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Progress in Organic Coatings 75 (2012) 20– 27

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Progress in Organic Coatings

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ailoring the release of encapsulated corrosion inhibitors from damagedoatings: Controlled release kinetics by overlapping diffusion fronts

. Javierrea,b,∗, S.J. Garcíac, J.M.C. Mold, F.J. Vermolene, C. Vuike, S. van der Zwaagc

Centro Universitario de la Defensa – AGM, Zaragoza, SpainAragón Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, SpainNovel Aerospace Materials, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The NetherlandsDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The NetherlandsDelft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 1 July 2011eceived in revised form 5 March 2012ccepted 7 March 2012vailable online 2 April 2012

eywords:igment releaseorrosion inhibitionickianon-Fickian

a b s t r a c t

The goal of this work is to model the release of corrosion inhibitors from damaged organic coatings. Inthe present study, the healing response (i.e. the active corrosion protection) is triggered by the ingress ofmoisture in the coating through the walls of a damaged site, followed by the transport of the corrosioninhibitors to the exposed metal substrate by diffusion through the moisture present in the polymericcoating. We propose a mathematical–analytical model for each step of the healing response in orderto determine, through computer simulation, the particle configurations that lead to desired regimes ofinhibitors release into the damaged site. The used methodology is based on overlapping Fickian leachingkinetics of the individual corrosion inhibitor particles present in the coating. With the proposed modelwe analyze different release behaviors proportional to t˛ with 0.25 < ˛ ≤ 1 reported in the literature. Westudy in detail the conditions yielding a linear release of corrosion inhibitors and determine the range

eachingrganic coatingathematical modelling

of release rates that can be achieved as a function of the particle size distribution within the coating,the moisture diffusion through the coating and the capsule dissolution kinetics. In particular, we clearlydemarcate the systems in which the linear release behavior cannot be obtained. Furthermore, we find thatour model cannot predict the experimentally observed t0.25 kinetics for any configuration and conditionconsidered, which indicates that the release of inhibitor compounds from particle dissolution in these


systems may not follow a

. Introduction

Electrochemical corrosion of metals is a worldwide problemhat entails high economic investments by governments and pri-ate users related to the protection of new metallic systemsgainst corrosion as well as to the repair of damaged protectiveystems. One of the most common corrosion protection mea-ures is the use of organic coating systems (mainly primer andop-coat) since they are both efficient, relatively cheap, and cane used in many different applications. Organic coating systemsrotect the metallic substrate via passive mechanisms (i.e. bar-ier against corrosive species and high adhesion to the metallicubstrate), and active mechanisms (i.e. carriers of sacrificial pig-

ents and corrosion inhibitors). When the active organic coating

ystem is damaged and the metallic substrate exposed to the cor-osive environment, the release of corrosion inhibitors from the

∗ Corresponding author at: Centro Universitario de la Defensa, Academia Generalilitar, Ctra. Huesca s/n, 50090 Zaragoza, Spain. Tel.: +34 976739853.

E-mail address: [email protected] (E. Javierre).

300-9440/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.oi:10.1016/j.porgcoat.2012.03.002

ian behavior.© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

primer to the exposed metal is activated. The most used corro-sion inhibitor types are based on hexavalent chromium [1–4] whichhas demonstrated exceptional high performance in extending thelongevity of corrosion protection of metals. Nevertheless, due tothe known toxicity of Cr(VI) many other alternatives are beingstudied [5–9] among others with the help of recently developedhigh-throughput techniques for corrosion inhibitor selection andoptimization [10–12].

Corrosion inhibitors may use different mechanisms to pro-tect the exposed metal, although in most cases the protectionstarts with the ingress of water (or other triggering substance)through the breach in the coating towards the dispersed inhibitorparticles, followed by the dissolution of the dispersed corrosioninhibitor particles, which will be transported to the exposed metal-lic surface through the same water path. The leaching rate of thecorrosion inhibitors affects the immediate and long-term corro-sion protection of the exposed metal and depends amongst others

on temperature [13], polymer binder structural properties and pig-ment solubility [13,14], and pH [15,16].

