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  • 8/20/2019 POWER of BROKE by Daymond John-Excerpt


  • 8/20/2019 POWER of BROKE by Daymond John-Excerpt


  • 8/20/2019 POWER of BROKE by Daymond John-Excerpt


    Copyright © 2016 by Daymond John

    All rights reserved.

    Published in the United States by Crown Business, an imprint of the Crown

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    John, Daymond, author.

    The power of broke : how empty pockets, a tight budget, and a hunger for success

    can become your greatest competitive advantage / Daymond John with Daniel

    Paisner.—First edition.

      pages cm

    1. New business enterprises. 2. Success in business. 3. Creative ability in

    business. 4. Strategic planning. 5. Entrepreneurship. I. Paisner, Daniel,

    author. II. Title.

    HD62.5.J6336 2015658.1'1—dc23 2015021158

    ISBN 978-1-101-90359-9

    eBook ISBN 978-1-101-90360-5

    Printed in the United States of America

    Book design by Elina D. Nudelman

    Jacket design by Michael Nagin

    Jacket photograph by Geordie Wood

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    First Edition

  • 8/20/2019 POWER of BROKE by Daymond John-Excerpt






    Okay, so here’s that story I promised to share about the Nashville

     woman who started up a cupcake business with just $33 to her name.

    Her name? Gigi Butler — and it turns out her story is even bet-

    ter than her headline. And her cupcakes — turns out they’re rightup there with the best I’ve ever tasted. (Her Caramel Sugar Mama

    and Kentucky Bourbon Pie cupcakes are insane!)

    But like a lot of wildly successful businesses, Gigi’s start-up

    almost didn’t happen. She’d already chased her dream once and

    didn’t think she had it in her to make a second run at a second

    goal. True, a lot of us entrepreneurs get derailed, sidetracked, first

    time out of the gate — but for Gigi, that first dream died hard. Herheart was all the way in it, and when she started out it had all

    seemed within reach. It was the classic “California girl hits the fork

    in the road and turns away from expectations” story: she shocked

    the smiles right off her parents’ faces during her first year of college

     when she announced that she’d taken her second-semester tuition

    money, made a demo, and was headed off to Nashville to become a

    country music superstar.Gigi knew her own mind, as they say in Tennessee — she knew

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    she wasn’t cut out for college, knew she’d always wanted to make

    it as a singer-songwriter. The move didn’t come out of nowhere, so

    her parents might have seen it coming. In fact, at the ripe young

    age of seven, Gigi had come home one day from a talent show and

    announced that she was moving to Nashville to become a country

    star — so the dream was always there, underneath, all around. She

     was bound to follow it — it was just a matter of time. By this point,

    first year of college, Gigi had been singing in a band for a couple

     years — Gina Butler and the Wild Silver Band. She’d been play-

    ing local biker bars, old folks’ homes, state fairs, even did a tour

    of Canada. All through high school, she worked cleaning houses

    during the week, played music every weekend, tried to fit in a

    little school in between — the whole time looking ahead to her

    first big break.

    “I had a booking agent at the time,” she tells me, “and I was

    always on him to send me to Las Vegas. For whatever reason, that’s

     where I thought I needed to be. To me, playing Vegas would havemeant I’d arrived. But he didn’t see it the same way. He didn’t

    think Vegas was such a good idea. He’s the one who said I should

    go to Nashville, become something in Nashville. Vegas was where

     you ended up, not where you started.”

    So Gigi listened to that little voice singing inside her head, sold

    her little cleaning business, paid off all her bills, and headed to

    Nashville with $500 in cash. She didn’t know a soul, didn’t have aplace to live, didn’t have a job. “But I knew God would take care

    of me,” she says.

    Oh, I almost forget to mention — Gigi came from a God-

    centered, hardworking family. Church and faith were a big deal

    in her house when she was growing up, and so was the spirit of

    entrepreneurship — and I’ve come to realize that these hard- won

     values are tremendous assets when you’re looking to go it alone. Afaith in something bigger than yourself — it’s something to rely on,

    to help see you through, and here Gigi was able to lean on these

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    influences to give her the strength to make such a major change

    in her life.

    Trouble is, faith alone doesn’t put food on the table or a roof

    over your head, so while Gigi was figuring things out in Music City,

    she went back to what she knew. She jump-started her cleaning

    business and took a waitressing job at a local Red Lobster, just to

    get some money coming in while she chased her dream at nights

    and on weekends. She sang all over town, at top tourist spots like

    Tootsie’s and The Stage, but that big break never came her way.

    She was good enough and blessed enough to get these gigs, good

    enough and blessed enough to keep that dream going for a good

    long while, but she could never quite make it to a bigger stage.

