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You’re a leading telecoms business with a leading reputation. We’re a leading software house with a leading digital engagement solution. Together, we’ll give your customers a truly market-leading experience.


Who we are

We’re Parker Software, and we build digital bridges. More than that, we help your business cross those bridges faster than ever before possible. We do that with a single channel solution that works across your entire digital operation – uniting all your channels under one umbrella and unlocking thousands of new efficiencies.

Disparate digital platforms belong to yesterday’s tech scene. We’ve eliminated the need for your business to have separate software to manage web analytics, separate software for live chat, for support ticketing, social media management, lead generation, CRM integration, business process automation, etc., etc., etc. Even reading that long list seems unnecessarily convoluted, doesn’t it?

Well, we offer synchronisation. The mess of relying on multiple solutions is no more; instead, we’ve created a single, simplifying suite that covers your digital transformation from every angle. So far, we’re delivering cutting-edge digital transformation to over 10,000 businesses in over 100 countries. We’d love you to be our next next-gen success story.

What we do

It’s our mission to optimise your entire digital operation. That means taking the time to get to know your business, analyse your online pain points and tailor our software to meet your requirements.

So, the first thing we do is get to grips with your digital goals. Only then do we put together a specific solution – adding value where you need it most and turning missed opportunity into ROI.

Naturally, that means delivering a fully managed service. We custom configure your package. We help you install. We help you integrate. We provide training. We deliver on premise, remotely or in the cloud. We’re there to deliver regular health checks and mission critical support. And of course, all this support and expertise comes with the sharpest digital engagement edge that technology can offer.

In short, we’re your 360° digital transformation partner, and we’ve got all your needs covered.

Parker Software and the

Currently unlocking efficiencies for

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The technical support from Parker Software is phenomenal! They are fast, efficient and friendly. It is extremely easy to have a good partnership when things are going well and there are no problems, but entirely different when issues arise. Parker Software has proven time and again that it cares even after a sale.Schneider Electric

The competition is fierce. The boom in available utilities and communications options, coupled with the increasing ease of comparing prices and switching providers, is making service the key differentiator.

Incremental service efforts are unlikely to help. Instead, forward-thinking telecoms providers are looking to redefine their relationship with customers – and that’s just where we come in. Now with a single, all-encompassing suite, we offer:

In the rapidly shifting telecoms landscape, where new technologies drive change week in, week out, small steps toward digitisation simply aren’t enough. For telecoms operators, the challenges of the digital era are manifold. Web-based communication tools are reducing traditional SMS and telephone profits, and the struggle to avoid becoming simple data channels is intensifying.

Our services

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Visitor tracking

Ticking away 24/7 behind your website, our software monitors specific real-time website events such as number of page views, length of time on site and specific landing pages. It can detect visitor location, GEO IP and business identity. It can tell you which browser and OS visitors are using, what they’re viewing and how long for.

For telecoms providers, that means a unique, live insight into your visitor’s online experience. You can see the route they’ve followed, their interest in a particular offering and their path to purchase. And of course, you also get the knowledge you need to optimise your site around popular pages and products.

Intelligent communication automation

In the telecoms industry, location has a huge impact on available offers. Operators have to be equipped to manage multiple global connections, whilst simultaneously catering for localised needs. So, to prevent any possible communication barriers, our software speaks over 40 languages, translating chats in real-time for instant understanding.

As well as that, our suite also offers keyword based intelligent canned responses, scanning dialog for keywords and suggesting pre-written, approved responses for fast resolutions to common queries. The end result? Significant savings on cost, time, and ultimately a far happier customer engagement experience.

Live chat

You wouldn’t ignore a customer in your store, would you? You’d be there to talk them through all the best deals, offer advice and support, and find the package that works best for them. Well, not only does our live visitor tracking allow you to target the right visitor at the right time, our live chat software allows you to engage with those visitors and guide them through the sales process.

With our suite, you can see what your visitors are reading online, as they read it. You can then proactively reach out with assistance, providing relevant information, advising, cross-selling and upselling, and generally offering the service you’d only otherwise be able to offer in your physical premises.

Support desk

Support is an integral part of our suite. Your operators have the ability to transfer chats, enabling them to redirect to a manager or more relevant department such as sales, service, or accounts. Not only are you further improving the online customer journey and overall customer satisfaction by doing this – you’re also mirroring the level of service the customer would receive instore.

Even better, your team now has the capacity to handle multiple support requests at once. A well trained live chat agent can handle up to 6-8 customers at once – hugely freeing up resources in telephony centres. Support more customers, in a more efficient way, in less time, at less cost.

