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Personal and Professional Development Plan Phone Su Soe (MHR)

Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management (ABE, UK)

10th December 2010

Myanmar Human Resource Institutes

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Personal and Professional Development Plan Phone Su Soe (MHR)

Table of Contents


Personal Statement 3

Methodology 3

Executive Summary 4

1. Introduction 5

2. Literature Review

Personal and Professional Development Plan


3. Strategic Analysis

Personal SWOT Analysis






4. Strategic Choice 9

5. Strategy Implementation 9

6. Evaluation and Control 11

7. Ethical and Social Responsibility 11

8. How much is enough? 12

9. Conclusion and the Begin 12

10. Bibliography 13

Exhibit 1: Personal development planning process, modified from business

planning process.

Table 1: Strategy Implementation Action Plan for Personal Development

Appendix 1: Summary of Personal Mission Statement, Strategies and Control

Appendix 2: Learning log for Corporate Management in Action with 6 months






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Personal and Professional Development Plan Phone Su Soe (MHR)

Personal Statement

The purpose of studying Postgraduate diploma in Business Management course is to

have knowledge and skills, and apply these ideas, theories and concepts to achieve my

personal insight objective, “to become a leader who is a major change agent and who

brings about changes to achieve competitive advantages and the sustainable

development of my organization and my country, Myanmar (Burma) by developing ideal

and empowering people in dynamic changing environment”.

The trends of theories, concepts and models gradually move to situation-based to

overcome the challenges from the dynamic changes. According to our lord Buddha speech,

“there is nothing permanent and stable except change”. By conceptualization, theories,

concepts and models have power and the current situation; problems, issues and challenges

will be interpreted by the appropriate power glasses of theories, concepts and models for the

further action plan to overcome and for growth.

Corporate Management in Action obviously contributed to my personal and professional

development. Although I have studied ABE Business management program for three and half

years at Myanmar Human Resource Institute (MHR), this is only a good start for my further

studies to have enlightenment and to initiate my original.

Special thanks to my teachers, Mr. Nyi Nyi for his Corporate Management in Action

lectures and Mr. Aye Kyaw (Principal cum MD, Myanmar Human Resource Institute) for his kind

support, Ms. Htet Htet Aung for her sharing knowledge, my friends and thank to Social Vision

Services. Finally, I thank to my parents who always encourage me to get MBA and wish me to

become a successful businessman.

This assignment is dedicated to my parents and teachers. It is not submitted to any

association or institute for any degree before.


In this assignment, a real life case-study method was adopted personal reflection

including academic background and work experiences and outside in perspective about myself

were collected through interviews to different stakeholders: family, teachers, subordinates,

senior management and friends. To reflect my environment including my home country,

Myanmar and other developed countries, secondary research of reading local news paper,

watching international news channel such as Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) and BBC, etc

and internet search were made. The primary purpose is to craft real life strategic guidance for

me by considering challenges and actions required to improve competitiveness for the future.


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Executive Summary

Personal and Professional Development Assignment is composed according to ideas,

concepts and models in Corporate Management in Action course. The module enables me to be

more attuned to external environment, (beyond control) and to be aware of how these can

impact on an organisation. By managing the organisation, risks from changes in the external

environment can be reduced and opportunities can be attained to have competitive advantages

and sustainable development by considering different stakeholder expectations and support.

Firstly, I have to reflect myself objectively. I wrote my personal background including

education and work experiences and I reflect my environment including my home country,

Myanmar and other developed countries that I will go for my further education and career

according to my primary research of myself and discussion with my parents, teachers and

friends and secondary research of reading local news paper, watching international news

channel such as Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) and BBC, etc and internet search.

Secondly, literature review, Business Planning process was made to modify personal

development planning process. According to the process, I strategically have analyzed personal

background and have reflected my mission statement, goals and objectives. Generation of

strategic options to achieve objectives was made. Then, I evaluated of these options based on

strategic analysis with respect to feasibility and acceptability and I selected the best-integrated

strategies for my personal development plan by considering different stakeholders’ expectations

and supports. Effective monitoring methods such as benchmarking were used for my personal

development plan.

