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Lead Generation Program

Part 3 – “The System” & Your Marketing/Prospecting Campaigns In Part 2, we spent our time talking about the database and how to enter our contacts into groups and statuses. This was an important exercise to accomplish our ultimate goal of setting up an awesome Lead Generation system. We can’t build an awesome lead generation system without an awesome foundation… your database.

Now that we’ve accomplished that, it’s time to put the database into action. Remember the “3 Laws of the Database”…

• You must have a database! You aren’t truly in real estate until you have one. Your database IS your business!

• Feed it every day! Real Estate is a numbers game. The more people you have in your database, the better your chances of getting business are.

• Communicate with it in a SYSTEMATIC way! There is really no reason to do the first 2 Laws of the Database if you don’t do this. In order to systematically communicate with your database, you need to have the systems or “campaigns” to do so. Luckily for us, Keller Williams has already created those campaigns AND loaded them into eEdge for us!

We will spend today’s time looking at the campaigns provided to us by Keller Williams. We will discuss what they are, when to use them, and why. After that, we’ll learn how to create individual marketing pieces (such as postcards and flyers) and finally, we will learn how to turn on the campaigns pre-loaded into eEdge.

In other words, by the time you leave here today, you will have your Awesome Lead Generation System 100% up and running! (If you did last class’ homework and follow along with your computer today) We will have you working with your SOI as well as following up with your Prospects and Leads in about 2 hours! Ready?

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In order to get started, we need to review the differences between marketing and prospecting.

PROSPECTING: Prospecting is being proactive. When we prospect, we actively seek out buyers and sellers. It is only considered prospecting if there is a personal contact element, such as an in-person visit or a phone call. The best examples of prospecting are calling or knocking the door of a FSBO or Expired; hosting an open house; or even making your Sphere Calls (Much more on Sphere Calls in a little bit).

MARKETING: Marketing is reactive. When we market, we are putting out a message to a group of people and we wait for them to contact us (instead of prospecting, where we contact them) Marketing does not include personal contact, it’s just strategically putting out a message and waiting for the customers to contact you.


There are advantages and disadvantages to both Marketing & Prospecting. First, the advantages:

The advantages to Prospecting are that it’s very effective. With systematic Prospecting (a 33 Touch Campaign) you can expect expect at LEAST 1 contract for every 10 people getting the campaign. It’s the best way for an agent get busy fast. It’s also usually very inexpensive. You can get great results from a phone call and a personal visit, and they cost very little!

The advantages of Marketing are that it’s easy to do, and it casts a wide net. A marketing campaign (done properly) is a crucial part of your quest to earn more money. Over time, Marketing will bring you large amounts of new “mets” and ultimately, more transactions and $$$.

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The disadvantages of both also need to be considered:

The disadvantage of Prospecting is that it is time consuming. It’s a one-on-one approach to working with your SOI and your Prospects. Another perceived “disadvantage” is because it’s one-on-one, you will need to hear “NO” from time to time. You will also need to know your scripts to be a great prospector!

The disadvantages of Marketing is simply that it can be expensive and it takes a long time to pay off. Usually, Marketing relies on trading time for dollars. When we use Marketing, it’s usually going to cost us money. Marketing can include activities such as magazine ads, billboards, Radio, TV and most commonly, direct mail pieces. All of these will work, if done consistently and over a long enough span of time, but you will have to have the budget to sustain the costs until it finally starts to pay off (that can be up to 18 months away)… so when you begin a Marketing Campaign, be sure you can afford it for a LONG time before it pays back.


There is a time and a place for both Marketing and Prospecting. At Keller Williams, you often hear the expression “Prospecting Based and Marketing Enhanced”. You hear this a lot because it’s the most effective way of working with your database. It takes the best of both approaches and combines them. We will keep this in mind when we look at the campaigns in just a few minutes.

So, when should I Market and when should I Prospect? The rule of thumb is pretty basic:

Mets – Prospecting and Marketing

Haven’t Mets – Marketing

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This system uses a grand total of 5 campaigns to systematically communicate with your database. Some are Prospecting, others are Marketing. Let’s look at them all…

The 33 Touch – This is the “King” of all campaigns. This is a high touch campaign designed for your SOI. It stands for 33 touches per year. This campaign is designed to run forever, not just for 1 year. The goal here is to make sure everyone in your SOI thinks of you FIRST when they think of anything real estate related. This will get you more business and more referrals from your SOI.

The “19” Touch – This is the little brother of the 33 Touch. It is also designed for your SOI, but this is for the people you don’t know quite as well, and you’re not ready (or able) to commit to the full investment of a 33 Touch. Remember, “Lead With Revenue”… Your 33 Touch is not going to be effective if you don’t have enough money to complete it, so there are times where you have to make the difficult decision of leaving people off your database or putting them in your database and not 33 Touching them. We are introducing a 3rd option here, called a “19” Touch. We put the number in quotes because it doesn’t need to be 19. The number of touches is up to you, but it MUST include the Prospecting components that we will discus next.

