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Page 1: Our High Priest and Shepherd

Last Week’s Collection. Loose: £183.39. Envelopes: £480.51. Stella

Maris: £189. Thanks for your constant support.

Year B. First Reading Jeremiah 23: 1– 6. Psalm 22– The Lord is my

shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Second Reading Ephesians 2: 13

-18. Gospel Mark 6: 30 –34.

MASS INTENTIONS. Monday Dennis and Martin O’Sullivan RIP Tues-

day Kathleen Fraser RIP Wednesday John Masterson RIP Thursday

No Mass Friday 9:15am Florence De Cruz RIP 11:00am Cecilia Pais RIP

(Funeral Mass) Saturday 6:30pm Andrew Jordan RIP Sunday 9:00am

People of the Parish 11:00am Mary Meeneghan RIP

Cleaning of the church. Available volunteers: 23rd July. Saturday clean-

ing: 31st July. Team 1: 6th August. Team 2: 13th August. Team 3: 20th


We pray for the sick:

Fr Philip Cross, Michael Quigley, Terry Kennedy, Annamaria and Jason Coutinho, Roseanna Lawler, Katherine Lewis, Michele Peiris, Donna Lewis, Karen Higgins, Michelle Moran, Joanne Brooks,

Ular Germain, Carmel Baker, Don Bernard Kathriaratchi, Fr Kevin Mc Devitt Cynthia Spalding, Celia Joyce, Tim Sheehan,

Mary Keating, and those suffering from COVID 19, the recently deceased and their loved ones:

Cecilia Pais and Sheila Cloran, occur at about this time:

Bernie Cummins, Mary Donoghue and Maria Sequeira.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for July. Social Friendship. We pray that, in social, economic and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship.

MASS TIMES. Saturday Vigil (1st Mass of Sunday) 6.30pm. Sunday

Mass 9.00am and 11.00am. Weekday Mass Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday and Friday 9.15am. No Mass on Thursday. Confessions

Saturday 10:30am-11:00am.

Roman Catholic Church of All Saints

Presbytery: 2 A Salehurst Close, Kenton. HA3 OUG

Tel. no.: 020 8204 3550 Email: [email protected]

Parish Priest: Fr Hector Rouco

Catechetical Co-Ordinator: Mrs Pat Edwards

Parish Administrator: Mrs Onitha Ratnam

Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30am to 1:30pm


18th July 2021

Our High Priest and Shepherd

We thank you with our whole heart, O beloved Father,

for the precious blood of your dear Son, which he shed for our sake,

and by which you daily cleanse, quicken, and sanctify us

in your holy Church, and make us partakers of your divine nature.

We thank you for the great and unspeakable love, though we were not worthy of it,

when you redeemed us by your own Son, who is our High priest and Mediator,

the true Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep of his flock, who now sits on your right hand

and intercedes for us. O good and faithful God, Friend of all mankind, give us your grace and your great compassion,

that we may praise you with your Son and the Holy Spirit in every act of our lives evermore.


Attributed to St Augustine. Taken from

Page 2: Our High Priest and Shepherd

Please do not enter our building if:

• You have a temperature above 37.7°C;

• If you have a new or continuous cough;

• If you experience difficulties with breathing;

• If you have a loss or change to your sense of taste or smell.

• If you have been in contact with someone known to have or suspected

to have COVID-19


Cecilia Pais RIP. The funeral Mass of the late Cecilia will be celebrated on Fri-

day 23rd July at 11:00am. May she rest in peace. The parish community

offers her family and friends our condolences and the assurance of our prayers

at this most difficult time. Please bear in mind that although we shall have no

more restrictions on numbers, it is still advisable to avoid too many peo-

ple congregating indoors if social distancing is compromised.

Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea) collection. Thank you to all parish-

ioners who contributed to the Sea Sunday collection last week. We raised

£189. The collection will remain open until next week. Should you still like to

contribute, please put you donation in an ordinary envelope and write Sea

Sunday on it. Then put it with the Sunday collection or though the presbytery


Statement from the Catholic Bishops of England. Find together with the newsletter a statement regarding the resuming of the Sunday Obligation.

Government Guidance for Step 4 of the Roadmap can be found here:

Cleaning of the church. If you are attending Friday Mass and can help with the cleaning of the church (not the disinfecting of the church) afterwards, your assistance will be appreciated. Bear in mind that very few parishioners (9)volunteered themselves to be in the cleaning rota. Some parishioners have been cleaning this church faithfully for decades. We are extremely grateful for their service and we should all understand that they may wish to pass the ba-ton to the younger generations. It is time to wake up and realise that younger people have to step up and become involved in the parish. No parish can de-pend on a small handful of people doing loads. It is not a healthy view of parish life because it is simply not sustainable. For instance, on Friday 23rd July we don’t have a team to clean the church because we have 3 cleaning teams and 5 weeks this month. If you are free and reasonably healthy, give us a hand on the Friday you come to Mass. The floor of the church needs to be swept; the porch, mopped; the benches, dusted. You will be asked to help in the post-

pandemic parish. So, let’s start with the cleaning of the church. Fr Hector.

Long Covid webinar. Harrow Council organised a webinar on Long Covid earlier this week, focusing on the symptoms, management and recovery from the condition, as well as on the kind of local support available in Harrow. There was also a Q and A with the panellists including Harrow Council's Director of Public Health, Carole Furlong, Dr Genevieve Small - Harrow Clinical Director for NW London CCG, Saba Shanmughasundaram, Highly Specialist Respira-tory Physiotherapist, Harrow Respiratory Service and Thamara Wijethunge, Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist, Harrow Therapy Service. You can view this online on their YouTube channel. Remember, Long Covid can happen to anyone who contracts Covid, including the young and healthy. Vaccination is the best pro-tection against Covid.

Mass Constituency Lobby (SPUC). As part of the Mass Constituen-cy Lobby a Zoom online meeting has been arranged with Bob Blackman MP for Harrow East on Tuesday 20th July at 3:00pm. If you are a Zoom user and wish to take part the meeting ID is 714 5875 1015 and the passcode is p4L7Q5. We will be asking Mr Blackman 1. Whether he would vote for the continuance or the DIY abortions introduced during lockdown and 2. Whether he would vote for assisted Suicide bill going through the House of Lords at the moment.

From the Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti Popular vs. populist 156. In recent years, the words “populism” and “populist” have invaded the communications media and everyday conversation. As a result, they have lost whatever value they might have had, and have become another source of po-larization in an already divided society. Efforts are made to classify entire peo-ples, groups, societies and governments as “populist” or not. Nowadays it has become impossible for someone to express a view on any subject without be-ing categorized one way or the other, either to be unfairly discredited or to be praised to the skies. 157. The attempt to see populism as a key for interpreting social reality is prob-lematic in another way: it disregards the legitimate meaning of the word “people”. Any effort to remove this concept from common parlance could lead to the elimination of the very notion of democracy as “government by the peo-ple”. If we wish to maintain that society is more than a mere aggregate of indi-viduals, the term “people” proves necessary. There are social phenomena that create majorities, as well as megatrends and communitarian aspirations. Men and women are capable of coming up with shared goals that transcend their differences and can thus engage in a common endeavour. Then too, it is ex-tremely difficult to carry out a long-term project unless it becomes a collective aspiration. All these factors lie behind our use of the words “people” and “popular”. Unless they are taken into account – together with a sound critique of demagoguery – a fundamental aspect of social reality would be overlooked. The Encyclical Letter can be found on the Vatican website: