Download - Planning A Personalised Web Video Strategy

Transcript 1


Planning your personal video strategy.

Ben: So now guys we’re going to talk, this is

a very brief section but a very important one

because this is about the next step for you.

It’s one thing to come in here and learn all

this information that’s going to take days,

weeks, months to digest, it’s another thing to

say, ok, I need a clear plan of what I’m going to do next. You can be overwhelmed, so let’s

do some really simple planning that you can take out of here that you can action this week.

Director's Chair

Your personal video strategy. Dave has given

you, just in this last section, a million ideas.

We’ve talked about frequently asked

questions, things you can do to generate

content onto your sites right now. So what I

want you to do, is take out your brains and a

pen and somewhere on your sheets of paper, we’re going to get you to choose three

topics, and take a bit of time to think about this, three things that you would like to

generate content about. As Dave talked about, start with highest trafficked pages first.

So if you have a business, if you have a website set up, it could be your homepage, your

services, anything like that. Frequently asked questions, that’s a really simple, good place

to start and just choose three topics that you want to generate a video on. I’ll just talk you

through this first and then I’ll give you some time to do it. Then I want you to write a really

basic, bullet point script, following that three act structure. So an intro, what is it about? If

it’s a question, an FAQ, what is the question you want to have answered? Then write an

intro. This is me, this is what I do, this is the service we offer, or this is the problem you may


The next part, and again, I’m just going to talk through this, write the issues that people

might face to do with it, three or four bullet points on that and then, finally, the solution.

Here’s what I do, here’s what you can get from our site, from our service, from our product

and then a call to action: sign up now, give us a call to find out more, subscribe, etc, etc. 2

What we’ll do is, we’ll give you about ten minutes or so. I tend to need to walk around

when I’m thinking of these things, I’m a bit of a wanderer as it’s building inside my head,

like Lego. So just have a think and then if there’s time, we’ll do a quick run around the

room. You don’t have to go into your script but just say, these are the things that I’m going

to make a video on.

David: We’ll probably end up cutting the camera there. So just spend a few minutes and

this is something that’s really key. What sets the people apart from those who are

successful and those who aren’t successful is, it’s about implementation, speed of

implementation. This is something that we need to do more at our workshops, which is

give you guys a bit of an opportunity to just start to get those motions in place.

I know Anthony Robbins talks about it, after he comes up with an idea, what he likes to do

is make sure that he takes at least one step in the direction of making it happen. Once you

start that, you get up a little bit of momentum and you’re making a little bit of a

commitment to yourself.

We’ll finish up with this exercise, spend a little bit of time and this is going to determine

how successful you are so it might be worth doing. Ok, so you’ve now had a little bit of

time, you can go through and start to think about how you’re going to implement this into

your business. It’s really key that you take what it is that you learn and take it through to

implementation. It’s not going to be worth anything unless you start applying what it is

that you’ve learned.

Questions & Takeaways

What we might finish up with the end of

today doing, and perhaps we’ll pass

around the mike, something that we like

to do at all of our workshops. We’re going

to have a little bit of a competition where

we get to talk about what the biggest

takeaway was from today for you and how

you’re going to implement it.

So what’s something that you learned over the day and how is it going to make a

difference in your business. We’ll just end up passing the mike around so everybody can

come up with something and there’s a reason you want to do this. We’re going to make

sure that we throw something in. 3

You’ll get a copy of these, we’ll end up giving to the best person who shares the best

nugget. It’s all about sharing. You saw that I just gave you a hundred percent. Now tell us

what you thought that hundred percent was that you’re going to apply and what this

workshop meant to you. Maybe they’ll get a free copy of the DVDs and some time with Ben.

You’re happy to do some one on one time?

Ben: Absolutely.

David: And how about we do some reviews of some of your videos? You record some

videos and then we’ll do a ScreenFlow of them and Ben will tell you some different things

you can do to improve those videos. So that’s going to go to prize number one. Maybe

we’ll start up with you Jason and then we’ll just head round. Depending on how we go, if

the quality of the responses coming is really good, Ben and I might up the jackpot and

keep on adding some bonuses in. So we’ll let you start Jason.

