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Page 1: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

1. INTRODUCTIONSoil-Structure Interaction (SSI) includes a set ofmechanisms accounting for the flexibility of thefoundation support beneath a given structure resultingin altering the ground motion in the vicinity of thefoundation compared to the free-field. It determines theactual loading experienced by the soil-structure systemresulting from the free-field seismic ground motions.Wolf (1985) elucidated that the seismic excitationexperienced by structures is a function of theearthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local siteeffects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The resultof the first three of these factors can be summarised as

Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 17 No. 1 2014 109

Numerical and Experimental Investigations on

Seismic Response of Building Frames under Influence

of Soil-Structure Interaction

S. Hamid Reza Tabatabaiefar*, Behzad Fatahi and Bijan SamaliCentre for Built Infrastructure Research, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology Sydney

(UTS), Australia

(Received: 28 February 2013; Received revised form: 31 October 2013; Accepted: 28 November 2013)

Abstract: In this study, an enhanced numerical soil-structure model has beendeveloped which treats the behaviour of soil and structure with equal rigour. Theproposed numerical soil-structure model has been verified and validated byperforming experimental shaking table tests. To achieve this goal, a series ofexperimental shaking table tests were performed on the physical fixed based (structuredirectly fixed on top of the shaking table) and flexible base (considering soil andstructure) models under the influence of four scaled earthquake acceleration recordsand the results were measured. Comparing the experimental results with the numericalanalysis predictions, it is noted that the numerical predictions and laboratorymeasurements are in a good agreement. Thus, the proposed numerical soil-structuremodel is a valid and qualified method of simulation with sufficient accuracy which canbe employed for further numerical soil-structure interaction investigation studies.Based on the predicted and observed values of lateral deflections of fixed base andflexible base models, lateral deflections of the flexible base model have noticeablyamplified in comparison to the fixed base model. As a result of the lateral deflectionamplifications, it is observed that the performance level of the scaled structural modelchanged significantly which could be safety threatening.

Key words: soil-structure interaction, seismic response, shaking table test, performance level.

free-field ground motion. Krawinkler et al. (2003)elucidated that structural response to the free-fieldmotion is influenced by SSI. In particular, accelerationswithin the structure are affected by the flexibility of thefoundation and the difference between foundation andfree-field motions (Tabatabaiefar et al. 2013; Turanet al. 2013).

The importance of soil-structure interaction both forstatic and dynamic loads has been well established andthe related literature covers at least 30 years ofcomputational and analytical approaches for solvingsoil–structure interaction problems. Since 1990 s, greateffort has been made for substituting the classical

*Corresponding author. Email address: [email protected]; Fax: +61295142633; Tel: +61466650055.

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base of the structure. Trifunac (1990) showed that forhigh frequencies, the amplification effects compete withan elastic attenuation. For long periods, along the periodaxis, the amplification can be described by a low-passfilter with roll-off near the period for which the quarterwavelength of wave motion in soil, or in sediments,coincides with their thickness. In the intermediateperiod range the amplification depends only on theimpedance jump between the ‘soft’ surface materialsand ‘hard’ basement, and is independent of thethickness of soil or of sedimentary layers. In addition,some theoretical investigations (e.g. Wolf 1985; Bi andHao 2012) have clearly highlighted the importance ofthe local soil amplification effect. These two referencesare suggested to be added. Therefore, there is a need todesign structures safely but not costly against naturaldisasters such as earthquakes. Effects of dynamic soil-structure interaction under extreme loads due to strongearthquakes are significant for many classes ofstructures. Consequently, an accurate assessment of theinertial forces and displacements in structures requires arational treatment of SSI effects. In this study, anenhanced numerical soil-structure model has beendeveloped which treats the behaviour of soil andstructure with equal rigor. The proposed numerical soil-structure model has been verified and validated byperforming experimental shaking table tests. Inaddition, effects of soil-structure interaction on theseismic response of a moment resisting building framehave been experimentally investigated.


The governing equations of motion for the structureincorporating foundation interaction and the method ofsolving these equations are relatively complex.Therefore, direct method, the method in which theentire soil-structure system is modelled in a singlestep, is employed in this study. The soil-structuresystem simulated adopting direct method, composed ofstructure, common nodes, soil foundation system andearthquake induced acceleration at the level of thebedrock, is shown in Figure 1. The dynamic equationof motion of the soil and structure system can bewritten as:


where, {u} , {u.} , and {ü} are the nodal displacements,velocities and accelerations with respect to theunderlying soil foundation, respectively. [M], [C] and[K] are the mass, damping, and stiffness matrices of thestructure, respectively. It is more appropriate to use the

[ ]{ } [ ]{ } [ ]{ } [ ]{ } { }M u C u K u M a u Fg v&& & &&+ + = − +

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Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic Response of Building Frames under Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction

methods of design by the new ones based on the conceptof performance-based seismic design. Performance-based engineering (PBE) is a technique for seismicevaluation and design using performance levelprediction for safety and risk assessment. Developmentof this approach has been a natural outgrowth of theevaluation and upgrade process for existing buildings.Performance objectives are expressed as an acceptablelevel of damage, typically categorised as one of severalperformance levels. Performance levels describe thestate of structures after being subjected to a certainhazard level and are classified as: fully operational,operational, life safe, near collapse, or collapse. Overalllateral deflection, ductility demand, and inter-storeydrifts are the most commonly used damage parameters.The above mentioned five qualitative performancelevels are related to the corresponding quantitativemaximum inter-storey drifts of: 0˙2%, 0˙5%, 1˙5%,2˙5%, and >2˙5%, respectively.

Soil-structure interaction particularly for un-bracedstructures resting on relatively soft soils maysignificantly amplify the lateral displacements and inter-storey drifts. This amplification of lateral deformationsmay change the performance level of the buildingframes. Thus, a comprehensive dynamic analysis toevaluate the realistic performance level of a structureshould consider effects of SSI in the model. In addition,the necessity of estimating the vulnerability of existingstructures and assessing reliable methods for theirretrofit have greatly attracted the attention ofengineering community in most seismic zonesthroughout the world. Although several researchers (e.g.Krawinkler et al. 2003; Galal and Naimi 2008;Tabatabaiefar and Massumi 2010) have studiedstructural behaviour of building structures subjected toearthquake under the influence of soil-structureinteraction conducting numerical simulations, theaccuracy and integrity of only a few of the utilisednumerical models were examined and validated againstlaboratory based experimental test results. Therefore,further verification of the numerical models is requiredto ensure the predictions are in a good agreement andconformity with measurements.

The problem of soil-structure interaction in theseismic analysis and design of structures has becomeincreasingly important, as it may be inevitable to buildstructures at locations with less favourable geotechnicalconditions in seismically active regions. The MexicoCity earthquake in 1985 and Christchurch earthquake in2011 (New Zealand) clearly illustrate the importance oflocal soil properties on the earthquake response ofstructures. These earthquakes demonstrated that theground motions could be significantly amplified at the

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incremental form of Eqn 1 when plasticity is included,and then the matrix [K ] should be the tangential matrixand {üg} is the earthquake induced acceleration at thelevel of the bedrock. For example, if only the horizontalacceleration is considered, then {a} = [1, 0, 1, 0, ....1,0]T. {Fv} is the force vector corresponding to theviscous boundaries. This vector is nonzero only whenthere is a difference between the motion on the near sideof the artificial boundary and the motion in the free field(Wolf 1985).

