Download - Prezi Step by Step with Logos - Messzelátó Egyesület Step by Step with Logos.pdf · Created by Messzelátó Association. 8) Add more frames: circles, bubbles, squares to yo ur


Created by Messzelátó Association.

Prezi Tutorial


1) Go to View the introductory video at the link below to get a sense of what Prezi is and how it can be used.

Creating a Prezi Presentation

2) On the Prezi home page, find the “Sign up now” button. You can log in with your FACEBOOK account (very easy). You’ll then see the options that Prezi offers.

3) In your Prezi account, you’ll need to click “New prezi” to start. Add a title, description, and click “Create new prezi”.

4) Choose a template. These are patterns with already filled images and bubbles/squares you can fill in with text or insert

other images.

Created by Messzelátó Association.

5) This is where you can edit the path and

follow bubbles and squares in which you

can write. (see also point 12) )

This is how your prezi look like now.

6) Click on bubbles or squares to open them and to start writing in them.

Simply Click in them to add text .

What else you can do in your Prezi?

Up in the Menu Bar:

7) You can insert images from your computer or internet.

Created by Messzelátó Association.

8) Add more frames: circles, bubbles, squares to your Prezi in which you can write or insert images

9) If you are not satisfies with how the layout and the background of your Prezi looks like,

you can Change the Template of your Prezi by simply clicking here. Then just click on the

Change template button and voilá ☺

10) You can add symbols 11) Insert a media file (video or a background music) to your Prezi

Created by Messzelátó Association.

12) In the Edit Path: you can also modify the route/path of your Prezi, change the direction, add items in the order of how the

Prezi goes from one point to the other. See images below (follow the blue arrow with number 7 to see example)

13) When you are done go to the top right corner of the page and Save your Prezi.

Created by Messzelátó Association.

14) Your Prezi is ready. It will appear in the main page. Click on the Play arrow, to start playing your Prezi.

15) Subsequently, you can still edit your Prezi even after you saved it here. You can also Download it or Save a Copy or

Share it from this menu.

TADAAAAAA!!! You are done ☺☺☺☺

Now post it on the “Craftissimo” Facebook group!

Thank you