Download - Pulling Me Back. - John Howard · Pulling Me Back. “you’ll never ... full-blown actor after AnchorMan: The Legend of Ron Burgandy. ... well written script that was acted out so


Pulling Me Back. “you’ll never have your freedom”…so far she’s right her words ringing clear in my ear days turned into several, five-forty-three to be exact once again I find myself here. two steps forward, one pulls me back for most, they’re still going somewhere not enough for me, since I’m the man accused safety’s off…for it’s me they fear. everytime there is opportunity for me to further myself someone is always pulling me back the devil has a way of working the system that allows me to fall through the crack. three inches of foam separate me from concrete as I lay myself down for the night frequent turns…but never finding the sweet spot for now, there is no end in sight. a slit in the wall, less the length of my pen is my window to see God’s green earth nothing is beautiful as that simple view as was to…my baby’s beautiful birth.

no pillow for my head, to compound my situation of finding comfort to rest my weary eyes so I reach for the bible that was left there before me using God’s word to give my head a rise. “forgive me, dear Lord, for using your word this way but you said it brings you comfort for those in need as you see at this moment, under these desperate circumstances… …it also brings comfort after I finish read. “my God, the devil is following…watching my every move just waiting for the opportunity to attack as close as I get to you, it’s still not enough once again, the devil is pulling me back.” Kirklin Sam W.R.C

Send your poetry, stories, or drawings to the INSIDE SCOOP: John Howard Society of MB 583 Ellice Avenue, WPG, MB R3B 1Z7

In My Cell One little loser, with a messed up past,

That’s why all good things never last.

Hope is lost and everything is wrong,

People think I’m tough, but I don’t feel that


Shot, ran over, stabbed up and hurt,

Still alive but feeling like dirt.

Thinking too much all alone in my cell,

Barely living because this is my hell.

Is there a Heaven? I really don’t know,

How can I keep living, when I just want to go?

Painful thoughts that are always in my head,

Will it never get better, before I am dead?

Does anyone know how to change who I am?

Trying to change, but I don’t know if I can.

Sadness and sorrow is what I always feel,

Please someone help me, because I just want

to heal.

Youth gone with wrinkles and getting grey hair,

Life is so cruel and always unfair.

Anonymous, W.R.C. Artwork by Anonymous H.C.C

Artwork by Anonymous W.R.C. Spring Time Spring is here and birds are here singing their

sweet little songs. Flowers are blooming and

leaves are growing and rivers flowing and warm

wind blowing and it keeps on going just like the

rivers. It’s just like our love. It keeps on going

you can’t see it but you can feel it flowing and it

keeps on growing, and our love shines just like a

diamond, the sun keeps on shining across the

crystal waters. The smell of spring and birds are

singing. Love is in the air and you and me

standing there looking out to the sea. This is how

I feel about you and me.

The warm feeling of our love.

Anonymous, W.R.C.

Inmate Idol Rocks Arpaio's Jail House The six finalists of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's first ever "Inmate Idle" contest showed off their singing talents before thousands of their fellow inmates. Unlike its televised American Idol counterpart, the sheriff purposely spelled his idle. The teams had the goal of team-building and self-esteem building for inmates. Arpaio said his staff reported back to him that the program generated positive camaraderie and has made good use of the inmates' idle time. The judges were Arpaio, Alice Cooper and an Elvis impersonator played by detention officer Bret Kaiser. Master of Ceremonies was Bob Hilton from the Dick Clark Company, which is considering making a national talent show based on Arpaio's idea. Inmates constructed and painted the set for the performances. The top prize: Big Macs, pizza, milkshakes and cake -- went to the winner and all his fellow inmates living in his tent, a far cry from the 15 cent meals the sheriff normally serves. And the winner? Judges selected Corey Brothers, 36, who is serving time for violating probation, for his performance of "My Girl." From March 2007, on the web at:

Major League Baseball teams use about 850,000 balls per season.

Three quarters of fish caught are eaten - the rest is used to make things such as glue, soap, margarine and fertilizer.

In the USA there are more TV sets than telephones, and almost 1 billion TV’s in the world.

The length from your wrist to your elbow is the same as the length of your foot.

A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water.

Half the world's population is under 25 years of age.

The most common last name in Canada is Johnson, followed by Smith and Martin.


