Download - NT·'I· .•' 'N:GS .. ''' - OD Mala (lold In Palmar Oat ... .. .I'x 8'- $la.95 '~

Page 1: NT·'I· .•' 'N:GS .. ''' - OD Mala (lold In Palmar Oat ... .. .I'x 8'- $la.95 '~



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mlntoll and voUe;rbaU courts.N~rb;r .... bueba111Ield. whert!III nllwlt uniformed n Stantonteam lila,. vlllUw &ea111$ fromother to'ivJls, (AUIUcmal photoon Sporta Pal'e)j


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I Nil. Abaf. f95toffict'WlBTBR STUDIO

3tll Richmond It.. E1 Puo

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REOREATION AlD-pan or thllI'tlt'ftaUon propam a& n StaDeton D"pl&aJ III this pair or ahut·nllbo&rcl ca\lrta or concrete. In­atalle' l'llCentir. alone with honaahoe pltehlnl courts and bad·


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Page 2: NT·'I· .•' 'N:GS .. ''' - OD Mala (lold In Palmar Oat ... .. .I'x 8'- $la.95 '~



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it Mod,m Log Cabltll• Kileheneu••• &:::t..• Bahl~raJon

Ad}c1ning RuidotO my.,, Mr. mil Xii. So JC. XUrkedaU.

Own,nP. 0; Box I"; Pho. «51i OJS Maeaam. Dr!ya

I RUIDOSO, If. M. .,


e,' it" ", :,IfIM:.tI~{;,., ..:tt.~('t'i)~"'"v .,;


Sewing MachInitI at Vacuum Cleaner._-_._._- _. ---. ~- -_ .. _--~. - - - - - _._.-

Sal.. and Sertice8£1lvtCE DAY OB NIGHT

Studio OD Mala (loldIn Palmar Oat'••r

.etUdlPIuIJJpe01 RuitlMo

Mamber of Phot01JlQlhan'Ana. of X.. Maxico. Inc.

-> ........ - - -_... - ~--


GET OUR PBICES0. ne..~ lAw, l'aD,. CUf'IJlWe.

UNDERSTUDY-Pete Uul pel­10m I!J only on undel"lltudy toAmertcn'o oymbnllc cottlo, butho'o prom! 00 a pc;lctU:lt 00 hocorTlaI Alnoka'o new lltnr to thotop of tho flllcotnf!. Pctc'1l onottroctlon at Modno StudlO:l InMnrlnelond. Fin.

Pho. CL7~29~7 \1UChatd(D1ck) Sm1th RuldQj(J, N. It .

j . ')" ['P 7'7 ' , '; '; 1\ ii [ ",

i· , '-- :,..>!-.."

11·RESv , 1[ ' ............ ne ...tuieeWlen tall t 1Irz1lM, rUric rutuee. rIM~....... ~ Ute,,,, waaTaatJ eftertacWedl aU ..kda& c........ UIIlft ..'......~)

COB 1IY ANn on mz STOA\' nOM



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Woochow H...m - OIl Maht. ao-o.' .

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ON MEN'S JACKETS - SPORT TOGS .., . . ". ' .



SALE STUTSIY, lUG.'BeSureTQ ltePterfor


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Is Bolng ContlnucdJCARMON pmLLrP1l'


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Page 3: NT·'I· .•' 'N:GS .. ''' - OD Mala (lold In Palmar Oat ... .. .I'x 8'- $la.95 '~



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COFFEE,Yacht Club,lb. •


SPARERIBSBACON, CrispRite • • • • Ib.7Sc

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Green Stamps



WUIoD'. Vacuum Pac1c L\I1IICh .....Cb1DtM Dbmen, "Chan ltIDg," :s.t • Eat

CATSUP, 1401. Hunt'l • • • 1geOLEO, KimLeU'1 • • • lb. 17e

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Phone CL7-3115~MeChemonv~, Plen~ ofParkingSpa~e.• III I

.NAll BnDc!I"

Canned BISCUITS • 8for 11••

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~ '~':'i:£;==::'::1:':1:,::.==;:,:,i:·==.iL:..:1==1:.,,:':-,:3::,===en~.


FluFfv·4 Boxes'

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': Monarch, lb.~ .aII MIRACLE WHIP, Qts.

