Download - Our Lady of Lourdes · 04.08.2019  · Our Lady of Lourdes 7049 Blue Ridge Blvd. Raytown, Missouri 64133 [email protected] 816-353-2380 (Priest Emergency—816-356-3700) August

Page 1: Our Lady of Lourdes · 04.08.2019  · Our Lady of Lourdes 7049 Blue Ridge Blvd. Raytown, Missouri 64133 816-353-2380 (Priest Emergency—816-356-3700) August

Our Lady of Lourdes 7049 Blue Ridge Blvd. Raytown, Missouri 64133 [email protected] 816-353-2380 (Priest Emergency—816-356-3700) August 4, 2019

Parish Mass Schedule

Sunday Mass

8:00 am & 11:00 am

Confession ~ Saturday ~ @ St. Bernadette 3-3:30 pm

Devotion to Sacred Heart

& Benediction

~ Wednesday ~

6:00 & 6:20 pm

Parish Rosary

30 Minutes Before each Mass

Regular Parish

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

9:30 am to 3:00 pm


9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Deadline for Bulletin submission is 10 days prior to Bulletin date .

9300 E. 75 th Raytown, MO 64138

816-356-0054 [email protected]


We continue to collect non parishable items to give to REAP. The container is in the vestibule (area on Blue Ridge side of church).

Pastor Fr. David Holloway ~ 816-356-3700 ~ [email protected]

Rev. Philip Luebbert ~ [email protected]

Deacon Richard Gross ~ Cell 816-679-8974 ~ [email protected]

Deacon Joe Zagar ~ Cell 816-304-3020 ~ [email protected]

Page 2: Our Lady of Lourdes · 04.08.2019  · Our Lady of Lourdes 7049 Blue Ridge Blvd. Raytown, Missouri 64133 816-353-2380 (Priest Emergency—816-356-3700) August

Our Lady of Lourdes Page 2 Raytown, Missouri

Staff Members

Parish Secretary—Cathy Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(816-353-2380)

Adoration Chapel—Mother Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(816-353-2177)

Buildings & Grounds—Gerry Sharkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (816-686-9477)

Parish Hall Rental—Tom Blosser. . . . . . . . .Call Parish Office for availability

Bookkeeper—Anita Helgenberger, OSB. . . . . . [email protected]

PSR Leader —Mother Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(816-353-2177)

Catechis of the Good Shepherd—Wanda DeMoss. . . . [email protected]

Please direct Parish Council communications to either Deacon Richard

Gross or Deacon Joe Zagar.

Classes RCIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sundays after 11 am Mass. . . . . . . Contact the Office

PSR & Sacramental Prep Classes . . . Enrollment Open. . . .Contact the Office

Report Abuse Diocesan Diocesan Ombudsman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (816-812-2500)

Victim Advocate

Kathleen Chastain ………………………[email protected] (816-392-0011)

Newsletter Submittals

Committee/Organization information, birthday/anniversary, and news. Please

send to [email protected] or bring to the parish office by the 20th of each


From Father Holloway

Dear Parishioners, When a Navy ship sets sail the crew must secure for sea. That means all lose gear (gear adrift as we referred to it) is to be put in the storage places it belongs as well as ensuring that items aren’t going to slide around. It can be quite terrifying if a large piece of equipment or even a small cart starts moving around due to the pitch and roll of the ship. On land we might not have the same concerns. I was stationed in California and Japan and did make sure however that in case of earthquake the cabinets and small items wouldn’t go flying around. We like to be secure in our life. Yet we know that won’t always be the case, life isn’t always secure despite our best efforts. There is nothing wrong with doing those things to take care of ourselves but as in the case of the Gospel today be mindful that our real security lies with our relationship with God.

I will be on vacation, in Alaska, from August 9th until August 19th.

God Bless,

Fr. Dave

Baptism~ Please contact the parish office in advance for baptism preparation Information.

Marriages~ Arrangements are to be made through the parish office at least nine months in advance, but a year is preferred. You must be a registered, practicing, contributing member of the parish.

Bulletin~ Deadline for submissions is Monday, 10 am, for the next Sunday’s edition. NOTE: Please submit at least four days earlier for holiday bulletins.

New Parishioners ~ Welcome! Please pick up a registration form in the back of church or stop by the office to ensure we have your information. We are glad you are here. Call the office for sacrament inquiries.

