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  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    James CalhoonPortfolio

  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    James Woody Faw Calhoon4617 Lanser rd.


    [email protected]


  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    Table of Contents1. Brochure2. Montage3. Imaging4. Flyer5. Event Ad6. Logos7. Business Card8. Stationary9. Web Page

  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    BrochureTitle: Welcome to RaptureDescription: Mock brochure for graphic design class.

    Programs: Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop

    Date: 13 July 2013

    Course: Comm 130

    Instructor: Eric Lybbert

    Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded document.

    Create an original company logo and use it in a brochure.

    Incorporate quality images.

    Process: This was one of my favorite projects to do because I love thesubject matter so much. However, I will admit that this was not myoriginal idea. Originally, I was going to do a brochure for S.H.I.E.L.D. the

    government group from the Marvel comics and movies. For this brochurethings started off with me just grabbing pictures and wallpapers fromBioshockandtryingtogureoutthebestwaytheywouldworktogether.Afterthatcamethehardestpart,ndingoutwheretoputthetext,aftermessing around for a couple of hours I decided on its current position.Im not entirely happy with how it looks, but it gets the job done. Themost helpful tip I got from the peer review was switching the fonts of theheading and body copy, so the body copy would be easier to read on thecityscape background.

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  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    MontageTitle: The Leader

    Description: Image montage created for grapghics design class.

    Programs: Adobe Photoshop

    Date: 1 June 2013

    Course: Comm 130

    Instructor: Eric Lybbert


    Learn to manage Photoshop layers.

    Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks.


    Apply appropriate typography.

    Process: I began this process quite differently as I had originally messed

    up and just had a plain black background instead of another image,butIxedthatassoonaspossible.Asfortheprocessusedincreatingthis image; all three images were taken off of Google and inserted intoPhotoshop for editing, some of them did need cropping such as thebackgroundimagetomakeittbetterandtheAutobotinsigniawhichhadtherstlmsreleasedateattachedtoit.AsforthemaskingIwantedto look like Optimus Prime was fading into the Earth a little bit. Themasking on the Autobot symbol is actually on two places; I wanted to makeit look like it was fading into the image from both the top right and bottom

    leftandIthinkIsucceededinthat.AsforthelterIwastoldtouseIjustsharpened the planet in the background a little bit, not too much, becauseIdidntwantaltermessingwiththeimage.Finally,forthequote;thefont is taken from and is actually the font used in the title fortheTransformerslmseries.ThecontrastIchosetousewasenlargingtheword ALL in his quote. The quote actually comes from the toy packagingbio used on the original Optimus Prime toy released in 1984 and the liveaction incarnation of Optimus (pictured here) used the same line in therstlmreleasedin2007.

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  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    ImagingTitle: The Controller

    Description: Photograpgh used to demonstrate editing skills in Photoshop.

    Programs: Adobe Photoshop

    Date: 25 May 2013

    Course: Comm 130

    Instructor: Eric Lybbert


    Learn basic photography skills.

    Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it.

    Size and crop the image.

    Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels.

    Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of the image.

    Desaturate the selected portion of the image.


    Process: I found this project to be very easy since I use Photoshop frequentyo create an online photo-comic. For this project I began by taking acarefully created photo of the controller against my window. I wanted to usthatspeciccompositionsothatthecontrollerwasntdeadcenterandtherwasjustalittlebitoflightreectingoffit.Iwilladmitthatwheneditingbegan I had a little trouble because, for some reason, Photoshop continued

    removing my crop. As for the image I selected the controller and invertedsothat,instead,Ihadtheentireimageexceptforthecontrollerselected.I then chose to desaturate the background before re-inverting so I had thecontrolleragain.Next,IappliedtheGlowingEdgesFilterintheStylizefolder. I know this does not create great contrast between the controller anthe background, but it highlights the controllers buttons which is the look wanted. I will say Brother Libbert had to help me with the sizing, but in thend, I think I got it.

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  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    FlyerTitle: Career Conference


    Programs: Adobe InDesign

    Date: 10 May 2013

    Course: Comm 130

    Instructor: Eric Lybbert




    Retrieve image and logo from links on this page.

    Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keeplinks intact.

    Process:Theprocessofmakingthisierwasalongansstrenuousone.I have never used InDesign before now and found the process to be verytedious. I began the project by drawing out rough sketches of what I wantethe projects rough draft to look like. While creating the rough draft IexperimentedwithanumberofideaswhilelearninghowtousetheprograThemostfrustratingwastherectangletoolasthereisnowayIcouldndtoeasilychangethellcolors.Afterhavingmyroughdraftreviewedbymclassmates and friends I decided to start from scratch and sketched out sonewideasforthenalproject.Finally,IusedsomeofthetipsIpickedup


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  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    Event AdTitle: Haloween Trunk or Treat

    Description: Trunk or Treat ad designed for a grapghics and design class.