't ".....~ r ..' ,"-, c" \'. If " .. ~" ."., • " ~,

·'W.Ql.~~·~W~,"~'~S~'~. ",...,,Uc1L,Gtt, . . • - ~ , " , ',., , ' ,," .. ' , ' ' ~..;... :f ,. .. n ' I 'W "I ~ II ' 'II I I, t

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HAMS-Half or Whole,. · · &5e !· · Sibs. 51.00 ~

· • • lb. 59~ rrn

·Pound r· · · · 95e 1

PoUDd f.9=

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Nothing gIves your kitchen the modern look like Il built·In electric


Heart of

. I' tP J Ilf' , I I .... I".. dIU" ;




•range_ You get modem convenience, too, with oven at eye-level

.- -- .~ '"~'- wmtt'OUDwr~vp-lIDfti'frmtll1Jmtwlt~tnlrny'1tlliVc me man steps.

~,of course, ),ou enfoy electric COQking's other.!1~.\'QJltag,c.s __

01 'COO1n~ss, cleanliness, speed and automatic operation. See your

budder, architect or applIance dealer 500n about Q

buJJt·m electric range.




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.,Oflene gStyle Shop


FALL IS IN THE AIR ...And you'll fincVall is also in stylo in

,MUIlc by RedS~ and Bla

Big Howdy Boyt of 1QIEY of El Puo•

In 1M Buffalo Room .

DANCE-Friday and Saturday Nights

Where we have been unpacldng new fall

Dreues • SuUs • CoatI • Skirts

Spomwear • and Some Fun

. '--'

Playing Nlgbtlr In th.GoY.~r'. Room

An the O'Brien 'lDd Eftna Duo


_=_=__ D_: _ .':~=_1_=__ :_=_7~=_ .'.1__1_= ••

'....:•. I.I.'_••.'..'~..,. .•·.~J£Aj "I"l~''''~.f''~, .•f''' .l';'c ~.iI".·' 'AI "*Ii',- '" --#'. ~ -,.' .,).1'" ,~!'.~







g- x 12' - $45.9S.. .I' x 8' - $la.95

'~ .

Now Under New OwnershipRecords & Supplles

Phone CL 7-4725

Record Players

ID-F!'s and


Television - Radios - Rccord Player.


• ••

New Shipment Of

Page 4: NT·'I· .•' 'N:GS .. ''' - OD Mala (lold In Palmar Oat ... .. .I'x 8'- $la.95 '~



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FISHING IS GOODGel LlcensB Be Tackle Here


PICNICKING!W. haye charcoalgrUlt. bAcbtlUghtu fluIcLlunch boxeI. coolerllox.& .tee


at 545.00C. & L. LUMBER


:Ii :Ii " •• " iii iii iii I,"""'" 1'!Lll'll"n ; F* '

It Refrig.raton

• Deep Freeze Box"

• Automatic W..h.n

• Automailc Dryen,

• Electric Ranges

-and, we allO handle the P~pular

Eureka Vacuum Cleaners

SPECIALDependable Atlas-Aire Power Mowers


AnnouncingWe AreNowJlealers--­For This Area for Famous. . '. .



. - - - -

C. L. "Bones" Wright Ruidoso-Hollywood

Building Materials for Every Nero



.,.'1••••• 1 - "_I~1i

• fl'a ....1I~ 0:_t~lt~~!lU···~~·1:'1- ~~nes::r...


fOl' good crean fun


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I a. _.. __ II • __

c. P. S. TopsSoftball LpopCommunity Publ4- Service Com.

p::ny'0 oo1tb:ill te:tm toott G oolldlelld in the city lcaaue play In!;twrek~dwhen they brot the RUI­dooo Htch Schocl Lcucnncn'o Icqucd ~3 wuf when RuldocoNewn-RWdu:::o Go:! tcom 1o:;t 0b=rtbreokcr It> the Ruldc:::o DmvtbVolun'!«'r Fire Dcparmte1lt. UnWt:::Jt wct'h. the NevJo.<il::J ermv h::rl1l.>d. tlwn wcnt In1<> D lc:tuuc-~­~ h" wtth C P. S. eM !1Id1Y~rnblcd In10 ettondl p!