In terms of corrosion protection, a desirable system would beone that releases corrosion inhibitors very fast during the initial




protective capsule or, in its absence, the dissolution of the corro-sion inhibitor particle occurs only when a threshold moisture level

E. Javierre et al. / Progress in

xposure time to offer a direct and immediate protection, but thenery slowly and in a controlled manner. In this way, there will be aonstant corrosion inhibitor supply without leading to the releasef inhibitors that will not be able to react with the metallic sur-ace and/or the formation of a depletion zone that is not able toeep the corrosion protection for long times. Experimental studies17,18] have found that the leaching rate of chromates and otherorrosion inhibitors depends on the polymeric matrix and the envi-onment. Furman et al. [17] found that the release of chromates isot controlled by a Fickian diffusion process (t0.5) but described by

faster t0.25 release, whereas Nazarov [18] found that the leach-ng rate for the same corrosion inhibitor in a different matrix wasloser to logarithmic release as for vanadate, while the release ofhosphate was closer to the t0.25 and the release of tungstate closero a completely linear release (t1). These different responses can bexplained qualitatively on the basis of standard diffusion or disso-ution being the rate determining steps. Putting aside the absolutemount of inhibitor released, these different time profiles indicatehat there are different mechanisms, or at least different balancesetween mechanisms at work in the various cases. The differentelease trends for a single corrosion inhibitor from different poly-er matrices can be explained by the physical and physicochemical

nteractions between the inhibitor and various functional groupsn the polymeric matrix and the other fillers or corrosion inhibitorarticles present in the coating. Another possible explanation forhe different release trends could be the different pigment vol-me concentration – critical pigment volume concentration ratio� = PVC/CPVC) which depends on the corrosion inhibitor particlesnd the matrix and can have important effects on the corrosionrotection of organic systems [19]. Moreover, these results showhat a highly efficient corrosion inhibitor in a certain matrix canave an undesired release that reduces its efficiency in protect-

ng against corrosion, while in other matrix the release trend cane more favorable. At the same time, a less efficient corrosion

nhibitor could be incorporated into a polymeric matrix (coating)hat promotes its efficiency in the fight against corrosion. As a con-equence every corrosion inhibitor-organic matrix system has toe studied as a specific case. In order to gain some control in thetherwise unpredictable release rates as a function of the matrixnd corrosion inhibitor and decrease the particle–matrix negativenteractions, a different approach can be employed: the use of cap-ules, or coatings, covering the particles introduced in the polymeratrix. This approach could allow the coating designers to employ,

ndependently of the polymeric matrix, the corrosion inhibitorshey want with the desired release rate by modifying the employedapsules [20]. An appropriate understanding of the possible causeshat make that a certain corrosion inhibitor in a certain matrix iseleased with a Fickian or non-Fickian diffusion rate will increasehe necessary knowledge for the design of anticorrosive organicoatings with the desired release characteristics.

This paper contains a detailed theoretical model of the threetages of the response to damage in organic coatings (water ingress,apsule disintegration and inhibitor particle dissolution and diffu-ion to damage). The mathematical approach compiling the overalleaching behavior is used to give insights into the reasons (in termsf design parameters) behind the observed non-Fickian release ofnhibitors from dispersed corrosion inhibitor particles. This workocuses on conditions yielding a linear release of encapsulatednhibitors, but the approach would be exactly the same for anyther specified leaching behavior. The paper analyzes the effectf particle distribution in the matrix that gives a linear release inhe absence of a chemical interaction of the corrosion inhibitornd capsule components with the polymeric matrix. The math-matical model in this paper highlights the big influence of the

orrosion inhibitor particle distribution and concentration on theelease kinetics and release trends.