I am currently a resident at the Winnipeg Remand Center. I am enrolled in a short course with the John Howard

Society that pertains to the Hepatitis epidemic in our jails and prisons. I was appalled with the fact that between 30% and 40%

of inmates have the disease and even more disgusted because this is not common knowledge among them. Furthermore, the

cancellation of such programs such as tattoo parlours in the penitentiary is nothing but the administration turning a blind eye

and hoping the problem will just go away. Nevermind the fact that these inmates, incarcerated or not, are eventually going to

cost the government thousands if not millions further down the road when they need medical attention, which by the way is free

to everyone in Canada!

In closing I would like to ask the politicians how they would feel if one of their loved ones was incarcerated and some

got infected with HIV or Hep C, because in today’s world no color, socio-economic background, or high standing makes

anyone immune to the scourge of drugs, crime, and disease that puts people behind bars. Jesse Pedersen, W.R.C.

The Winnipeg Free Press, Dear Mr. Stockwell Day,

I was fortunate enough to be able to take The idea of having safe tattoo shops in jails

part in a four week short course put on by the John and prisons was a good idea. So why would

Howard Society. The topic of discussion was hepatitis something that was a good idea be taken away? Did

C. A shocking bit of information was brought to my you or the Government not think of the cost of health

attention. It was that of federal prisons not being care going up and the opening of new health facilities

allowed to go ahead with the tattoo parlours inside jails. would be a lot more costly? I know someone who

With such a high number of inmates in federal went to Stony Mountain with out hepatitis C for

prisons infected with hep. C it makes no real sense to awhile then came out with it, from getting a tattoo.

cancel the projects, on the grounds a few officials think The last time I saw him, he looked sick and he’s only

the inmates don’t deserve it. Stop thinking of this as a in his thirties. So think about how

privilege and start thinking of this as a major health much money it will cost and

concern. Don’t forget that a lot of inmates do get released, how many lives as well.

and the more infected could mean a higher number of the

general public. Richard Mayberry, W.R.C. Tim Fitzgerald, W.R.C.

Mr. Stephen Harper,

In regards to the cancellation of the federal prison tattoo parlours program, I believe that your administration

has made an unwise decision. These are my reasons for writing you this letter: 1) With the spread of Hepatitis, H.I.V. and other

diseases comes a staggering short and long-term expense on a already tight health care budget; 2) These diseases effect more

than just the people infected, they also have an effect on their family and friends, who are potential Progressive Conservative

voters. Please consider bringing back this program for the financial and social well-being of our great country.

Shawn Arbuthnot, W.R.C.

Dear Stockwell Day,

I’m writing about tattooing in prisons. You should let inmates have their tattoo parlours, so you can reduce the risk or outbreak

of hep C spreading. Think about it!! Inmates are just going to get tattoo’s anyway and get out, live in your neighbourhood and

spread hep C without you or no one even knowing it!!

Aaron Bird, W.R.C.

Stranger than Fiction Movie review by Kara Neustaedter, former Director of Programming I am a huge fan of Will Ferrell. This really all started after his role in Zoolander and became a full-blown actor after AnchorMan: The Legend of Ron Burgandy. I am also a huge fan of charming and clever movies. Stranger than Fiction combined my two favourite things to find in a movie; Will Ferrell and a really (really) well written script that was acted out so wonderfully. The basic plot of the movie is that Will Ferrell’s character, Harold Crick, lives a very boring and very plain life. That is until one day he starts to hear a voice in his head. This voice doesn’t tell him to do things that will get him into trouble. Rather, this voice appears to be describing what he will be doing next. Almost like a narrator, or story teller, would do. The movie really takes off from there with Harold embarking on a quest to find out about this voice and what is in store for his future. Besides Will Ferrell you will also find great performances by Emma Thompson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman and Queen Latifah. Another thing that I really like to find in a movie is a great soundtrack. The choice of music really helps shape the emotional mood of the scene and again, I was not disappointed. I was grossed out though by a habit one of the characters had involving cigarettes and Kleenex. I really can’t go into details because I am afraid I will start gagging as I write this.

