Download - Production Design Presentation by Bob McDougall. Rolls Royce Phantom Scaling Emboss Rectangular Pattern Constraining Styles Editor.


Production Design Presentation

by Bob McDougall

Rolls Royce Phantom

Scaling Emboss Rectangular

Pattern Constraining Styles Editor

Rolls Royce continued

Weight Machine Project

Team 3– Bob– Brian– Joe

Key Points– Task delegation– Coordination– Precision– File Sharing

Weight Machine Project continued

Tools used– Emboss– Distance Measuring– Caliper

Injection Mold

Tools used– Circular Pattern– Emboss– Shell– Mirror– Caliper

Injection Mold continued

Tips and Tech Notes

The following slides detail various Inventor features that I found useful and efficient in completing my projects.


The Basics– Create an extrusion with at least 1 flat face– Select the particular flat face of the extrusion that

is to be removed– Specify the shell thickness needed– Click OK to remove the face and shell out the

interior of the extrusion

Shell continued

Rectangular Pattern

The Basics– Select a part feature or entire part– Select the direction for the array– Specify quantity of features or parts desired– Specify the spacing between the arrayed parts or

features– Click OK to create the rectangular pattern

Rectangular Pattern continued

Design Accelerator

The Basics– To access the Design Accelerator, click Tools on

the menu bar. Then select Design Accelerator from the drop-down menu.

– Once the Design Accelerator is accessed, various components can easily be created and inserted into drawings by following on-screen menus.

Design Accelerator continued


Logic and Deductive Reasoning Mathematical Application Problem Solving Team Work Independence Favorite Project