Thirdly, I have reflected the concepts of ethical, social responsibility and contentment. To

achieve my mission of “Be rich with dignity, have peaceful and happy life and to develop people

by empowering”, I have to be ethical, take social responsibility and have contentment.

Finally, conclusion was drawn upon the overall personal and professional development

plan. This assignment is not only to pass ABE exam, but also to achieve my goals and

objectives according my mission in real life.


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1. Introduction

I passed matriculation exam in 2007 and started ABE Business Management Program at

MHR in June 2007. I do not have any first degree in Myanmar. I completed advanced diploma in

business management in June 2009. I sat Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management in

December 2010. I started working in a local NGO, Social Vision Services as a management

executive in July 2008. I promoted to program coordination manager to assist senior

management. My responsibilities are designing initiative community development project and

project evaluation and control. I attended many coordination meetings as a representative of

SVS. I attended many short courses related to Business Management, Leadership, Marketing

and technical and management capacity building trainings. I adapted to apply ideas, theories

and concept from my learning in my work. In December 2009, I achieved over ten projects

including Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Disaster Risk Reduction and Community Revolving

Fund projects, cooperated with UN, INGOs and LNGOs. I was highly appreciated for hard

working and achievement by senior management.

My parents have influenced me for 20 years and I should have my own reasons for

existence. For what and for who, am I surviving for? Annex 1: Summary of Personal Mission

Statement, Strategies and Control. As Buddhism, I respect my parents, teachers and employers,

and follow the guidance of lord Buddha and those people. They regard me as proactive,

ambitious, aggressive, work-oriented and logical thinking, control emotions and religious. My

core value is to be a good son, a good student, and an ethical and socially responsible global

manager with contentment. To attend MBA, my parents have enough savings and they have

broad networks. My physical attributes such as good in health, good appearance and body

structure make me to work effectively.

Myanmar is my home country, which has low image in international countries.

Government policies do not very much conducive for personal and professional development. There are

increasing opportunities for further study and employment in developed countries but some of their

government policies and cultural differences may be still challenging for a Myanmar student.

To achieve my goals and objectives, to meet the expectations from stakeholders and to

be ahead of global changing environment, I draw a personal strategic development plan by

reflecting, adapting and applying the ideas, concepts and theories in Corporate Management in

Action. Anthony Robbins said “If you don’t have a plan for your life, someone else does” and I

determined that I must be the king of my life.

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1. Identification and analysis of opportunitiesAssessment of personal resources and capabilities

Personal Mission statement and stakeholder expectations

2. Personal and professional development objectives

4. Selection of strategic options

5. Implementation of Strategies

6. Evaluation and control

Personal and Professional Development Plan Phone Su Soe (MHR)

2. Literature Review

Personal and Professional Development Plan

“Time management and potential” is important and the best use of time will decide the

highest potential of a person. The right strategic plan is essential for personal and professional

development. The process of strategic planning is concerned with forecasting the future and

deciding what changes to implement to take the best opportunities and minimize the main

problems. Objectives are an important foundation for the planning process. Factors should be

considered are right choice of quality strategies, the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,

Realistic and Time Bounded) level of objectives, the quality of implementation, the accuracy of

forecasting the future and the nature and intensity of competitive actions. For my personal

development plan, I followed the steps of strategic planning which widely used in business

organization including Strategic analysis, Strategic Choice and Strategy Implementation

Exhibit 1: Personal development planning process, modified from business planning process.

3. Strategic Analysis

Know your enemy and know yourself – your victory will be painless.

Know the weather and the field – your victory will be complete.

Sun Tzu, the Art of War


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Strategic analysis involves an assessment of current knowledge, skills and

competencies of a person, an evaluation of current resources, an assessment of environmental

trends and changes, and an assessment of the actual values and expectation from different


Personal SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is widely used for strategic analysis in business planning and it can also

be used for personal development planning. By knowing our strengths, we can focus on our

effort on the things we are good at, and by understanding our weaknesses, we know what to

avoid, what to improve and where to get help from people who do those things better. Strengths

and opportunities help to identify potential long-term career goals and weaknesses and threats

may determine likelihood of success and that need to be mitigated or planned for, to ensure

goal remains achievable.