8x8 – This is short for “8 touches over 8 weeks”. It’s a short term plan designed for people who are new to your database. Unlike the 33 Touch or 19 Touch, the 8x8 can be customized by the type of person (for example, we have a Buyer 8x8 and a Seller 8x8) and it is not designed to run forever. When the 8x8 is over, the person on it must be put onto one of the long term campaigns.

12 Direct – A 12 Direct is a direct mail campaign. It’s designed mainly for Farms, but it does have other uses as well. It’s one direct mail piece per month, and like the 33 Touch, it is designed to be a long term campaign. It will take a long time to make a 12 Direct effective, so the key words for a 12 Direct are “Consistence and Patience”

Drip – The Drip Campaign is an Email only campaign. It is designed to be a “set it and forget it” campaign. We don’t spend any money or time on Drip Campaigns. It’s purpose is to just keep reminding the recipient that you’re still there. It is far and away the least effective campaign we have, and we use it only when we need to.

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Email vs Direct Mail

Just a quick thought on Email vs Direct Mail. Like Marketing and Prospecting, there are advantages to both, and the most effective way to use them is to use them both together. I understand that Email doesn’t cost anything, but it is also much less effective than Direct Mail. Use both, but use them wisely. Relying on email alone is not an effective way of marketing (this is why the Drip campaign is considered the weakest). There are times in our industry where we need to spend. Direct Mail is one of those times.

Before You Spend on Marketing…

Before spending on Direct Mail, I highly recommend taking Keller Williams’ “Lead Generation 36:12:3” course. Pay particular attention to the Power Session on Marketing. It is a great guide which can enable you to save money while marketing and get better results. Things like “Calls To Action” and Branding are very important, so before you spend, make sure you’re spending your money as wisely as possible. Also, remember to spend in moderation. Start small, monitor your results (your Return on Investment, or “ROI”) and then when it pays off, spend more.

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The Prospecting/Marketing “Cheat Sheet”

Name of the Campaign

What Group(s) go on this Campaign

Marketing, Prospecting

or Both

Mets or Haven’t Mets

33 Touch aSphere 33 Both Mets

“19” Touch aSphere 19 Both Mets

8x8 aBuyer Prospect aSeller Prospect Both Mets

12 Direct zFarm zNiches Marketing Haven’t Mets

Drip aSuspect Marketing Haven’t Mets

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33 Touch “19” Touch

12 Emails (This Month in Real Estate)

12 Emails (This Month In Real Estate)

12 Direct Mail Pieces (12 Direct) 2 Direct Mail Pieces

4 “Sphere Calls” 2 “Sphere Calls”

4 Hand Written Thank You Notes

2 Hand Written Thank You Notes

1 Birthday Reminder 1 Birthday Reminder

33 Touches sounds like a lot, but the system we are building is going to handle it all for you. eEdge will handle the first 24 without you having to do a thing (once it’s set up). Your Birthday reminder goes right into your Google calendar (or whatever calendar you have that allows recurring events and reminders), and your 4 hand written notes will come right after you make the phone calls. In other words, we’ve already handled everything except for the system to make the phone calls, so let’s do that now.

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SPHERE CALLS… The “Secret” of Success

The Sphere Calls (4 for your 33 Touch or at least 2 for your “19” Touch) are the most crucial pieces of your campaign. In fact, if you eliminate the sphere calls, you are left with nothing more than a marketing campaign, and you can kiss the 10:1 ratio good bye. You’d be more likely to see a 75:1 ratio instead!

Agents don’t like to make Sphere Calls. The reasons vary. The one I hear most is “I don’t have time”. I am still amazed every time I hear that excuse. Look at it like this: If you were a cashier in a convenience store, and your boss told you to make sure you stocked the cooler, swept and mopped the floor, and stocked the shelves before leaving. With this in mind, you decide that you “don’t have time” to wait on customers. Instead, you spend your entire shift doing the other work. Think of how upset your boss would be when he saw nothing rung up for the entire shift. Also, think of how crazy this sounds… Well, I have news for you… anyone who says they “don’t have time” to make their Sphere Calls is doing pretty much the same thing! Lead Generation is your main job (just like ringing out the customers is the main job of the cashier at the convenience store). The idea of “not having time” to do it is just ludicrous.

The next biggest reason I hear is “It’s too hard to get a system going”. We will handle that problem in a very simple manner.