TC:lm amtdlnO-;J Q1tcr ttw oov­e:t1h wcclt (and~ tu'O nwro to(1D tndudln;l~oW~yandThW'l:lkly niShb th!!) ",,-celt):Team- W. L. I'd.C.PS... __ ..... _ 7 2 .770NoWD-O~ .• .• G 3 .007V. F. D.• _••• __._ II I} .370

S I' 0 & T S nouae GOLFS' Lotwnll'01 I 7 .125(!EKE Amana nottcl Sotith. In we C. P.B.~ e:uno,wman JP01'ta nnru en$oJ~ ~ lIZht~ 0100~~coUIDa OD Cree llea40wa ben·Utut coune IUeDU,. .... IlaroldMatthews. at rilh& above. ahOWDchama. with &.1'0:10 DWsSchool Athletic Dlrtttor C,. Le­Ian" Ir.. aD tho Cree Mall... I' coarse near Cbe d.b-bo_ C, aa' Dan" rued 0IIe Ianether In Ole IIf'. on o»oaInx ItoetbaU &nlbl, C,. eunl.u& ItIIAIJ,-Amtrb IUOClIUIon with T.C. U.. ft. Worth. and MalCh....pla)'laa' willi Danlln·SlmmOlll ofAbUme. GI1tl t&l1l of the ...UI·wed IltJW tee Matthew. put'ormrqularl,. u an oUUlal fer SWcontetUlCe PJl1el1, lOme of whichare kiev... De Is an annulvWtor 1K.ft. NlIOrt~:~enJe7.rolf1na' at Cfte M-"OTO a' \tIC LA.... "u,= ........ ;


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Pat Chubbuck, Operator. Conchu Dam. N. M.WelnYlte all our f1Jhermen hlendJ and otherl1an to come br and ... UJ when you·re inour nelghborhood.

Rental UnlIJ ... DIDlng Room - Cockta1l Lounge


" " ," ,.... ., •. , '~"<.- ,





Catch Guaranteed - Flab from 9 to 18 InchuJUP CARRIZO CANYON

1% Ml. South from Sallee'. RIding StablHChoice HomHltH In Carrizo Canyon

--- PAGE FOUR --­Ruidoso New.

FrIday, Aul..'US1 n, 1950

L •

w...... GrIdcIen,.Q,t IlemlDder I'~p~!f.c!~~~~

HJIb &11001 last weekS£t)t out postcard notices to~IijiCCUve football players tor thel059 team tba sprlnOL.WOT~

;; :::••1d Gtnrt Aug. 18. The nqtl~0IiJ¥lP,.. ........~·rnna.,..A..ry.umTV'FATnv.Tmmmm.vt?- - - - - ~ - - • - •••••• -- - • • • • "Get plenty of deep, cat UlrCe


llhorftJ ond T-6h1rt tor the first few·workouts if you have them. Work­outs will begin at 9 a. m. Monrlny,

CREE MEADOWS COUBSE ~~~::w~~::~A rcocm:l t:1JUl:Shing entITy Bet of tlw meet. "Remember, .get In Ghape now

100 Ilol!ero from all parlD of the Otller filghtll, w~th qurillfying ~ you expect to be ready tor our&uthw~ lSWamred OV~ bcautttul !!COTeS, are 8!1 followo: tlrllt ganw."Cree Meadows Golt Couroo eaTl)' Flrot Fllght--Bud Reew:l, Mona.. The firfit game will be Sept. 5th1lJ week In the annual Men'lI In- haJl3, Tex. 74; J. C. Davill, Mid- hero agairuJl Roswell B.vltll/liona! tournllment Qulilitying land, 76' J. C. Hu.~ ~ ,.roundJI. olntOO for Mandny, cpU1ed sa. 7&; T. Nc-.l1. W~ord, Tex., ADDITIONAL SPORTS NEWS .....'over tn1<> T~y when a lreavy 76; Ph.Il Harl. EI Pnoo. 74' JlmlC:I' t'AOES 7 AND J.lShowCT tntl"lTUPtcd play Monday Allred. Midland, 76' Mark Thomp- .~. ron. L05 Cruceo, 75; T. J,... Owen::s, dale, EI PB30, ll3'i.~ 1trIee,

Mcdallt:t wa~ "Red" Rhock>n of Lovmgton.. 77; Tommy Tucker, Ar'.c.3lu, !~i J. T: l:IuthexlOnd, Ok­Octt't:1a wIth a neat 69, three under OdCflllll, 74, Pllul Wood:>. Brown- lahoma I.;ny, Mit R. <:Toucb. Laspar. fIeld. Tex .. 76; J. A. KuykrrJdall, CnJcea, 811; Al alwnck, Prague,