1. Strong academic background proved by continuously studying ABE program.

2. Two and half work experiences in a local NGO as a manager and achieved over ten

community development projects.

3. Appropriate skills for communication and for a job proven by following skills; Language

skill of Myanmar and English, computer skill; Microsoft office and web searching,

negotiation skill, analytical skills, leadership skill, creative skill and being artistic

4. Family, teachers and friends support; savings and networks of my parents, teachers

always ready to help me and befriend with business owner, some management level

and some academic friends.

5. Good physical and mental condition.

Good health condition, good appearance and body structure.

Being proactive, ambitious, aggressive, work-oriented and logical thinking,

control emotions, religious in Buddhism.


1. Less than spectacular marks in some subjects in latest business study and no IELTS for

university entrance.


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2. Little experience in Business, some experience in NGO cannot be taken as organized


3. No previous experience of living without parent financial support.

4. Due to Limited international exposure, I have no extensive knowledge about outside.


1. Due to global ICT development, advanced business education becomes accessible now.

2. ABE advanced diploma certificate have some recognition by some employers in

neighboring countries.

3. ABE advanced diploma certificate can have further education opportunity in some

western country universities in UK, US, Australia, etc.

4. Different scholarship programs and student loan program are increasingly available in

foreign countries.


1. Government policies do not very much conducive for personal and professional development.

Political instability, inefficient market economy, poor education system and business support by

government. Political changes of home country will lead to negative impact such as civil wars.

Unfavorable Government policies related to living abroad for employment or education purposes.

Uncomplimentary conflict between government and local ethnic groups in border areas of

Myanmar. Few support and sometime can face heavy tax burden to Myanmar students and

employees abroad by Myanmar government through foreign embassies.

2. Threats of policy changes in host countries for students and foreign employees.

New UK Prime Minister David Cameron changes policies for foreign students to reduce the

students who do not study and come UK for job opportunities. Host government change to use

point-based system for foreign student entering to their countries such as Australia and UK, etc.

3. Cultural differences.

4. Existence of threats of harassment and discrimination to Myanmar students and employees in

foreign countries.

The outcome of the strategic analysis should be an assessment of the extent to which

current objectives and strategies require to be changed to meet the needs of the future. This

gives raise to the need to exercise strategic choice.


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4. Strategic Choice

The second step in strategic planning contains three sub-steps; generation of strategic

options to achieve objectives, evaluation of these options based on strategic analysis with

respect to feasibility and acceptability and selection of alternative strategies. John C.Maxwell

said, “The only true freedom each of us has in life is the freedom to choose. The most

important choice is who we will become.” I have to consider the followings

Education and career potential in Myanmar against in developed countries

Cost and benefit analysis to study and work among developed countries

Get employment in NGO or business organization?

Prioritize between further education (MBA) and employment or parallel?

According to my SWOT analysis, I must choose the right strategy to maximize

advantages of upcoming opportunities with my strengths to achieve my objectives. As home

country condition is not favorable for education and career, to have proper experiences and new

knowledge, to live without parent financial support and to achieve my objective, the best-

integrated strategies for my personal development plan will be

1. Attending MBA in foreign country after my postgraduate studies (USA, UK or Austria).

2. Getting employment at an ethically and socially responsible global business corporation.

3. Continuous learning for professional development of International Business


5. Strategy Implementation

“Nothing can stop the man with the strong desire and the right mental attitude from

achieving his goal”. To implement strategies, broad strategic choices need to be translated into

specific action programs with clear intentions, unambiguous and focus. Resources need to be

allocated, responsibilities defined, structure of life designed, systems of information and control

put in place by considering coordination and controlling strategic with effective self-leadership

and motivation. My personal development must be recorded in written documentations to

measure progress, to get employment at targeted corporation and to improve the plan. A critical

success factor must be successful if a person is to meet his overall objectives, and will normally

have an adverse effect if failure occurs in this particular area. Therefore, I must believe myself,

discipline, be persistent and action oriented.