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Tailored customer experiences

We’ve made personalised online customer treatment pain-free. Using our advanced tracking software, you can connect with your potential customers specifically and strategically.

So, for example, you could dynamically surface relevant reviews when a visitor views a particular offer. You could reveal persuasive visitor information, such as how many other people are currently viewing a popular deal. You could display targeted banners based on the visitor’s location, offer live concierge support, show timely pop-ups to prevent shopping cart abandonment… the list is extensive.

Prospect detection

Traditionally, any potential customers browsing your website would remain hidden unless they choose to get in touch. Well, not with our suite. Our prospect detection software gathers data on your visitors, ascertaining their level of interest in your site and providing key contact data in real-time.

In terms of acquisition, this means you can establish a consistent stream of valuable customer data and drive more conversions. But the impact on customer service is also substantial. By initiating a dialog with those formerly inaccessible prospects, you can offer reassurance, provide answers to questions, and if necessary suggest a call to discuss things further. In the competitive telecoms landscape, this level of customer attention can make a real difference to securing new business and retaining existing clients.

Web analytics

Comprehensive web reports are part and parcel of our solution, issued on both a daily and monthly basis. With 80 static reports or an unlimited number of custom reports, we give you all the information you need to understand your client base and its behaviour.

For your telecoms business, that means detailed reporting on entry pages, abandonment points, navigation paths and campaign performance, enabling you to refine marketing initiatives in real-time. Get savvy.

Social media monitoring

Want to see what people are tweeting about your industry and your competitors? How about sentiment analysis on the things people are saying about your business on social media? What if that same software could also pick up and process all your inbound social media messages? Well, our suite has eyes everywhere, and it’s got all those things covered.

Our software can send social data to your CRM, reply intelligently, post automatic or scheduled updates and create custom reports. With a single piece of software, you have an all-encompassing view of your business and the telecoms market that is alert 24/7. Not only is your finger on the pulse: you’re measuring, recording and reacting to that pulse as it beats.

Absolutely no better way to interact with our online customers instantly, an amazing application for our existing customers services support service!


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Business process automation

Forget tedious admin. Our suite takes monotonous manual tasks out of your hands, running sophisticated automation processes to save you time, money, and eliminate human error.

We process your emails, your incoming messages and all your purchase orders, whilst simultaneously updating your CRM. We automatically contact your customers when we’ve received their order, and we update them when their order is ready. We can even automate the entire logistics and communication process on your behalf. Seriously, let us take a load off.

All-inclusive integrations

You want an across the board solution. With our suite, you’ve got one. We offer thousands of different process combinations and integrations, including Dynamics and Salesforce CRMs, Microsoft Exchange & SQL Server, Amazon Web Services, Windows Azure, Office 365 and Bing Translate… you name it, we integrate.

The impact is huge. You get emails straight to your database. You get messages automatically synced to your CRM, to your email system and to SharePoint. In a word, you get cohesion. And don’t forget: all this syncing is done automatically, instantly and quietly in the background. We touch all bases so that you don’t have to.

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We looked at a number of providers and found Parker Software to be more advanced.Aviva

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I would certainly recommend Parker Software to anyone who has a customer facing website, the software is functional, easy to use and can only help your business improve its customer service.Centerplate

We’ve been specialising in digital engagement solutions since 2003, making us a front runner with a wealth of expertise and industry innovation behind us. Investing in our suite means that you also get US and UK based sales and support, consultancy days, health checks, audits and training, not to mention a wealth of knowledge. We’re an authority in our field, putting you in safe hands.

That’s not to mention the fact that the sheer scale of our suite’s capabilities make it uniquely advanced. No other provider can match our offering – in terms of expertise and expanse alike. Choose the option that’s light years ahead.

This list only scratches the surface of what our software delivers. With one suite, we can offer your business thousands of digital synergies. And if you haven’t seen the feature you’d like, just let us know – our tech team loves a new challenge.

Why we’re different

Not only has Parker Software streamlined processes and efficiencies in order for us to stay competitive, they have also improved both the customer journey and staff engagement.autonet

UK: +44 (0)330 0882 943

US: (800) 680 7712

[email protected]

UK address

Parker Software LimitedVictoria Business ParkProspect WayKnypersleyStoke on TrentST8 7PLUnited Kingdom

USA address

Parker Software Inc.4767 New Broad StreetBaldwin ParkOrlandoFlorida32814United States