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Selection process- oGCDP

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1. Keep the things simple. 2. Selection should be fast and to the point. 3. A good selection means a Raise as follow up.

Main steps

1. First contact 2. Interviews 3. Optional

Assessment 4. Follow up 5. GCPs

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First contact

Contact the candidates in advance and announce them about next steps. We advice you to contact them by phone in order to be able to have a faster response and ensure the MRBs attendance.

Schedule the MRBs when the person is available, even if it means that you have to do it online.

Establish a day for interview and assessment for the participants. Assessment is optional, depending on the situation you have. But all the things that are evaluated in assessment should be evaluated during interview.

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Selection should be ongoing, for example you have 20 applicants try to fix interviews with them the same week and select.

- Make a weekly timeline for your recruitment, that should include all the activities, starting with promotion and finishing with legalization.

REMEMBER: to run a recruitment process it is easy and it is needed just one or two well prepared people. Don´t overcomplicate things and just do it.

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MRBs its another tool/ space for selling our program and set expectations with our customers about countries, sub products, JDs, reception, costs & benefits.

During MRBs, remember to give information with clear dates and DDLs for next steps: parents info sessions, raising & legalization. Also, ask for personal information (in case this person didn’t apply in the national link to keep te records in PODIO)

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The office:

The interview should happen in a place proper for the interview. The office where you make the interview should be clean, it is better if there are no other people in it, of if they are, they should respect the silence and enable you to make a proper interview. It is good to have some presentation materials about AIESEC in the office or so the candidate get informed.

The interviewers should be prepared for the interview and have the basic knowledge about every candidate.

The interview:

Each interviewer should have an evaluation form for each participant for interview.

Use the interview template provided by the MC.

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Individual interview

Group interview

Types of Interviews

WHEN? In case that you have few applicants You have few time to organize the applicants You don´t have enough interviewers You don´t have proper space to do a group interview

WHEN? In case that you have a lot of applicants; In case that you have more interviewers In case you have a good space to organize a

good group interview

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The Place:

The assessment should happen in a place proper for the assessment. The office/ place where you make the assessment should be clean, it is better if there are no other people in it, of if they are, they should respect the silence and enable you to make a proper assessment. It is good to have some presentation materials about AIESEC for the candidate get informed.

The assessment should include activities that are interesting for them and you in terms of candidate analysis.

The assessment:

Each activity should have well trained observers that will take care of the activity and also that will notice the behaviors of candidates. Each activity should have prepared all the logistics necessary. Use the assessment template provided by the MC.

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Follow up

Have a clear follow up for both, interview and assessment.

Understand what are the needs of people that were part of selection process and even if they cannot be Ra as EPs, try to find a place for them in AIESEC.