Jason: Sure, the biggest thing that I’ve taken away from today I think is just the overall

expanding your mind on what you can use video for. Initially I started out with no videos,

now I’ve done about seven or eight videos for the wedding ceremonies and different kinds

of things. Now I’m looking at frequently asked questions, other types of ceremonies, other

wedding products and expos that are coming out. Karin can talk about them, ‘hey, come to

the expo, see me there, this is coming out.

Rules and regulations are changing about wedding industry standards, hey it looks like

they’re going to legalize other commitment ceremonies, gay and lesbian ceremonies, what

have you.’ All of those kind of things I think we can branch it out to, to be another 50 -70%

more than what it already is on top of everything. All the other sections of our website I

think we can turn text into video basically, or at least have video as a component of that

page, so that people can get a one to two minute summary without reading pages of


David: That’s good, I think you’re the front runner. So we’ll keep the mike coming round.

You’re in position number one.

Kareen: Well, Jason does a lot of my stuff obviously. One thing I learnt was just the amount

of different video footage you can use with the different productions. That’s something I

didn’t know that you could access on different websites, so obviously videoing ceremonies

but then making it so it is like a movie, so it’s more emotional to the couple. That’s

something that I’m really looking forward to doing with Jason and hopefully putting that

on YouTube. 4

Question: I think you’re equal first.

David: That’s right.

Question: Look, I’ve just got a stack out of today and you guys have shared everything

from how to record the video, edit and then yesterday I know that I don’t need to edit it

myself but I can get it done. Some great resources that I can use, how to produce it and

distribute it through Vimeo and Viddler and YouTube and so on, just a whole bunch of

stuff that I didn’t have the answers for, which I needed and which was great. Then all those

great money making tips, you shared them with everybody.

I’m going to take the video stuff and apply that into my own business, that whole 10 x 10

thing, the questions and answers and I’ve started mapping out the questions already, so it

was fantastic, thanks guys.

David: No worries.

Question: I’ve taken quite a bit of stuff out of today as well, even though some of it I

already knew.

David: What are some of the things you didn’t know? The money making ideas?

Question: Probably your part on YouTube, there was some stuff there that I didn’t know

either. That was just gold for me as well.

David: Good, good.

Question: I’ve picked up heaps, which is great. It’s totally upped the skills for video

production. I’m just getting into it, so I knew a little bit but I know a lot more now: how a

low cost set up can be a great product and generate traffic. It got pretty complex and full

on there as to how you generate traffic from that and the options you’ve got.

David: Rob made a good point during the break. He said you should mention some of the

other SEO products that you have. We did run a workshop because that was SEO, that

module was really an SEO day, that little section was an SEO day, as opposed to video. So it

was more to do with the distribution. If you want to learn more about how to do SEO, we

do have a workshop specifically for that and it’s on Steve, it

would be one of the best SEO courses you would have seen? Yes, cool. 5

Question: The way as well to apply it. We’re a management company for owners’

corporations and a big thing for our clients is communicating with them, so we might look

at providing management updates via video production to clients. I think I’ve got a great

Extra Normal presentation in my head with a neighbourly dispute between two

neighbours that we constantly have to resolve. Then we come through in the end

resolving all their problems and having great community management, amongst a heap of

other things, so it’s been great.

David: Good, good.

Ben: That’s great.

Question: There are a lot of opportunities I think that we’ve all found over the past couple

of days but the ones that I focus more on with the businesses that I’m involved with, one is

the band that I dj and manage is first and foremost. I’ve got a lot of video content which

we’ve shot right throughout all of our gigs but we haven’t been able to put those together.

So that’s now going to be my plan of attack to get it in the right format to get it out.

David: Repurposing content, you’re taking what you’re already doing, that’s a really good


Question: I think there’s about three years of content there, so there’s a lot to do. The next

thing is I work for an online which is an online shop for investors. They

have about three thousand books and that’s been one of my struggles as a marketer for

this company, is that there are no authors that actually then make video blogs or videos to

then put up on YouTube. So there is a massive opportunity there as well.