To model soil-structure system in direct method, anovel and enhanced soil-structure model is developed inFLAC2D to simulate various aspects of complexdynamic soil-structure interaction in a realistic andrigorous manner. FLAC 2D (Fast Lagrangian Analysisof Continua) is a two-dimensional explicit finitedifference program for engineering mechanicscomputations. This program can simulate the behaviourof different types of structures. Materials arerepresented by elements which can be adjusted to fit thegeometry of the model. Each element behaves accordingto a prescribed linear or nonlinear stress/strain law inresponse to the applied forces or boundary restraints.

Seo et al. (2007) developed three-dimensionalfrequency-dependent elements for soil–structureinteraction analysis and compared the analytical resultsof their 3D model with three other 2D plane strainmodels from the past studies. They indicated thatalthough good results were obtained using the 3Delements, there were limitations to deal with structureshaving complex geometries and 2D plane strainpredictions are in good agreement with threedimensional results. The real building models utilised inthis study are assumed to be long in perpendicular

direction. Therefore, plane strain assumption is validand 3D effects are negligible. Thus, each frame modelused in 2D modelling procedure represents the sameattributes as the entire parallel building frames inperpendicular direction.

The soil-structure model employs beam structuralelements to model beams, columns and foundationslabs. During analysis process, structural material couldbehave as an isotropic, linearly elastic material with nofailure limit for elastic structural analysis or as anelastic-perfectly plastic material with a specifiedlimiting plastic moment for inelastic structural analysis.Therefore, both elastic and plastic (inelastic) structuralbehaviour can be captured by the model in dynamicanalysis. In addition, structural geometric nonlinearity(large displacements) has been accommodated indynamic analysis. Two dimensional plane-strain gridscomposed of quadrilateral elements are utilised tomodel the soil medium. Nonlinear behaviour of the soilmedium has been captured using backbone curves ofshear modulus ratio versus shear strain (G/Gmax - γ) anddamping ratio versus shear strain (ξ - γ) adopting Mohr-Coulomb failure model. Employing the backbonecurves for simulating nonlinear behaviour of the soil, inthis study, fully nonlinear method for analysis ofdynamic soil-structure interaction has been employed inorder to attain rigorous and reliable results. Fullynonlinear method is capable to precisely modelnonlinearity in dynamic analysis of soil-structuresystems and follow any prescribed nonlinearconstitutive relation. It should be noted that earthquakeground motions adopted in this study are horizontalacceleration records of four benchmark earthquakesincluding Northridge (1994), Kobe (1995), El Centro(1940) and Hachinohe (1968). The adopted horizontalacceleration records are applied to the base of the soil-structure model at the level of the bedrock.

The foundation facing zone in numerical simulationsis separated from the adjacent soil zone by interfaceelements to simulate frictional contact. Interfaceelements are mainly used to transfer the structuralreactions to the subsoil beneath the structure, andsimulate frictional contact and probable slip due toseismic excitation. The interface between the foundationand soil is represented by a normal and shear stiffnessbetween two planes contacting each other and ismodelled as linear spring–slider systems, with interfaceshear strength defined by the Mohr–Coulomb failurecriterion. The relative interface movement is controlledby interface stiffness values in the normal and tangentialdirections. It should be noted that shear strength of theinterface has been simulated using Mohr-Column model,assuming that there is no slip in the interface until the

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Common nodes

Soil foundation system


Figure 1. Soil-structure system in direct method

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shear strength of the interface is reached and after thatperfectly plastic deformation would occur. The normaland shear springs control the force transfer process fromone surface to the other surface. This is a simplifyingassumption that has been only used for interfacemodelling. Since the shear strength of the interface hasnot been reached under the applied loads, there has beeninsignificant slip between the soil and foundation, andthus this assumption does not influence the numericalresults. Turan et al. (2013) stated that, consideringembedment depth in soil-structure interaction analysis,the structural response amplitude slightly decreases andthe resonance frequency becomes a bit higher withincreasing embedment depth. In addition, it should benoted that although the embedment depth of thefoundation may influence the ultimate results of thenumerical analyses (e.g. Trifunac et al. 2001a ; Turan et al.2013 ), for a conservative design and analysis, it isassumed that the foundations of the structural models arelocated close to the ground surface.

The interface between the foundation and soil isrepresented by normal (kn) and shear (ks) springsbetween two planes contacting each other and ismodelled using linear spring system, with the interfaceshear strength defined by the Mohr–Coulomb failurecriterion (Figure 2). The relative interface movement iscontrolled by interface stiffness values in the normal andtangential directions. Normal and shear spring stiffnessvalues for interface elements of the soil-structure modelare set to ten times the equivalent stiffness of theneighbouring zone based on recommended relationshipby Rayhani and EL Naggar (2008) and Itasca ConsultingGroup (2008) for the isotropic soil medium as follows:

(2)k kK G

zs n= =+



∆ min

where, K and G are bulk and shear modulus ofneighbouring zone, respectively, and ∆zmin is thesmallest width of an adjoining zone in the normaldirection. This is a simplifying assumption that has beenonly used for interface modelling. Since there is no largeslip between the soil and foundation in this study, thisassumption does not influence the numerical results.The strip reinforced concrete foundation is modelledusing “Beam Structural Elements” being 4 meters wide,12 meters long and, 1 meter deep. Beam StructuralElements are two-node, straight, finite elements with sixdegrees of freedom per node comprising threetranslational and three rotational components.Therefore, the mentioned elements can deform in thevertical direction simulating concrete footing flexibilityas the modelling is conducted in plane-strain condition,the effective strip foundation width has been taken intoaccount to calculate the moment of inertia of theconcrete raft foundation. For lateral boundaries of thesoil medium, viscous boundaries (quiet boundaries)proposed and developed by Lysmer and Kuhlemeyer(1969) are utilised in this study. The proposed method isbased on utilisation of independent dashpots in thenormal and shear directions at the model boundaries.The dashpots provide viscous normal and sheartractions given by

Tn = – ρ (3)

Ts = –ρ.Cs.vs (4)

where, Tn and Ts are normal and shear tractions at themodel boundaries, respectively; vn and vs are the normaland shear components of the velocity at the boundaryrespectively; ρ, is the material density; and Cp and Cs

are the p-wave and s-wave velocities, respectively. Itshould be noted that the utilised boundary conditions inthis study, have been previously used by other

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Plane strain quadrilateral soil elements

kskn kn kn kn



Figure 2. Interface elements including normal (kn) and shear (ks) springs

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researchers (e.g. Beaty and Byrne 2001; Byrne 2006) fordynamic soil-structure interaction modelling.

In the developed soil-structure model in this study,the boundary conditions at the sides of the modelaccount for the free-field motion which would exist inthe absence of the structure. Free-field boundaries havebeen simulated using a developed technique, involvingthe execution of a one-dimensional free-fieldcalculation in parallel with the main-grid analysis. Thus,plane waves propagating upward undergo no distortionat the boundaries because the free-field grid suppliesconditions identical to those in an infinite model. Thecomponents of the soil-structure model are illustrated inFigure 3.

