user level. We can also transfer the data one page to another page by using session state. Session[“Keyvalue”] = “New Delhi”;

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Profile > Asp .net provides a feature called profile properties, which allow you to store user specific data. its just like a session object but it can manage the data after session destroy.

34 Types of values mode can hold session state in web.Config?

InProc - session kept as live objects in web server (aspnet_wp.exe)StateServer - session serialized and stored in memory in a separate process aspnet_state.exe).  State Server can run on another machineSQLServer - session serialized and stored in SQL server

35 About WebService?

““Web service can convert your application into a web application, which can publish its function or messages to the rest of world.”’Web service is an application that is designed to interact directly with other application over the internet. In other word web service means are interacting with objects over the internet.

Web service is 1. Language independent 2. Platform independent 3. Protocol independent

The basic web services platform is XML + HTTPExample of web services – Weather Reporting-Stock quoteNews headlinesWeb service communications- web service communicate by using standard web protocols and data formate.HTTP, XML, SOAPAdvantages of web services- web services messages are formatted in XML and message send via HTTP protocol which is easy to send other computer easily via internet.

36 what are Http handler?Http handler is a process that runs in response to request of application. In asp .net when user send the request of web application then http handler give the response via the page handler.

37 what is view state and how this can be done and was this there in asp?View state is the client side state management. View state can be use to store state information of single user. We can set the all control property in a form true by using EnableViewState = true. View state send the information of all control to the server on each post back. Which control u don’t want to carry state then you can set the property EnableViewState= false.ViewState [“Controlname”] =MyViewState;Resposne.Write= ViewState [“Controlname”];

38 Types of optimization and name a few and how do u do?

39 About DataAdapters?Data Adapter is a component that exists between dataset and physical database. It contains four different commands (select, insert, update, delete). It uses these commands for fetch the record from database and fills in the dataset. And updates done in the database.SqlDataAdapter adp = new sqlDataAdapter (“Select * from Emp”, con);

40 what is dataset and Features of a dataset? The dataset contain DataTableCollection and DataRelationCollection. It represents a collection of data retrieving from the data source. We can use dataset with DataAdapters. Dataset works as a disconnected architructure. It work better then datareader because datareader reads only single value and work on connected architructure.

Features of DataSet > 1. Dataset works as a disconnected architructure.2. Dataset can contain more then one table.3. Dataset is XML oriented and so serialization is possible.4. Dataset slower then DataReader.5. It is a heavy object so its take more space.

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41 How do you do role based security?

42 Differences between Response.Expires and Expires.Absolute?

Response.Expires specifies the length of the time ie 20 secondsResponse.ExpiresAbsolute specifies the time ie 12:12:10

43 Types of object in asp?

There are five type of object in asp .net which is given below..Request object > it’s used to access the information send a request from browser to server. Response object > it’s used to access the information about response from server to clientSession object > it’s used to store and retrieve information about particular user session.Application object > it’s used to store the information about applicationServer object > it’s used to access various utility function on the server.

44 about duration in caching technique?

Performance is the key requirement of any application. One of important technique which helps in the performance of application is Caching. Caching is the process of storing frequently used data on the server to fulfill subsequent requests. Duration in catching technique indicate how much time my cache will hold the data.<%@ OutputCache Duration="90" VaryByParam="None"  %>

o Output Caching

o Partial Page Caching

o Data Caching

45. Types of configuration files and the differences?There are three type of config file..a) App.config file > its contain application specific settingsb) Web.config file > 1. it’s a security in asp .net application and how to secure application. Web config file does most of the work for the application the who, what, when, and where to be authenticated.

2 This is also called application level configuration file. 3 This file inherits the setting from Machine.config file.

Machine.Config file > machine config file contain the information of machine or entire computer. this is also called machine level configuration file. Only one Machine.Config file exists on a server.