1. Log into eEdge and go to “All Contacts”

2. Filter your list by only your “aSphere 33” Group

3. Look at how many people you have in that group and do the exercise below.

Number of People in Sphere 33 Group _____________________

Multiply by # of calls in your Prospecting Plan _____________________

Total Calls to Make Per Year _____________________

Divided by # of Weeks you work per year _____________________

Total of Calls to Make Per Week _____________________

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4. In eEdge, hover over “Contacts” and click on “Import/Export”

5. Select the “Export” Tab

6. Select the “aSphere 33” Group

7. Leave the Status set to “All”

8. Press Export

9. This will export your list of Sphere 33 contacts into an Excel spreadsheet.

10. Delete all the columns you don’t need (everything except name and phone #’s)

11. Using the “Total of Calls to Make Per Week”, draw a line after every week’s calls

12. Call in the order of your list. Do not pick & choose who you will call. The probability of going back and calling the people you skipped is very low!

13. When you get to the end of the list (if you did your math right) it will have been exactly 3 months, and you need to start again.

14. Through away the list you have been using and repeat steps 1-13 and start your calls again.

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As you can see, there is no reason to add your sphere calls to the computer. This simple system will keep you on track. You just need to make sure you are making all of your calls every week. (That part is on you, we can’t help you there…)

Do not leave a message until you’ve tried unsuccessfully twice. When you do leave a message, make it a very general message such as “Hi. Give me a call. I have to ask you a quick question.” Don’t cross a person off your list until you have gotten in touch with them. As soon as you finish the call, write the hand written note. The hand written note is crucial! It’s your way of showing your appreciation to your SOI for helping you.

Another reason for not making the sphere calls I hear more than I care to is “I don’t like when people call me, so I am NOT going to call them.” LIMITING BELIEF ALERT! LIMITING BELIEF ALERT! Sorry, but I’m not buying it. Here’s the deal…. You are in a Lead Generation Business, and if you think like this, you probably won’t ever number of transactions you’re capable of. It also will prevent this entire system from working, so it makes me have to ask… If you think like this, why are you taking this course????

Here is why we don’t like getting “sales calls” and why we use that as a limiting belief for ourselves to not make our “Sphere Calls”.

Sales calls are usually from people you don’t know trying to sell you something.

Sphere Calls are to people we do know, and we’re not trying to sell them something, we are asking them for help. People do LIKE to help each other. It makes us feel good to help someone else. This is NOT a SALES CALL!

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Sphere calls are so important, yet so few agents make the calls that it makes me question so many things about our industry. All that separates you from becoming a Lead Generation Machine is a GREAT Script.

I know, I know, “you don’t need scripts…. Scripts are for people with no skills…” I used to think like that, but I’ve learned since then. I now realize how much easier make my calls and prospecting is when I have a script.

Scripts are so useful it’s amazing that it took me so long to start to use them. The advantages of using scripts are abundant:

• It gives you great confidence to make your calls. You never have to worry about what you’re going to say.

• It helps you to direct the conversation keep you in control. • It helps to keep the call short. If you don’t allow yourself to go off script, you will

get off the phone a lot faster. • It will help you predict and be prepared for any objections. • It allows you to choose your words and phrases wisely. You won’t “trap”

yourself. • Your “Sphere Call” script will help you “train” your SOI to refer you more

business. • It will also get easier with each call. This script is designed to make each future

call easier and faster!

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(Your instructor will break the words down for you, please feel free to take notes on this page. We have a second copy of the script on the next page, so you will have a

nice clean copy to call from)

Hi ____________________________, it's Greg from Keller Williams. Did I catch you at a good time? Great! This is a business call, and it's only going to take a minute. I have a ton of calls I need to make today. One of the ways I try to fuel my real estate business is ask a few people that I know for a little help from time to time. Would you mind if I asked you for help every now and then? Thanks! Can we start now? Who do you know (pause) that is looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate? (If no one) That's OK. Thanks for taking a minute to think about that. Can I ask you for one more favor? (WAIT FOR AN ANSWER) If you do think of anyone or run across someone, would you please call me with their contact informaion so I can call them? I promise that I will be sure to tell them that you told me that "I'd better be take extra good care of them". Thanks so much! I have to run. Lots of calls to make. I'll be touch soon.

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Follow this up with a follow-up hand written note: Hi _____________ Thanks for taking a minute to help me with my business yesterday. I just want you to know how much I appreciate that. Please let me know if I can ever return the favor!

Your Second Call (in 3 months, or 6 months if it’s a 19 Touch) would sound something like this… (Notice how much shorter and easier it has become)

HI____________________________, it’s Greg again. Did I catch you at a good time?

Great, this is going to be quick, it’s a business call and I just wanted to follow up with you. Like I told you last time we talked, I would be checking in from time to time for a little help… Well, it’s that time again!