Simple methods such as Winkler computationalmodel are often used in engineering practice in whichsoil–structure interaction is modelled using either linearor non-linear springs. The reliability of theseconstitutive models has been questioned by many due tothe simplifying assumptions regularly used (e.g. Ashouret al. 1998). As mentioned by Chu (20006) for systemswith strong nonlinear behaviour, coupled soil-structureresponse analysis is highly desirable which canexplicitly express the relationship between the soil andthe structural responses. The new developed model is anovel and enhanced numerical soil-structure model as itis capable of capturing structural plasticity (inelasticbehaviour) and soil nonlinearity, treating the behaviourof both soil and structure with equal rigor

simultaneously. Besides, adopting direct method, whichperfectly simulates complex geometries and materialproperties in numerical methods, the model can performfully nonlinear time history dynamic analysis tosimulate realistic dynamic behaviour of the soil and thestructure under seismic excitations as accurate andrealistic as possible. In addition, as the model employs aMulti Degree of Freedom (MDOF) structure, inter-storey drifts can be determined and utilised forinvestigating the performance levels of the buildingstructures under the influence of dynamic soil-structureinteraction. It should be noted that none of the numericalmodels utilised in the past numerical soil-structureinteraction investigations (e.g. Krawinkler et al. 2003;Galal and Naimi 2008; Koutromanos et al. 2009;Tabatabaiefar and Massumi 2010; Tavakoli et al. 2011)have adopted the novel and enhanced combinedcapabilities of the new developed numerical soil-structure model.

3. SHAKING TABLE EXPERIMENTAL TESTSFull-scale field tests or scale model tests are essential tostudy soil-structure system behaviour duringearthquakes. Such tests are also required to validatenumerical or analytical models. According to Trifunaceet al. (2001b) and Pitilakis et al. (2013), experimentalstudies of soil-structure interaction are best conducted infull-scale using periodic force excitation of structures.Full-scale field experiments have the advantage of

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Beam structural elements(beams and columns)

Interface elementsPlane-strain soil elements

Rigid boundary

Quiet boundary coupled with free-field boundary

Quiet boundary coupled with free-field boundary

Beam structural elements(foundation slab)

Figure 3. Components of the soil-structure model

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considering realistic site conditions, whereas, the use ofscale models on shaking table offers the advantage ofsimulating complex systems under controlledconditions, and the opportunity to gain insight into thefundamental mechanisms operating in these systems. Inmany circumstances, the scale models on shaking tablemay afford a more economical option than thecorresponding full-scale tests. The practice ofconducting parametric studies with scale models can beused to augment areas where case histories andprototype tests provide only sparse data. In addition toqualitative interpretation, scale model test results areoften used as calibration benchmarks for analyticalmethods, or to make quantitative predictions of theprototype response.

For such applications, it is necessary to have a set ofscaling relations which can relate the observations andpredictions. Shaking table test is an experimentaltechnique used in earthquake engineering to simulateground motions. Since the emergence of shaking tablesin the 1920 s, large number of earthquake model testshave been performed. Shaking table tests have beenconsidered as 1g modelling, in which the gravityacceleration of the model and prototype are always thesame. Shaking table test is relatively cheap and easy tomodel complex prototypes, although there is a lack ofaccuracy due to 1g manner (e.g. low confining pressureof model affects test results especially in sandy soils). Itshould be noted that, in centrifuge tests by increasingthe gravity force via rotating the model, it is possible toaccurately model the soil stress- strain condition asexists in prototype. In comparison, although centrifugetest models the stress-strain conditions accurately, it isdifficult to build complex prototypes, and due to smallsize of the model, fewer instruments can be installed(Taylor 1997).

During the past few decades, several researchers havecarried out shaking table tests on soil-structure systemsusing various types of soil containers and structuralmodels. In many of the past experiments, the structuremodel on top of the soil has not been taken intoconsideration at all. Some of the tests were onlyperformed on the soil inside the container (e.g. Taylor1997; Prasad et al. 2004; Lee et al. 2012) in order toinvestigate dynamic behaviour of the soil under theinfluence of earthquake loads, while some others wereundertaken on soil-foundation system to observe thedynamic interaction of shallow or pile foundation withthe underlying soil (e.g. Stanton et al. 1998; Richards et al.1990). In some of the past mentioned experiments, thestructural model has been considered but simplified toSDOF (single Degree of Freedom) oscillator (e.g.Meymand 1998; Ishimura et al. 1992; Jakrapiyanun

2002; Pitilakis et al. 2008; Chau et al. 2009) so as tomodel and investigate dynamic soil-structureinteraction. However, by simplifying the structuralmodel, the behaviour of the soil-structure system maynot be completely conforming to reality.

Unlike past shaking table experiments which wereperformed without the structure or employed simplifiedSDOF (single Degree of Freedom) oscillators, in thisstudy, the adopted structural model will simulate mostof the structural properties of the real prototype buildingsuch as frequency of vibrations, number of stories, andmass. Therefore, this experiment will be a uniqueexperimental shaking table test considering thestructural model in the soil-structure system precisely.As a result, realistic seismic response of a multi-storeyframe could be determined experimentally andcompared with the numerical modelling results.

As mentioned earlier, in this study, the proposednumerical soil-structure model has been validated andverified by performing shaking table tests to the scalesoil-structure model. The dynamic simulation has beencarried out on the shaking table located in the structureslaboratory of the University of Technology Sydney(UTS). It should be noted that UTS shaking table has auni-axial configuration, allowing for one-dimensionalinput motions. The shaking table is 3 m × 3 m table withtesting frequency range between 0.1 to 50 HZ,maximum payload of 10 tonnes, and overturningmoment of 100 kN-m.

4. PROTOTYPE CHARACTERISTICSThe prototype of the experimental tests is a soil-structure system with dimensional characteristicsillustrated in Figure 4. The prototype building frame ofthe soil-structure system is a fifteen storey concretemoment resisting frame. The building frame height andwidth are 45 and 12 metres, respectively and spacingbetween the frames into the page is 4 metres. Thebuilding is resting on a footing which is 4 meters wideand 12 meters long. Natural frequency of the prototypebuilding is 0.384 Hz and its total mass is 953 tonnes.Soil medium underneath the structure is a clayey soilwith shear wave velocity of 200 m/s and unit weight of14.40 kN/m3 (soil density of 1470 kg/m3). Thehorizontal distance of the soil lateral boundaries andbedrock depth have been selected to be 60 metres and 30metres, respectively.


Scale models can be defined as having geometric,kinematic, or dynamic similarities to the prototype(Langhaar 1951; Sulaeman 2010). Geometric similarity

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defines a model and prototype with homologousphysical dimensions. Kinematic similarity refers to amodel and prototype with homologous particles athomologous points at homologous times. Dynamicsimilarity describes a condition where homologous partsof the model and prototype experience homologous netforces. The objective of the scale modelling procedurefor this test program is to achieve “dynamic similarity”,where model and prototype experience homologousforces. For this purpose, adopted methodology byMeymand (1998) is the framework for scale modelsimilitude in this study. According to this approach,three principal test conditions establish many of thescaling parameters. The first condition is that testing isconducted in 1-g environment, which defines model andprototype accelerations to be equal. Secondly, a modelwith similar density to the prototype is desired, fixinganother component of the scaling relations. Thirdly, thetest medium is primarily composed of saturated clayeysoil, whose undrained stress-strain response isindependent of confining pressure, thereby simplifyingthe constitutive scaling requirements. In addition to thethree principal test conditions, Meymand (1998) pointedout that the natural frequency of the prototype should bescaled by an appropriate scaling relation. By definingscaling conditions for density and acceleration, themass, length, and time scale factors can all be expressedin terms of the geometric scaling factor (λ), and acomplete set of dimensionally correct scaling relations(ratio of prototype to model) can be derived for allvariables being studied. The scaling relations for the

variables contributing to the primary modes of systemresponse, adopted in this study, are shown in Table 1.The mentioned scaling relations have been utilised bymany researchers (e.g. Meymand 1998; Turan et al.2009; Moss et al. 2010; Sulaeman 2010; Lee et al. 2012)in soil-structure interaction shaking table testexperiments.