46 Differences between ADO and ADO.net?Differencesa. Ado follows connected architructure, whereas ado. Net follows disconnected architructure.b. Ado used data reader to read the data from the database, whereas ado .net used dataset to retrieve the data

from database.c. Ado is faster then ado .net for accessing the data from database because ado can access data from one table

but ado .net access the data from multiple table at a time.

47 About Post back?

Post back is an event that is triggered when an action performed by a control on an asp.net page. For example when we click on a button control then the data of page will send to server for processing.

Protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {         if (!IsPostBack)        {

            Response.Write("first time the page is loaded.");

        }        else        {            Response.Write("the page is loaded more than once");

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48 If you are calling three SPs from a window application how do u check for the performance of the SPS?

If you want to check the performance of SPS then you need to the Sql profiler.

#61607; Database

50 What is normalization?Normalization is a technique to design the relational database table and prevent the duplicity and also use to security and data integrity. Normalization also use for reduce the problem of data redundancy.

51 What is an index and types of indexes? How many numbers of indexes can be used per table?

Indexes are the method for faster retrieve the data form database or tables. Different types of differences area) Primary key indexb) Unique indexc) Hash indexd) Bitmap indexe) Function based indexf) B-Tree indexg) Virtual index

52 What is a constraint? Types of constraints

Constraint use for restriction of tables. Or we can say constraint is a rule which we want to apply on tables.We have two types of constraints Anonymous constraints and named constraintsWe have some useful constraints there...1. Primary key constraints2. Foreign Key constraints3. Unique Constraints4. Not Null Constraints5. Check Constraints 53 What are code pages?

Code page other name is character encoding. It consists of a table of values that describes the character set for a particular language. 

54 What is referential integrity?

The feature provides by RDBMS that prevents user or application from inconsistent data. RDBMS have various referential integrity rules that you can apply when you create a relation between two tables.

55 What is a trigger?

A trigger is a database object that is attached to a table. In many aspect trigger is similar to stored procedure.The main different between trigger and stored procedure is trigger only fired when an Insert, Update, Delete, occurs.Create trigger tr_tablenameOn tablenameFor INSERT

56 What are different types of joins?

Joins > join mean fetch the record from more then one table or join is a technique to creating a list of records from more then one table, using all columns from all table involved or selecting only the desired columns from one or all of the tables involved.Types of joins are Inner join Outer join Cross join

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Inner Join > it contain only match data form left table and right table.

Select empid, name, emp.depno, dep.nameFrom empInner join depOn emp.depno=dep.depno

Outer Join > it is like an inner join but if there are some condition then we use outer join. We have three type of outer join 1. Left outer join 2. Right outer join 3. Full outer join

1. Left Outer Join > All the records from left table and matching the record on condition from right table.

Select empid, name, emp.depno, dep.depnoFrom empLeft outer join depOn emp.depno=dep.depno

2. Right Outer Join > all the records from right table and matching the record on condition from left table.

Select * from employee;

ID          name       salary----------- ---------- -----------          1 Jason             1234          2 Robert            4321          3 Celia             5432          4 Linda             3456          5 David             7654          6 James             4567          7 Alison            8744          8 Chris             9875          9 Mary              2345Select * from job;

ID          title      averageSalary----------- ---------- -------------          1 Developer           3000          2 Tester              4000          3 Designer            5000          4 Programmer          6000

Select e.id, e.name, e.salary, j.titleFrom employee RIGHT OUTER JOIN job ON e.id = j.id

3. Full Outer Join > all records from the left table and also all the record from right table.

Select from table oneFull outer join table two

Cross Join > all record form each row from the first table is combined with each row from the second table. its also mean it will produce Cartesian product of the set of rows from the joined table.

Select from employeeCross join job

57 What is a self join?A join joins itself called self joins.

58 Authentication mechanisms in Sql Server?

In Sql server there are two type of authentication window authentication and mix mode authentication.

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59 What are users defined stored procedures?

