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Problems faced by e Commerce vendors during product photography


Pictures are the most important piece of your content especially when u want to sell fashion and lifestyle products.It is the marketplace operators which face the biggest challenge to maintain image quality on their catalog.

A survey

Product photography is a HUGE aspect that you need to think about when trying to persuade people in to buy your stuff. Do you know that people remember 80 percent of what they see, and just 20 percent of what they read? The power of an image is hard to ignore, and if you're not including great images of your products then you could be losing out on some serious sales.

List of Problems

Inconsistent Shooting

Develop a set of guidelines for your jewelry photography and follow them. Consistency is key in product photography, and variations from product to product or shot to shot will distract your customer. Document everything: camera settings, lighting, background, and equipment position. Make sure you can resume shooting on a different day without any noticeable changes.


Complex Background

Some inexperienced retailers look at a white background and think boring, or missed opportunity for branding. They try to differentiate themselves with colorful, active backgrounds. Thats a mistake.Theres a reason Amazon, eBay, Rakuten, and most marketplaces require or recommend a white or neutral background. A plain white or light gray background keeps the focus where it should be: on your product. Black is also popular in jewelry photography, but be aware you may have difficulty submitting images at some marketplaces.


Unnecessary Props

Props are a distraction you dont need. You may think your jewelry will look best when staged elaborately, or maybe you just want to show it in a lifelike manner using a mannequin.

Reflections Everywhere

You want your customers to be looking at your jewelry without trying to puzzle out if thats the photographers reflection or a flaw in the stone. The presence of gemstones and metal creates a technical challenge for jewelry product photography. Its difficult to shoot highly reflective objects without capturing distracting reflections.


Shaky Images

It doesnt matter what lighting setup you use if you try to handhold your camera. Always use a tripod. Tripods are cheap, effective, and improve both quality and consistency. When your camera is held steady by a tripod, you can use optimal aperture and ISO settings. Mark a spot on the floor for your tripod and it will be easy to replicate your setup even when shooting on different days.

Poor Focus

Dont take artsy low aperture shots of your jewelry that focus on only one part of the product. High aperture, full focus photography will create a sharp image that your customers can trust. Your customer wants to see every detail. Give it to them with aperture settings of f/11 or greater, and set your ISO to as low as possiblepreferably ISO 100.


Too Few Images

Its incredibly disappointing to click on a product on a category page and then find there are no more images. Maybe the customer liked an overhead shot of a necklace but wanted a detail shot to clarify some engraving on the side. Give it to them

Bad Photoshop

Few things kill a sale as quickly as a bad Photoshop job. Poorly retouched photos feel fake and destroy a customers trust in the product image, and therefore in the product. Either invest the time to become skilled in software like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, or hire a professional.

In addition to retouching, you should create templates that consistently crop, set margins, and align your product images. Remember: consistency is key.


What to do?

1. Choose a set amount of images

The first thing you need to consider when planning your product photography is how many images you want to showcase. If you look to sites like eBay or Amazon, you'll see that they give the user an option to add many product photos. This really helps the viewer get a detailed visual insight into what they are buying.If you're selling a lot of products in your store then you may not want to clutter your site with loads of photos, but it's important to keep the amount consistent for each product. As a general rule, think about showing three photos for each product.

2. Use the image to highlight the benefits

In addition to showing multiple images, try and think outside the box and use your images to showcase the benefits. For example, one of the main selling points of a tablet is how slimline it is, and many vendors offer an image of the tablet next to a pencil, to really highlight this feature.

You could even consider creating life shots, with people using your product. This is an effective approach that many successful brands decide to go with. It connects with your customers emotions and shows them how they can use the product in their daily life.

3. Show ALL colors and styles

Does your product come in a different color, or style? Say for example you are selling shorts that have different colors and patterns. Don't just take one photo of the shorts in the most popular color. Make sure you show your visitors the various colors and styles of your product. It can really make a difference in whether you get a sale, as not everyone has the same taste.

4. Make your images appealing

This is probably the most important point to consider. The more appealing your products look, the more likely you are to receive a sale. There are various tricks that you can do, to make your products look as appealing as can be!

Get the lighting right so that it's evenly lit

Experiment with the photo settings to get the best results

Make sure your camera is stable

Spend time editing the photo

Think about what background you want to have

Use different diffusion methods

Get the best angle for your product