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  2. 2. Marmm-The Klinik offers diversity of cosmetic, laser surgery and advanced dental care treatments and is dedicated to providing you with the latest technologies availab today, while also caring about each and every patient.Our Branches are in hair specialist in indore Bhopal, Jaipur, Jabalpur, Delhi.
  3. 3. HairTransplant While some of us take hair fall in our stride, a lot of us are quite distressed with our receding hair line. There is no reason to be in despair any longer- you have a choice to go ahead with hair loss treatment. Hair transplant in indore refers to a surgical process where the hair follicle from part of the scalp are transplanted to the bald areas to allow natural hair growth.
  4. 4. Their is some results of hair transplantation,after taking this treatment the peopleTheir is some results of hair transplantation,after taking this treatment the people are heartily satisfied with the services and treatmentare heartily satisfied with the services and treatment
  5. 5. How this treatment works
  6. 6. Some questions which people generally asked. 1- When I can see the result? Basically these are transplanted roots of hairs so it will takes 6-7 months to get complete result. 2- Is it painful? This procedure is performed under local anesthesia The first injection is very little painful then after you can enjoy the procedure while watching the T.V. 3. Is there any side effect of the procedure? This is a safe procedure and generally there are no side effect but sometimes swelling may occur 48-72 hours after surgery which resolves by itself in 2-3 days.
  7. 7. 4. Can I wash my head? You can wash your head 3 days after the surgery to avoid any type of friction on the follicles. 5. Is my transplanted hair may fall in future? Since these hairs are taken from the back side of head they are genetically resistant to fall so these are very few chances to fall. 6.- Will be stitches leaves scar on my back head? In FUE method there is no scar at all but yes a fine linear scar is these in FUT method at site of skin harvesting which will be visible only when you shave your whole hairs. 7. Will my existing hair falls after Transplant ? Hair transplant is the procedure to implant hairs on bald areas and nothing to do with your existing hairs. To make your existing hair healthy you have to go for medical treatment like cyclical medicine, PRP therapy etc.
  8. 8. 6/1, Diamond Colony, Zanjeerwala Square, Opp. Agrawal Stores, Email: [email protected] Web: Ph. +91-9826988855