Download - PLEASE READ...2020/03/22  · once the public Masses resume. . Jennifer Hills, Maslynn Holmes, Pam Howard, arole Humphrey, Mass Intentions for the Week In Our Prayers Please remember

Page 1: PLEASE READ...2020/03/22  · once the public Masses resume. . Jennifer Hills, Maslynn Holmes, Pam Howard, arole Humphrey, Mass Intentions for the Week In Our Prayers Please remember

20408 Point Lookout Rd. • Great Mills, MD 20634 Parish Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:00am to 3:00pm • Appointments can be made by calling the rectory.

301-994-0525 • FAX: 301-994-1547 •


Pastor, Rev. Jerry Gamrot Deacon, Mr. Paul Bielewicz

Parish Bookkeeper, Mrs. Anya Naegele

Faith Formation, Mrs. Laura Lang Youth Ministry, Mr. Chris Harris [email protected] R.C.I.A., Mrs. Ashley Davis

Chairperson, Parish Council, Mrs. Laura Schuyler

Little Flower School, Grades Pre-K-8 Principal, Mrs. Barbara Stirling [email protected] 301-994-0404,


Saturday: 4:15pm or by appointment ROSARY: Monday: 6:00pm


Saturday: Vigil 5:00pm Sunday: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:30am

Daily: 8:00am Tuesday through Friday Tuesday: 10:00am during school year

Holy Days: As Announced

ADORATION WITH BENEDICTION First Thursday of the Month


Bulletin Deadline: in Writing by Monday 3:00 pm



In accordance with directives set forth by

the Archdiocese of Washington, all Masses

are discontinued until further notice.

Archbishop Gregory has also issued a

dispensation from the obligation to attend

Mass during this time to all parishioners of

the Archdiocese. Please check our website, for updates. If you would

like to connect with us through Flocknote,

please go to

Please note the Parish Office is also closed

at this time. You may leave a message and

we will return your call as soon as possible.

Page 2: PLEASE READ...2020/03/22  · once the public Masses resume. . Jennifer Hills, Maslynn Holmes, Pam Howard, arole Humphrey, Mass Intentions for the Week In Our Prayers Please remember

Welcome to the Holy Face Catholic Church family. On behalf of our parishioners, I invite you to tour our website and get acquainted with our growing and vibrant faith community. Better yet, please come visit us in person, worship with us, and make this your spiritual home. If you need more information about our parish, please do not hesitate to call me. May the peace of Christ be with you. Your brother in Christ, Rev. Jerry Gamrot New Parishioners: The parish family of Holy Face welcomes all new parishioners! Please fill out a registration form available on our webpage or in the back of the church and drop it in the collection basket at Sunday Mass. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 301-994-0525. You may also reach our Welcoming Committee at [email protected] Welcome! Sacrament of Baptism: Expectant parents must attend our Baptism Preparation Program which is offered monthly. Baptism is the first and most important Sacrament as it introduces us to the Faith. Baptisms are offered on the First Sunday of the month at the 11:30am Mass and immediately following. Call the Parish Office to schedule a baptism and to make arrangements to attend our Baptism Program. Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made well in advance of an intended marriage, at least six months and even up to a year prior. Please call the Parish Office to arrange an appointment with the Pastor. Attendance at the Marriage Preparation Program is required. Sick and Hospital Visits: Please let the Parish Office know if you have a family member who is ill at home or in the hospital so we may add them to our prayer list and arrange, if appropriate, for visits from our Homebound Ministry and the Pastor. R.C.I.A.: If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or in becoming Catholic, please contact the Parish Office for details about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or contact the Parish Office at (301)994-0525. Choir: Practice is held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the Church choir loft. New members are always welcome. Parish and School Websites and email: Visit our Holy Face website at for up-to-date information regarding our parish. Questions or concerns may be emailed to: [email protected]. You can also visit the Little Flower School website at for additional information regarding our school. Parish Cemetery Information: Contact Catholic Cemeteries at 301-475-5005 or 301-932-1766.


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Sleep Walk

Sleep is beautiful when it comes at the right time but embarrassing otherwise. Some people sleep through class. They sleep at meetings. They sleep during concerts. They mean well, but they miss out on important moments of life. Other people sleep through life in other ways. They are unaware of political issues, unconcerned for the needs of the poor, ignorant of manners, aloof from people seeking their attention. Some people sleep through life, through relationships, and through faith.

Around the world, many people are unaware of Christ. It is as if they are asleep. They live in a darkness outside the light of the good news. They may have some inner sense of goodness, given as a gift from God. But they may not yet have heard the gospel or had the opportunity to live it in faith. Through baptism, we have been awakened from our sleep. Christ is our light. The Letter to the Ephesians says, “Brothers and sisters: You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.” Baptism has changed our status. We no longer belong to the night. We shine with the light of day.

But this has consequences: “Live as children of light.” Having moved from darkness to light, we now have responsibilities. Let us shake off the sleep that threatens to keep us from being faithful to Christ. Throughout this Lent, let us rise from sleep and live in light.

Bulletin Board

March 23, 2020 - March 29, 2020


Mass intentions originally planned

for this week will be rescheduled

once the public Masses resume.


Mass Intentions for the Week

(Mon) Is 65:17-21/Jn 4:43-54 (Tues) Ez 47:1-9,12/Jn 5:1-16 (Wed) The Annunciation of the Lord Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Heb 10:4-10 Lk 1:26-38 (Thurs) Ex 32:7-14/Jn 5:31-47 (Fri) Wis 2:1a, 12-22 Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 (Sat) Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53 (Sun) Ez 37:12-14 Rom 8:8-11 Jn 11:1-45

Weekly Readings

PRAY FOR OUR SICK Please include the following people, as well as all of our family and friends who are ill in your prayers, especially:

Mike Alvey, Jan Barnes, Beaner Barnett, Ester Mae Battle, Lilly Mae Battle, Shirley Mae Battle, Robert Baumgarten, Nancy Brown, Judy Broyles, John Cardinal, Francis Countiss, Cindy Davis, Rose Daye, Michael Dement, Roger Detrick, Francis Dominique, Kathy Dominique, Joe Eversole, Marjorie Fechtig, Dillon Fiske, Don Geary, Gail Gennaro, Bruce Genovese, Caleb Getscher, Elizabeth Gray, Tiffany Grey, Jack Grubber, Annie Hills, Jennifer Hills, Maslynn Holmes, Pam Howard, Carole Humphrey, Janice Ivancik, George Izon, Barbara Lamb, Matt Lamb, June Lang, Bie Le, Taylor Love, Janice Lynch, Patricia Madrigal, Teresa Mayor, Joanne McGilloway, Virginia McKeen, Barbara McNary, Norma Miller, Dolores Norris, Harold Owens, Linda Palchinsky, Gertrude Pirko, Dickie Russell, Robert Russell, Duncan Scott, Margaret Sison, Bea Slaske, Norma Szewczyk, Steve Taylor, Lois Testerman, Anthony Thomas, Cathy Thomas, Mary Thomas, Mark Thomason, Robert Wheeler, John Williams, Charlie Wise, Jr., Kathy Wood, Elizabeth Young.

Call the Parish Office to have names added to or removed from our list.

SERVICE PRAYER LIST Please remember in your prayers all of our troops and their civilian counterparts serving in war zones as well as all those in service around the world: LCDR Randy Dodds, US Navy PFC Jacob A. Gilbert, USMC LCDR Richard C. Moebius, Jr., US Navy Lt.Col. Brett A. Shilling, USAF Airman Steven M. Lamb, USAF 2Lt. Danielle Wilkin, USAF SSgt Gregory Bergin, USAF LT Jacob Schmidt, US Navy SSgt Andrew Unkle, US Army LT Michael Woehrer, US Navy SPC Alexander D. Unkle, US Army LTJG Mark D. Sweet, Jr., US Navy LT Kevin Peters, USCG Pvt Gavin Podlaski, US Army Capt. Clayton Scott, USMC Capt. Matt Barchick, USMC Lt Adam Patterson, US Navy Capt. Steven Beck, USMC GSgt. Patrick J. Pullman, USMC If you would like to add a loved one to our armed forces prayer list, please contact the Parish Office during normal business hours—301-994-0525

In Our Prayers

Rosary, Bible Study and all other meetings and events will resume at the direction of the Archdiocese of Washington.