ic Coatings 75 (2012) 20– 27 21

2. Materials and methods

2.1. The mathematical model

The leaching behavior of inhibitors from organic matrices ismodeled by coupling the sequential stages of the response todamage. The structure of a general organic coating, filled with anunspecified number of dispersed corrosion inhibitor particles issketched in Fig. 1(a). It is assumed that the particles have a uni-form rectangular geometry of homogeneous size, as is the case forchromate particles in epoxy polyamide matrices [21]. The corro-sion protection of the metallic surface relies upon the dissolutionof the inhibitor particles, activated by the ingress of moisture intothe matrix, and the transport of their compounds to the damagedsurface. To protect the inhibitors from reacting with the polymermatrix, thus affecting the leaching kinetics, the inhibitors may beencapsulated or isolated from the polymeric matrix by other means[20]. Under this assumption, the capsule should be opened in orderto activate the leaching of the corrosion inhibitors. Thus, in thepresent model we incorporate in the primer corrosion inhibitorparticles with a protective layer (e.g. capsule) that will be openedto allow the release of the corrosion inhibitors. In order to simplifythe model and gain specific knowledge on how the basic stagesinfluence the final leaching kinetics, the effect of the moistureabsorption process from top to bottom (y axis) is not incorporated.Furthermore, assuming a sufficiently dispersed distribution of theinhibitor particles excludes soft-impingement effects and allows astudy of the overall leaching kinetics as the superposition of thedissolution of the individual particles. A schematic representationof the three stages (i.e. moisture absorption, capsule disintegrationand particle dissolution) involved in the response to damage fora single inhibitor particle is given in Fig. 1(b)), while the mathe-matical description of the processes taking place in each step isdescribed below.

2.1.1. Moisture absorptionMoisture transport in polymeric matrices depends on the avail-

ability of molecular-sized pores in the polymer structure and onpolymer–water affinity [23]. This interaction of water with thepolymer chains is responsible for the anomalous diffusion of waterwithin the coating [24]. However, moisture transport is well rep-resented by Fickian diffusion in rubbery polymers (in which thepolymer chain can quickly rearrange as the moisture front advances[25]) and in epoxy systems subject to relative humidities up to 75%[26]. Based on this, for our study case we assume that water ingressinto the primer is described by Fick’s second law


∂t(x, t) = ∂



∂x(x, t)) for x ∈ (0, d) and t > 0, (1)

where u denotes the moisture concentration, Dm the moisture dif-fusion rate along the polymer matrix, x = 0 the local coordinate ofthe capsule surface closest to the damage site and d its distance tothe damage wall. The coating moisture saturation or equilibriumusat, which depends on relative humidity [26], is imposed at thescratch surface, that is

u(d, t) = usat for t > 0. (2)

We assume that the reaction activating either the dissolution of the

umin is exceeded at the capsule (or particle) surface. This occursat a certain time denoted by tact

cap. Until this moment, the capsule

22 E. Javierre et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 75 (2012) 20– 27

s in th









Fig. 1. (a) Structure of an organic coating. (b) Phase

or particle) surface blocks the advance of the moisture front, andence


∂x(0, t) = 0 for 0 < t < tact

cap. (3)

he simplicity of the geometries under study allows solving Eqs.1)–(3) analytically. Thus, after separation of variables and algebraic

anipulations we obtain that the moisture distribution throughhe coating until the dissolution of the capsule (or the particle, inbsence of encapsulation) is activated (i.e. for 0 < t < tact

cap) is giveny

u(x, t)=usat−4usat




2d�(d − x))e−((2n−1/2d)�)2Dmt.


f interest to our model is the value of tactcap. We obtain tact

cap interpo-ating the moisture concentration at the capsule-matrix interface,(0, t), at the threshold moisture level umin. As moisture advancess a diffusion front, the square root of tact

cap is linearly related to theistance d, as can be seen in Fig. 2(a). Without loss of generality wean write this relation as

actcap = 1


k)2, (5)

ith k a dimensionless parameter depending only on the ratiomin/usat. It shall be remarked here that no analytic expression haseen found for k. Fig. 2(b) shows the values of k obtained from aarametric analysis using the above-described technique to findactcap and using Eq. (5) to obtain k. Of course k is independent of Dm

nd d, and hence Fig. 2(b) gives a full characterization of k.

.1.2. Disintegration of the capsuleIn case of particle encapsulation, the membrane enclosing the

article must disintegrate (broken, in case of a propagating crack,

r dissolved, in case of entering reactives degrading the matrix) tollow the leaching of the corrosion inhibitors. In this study, capsuleissolution is modelled as a phase transformation under equilib-ium conditions at the capsule/polymer matrix interface [27]. From

e response against corrosion in a fractured coating.