Still Waiting

Always feeling so much despair in my heart, How can there be a new beginning, when I don’t know where to start? Determined to get better, but it’s so hard in this place, How can I like what I see, if I don’t like me own face? Amateur writer with so much hate, Will I always go to jail, is that really my fate? The transformation from evil to good is so hard for me, Sabotaged by my thoughts, so I’m scared when I’m free. Lost is my hope, while I’m dying in this jail, Never a winner, when I’m born to just fail. Subconscious won’t let me forget all of the wrong I did, Irrational thoughts put in my head, since I was a kid. Hurried are all my thoughts, as life flies by too fast, Haunted by all the pain that I lived with in the past. My father was so sick, and maybe so am I, That’s why when I’m alone at night are the reasons I cry. Wishing I could take it back but I can’t, so that’s why I’m sorry, Anxiously waiting for the end of this hurting story…

Anonymous W.R.C.

Pain Within Myself

it’s killing me, so i can’t speak,

it’s making me weak,

it’s making me want 2 cause pain,

inflect it on self and others.

it clutters my heart,

it’s like a flaming dart,

but now i see cause i’ve mastered an art,

how do i start over and over,

with this inflicted pain, only gain with

my own self respect, so i don’t get wet,

knee deep in shame but really who’s to


me and only me cause i’m just 20 and

starting to see

how much this life really means to me.

“The Assassin” W.R.C.

Father’s Day

The past eighteen years, I was here alone without


You left me when I was a baby

It’s really hard on my brothers and sisters and me

We don’t have a father who can play with us

And we don’t have a father who we can say

Happy Father’s Day!

I kinda don’t understand why you left

I feel it was the right choice for you why you left

I don’t blame you for whatever reason why

You don’t want to be with us, but I just hope

You’re enjoying Father’s Day!

I don’t know who you are but you are my father

Even though you weren’t in my life

Special Things to Do Together with an Incacerated Loved One

For those on the “outside”:

Take pictures of the new things happening around town. Take pictures of your yard/flowers, things that you have bought for the home and send them to him/her

Put perfume or cologne on the letters you send. Send a card on every holiday (Earth Day, Father’s

Day, Ground Hog Day, April Fool’s Day) to let him/her know you are thinking of them.

I really want to know you and be with you

But I don’t know if you want a relationship

If you don’t I’ll understand, but one thing,

Happy Father’s Day!

Where are you? Do you even know us (your kids)?

Every year when Father’s Day comes we sit and pray

Because we don’t know if my father is still alive,

Whoever you are, I just want to say I really miss you

And all I really wanted to say to you is

Happy Father’s Day!

John Beardy H.C.C.

HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the Dads reading this edition of the Inside Scoop!

For those on the “inside”: Send each other song lyrics you like. Write a letter to your kids, draw a picture and ask

them to draw one for you and mail it back. Have a writing “marathon.” See who can write the

longest letter to each other. Play tic-tac-toe through the mail, until someone

wins. Submitted by Conrad Chartrand

Ojibwe information on Hepatitis C

To all of the Inside Scoop readers, Thanks for being so patient for this edition of The Inside Scoop Newsletter. It’s been a long time coming, but it’s here at last! You will notice that I have stuck around as well! In the last edition, I said my goodbyes and moved into the Hepatits C program. Well as of February 2007, I am back in the Literacy Coordinator role as a permanent position! That means I’ll be in the Remand Centre most days, continuing to work with students and teach classes. I love my job here and it is a pleasure to be back! I hope you enjoy this copy of the Inside Scoop. Next edition I hope to interview a local artist who spent 6 years in Stony and is now showing his artwork at the Graffiti Gallery. Stay tuned for that article... And in the meantime, if you have something to say, a poem to share, a drawing or sketch for the newsletter, let me know! Shauna Fay J.H.S. 775-1514 (303) Special thanks to guest editor, Scott, for all his hard work on this edition of our newsletter!

10 Favourite Scrabble Words and Definitions Submitted by W.R.C. Literacy Student Zeal = enthusiastic Ominous = evil, threatening Elite = socially superior group Vanquish = to defeat in battle Zany = ludicrously comical Tryst = to agree to meet Succinct = clearly explained in a few words Intrepid = fearless Worship = to honour and love as a divine being Arcane = mysterious

Show off your talents!! Send your artwork, stories, jokes, poetry, opinions and quotes to:

The John Howard Society’s INSIDE SCOOP 583 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3B 1Z7

or see Shauna Fay, the JHS Literacy Coordinator, at the Winnipeg Remand Centre.