Adopting an appropriate geometric scaling factor (λ)is one of the important steps in scale modelling onshaking table. Although small scale models could savecost, the precision of the results could be substantiallyreduced. Considering the specifications of UTS shakingtable, scaling factor of 1:30 provides the largestachievable scale model with rational scales, maximumpayload, and overturning moment which meet thefacility limitations. Thus, geometric scaling factor (λ) of1:30 is adopted for experimental shaking table tests onthe scale model in this study.

6. SOIL-STRUCTURE MODEL COMPONENTSIn this study, soil-structure model possesses three maincomponents including the structural model, the laminarsoil container, and the soil mix. Details andcharacteristics of these components are explained below.

6.1. Structural ModelEmploying geometric scaling factor of 1:30, asexplained above, height, length, and width of thestructural model are determined to be, 1.50 m, 0.40 m,and 0.40 m, respectively. As explained above, inaddition to geometric dimensions, the natural frequencyof the prototype should be scaled by an appropriatescaling relation and the density of the model and theprototype should be equal. In this way, prototypestructure can be modelled more accurately in shakingtable tests. According to Table 1, the scalingrelationship between natural frequency of the model (fm)and natural frequency of the prototype (fp) is:


As mentioned in Section 4, natural frequency of theprototype structure is fp = 0.384 Hz. Therefore, with




= =1

5 48λ


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45 m

12 m

30 m

60 m



Figure 4. Dimensional characteristics of the prototype

Table 1. Scaling relations in terms of geometric

scaling factor (λ)

Mass Density 1 Acceleration 1 Length λForce λ3 Shear Wave Velocity λ1/2 Stress λStiffness λ2 Time λ1/2 Strain 1Modulus λ Frequency λ–1/2 EI λ5

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respect to Eqn 5, the required natural frequency of thestructural model (fm) is 2.11 Hz. Furthermore, based onscaling relationship on Table 1, the density of the model(ρm) should be equal to the density of the prototype (ρp).Density of the prototype structure (ρp) can bedetermined as follows:


where, mp is the mass of the prototype structure and Vp

is the volume of the prototype structure. Therefore,the mass of the structural model (mm) can be estimatedas:


where, Vm is the volume of the structural model. Basedon the above mentioned discussion, the requiredcharacteristics of the structural model are summarised inTable 2. Knowing the required characteristics of thestructural model, its 3D numerical model has been builtin SAP2000 software using two dimensional shellelements to model columns and floors as shown inFigure 5. The numerical model consists of fifteenhorizontal steel plates as the floors and four verticalsteel plates as the columns. Steel plate grade 250,according to AS/NZS 3678-2011 (Structural Steel), withthe minimum yield stress of 280 MPa and minimumtensile strength of 410 MPa, has been adopted in thedesign. The thickness of the steel plates have beendetermined in design process after several cycles of trialand error in order to fit the required natural frequencyand mass as summarised in Table 2. The finalised baseplate is a 500 × 500 × 10 mm steel plate while the floorsconsist of 400 × 400 × 5 mm plates and four 500 × 40 × 2 mm steel plates are used for the columns. Theconnections between the columns and floors areprovided using stainless steel metal screws with 2.5 mmdiameter and 15 mm length. After the numericalmodelling and design, the structural model wasconstructed in house. The completed structural model isshown in Figure 6. The mass of the model (mm), withoutthe base plate, was measured to be 104 kg whichmatches the required structural mass (Table 2). Total

m Vm m m= × =

× × × =

ρ 441

1 50 0 40 0 40 106

3kg m

m m m kg


( . . . )




V= =

× ×=

953 000

45 12 4441 3,

/kg m

measured mass of the structural model considering themass of the base plate is 115 kg.

6.2. Laminar Soil ContainerThe geotechnical model cannot be directly mounted onshake table because of the requirements of confinement.To model the soil in shaking table tests, a container isrequired to hold the soil in place. During the past fewdecades, several studies have been conducted on soil-structure systems using various types of soil containers.Many researchers (e.g. Gazetas 1982; Taylor et al.1995; Pitilakis et al. 2008; Tang et al. 2009; Cheung etal. 2013) concluded that laminar soil containers are themost appropriate and efficient type of the soilcontainers. Based on the conclusions made by the abovementioned researchers, well designed laminar soilcontainers can better model the free field boundaryconditions in comparison with rigid and flexiblecontainers as the lateral deformations in laminar soilcontainers are almost identical to the free fieldmovements. According to Turan et al. (2009) and Qin

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Table 2. Required characteristics of the structural model

Total height (m) Total length (m) Total width (m) Natural frequency (Hz) Total mass (kg)

1.50 0.40 0.40 2.11 106

Figure 5. 3D numerical model of the structural model in SAP2000

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et al. (2013), the laminar soil container does not imposesignificant boundary effects and is able to maintain 1-Dsoil column behavior. In addition, they concluded thatthe dynamic behavior of the soil in the laminar soilcontainer during scaled model tests is consistent withthe behavior measured during cyclic laboratory tests. Inaddition, lateral motion of the entire depth of a laminarsoil container follows the sinusal shape whichrepresents authentic conditions of the free field groundmotion. Therefore, in order to perform rigorous andreliable experimental shaking table tests, a laminar soilcontainer has been employed in this study.

By selecting 1:30 as the geometric scaling factor, thecontainer should have minimum length, width, anddepth of 2.0 m, 1.20 m, and 1.0 m, respectively.Allowing a further 10 mm on each side for constructionpurposes similar to Prasad et al. (2004), the final length,width, and depth of the laminar soil container areestimated to be 2.10 m, 1.30 m, and 1.10 m,respectively. In terms of choosing the materials to buildthe soil container, according to the previous conductedresearch works (e.g. Ishimura et al. 1992; Taylor 1997;Jakrapiyanun 2002; Pitilakis et al. 2008; Chau et al.2009), aluminium frames and rubber layers were

employed in an alternating pattern. Therefore, thelaminar soil container consists of a rectangular laminarbox made of aluminium rectangular hollow sectionframes separated by rubber layers. The aluminiumframes provide lateral confinement of the soil, while therubber layers allow the container to deform in a shearbeam manner. The employed laminar soil container inthis study, constructed in house, is shown in Figure 7.The natural frequency of the laminar soil container wasmeasured to be 10 Hz in the laboratory and it was notedthat it is equal to the required natural frequency.