HN.dina up the 10 playerv in t.lU' Odc<.::m, 7:>; E. Byrd, SWphmville, Okla., 03; Aaron C<l.rtbel, Flay....humvwnclllp nIght l!l dclcndtnll 77; B Burl.e::un, l\,1!dl~ 74; Punk I ¢:Ida, Tex.• 84; Lloyo l41rIgus. Fi,t­c-harnplOn from tho 19M toun\f.'Y Cozby. Odc=a. 'lG; ph Neel, ana, 64; J. Powem, Lao CruCe, lJ5;J('ll Goochn of La:, Croc~. Oth~ Ode:~.a. 75. Poul Arnold, Pecos, Larry Fen;xJn. RDswcll. .f!.t CharlesIn Lb" champlo=tup UI3ht bCddeu Tt"X.• 77 MOlITI1:on, Austin, 01): H. ttll2'kr1derGoodin llfI,j Rhoden. undI their Second Fhr,ht-Edd AmmlGtt Hob~, 04; Oeorce Womack, Mcx:4wlllf) In« &,'U1...... arc.> nUl Ken- Rc:;well 77· C Cntky AnmrUlo' In, Tex., 05.n("ry. Austm. Tt"X. 73; Bill Craig, Tex 70 J . ne:awn. P~mp:l Tex' Fifth FLlglJt-O. K. FloteD-Cu)"r"doClt,Y. Tl'x 70: Duff Law_ 78. Ken 'Newton. Ruidooo, ro; Jack cr, SnydCT. Texall, 85;!.... .,1<..... 1....,. CT~'1l. 14; Bob M\!Ir- W.1bon, RuUlcso, 78; T. F. V-aU£}tn B. Pf.'Tltlntl, Albuquerque, 06; H..~nll. IWJWt·lI. 74. (' W ThOl'VC. Lamew, Tex .• 73 J B. Kuy~ Gable Browntield, 00' H. Ander-Io,u=u. 73. C Wl.lliaffi5. St<'Phen- dnll, Oda:::m. 73, Pllli For:unc, Ar- con. Wichita FoJls. Tex., 87; E'lv II Jt·. 1ex . 1I, Dr. J{urv~ White, lcdo, 70; B. M. S~. Jtcrmjt, Boorhcson. Dem1ng, 8~: Ace Pant- .W" hlta FaJ16. T,·x. 74 Don WII- Tex 77 LeRoy Gooch Ruidooo cr, IlW.dcro Do\'m:~.. 07; J. W. Me··"on PhoenIX. 73, ItQy l'edl'n. Ker- 78. {ted '1lmn:Jq, San An.:elo 70; I Mcltan. StcphefWI.l1el. CO; M,B·Irill! Tl·x. 11; Groh3fll Mm-kcy. Sonny Edw~ Blft Sp:rfng, Tex. Ethrld-'...e. Ft. Worth, UT; J. Ac!'am:l,Midland, Tex. 74; DIck Cunfloon.!79. Charlie m;;;t1.O Ode=;:J, 70; Bill IOdc=. Ol); C. B. CIClnalt, 8'1: L.:hlLll Azll.~I0l...70; Juhn Gundy. Sun. Wh.l.,. Lan=, io; C Itow.Vtltm', Roden.~ 66; H. B. Bbnken­Ana.. la. 7.~1 IUllph Petty, Cnnll.Ow. I UIIl Sprill'Jl. 70 Jnml.'t\ PaU(n !>hlp. Wtcl11t;aFa!!3, G7i F. LnUmer,13; Hex wll::on. La:! Crut·e'!, H 0<1= CO' , . Dtmm1u, Tex., s:r. It ul1lcy. Homt:,Huppt'r Breakfast Postponed Thuod Fhghl~· BUI, Ar. ton, 07; It. Amo':t!. Pct=. Ii6; J.

D,1(' I.. p.."tJ.l"fWm('n! ..f 80ITW ot IrolD. 00. Tommy HombudtJc, Ai- Cummtm, Wldn'\:1 Flan3, 07. IIht, Ilwlll1)lfil/ ruUZ1th:l until Tu($. !buquerque. 81. Charl~ Edwareb,' Sixth atVt.~. Cnro\'lq. Wood- jdu). lei w<'ll u<> It... lal., L1wwl'T l..nnraalur. TI"X. 00. (1C,'tl Rhodt>tl, txm. Tex.• 8'7, K.. Ej Pu::o. 00;M..mby. 1tl.. "tro1l Iry Ilwvldcd th1lljUumtJD,lrdo. 62, Don Ada:ro. N. A1kn.~ 09; R Cow­goUt.TO and U....u WIV,'" by the Olk=a. OG John 13cnmL'T. Frt=, Ion. Hobb:l, ~ J. Ru1la. DljIUIl1n,IJlOI':> ClUb Uo1 till' e"ur".. cut tor Tex. BI: top Dav1:J. lWmlt, 91:' ca