a practical point of view, the capsule thickness (ı) shall be small incomparison to the particle size (L) or its distance to the center ofthe damage site (d + lc, where lc denotes half the damage width andd denotes the distance between the damage wall and the capsulesurface), see Fig. 1. Hence, capsule dissolution can be accuratelyapproximated by its self-similar solution [28,29]. The effect of thecapsule components on the matrix properties is disregarded here,and only the dissolution time tdiss

cap is of interest for the determi-nation of the inhibitors leaching kinetics. Following [28], we findthat

tdisscap = 1



ω)2, (6)

where Dcap denotes the diffusion rate of the capsule compoundsin moisture and ω is a dimensionless parameter which determinesthe capsule dissolution rate and depends only on the ratio betweenthe capsule solubility in water, csol

cap, and the capsule concentration,

cpartcap , through the relation

ω = 2csol


csolcap − cpart


exp(−ω2/4)√�[1 + erf(ω/2)]


(cf. Eq. (13) in [28], using c0 = 0 as initially no capsule componentsare present in the primer and rearranging terms). In order to facil-itate the visualization of this relation, ω has been plotted againstcsol

cap/cpartcap in Fig. 3.

2.1.3. Dissolution of the corrosion inhibitor particleOnce the barrier function of the capsule has been broken down,

the corrosion inhibitor particle can also be dissolved. We assumethat the reaction at the particle/bulk matrix interface driving

particle dissolution is in equilibrium. This, together with thehypothesis of stoichiometric corrosion inhibitor particles, allowsmodeling the leaching of inhibitors into the polymeric matrix andthe damage site as a binary Stefan problem [27]. The inhibitor

E. Javierre et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 75 (2012) 20– 27 23

Fig. 2. Capsule disruption time and rate para

sol part




with �̃i =∑i

j=1�j the activation time for particle i, see Fig. 4(b). For

Fig. 3. Dependence of the dimensionless parameter ω on ccap/ccap .

oncentration c diffuses outside the particle through the moistureccording to Fick’s second law


∂t(x, t) = ∂



∂x(x, t)) for x ∈ (l(t), lend) and t > 0, (8)

here D denotes the inhibitor diffusion rate in moisture, l(t)enotes the time dependent position of the particle/bulk matrix

nterface and lend denotes the distance from the origin of thearticle to the center of the damage site. For each particle in theoating we maintain a local coordinate system. In local coordinates,

= 0 denotes the origin of the particle (i.e. the furthest border tohe scratch) and x = L denotes the end of the particle (i.e. the closestorder to the scratch). Under this notation lend = L + ı + d + lc, seeig. 1. Zero flux boundary conditions are applied, out of symmetry,t the center of the damage site, that is


∂x(lend, t) = 0 for t > 0. (9)

meter k (taking Dm = 5 × 10−3 �m2/s).

Mass conservation drives the movement of the interface betweenthe particle and the polymer matrix (i.e. the rate of particledissolution), which is given by

(cpart − csol)dl

dt(t) = D


∂x(l(t), t) for t > 0, (10)

where cpart denotes the inhibitor concentration within the particleand csol the maximum solubility of inhibitor in water, assuming thatthe dissolution of the inhibitor does not affect the spent volume.

We solve Eqs. (8)–(10) numerically using the so-called levelset method [28]. With this approach we keep track of theparticle–matrix interface position l(t) in time as well as the parti-cle concentration throughout the matrix and damage site. In orderto determine the overall leaching kinetics we shall measure theamount of corrosion inhibitors released by a single particle to thedamage site, which is given by

Mcrack(t) =∫ lc


c(L + ı + d + x, t) dx. (11)

2.2. Controlled kinetics by overlapping diffusion fronts

For each particle in the primer, uniquely identified by its lengthL and its distance d̃ to the scratch (with d̃ = d + ı, ı the capsulethickness), we compute the time-history leached mass, Mcrack(t), asdescribed above. Note that the curve Mcrack(t) does not incorporatethe time needed for moisture to reach particle and dissolve theencapsulation. However, Mcrack(t) does incorporate the time tcrack

needed for inhibitors from the particle to reach the crack void, seeFig. 4(a).