6.3. Soil MixIn this study, a synthetic clay mixture was adopted as thesoil medium for the shaking table testing process. Inorder to develop the synthetic clay mixture, Q38kaolinite clay, ActiveBond 23 bentonite, class F fly ash,lime, and water were used as the components of the soilmixture. The proposed mix was prepared three times tocontrol repeatability of the test and each time threecylindrical test specimens of size D = 50 mm and h = 100 mm were taken. To measure shear wave velocityof the mix over the cure age, bender element tests wereperformed. The soil specimens were placed betweenbender elements, and shear wave velocity of each soilspecimen was obtained at different cure ages. Figure 8shows the measured shear wave velocity of the soil mixat different cure ages. According to Figure 8, the soil mixproduces the required shear wave velocity of 36 m/s(based on the scaling factor in Table 1) on the second dayof its cure age. Afterwards, the standard method of soildensity determination was performed on the second dayof the cure age according to AS 1289.3.5.1-2006(Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes).Accordingly, soil density in the second day of the cure

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Figure 6. Completed structural model

1.30 m



Figure 7. Laminar soil container view constructed in the UTS

structures laboratory

Page 10: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

age (ρs) was determined to be 1450 kg/m3 which isalmost equal to the prototype soil density (1470 kg/m3).Thus, shear wave velocity and soil density values ofproduced soil mix on the second day of the cure agesatisfy the dynamic similarity requirements, explained inSection 5. In addition, in order to ensure that the soilundrained shear strength is adequate to satisfy therequired shallow foundation bearing capacity underneaththe structural model, three cylindrical test specimens ofsize D = 100 mm and h = 200 mm were taken from thesoil mix. Then, two days of curing, UnconfinedCompression tests (UC) were performed on the three soilspecimens in accordance with AS5101.4-2008 (Method4: unconfined compressive strength of compactedmaterials) in order to determine the soil shear strength.The average undrained shear strength (Su) of the mix onthe second day of the cure age, resulting from threeexamined specimens, was 1.57 kPa. According to thecarried out foundation calculations, by adopting thisvalue of undrained shear strength, the soil mix willprovide enough bearing capacity with acceptable factorof safety under the structural model on the second day ofthe cure age to avoid any failure or excessive settlementunderneath the structure (qult = 5.14 Su, FOS > 2.0, whereqult is the ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation andFOS is factor of safety). Eventually, the soil mix on thesecond day of the cure age is expected to have theproperties summarised in Table 3.


Four earthquake acceleration records including Kobe,1995 [Figure 9(a)], Northridge, 1994 [Figure 10(a)], ElCentro, 1940 [Figure 11(a)], and Hachinohe, 1968[Figure 12(a)] have been adopted for the shaking tabletests. The first two earthquakes are near field groundmotions and the latter two are far field motions. Theseearthquakes have been chosen by the InternationalAssociation for Structural Control and Monitoring forbenchmark seismic studies (Karamodin and Kazemi2008). Characteristics of the mentioned earthquakeground motions are summarised in Table 4. Accordingto Table 1 and as determined by Eqn 3, scalingrelationship between natural frequency of the model (fm)

118 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 17 No. 1 2014

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0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


ar w






Cure age (Days)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 8. Shear wave velocities versus cure age for the examined


Table 3. Properties of the selected soil mix on the

second day of cure age

Shear wave Undrained shearvelocity strength Soil densityVs (m/s) Su (kPa) ρ (kg/m3)

36 1.57 1450

Kobe earthquakeMw = 6.8 (R)PGA = 0.833 (g)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60




n (g


Time (sec)





n (g


0 4 6 8 10Time (sec)


Scaled kobe earthquakeScaling factor = 1/5.48



Figure 9. Kobe earthquake (1995): (a) original record; (b) scaled



0 5 10 15 20 25 30




n (g






n (g


Time (sec)

0 1 3 4 6

Time (sec)



2 5

Scaled northridge earthquakeScaling factor = 1/5.48

Northridge earthquakeMw = 6.7 (R)PGA = 0.843 (g)

Figure 10. Northridge earthquake (1994): (a) original record;

(b) scaled record

Page 11: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

and natural frequency of the prototype (fb) is 5.48 whilescaling relations between the model and prototypeaccelerations is 1.0, meaning the earthquake magnituderemains the same as the prototype. Therefore, forscaling the earthquake records, it is required to reduce

the time steps of the original records by factor of 5.48.As a result, the original time steps of Kobe, Northridge,and El Centro earthquake acceleration records wereshifted from 0.02 to 0.00365, while for Hachinoheearthquake record, the original time steps of 0.01 shiftedto 0.001825. The scaled acceleration records of the fouradopted earthquakes are illustrated in Figures 9(b) to12(b).


Tests were carried out on the constructed structuralmodel, described in Section 6.1, as a fixed base model(structure directly fixed on top of the shaking table) inorder to ensure the structural model possesses thetargeted natural frequency and determine the dampingratio of the structural model. In addition, to verify thenumerical model seismic response of the fixed basemodel under the influence of the four scaled earthquakerecords were obtained. To achieve the above,constructed structural model was fixed and secured onthe UTS shaking table. After securing the structuralmodel on the shaking table, instrumentations includingdisplacement transducers and accelerometers wereinstalled on the structure in order to monitor thebehaviour of the structure and to primarily measurestructural lateral displacements. It should be noted thatin addition to the displacement transducers installed atlevels 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 15, eight accelerometers wereinstalled at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 so as tocheck the consistency of the recorded displacements.Displacement, acceleration and velocity in timedomain are closely related to each other. If themeasured parameter is acceleration, displacement canbe found through a double integration in time domain.Therefore, displacements of the various levels weredetermined by integrating the correspondingaccelerations, measured by the accelerometers, in timedomain and checked against the recordeddisplacements to ensure the consistency and accuracyof the obtained records. Figure 13 illustrates the finalarrangement of the displacement transducers andaccelerometers at different levels of the structuralmodel.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60




n (g






Time (sec)

Time (sec)

0 2 4 8 10 12



Scaled el centro earthquakeScaling factor = 1/5.48


El centro earthquakeMw = 6.9 (R)PGA = 0.349 (g)

Figure 11. El Centro earthquake (1940): (a) original record; (b)

scaled record



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




n (g






Time (sec)

0 2 4 8 10

Time (sec)




Hachinohe earthquakeMw = 7.5 (R)PGA = 0.229 (g)

Scaled hachinohe earthquakeScaling factor = 1/5.48

Figure 12. Hachinohe earthquake (1968): (a) original record; (b)

scaled record

Table 4. Utilised earthquake ground motions

Earthquake Country Year PGA (g) Mw (R) T (S) duration Type

Northridge USA 1994 0.843 6.7 30.0 Near fieldKobe Japan 1995 0.833 6.8 56.0 Near fieldEl Centro USA 1940 0.349 6.9 56.5 Far fieldHachinohe Japan 1968 0.229 7.5 36.0 Far field

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Initially, Sine Sweep test was performed on thestructural model to determine the natural frequency ofthe model. Sine Sweep test involves a logarithmicfrequency sweep holding a specified accelerationconstant at the base of the structure. For the current SinSweep test, frequency of the shaking table has increasedfrom 0.1 Hz to 50 Hz. The first resonance between theshaking table and structural model frequencies showedthe fundamental natural frequency of the model. Thetest was repeated three times to ensure the determinednatural frequency is adequately accurate. The resultingnatural frequency of the constructed structural modelobtained from sin sweep test results was 2.19 Hz whichis in a very good agreement with the desired naturalfrequency of the structural model (Table 2). Therefore,the constructed structural model, with the naturalfrequency (fm) of 2.19 Hz and the total mass (mm) of 104 kg, possesses the required characteristics assummarised in Table 2, to meet the dynamic similaritycriteria. The estimated value of the structural dampingratio of the constructed structural model has beendetermined from the free vibration lateral displacementrecords of the structural model using the followingTaylor series expansion (Roy et al. 2006):


where, ξ is the structural damping ratio and Un and Un+m

are two positive peaks of the free vibration response ofthe structure which are m cycles apart. Substituting thevalues of Un and Un+m for the two positive peaks of thefree vibration lateral displacement records in Eqn 8,which are 10 cycles apart, and repeating the wholeprocess several times, the estimated structural dampingratio (ξ) is 1.1%.