o; J. L. Brock.tni;'.Al(I, ~~U,

Mt.l11d'...) W<::J rrIlIV.-<1 10 "u~ () J An.-el. RUldo::o, 92; Dl,\ve 0; W. T. Wil::on, MIDero.l Wcl13,mgh1. i1I,d r..mot· ~oo IX",,'!l' attt'fljl. Caudle. Lavln:.rton. 80; J DC II T~;t 00: D. n. Slemo:Il5, Midbnd,....1 A t.u·..kl.."'t. "I"" tNv«1 frtlm If0ynro. AbIlene. 01 Ikn FDlTtly. 00.1\. Johr=n. PccooJ 07: P PuOt,Uw I...",., 01lkl1)<11 d""'lI w lltlun. Arll.'llIO. 01, Olen whitt'. Roowell, ILubbockb· (l(l:J~:. b-. W=. MtncmlWIU ""JVW I""" Tun'I,,)' uottl 0.2•• Wutl (',n:;by. lIuld~. GO; Wc1bl._?;l lJOU~ Proctor, AbI­W..,llIInf"y "'''"''"11 . (uri.cton Evall3. 1"", Crut·en. 01; ItnCbW{ bid, F~. Tex.,

s.·mJ.lmab wll: I ... IU," ..I",t 1m Shorty lIombul'klt'. Albuqtrerque. 00; ~ I llOOI, PtlCO:3, 09. Leo Joncl,f'n,luy OlU1'mflll 1.1111 lar•.,lo YIl'U,V 01. John Bartw:l. San An~t'lo. 03. Lovln<1OD. C9, Dr. SImmon, WlCb.,,'tI'll"",O. 1t"'!,I, M, (;'"11' ,"",1.",'. f>'ourth I"ll[fht - Davey Wal!tml, tlJl Folb, 00.Util WIII",rr", lfl oWli"'u Uu' luur. MIII1W1d. 83; W C Noble. HQ'U!;'.mt. Seventh fltCht-C Smith. Car­11."'1".1 mud yto:,!... cI:... 114. Sid Kyle. PtX'03. G4. Wnl'.ht p1Cl CbrCiU, In. PBt ~y. Ode>

TIlCTt' lIHl /Wvt>n HUI,un"",. III WI;)WIJl::>.•'00110. 3l). T';m r>rl5-1 c:l, 02; 0 Mareh. AUJUn. Ol{ RFulll.'T. CcloTl:rlo CIty, T('x . 0 . S.

HI2llIllUUfIlIIUU2IImUUmnmummmmum:unmm:mmmmmm:mmu: Gllbrroth, Dlmm)tt, 01, S Fox,• • Mulct:hoo, Tex., 02j M McClaIn.• • Urowntlcld.t 01; J Sncrman, W4eb-• NOW OPEN •1111 Falb. 03: J. wUUnfJt3. S1cphrn-• • ville. 01; M. MIl1cr. Dig Sprinn, 02;• • J. Colllll:l, 11k1y<bdD.. 0 I ; '1'utty• • Joncl. Mldbnd, 03; &1m Fox.• • Mu1u:lhoo, 00; R. llardy, Ab11coo,• • 02; T. Ncwtron, San A~lo DI;• CREE MEADOWS • n OrittJth, Rul~ Duwn:J..I. ,ba.• • EI(.hth flItlbt.-R. MWI:J. voc::=:1,: • 1>4; J IUlOOc.3. Alnmoc;:onW, M; T.