Who do you know (pause) that is looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate? (If no one) That's OK. Thanks for taking a minute to think about that. Can I ask you for one more favor? (WAIT FOR AN ANSWER) If you do think of anyone or run across someone, would you please call me with their contact informaion so I can call them? I promise that I will be sure to tell them that you told me that "I'd better be take extra good care of them". Thanks so much! I have to run. Lots of calls to make. I'll be touch soon.

Again, immediately follow it up with the hand written note. This will help to make sure the contact continues to take your calls. Remember, people like to help people…

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After a few calls, your script will probably begin to sound something like this…. (I have seen and heard this actual script with my own 2 eyes)

Hi ___________________, it’s Joey. It’s that time again… Who have you got for me?

Thanks you. Talk to you in a few months.

That’s it. That script was used in front of me by a good friend of mine. He is the #1 producer in his market, and he called me into his office to show me how well the script was working for him.

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Hopefully, the scripts and the systems we have laid out will get you lead generating. If nothing else, it certainly removes all the excuses, so it’s up to you to just go out and do it now.

Now that we’ve handled that, let’s get to the computer and begin to look at the “Create Marketing” Tab. From here, we will learn how to make marketing pieces and turn on the pre-loaded campaigns.

There are 3 parts to the Create Marketing Tab:

1. Marketing Materials – Here is where you will find hundreds (or thousands, if you have Pro or Business Suite) of postcards, flyers, and other marketing materials. You will also find a library of your saved marketing pieces. From here, you can create, edit, print, email, or order prints of postcards, flyers, door hangers, photo books, schedules, magnets, calendars, and more!

2. Campaigns – This is where you will find all of the pre-loaded 33 Touch, 8x8, 12 Direct and Drip Campaigns from Keller Williams (and if you have Pro or Business Suite, there are several other campaigns provided by Market Leader)

3. File Manager – This is just a list of the files you’ve uploaded to the system. We do not cover this at all in this course.

We are going to begin with the “Marketing Materials Section”. It’s the best place to learn how to create and customize marketing pieces. This is a skill that will carry over to the Campaigns section later.

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There are 2 tabs in this section. The “Marketing Materials” Tab is where you will find all of the new materials for you to edit. Once you have edited the new material and save it, it will appear in the “My Saved Pieces” tab.

To begin to edit a marketing piece, first select the type of marketing material you’d like to use (in this example, I selected Postcard). Then select the type of Postcard, and finally, select one of the designs to the right. Then, select “Create/Edit”

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Clicking on “Create/Edit” will open the edit window. If you have not been here before, you will be prompted to install a Microsoft program called “Silverlight”. It’s a pretty painless download and install, so let it run. It will work easily for both a PC and a MAC, but all of the research I have done so far has indicated that like Flash, it won’t run on an iPad. For this reason, you will do everything in this section EXCEPT editing from your iPad. The news for Android users isn’t much better. At this time, there is no Silverlight for Android either, but all indications are that it’s coming sooner rather than later. (Take this information for what it’s worth… it came from forums on Microsoft and Apple’s websites, so I can’t be sure of the accuracy of any of it).

Here is what the edit window looks like. The empty area to the right of the “Undo” and “Redo” arrows will change based on what element of the post card is “live” (clicked on).

This is an amazingly powerful AND simple edit program. If you have a basic understanding of the WYSIWYG Window (see Part 1) you will have no problem working your way through this system. You can completely customize the postcard and make it look totally different. The tools are amazing! With just a couple of clicks, you can add maps, video buttons, link to videos, and change layers.

Remember, the contact info you are seeing in these marketing pieces can be changed in “Admin” and “My Account” section. (See Part 1 for details)

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This postcard…

Was this postcard…

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Let’s first look at the main menu of the edit window.

Save – Give your marketing material a unique name and save it for future use.

Preview – See what the email and print version of your marketing material will look like.

Add – Add text boxes, images, shapes, maps, and links to videos from this button.

Zoom – Get a closer look at your creation.

Layer Down/Layer Up – This changes of the order of the layers on your creation. If you need to move a photo under text so it’s not blocked, simply click on the photo, then click on Layer Down (or click on the text and select “Layer Up”)

Undo/Redo – Undo or redo your last action.

When we clicked on an image, the empty space I mentioned before was filled in by the tools available for images.

These tools include:

Replace Images – Click on this to swap the image you’ve selected out with another image.

Crop Image – Click on this to crop out unwanted parts of a photo.

Mirror Image – Click on this to switch to a mirrored image of the photo.

Link Image – Click on this to link the image to a webpage. This only works if you’re emailing the marketing material.

Remove Image – Click on this to remove the image you have selected.

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When we clicked on a text box, the empty space was filled in by these tools:

This is your typical WYSIWYG window. It includes the basics, such as the font you want to use, the size of the text, bold, italics, underline, spell check, cut, copy, paste, bulleted and numbered lists, indent, vertical alignment, font color, background color, add and remove links, special characters, superscript and subscript… But it also includes a button called “Load Article”. These are pre-written articles you can use in your marketing material. You can also create your own articles to be used in the future.

When we click on a map, we see these tools:

Update Address – Type the address you would like to “Mark” on the map and it will bring you straight to it.

Map Type – Switch from a standard map to an aerial view and more.

Zoom Slider – Zoom in or out of the view you are currently seeing.

Settings – This changes the color and style of the marker that goes on the map.

Link Map – Clicking on this will automatically link the image of the map to Bing Maps.

Remove Map – Removes the Map from the marketing piece.

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When you have finished with the front of your postcard (or any 2 sided piece) you will have the ability to edit the back of the postcard or the footer of the email (or both) by using the buttons just above your main menu.

You would edit the postcard back or the Email footer the same way you did the front of the marketing piece.

Finally, you can change backgrounds that you don’t care for by simply creating a rectangle (click on “Add Item” and then Shapes/Rectangle). Once you’ve created the rectangle, you can use the 4 corners of the box to stretch and reshape the box to cover the background you want to change.

Once you’ve finished editing, go to the main tools and click “Save” and then “Save As”. Give your marketing piece a unique name and then exit the editor. You will be brought back to the “Create Marketing” Screen, but now you’re in the “My Saved Pieces Tab”.

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Click on your marketing piece and you will see this menu:

From here, you can:

Preview – Get a final look at your email and/or postcard

Create/Edit – Go back in to the edit screen and make changes

Desktop Print – Create a high resolution image and print it yourself.

Order Printing – Order professional full color pieces from Shutterfly. Either have them shipped to you or mailed for you.

Email – Email your marketing piece to individual contacts or groups. You also have a Mail Merge tool in the email program.

Post to Website – Not covered in this course

Add to Campaign – If you have Pro or Business Suite, you can create your own campaigns and add your own marketing materials to the campaigns.

Delete – Permanently delete this marketing piece.


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Here’s the great news! All of the campaigns we talked about earlier are already created and loaded in eEdge! All you need to do is turn them on. In this section, we will talk about what campaigns to turn on and how to do it. Finally, we will go through the full set up and implementation of your 33 Touch Program.

Once we are done here, you will be up and running. Your Lead Generation system will be fully in place, and you are 1 year away from seeing the full benefits of all of your work. Ready? Here we go!

To start, hover your mouse over “Create Marketing”. Select “Campaigns” and you will be brought to the campaigns in eEdge. If you have Pro or Business Suite, you will see more choices than people with the basic eEdge program.

If you haven’t set up any campaigns yet, here is what you will see:

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If you have set up some campaigns, it will look more like this:

Either way, click on the word “Advanced” on the top left side of the page. It’s right under “Build a New Campaign”.

When you click on “Advanced”, you will see the list of categories available to you. Each of these categories contain several marketing/prospecting plans.

Let’s start off by creating our drip campaign. The drip campaign is an email only campaign that is sent to people automatically. We use this with our “aSuspect” group.

First, select the “Market My Business: Sphere” category. It will expand the category and show you all of the campaigns in there.

Select the “33 Touch: On Your Side” option. (If you are a team, select the Team Option).

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This is an email only campaign, so you will only have 1 way of delivering this content, email. Other campaigns have direct mail components, and you would have to choose which method of delivery you prefer.

That’s all for Step 1, so now let’s go to the top right part of the page where we will see

the 4 steps we are going to go through. Click on and when you get

to Step 2, just skip it by clicking on again. There is nothing we can do in Step 2 that we can’t do in Step 3. We can, however, make a lot happen in Step 3.

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From Step 3, we can do all sorts of things!

First and foremost, we can rename the campaign. Let’s do that. As you can see, this campaign is called “33 Touch: On Your Side”. Regardless of what it’s named, we now know that is NOT a Keller Williams 33 Touch, and if we don’t change the name, that will get awfully confusing, so let’s call it what it really is: “Drip Campaign for aSuspects” This will be the campaign you use for anyone in your aSuspects Group.

Next, (if you choose to), you can look down the page, click on the images below each touch and see what your email will look like. You can also change the delivery date, email subject, and edit your content. (When you click on the little pencil all the way to the right, you will be brought to the same edit screen we were in when we created our own marketing materials.

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Now we can just click again; and we’re onto Step 4 “Add/Remove Contacts”. Here is where we can add (or remove) contacts to the campaign we just created. Contacts can be added individually, or you can add an entire group all at the same time.

First, select either the “contacts” or “groups” tab on the left side of the page. Next, put a check mark in the box to the left of the people and groups you want to add to this campaign. Since we are making a drip campaign here, follow these steps:

Click on Groups Click on aSuspects Click “Add” (when you do, the group selected will be added to the right side of the page) Click “Save Campaign” on the top right side of the page.