After ensuring adequacy of the structural modelcharacteristics, shaking table tests were performed byapplying scaled earthquake acceleration records ofKobe, 1995 [Figure 9(b)], Northridge, 1994 [Figure10(b)], El Centro, 1940 [Figure 11(b)], and Hachinohe,1968 [Figure 12(b)] to the fixed base structural model.The results of the performed shaking table tests underthe influence of four scaled earthquake accelerationrecords in terms of maximum lateral deflections are







n m


n+ =

= = +

= + +




1 22

π ξ π ζ

π ξπ ξ

( )


( )22


120 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 17 No. 1 2014

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Shaking table

Figure 13. Final arrangement of the measuring instruments of the fixed base model

Page 13: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

determined and presented in Figure 16. In determinationof the lateral deflections, the movement of the shakingtable has been subtracted from storey movements.Therefore, all the records are in comparison to the basemovements. It should be noted that for the sake ofaccuracy and consistency, the recorded displacementsusing displacement transducers, verified against thecalculated displacements from accelerometer records,have been presented.


The first step in setting up the main phase of the shakingtable tests, was securing the constructed laminar soilcontainer on the UTS shaking table. For this purpose,the soil container was placed at the designated location,then fixed and secured on the shaking table using eightM38 bolts passing through the provided holes. Theinternal surface of the soil container then was coveredand sealed with two layers of black plastic sheeting.Similar to Gohl and Finn (1987) and Valsangkar et al.(1991), 25 mm thick absorbing layers of Polystyrenefoam sheets have been installed at the end walls ofthe soil container to simulate viscous boundaries in thefree field condition. The thick layers of Polystyreneminimise reflection of outward propagating waves backinto the model and allow the necessary energy radiation.

In addition, a layer of well graded gravelly soil particleswere glued to the bottom of the soil container tosimulate the frictional contact between the soil and thebedrock. This layer provides friction between the timberbase plate (as the bedrock) and the in-situ soil mix anddoes not allow the soil mix to slip over the base plate.Various components of the laminar soil container areshown in Figure 14.

As explained in Section 6.3, the selected soil mixobtains the required stiffness and consequently the shearwave velocity after two days of curing. As a result, thetime schedule of the testing process was highly intensiveand time sensitive. Therefore, soil mixing andplacement needed to be carried out in one day in orderto produce a homogenous soil mix and after two days ofcuring, the final tests were to be performed.

2 m3 of the soil mix (kaolinite, bentonite, fly ash, lime,and water) was produced and placed into the laminar soilcontainer. During the soil mixing process, ten cylindricalsoil samples of D = 50 mm and h = 100 mm were takenfrom the soil mix for quality control of the mix. Theentire mixing process and filling the laminar soilcontainer were completed in one day. Then, the soil mixinside the container was left to be cured for two dayswhile the surface of the soil container was covered andsealed. On the second day, the structural model waslifted up and placed on the designated location, exactly

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M38 bolts

Polystyrene foam sheets

Black plastic sheeting

Glued gravelly soil layer

Figure 14. Various components of the secured laminar soil container on the shaking table

Page 14: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

in the middle of the soil surface. After securing thestructural model on top of the soil, no excessivesettlement or failure was observed underneath the baseplate, indicating that the shear strength of the soil mixwas adequate to carry the weight of the structural model,as expected and examined in Section 6.3.Instrumentation of the structure in the soil-structuresystem has been similar to the fixed base structure, asexplained in Section 8 (Figure 13). In addition, verticaldisplacement transducers were placed on the level baseplate of the structure (simulating the foundation) todetermine the vertical displacements of the structureduring the testing process. Figure 15 shows the finalsetup of the displacement transducers andaccelerometers at different levels of the structural modelfor the soil-structure system on the shaking table.

In this study, in addition to lateral displacements,numerical fixed-base and flexible base frequencies werechecked and verified against experimentalmeasurements. Using the results of Sin Sweep test andcomparing the shaking table frequencies with andwithout the structure model, pure fundamental fixedbase frequencies have been extracted in this study. SineSweep test involves a logarithmic frequency sweepholding a specified acceleration constant at the base ofthe structure. For the current Sin Sweep test, frequency

of the shaking table has increased from 0.1 Hz to 50 Hz.The first resonance between the shaking table andstructural model frequencies showed the fundamentalnatural frequency of the model. The test was repeatedthree times to ensure the determined natural frequency isadequately accurate. The obtained natural frequencies ofthe fixed base structure, and soil-structure model fromthe performed Sin Sweep tests were estimated to be2.19 Hz, and 1.60 Hz, respectively. The correspondingvalues obtained from the numerical analysis, are 2.11and 1.55, respectively, which are in a good agreementwith the laboratory measurements. As expected, naturalfrequency of the soil-structure model is considerablysmaller than the natural frequency of the fixed basestructural model. Afterwards, shaking table tests wereundertaken by applying scaled earthquake accelerationrecords of Kobe, 1995 [Figure 9(b)], Northridge, 1994[Figure 10(b)], El Centro, 1940 [Figure 11(b)], andHachinohe, 1968 [Figure 12(b)] to the flexible basemodel, with the final setup as shown in Figure 15. Theresults of the carried out shaking table tests under theinfluence of four scaled earthquake acceleration recordsin terms of the maximum lateral deflections of variousstorey of the structure are illustrated in Figure 16. Figure16 illustrates an example of experimental time-historydisplacement results for fixed base and flexible base

122 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 17 No. 1 2014

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Control room

Shaking table

15 storeystructural model


Soil container

Figure 15. Final setup of the measuring instruments of the soil-structure model

Page 15: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

models under the influence of Kobe earthquake (1995).In addition, the maximum vertical displacements of thebase plate have been obtained from the verticaldisplacement transducers installed at the level of thebase plate for each earthquake record, respectively, andsummarised in Table 7.


Numerical modelling of the fixed base and flexiblebase (soil-structure) models have been carried out intwo stages. The numerical model of the constructedstructural model, shown in Figure 6, was built inFLAC2D using dimensions of the physical model.After building the geometry of the structural model,the required structural parameters including cross-sectional area of the beams (Ab), moment of inertia ofthe beams (Ib), cross-sectional area of the columns(Ac), moment of inertia of the columns (Ic), cross-sectional area of the foundation slab (As), moment ofinertia of the foundation slab (Is), modulus ofelasticity of steel (E ), density (ρ), and structuraldamping ratio (ξ), summarised in Table 5, wereextracted from the construction detail drawings andspecifications and adopted in the numerical simulationof the structure in FLAC2D. Figure 17(a) illustratesthe created model that numerically defines thegeometry, properties, and loading of the physicalfixed base model in FLAC2D.