Stored procedure is a database object and it is a set of pre compiled transect Sql queries. By stored procedure we can execute the DML and DDL queries in the database. We have some advantage of SPLike it does reduce the network traffic, enhanced security controls, it can pass 1033 parameters; it can be input or output parameters.

60 What is INSTEAD OF trigger?

- Difference between SQL server 7.0 and 2000- How to optimize a query that retrieves data by joining 4 tables- Usage of DTS- How to disable an index using select query- Is non-clustered index faster than clustered index- Types of optimization in queries- Difference between ISQL and OSQL- How you log an exception directly into Sql server what is used for this- About Replication in Database- What is the default optimization done in oracle and Sql server- How can i make a column as unique- How many no of tables can be joined in same Sql server- How many columns can exist per table- About Sql Profiler usage• HR & Project

- About yourself

I am sachin staying at rohini sector 2, basically I am from haridwar. I have done my schooling from roorkee then I did my graduation bachelor of science with pcm stream and then I did my post graduation master of science in information technology from graphic era university dehradun. After completion my pg I got six month project based training from high tech solution noida. Then I joined precision electronic instruments co. as a software engineer in R&D department basically it is pure electronic based equipment Manufacture Company. There I have worked on three projects which are window based application. Sir I hard working, punctual, I can work individually and as well as in a team. If you will give me chance then I will not let you down.

- About work experience?

Sir I have 10 month experience in dot net framework. I joined the precision last year 7th of July.

- How long you are working on .NET?

From college time.

- Are you willing to relocate?

Yes sir I am willing to relocate because right now I am bachelor and bachelor can stay where.- When will you join?Sir there is 10 days notice period. I have to go for 10 days. After 10 days I will join sir.

- Why do u what to change from current organization?

Sir you know well precision is pure electronic equipment manufacturer co. and I am a professional so I want to go in our field and sir everybody wants to get his dream job.

- Why do you want to join Accenture?

- What are your weaknesses / areas of improvement?

Sir every person has some week points. If we try to come out from our week point then they can be our strong point.

- What are your current project and your responsibilities?

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Currently I am working on commodity software. In this software we will display the all commodity market data like wheat, jute, cardamoms, spot price and future price.

- Have you done database design / development?

- What is D in ACID?

#61656; Microsoft 

• HR (Screening)- Tell about yourself- Tell about your work experience- Tell about projects- Tell about your current project and your role in it- What is your current salary p.a.

• Technical

#61607; .NET- How do you manage session in ASP and ASP.NET- How do you handle session management in ASP.NET and how do you implement them. How do you handle in case of SQLServer mode?- What are different authentication types? How do you retrieve user id in case of windows authentication- For a server control, you need to have same properties like color maxlength, size, and allowed character throughout the application. How do you handle this? - What is custom control? What is the difference between custom control and user control- What is the syntax for DataGrid and specifying columns- How do you add a JavaScript function for a link button in a DataGrid.- Does C# supports multi-dimensional arrays- How to transpose rows into columns and columns into rows in a multi-dimensional array- What are object oriented concepts- How do you create multiple inheritance in C#- ADO and ADO.NET differences- Features and disadvantages of dataset- What is the difference between and ActiveX dll and control- How do you perform validations- What is reflection and disadvantages of reflection- What is boxing and how it is done internally- Types of authentications in IIS- What are the security issues if we send a query from the application- Difference between ByVal and ByRef- Disadvantages of COM components

- How do we invoke queries from the application- What is the provider and namespaces being used to access oracle database- How do you load XML document and perform validation of the document- How do you access elements in XML document- What is ODP.NET- Types of session management in ASP.NET- Difference between datareader and dataset- What are the steps in connecting to database- How do you register a .NET assembly- Usage of web.config- About remoting and web services. Difference between them- Caching techniques in .NET- About CLS and CTS- Is overloading possible in web services- Difference between .NET and previous version- Types of chaching. How to implement caching- Features in ASP.NET- How do you do validations. Whether client-side or server-side validations are better- How do you implement multiple inheritance in .NET- Difference between multi-level and multiple inheritance- Difference between dataset and datareader- What are runtime hosts- What is an application domain- What is view state

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- About CLR, reflection and assemblies- Difference between .NET components and COM components- What does assemblyinfo.cs consists- Types of objects in ASP

#61607; Database

- What are the blocks in stored procedure- How do you handle exceptions. Give the syntax for it- What is normalization and types of normalization- When would you renormalize- Difference between a query and stored procedure- What is clustered and non-clustered indexes- Types of joins- How do you get all records from 2 tables. Which join do you use- Types of optimization- Difference between inline query and stored procedure

#61607; Project related- Tell about your current project- Tell about your role- What is the toughest situation you faced in the development- How often you communicate with the client- For what purposes, you communicate with the client- What is the process followed- Explain complete process followed for the development- What is the life cycle model used for the development- How do communicate with team members- How do you say you are having excellent team management skills- If your client gives a change and asks for early delivery. How will you manage?- How will gather requirements and where do you record. Is it in word / Excel or do you have any tool for that- What is the stage when code is delivered to the client and he is testing it.- What are the different phases of SDLC- How do you handle change requests- How do you perform impact analysis- How do you write unit test cases.- About current project architecture

#61656; Keane on 12th October 2003 

• Technical

#61607; .NET- Write steps of retrieving data using ado.net- Call a stored procedure from ado.net and pass parameter to it- Different type of validation controls in asp.net- Difference between server.Execute and Response.Redirect- What is Response. Flush method- How Response. flush works in server.Execute- What is the need of clients side and server side validation- Tell About Global.asax- What is application variable and when it is initialized- Tell About Web.config- Can we write one page in c# and other in vb in one application- When web.config is called- How many web.config a application can have- How do you set language in web.Config

#61607; Database- How do you rate yourself in oracle and Sql server - What is E-R diagram- Draw E-R diagram for many to many relationship- Design database raw E-R diagram for a certain scenario(many author many books)- Diff between primary key and unique key- What is Normalization- Difference between sub query and nested query- Indexes in oracle- Query to retrieve record for a many to many relationship- Query to get max and second max in oracle in one query

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- Write a simple Store procedure and pass parameter to it

#61656; Digital Global soft

• Technical

#61607; .NET- Difference between VB dll and assemblies in .NET- What is machine.config and web.config- Tell about WSDL- About web methods and its various attributes- What is manifest- Types of caching- What does connection string consists of- Where do you store connection string- What is the difference between session state and session variables- How do you pass session values from one page to another- What are WSDL ports- What is dataset and tell about its features. What are equivalent methods of previous, next etc. Of ADO in ADO.NET- What is abstract class- What is difference between interface inheritance and class inheritance- What are the collection classes - Which namespace is used for encryption- What are the various authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET- What is the difference between authentication and authorization- What are the types of threading models- How do you send an XML document from client to server- How do you create dlls in .NET- What is intermediate language in .NET- What is CLR and how it generates native code- Can we store PROGID information in database and dynamically load the component- Is VB.NET object oriented? What are the inheritances does VB.NET support.- What is strong name and what is the need of it- Any disadvantages in Dataset and in reflection- Advantage of vb.net over vb- What is runtime host- How to send a DataReader as a parameter to a remote client- How do you consume a WebService- What happens when a reference to WebService is added- How do you reference to a private & shared assembly- What is the purpose of System.EnterpriseServices namespace- About .Net remoting- Difference between remoting and WebService- Types of state management techniques- How to register a shared assembly- About stateless and state full WebService- How to invoke .net components from com components,give the sequence- How to check null values in dataset- About how soap messages are sent and received in WebService- Error handling and how this is done- Features in .net framework 1.1- Any problem found in vs.et- Optimization technique description- About disco and uddi- What providers does ado.net uses internally- Oops concepts- Disadvantages of vb- XML serialization- What providers do you use to connect to oracle database?

