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[ T y p e t h e c o m p a n y a d d r e s s ]


Term 3 portfolio

Leyton Bowen

Berwick Grammar School

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Term 3 reflection

This term our class has done so many things that I might not

remember all of the things we have done this term! First, I’ll start

with the footy Father Son Night: Firstly I didn’t go to it but I heard

there were lots of food and a lot of cheering. Now I’ll talk about

something I did go to.

Junior Concert- Just recently we had our SMS/BGS junior school

concert. People enjoyed it, and people didn’t, as in the performers.

The audience loved the concert and so did the teachers. I was one

of the performers that loved it. But there was just one con- IT

WAS HOT! But overall it was a great night and great weather.

Now I’ll talk about the house cross country that I didn’t even go

too, because I had a snowboarding competition. So I’ll talk about

that instead. Well in the first race I got 33rd and 6 seconds off

nationals and in the second race I got 36th and got 6 seconds off

nationals off again.

Now I’ll talk about house public speaking: In house public speaking

this term. The whole school had to write a 3 minute speech. Mine

was on Shawn White a professional snowboarder.

The concluder for the portfolio… This term has been fun and I hope

everyone else has had a lot of fun. P.S We also have done portfolios

this term. I think from my opinion, this is the one of the best

portfolios I have done this term. I hope you enjoyed my portfolio

and I hope you understand well of what I have done this term and

thank you.

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Leyton Bowen’s portfolio

This is my house public speaking speech.

Shaun White’s life

Good morning Miss McMurtrie and fellow 6SK members, as you all know, my name is Leyton

Bowen and I would like to talk to you about one of my idols, Shaun White, a champion

snowboarder. I will talk about his achievements and his life growing up.

First of all, Shaun White is a professional snowboarder. He has won many competitions and gold

medals. For an example- Shaun white won every single snowboarding competition for 3 years. So

that means that he didn’t even lose a competition for 3 year’s straight which I think is a really

hard goal to beat.

Shaun is 25 years old, and he was born in San Diego

Shaun was born with a heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot. He needed two surgeries to help

fix it. But not even a heart problem could have stopped Shaun from being active. He first

started snowboarding when he was six years old after watching his older brother Jesse trying

it. Shaun started entering amateur competitions a year later. After winning almost every

snowboarding comp he entered, Shaun became sponsored by Burton and turned pro when he was

just 13.

Shaun was nicknamed Future Boy when he first started competing as a pro. He was only 13 but

was already pushing the limits of snowboarding. Shaun established a rep for getting big air and

tying together snowboarding tricks in ways that had never been done before. In 2003, Shaun

dominated the Winter X Games and every other event he entered. He won the gold medal in the

slope style and the super pipe and also took out the best-athlete award. A month later, Shaun

became the youngest snowboarder to win the US Open Slope style Championship. Shaun has won

medals every year he has participated in the Winter X Games. He now has 28 medals, 17 of

which are gold!

After setting new standards in the world of snowboarding, Shaun decided to try his skills on

the skateboard. He was so good that he joined Tony Hawk on his Gigantic Skate Park Tour in

2002 and made his pro skateboarding debut at the 2003 Slam City Jam. Shaun is also very

creative - he is the only skater to attempt a 10-80, although he is yet to land it. But I have no

doubt that he will. Thank you

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Term 3 reflection maths

This term our class (6SK) has worked on a lot of different things.

We have worked on passing time, division, a little bit of subtraction

and a tiny bit of fractions. We have done tests and gone outside to

figure out measurements. This term a couple of weeks ago we did a

test. It was a 4 page test with 51 questions. I did a really good job in

the test. My score was 41 out of 50 which means I got an ‘A’ which I

think in my opinion; ‘A’ is a really good score to finish with.

“Homework” This term in maths we have been asked to complete a

maths sheet or task. We have mainly been set a task on Mathletics.

Usually if we don’t complete our task or sheet we have to finish it in

library otherwise if we don’t complete it we have to go to homework

club on a Thursday after school.

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“Here’s a picture of two tasks we have completed this term”


Well first of all, I’m going to talk to about the homework we have

done this term: This term we have done about 9 weeks of homework.

Every week we have done a sheet to complete and a list of 10 words.

It’s the same routine as last term where there are 3 different lists.

List number 1 is the hardest level of the 3 lists. List 2 is the second

hardest of the 3 lists, and lucky last, list 3, the easiest of all. What

we have done this term: This term we have mainly worked on spelling,

grammar and editing skills. The whole class (6SK) works on the sheet

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with Ms McMurtrie and sometimes at the end of the sheet we do it

by ourselves. We have also done some spelling tests, where if you

get to a certain score you move up a level. The whole class only did it

twice because we never really got time to do it.

Here are 2 pictures of a part of a worksheet.

