Download - OceansLakes Rivers Ponds Streams. The Earth produces resources that meet our needs such as soil, wood, and minerals. Water is another important resource.


Oceans Lakes




The Earth produces resources that meet our needs such as soil, wood, and minerals.

Water is another important resource found in Earth’s oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams. There is much more water on the Earth than there is land!

Even though the ocean holds a lot of water, we cannot drink it because it is too salty!

When you go to the beach, you are probably swimming in salty ocean water.

A lake is a large body of still water with land all around it.

Most lakes only last a few thousand years, and then disappear. Sediment slowly fills the lakes, causing them to become more shallow.

Lakes can be created naturally or they can be man-made (also called reservoirs).

A river is a natural course of water flowing toward an ocean, a lake, a sea or another river.

The ‘mouth’ is the end of a river.

A waterfall is a sudden drop in a river as it flows over a rock cliff.

A pond is a small body of fresh water shallow enough to support plants with roots.

In really cold places, the entire pond can freeze solid. Plants often grow along the pond edge.

Ponds are home to animals and insects such as bullfrogs, snapping turtles, dragonflies, mosquitoes, ducks and snakes.

A stream is a small flow of water, much like a small river. They are usually fresh water.

Streams have an important job. They drain the landscape, and move water and minerals towards the Earth’s oceans.

As water drains it generally begins in small creeks, which flow into larger and larger streams, and eventually into powerful flowing rivers.