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Table 1: Strategy Implementation Action Plan for Personal Development

Objective Have right career at Right Corporation, MBA, proper knowledge, skills and experiences by 2015.

Duration and CSFs

Activities for education Activities for work experiences Indicators

1st year2011Go abroad

Prepare for IELTS and G-Mat to attend MBA.Study one foreign languageSearch appropriate country and university,Search appropriate scholarship and loan programJoining the university

Still working in NGOTake more responsibilityApply knowledge and get lesson learnSearch appropriate short-term job according to the country

CertificatesTeachers commentConfirmation letter from a university

360’ Performance appraisalAchieve projects

2nd year2012Attend MBA

Attend MBA on abroadStudy one foreign language

Join part time work to get experienceCultural adaptationPart-time contribution to social work

Exam and periodic resultsTeachers comment

Employers’ commentNo of activities in social work

3rd year2013Attend MBA and Internship

Attend MBAObserve stock marketObserve business law of host countryStudy one foreign language

Still work part timeSearch for internship programSearch for corporation to work after MBAPart-time contribution to social work

Exam and periodic resultsTeachers comment

Employers’ commentNo of program applyNo of activities in social work

4th year2014Work global Corporation

Finish MBAStudy International BusinessDevelopment and lawTrainings from workStudy one foreign language

Join global corporation for careerAdaption to organizational culturePart-time contribution to social work

MBA certificationNo of trainings attended360’ Performance appraisalNo of activities in social work

5th year2015Get Promotion

Attend short coursesTrainings from workStudy PhD?Study International BusinessDevelopmentStudy one foreign language

Reflection of current job. If not fit, change corporation.Get promotion by taking more responsibility.Search opportunity to work in Asia countries within organization.Part-time contribution to social work.

360’ Performance appraisalPromotion offered.No of trainings attendedNo of activities in social work


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6. Evaluation and Control

This is the final stage of strategic planning process. It is to check whether the strategic

activities fit with my objectives to reduce uncertainty and strategic drifts. Regular self-

assessment is used both to measure efficiency and effectiveness, to response the changing

environment and the implications for the future opportunities and threats and assesses how

valid and relevant my objectives and strategies are. I will benchmark against outstanding

students in class and against my future role model within my working environment to improve

myself. Best practices will be pre-defined periodically according to my knowledge and

experiences from education and work. It will be used to monitor my activities. When I am

working, I will use balance scorecard including four perspectives; financial, customer, my

working process, and learning and growth. One of the major indicators for my personal

development is that how many people are empowered and developed. To evaluate the

effectiveness of strategy, I shall use the control tool “Gap Analysis”. The gap between “where I

am now?” and “where I want to be?” gives a clear picture about what must be achieved. When

the gap is forecast, I need to look for strategies, which are likely to close it. Scenario planning

will be made for the future planning by asking myself different “What…if?” questions. By doing

so, I can monitor my activities to achieve my objective and goals.

7. Ethical and Social Responsibility

A dictionary definition describes ethics as “ a moral philosophy, which teaches people

their duty and the reason for it”. Nowadays, managers have to face many ethical challenges.

Consumers become educated and concerned for “Green, ethical and social responsibility”. They

do not allow unethical business anymore. For example: British Petroleum, British Tobacco and

Foxconn, etc. Globalization makes multinational corporations more powerful than the national

governments and there are many government corruption and bribery cases. For example:

China, Nigeria and Myanmar, etc. Koontz and O’Donnell defined “Social Responsibility” as “the

personal obligation of everyone, as he acts in his own interests, to assure the rights and

legitimate interests of all others are not impinged.” Friedman, Milton (1912– ), U.S. economist,

said that social responsibility is individual. Therefore, I determine to achieve my objectives and

goal ethically while taking social responsibility. In my activity plan, I also commit to do part time

social work and contributions. Keeping to laws and regulations, telling the truth, showing respect

for people and doing no harm are important to be ethical. “Win-Win” solutions will be found out

in my daily transactions without harm to anybody. I will take social responsibility as much as I

can, start from my family (Charity begins at home), township, nation and region.