The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combatting sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.392.3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and 3. After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Joe Crayon, at 816.812.2500 or [email protected], if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.

The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact the Victim Advocate, Kathleen Chastain, at 816.392.0011 or [email protected] for more information.

Our Lady of Lourdes Update

Join the Trusted Servants for First Sunday

in the Parish Hall and bring your items for

the garage sale! We will accept items from

Noon until 2pm. Please be able or bring

someone capable of helping to carry the

items up to the Parish Hall attic.

Questions? Call Katei Gross at 816-547-

0016 or email to [email protected].

Go to and click the ‘Give Now’ button then follow the instructions. If you need help call the office at 816-353-2380.

Page 3: Our Lady of Lourdes · 04.08.2019  · Our Lady of Lourdes 7049 Blue Ridge Blvd. Raytown, Missouri 64133 816-353-2380 (Priest Emergency—816-356-3700) August

Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 3 August 4, 2019

What’s Happening This Week . . . . . . . Aug 4— Aug 11

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament available 24 hrs. every day

† Aug 04 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

† Friendship Sunday

† Aug 07 Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 6:00 pm † Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 6:20 pm † OLL Choir Practice ~ 6:30 pm

† AFF evening ~ TBA

† Aug 11 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

What’s Coming Up . . .

† August 17-18 ~ Vist from Homebound ~ guest priest

† September 8 ~ RCIA Classes begin after 11 am mass

† September 14 ~ Eucharistic Adoration Conference @ Coronation

† September 15 ~ Catechesis of the Good Shepherd begins

† September 27-29 ~ OLL Garage Sale –Watch bulletin for details

~ August 4 ~

Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Eccl. 1:2, 2:21-23; Ps 90; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21

8:00 am Mass

Lectors ~ Debbie Sommer & Stephanie Eads Extraordinary Ministers ~ John & Connie Wood

11:00 am Mass Lectors ~ Debbie Sommer & Stephanie Eads Extraordinary Ministers ~ Debbie Sommer & Sherri Williamson

~ August 11 ~ Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Wis. 18:6-9; Ps 33; Heb 11: 1-2, 8-19; Lk 12:32-48

8:00 am Mass

Lectors ~ Sr. Damiana & Stephanie Ward Extraordinary Ministers ~ Ralph Hodapp & Jean Brogdon

11:00 am Mass Lectors ~ Karen Arredondo & Mindy Zagar

Extraordinary Ministers ~ Mindy Zagar &

Sherri Williamson

Sunday, August 4

8:00 am Peggy Quinn † 11:00 am Charles Mooney †

Sunday, August 11

8:00 am Peggy Quinn † 11:00 am Charles Mooney †

Sunday, August 18

8:00 am Robert Slusher

11:00 am Steve Hollo

Sunday, August 25 8:00 am Trusted Servants 11:00 am Monthly Memorial

Sunday, September 1

8:00 am Charles Mooney † 11:00 am Robert Slusher

Mass intention cards are in a basket at the back of

the church or you can call the parish office to request a mass to be said for a family member or

loved one.

Please remember in your prayers those

who have died.

May they rest in peace.

† Denotes Deceased

L/D Living & Deceased

StB ~ St. Bernadette


The Adoration Chapel continues to go well.

THANK YOU to all of our ADORERS who take

part or help cover for someone that cannot make it

to their adoration time.

We have a couple parishioners that just help to cover

times but it would be nice to have a couple others. Are YOU willing to be put on our ‘CALL’ list? Only taking a time to cover when you are available? Contact Mother @ 816-353-2177

July 28, 2019

Envelopes: Checks: $ 1,309.00 Cash: $ 402.00 Plate: Checks: $ 225.55 Cash: $ 305.00

Total:$ 2,241.55

Charity $ 51.00 Mission ~ $763.83 Maintenance ~ $50.00


AMAZON SMILE ~ Many of us will be purchasing back to school

supplies to donate to the Catholic Charities School Supply Drive or for

our own children. New clothes and other school necessities are

also surely on your lists. Remember that you can support Catholic

Charities each time you order from Amazon simply by signing into your

regular Amazon account at Each

time you use the link, Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to

Catholic Charities KCSJ. Please contact Nancy Butters, Development

Manager at [email protected] or 816-659-8266 for more


Page 4: Our Lady of Lourdes · 04.08.2019  · Our Lady of Lourdes 7049 Blue Ridge Blvd. Raytown, Missouri 64133 816-353-2380 (Priest Emergency—816-356-3700) August