You will then see the illustration above. This indicates the name of the campaign, the amount of activities, when the next delivery date is, and how many contacts are on the campaign. If you want to rename, add or remove others, or edit the campaign, simple

click on the for the menu of available options.

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That’s it! You’ve just added all of the aSuspects in your database to the appropriate campaign! You’re on your way to finishing the system, so let’s move onto prospects, and then we will see how to set up 19 & 33 Touches.

As we learned earlier, our Buyer and Seller Prospects are put on 8x8 Campaigns. Let’s learn how to set up the 8x8’s for buyers and sellers. We will just walk you through the Buyer 8x8’s. Setting up the seller 8x8’s is identical, so it would be redundant to do both in this manual. You should, however, set up your seller 8x8’s at the same time you set up your buyer 8x8’s.

The 8x8’s are a little different than the rest of the campaigns. We may have to deliver them in a variety of ways based on the contact info we have. (Drip campaigns are always email and 19/33 Touch Campaigns are both email and direct mail) It’s safe to assume that it’s possible we won’t have all of the information for our prospects. As a result, we need to create 3 Buyer 8x8’s and 3 Seller 8x8’s to be prepared for all 3 possible ways of delivering the 8x8 to the prospect. (If you’re confused, don’t worry, it will be a lot clearer soon)

Let’s start by building a Buyer 8x8 for the aBuyer Prospects we only have an email address for….

Like all of the campaigns we build, the first 3 steps are the same….

1. Hover your mouse over “Create Marketing” in the main menu 2. Click on “Campaigns” 3. Click on “Advanced” in the top left corner.

This takes us to the categories for all of the campaigns. Buyer and Seller 8x8’s are in their own categories, so let’s click on “Market My Business: Buyers”

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There are 2 Buyer 8x8’s available for you. The first one “Now is the Time to Buy” is available as both email and postcard (or a mix of both, called “multi-channel”). The 2nd is called “Opportunity is Knocking” and it’s only available as an email campaign. The reason no postcards are available for this campaign is because there are videos on some of the touches, and there is no way to send a video as a postcard.

Since we are making an email campaign, we may as well take advantage of the video emails, so let’s click on “8x8 Buyer: Opportunity is Knocking”. A new window will appear.

We can choose how we want to deliver the campaign (direct mail, email, or multi-channel) In the campaign above, we can see the only way of this one being delivered is email, so the other 2 options do not appear.

Under that is the words “Campaign Elements”. If you click on that, you will see a preview of all of the touches in whatever campaign you are using. We don’t need to do

that, so let’s just go to the top right corner of the page and click . This will take us to Step 2.

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Step 2 is not of much use to us (it’s more commonly used if you select Basic instead of

Advanced when creating the campaign). Let’s just go ahead and click on and move on to Step 3.

Just like in the last campaign we built, our first step here is to change the name. Let’s name this one “Buyer 8x8 Email Version” since this is the Buyer 8x8 we will turn on for prospects that we only have an email address to communicate with them.

Again, you can click on the preview of the touch to see the email and video, you can also change the scheduled delivery date, and the email subject. Like before, I chose not to

mess with these things, so let’s just click on and move to the final Step.

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We are on the same screen that we saw in Step 4 when we made the drip campaign, but this time, we are NOT going to add anyone. Let’s just go to the top right corner and hit

the and get ready to start our 2nd Buyer 8x8 which will be for buyer prospects that we have only a home address for. This 8x8 will be a direct mail version of the 8x8 campaign.

To make the 2nd of our 3 Buyer 8x8’s, we will start off the same way as always:

1. Hover over “Create Marketing” in the main menu 2. Click on “Campaigns” 3. Click on “Advanced” on the top left side of the page. 4. Click on “Market My Business: Buyers”

From here, we will do only 1 thing different… we will select “8x8 Buyer: Now is the Time to Buy”. Unlike our last Buyer 8x8, this one has postcards as one of the options we can choose for delivery, so let’s go ahead and click the box in the “Direct Mail” box.

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By selecting that version, we are now setting up the “Buyer 8x8 Direct Mail Version”….

The steps from here are now identical to the last 8x8 we built:

1. Hit and go to step 2

2. Skip Step 2 by clicking and move on to step 3 3. At Step 3, rename your campaign “Buyer 8x8 Direct Mail Version” and then

click on

4. At Step 4, do not add anyone to the campaign. Just hit and move onto your final Buyer 8x8, which is the “Multi-Channel” version of the Buyer 8x8. This means that you have both the email address and the home address of the prospect, so you can now send 4 emails, 3 postcards, and 1 phone call (which is much more in line with a traditional Keller Williams 8x8). This version of the campaign is going to cost less than the Direct Mail 8x8 and be more effective than the Email version of the 8x8. This is the version we should strive to use. In order to use it, we need to get good at getting all of the prospect’s contact information, and there is no better way to do this than to JUST ASK.