#61607; Database- Types of joins

#61607; General- What are various life cycle model in S/W development

#61656; Infosys

• Technical

Page 15: Unsolved Ques

#61607; .NET- How do you rate yourself in .NET- What is caching and types of caching- What does VS.NET contains- What is JIT, what are types of JITS and their purpose- What is SOAP, UDDI and WSDL- What is dataset

#61607; Database- How do you optimize SQL queries

#61607; General- Tell about yourself and job- Tell about current project- What are sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams and difference between them- What is your role in the current project and what kinds of responsibilities you are handling- What is the team size and how do you ensure quality of code- What is the S/W model used in the project. What are the optimization techniques used. Give examples.- What are the SDLC phases you have involved

#61656; Satyam

• Technical

#61607; .NET- Types of threading models in VB.net- Types of compatibility in VB and their usage- Difference between CDATA and PCDATA in XML- What is As sync in XML api which version of XML parser u worked with- Types of ASP objects- Difference between application and session- What is web application virtual directory- Can two web application share a session and application variable- If i have a page where i create an instance of a dll and without invoking any method can I send values to next page- Difference between Active Exe and /Dll- Can the dictionary object be created in client’s scope?- About MTS and it’s purpose- About writing a query and SP which is better- I have a component with 3 parameter and deployed to client side now i changed my dll method which takes 4 parameter. How can i deploy this without affecting the client’s code- How do you do multithreading application in VB- About Global .asax- Connection pooling in MTS- If cookies is disabled in clinet browser will session work- About XLST- How do you attach an XSL to an XML in presenting output- What is XML- How do you make your site SSL enabled- Did you work on IIS administration- #61607; Database- dd#61607; General- dd• HR- About educational background- About work experience- About area of work- Current salary, why are looking for a change and about notice period- About company strength, verticals, clients, domains etc.- Rate yourself in different areas of .NET and SQL

#61656; Cognizant

• Technical

#61607; .NET- About response. buffer and repsonse.flush- About dataset and data mining- About SOAP

Page 16: Unsolved Ques

- Usage of htmlencode and urlencode- Usage of server variables- How to find the client browser type- How do you trap errors in ASP and how do you invoke a component in ASP#61607; Database- About types of indexes in SQL server- Difference between writing SQL query and stored procedure- About DTS usage- How do you optimize Sql queries

#61607; General- Dfs- Rate yourself in .NET and SQL- About 5 processes - About current project and your role• HR- About educational background, work experience, and area of work- 

#61656; TCS

• Technical

#61607; .NET- Define .NET architecture- Where does ADO.NET and XML web services come in the architecture- What is MSIL code- Types of JIT and what is econo-JIT- What is CTS, CLS and CLR- Uses of CLR- Difference between ASP and ASP.NET- What are WebService, its attributes. Where they are available- What is UDDI and how to register a web service- Without UDDI, is it possible to access a remote web service- How a web service is exposed to outside world- What is boxing and unboxing- What is WSDL and disco file- What is web.config and machine.config- What is difference between ASP and ASP.NET- What is dataset and uses of dataset- What does ADO.NET consists of?- What are various authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET- What do you mean by passport authentication and windows authentication- What is an assembly and what does manifest consists- What is strong name and what is the purpose of strong name- What are various types of assemblies- Difference between VB.NET and C#. Which is faster- Types of caching- How WSDL is stored- What is the key feature of ADO.NET compared to ADO- How does dataset acts in a disconnected fashion- Does the following statement executes successfully:Response. Write(“value of i = ” + i);- What is ODP.NET- What are the providers available with VS.NET- What is a process- What is binding in web service- How a proxy is generated for a web service- About delegates- What are static assemblies and dynamic assemblies. Differences between them