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This term we have had a lot of fun in our specialists. Our class has 5

specialists. The specialists are science, music, art, library and PE.

Firstly I’ll talk about science. This term science has basically been

assignments, assignments and assignments. Well Only two

assignments but still, they were big ones. This term we have been

working on the Great Barrier Reef and we have found many

interesting facts. Now I’ll talk about music.

Music- This term has been action packed in music. We have worked

on mainly Gustav Holst, a famous accompanist. He has written many

songs and the main songs/albums we have been working on are the

Planets. A very successful and huge album. Now I’ll talk about art.

Art- This term art has been my favourite term of all, we’ll all of the

terms were so much fun. But in this term we have done oil pastels

colours and now were creating stained glass windows. It’s really fun,

and at the start of the term, we got set a 10 question test for

colours. It was a fun test. A FUN TEST! Can you believe that? It’s

probably the favourite school test of my life, and by the way, my

results for the test were 10/10! Now I’ll move onto library.

Library- This term in art has been like normal, except there was one

test. I can’t remember the result because the score comes into the

1 thousands. But I remember getting a really good result. Also just

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recently we had book week and it was a really fun project. The

visitors that visit Berwick grammar every once and a while, said to

Miss Cole,” WOW! Were these books made by the year 9’s “and Miss

Cole said, “No No No they were made by the grade 6’s “and they

were really surprised and proud of the effort we have put in to the

books. Now I’ll talk about P.E, the last but not least!

P.E- This term in P.E we have done a sport that I thought I never

wanted to play until I played it. I’ll tell you about that later. Let’s

move on to what we first started playing this term. Well first, we

started with hockey. That was so fun I didn’t want to leave it.

Secondly, we moved on to le-cross. That was really fun to. But we

only did that for only about a week. Now let’s move on to rugby. The

game I never wanted to play. So on the first day of it, we played a

game of it. It was tough rugby not tackle rugby. I got in to the game

because I got a superb tri. Then the next game we played, I got a

run through the whole other team and did a great pass to Battye and

then got called because my tags were an inch to forward so it was

hard for the opposition to pull the tag off me.

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Term 3 UOI

This term in UOI our class and the other grade 6 classes has worked

on ‘sharing the planet’ and ‘how we express our selves’. We fist did

sharing the planet and that assignment was an energy efficient. We

had to choose a type of power and research on the type of power. I

chose to work on solar power. The assignment was letter type thing

and we had to give it to Tony Smith ‘the leader of the city of Casey’.

We had to do the intro and then move on the assignment step by

step. Eventually we presented our assignments in front of the class.

We got marked a score which I can’t remember mine but a few

people got a really amazing score. But I won’t mention names. After

that assignment, our class (6SK) and the other grade 6 class (6LM)

got given a new assignment. This assignment is ‘how we express our

selves’. We have to write a script and then either do a video, a play

in front of the class or a puppet show. I won’t mention names who’s

in my group but I think we’re really struggling because one of us

keeps deleting the movie and is starting it all over again I think we

need to start working as a better group. I also think that we’ll

struggle to finish it. But I can’t always be right.

‘Here are some pictures from UOI this term’.

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Individual Learning Plan

Semester 2

Student Name: Leyton Bowen

Year Level: 6 “Virtute et Labore”

“Strength through Effort”

Teacher Student

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Well done Leyton on setting yourself some achievable goals for this semester.

To be become a better maths student is a very broad statement. Which area in particular do you want to focus on?

Firstly you need to identify that then we can come up with some strategies to implement

to help you improve in these areas. To further improve your skills in football, you

need to train specifically for it! Kicking the footy at lunchtime and going for a few runs

here and there is not something that will lead to sustained improvement.

Set aside some time to work with your

brother on these elements and stick to it.

The more you train the harder you play!!

When in class, it is always a good idea

to keep eye contact with the teacher, and

also to ask questions when you are confused.

The chances are that someone else probably

has the same question.

To avoid getting distracted in class there are two things that you can do. One is to ensure you are not surrounded by anyone who you think may distract you, and the second is to CONCENTRATE! Give yourself every chance

of being the best you can be. Good Luck.

Academic goals!!!

1. I want to be a better maths

student by using my signature

strength which is music by

listening to maths songs while

playing my drums

2: Academic goal!!!

I want to get better at my

football kicks and my leg strength

by kicking the footy with my

brother and making me run so I

get stronger legs.

Behavioural goals!!!

I think I should not be talking as

much in home room because when

the teacher stops talking I’m still


I think I should start being more

focussed on the teacher not

people from the other side of the

class or the people from my side

of the class so I can get work

done to be a better worker.

Attitude goal: I want to be known at

this school from being fair, fun and


Signatures: Student: Teacher:

MICUPS: Space & Vision (20), Logic and Maths (20), Music (29), Word (18), Body (18), People (17), Self (19)