Our Lady of Lourdes Page 4 Raytown, Missouri

Stewardship Bulletin Reflection: August 4, 2019 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eccl. 1:2, 2:21-23; Ps 90; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 Today’s Gospel passage comes as a

pat on the back from Heaven for all

of us striving to live a stewardship

way of life. It reminds us why we

live the way we do and why we

make the choices we make. Let’s

face it, if we truly embrace this way

of life, there will be people who find

our choices — based on serving

God and others — downright

foolish. But let’s see what God

thinks. Spoiler alert: turns out

Christian stewards are not the fools!

In this passage, Jesus makes it clear that life is not about “stuff” as he tells the

parable of the wealthy businessman who thought he had everything figured out.

The man had such an abundance of stuff that he didn’t have room to store it all.

So, thinking of earthly things and not on what is above, he decided to build a

bigger place to store all that stuff. Patting himself on the back, he thought about

what good times he would have in the years ahead. But, Jesus tells us that day

would turn out to be the man’s last day on the earth. And he had spent it thinking

only of himself. How foolish! Don’t be ashamed of living differently from the people around you. Be confident

as you set priorities based on what is above. You are wise in God’s eyes,

Christian steward. And you will be rich in what matters most.

Please keep the following Parishioners in your prayers :

Gwen Ashby; The Brooks Family; Marge

Campbell; Margaret Curry; Grace Diaz; Kay

Flanagan; Greta Hauer; Dolores Hopfinger;

Richard Hornbeck; Henry Hoss; Mary Hugunin;

Regina Jones; Harold & Dorothy Klote;

Howard Koesterer; Fr. Phil Luebbert; Tom &

Doris Mauer; Ann Monaco; Sylvia Mooney;

Tom O’Brien; Mary O’Leary; Doris

Panagakos; Lorraine Powers; James Rouchka;

Bill & Catherine Schroder; Kathy Sommer;

Cindy Sweetland; Pam Thurston; Cynthia Todd;

Larry & Theresa Tholl; Steve & Jocelyn Webb;

Louise Weber; James Westhusing; Lisa Witte;

Sheila & Pete Zegers

Contact the parish office at 816-353-2380 to add or remove names from our prayer list.

Bold = Newly added

Continue to Pray for the following Family & Friends

Phillip Beck; Bill Briggs; Emma Brown;

Audrey Casassa; Michael Crews; Margaret

Dale; Eric Davis; Barbara Fightmaster (sister-

in-law to Regina Jones);Marcia Felici; Georgia

Gerling; Peter Graeff; Ryan Hancock; Shirley

Hill; Amy Jesaetis; Bonnie Jones; Michelle

Kaiser; Tom Kilgore (brother to Cathy

Gordon); Kathy & Don Lee; Richard

Lorimer; Crescentia Luetkemeyer (Friend to

Cindy Sweetland); Lana Martinez; Bob

Slusher; Clyde Styron (Father to friend);

Vicky Wright (Sister to Patty Vest); Ruby

Turner (Mother to Cindy Sweetland); Jim

Underwood; Phyllis Weber; David Zegers;

Robert Zegers.

As a parish family, we at Our Lady of Lourdes pray for all the members of our parish, especially for our parishioners’ family members serving in the military:

Tyler Griggs, Buck Roberts,Cathy Roberts,

& Jason Webb

Christian Sympathies

We pray for God's blessing of comfort and peace for the family and friends of parishioners Howard Koesterer & Monica Hancock as they were called to their Heavenly home earlier this month.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

May God give them the comfort and peace that they seek

and may the soul of their loved ones rest in peace’

Grounds & Keys Update ~ Gerry Sharkey has been our key master for the parish and has now been assigned as our ‘building and grounds’ manager. Please contact Gerry at (816-686-9477) if you have any grounds or key issues and he will assist you as needed.

August 17 & 18 Formally CFCA (Christian Foundation for Children and Aging

Fr. LaVerne “Pike” Thomas with “Unbound” will be visiting both Our Lady of Lourdes &

St. Bernadette offering the mass.

We would like you to bring in YOUR PHOTOS of your sponsored children or elders to borrow with a little information about your experiences. We will be putting together a large poster board so that we can share with other parishioners at the back of the church. This is a good way to show others how rewarding it is to be a part of this wonderful sponsorship program.

Please contact the office if you are willing to share your photo by August 12th

Page 5: Our Lady of Lourdes · 04.08.2019  · Our Lady of Lourdes 7049 Blue Ridge Blvd. Raytown, Missouri 64133 816-353-2380 (Priest Emergency—816-356-3700) August

Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 5 August 4, 2019

“You either belong wholly to the world or wholly to God.”

If you have any comments about this page, please contact the Sisters in Jesus the Lord. (816) 353-2177 Like us on Facebook. 7009 Blue Ridge Blvd, Raytown MO 64133-5629

St. John Vianney The Curé of Ars

Feast Day: August 4

“We should consider those moments spent before the Blessed Sacrament as the happiest of our lives.”

“The saints had no hatred, no bitterness; they forgive everything and think they deserve much more for their offenses against God.”

“God commands you to pray, but forbids you to worry.”

“All that we do without offering it to God is wasted.”

“The Lord is more anxious to forgive our sins than a woman is to carry her baby out of a burning building.”

“If you invoke the Blessed Virgin when you are tempted, she will come at once to your help, and Satan will leave you.”

“If you find it impossible to pray, hide behind your good Angel and charge him to pray in your stead.”

“Almighty God sends no trial without consolation.”

“The first thing about the angels that we ought to imitate is their consciousness of the Presence of God.”

“If people would do for God what they do for the world, what a great number of Christians would go to Heaven.”

“We ought to ask the Blessed Virgin, the angels, and the saints to pray for us that we may receive the good God as worthily as it is possible for us to receive Him.”

“You must accept your cross. If you bear it courageously it will carry you to Heaven.”

“A pure soul is like a fine pearl. As long as it is hidden in the shell, at the bottom of the sea, no one thinks of admiring it. But if you bring it into the sunshine, this pearl will shine and attract all eyes. Thus the pure soul, which is hidden from the eyes of the world, will one day shine before the Angels in the sunshine of eternity.”

“Man is a beggar who needs to ask God for everything.”

“I tell you that you have less to suffer in following the Cross than in serving the world and its pleasures.”

“We must take great care never to do anything before having said our morning prayers...The devil once declared that if he could have the first moment of the day, he was sure of all the rest.”

“It is by battles against Hell and by resistance to temptations that we give God proofs of our love.”

“Remain humble, remain simple. The more you are so, the more good you will do.”

Autumn Terrace Care Center: Margie Batliner

Beautiful Savior Nursing Home: Margaret Campbell

Bickford House: Joann Walsh

Brighton Gardens Lorraine Powers

Edgewood Manor: Shirley Beets; Alice Bowen; Barbara Giddley;

Candace Louis; Theresa Winterscheidt

Elliot Place: Ruby Antwine; Eva Bardo; Pat Gemmill;

Ruby Johnson; Virginia McMillin; Zita Schump; Margie Skistimas;

Independence Manor Care Center: Mike Burton

Jessica Estates Senior Living: Michael & Sharon Derkits;

Ann Monaco

New Mark Care Center: Elaine Cofield

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the

family of believers. Galatians 6:10

Raytown Home: Mary (Kay) Bauer; Helen Forristal;

Joann Johnson; Mary Lawrence; Tom & Doris Mauer; Wilma


Seasons Memory Care: Cynthia Todd

Springs at Independence: Pam Thurston

Timberlake Care Cntr Gilbert Gumbs

Villa St Francis: Doloris Hopfinger

Villa Ventura Henry Hoss

Westridge Gardens: James Cornish; Ernest Ruin;

Marie Sloan

Westridge Gardens Rehab.: Gwen Ashby;

August 10 ~ vs. Bengals

August 24 ~ vs. 49ers

September 22 ~ vs. Ravens

October 6 ~ vs. Colts

October 13 ~ vs. Texans

October 27 ~ vs. Packers

November 3 ~ vs. Vikings

December 1 ~ vs. Raiders

December 15 ~ vs. Broncos

December 29 ~ vs. Chargers

Our Lady of Lourdes Is participating in the

Chiefs ticket fundraiser for the 2019 Use link

Scroll down the page to choose which game you would like to purchase tickets for and use the


$10 of every ticket sold comes back to the ‘Pennies and a Prayer’ for individual

maintenance projects