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Office Services Key Performance Indicators Presentation

Page 2: Office Services Key Performance Indiccators Presentation

Office Services Production Yearly Statistical Comparison (2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014)

Service Line 2011 2012

(2011 & 2012 Productivity)


(2012 & 2013) Productivity)


(2013 & 2014) Productivity) (2011 & 2014) Productivity)

Growth In Number Growth In Percentge Growth In Number Growth In

Persentge Growth In Number Growth In Persentge Growth In Number Growth In


Room Booking Services

6462 9483 3021 46.75% 12156 2673 28% 14822 2666 22% 8360 129%

Room Readiness

Space Planning Services 815 1618 803 98.53% 1949 331 21% 2619 670 35% 1804 69%

Key Control Services 1038 3471 2433 234.39% 4178 707 21% 3828 -350 -9% 2790 73%

Office Furniture Services 1246 1430 184 14.77% 1246 -184 -13% 2253 1007 81% 1007 81%

Furniture Inventory 1 1 0 0.00% 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Office Messenger Services 7541 195 -7346 -97.41% 848 653 335% 2446 1598 181% 0 0%

Art Work & Decorative Services 0 32 32 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Print Center Services 687404 672009 -15395 -2.24% 686111 14102 22% 798804 112693 16% 111400 14%

Room Inspection Services Considered as Planned Task

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Office Services Production Yearly Chart Comparison (2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014)

Room Booking Services Space Planning Services

Key Control ServicesOffice Furniture Services

Furniture Inventory Office Messenger

Services Art Work & Decorative Services


815 1038 1246








1 19532





1 848








2011 2012 2013 2014

Room Booking, Space Planning, Furniture, Office Messenger, Art Work & Decorative Services Yearly Comparison Chart

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Service Line 2011 2012

(2011 & 2012 Productivity)


(2012 & 2013) Productivity)


(2013 & 2014) Productivity) (2011 & 2014) Productivity)

Growth In Number Growth In Percentge Growth In Number Growth In

Persentge Growth In Number Growth In Persentge Growth In Number Growth In


Room Booking Services

6462 9483 3021 46.75% 12156 2673 28% 14822 2666 22% 8360 30%

Room Readiness

Room Bookings & Room Readiness Benchmark (2011-2014) =(6462+9483+12156+14822)/4= 10731

Room Bookings & Room Readiness 2014 Production To The Benchmark =(14822-10731)/10731=38%

Room Bookings Key Perfomance Indicator Until 2014 Analysis Room Booking & Room Readiness Services increased 38% in 2014 year according to the benchmark for the last 4 years

Room Bookings & Room Readiness Services Benchmark Comparison For The Last 4 Years With 2014 Services Productivity

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Service Line 2011 2012

(2011 & 2012 Productivity)


(2012 & 2013) Productivity)


(2013 & 2014) Productivity) (2011 & 2014) Productivity)

Growth In Number Growth In Percentge Growth In Number Growth In

Persentge Growth In Number Growth In Persentge Growth In Number Growth In Persentge

Space Planning Services 815 1618 803 98.53% 1949 331 21% 2619 670 35% 1804 221%

Space Planning Services Benchmark (2011-2014) =(815+1618+1949+2619)/4= 1750

Space Planning Services 2014 Production To The Benchmark =(2619-1750)/1750=50%

Space Planning Key Perfomance Indicator Until 2014 Analysis Space Planning Services increased 50% in 2014 year according to the benchmark for the last 4 years

Space Planning Services Benchmark Comparison For The Last 4 Years With 2014 Services Productivity

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Service Line 2011 2012

(2011 & 2012 Productivity)


(2012 & 2013) Productivity)


(2013 & 2014) Productivity) (2011 & 2014) Productivity)

Growth In Number Growth In Percentge Growth In Number Growth In

Persentge Growth In Number Growth In Persentge Growth In Number Growth In Persentge