#61607; Database- What are the types of triggers- Types of locks in database- Types of indexes. What is the default key created when a primary key is created in a table- What is clustered, non-clustered and unique index. How many indexes can be created on a table- Can we create non-clustered index on a clustered index- Types of backups- What is INSTEAD OF trigger

Page 17: Unsolved Ques

- What is difference between triggers and stored procedures. And advantages of SP over triggers- What is DTS and purpose of DTS- Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table- Types of joins.- What is currency type in database- What are nested triggers- What is a heap related to database

#61607; General

• HR- About yourdelf- About procsses followed- Notice period- Appraisal process- What is SOAP and why it is required- About effort estimation- Whether salary negotiable- Why are looking for a change- How of you appraise a person- Do you think CMM process takes time- About peer reviews- How do you communicate with TL / PM / Onsite team

#61656; DELL 

• Technical

#61607; .NET- Any disadvantages in Dataset and in reflection- Difference between Active Exe and Activex dll- Can we make activex dll also ti execute in some process as that of client ? How can we do?- Types of compatibilities and explain them- Types of instancing properties and explain each. Tell the difference between multiuse, single use and global multiuse and which is default- What is assembly?- Difference between COM and .NET component- What is early binding and late binding. Difference which is better- What happens when we instantiate a COM component- What happens when we instantiate a .NET component- Are you aware of containment and Aggregation- What is UUID and GUID what is the size of this ID?- About Iunknown interface Queue ,its methods Querry Interface Addref,Release and Explane each- What ‘ll u do in early and late binding- In early binding will the method invoked on com component will verify it’s existance in the system or not?- Difference between dynamic query and static query- About performance issues on retrieving records- About ADO and its objects- What is unmannaged code and will CLR handle this kind of code or not .- Garbage collector’s functionality on unmanaged code- If Instancing = Single use for ActiveX Exe, how will this be executed if there are 2 consecutive client requests ?- Threading Types.- How about the security in Activex DLL and Activex EXE

#61607; Database- Types of cursors and explanation each of them- Types of cursor locations and explanation on each of them- Types of cursor locks and explanation each of them- How do you retrieve set of records from database server.{Set max records = 100 & use paging where pager page no or records = 10 & after displaying 100 records again connect to database retrieve next 100 }

• HR & Project

- Rate yourself in vb and com- Whether I have any specific technology in mind to work on.

#61656; MMTTS 

• Technical

Page 18: Unsolved Ques

#61607; .NET- About .NET Framework- About Assembly in .NET, types of assemblies, their difference, How to register into GAC. How to generate the strong names & its use.- What is side by side Execution?- What is serialization?- Life cycle of ASP.NET page when a request is made.- If there is submit button in a from tell us the sequence what happens if submit is clicked and in form action is specified as some other page.- About a class access specifiers and method access specifiers.- What is overloading and how can this be done.- How to you declare connection strings and how to you make use of web.config.- How many web.copnfig can exists in a web application & which will be used.- About .NET Remoting and types of remoting- About Virtual functions and their use.- How do you implement Inheritance in dot net- About ado.net components/objects. Usage of data adapters and tell the steps to retrieve data.- What does CLR do as soon as an assembly is created- How do you retrieve information from web.config.- How do you declare delegates and are delegates and events one and the same and explain how do you declare delegates and invoke them.- If I want to override a method 1 of class A and in class b then how do you declare?- What does CLR do after the IL is generated and machine language is generated .Will it look for main method- About friend and Protected friend- About multi level and multiple inheritance how to achieve in .net- Sequence to connect and retrieve data from database useig dataset- About sn.exe- What was the problem in traditional component why side by side execution is supported in .net- How .net assemblies are registred as private and shared assembly- All kind of access specifiers for a class and for methods- On ODP.net- Types of assemblies that can be created in dotnet - About namespaces- OOPs concept- More on CLR