Download - Peter's Italian Tomato Sauce


3x 1 lb containers of cherry tomatoes, coarsely chopped in thirds/halves2 whole bell peppers diced1/2 large yellow onion diced2-4 italian sausage links4- garlic cloves1-2 tbs italian seasoning!live oil2-3 o" #alsamic vinegar1/2 to 1 cup $ed wine%alt&epper'irections(((%aute the &eppers and onions separately in olive oil( )hen they are both cooked thoroughly, add the garlic and sausage *leave whole at the beginning, then once they are cooked you can cut them or +ust keep them whole,-ook all these ingredients, then add in chopped tomatoes, 1/4 cup of olive oil, wine, vinegar, seasoning, salt and pepper(.et simmer for 3-4 hours on low heat for maximum flavor( %auce is ready to eat when the tomatoes have lost their shape, which would happen around the 3/ minute mark(