In order to obtain a desired leaking kinetics we must determinethe times at which the different particles in the primer shall startdissolving. As we may be interested in different leaching kinetics(i.e. linear, Fickian or non-Fickian) we denote by f(t) the desiredleaching behavior without loss of generality. Denoting by �i thetime lapses between the activation of consecutive particles, theoverall leached mass is given by

Mcrack(t) =N∑


Mcracki (t − �̃i), (12)

each particle configuration, we obtain the times �2, �3, . . ., �N from afitting procedure. The fitting is carried out in the time window that

24 E. Javierre et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 75 (2012) 20– 27

F d partm or eack











ig. 4. (a) Time evolution of the mass released to the crack Mcrack from three isolateass released to the crack when moisture absorption and capsule dissolution take f

inetics determined by �1, �2 and �3.

overs the release from 1% to 90% of the total released mass. Conse-uently, �1 is a free parameter in the model that allows the user tohift backwards or forward the onset of leaching (see Fig. 4(c)). Inhis work, only the best fit to f(t) is considered. Hence, �2, �3, . . ., �N

inimize the mean square error (MSE). We will say that a certaineaching behavior is accomplished when R2(�2, �3, . . ., �N) > 0.99.

Once the activation times �̃i (i = 1, . . ., N) are known, the primeroisture absorption and capsule dissolution kinetics can be deter-ined. The activation times �̃i combine the time invested inoisture penetration from the scratch surface, tact

cap, and the timenvested in capsule dissolution, tdiss

cap . Hence, the following equationshould hold:



k)2 + 1


ω)2 = �̃i, and di + ıi = d̃i, (13)

or i = 1, . . ., N. Eq. (13) allow the user to define the range of mois-ure absorption and capsule dissolution kinetics (Dmk2 and Dcapω2

espectively) that yield the activation times �̃i and consequentlyhe desired leaching behavior. If no further constrains are imposed,oatings fulfilling Eq. (13) shall verify

mk2 > maxi=1,...,N



and Dcapω2 < mini=1,...,N





mk2 < maxi=1,...,N



and Dcapω2 > mini=1,...,N




or each valid value of Dmk2 and Dcapω2 one unique solution existsor the distances di and ıi (i = 1, . . ., N). Once Dmk2 and Dcapw2 arexed, the capsules thicknesses ıi are obtained solving

(d̃i − ıi)2

Dmk2+ ı2


Dcapω2= �̃i,

hereas di = d̃i − ıi for i = 1, . . ., N. If Dmk2 and Dcapω2 are takenccording to Eq. (14b) then di < ıi. This solution could be rejectedrom a physical point of view, since the capsule thicknesses ıihould be small compared with the other dimensions of the prob-em. If the user wants to further impose an upper bound of theapsules thicknesses, i.e. ıi < ımax for i = 1, . . ., N, then the coatingoisture absorption and capsule dissolution kinetics must satisfy

d̃2 ı2

mk2 > maxi=1,...,N



and Dcapω2 < mini=1,...,N




It shall be noticed here that, in general, no valid solution can bebtained if the capsule thicknesses ıi are fixed beforehand.

icles located at increasing distances from the damage site. (b) Time evolution of theh particle �1, �1 + �2 and �1 + �2 + �3s respectively. (c) Fit region and overall leaching

Hence, with the current analysis, for each particle distributionand each valid leaching kinetics we obtain a set of coating-capsulesystems that yield the prescribed release behavior.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Corrosion inhibitor release behavior: Fickian vs. non-Fickian

In order to understand why similar coatings with same inhibitortype present completely different release behaviors under similarconditions, the mathematical–analytical approach described in theprevious section is employed. Under the current hypotheses, thedissolution of each individual particle follows a Fickian behavior,which is characterized by a proportionality relation between themass released from the particle until time t and the square root oft. This linear relation is eventually lost (when around 80% of the par-ticle mass is released, see Fig. 5(a)) to reach a plateau due to eitherthe complete dissolution of the particle (as in the current case) orthe cease of the dissolution process because of the saturation of thesurrounding matrix.

However, when the dissolution of the N potentially active parti-cles in the coating are combined in time, the resultant kinetics are,in principle, unpredictable, depending both on the particle con-figuration (size and position) and the matrix chemical properties.This is clearly visible in Fig. 5(b), where three different releasekinetics are obtained for the same particle configuration but dif-ferent activation times (�). The chosen configuration, consisting ofthree particles of length L = 5 �m located at distances d̃1 = 0.25,d̃2 = 0.5 and d̃3 = 1 �m from the scratch, serves as an illustrativeexample. We can impose a leaching kinetics proportional to t0.5 (i.e.Fickian), t0.75 and t by altering �2 and �3. The Fickian release behav-ior, the fastest of the three, is achieved for the smallest activationtimes (�2 = 0.0056 and �3 = 0.0028 s). The release behavior propor-tional for t0.75 is obtained for the intermediate activation times(�2 = 1.1166 and �3 = 3.7031 s), whereas the linear release behav-ior, the slowest of the three, is reached for the largest activationtimes (�2 = 3.1737 and �3 = 2.8377 s).