David: Yes, calling them up and interviewing them, yes that’s brilliant. You say, I’m selling

your books, I want to help you sell more books, that’s a really good one. 6

Question: There are a lot of them that aren’t

doing it, so that’s the first one. Trading and

property, like a property investor and

trading myself, that’s another one that I

could probably look at, to review some of

the other experts that are out there that

aren’t getting that information out. Like

you guys were saying, try and get as much content as you can but then based on your

objective and tailor what type of content that would be, whether you’d spend the money

to get the content in a particular fashion or just flip out your iPod and just capture it or

your iPhone and capture it.

David: You just spawned another really good idea which I heard at Eben Pagan’s event. He

was talking about the idea of, let’s say you were dealing with high end clients where the

life time value might be a few thousand dollars. How about you mail them a Flip camera

which might cost you a couple of hundred dollars and you say, you can have the Flip

camera if you record me a testimonial and then post me back the memory stick. That

works really well with high end clients. Obviously it’s not going to work if you’re selling a

$30 t-shirt, but it could work really well if you were a plastic surgeon. Who knows, that’s

just one off the top of my head. It’s a really good way to get testimonials.

Question: Yes, just getting more of the content and then just put it out efficiently.

David: What have you got Brent?

Brent: Yes, there is a lot of information there. If I were to think of the thing that I would use

most out of this week end, it’s probably the structures for scripting. It makes it so

methodical, the story structure, the Q&A 10 x 10 questions, the interview questions that

you’ve got there. If you just used them, there’s no end of content that you could actually

come up with.

In our organization, we’ve got someone that does content exceptionally well and he’s so

clear and he’s so precise. That’s one of the things that he’s built up as a skill over a long

period of time. With the right systems, I think you’re able to take that skill and distill it and

get very similar results without the ten years of training and the doctorate of education. 7

Ben: Could I just add to that? Another thing I’m doing with one of my clients now, it’s a big

architectural firm, I’m getting them to do, I’m calling them the studio sessions. You do a

one minute interview with the people who work in the organization. There’s a lot of IP in

that. You’ve got these experts in whatever thing they do. You sit them down and you do

the Apple style interview, they’re looking off camera and then you publish those. You put

up one every week. Here’s Brent on SEO marketing or keyword marketing or something

like that. You use your existing collateral to reposition yourselves as experts as well.

It’s good if it’s in an interview style because then it’s less salesy as well. It’s just like, here is

some fabulous information, here’s the cutting edge. For these guys, it’s like the cutting

edge in hospital design and architecture like that. I did fifteen interviews and they’ll all get

posted and they’ll all just feed back into the company.

Question: That’s fantastic, I’m going to use that. There’s another point that you made that

you just touched on. The key point was leveraging your content when you’ve produced it

and actually putting it out to the list. If you go back to that theory, that if you’ve got a lot

of page views, it’s a lot easier to get that content ranked and that content is increasing the

size of your list. Now this is a really nice machine that cycles things up. The more you put

out that content, the more views you’re going to get, the more people you’re going to get

signed up to your list, the more people are going to be there when you put out that next

bit of content. I thought that was fantastic.

David: Yes, it’s reaching that critical mass, that’s where you want to get to, where then you

don’t have to think about a lot of that SEO material that I talked about, because it happens

naturally. Yes, that’s really good.

Katie: To be honest I am so lazy because I am a virtual assistant. I just want to systemize it. I

want to send it out to another VA to do it for me. I’ll just do the video bit and then I have

my VAs do all of it for me. I actually live in Toowoomba, which is two hours out of Brisbane.

I do love you both, I think you’ve been wonderful, but the more I go through these types of

things, you just get billions of ideas, but don’t follow the BSO or bright shiny object, for

those who don’t know it. Play to your strengths. I can think of billions of things I want to do,

but I’m not good at it. I’m better off collaborating with others and working with people on

a larger scale than approaching businesses and pitching to them and saying, this is how

you do it, this is how the teams go, go out that way. 8

David: I think what I like from what you

said there, my takeaway from what you’re

saying, is there are so many different

things that we gave you, you need to find

out what is going to work for your

business. Then you can put systems and

procedures in place to make sure that

happens. I know you coming yesterday to the outsourcing workshop as well, that is first

and foremost in your mind, so now you’re thinking how can I take everything I’ve learned

here now and then implement it into my business? So that’s really good, it all comes down

to implementation. So that’s key. An idea is worth a dime a dozen, it’s implementation.

Ben: Yes, Katie, you’d be fabulous at training, doing little training or tutorial videos to help

other people.

Katie: Videos, in person, it would annoy me to the hilt.

Ben: That’s the thing. We talked about that yesterday, you’ve got a natural talent, you’re

open and you’re quick and I think you’d disseminate information well. You’ve just given us

nugget after nugget about all these different resources today, you could do a video on that.

Katie: When you said three videos, I had already come up with two earlier in the day and

that’s the five things that a virtual assistant needs to know and the five things that an

outsourcer needs to know. My last, third one was five resources for blogging, SEO, niches,

social media and something else.

David: I’m glad today spawned those ideas for you. If you remember back to the start of

today, one of our goals was to give you some ideas, show you some tools so you can now

take it through to implementation. So that’s great.

Question: Starting tomorrow, I take on this young bloke who has left school in Year 11 and

he’s the son of a mate of mine. He’s going to come and hang out with me and I’ve been

looking for something to give him. I hadn’t really planned it up until today. He’s got

chronic fatigue and is very intelligent, has poor concentration but is a great worker. He’s

done some work experience for me before, but now he’s coming on almost as a favour but

I am going to pay him. 9

I’m going to share all these ideas with him

and slyly, hopefully he’ll self select, but

getting him to register domain names that

are local, geo tag domain names:

Mornington Peninsula Real Estate Agents.

Then using my interview skills, I’ll go out

with a camera, create some content about

how are you marketing yourselves guys and create this information site, we’ll then create it,

they pay $50 to access it and it will be a nice little business for him to over time master and

roll out across a whole lot of niches.

I’ve got lots of stuff, my head is spinning, but specifically that’s what I’m going to do with

this young man. I’m going to outsource editing. I love it but I’d have to teach him.

David: Now Rob, because you eat this stuff for breakfast, I don’t know if you want to share

any parting thought. Maybe if you did have something that you thought what David then

talked about, that was useful and you guys need to listen to that area because that was a

really good part. I don’t know if anything like that stood out for you.

Rob: Firstly, for those of you who don’t

know who I am, I’m part of an organization

that built a business, a very significant

business on the back of video, a New York

Stock Exchange listed business. One of the

reasons we’ve been able to do that, is the

value of video has such a high perception

within any community online. We start off with text, audio, video. If you get to the point

where you can easily, efficiently and regularly produce video content, you will add value to

your business. It’s quite simple.

I enjoyed the seminar, I thought it was a fantastic summary of the whole video topic. I’m

lucky in the sense I’ve been producing and been responsible for publishing video content

for six years. What I can say, is in 2010, it’s far easier now than it was even only two years

ago. The technology has reached that point where it’s cheap, affordable, relatively easy to

use and there’s great vertical integration between the hardware, the software for editing

and the servers online for both distributing that video and disseminating that video. So it

gets easier every year. There’s no longer any excuse not to be in this game because it’s

much easier now than it has been in the past. Other than that, just buy a Mac. 10

Ben: I agree.

Question: Gentlemen, thank you, fantastic

day, thank you very much. I think the big

takeaway for me was just raise the bar, that

overall professionalism. Buy that third light,

don’t play around with chroma screen

unless you’re going to do it really well. Just

get a black background. Edit on the action, I

love that one. Just those little nuggets all the way through, leading up to the video pitch,

which is absolutely golden and we shall be using that. Thank you very much for a great day.

Question: Thanks so much. I came in here terrified. I was terrified, I knew I had to do video

but I had no idea how I was going to do it. I’m leaving almost a completely different person.