    A little side note on Gigi’s Red Lobster job. I worked at Red

    Lobster, too, before launching FUBU, so she and I have this great

    piece of common ground. I’ve written about my time at Red Lob-

    ster, talked about it to business groups, school groups, all over. In

    fact, I’ll have a Red Lobster story to share a little later on in thebook, but I wanted to put Gigi’s story on pause here to reflect on

    the power of working in an entry-level way for a company with that

    kind of major footprint — because let’s face it, when you’re working

    the floor, hustling between tables, it’s just like any other restau-

    rant job. But if you listen up, keep plugged in to what’s going on

    around you, you’re bound to pick up a thing or two. A national

    chain like Red Lobster, there’s a chain of command, reaches allthe way down from the corporate level to the waitresses, the bus

    boys, the fry cooks, so without even realizing it, Gigi wasn’t just

     waiting tables — she was getting an education on what it means to

     work in the food services industry, in a franchise-type setting, for

    a national brand. Yeah, she was making rent, buying the time she

    needed to pursue her music, but along with all of that there was

    this never-ending lesson on what it means to work for a successful, well-run company. In a way, she was getting an education in busi-

    ness, even if she didn’t know it at the time.

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    POWER FACT:  69 percent of successful entrepreneurs have worked

    over 10 years as employees at other companies. . . . Get that much-

    needed experience on someone else’s payroll — might as well get paid

    while you’re learning from your mistakes.

    Gigi was also making some valuable contacts — this being

    Nashville, a lot of her customers were country music stars and

    record industry folks. Somewhere in there, all these little breaks

    started to add up. It worked out that Gigi’s waitressing job kind of

    fed her housecleaning job. She cleaned for Leanne Rimes, Taylor

    Swift, and a bunch of other well-known artists she waited on at

    the restaurant. How those jobs came about — well, she found her-

    self waiting on their tables, and they got to talking. Got to where

    Gigi built her cleaning business into something bigger than she

    could handle on her own, so she started hiring people to help her

    out — the whole time singing at night and on the weekends.Finally, when she hit thirty, Gigi was ready to give up on her

    dream. “I knew it wasn’t going to happen for me,” she says, “and I

    took it as a huge failure on my part. All I ever wanted was to be a

    singer-songwriter, but getting off the stage at three o’clock in the

    morning, working for tips, it started to lose its appeal.”


    Gigi had always been an avid reader, so she loaded up on business

    books, self-help books, whatever she could grab to help her get

    past this trouble spot in her life and grow her game. She expanded

    her housecleaning business, built it up into a thriving little com-

    pany. At one point, she had five girls working for her, and they’deach clean two houses a day. Gigi herself would do two or three

    more — always recognizing the power of doing it herself. She saved

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    enough money to buy a house of her own, pay off all her bills. Life

     was good. It wasn’t what she’d dreamed about all these years, but

    it was good.

    And then the most amazing thing happened. She got a call

    from her brother, who was visiting New York. He’d just waited on

    line for a couple hours at a trendy cupcake shop in Manhattan. He

    said, “I’m eating one of these red velvet cupcakes, and they’re not

    as good as yours. You should open a cupcake shop in Nashville.”

    Gigi was in somebody else’s bathroom when the call came in,

    cleaning their toilet. It was a tiny little bathroom, with a tiny lit-

    tle mirror over the sink, and when she got off the phone with her

    brother she found herself staring into that tiny little mirror for the

    longest time. It was like a scene from a movie, and as it played out

    Gigi asked herself a bunch of questions, which, taken together, was

    really one question: why not?

    She was wearing old, ratty clothes, a pair of cleaning gloves,

    she looked a mess, but the face that looked back at her was theface of that seven- year-old girl who wasn’t afraid to dream big. So

    she decided to go for it. Baking was in her blood. Her whole family

    baked — her mother, her grandmother, her aunts.

    Of course, Gigi didn’t just look in the mirror and make such

    an important decision on a whim. Now that the seed was planted,

    she went back and did a little research. She learned that the recent

    run of high-end cupcake shops — like Sprinkles in Beverly Hills,Magnolia Bakery in New York, and Georgetown Cupcakes just out-

    side Washington, DC — had all opened up in affluent communities.

    All signs indicated there was an opportunity in a smaller market

    like Nashville for a bakery built on her family recipes, featuring

    fresh cupcakes, made from the finest ingredients, served in a fun,

    friendly environment.

     When Gigi tells her story, I love how it comes down to thissimple question: why not? It’s a question we should all be asking

    ourselves as we embark on our new ventures. Really, we spend so

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    much time talking ourselves out of things and not nearly enough

    time talking ourselves  into things. For my money, the arguments

    in favor of making a bold, proactive move are way more interesting

    than the arguments against.