The previous results show that the particle configuration alonecannot explain the different release trends. However, the coatingmoisture absorption and capsule dissolution kinetics cannot either.For each value of �1, inequalities Eqs. (14b) or (14c) determinethe values that Dmk2 and Dcapω2 should have to yield the desiredrelease kinetics. One can easily choose the same Dmk2 and Dcapω2

for the different release trends, which implies that the differencesshall be explained by the capsule thicknesses ı1, ı2 and ı3.

For instance, Dmk2 = 1 �m2/s and Dcapω2 = 10−2 �m2/s fulfill Eq.(14c) for all particles and release kinetics if we take �1 = 1 s and

E. Javierre et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 75 (2012) 20– 27 25

Fig. 5. (a) Release of mass from a single particle of length L = 10 �m located at a distance d̃ = 5 �m from the damage site. (b) Leaching kinetics of a coating with threepotentially active particles. In all cases D = 5 �m2/s.

Table 1Activation times and capsule thicknesses for the three release kinetics under consideration taking �1 = 1 s, ımax = 0.5 �m, Dmk2 = 1 �m2/s and Dcapω2 = 10−2 �m2/s. In all casesD = 5 �m2/s.

Release kinetics �̃1 (s) ı1 (�m) �̃2 (s) ı2 (�m) �̃3 (s) ı3 (�m)







release trends faster than Fickian. Several authors have reportedleaching behaviors following a t0.25 curve [17,18] for specificprimers and corrosion inhibitors. Such behavior however could notbe obtained by the proposed method and with the used particle

t 1 0.0989

t0.75 1 0.0989

t 1 0.0989

max = 0.5 �m. Under these conditions, where moisture absorptions much faster than capsule dissolution, we observe that the cap-ule thicknesses should decrease with the particle distance to thecratch in order to obtain a Fickian behavior (see Table 1). How-ver, for the linear release, the capsule thicknesses shall increaseith the particle distance to the scratch. Note that in this partic-lar example we have obtained the same ı1 for the three releaseinetics, which in general is not the case.

.2. Linear release of corrosion inhibitors

In the remaining of this section we restrict our analysis to theargeted linear release of corrosion inhibitors from the coating

atrix. Furthermore, to reduce the number of parameters involved,e consider only configurations with uniformly distributed parti-

les. That is, we keep the interparticle distance dp constant. Hence,˜2 = d̃1 + dp, d̃3 = d̃1 + 2dp, etc. We study the effect of particle con-guration on the amount of inhibitor concentration released to therack and on the rate at which inhibitors are released.

In this work we consider configurations with a fixed pigmentolume concentration (PVC) and vary the number of particlesresent in the coating matrix. Fig. 6 shows the particle density dis-ribution as a function of the normalized distance between the cracknd the closest particle d̃1/L. Results show that for a fixed distance

˜1, a linear release of inhibitors will be obtained only for config-rations on which particles are spread along the coating matrixp to maximal interparticle distance dp. Furthermore, the densityunction is increasing with the distance d̃1 and with the numberf particles in the system. That is, to maintain a linear release ofnhibitors,

the larger the separation between particles is, the further awaythe damage can occur, andthe larger the particles are, the smaller the separation betweenparticles must be.

The self healing capacity of the coating depends, among otheractors, on the quantity of inhibitors released to the scratch andn the rate at which they are released. Fig. 7(a) shows the masseleased into the scratch by the valid configurations previously

056 0.0916 1.0085 0.0234166 0.1410 5.8196 0.2286737 0.2021 7.0114 0.2541

obtained. Results show that the mass in the scratch increases asthe particles are located closer to it. Moreover, for sufficientlylow interparticle distances, the amount of inhibitors in the scratchincreases with the number of particles. Fig. 7(b) shows the releaserate, derived from the linear fit parameters, for the valid configura-tions. We obtain that the rate at which inhibitors are released to thescratch increases with the number of particles in the coating. Fur-thermore, the fastest release is obtained when the scratch occursclose to a cluster of particles tightly distributed. Hence, in orderto decide the optimal number of particles for a given coating sys-tem, the designer should find a compromise between the inhibitormass necessary to stop corrosion on a typical scratch and the rateat which the inhibitors should be released.