I’m not afraid anymore. I know what I need to do. I know I need to get some light, I know I

need to set myself up with a black screen, I know I have to write a script and I know I have

to do it often and just practice. So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m just going to go home

and do all of those things.

The other thing that I wasn’t expecting today, but I got, was how to upload them so I know

that they’ll be effective. I hadn’t actually thought about that because I was so terrified

about being in front of the camera. So now I know when they’re uploaded, they’ll actually

be found in the search engines and they’ll be useful for my customers, so it’s the whole

package, so thank you so much.

David: That was excellent too. That might be the front runner I think. You might be coming

number one, I quite like that one. Now this gentleman here, he’s got over a million views

on his YouTube channel, so he knows a thing or two about YouTube.

Question: Today I think Pete gave two cracker things, VideoHive because I was getting

quotes for intro stuff and they were not $20.

David: We paid $500 for the start of the OTM, watch the start of the OTM, the Online

Trading Mastermind launch and you watch that video that I worked with, I paid $500 for

that one and that was a good price. 11

Question: The editing material, were just some simple things which would take no longer

than I’m already doing. The video will step up so much more and be able to keep the

engagement, so they’ll watch further through the video and so on. And leveraging an

expert, that last thing, the pitch, is killer.

David: Cool, thank you.

Question: With my business, Dave and

Steve would appreciate SEO is very hard to

get in the door with companies. Everyone

has an SEO scam story.

David: Position it differently, SEO work is


Question: I know it is easy but everyone is getting bombarded every day from SEO

companies and they’re getting the same old message.

David: You need to be the guy that they seek out. I don’t pitch for work any more. They

have to come to me and they have to prove they want to work with me.

Question: Ok, but I find video’s a very good door opener. It’s different, it’s unique, there are

not many people out there pitching it and there are people who aren’t doing it very well.

With my business, I’ve found video, I’ve offered freebies to get in the door with companies

and that develops a trust factor with me. I’ve had the problem with trust and SEO because

of the scam stories and so on. I’ve found it has been a very good door opener.

I struggle with creativity so some of the things I learned have been very helpful with

editing videos, coming up with different ideas. I’ve got a meeting with a guy tomorrow to

discuss YouTube videos. I know for a fact he spends $30,000 on 3AW for radio advertising,

so it’s given me a few ideas there.

David: You don’t struggle for SEO clients. You only need one or two of those and you’ll be


Question: I realize that, SEO is easy work. I keep on getting the message from people that

we’re all scam artists.

David: You’re definitely on the right track, you just keep positioning yourself. Have a look at

what we do at Melbourne SEO and just start to incorporate some of those. You’re already

doing really well anyway. 12

Question: I just find the ideas today will help me with my video side of the business. We all

know video is the way to go, just trying to get the customers to take us up.

David: Perfect. Thank you for that. Do you have anyone that you thought stood out. Was

there anyone?

Ben: I’m out of this.

David: I did like yours, Jen, and I also liked over here, so maybe we’ll do the same prize for

both of you.

Ben: Yes and we’ll film it.

Where You Can Find Me

David: So you’ll both win. I suppose in the tail

end of this workshop, I’m going to come back to

this slide and that will be the slide that I finish

on. If you want to find out a little bit more about

me and what it is that I do, go to, Melbourne SEO Services and

you can also check out the twitter and Facebook and Posterous. If you just get on to, you’ll find connections to just about everything. There’s a tab on there

that says my websites.

Then we have Ben. As you heard, he has a production company. The type of clients that he

will work with are clients who are looking for serious jobs. He works for serious players. You

don’t go to him for a few hundred dollar job. When you want someone to give you really

high quality material that you know you can rely on, that’s when you go to Ben. Ben’s really

good at that sort of thing and you’ll get Google versus Yellow Pages type material that will

get you media attention and you’ll get a creative mind. It’s

Ben: But don’t look at it, I’ve just built a new site, I haven’t moved it over to that url yet, so

later in the week, it’s ready to go. 13

David: I’ll just finish off with a story. I know there are a

few situations in your life, everyone has this, where you

have a few key moments in your life where you

consider that’s a turning point. You look back to those

certain instances in your life and it’s shaped who you

are today. There are few key lessons that I’ve picked up

along the way that have shaped who I am today. Each time I like to share a different story,

so this is a story that you haven’t heard yet.