    Gigi put together a business plan and went around Nashville

    looking for a loan. She went to four banks, but everyone she talked

    to pretty much laughed in her face and showed her the door. “They

    basically told me I was nuts,” she says. “They were like, ‘A cupcake

    shop? Seriously?’ ”

    Now, the good thing about running a successful housecleaning

    business and owning your own home is that you wind up with great

    credit, so Gigi decided to loan the money to herself. She maxed

    out her credit cards and took out $100,000 in cash to ramp up. She

    drew $35,000 from one card, at 14 percent; $22,000 from another

    card, at 17 percent. Then she got one card down to 8 percent and

    took out the rest.

    “I just went for it,” she says.Yep, she did.

    Now, here’s where her rich and famous housecleaning clients

    and her Red Lobster customers check back in, because Gigi kept

     working as she ramped up her cupcake business. She had her lit-

    tle safety net and wanted to keep it in place. And they gave her a

    head start in growing her customer base — in a grassroots way. She

    kept telling folks what she was up to, and they just kind of smiledsweetly, trying not to be discouraging. “They’d say things like, ‘A

    cupcake shop? Well, bless your little heart,’ ” she remembers. “Like

    they thought I was making this huge mistake. They were like all

    those bankers, but I think they also felt sorry for me, because they

    kept ordering cupcakes. Leanne Rimes had a dinner party, so I

    made some cupcakes for her. Every night I was making cupcakes,

    a dozen here, a dozen there. I was working on my recipes, trying toget everything just right.”

     What she was doing, really, was market research. This was

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    Gigi’s proof of concept, because after a while she developed a good

    feel for what her customers liked, what they didn’t like.

    Meanwhile, she was doing the build-out on her first store and

    running through that $100,000 cash advance, fast. The day before

    she planned to open, she was down to $33 in her checking account.

    It was all she had to her name — and she still had to pay $4,500 in

    rent, $1,000 in food and supplies, and another $1,000 or so to cover

    the salaries of the two full-time employees she’d just hired.


    The  power of broke? Gigi couldn’t see any “power” in her situa-

    tion —all she could see was “broke.”

    Her parents even came in from California to help her get the

    place ready — it was a full-on family affair — but there was still the

    matter of all the unsettled bills. Gigi recalls how she approachedthe shop to give the place a final once-over and was met by the

    plumber, who wanted to be paid. Gigi wrote him a check, but urged

    him to please, please, please hold off on depositing it for a couple

    days. She was honest about it — she said, “If you try to cash it, it’ll

    bounce, but it’ll be good on Monday, you have my word.”

    That was good enough for the plumber, but then the contractor

    came by. Here Gigi thought the guy was just checking on his workone last time before the open, thought he’d been paid in full, but

    he said, “There’s one bill I forgot to pass on to you.”

    She said, “Just one bill? That shouldn’t be a problem, long as it

    can wait until next week.”

    But that one bill turned out to be a $15,000 charge for a new

    drywall — more money than Gigi could get her head around at just

    that moment. (And better believe it, more than she could afford topay — way more.)

    “I melted onto the floor,” she says. “I went from feeling good

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    about the business to thinking maybe I was making the biggest

    mistake. I’d already given up on one of my dreams. I didn’t think I

    had it in me to give up on another.”

    Here again, Gigi’s faith helped to see her through. Her mom

    took her aside, tried to calm her down. She said, “God will take care

    of you.” And in those words, once again, Gigi found the strength to

    power through.

    “When I tell my story to people, I always stop myself at this

    spot, because I don’t want to shove my religion down anyone’s

    throat,” she says. “We’re all free to believe in our own way. But I

    mention it because He was an important part of my story. He was.

    He took a broken-down country singer and helped her to make a

    beautiful life. At every turn, I knew He had a plan for me. I knew

    if I believed in Him that He would believe in me.”

    Strengthened, she got up early the next morning, put on a cute

    little cupcake- y apron her mother had made for her, and prayed

    that God would send her some customers. “I had no idea what I was doing,” she recalls. “I didn’t have a menu. I didn’t have a clue

    how things would go.”

    POWER FACT:   Did you know there are 9.1 million US businesses

    owned by women? . . . And I’m thrilled to say, that number is growing.

     Well, the opening couldn’t have gone any better. There were

    lines out the door at Gigi’s Cupcakes that very first day — around

    the corner even. A local news crew came by to film the crowd,

     which of course only made the lines grow longer. Word of mouth

    kicked in — although Gigi’s customers couldn’t really talk at first

    because they were so busy feeding their faces with cupcakes.

    That was in February 2008 — five months after that game-changing phone call from her brother, and in that short time

    Gigi had managed to read a bunch of books on starting your own

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    business, research the cupcake industry, learn a bunch of new reci-

    pes, negotiate a lease, build out her first store, hire staff . . . and she

    did most of these things on her own.