3.3. Inhibitor release faster than Fickian

To conclude the analysis, we discuss the model predictions for

Fig. 6. Interparticle distance density function vs. the normalized distance to thescratch from the closest particle for a coating with 2, 4 and 8 particles enclosing thesame PVC. Configurations bellow the curves yield a linear release of inhibitors. In allcases D = 5 �m2/s.

26 E. Javierre et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 75 (2012) 20– 27

F samew







ig. 7. (a) Normalized inhibitor mass in the scratch for the configurations with theith the same PVC and producing a linear release kinetics. In all cases D = 5 �m2/s.

umbers, lengths and overall accuracy, excluding the possibilityhat Fickian dissolution of particles can rule the observed leachinginetics. Several possible reasons behind the faster-than-Fickianehavior were explored, without successful results. The overall

eaching kinetics are determined basically from the activation timesf the potentially active particles. Hence, Fickian moisture absorp-ion or any other absorption kinetics that can be representedhrough an effective diffusion rate, are not expected to play anmportant role in the outcome. We also evaluated a non-linear dif-usion of corrosion inhibitors through moisture [30], replacing Eq.8) by


∂t= ∇ · (Dc(1 − c)∇c), (15)

ut this change did not alter the results significantly (i.e. it onlyltered the slope of the release curve).

.4. Mechanical factors influencing the release kinetics

This work is focused on the chemical response to damage. Inhis model, moisture ingress and inhibitor release are not alteredy the mechanical condition of the coating. This simplificationllows for a straightforward analysis of the role of particle config-ration in the leaching kinetics. However, mechanical factors suchs the coating matrix (micro)deformations, swealling of the coat-ng layers and/or delamination will influence the transport kineticsf both moisture and inhibitor compounds. In fact, it is expectedhat some of the micropores in the matrix are closed while othersre enlarged or new ones are created (microcracks) due to matrixeformation. A first work on the mechanical response of a damagedxpansive coating has been recently published [31], and resultsemonstrate the large influence of the coating layers mechanicaltiffness and adhesion in the self healing capacity of the coat-ng. It is clear that efforts need to be focused on the developmentf multiscale mechano-chemical models coupling both inhibitorelease and coating deformation. However, the development ofuch models needs to be associated with thoroughly designedxperiments to determine realistic values of the parametersnvolved.

. Conclusions

A mathematical model for the release of corrosion inhibitorsrom organic coatings is proposed in terms of the sequentialbsorption of moisture, encapsulation disruption and inhibitor

PVC and producing a linear release kinetics. (b) Release rate for the configurations

particle dissolution. Each of these processes is approximated bya physically justifiable but rather simple model, minimizing thenumber of parameters involved. The current paper focuses onlinear release of corrosion inhibitors, although faster leachingbehaviors have been characterized as well.

The results suggest that the release kinetics can only beexplained when the inhibitor type and distribution, capsule sys-tem and coating matrix are considered as a whole. Changing one ofthese factors changes the overall leaching kinetics. Moreover, theobtained results give important insights into the optimal particleconfiguration for a given PVC. If the corrosion rate and the necessaryinhibitor mass are well characterized as a function of the damagewidth, the coating designer can decide based on this model the opti-mal number and size of corrosion inhibitor particles to obtain thenecessary leaching rate. Certainly, the presented model provides aqualitative explanation of the experimental findings reported in theliterature [17,18]. However, a qualitative validation of the resultscan only be obtained if (among other aspects) the inhibitor particledistribution is known for the reported inhibitor-matrix systems.Steps are being taken in this direction to obtain a calibrated modelin the near future.

Further extensions of the model, falling outside the scope of thispaper but of our interest, include elucidating the dependence of theleaching kinetics on the PVC, the incorporation of inhibitor consum-ing corrosion reactions at the exposed substrate and the analysis ofmore realistic particle geometries.


E. Javierre gratefully acknowledges the support of the Span-ish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the projectDPI2009-07514. The authors gratefully acknowledge the supportof Agentschap NL, in the framework of the Dutch IOP Self HealingMaterials program through the projects SHM0833 and SHM0633.S.J. García acknowledges NWO-STW of The Netherlands for the Venigrant under number 10690.


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