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Are You Thirsting For God?

Are you someone who would like to learn more about your Catholic Faith? Do you know someone not baptized or baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition, who is thirsting for what it means to become Catholic?

Do you know someone already Catholic but has not yet re-ceived Confirmation & Communion?

Others may be thirsting too…

For each of us faith is a journey marked with moments of conversion along the way…we move from unbelief to initial faith, from sin to repentance, from painful isolation to the joyful experience of a loving community, from fear to love.

Faith, conversion, repentance, celebration and community ---five basic elements that are present in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The RCIA provides a setting where the journey of faith and moments of conversion can be cele-brated within the local Church community.

RCIA is a place to ask questions and seek understanding. Come and See! Invite a friend! All are Welcome! RCIA meets Sunday’s at Little Flower School from 10:15 A.M. to 11:15 A.M. For more information, contact the Parish Office at (301)994-0525.

Like Mary and Joseph, families have a

mission to welcome Jesus into their

homes and lives, to “listen to him, speak

with him, take care of him, protect him

and grow with him, and in this way

improve the world.” -Pope Francis

Sunday Faith Formation serves all parish children.

Weekly sessions for Pre-K through 8th Grade meet

on Sundays from 10:15am to 11:20am. Two years

of faith formation are usually required prior to

reception of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation,

Eucharist and Confirmation. We always welcome

new team members as catechists, substitutes, hall

monitors and teen assistants.

Faith Formation Calendar



CLOW Upcoming Meeting Dates

CLOW (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) is for

children ages 3 to 1st Grade only.

Children coming to CLOW during Lent will receive a Lenten cut-out sheet packet in which they are encouraged to create their own scenes and return them now through Palm Sunday to be displayed downstairs by our altar. Keep the focus in the right direction —




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Knights of Columbus

Grand Knight Charles Shilling

301-535-8339 Family of the Year 2020

The Knights of Columbus of Holy Face Council 3849 as part of its faith mission of “Serving Christ by Serving Others” is conducting its second annual Family of the Year (FOY) recognition event. Our council, in support of the “Family”, will select one family from nominations we receive between now and April 15, 2020 to be our FOY. This recognition is not limited to Knights of Columbus and their families, as any parish family is eligible. We will accept any nomination that a parishioner may choose to submit and the final selection shall be made by the Officers of our Council during the month of May. A trophy/plaque will be presented during the Sunday, 11:30 Mass on the same week of the installation of new officers for our council which typically occurs in the month of July. The FOY will be asked to attend our council’s “Installation of Officers” banquet and dinner where a gift certificate shall also be presented. How to nominate someone for FOY? Make your nomination choice based on your observations and knowledge, then contact a family member and let them know of your desire to nominate his/her family. Please ask this person to accept your nomination and request them to complete a written bio/resume of the charitable and volunteer activities that their family has participate in. The Bio may include, but not limited to, volunteer or charitable work the family has provided to others, to our Church, to a school, within the community, within faith-based groups, and/or any activity they would like us to consider. The nomination can be submitted to any officer within Holy Face Council 3849 between now and the cut-off date of April 15, 2020. As Grand Knight, I have asked DGK, Chris McGraw to manage the FOY nomination process. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact Chris McGraw or myself. Nominations can also be sent via email to DGK, Chris McGraw at: [email protected].


When God is not considered relevant to public life, there no longer are any absolutes. Disconnected from immutable standards, democracy becomes an unrestrained oligarchy with the many ruling in their own interest. Anything becomes possible. Do not fall prey to misleading narratives furthered by the main-stream media as they are typically mouth pieces for the progressive agenda. What they refer to as “news” is generally no more than propaganda intended to sway public opinion, which is generally in opposition to our Catholic faith. Today, Catholic lay activism – laymen guided by the truths of the Gospel acting in the world – is needed. The laity, acting in their individual capacities, can have an effect, one person, one locality at a time.