• Muf')Jhy, 0dc::::1, 1>4; B. Dawc:a,: • I Phocntx os; R. S1r\1cr DcaDng,

• DRIVING RANGE • 04; 8. r.1r:lrW, Itau:;'~ O~i. <!. cp..• • llro, li'1o)"d::t1:l, 03, J. ~)'. ,• • Rutdc:xl, OOJ. J. W. E!d::on. &:d- Bray" Win On.• •• lCJtl!, T<'ll., ; D. Foro. Austln, Oll; In'" I ......,. League I• O. L. Mooil£\, ~~;~tbt- Io.oUU• • fOOl, Od~ 05; M. , Leu The lJttlo Lc::~o nm1.'t':l ,,01• • Orut'O, IMi.,h. L. IIdth, DigS~ b::ck In Ulo win oo1UIJUl1~• : 95;.0n:dJ Ilockey,M~, 1)4; U. rnOt1 thb wcclt bc3tIDi thdr crclI• 7100 A. M. 'TIL lOP, M. DAILY • Blw:t, M1dl.::lnd, GO. rivalD, Uw CU1:i, 10 0 elOlJiO 8-5• • Nln:h ~D. Orr. R?ldc:o, tllc1 \,<'O'lt OOVCO tnn'..ns;n.• • 07. D. Elllll, G:m Anzc!3, lOll, N. A. Pacl'.cr Jocldo Racl'..w. c1 tho.n:mmz:mIlUllllllllllmmz:mUlmUIIIIIll:mlllmmllUlZ:ZUllllllllz:nmllU ~kcr.~ ?O; R Mum, Drovco p1tdtcd1 0 t-so-hittu. Tho

OdCSl,. g~... P. ~.Cl. AnrlTO\'<'II. Cronl we t!1:xt 0..0 tar Iho flrt;t fl~100; D. 'l'~ Roortng SvrtnD,~Tex., IOtl Den GhxkclfOTd. Frj. Co~cbmsz Racllcl:t~~ml:1, 93; u. ~1.Floyd:::d:l, OB; ....."otr~ NW\Io"OOd. bat­M. ~1, uoaIli3, 100; K. tcr,y v,-.a~ cmd l.c.;o,"IJW) eden.WrJ.'i,na}W~ Fallit, 100: G I\~- Tho Bro;u' v~ thb w'C(!!tOu1ro, 11tt1doa1, 9&; ROl!nlly Ilea. 10....'0 tOO~ at five wlrulId:l!ou1 Ta., 89; D. Woltcm, for thO Cubs cml) tour fur tholend, IIi, nm...-ca.••••••••••••••••••••-.-.~-~.·~.-.-.-••ii•••••••-


.(BBW>lRC) .

In On the RuldOlOl>o1mI~ HOWl eel wm Sell •- - ~ .

2-Y...,·Old Stud NoW.Nop1IDateclf~ laSa~...~F~. (:mtglhle fol' Trilla Soon.)




-- "l

SUNDAY-4th ApnW· MJluldOIO Quutw Hone Dubr" at440Yard16

FRIDAY-"Cratt NMdowa •.A11owuca" at 0... MUe




." ~•





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Page 5: NT·'I· .•' 'N:GS .. ''' - OD Mala (lold In Palmar Oat ... .. .I'x 8'- $la.95 '~


,~ -,_:c,.. ... ,: ••~...; ..,...:~ ;l;:-','" '-f,_,'

wltc PU't ..... i>o-..·'cppe. onto.he 'o....·'oo~. H., Ih. I>flt'f....:' •MOlOt". _. !ltd - beuuwh. (h,ROlI' ..go.ou.·..d•• 10 .1'"glid'L

""'H'~ isTt\fMI\N -.


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avlorno'i.....I" "' may bl:' 'op, - hvl ,tIvff,,,, f,om 'he 1I1,0·lonl. 1I1mO"'(Ov'd, and



I", 100...·I.P•••• I'l1o'COOl ,.duc.d '. II c .....e.l 'OIllMI '01 ,Dog ..

~. &: H. Green Stamps GiTeD

Nolhlnlf Adch 10The Fun of Bummll1'

Mor. Than

Sparkling Clean


Dial CL 7-2725 for Pick-Up &: DeUveryMondays - Thursdafl - Saturdaya

Estes Cleaners

ror E••IT O«.do~porl..loctal dfain. •••IT-da, la.a.Lei td prolong lb. life of ,otUclo1hlng .Ub tb. fiD... 01Dry CI.aDlng

Complete ServiceWh.ther ,ou D • .cI n.paln or fiD.Od Malor Fu.t-,ou'U ,.. lop..nice AND Top. Produc:ta andParll Her••

"Do I Have toAll My Ufe Just BecauseI'm a Woman?"