Key Control Services 1038 3471 2433 234.39% 4178 707 21% 3828 -350 -9% 2790 268%

Key Control Services Benchmark (2011-2014) =(1038+3471+4178+3828)/4= 3129

Key Control Services 2014 Production To The Benchmark =(3828-3129)/3129 = 22%

Key Control Services Key Perfomance Indicator Until 2014 Analysis Key Control Services increased 22% in 2014 year according to the benchmark for the last 4 years

Key Control Services Benchmark Comparison For The Last 4 Years With 2014 Services Productivity

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Office Furniture Services Benchmark Comparison For The Last 4 Years With 2014 Services Productivity

Service Line 2011 2012

(2011 & 2012 Productivity)


(2012 & 2013) Productivity)


(2013 & 2014) Productivity) (2011 & 2014) Productivity)

Growth In Number Growth In Percentge Growth In Number Growth In

Persentge Growth In Number Growth In Persentge Growth In Number Growth In


Office Furniture Services 1246 1430 184 14.77% 1246 -184 -13% 2253 1007 81% 1007 80%

Office Furniture Services Benchmark (2011-2014) =(1246+1430+1246+2253)/4= 1544

Office Furniture Services 2014 Production To The Benchmark =(2253-1544)/1544 = 46%

Office Furniture Services Key Perfomance Indicator Until 2014 Analysis Office Furniture Services increased 46% in 2014 year according to the benchmark for the last 4 years

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Service Line 2012 2013

(2012 & 2013) Productivity)


(2013 & 2014) Productivity) (2012 & 2014) Productivity)

Growth In Number Growth In Persentge Growth In Number Growth In Persentge Growth In Number Growth In Percentage

Office Messenger Services 195 848 653 335% 2446 1598 181% 2251 115%

Office Messenger Services Benchmark (2012-2014) =(195+848+2446)/3=1163

Office Messenger Services 2014 Production To The Benchmark =(2446-1163)/1163= 110%

Office Messenger Key Perfomance Indicator Until 2014 Analysis Office Messenger Services increased 110% in 2014 year according to the benchmark for the last 3 years

Office Messenger Services Benchmark Comparison For The Last 4 Years With 2014 Services Productivity

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Service Line 2011 2012

(2011 & 2012 Productivity)


(2012 & 2013) Productivity)


(2013 & 2014) Productivity) (2011 & 2014) Productivity)

Growth In Number Growth In Percentge Growth In Number Growth In

Persentge Growth In Number Growth In Persentge Growth In Number Growth In


Print Center Services 687404 672009 -15395 -2.24% 686111 14102 22% 798804 112693 16% 111400 16%

Print Center Services Benchmark (2011-2014) =(687404+672009+686111+798804)/4= 711082

Print Center Services 2014 Production To The Benchmark =(798804-711082)/ 711082=12%

Print Center Key Perfomance Indicator Until 2014 Analysis Print Center Services increased 12% in 2014 year according to the benchmark for the last 4 years

Print Center Services Benchmark Comparison For The Last 4 Years With 2014 Services Productivity

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Service Line 2011 2012 2013 2014

Room Booking Services

6462 9483 12156 14822

Room Readiness

Space Planning Services 815 1618 1949 2619

Key Control Services 1038 3471 4178 3828

Office Furniture Services 1246 1430 1246 2253

Furniture Inventory 1 1 1 1

Office Messenger Services 0 195 848 2446

Print Center Services 687404 672009 686111 798804

Total Number 696966 688207 706489 824773

Office Services Benchmark (2011-2014) =(696966+688207+706489+824773)/4= 729108

Office Services 2014 Production To The Benchmark =(824773-729108)/ 729108 = 13%

Office Key Perfomance Indicator Until 2014 Analysis Office Services Produtitivty increased 13% in 2014 year according to the benchmark for the last 4 years

Office Services Total Production (Including Print Center) Benchmark Comparison For The Last 4 Years With 2014 Services Productivity

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Service Line s 2011 2012 2013 2014