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8. How much is enough?

Human requirements with greed can never be filled. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of

needs theory, needs are step by step and if one need is filled, another need occur. Lord Buddha

also said that human needs would never be filled and many theorists argue about that. A life

cannot be peaceful without contentment. Contentment is a state of happiness and satisfaction

and it does not mean satisfying current situation and not to develop. Without contentment,

people will do everything to fulfill their needs ignoring appropriate rules, principles, ethics and

integrity. According to my mission ”Be rich with dignity, have peaceful and happy life and to

develop people by empowering”, I must have peaceful and happy life. My needs to develop

can never be filled but I will try to achieve my goal and objectives and follow my strategies step

by step without greed and anger, with contentment.

9. Conclusion and the Begin

Strategic Planning is a process, start with assessments and end with evaluation and

control, then start again. So this may be the conclusion of this assignment and begin of my

practical action in real life. With the powers of theories, my knowledge and experiences, I

choose three strategies and draw detailed action plan with continuous monitoring system. While

implementing my action plan, I have considered different expectations and supports of my

family, teachers, employers, subordinates and friends, etc. I must be ethical and take social

responsibility with contentment so that I will achieve my mission. I would like to conclude this

assignment with the words of prayer.

“A Prayer”

Looking back, may I be filled with gratitude.

Looking forward, may I be filled with hope.

Looking upward, may I be filled with aware of strengths.

Looking inward, may I find peace.

With gratitude, hope, strengths and peace, a human life will be meaningful and so do I.


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10. Bibliography

Kheng-Hor, K (2000), Reader Friendly Strategic Management , Pelanduk Publications

Feldberger,M (2008), Modern Human Capital Management by Balance Scorecard ,

MBA Thesis, Blekinge University of Technology

MICHAEL A. ZIGARELLI, (2007) The Personal Development Plan Guide Book

Athoy Robbins, (2007) Awaken the Giant Within

Johnson G., Scholes K., and Whittington R., (2008). Exploring Corporate Strategy: Texts

and Case, Seventh Edition. Prentice Hall. 

Peter Doyle, Phillip Stern. “Marketing Management and Strategy” Fourth edition

Project YOU – Personal Development plan guide from Uncommon Knowledge Ltd.

Available at

Brian Tracy’s THE ULTIMATE GOALS PROGRAM “How to get everything you want

Faster than You Ever Thought Possible” GUIDEBOOK

Bateman, Thomas S., and Carl P.Zeithaml. Management: Function and Strategy. Irwin,


McShane S. and Travaglione T. (2005). Organizational Behavior Enhanced Edition.

McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Laurie J. Mullins (2005), “Management and Organizational Behavior”, Seventh Edition,

Prentice Hall.

Personal Development planning:

Advanced Diploma in Business Management Study Manuals (ABE, UK)


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Appendix 1: Summary of Personal Mission Statement, Strategies and Control

Mission Overriding purpose in line with the values or expectations of stakeholders

Personal mission Be rich with dignity, have peaceful and happy life and to develop people

by empowering

Vision or strategic


Desired future state: the aspiration of the organization.

Personal vision To be a successful Chief Executive Officer of an ethically and socially

responsible global corporation.

Goal General statement of aim or purpose.

Personal goal Have proper qualifications and being recognized as a successful

businessman with dignity who develop people by empowering.

Objective Quantification (if possible) or more precise statement of the goal and


Personal objective Have right career at Right Corporation, MBA, proper knowledge, skills

and experiences by 2015.

Strategic capability Resources, activities and processes. Some will be unique and provide

‘competitive advantage’.

Personal strategic


Have enough capability to attend MBA and apply for junior management

level job according to SWOT analysis.

Strategies Long-term direction.




Attending MBA in foreign country after my postgraduate studies (USA,

UK or Austria). Getting employment at an ethically and socially

responsible global business corporation. Continuous learning for

professional development of International Business Management.