The reason I tell you this story is I want today to be one of those turning points. You get to

make a little bit of a decision as to what those turning points are going to be and this was

one of my turning points.

I think I was twenty-one at that point in time. We’d just finished writing the Metastock

Programming Study Guide with Sturat McPhee, which was that home study course that

teaches people how to use Metastock, the charting package.

I was just getting interested in the marketing side of things and I thought, how am I going

to get my name out there, how am I going to get in front of people? We thought, ok,

maybe what we should do is, we went on a little bit of a road show. We were going to go

round Australia, in each of the different states, we ran the Metastock Secrets seminar. I was

only twenty-one at the time and I remember thinking to myself, what are the chances of

me holding the audience’s attention in my hand, being a twenty-one year old?

I’m trying to talk to these people, my demographic was about fifty-five to sixty, that is like

the males who are interested in trading and I needed to hold their attention for the entire

day. What you see on the wall, that was the photo of the very first workshop that I ran with

Stuart McPhee. It was in Collins Street in the city and that was the first workshop we ran. I

remember in the lead up to that workshop, I was a bit of a confident guy, I thought this is

going to be no worries, it will be a cake walk, a walk in the park.

At the time I didn’t really think much about it in the lead up, until maybe half an hour

before the seminar presentation started. People started to arrive and I was in the room

next door as people were arriving. 14

Now Stuart had done this plenty of times before, I hadn’t, so he was cool, calm and

collected and mixing and mingling with everybody. I wasn’t in that mind space. I was in

the other room, holding my notes, just about shaking, pacing up and down the room,

trying to memorize each word of the presentation that I had to give. We were going to be

talking for a couple of hours and teaching people how to use Metastock.

Up until that point I was all fine but then once the people started to come in, my emotions

started to take over and I started to get shaky. Anyone who’s done public speaking knows

what it’s like. I think even before these events, even now, I still get a little bit of nerves

when I come up to present. You listen to people like Kiss and The Doors. I think Jim

Morrison used to vomit and so on before shows before he did it because it was still very

nerve wracking for him. There are a whole lot of examples of that and I don’t think you

ever really get over it, it’s still something very nerve wracking to do.

I remember standing in front of this group of fifty-five year old older males, about thirty in

the room, maybe a bit less. I was standing there and my entire presentation, I had the A4

bit of paper and I sat there. I read my notes like this and I got dry mouth and I was

sweating. I was wearing a different coloured shirt, it was green and you could see the

sweat marks dripping down. I’m just sitting here like this.

To Stuart’s credit, he jumped in and helped carry me through. It’s important that you make

sure you work with someone who can bring you up to their level. It was so nerve wracking.

He made a few nice comments throughout the presentation to elevate my stature after I’d

just crashed and burned badly. He’d say, whenever I need things coded for Metastock I

usually throw it to Dave because he’s really good at it and he’s got a mind that

understands it.

That helped, I suppose, recover. I do remember afterwards though, after the presentation,

that feeling when you do something that you know is really difficult to do but you do it

anyway and you get that release, and you just say, that feels amazing. You get a bit hooked

on that and that feeling and it’s very hard.

The reason I tell you that story, because I don’t just tell you stories for stories’ sake, I tell

you stories to make a point, so here’s the point. The point is, that was a turning point for

me. That was one of those points, when I look back now, because I did that and it was my

biggest fear, getting in front of the crowd and doing something. That set off a chain

reaction when I can look back now and say, that point back there was the point when

things just changed. 15

You get to make a choice when you come across those sorts of turning points. Video is one

of those things where it does take a little bit to get over it and get started and get over the

nerves, but once you do it, once you get going, you’ll get more comfortable with it, you’ll

get more confident. Then you’ll look back and say, wow, that seminar that I went to today,

right now, that was a turning point for me. And that’s the end of our seminar.

Ben: Cut, that’s it.