Room Booking Services 6462 9483 12156 14822

Room Readiness

Space Planning Services 815 1618 1949 2619

Key Control Services 1038 3471 4178 3828

Office Furniture Services 1246 1430 1246 2253

Furniture Inventory 1 1 1 1

Office Messenger Services 0 195 848 2446

Total Number 9562 16198 20378 25969

Office Services Benchmark (2011-2014) =(9562+16198+20378+25969)/4= 18027

Office Services 2014 Productvity To The Benchmark =(25969-18027)/ 18027 = 44%

Office Key Perfomance Indicator Until 2014 Analysis Office Services Productivity without Print Center Services increased 44% in 2014 year according to the benchmark for the last 4 years

Office Services Total Production (Without Print Center) Benchmark Comparison For The Last 4 Years With 2014 Services Productivity

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Office Services Manpower Yearly Statistical Comparison (2012, 2013 & 2014)

Month2012 Manpower 2013 Manpoer 2014 Manpower

BS OT TM BS OT TM BS OT TMJanuary 9 37 46 11 45 56 9 41 50

February 10 40 50 9 45 54 9 41 50March 9 44 53 9 45 54 9 40 49April 9 48 57 9 44 53 9 40 49May 9 49 58 8 41 49 8 38 46June 11 48 59 8 41 49 10 35 45July 11 48 59 7 41 48 9 35 44

August 13 47 60 7 38 45 8 37 45September 13 46 59 8 38 46 8 49 57

October 13 46 59 6 41 47 8 58 66November 13 47 60 8 42 50 8 53 61December 12 46 58 7 43 50 8 54 62

January February March April May June July August September October November December0








Manpower Yearly Comparison Chart (2012, 2013 & 2014




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Office Services Total Manpower Benchmark Comparison For The Last 4 Years With 2014 Services Productivity


2011 2012 2013 2012 & 2013 Manpower Growth 2014 2013 & 2014 Manpower Growth

TM TM TM Growth In Number Growth In Percentage TM Growth In Number Growth In Percentage

January N/A 46 56 10 21.74% 50 -6 -10.71%

February N/A 50 54 4 8.00% 50 -4 -7.41%

March N/A 53 54 1 1.89% 49 -5 -9.26%

April N/A 57 53 -4 -7.02% 49 -4 -7.55%

May N/A 58 49 -9 -15.52% 46 -3 -6.12%

June N/A 59 49 -10 -16.95% 45 -4 -8.16%

July N/A 59 48 -11 -18.64% 44 -4 -8.33%

August N/A 60 45 -15 -25.00% 45 0 0.00%

September N/A 59 46 -13 -22.03% 57 11 23.91%

October N/A 59 47 -12 -20.34% 66 19 40.43%

November N/A 60 50 -10 -16.67% 61 11 22.00%

December 46 58 50 -8 -13.79% 62 12 24.00%


Manpower Benchmark (2011-2014) =(46+58+50+62)/4= 54 Staff

Manpower Number 2014 Compared To The Benchmark =(62-54)/ 54=15%

Manpower Key Perfomance Indicator Until 2014 Analysis The Manpower Number increased 15% in 2014 year according to the benchmark for the last 4 years

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Office Services Production & Manpower Key Performance Indicators For The Last 4 Years (2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014) Summary Sheet

KPI 2011 2012

2011 & 2012 Growth Indicators


2011 & 2012 Growth Indicators


2011 & 2012 Growth Indicators

Growth In Number Growth In Percentge Growth In Number Growth In Percentage Growth In Number Growth In Percentage

Total Manpower 46 58 12 26% 50 -8 -13.79% 62 12 24%

Total Services Without Print Center 9562 16198 6636 69% 20378 4180 26% 25969 5591 28%

Total Services 687404 672009 -15395 -2.24% 686111 14102 22% 798804 14102 22%

Number of Office Services Tasks Performed By Each

Staff14943 11586 -3357 -22% 13722 2136 19% 12883 -839 -6%

Number of Office Services Tasks (Without Print

Center ) Performed By Each Staff

208 279 -71 34% 408 129 46% 419 11 3%