Hel ,...,., heat ,..nol creu at......,1 Gttl .. .,....,.., ..~ "'''tel ..... Iorlat

"10........w ..........1",..,.to .INrinng

Totla1. -f=lle rml'futna" nFt'd .. lUI lonaer cul!ered the Btrfu]oliver occur araln for mont monthly cramps. heedl1chea,wamen-not at ant! ooel Ima:rlno lncllol'he:J Later dw1.nil cl1lUtge-helng tree from tho Illlln. ml~lJ' of-U~~l "hat fill!lhell- cub:lldll.lI'-~ and old wW to drrndl J1tabmty l!J calmed! E'wen ana

II tho~ of Lydia meDo~, Plnkham'o Tatl!etaP1nkha!n'" 'Nb!rt!J - wonderful help tiulld ntnngtb-glvlnll bloodIrelief women can bave all JWlt b«aw:e you're a W'CI11&D,tllrouo1l tJutl Ileal you don't han to DUtterl start

PiniIWn'l unf~comNnattlln takinll Pinkham" Tablet.!!, What-of medldne. • ., dllvelo~ cs- ever your age,!take them dally forpeclalJy for wmneD's RHments. all the bEnent!l You un get aU(Even lndude. blood·.,ulIdlna 'hrougb :v.our life I Lydia E.Iron!) In c1octms' toto. 3 out oJ PlDkhlUij'O TnbIt'1n Bt dnigJltQms.


Skyland Garage-AJm-




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For Your Convenience We WIDBe Open Six Days a Week

5 p. m. Until Midnight (Closed Mondays)Open 11 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sundap


Licensed and Bonded

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SEPTIC TARK PUMPINGPhones CL 7·3188 or CL 74543

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Mail Addre!s: Alto Route. Capitani.••••••••.....e····················~·l__ ... c=--""-,,,= m_"'''-_ _ _ . .~ _ _ __ '-"_ "•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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Ruidoso Downs

Ready-Mix Concrete

Call .Green Tree ES 8-4325

Three Trucb To Sene You

neUTered :bay 01' Night


a.Janc~d Wh..1J 01., Mote Tir, MUttsl

.BEAR ON-A-CAR.Wheel BalanciDg Service

WHfaW.~we~ t...1aedl ddd til (he tal'

__ 1itt ·",*",~m....~aqMIM4it.DtlYe. a"er~·'!1d IJPE _ AfJ':; "10..• .0 WIJed.......... T...Iet~ iIte e ...................... 1iV fiwlil ....'8CiQt" ',.... ......·.,....-.,t". .

.·.·Midw.'··." ,... q.,;;t..* .




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... 'R1liCl*.Nem .~A~. A~t 'll 1~5~

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Flit ..... '1 [.'••COCA:dUtC n••ay CQCA-<:ot"A lIOT'1'i.t1rO co.. AJ.AKO(JOJlDO

GriIl-ltotonrgers,ice-coldCokel· -',.Coke mak•• food ta!rte better.

t ~.


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'. . .' -

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Bookkeeping ServiceTn Allhtance

Gladp ThomsonIva Coleman Apt., Ph&. CL '-lUll

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ICapitan' News .r' "':iy l:tra. ~1I.1') ,•'<1~'"I (Pll,gj... am -:P. o. BoxuL ' ~. ,',

Iln~wd~'ks~~S"~~f~ly' .it 'ININ" ..." .,' , I ..:'''':' o;:~: ,,,:!~,,:f>./;,',:'\;' ,,~~~~:'~: ....., , ...... _w " .... , ...- .N~ D G SPO• ...".DrawJp.. ---.....--. ....._- ,','" . ...~ ,; , ' ,,'

clu4'ing the Jilek Shaws of Ft. I"ood Ilr.w~ and P.t1'ODQO Is RUe.s:sers. the F. K, &113, Sr., tho .1. :", (¥: ;.;i '" "'."",' ", " '. ',," c,J\,.;

.,~i:~~g::~n~ S~t::mi: ~~:~;'~~\~~~ ::::n:~ "~~~e~h=a~~:~~i~bi ';' '-'7 •.<~~ ..;.~~ ~,""""""::":::;''''):...;:.''..;.,'_..-....'..........__;.;............,...;4............'........l:,.!'...., ..........'~.....'....,....,.. ....-_'...._~""""'.-...." ....(.aJ

