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1. Q2) How does your Media product represent particular social groups? 2. Age My media product attracts mostly young people between 16-25 because of its rebellious and wild style. Young people especially teenagers tend to find this as interesting and attracting. On the other hand elderly might feel irritated or offended by the nervous and crazy style of my magazine 3. Why my magazine is rebellious? The name flammable already indicates the rebellious style of my magazine. The red colour I have chosen emphasises the wild and free minded view of a young teenager who might wants to become a rock star. The barely visible tattoo on the models throat says: Be careful what you which. That shows a typical scary and extraordinary look of a rock star. This is something new and different and therefore attracts young people. 4. Stereotypical representation of Rock Rock stars are often seen as unwashed, dirty, drug addicts, alcoholics and people who dont know how to plan their daily life. My magazine supports this view only for photographs but not for the personality of my magazine model. My magazine clearly shows the stereotypical view on photographs as dark make up, leather and alcohol is used. However changes this view with a very personal interview on the double page spread. I have done this in order to show people that it is wrong to judge a book by its cover and in this case to judge a Rock star by his look. 5. My interview Private life of a rock star Interviewer: Good evening Angel it is a pleasure to meet you. I recently listened to one of your songs and asked myself if the lyrics and meaning could cause irritation for children or their parents? However in which way do you think about it, as you are supposed to be an idol for the young generation? Angel: Let me be honest with you for a second. Who is a good idol? Nowadays it is dramatically difficult to differentiate between a talent and an idol. Talents dont automatically have to be idols. They are supposed to do something in which they are extraordinary good at. At the other end of the scale it is each individuals decision if they listen to my music or not. If there are parents who feel irritated or offended by my music, I have clearly to say that I am not the first rock star on this planet with this type of lyrics. Rock has been here for a long time (fortunately). Interviewer: This answer pretty much sounds like you dont care what your fans think about you? I believe that the opinion of your fans should be very important to you or not? Angel: Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. I am not their mother, I am a musician. My fans love me and haters hate, I strongly believe that this doesnt depend on me at all. They love me or not. This counts for roughly every musician I know. Interviewer: This answer sounds slightly selfish, however what does your family think about your career as an international famous musician? Angel: Oh I dont see anything selfish about it. If everyone would be a tiny bit more selfish then people would have less depressions. On the other hand it is truly rude to assume someone of being selfish by not even knowing the person. However I dont think that selfish people would have a foundation for animals like I do. Last year we collected over 2, 5 million pounds. Thanks to my amazing fans out there. Interviewer: Wow thats a mesmerizing result. Congratulations Angel. Why animals? Angel: I have chosen to help animals because many animals will extinct soon. The reason is human behaviour. If we dont act now then I see a very bad future for the whole planet. How do you feel about telling your children about Animals from the history book rather than going to the zoo? It sounds harsh but it could be reality sooner than you expect. However animals cannot plan their future, other than humans, we always have the choice to bring our life in a good order (many of us). This doesnt count for animals as most of them depend on us, especially on our behaviour. And let me say the truth, who the hell kills an animal for a fur coat? Interviewer: Do you have any pets at home? And how does your home look like? Im sure this could be interesting for many of your fans. Angel: I live outside London as the smog and bad air made me allergic and sick. I got a nice big house with my fianc and a cat and a dog. We live quite modern and extraordinary as my fianc is an artist we have quite strange stuff around (ha-ha). One example is a huge pink flamingo she created herself. She is amazing. Interviewer: That sounds great. You answered all of my questions. Thank you very much Angel. 6. Race, Sexuality, Gender, Ethnicity My magazine is mostly presenting the white, heterosexual, male and middle glass, however it is available for anyone regardless of gender, sexuality, race or ethnicity Personally I believe that those factors dont matter and everyone can choose if they want to read my magazine or not. I didnt want a controversial magazine, therefore my magazine is open minded to every social group on this planet. 7. Race, Sexuality, Gender, Ethnicity My magazine is mostly presenting the white, heterosexual, male and middle glass, however it is available for anyone regardless of gender, sexuality, race or ethnicity Personally I believe that those factors dont matter and everyone can choose if they want to read my magazine or not. I didnt want a controversial magazine, therefore my magazine is open minded to every social group on this planet.