Download - Production process of double page spread


Production Process of Double Page Spread

I first created the template for my double page spread. Over the second page on the write I drew one large text box and left clicked. Once left clicked I changed the settings for columns and changed them into 2 columns.

I drew an image box covering the whole left side of the page. I imported the edited image of the singer of the band and once it was imported I made the image box larger and scaled the image to fit the box. I then resized and cropped the image and postioned it.

Using the text tool I then created the title of the page. My title was “NEW KYDD ON THE BLOCK”. I chose the font for title and made it larger to stand out more. The word “KYDD” is the singers last name and I changed the font of this word to show higlight the humorous side of the title.

I then using the text box, wrote a drop quote on the image and centered it. I changed the font and changed the colour to white to match the other text on the image. I also imported a small image of the masthead of the magazine and positioned it in the bottom right of the page alongside the page number.

I then wrote S in a text box and resized the box so it was large and then changed the font to a larger number so it would be the background for the text. Then I created the byline at the top of the page in the centre saying “UK’s Biggest Upcoming Band 23 Fake Street”. I changed the colour of the band name to red. Both sides of the byline I created lines using the line tool to make it stand out more.

As I had wrote out the interview on microsoft word, I left clicked the text box I created and imported the text from the word document and it automatically put the text into the 2 columns. As I needed the first letter of the article to be a drop cap, I clicked next to the letter and found the drop cap settings and changed the size of the letter “T” and how many lines it would cover and changed that to 6 lines.