Ash Wednesday and Good Friday:

These are days of Fast and Abstinence from meat. There is a limit of one full meal on these days for all between the ages of 18 and 59 inclusive.

Days of Abstinence: (All Fridays in Lent)

All who have reached their 14th year are bound to abstain totally from meat.

Easter Duty Obligations:

After they have received their First Holy Communion, Catholics are bound by the obligation of receiving Holy Communion at least once a year. This precept should be fulfilled during the Easter Season. Catholics are also bound to confess serious (mortal) sins at least once a year, but this is not limited to the Lenten/Easter Season.

Holy Face Lenten Schedule:

The Light is On for You (Confessions) – Every Friday 6PM

Stations of the Cross – Every Friday 7PM


Beginning February 3, 2020, IRS/AARP certified tax

counselors will provide free tax preparation and

electronic filing for low to moderate income taxpayers

of any age in St. Mary’s County. Taxpayers do not need

to be a member of AARP. Call 240-466-1740 between

9:00am and 4:30pm to schedule an appointment.

Walk-in service is available at the Lexington Park

Rescue Squad in Lexington Park on Mondays and

Wednesdays 9:00am to 6:00pm and Saturdays 9:00 to


Page 6: PLEASE READ...2020/03/22  · once the public Masses resume. . Jennifer Hills, Maslynn Holmes, Pam Howard, arole Humphrey, Mass Intentions for the Week In Our Prayers Please remember

If you would like to have a Mass ($10), the Sanctuary Lamp ($5), or Altar Flowers ($50) dedicated in someone’s memory or honor, please call the Rectory at 301-994-0525.




Ten Reasons to Choose a Catholic Education

1. Catholic tradition and academic excellence in a community grounded in faith

2. Balanced curriculum that includes art, music and fitness

3. Emphasis on moral development, service to others and leadership skills

4. A 99% graduation rate

5. Strong preparation for further education

6. Safe and disciplined environment

7. Exceptional faculty who help students reach their highest potential

8. Individual attention in a caring community

9. Commitment to technology use to enhance education

10. Good stewardship of resources

*Bingo every Wednesday, doors open at 5:30 pm; early bird special starts at 6:45pm. Cash prizes! Food and drink will also be for sale. *Are you on social media? Don't forget to "like" us on Facebook ( and "follow" us on Twitter and Instagram (@LFSpatriots)!

Little Flower School


During Lent, we focus our daily activities on

growing closer to Christ through an

increase in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It

is a wonderful goal to try and extend some

of the changes we make in our lives beyond

the liturgical season. Signing up with

FaithDirect is a great way to focus on

almsgiving throughout the year. It is a

secure and convenient way to make a

conscious decision about your financial

support of our many wonderful ministries.

Visit and use our

church code: MD210.

Thank you for your continued support of

our parish family!

God Bless You,

Father Jerry

February Financial Report

Offertory $ 24,651.98 Catholic Education $ 1,568.27 Maintenance $ 2,303.25 Other $ 1,377.40 TOTAL REVENUE $ 29,900.90 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 30,506.51 NET $ (605.61) (Revenue-Expenses))

Help Support the Church


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Lenten Food Drive

Hunger is an ever-present reality in our community. Local food pantries are experiencing a great demand for food. To help replenish supplies, Catholic Charities and the Archdiocese of Washington together are sponsoring the Lenten Food Drive. Our parish collection for the food drive will take place the weekend of March 21 and 22. Bags for your donations will be provided if you wish to use them.

When you come to Mass, please leave your donation downstairs in the bins. Our collection will be donated to HOPE. If you prefer, you may make a contribution to “Catholic Charities” with a note that it is for the food drive. Thank you for your generous contributions.

Archdiocese of Washington

Jubilarian Celebration of Marriage

The annual Archdiocese of Washington Jubilarian Celebration of Marriage, honors couples married 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 51+ years. This year the Mass will be held on Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 2:00pm at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception with his Excellency, Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory, as the celebrant. To register, please contact the Parish Office.

For more information, please call the Office for Family Life at 301-853-4546 or email [email protected].