In order to simulate flexible base (soil-structure)model in FLAC2D, the proposed soil-structure model,explained in Section 2, has been employed. Thesummarised structural characteristics in Table 5 havebeen adopted to simulate the structural part of theflexible base model. As reported in Section 9, tencylindrical soil specimens of size D = 50 mm and h =100 mm were successively taken from the soil mix,during the soil mixing process. In order to adopt themost accurate soil parameters in simulation of thephysical soil-structure model, shear wave velocity (Vs)and soil density (ρ) of the samples in the second day ofcuring were determined by performing bender elementand density tests on the UTS soils laboratory. Theaverage results of the ten specimens indicated that thevalues of shear wave velocity (Vs) and soil density (ρ)were 35.5 m/s and 1450 kg/m3, respectively. Theseresults have been in very good agreement andconformity to the initial laboratory test results,summarised in Table 3. The adopted soil properties inthe numerical simulation of the flexible base modelconsist of shear strength (Su), shear wave velocity (Vs),low strain shear modulus (Gmax), bulk modulus (K), anddensity (ρ), summarised in Table 6.

After creating fixed base and flexible base numericalmodels in FLAC2D (Figure 17), fully nonlinear timehistory dynamic analyses were carried out on both fixedbase and flexible base models under the influence offour scaled earthquake acceleration records including

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Table 5. Adopted parameters for numerical simulation of the structural model

Ab Ib Ac Ic As Is E ρ(m2) (m4) (m2) (m4) (m2) (m4) (kPa) (kg/m3) ξ (%)

0.002 4.16E-9 1.6E-4 5.33E-11 0.005 4.16E-8 2.0E8 7850 1.1








0 1 2 63 4 5

Flexible base experimantal resultsFixed base experimantal results

Level 15 of the structureScaled kobe earthquakeScaling factor = 1/5.48Mw = 6.8 (R)PGA = 0.833 (g)

Figure 16. Sample experimental time-history displacement results in millimetres for fixed base and flexible base models under the

influence of Kobe earthquake (1995) at level 15

Page 16: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

Kobe, 1995 [Figure 9(b)], Northridge, 1994 [Figure10(b)], El-Centro, 1940 [Figure 11(b)], and Hachinohe,1968 [Figure 12(b)].

Inelastic structural analysis was performed byintroducing the plastic moments (MP) for the structuralsections. The values of the plastic moments have been

calculated by considering a flexural structural memberof width b and height h with yield stress σy using Eqn 9as follows:


In the inelastic structural analysis it is assumed thatstructural elements behave elastically until reaching thedefined plastic moment. The section at which the plasticmoment (MP) is reached can continue to deform,without inducing additional resistance. In addition,geometric nonlinearity of the structures, capturing






124 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 17 No. 1 2014

Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic Response of Building Frames under Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction







−0.400 0.400



1.50 m

0.40 m

Job title: simulated fixed base model in FLAC 2D- university of technology, Sydney (UTS)

FLAC (Version 6.00)


2-Jul-12 15:04step 1050

Beam plot

−7.333 E − 01 <x< 1.333 E + 00−2.583 E − 01 <y< 1.808 E + 00

Cable plot


Job title: simulated soil-structure model in FLAC 2D- university of technology, Sydney (UTS)

FLAC (Version 6.00)

Fixed gridpointsB both directionsApplied velocitiesVectors of zero lengthDynamic apply conditions* = Free field boundaryBeam plotCable plot

3-Jul-12 14:58step 11530

User-defined groupsGrid plot

−6.667 E − 01 <x< 2.667 E + 00−1.417 E + 00 <y< 1.917 E + 00

0 1E 0








2.0 m

1.0 m

1.50 m

0.40 m



Figure 17. Simulated numerical model in FLAC2D: (a) fixed base model; (b) flexible base model

Table 6. Adopted soil parameters in numerical

simulation of soil-structure model

Su Vs Gmax K ρParameters (kPa) (m/s) (kPa) (kPa) (kg/m3)

Values 1.57 35.5 1830 90760 1450

Page 17: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

P-Delta effects, has been accommodated by specifyinglarge-strain solution mode in FLAC2D software in thestructural analyses of fixed base and flexible basemodels.

In the soil-structure model, the built-in tangentmodulus function presented by Hardin and Drnevich(1972), known as Hardin model is employed in order toimplement hysteretic damping to the model. Adoptedmodel in FLAC2D generates backbone curvesrepresenting Sun et al. (1998) curves for clay, adoptingγref = 0.234 (Figure 18) as the numerical fittingparameter. In this way, nonlinear behaviour of thesubsoil has been considered in the dynamic analysis.Afterwards, the numerical results of the inelastic timehistory dynamic analyses under the influence of the fourmentioned scaled earthquake acceleration records interms of the maximum inelastic lateral deflections andthe maximum inelastic vertical displacements of thebase plate were determined for both fixed base andflexible base models from FLAC2D displacement

history records for each scaled earthquake. Then, resultsof the numerical fixed base and flexible base modelswere compared with the experimental results of theshaking table tests performed on the fixed base modeland the flexible base model. The mentioned results areshown in Figure 19 for fixed based and flexible basemodels.

11. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSThe numerical predictions and experimental values ofthe maximum lateral displacements of the fixed baseand the flexible base models are presented andcompared in Figure 19. Average values of thenumerical predictions and experimental values of themaximum lateral displacements of the fixed base andthe flexible base models were determined andcompared in Figure 20(a), while their correspondinginter-storey drifts have been calculated using thefollowing equation based on AS 1170.4-2007(Earthquake Actions in Australia):

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Sun et al. (1998)Adopted in this study for ref = 0.234γ

Fine grained soils

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1







Cyclic shear strain (%)









00.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1





Cyclic shear strain (%)

Sun et al. (1998)Adopted in this study for ref = 0.234γ

Fine grained soils



Figure 18. Adopted fitting curves for clay in this study: (a) relations between G/Gmax versus cyclic shear strain; (b) relations between

material damping ratio versus cyclic shear strain

Page 18: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

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10 20 30 40 50




Maximum lateral deflection (mm)

Fixed base numerical resultsFixed base experimental resultsFlexible base numerical resultsFlexible base experimental results

Scaled kobe earthquakeScaling factor = 1/5.48Mw = 6.8 (R)PGA = 0.833 (g)







10 20 30 40 50




Maximum lateral deflection (mm)

Fixed base numerical resultsFixed base experimental resultsFlexible base numerical resultsFlexible base experimental results

Scaled northridgeearthquakeScaling factor = 1/5.48Mw = 6.7 (R)PGA = 0.843 (g)







10 20 30 40 50




Maximum lateral deflection (mm)

Fixed base numerical resultsFixed base experimental resultsFlexible base numerical resultsFlexible base experimental results

Scaled el centro earthquakeScaling factor = 1/5.48Mw = 6.9 (R)PGA = 0.349 (g)







10 20 30 40 50




Maximum lateral deflection (mm)

Fixed base numerical resultsFixed base experimental resultsFlexible base numerical resultsFlexible base experimental results

Scaled hachinohe earthquakeScaling factor = 1/5.48Mw = 7.5 (R)PGA = 0.229 (g)









Figure 19. Numerical and experimental maximum lateral displacements of fixed base and flexible base models under the influence four

different scaled earthquake records: (a) Kobe (1995) earthquake; (b) Northridge (1994) earthquake; (c) El Centro (1940) earthquake;

(d) Hachinohe (1968) earthquake

Page 19: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

drift = (di+1–di)/h (10)

where, di+1 is deflection at (i+1) level, di is deflection at(i) level, and h is the storey height.