    She wasn’t “broke,” not by a long stretch — at least, not when

    she started out. She owned her own home. She had a good line of

    credit. But once she went and took full advantage of that good line

    of credit, she was in the hole for a whole lot of money — some of it

    borrowed at pretty outrageous rates.

    So she had to hustle — and I mean hustle — just to stay afloat.

    And the next five months were even more crazy-making, because

    Gigi was reluctant to give up her cleaning business. It was her safety

    net, in case this next dream went the way of the first one. Plus, she

     worried that the bake shop wouldn’t generate enough money for

    her to start paying off those credit card loans, so she believed she

    had no choice to keep the cash flowing. Long as there were enough

    hours in the day for her to clean a couple houses, attend to the

    business, stay ahead of the paperwork, it would all shake out tothe good.

    Let’s be clear — Gigi still had to work her butt off. She got

    into a routine where she’d open up Gigi’s Cupcakes at four o’clock

    each morning, get the place going, wait for her staff to arrive,

     work the counter through the morning rush, then hustle out to

    clean two houses. She’d be back in the store by late afternoon,

     work through closing, then race home and start in on paperwork,payroll, all of that. “I was killing myself,” she says, “but I couldn’t

    see any other way.”

    After her first week, she was able to pay off the plumber, pay

    her rent, make the first payments on her credit card bills, and even

    put $300 in the bank. That drywall bill had to wait a while, but

    things were looking up, up, up.

     Within three months, she’d paid the contractor in full, addedadditional staff, taken a big bite out of what she owed to the credit

    card companies, and saved $26,000 — enough to get her to start

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    thinking about opening a second store. And now, six years later,

    there are almost 100 Gigi’s Cupcakes stores, spread across twenty-

    four states, generating over $35 million in annual sales.

    Her secret? Well, it’s in the recipe, first and foremost. Gigi’s

    cupcakes are baked fresh daily, with love, with passion. It took

    her six months to find the perfect vanilla — and now she uses her

    own extracts to make sure everything’s just right. But a lot of busi-

    nesses launch with the perfect recipe, the perfect formula, without

    this kind of runaway success, so there’s got to be something else

    at play — and here I think it ties into the power of broke mentality

    that has followed Gigi around her entire life.

    It’s also in the hard work and passion — Gigi’s commitment to

    serving up the very best cupcakes on the planet. (She’s even got a

    terrific line of gluten-free and sugar-free cupcakes, in response to

    the changing diets and tastes of her customers.)

    But mostly, it’s in her to-the-bone appreciation of the value of

    a dollar.“I’ve cleaned 20,000-square-foot homes,” she tells me. “I’ve

    seen how people live at that level, and what I’ve seen is that money

    doesn’t buy you passion. I still save every penny. I know what it is

    to not have, so I appreciate everything. I do. And I don’t let any-

    thing go to waste. I was raised that way, came up that way with my

    cleaning business. If we’ve got a bowl of special frosting, maybe it

    cost us sixty dollars, and maybe we’re done with a certain recipeand there’s still some left over, a lot of folks would just throw that

    extra frosting away. Other people, they don’t spend your money the

     way you spend your money, right? But that’s good frosting, so we’ll

    come up with a special, we’ll use it on a cake, we’ll find a way to

    make it work.”

    Sounds to me like a recipe for success, whaddya think?

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    REMEMBER, YOU ARE THE BRAND. I don’t know that Gigi herself wouldreach for this particular SHARK Point in highlighting her story, but as I

    tapped into what she’s been through, it’s clear she’s been about build-

    ing the “Gigi” brand her entire life. At fifteen, she put her name on her

    first cleaning business. After that, her first band carried her name. And

    of course, her cupcake store now does as well. At each step along the

    way, she’s worked hard to ensure that the name would stand for some-

    thing genuine, something real, something of value. Of course, when you’reso closely associated with your product and purpose and when the thing

    you’re putting out into the world is totally reflective of who you are and

    what you’re about, then YOU become your first pitch. You won’t be able to

    make a single sale until you’re able to sell yourself, and here it helps to note

    that Gigi put the same care and dedication into her cleaning business as

    she puts into her cupcakes. When she was out there making music, her first

    love, she sang with all her heart. That’s one of the things people respond to

    when they go out of their way to visit a Gigi’s Cupcakes shop or buy from

    the company online. They know that the woman behind the cupcake aims

    to please. What she’s selling is a treat, an escape — and to keep folks com-

    ing back, she realizes that she’s got to put a whole bunch of “above and

    beyond” into her business, and that most of that has got to come from her.

    It’s her name on the store, after all.

    For more information and resources, check out