By now, you’re probably getting the hang of this, so no pictures, just steps….

1. Hover over “Create Marketing” in the main menu 2. Click on “Campaigns” 3. Click on “Advanced” 4. Click on “Market My Business: Buyers” 5. Click on “8x8 Buyer: Now is the Time to Buy” 6. Click on “Next Step” 7. Click on Multi-Channel version 8. Skip Step 2 by clicking on “Next Step” 9. At Step 3, rename the campaign “Buyer 8x8 Multi-Channel” 10. Click on “Next Step” 11. At Step 4, do not add any contacts. Simply click on “Save Campaign”. We will

add the contacts to this campaign later.

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You’ve now completed all 3 of the necessary Buyer 8x8’s. All you need to do now is create the same 8x8’s for your sellers. It’s all the same steps, so follow the instructions above, but instead of clicking on the “Market My Business: Buyers” category, click on the “Market My Business: Sellers” category. You can use the top campaign “Here To Help You Sell” campaign for the direct mail and multi-channel versions of the Listing 8x8, and I really like the “Seller Secrets” campaign for the email version.


Remember, we still need to put our Buyer & Listing Prospects on the appropriate version of the 8x8, so let’s do that now, and then we can make our 19 and 33 Touch programs.

Adding people to the 8x8’s is simple, but can be time consuming if you have a lot of prospects. It will be worth your time, though, so let’s get started.

1. From the Main Menu, hover over “Contacts” 2. Select “Manage Groups” 3. Select the number to the right of “aBuyer Prospects” – This will take you to a

list of all of the contacts in your database in the “aBuyer Prospect” group.

Click on the first name in your list and go to that person’s details page (discussed in Part 2 of the course). When you get to the details page, scroll all the way to the bottom and look for the “Campaign” section.

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When you click on the word “Campaigns” the box will expand and you now have the ability to add, remove, and edit campaigns for this contact.

Click on “Add Contact to Campaigns and you will see a list of all of the campaigns you have activated so far. Check the box to the left of the 8x8 campaign that is most appropriate. In this case, since we are in the Buyer Prospects, we will need the Buyer 8x8 that matches the contact information we have for this contact:

• If we only have the contact’s Email address, select the “Buyer 8x8 Email” • If we only have the contact’s home address, select the “Buyer 8x8 Direct Mail” • If we have both addresses, select the “Buyer 8x8 Multi Channel”

Once you are done, scroll back to the top of the details page and click on “Next”. This will take you directly to the next buyer prospect. Do this for all of your buyer & seller prospects. When you are done, you will now have all of your prospects on an 8x8 and you’re 2/3 of the way done with setting up your lead generation system!

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The 33 Touch Campaign is, as we said earlier, the “king of the campaigns”. This is the campaign that will deliver you the most business and referrals. We need to make sure that it is set up to succeed. We have too much to lose by not having a PERFECT 33 Touch program, so let’s get started. This system will allow you to set up the perfect 33 Touch in a way that is so simple, you will easily be able to maintain it and never get confused or overwhelmed by what you need to do.

Just as a quick review, the 33 Touch Program is 12 emails, 12 direct mail post cards, 4 “Sphere Calls”, 4 hand written follow-up notes, and a birthday touch.

We will build 2 “12 Direct” campaigns. The first will take care of the 12 Emails automatically, and the 2nd will take care of the 12 Direct Mail pieces automatically. In other words, 24 of our 33 Touches will be handled directly by eEdge for us. We will just need to keep track of the birthday, phone calls, and hand written notes (and don’t worry, we have a system for those parts as well)


You will see this is done using the same steps as all of the other campaigns we built, so again, I will list the step without any photos here:

1. Hover over “Create Marketing” in the main menu 2. Click on “Campaigns” 3. Click on “Advanced” 4. Click on “Market My Business: Sphere” 5. Click on “12 Direct: This Month in Real Estate (Newsletter Version)” 6. Choose the “Email version” (It’s the only one available) 7. Click on “Next Step” 8. Skip Step 2 by clicking on “Next Step” 9. At Step 3, rename the campaign “33 Touch – Email Portion” 10. Click on “Next Step” 11. At Step 4, click on “Groups” 12. Select the box to the left of “aSphere33” 13. Click “ADD” 14. Click “Save Campaign”

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That was pretty painless, right? Let’s keep going and make the 2nd 12 Direct Campaign that we will need…. This will automate our 12 direct mail post cards. It should be no surprise now that the steps to create this campaign are the same as all the others, let’s list the steps….