The average values of numerical and experimentalinter-storey drifts, determined by Eqn 10, are illustratedin Figure 20(b). In addition, the predicted and measuredvertical displacements of the base plate are summarisedand compared in Table 7.

Comparing the predicted and observed values of themaximum lateral displacements of the fixed base andthe flexible base models under the influence of the fourmentioned scaled earthquake acceleration records(Figure 19), the accuracy of the numerical fixed baseand flexible base model is examined. Accordingly, itbecomes apparent that the trend and the values of thenumerical seismic response, predicted by the fixed basenumerical model as well as the new developed

numerical soil-structure model, are in a good agreementand consistent with the experimental shaking table testresults.

Based on the experimental average values ofmaximum lateral deflections of the fixed base and theflexible base models [Figure 20(a)], lateral deflectionsof flexible base models have increased by 55% incomparison to fixed base model. According to Kramer(1996), relative lateral structural displacements underthe influence of soil-structure interaction consist ofrocking component and distortion component. Anychange in the displacements is an outcome of changes inthese components. In this particular case, consideringthe maximum foundation rotation values summarised inTable 7 and maximum lateral displacements reported inFigure 20(a), it is noted that approximately 55% of themaximum lateral deflections of the flexible base model[Figure 20(a)] were due to the rocking component,

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0 10 20 30 40 50





Maximum lateral deflection (mm)




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5





Inter-storey drift (%)


Fixed base numerical results

Fixed base experimental results

Flexible base numerical results

Flexible base experimental results

Fixed base experimental results

Flexible base experimental results

Life safe level boundary

Life safe level Near collapse level

Figure 20. (a) Average values of the numerical predictions and experimental values of the maximum lateral displacements of fixed base

and flexible base models; (b) Average experimental inter-storey drifts of fixed base and flexible base models

Page 20: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

while 45% took place due to the distortion component.For example, under the influence of Northridge (1994)earthquake, maximum lateral deflection at the top of thefixed base model was measured to be 25.3 mm due todistortion component, while maximum lateral deflectionat the top of the flexible base model was 40.6 mm which22.5 mm of that value was due to rocking componentand 18.1 mm took place due to distortion component. Itshould be noted that in order to determine rocking anddistortion components, Trifunace et al. (2001)relationships have been used in this study. In otherwords, the rotation angle of the foundation has beenused to predict the lateral displacement due to therocking. Evidently, the maximum lateral distortion ofthe structure under the influence of soil-structureinteraction decreases due to reduction in distortioncomponent of the lateral displacement while the overallmaximum lateral deflection increases as the rockingcomponent is included. It can be concluded that, soil-structure interaction increases the overall lateraldisplacements while reduces the lateral distortions ofmoment resisting building frames resting on relativelysoft soils.

As shown in Figure 20(b), due to amplification of theexperimental average values of maximum lateraldeflections due to SSI [Figure 20(a)], performance levelof the structural model changes significantly from lifesafe to near collapse level. Such a considerable changein the performance level of the model is extremelydangerous and safety threatening. Thus, in the examinedexperimental investigation, dynamic soil-structureinteraction has profound effects on the seismic responseof the structural model resting on relatively soft soil.

Reviewing the average maximum lateral deflections[Figure 20(a)] and maximum vertical displacements androtations (Table 7), it becomes apparent that thenumerical predictions and laboratory measurements arein a good agreement (less than 10% difference).Therefore, the numerical soil-structure model canreplicate the behaviour of the real soil-structure systemwith acceptable accuracy. The observed discrepancybetween the numerical predictions and laboratory

observations could be due to the variation of soilproperties such as shear wave velocity and shearmodulus with depth occurring during mixing andplacement process. In addition, energy absorption at thebolted connection of the base in the physical laboratorymodel which cannot be captured by rigid baseassumption of the numerical model may be anotherreason for the observed discrepancy.

It should be noted that increasing the overall driftcaused by rocking component increases P-∆ effect. P-∆effect is a destabilising moment equal to the force ofgravity multiplied by the horizontal displacement astructure undergoes as a result of a lateral displacement.To illustrate the effect, take the example of a typicalstatics case: in a perfectly rigid body subjected only tosmall displacements, the effect of a gravitational orconcentrated vertical load at the top of the structure isusually neglected in the computation of groundreactions. However, structures in real life are flexibleand can exhibit large lateral displacements. Given theside displacement, the vertical loads present in thestructure can adversely perturb the ground reactions. Asa result of the overall lateral displacementamplifications and consequent P-∆ effect, it is observedin this study that the performance level of the structurechanges from life safe to near collapse level which isvery dangerous and safety threatening. In addition,increasing the overall drifts will have destructive effectson non-structural components of the system whichshould be seen and addressed by a safe structural design.

12. CONCLUSIONSBased on the experimental and numerical investigationsconducted in this study, the predicted results from theproposed numerical models were in a good agreement withthe laboratory measurements. Thus, the numerical soil-structure model can replicate the behaviour of the real soil-structure system with acceptable accuracy. It is concludedthat the proposed numerical soil-structure model is a validand qualified method of simulation with sufficientaccuracy which can be employed for further numericaldynamic soil-structure interaction investigations.

128 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 17 No. 1 2014

Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic Response of Building Frames under Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction

Table 7. Numerical and experimental maximum vertical displacements and rotations

Maximum vertical displacement Maximum foundation rotation

Scaled Numerical Experimental Numerical Experimental earthquake prediction measurement prediction measurement

Kobe 2.33 mm 2.54 mm 0.54º 0.58ºNorthridge 1.22 mm 1.32 mm 0.28º 0.30ºEl-Centro 1.85 mm 1.98 mm 0.42º 0.45ºHachinohe 1.40 mm 1.47 mm 0.32º 0.33º

Page 21: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic ... and... · earthquake characteristics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil-structure interaction effects. The

In addition, it is understood that the predicted andmeasured lateral deflections of the flexible basemodel have noticeably amplified in comparison to thefixed base model. Approximately 55% of the lateraldeformations were due to the rocking component,while 45% took place due to the distortioncomponent. Therefore, soil-structure interactionincreases the overall lateral displacements whilereduces the lateral distortions of moment resistingbuilding frames resting on relatively soft soils. As aresult of the overall lateral deflection amplifications,it is observed that the performance level of thestructural model may change from life safe to nearcollapse level which is very dangerous and safetythreatening. Thus, soil-structure interaction hasconsiderable effects on the seismic response ofmoment resisting building frames resting onrelatively soft soils and should be take intoconsideration in the seismic design.

In this study, it is observed that base shear of thestructures modelled with soil as flexible base aregenerally less than the base shear of the structuresmodelled as fixed base. Base shear decreases due toreduction in lateral distortions. However, as aconsequence of overall lateral deflections, thecorresponding inter-storey drifts of flexible base modelsincrease profoundly.

It can be concluded that the conventional designprocedure excluding SSI may not be adequate toguarantee the structural safety of mid-rise momentresisting building frames resting on relatively soft soildeposits. As most of the seismic design codes aroundthe globe do not address the soil-structure interaction(SSI) explicitly, considering SSI effects in the seismicdesigns as a distinguished part of these standards ishighly recommended. It is also recommended toengineering companies working in regions located inhigh earthquake risk zones, to consider dynamic soil-structure interaction effects in the analysis and design ofmid-rise moment resisting building frames resting onsoft soils to ensure safety of the design.

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Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Seismic Response of Building Frames under Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction