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European Pricing Maturity2013Results and key findings - Chemical Industry

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Results and key findings - Chemical Industry

Respondents from the Chemical industry believe that they have a somewhat higher pricing maturity score than they do in reality. In reality, they come second only to the HighTech industry in terms of the highest actual pricing maturity.

The pricing managers who completed the survey all have more than 3 years of experience in a pricing function, while 60% indicate that their teams worldwide comprise of more than 4, but less than 15 dedicated pricing people.

For this group of respondents, 60% indicated that they are convinced that a dedicated price optimisation strategy is a “must have” business initiative.

80% of respondents believe that Big Data Analytics will lead to higher profit margins.

Perceived pricing maturity 2,80 = LEVEL 2

Actual pricing maturity 2,33 = LEVEL 2

Ambition within 12 months3,28 = LEVEL 3

Chemical industry – observations

2nd highest actual pricing maturity

Figure 1: Distribution of respondents within the Chemicals industry

Figure 2: Distribution of respondents within the Chemicals industry

Source : EPP European Pricing Maturity Study – 2013

Source : EPP European Pricing Maturity Study – 2013

Perception Reality Ambition

Level 1: Price list maintenance

0% 20% 0%

Level 2: Transactional control

20% 80% 20%

Level 3: Full value capturing

80% 0% 80%

Level 4: Full profit optimisation

0% 0% 0%

perception reality ambition



Level 1:Price List Maintenance

You try to sell anything to anyone at all prices




Level 2:Gain transactional control

and optimize

You sell the right products to the right cutomers at the

right prices




Level 3:Full Value Capturing

You sell segmented solutions at value based


0% 0% 0%

Level 4:Profit Optimisation

You develop end-user solutions with different

revenue models


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Results and key findings - Chemical Industry

Based on the gap analysis for the Chemical industry, we have highlighted a number of attention points and possible actions that will improve pricing maturity of these components of the Pricing Framework. These are based on the widest gaps between actual and desired performance.

Number 1 focus for the rest of 2013 needs to be pricing segmentation. Once the segmentation is in place, set specific pricing goals per segment (ideally also per product line, customer etc. where possible), and a targeted price positioning vs. competition.

Use price/value maps (price positioning: perceived value vs. price) to steer portfolio and price strategy, pay attention to price elasticity, move towards a better understanding of value components per segment. Consider using pricing research to help with these aspects – this is highlighted again in the Tools & Systems section where a specific need for more attention to pricing research is expressed by the respondents.

Though respondents indicate that the move towards a performance based discounting structure has already started or is at least on the table at the moment, the challenge will be in implementing it with the buy-in of the sales team, as well as the customers..

Price strategy

Price policy & setting

Discount strategy

Chemical industry – gap analysis

Source : EPP European Pricing Maturity Study – 2013

Source : EPP European Pricing Maturity Study – 2013

Reality Ambition

Price Strategy 2,45 3,60

Price Policy & Setting 2,27 3,30

Discounting strategy 2,80 3,80

Price Execution 2,27 3,10

Monitoring 2,15 3,05

System & Tools 2,10 3,10

Governance & Org. 2,68 3,52

Tendering 2,05 3,14

Figure 3: Gap analysis: Chemicals industry

Figure 4: Distribution of maturity scores across components of the pricing framework

TenderingGovernance & Org.

System & ToolsMonitoring

Price ExecutionDiscount Strategy

Price Policy SettingPrice Strategy

Actual PMI score

0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

Gap with Ambition





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Results and key findings - Chemical Industry

60% of respondents in the Chemical industry make use of tendering. Next to price strategy, this is aspect also represents the most prominent gap between actual performance and desired level of performance for the respondents. While it seems sufficient for this industry to have the final price decision resting with the sales director instead of collaborating with the pricing director, respondents do indicate that they need to work on making complete information about the tender (item line-level) available to decision-makers in a timely manner.

Strive to offer margin improvement alternatives when possible instead of simply offering exactly what customers ask.

They also want to move to a situation where information is collected well before the tender, and is checked, critically assessed and actively used in pricing.

If you would like more information or to arrange an informal discussion on the issues raised in the EPP European Pricing Benchmark Study and how they affect your organisation, please contact:

Project Manager:Nicolene [email protected]

President & Founder of EPP:Pol [email protected]

Timely & complete information

Improve margin

Critically evaluate info

Chemical industry – Tendering