    Programs: Microsoft Word

    Date: 18 May 2013

    Course: Comm 130

    Instructior: Eric Lybbert


    Find, scan and import a high-quality image.

    Create a full-bleed design.


    Insert and edit images in Word.

    Process: This is probably one of the most frustrating projects I have ever ha

    to do for a class. I began by coming up with an idea to do the ad for a sale ata Halloween store. (I would later learn that this wasnt what the project waasking for, so I had to start from scratch.) In order to scan in the necessaryimageIhadtogooutandndourlocalAlphGraphicsstorebecauseallthescanners on campus were either unplugged or undergoing maintenance.

    After getting a critique on the rough draft I basically had to start fromscratch since, as I said before, I misunderstood the assignment. I found thenaldraftmucheasiertocreatesinceitdidnotinvolvenearlyasmuchtexMynalgrievancewiththisprojectisthat,afterspendingtwohoursand

    notbeingabletondanyhelponline,Iamunabletoxthemarginsonthiimage to make it a full bleed. So, if I have to have points knocked off for thaIreallydontcareanymore;IspenttwotothreehourstryingtoxitandWordwouldntdoitwithoutcuttingouthalftheier.

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  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    LogosTitle: Calhoon Carpentry

    Description: Logos created for my fathers home improvement business.

    Programs: Adobe Illustrator

    Date: 8 June 2013

    Course: Comm 130

    Instructor: Eric Lybbert



    Use the basic tools of Illustrator.

    Process:Ifoundthisprojectextremelydifculttodoatrst,becauseIdidnt know tracing was a thing you can do. I began by sketching out a fewdesignsforwhatIwanted,butIfoundthemverydifculttodoandmyrough drafts turned out very different. I learned a lot of tips during the

    roughdraftcritiquesthathelpedmexmostoftheoriginalproblemsandit was someone in my group who suggested I do the nails being driven intotheunderlineintherstlogo.Asforthelogothemselves,therstoneIlike the most, but the reason it is completely black is because my dad hasa thing for silhouettes, so I did that for him. The second one has the bigred C because that is my dads favorite color, and the third one has thosecolors because theyre the colors of the High School my dad also works at.

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  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    Business CardTitle: Calhoon Carpentry Business Card

    Description: Business card for my fathers home improvement company.

    Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop

    Date: 15 June 2013

    Course: Comm 130

    Instructor: Eric Lybbert



    Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.

    Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign.

    Process: I actually found this project to be much easier than the previousone because I actually knew how to trace items using illustrator. I startedthisprojectbysketchingoutafewmoredesignsbasedontherstlogo

    fromthepreviousprojectbecauseitwasmyfavoritebeforeInallysettledon the design with the saw blade. I than used the trace feature and whatwe learned about bending path curves to get the blade just right. After theclasss rough draft review I decided to go and rearrange a few parts on theletterheadandmoveallthetextonthebusinesscardovertothebottomleIwilladmit,itprobablywouldbeabetterideatomoveallthetextovertothe right alignment, but Ill stick with this. Finally, I decided to keep theseblack silhouette because that happens to be what my father prefers.

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  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    LetterheadTitle: Calhoon Carpentry Letterhead

    Description: Leterhead created for my fathers small business.

    Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop

    Date: 15 June 2013

    Course: Comm 130

    Instructor: Eric Lybbert



    Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.

    Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign.

    Process: I actually found this project to be much easier than the previousone because I actually knew how to trace items using illustrator. I startedthisprojectbysketchingoutafewmoredesignsbasedontherstlogo

    fromthepreviousprojectbecauseitwasmyfavoritebeforeInallysettledon the design with the saw blade. I than used the trace feature and whatwe learned about bending path curves to get the blade just right. After theclasss rough draft review I decided to go and rearrange a few parts on theletterheadandmoveallthetextonthebusinesscardovertothebottomleft,Iwilladmit,itprobablywouldbeabetterideatomoveallthetextover to the right alignment, but Ill stick with this. Finally, I decided tokeep these in black silhouette because that happens to be what my fatherprefers.

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  • 7/28/2019 p 9 Woody Calhoon Portfolio


    Web PageTitle: Logos Website

    Description: Webpage created to showcse one of my logos.

    Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Notepad++

    Date: 29 June 2013

    Course: Comm 130

    Instructor: Eric Lybbert


    Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page.

    Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how itappeals to a target audience.

    Design a web page using HTML to display the logo and content.

    Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and basic understanding of CSS

    Identifyhexcolorsforwebdesign. Compressmultiplelesinazippedfoldertoattachasonele.

    Process: This was actually an easy project for me. I took a web design classmyrstsemesterhereanditturnedoutIrememberedmoreaboutHTMLCSS than I had thought which I am happy about. There isnt really anythinspecialaboutthisprojectexceptforthebackground;thelogocamefromanearlierprojectandtherestisjusttextthatisself-explanatorybyreadingiThe idea for the background came from my review group; originally it was


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