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1997 – 2013


Page 2: Public broadcasting: ukrainian history (1997-2012)

«We acted intuitively» (V. Shevchenko)

Framework Law“On the System of Public Television and Radio

Broadcasting of Ukraine” is adopted


The law provided for:• establishment of public TV and radio

broadcasting based on decision of Parliament;

• public, qualification and administrative councils within the structure;

• funding: 1 year - from the budget, later - through fees, business activity, state orders, public funds.

The law has caused:• adoption of the Resolution "On the

Establishment of Public Broadcaster GURT" ("Ukrainian Public Radio and Television") that the National Council and Government refused to fulfill;

• adoption of the draft law "On Establishing a System of Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine", which was vetoed by President L. Kuchma.

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«Radio like ours hasn’t been there before. Because it is financially independent of the Government or business. We have committed to tell what is really going on, and give the word to everyone who has something to say. We have committed to talk to our listeners, not to talk them down».

(О. Kryvenko)

Oleksandr Kryvenko founded“Gromadske Radio/Public Radio”


Initiated solely by a journalist and politician, the project existed and was funded by the International Renaissance Foundation until 2005. No attempt of GR to obtain a license was successful and because of that Oleksandr Kryvenko accused the National Council of corruption and bias. It had been broadcasting partly online through podcasts and for some time on the waves of Radio "ERA". Nevertheless, the project had success among the audience.

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«We had plenty of enthusiasm, we believed that public broadcasting will soon be created».

(N. Ligacheva)

Coalition of NGOs “Public Broadcasting” was founded


Composition:• NGO "Telekritika";• Independent Association

of Broadcasters of Ukraine;

• Public Council on Freedom of speech and Information;

• Institute of Politics;• Academy of Ukrainian

Press;• Committee "Equality of

opportunities";• Kyiv Independent Media

Trade Union.

Purpose:• development of program

policy of future PB;

• proposals for the parliamentary hearings, scheduled for March 15, 2005.

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«Only having information about foreign experience, one can conclude on the compliance of Ukrainian project with best examples and international standards».

(«Public Broadcasting»)

“Public Broadcasting” Portal was founded

Goal and objective:• public discussion of the topic of public

television in Ukraine;• publication of information on the best

models of PB in the world;• coverage of the process of creation of

Ukrainian model of PB;• engagement of experts and the public;• urge regulatory authorities in the media

sphere to hear and listen to the public and expert opinion on the public broadcasting;

• fully facilitate the creation of PB in Ukraine.

Dozens of articles of leading journalists on PB and interviews with experts in the media industry are posted daily

«The idea of public television and radio in Ukraine is discussed for number of years. Adjustments to this process are made by he society itself that still seeks to create it, and our country's certain obligations to the Council of Europe».

(«Public Broadcasting»)

2007 – …

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There are two drat laws on PB registered in the Parliament


№1076 «On Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine»:• initiated by the Cabinet of Ministers;• developed by the State Committee on Television

and Radio;• the statute is to be approved by the Cabinet of

Ministers; • the structure provides for the supervisory board (14

persons - from national NGOs, 3 persons - from the Cabinet of Ministers);

• funding - 4 years from the budget, later – through fees, sale of products, state orders, donations.

№1076-1 «On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the System of Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine"»:• initiated by MPs A. Shevchenko, T. Kutovyi,

I. Miroshnichenko; • developed by initiators together with media lawyers

and experts D. Kotlyar, R. Golovenko (III), Shevchenko (IML);

• prohibits interference in editorial policy, obligation for coverage of government agencies is removed;

• provides for control over approved editorial statute and program policy;

• funding in the amount of not less than 0.05% of the state budget.

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• GromTV• Spilnobachennya/Joint Vision

• Public Television• Public Radio

• ZhyveTV/LiveTV

They are not public broadcaster in a classic sense. They are public and journalistic initiative to create independent media that exist using funds from citizens.

Public media projects emerge:


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GromTV:• Internet TV;

• public platform where "regardless of someone's interests it is being told about people's problems";

• created under patronage of Mykola Melnychenko;

• further it is planed to exist using public and philanthropic donations and grants.

ZhyveTV:• Internet TV;

• initiated by Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church;

• based on the concept of a "socio-religious television with the ratio of 90/10";

• plan to exist on voluntary donations.

Spilnobachennya:• Internet TV;

• exists thanks to a "joint creation by active citizens of Ukraine";

• purpose is "to build a new Ukraine with active citizen standpoint of residents";

• funded through fixed membership fees of partners, voluntary donations and, in the future, subscription fee.

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Public Television:• online TV;

• civic initiative of journalists to create Ukrainian public media;

• based on fundamental principles of unbiased and balanced journalism;

• exists on voluntary donations of legal and natural persons, grants, through advertising;

• will issue publicly available annual financial report;

• independent of the Government, President, the Parliament, political parties and business.

Public Radio:• online radio;

• initiative of professional journalists, who have come together to create an independent public broadcaster;

• operated by journalistic standards;

• funded by public donations and, in the future, by grants;

• reports to community about financial income.

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«Subscription fee is a way to nowhere».

(А. Shevchenko)

«In the governmental draft law there are no real guarantees of independence for public broadcaster».

(О. Bolshakova)

Draft law № 1076 "On Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine“ was passed

in the first reading


On July 3 the Parliament adopted, as the basis, governmental draft law № 1076. In preparation for the second reading of the bill parliamentarian Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information was trying to correct the deficiencies of the document, taking into account the recommendations of European experts. In particular, during the session of September 11 Working Group handled 107 amendments that changed several key provisions: financing, advertising, supervisory board. But the majority faction in parliament did not agree with the position of the Committee, the head of which is the opposition. Thus, during the session of Parliament on September 19, when the consideration of the bill on second reading was on the agenda, the government's version was much more likely. Factions’ chairmans called for compromise – to send the bill for revision and recrudescent second reading. According to this proposal MPs voted unanimously.

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NGO “Telekritika” and the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology supported by Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) have conducted

survey of the expections of population of Ukraine on PB


Dates: 14 – 16 September 2013. Method: representative telephone survey of urban population aged 18 and older. Number of respondents – 1,003 people. Statistical sampling error without design effect with a probability of 0.95 for figures close to 50%, less than 3.2%. Results published in 5 diagrams.

Who do you think should be included in the Board of Public broadcaster?

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What form of financing nationwide PB today is valid in



Who is primarily responsible for the success of the project of

public broadcasting?

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Do you agree with the following: “The national PB is funded exclusively from the state budget for the first four years?”

To what extent organizational framework of National TV Company can ensure PB to perform these tasks?

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The following materials were used while preparing the presentation …

…texts:• from the site «Public Broadcasting»;

• from the site of the Parliament;

• from the site «Public Radio» of О. Kryvenko;

• from the site «Public Radio»;

• from the site «Public Television»;

• from the site «Spilnobachennya»

…images:• from the site we heart it;

• from the site I love it;

• from the site flickr;

• from the site P.I.T. Program