Business model How product, service and information ‘flow’ between participating parties


development model

Associate with collaborative networks, joining MBA networks and

executive networks for new knowledge, skill, experience sharing and

business partners.

Control The monitoring of action steps to: Assess effectiveness of strategies and

actions and Modify as necessary strategies and/ or actions.




Monitor achievement and qualifications, and measures success timely. If

not progress satisfactory, consider other strategies and actions.


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Appendix 2: Learning log for Corporate Management in Action with 6 months

Month - July Preparation - Pre-reading and internet search

Subject Area – Challenges

previous exam question study

Chapter 2, The Environment, Exploring Corporate Strategy

Screening chapter 1 to 4, International Business Management

Manual (ABE)

Chapter 2, Corporate Strategy

Content of the learning Reflection on the learning Action to be taken to improve


Understanding the

international business


The Macro Environment

Industries and sectors

Competitors and market

Opportunities and threats

How challenges are important

for the business strategic

planning process and

personal development

previous exam question study

PESTEL analysis of my


PESTEL analysis for my

personal development to

identify challenges

Month - August Preparation - Pre-reading and internet search

Subject Area – Strategic


previous exam question study

Chapter 3, Strategic Capability, Exploring Corporate Strategy

Chapter 6, International Business Management Manual (ABE)

Chapter 3, Corporate Strategy

Content of the learning Reflection on the learning Action to be taken to improve


Foundation of strategic


Cost Efficiency

Capabilities for sustainable

competitive advantage

Organizational knowledge

Diagnosing Strategic


Managing strategic capability

Strategy must be chosen

according to the strengths of

the organization and also at

individual level

previous exam question study

SWOT analysis for my


SWOT analysis for my

personal development plan


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Month - September Preparation - Pre-reading and internet search

Subject Area – International

Development Strategies

previous exam question study

Screening Chapter 5 to 7, Business level strategy, Exploring

Corporate Strategy.

Chapter 5 to 8, International Business Management Manual


Chapter 4 to 6, Corporate Strategy

Content of the learning Reflection on the learning Action to be taken to improve


Methods of strategy


International Business


International Strategy:

Standardization, Adaptation

and Globalization

Entry Strategy

Strategy generation,

Strategic choice and

Strategy evaluation

Based on vision, mission of

the organization and also at

Individual level for personal


previous exam question study

Strategy generation,

Strategic choice and

Strategy evaluation

For my organization based on

organizational mission, vision,

goal, objectives and

For my personal development.

Month - October Preparation - Pre-reading and internet search

Subject Area – Strategy

implementation and risks

previous exam question study

Chapter 8 to 10, Enabling Success, Exploring Corporate


Chapter 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14, International Business

Management Manual (ABE)

Chapter 7 to 9, Corporate Strategy

Related chapters in Advanced Diploma Study manuals (ABE)

Content of the learning Reflection on the learning Action to be taken to improve


International Marketing,

Manufacturing, Human

resource management

Finance and international


Risks and the international


Change Management

Functional, departmental and

organizational coordination in

strategic implementation

Risks management

Change management

previous exam question study

Identify potential risks and

Risks and change

management strategies

While strategy implementation

both for organizational and

individual levels.


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Month - November Preparation - Pre-reading and internet search

Subject Area – Monitoring and


Ethic, social responsibility and


Revision and previous exam

question study

3 Strategic Capability, Exploring Corporate Strategy

Chapter 12, International Business Management Manual (ABE)

Chapter 7,8 and 10, Corporate Strategy

Related chapters in Advanced Diploma Study manuals (ABE)

Content of the learning Reflection on the learning Action to be taken to improve


Implementation, Evaluation

and Control

Implementation and control;

organization and resources

Issues and Development in

Modern Corporate Strategy

The importance of monitoring

and control

Ethical behavior

Corporate Governance

Corporate Social


Overall Revision of business

planning process and

previous exam question study

Codes of conduct for

organization to be ethical and

social responsibility and

identify monitoring systems for

strategy implementation

Also for personal development
