Download - Photoshop Fashion Spread


PowerPoint Presentation

The first thing I did was create a Photoshop document and drag the image that I had taken onto the blank Photoshop document. I then re-sized the picture and placed it on the left hand side of the Photoshop document.I the changed the brightness and contrast to a lighter colour so I could highlight the use of different shades of green.

I changed the the brightness and contrast by going on image at the top of the screen and clicking on adjustments the altering the brightness by decreasing it. I then went on the horizontal Type tool and drew a text box over the top of my image. The font I decided to use was called reclaim. I used this font because I thought the font reflected well with the theme of the magazine, because both the font and the theme are aggressive. The size I used was 30pt because the title needs to be bold and standout because its the first thing the audience see.I then open the same image but this time I resize the picture and put it in horizontal into the Photoshop.

3 I then inserted a size ten font onto the page and wrote a tag line for my fashion spread. the theme of the fashion shoot.

I then listed the clothes and their prices ,as well as the shops you can purchase them from.

Firstly I opened up my Photoshop document and went on international paper and A3 size.

I then inserted size 10pt writing and then listed what he was wearing and the shops there I got the clothes from.

The first thing I did was open an international size A4 and name it

I then opened my picture onto the Photoshop document.

I then inserted text size 10pt and added a list of the clothes , their prices and the name of the shops they were bought from.

The first thing I did was open up a Photoshop document . I then opened my picture and dragged it onto the

I then opened my image on the document and then inserted text size 10pt.