1. Hover over “Create Marketing” in the main menu 2. Click on “Campaigns” 3. Click on “Advanced” 4. Click on “Market My Business: Sphere” 5. Click on “12 Direct: Seasonal Tips” If you have Pro or Business Suite, there

are several other 12 Directs you can choose from as well. 6. Choose the “Email version” (It’s the only one available) 7. Click on “Next Step” 8. Skip Step 2 by clicking on “Next Step” 9. At Step 3, rename the campaign “33 Touch – Direct Mail Portion” 10. Click on “Next Step” 11. At Step 4, click on “Groups” 12. Select the box to the left of “aSphere33” 13. Click “ADD” 14. Click “Save Campaign”


Now that those 2 steps are done, we have taken care of 24 of our 33 touches. The next easiest step to handle is the birthday reminder. As we discussed in Part 2 of this course, the easiest way to get your birthday reminders under control is to add them to your calendar (such as your phone’s calendar or Gmail). Remember the following 2 tips:

1. Make sure you set the birthdays as a “recurring event” so they repeat automatically every year for you.

2. Set a reminder for the event. The amount of time for the reminder should reflect upon how much time you will need to do what you need to do for the contact’s birthday. In other words, if you’re going to call, email, or text the contact, just set the reminder for the same day as the birthday, but if you need time to buy and send a card or gift, make sure your reminder is about a week BEFORE the actual birthday.

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The steps and the scripts for your phone calls and your follow-up notes is back on pages 8 and 9 of this manual.

Assuming you have already done that, you should have a list of all of your Sphere 33 people that is broken down into weekly groups. If you did the math correctly, you should finish the last group of people on your list exactly 3 months from when you called the first group. That works out perfectly, as it’s now time to start calling the 1st group again.

To do that, just throw away the list you’ve been working on for the last 3 months and revisit pages 8 and 9 of this manual to redo your math and print your new list for the next 3 months.

This is something you will do every 3 months for the rest of your Real Estate Career.

The follow up notes are simple. As soon as you finish talking to a person from your list, take out a note card and immediately write the hand written follow-up note. Again, scripts for your notes are on page 9 of this manual.

That’s it! You’ve created your “king of campaigns” and you should now see how easy it is to stay on top of it. Now it’s up to you to just make your calls and send out your notes.


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I’m sure you’ve already figured this out, but the 19 Touch is pretty much the same as the 33 Touch, except the math is a little different for the phone calls (we are multiplying by 2 instead of by 4) See page 8-9 for more on the phone calls.

The other big difference is that we don’t need to build 2 – 12 Directs for the 19 Touch, we just need to build one, the Email 12 Direct. We will use the exact same Email 12 Direct we used for the 33 Touch Campaign.

1. Hover over “Create Marketing” in the main menu 2. Click on “Campaigns” 3. Click on “Advanced” 4. Click on “Market My Business: Sphere” 5. Click on “12 Direct: This Month in Real Estate (Newsletter Version) 6. Choose the “Email version” (It’s the only one available) 7. Click on “Next Step” 8. Skip Step 2 by clicking on “Next Step” 9. At Step 3, rename the campaign “19 Touch” 10. Click on “Next Step” 11. At Step 4, click on “Groups” 12. Select the box to the left of “aSphere19” 13. Click “ADD” 14. Click “Save Campaign”

OK, that takes care of the 12 emails. We already took care of the 2 phone calls and 2 hand written follow-up notes. All that’s left is the 2 post cards, and there are 2 options for this one.

1. Set 2 recurring reminders (just like you did with your birthday reminders) to send out a postcard in July and another one in December. You can create them right in eEdge. You can then use eEdge to mail them out for you as well! Just select the “aSphere19” group and order the postcards right from the “Marketing Materials” section of eEdge. (This is the easiest way, and I recommend this is the option you use)

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2. The 2nd option is to turn on a Direct Mail 12 Direct and turn off all but 2 of the postcards in the campaign. You can then change the delivery dates of the 2 post cards you choose so they are sent in July and December. This option requires you to remember to re-set the campaign every single year, and since it’s only 2 post cards, you may want to just use option 1 instead.

Regardless of the method you choose for your 2 postcards, that’s the last step to setting up your 19 Touch Campaign.

We have now set up all of your campaigns, and if you built your database and lead generation campaigns using the instructions in sections 2 and 3 of this course, you will now have a 100% fully operational marketing system set up for every single person in your database. All you need to do now is commit to your lead generation, learn your scripts, and most important… MAKE YOUR PHONE CALLS!

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Finally, just remember that as you move forward from this day, any new person that you add to your database will need to have the campaign manually added!

To do this, make sure you click on the word “Campaigns” after you add your new contact. Then, select the “Add Contact to Campaign” link. When you do, all of the campaigns you have active will appear. You now just need to click in the box (or in the case of a 33 Touch, boxes) of the campaign you are turning on for the new contact.

Click on “Add Campaigns” and you’re all done. You have successfully added this contact to the appropriate campaigns.

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