· thele IlI~h ahnU<lil re-union. &!V.. the spot where the 1,)14 Wa,on Capj.len has nad Q.r~l>h at acel- POPULAR TOURIST SPOT- I·en'l~ven were pTest.'llt. Jack's Wheel Mo~ wu operated lor dents ~Jy.Mrs.P. S. WnUams. The "No V~!lo," sJcn hanp At "~n HrJ.,~rp'l~"!)(- Mrs. Tomasita Buca, Bent; Mrs.mqther WIIS due, bul (1ue to III heart many years belore U was cleo w'as the l~t~t Vil:ti:m" sus~alnill'g " out pretty re,ularl, at this new ""~ lit ~j II. B Imt Ch Doe FOV.ll<.·u"on, coula not come. Several lIb'oyed by lire. The new d~ I:f painful wound by II n:l!l in a, Park Motel, op>eDed thlll season i eau ampion, oreman,N~v J.I4~co ll%ld l'exas commlIDi- place leatures taeOll, chlcken and g&~e at the family hous<.l.Prlor to on Main Road near the city's ----......---=----- Ruldcoo; Pam Stratton, E1 Paso;tljis were represented-. A .chicken lItealul. her accid~, Mrs. Lloyd. Tllyilor park ID Palmer Gateway by Mr., Patients receiving treatment thl Mr$. Pliwine KuylrendaH. Capitan;d1.nDe:r \VaS -tb,~ mmn event Sunday RUIDOtlO NI!.We PHOTO. fell while ::'he W~ .{lloore, d'islOt:at- and Mrs. J. P, Smith. last severnl d~B In Ruldoso-Hon- ~~ J;~ ~=:, ~~~u::1IJ01l2l. O.2l~ fe-UllI.cns h.we. bl2l - __ ._----'--._ Il1Jg her right n.rm 01 the s:boy;)der RUlDOeo NIIW" "HOTO ::\0 Valley Gel\ol'al Hospital bavl '........ ~..... MrS.heidi a~ ~verll1 'Places, includ'ing Pasadena, spoke on ~vnntagcs 01 T'he lU'm is in, a sUng. Mrs. t.uck . . , I Deen: ~ettery. GUa . •~ . A.

· MOUJl;~ma4" ~w 'Lubbock. the churoh col1e,ge. This. ends. the <lcl1 /lnd. §usmmw !lJr~ m-! Macht EdmondSon, va1ed hien~ Mrs. I3ernire J~mes. ~ An.. • Brcl<!mblld" Beev e, Tex.;, - ;I'lcm\ie~ancl Mrs. ~Ia campifigacUvilies for 1958, but on cervtJy. necesslt<l't!nl:l lW~tnl ~ andt relatJYe3 in Carlsbad last Sat- d'er&on, Bud Alexander, Fred Cor- Mrs. Fled Gtes:9Wen. we're among RuidoSOamJ Sur~. Aug. la, the annual Camp -and Mrs. GerlruQ.! Mi:4'I1ls sus.. urday. nell. MOOl.<.T Jmnes Cornell Ala-.prellc:lllt tor the open hou:;e tor Meeting 'beg1ns, to run through tQined a bJ'Okm, c.:rm. result of ai' Frank MONis of TulMosa, tor- rnogordo; Mrs. Jooepblne Worley, New Coetume Jewelry-Now On'!newl,)''Wedls Mr. and Mre. Ted Aug. 17. Quite (\ few from Capitan fall. All tour l.n:ciden:!s occurred, merly of our nearby T\ICISIOJ1 Mt. Gary Scarborough, Jenry ROSie. CLAYTON BENNETT'SCuITllIlJDs last SWlIl>aY. 'the Ted p,ttend the night servlCCll nt .t.he near the victims' hom~! olJ ll£!'C. pgmmwrlty. WllS 1\ Oapitml visitor Roswellj Mrs. Vu,;nta Wunder. Wm a' the Y on Ulway 70Cununlns1eft for Pasadena, Calif., camp. While tfi~ camp WQs in. oos- J'CCUlltrotfng at this wr.1qng. J1;<:eJl~, staying wi'th his GOn and -;;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;4;4;;t;;t;;t;;t;4;4;.-.~~~;;t~~;;;~;;;;;4~~wbere Mrs. CUIJUllin:9 iu to tIni!;h olon Mrs. Becoher Kuykembll. Rev. Joe McChmg, nss1stnnt~ daughter-In-law, Mr. and Mm. C. .! work th:Js te.nn. Ted- re- wife QU.he Capl~N{lZal'ene mJ.n.. tw of an El PWlONazarene Church. A. Marrls. I ~

. • _ . • SHOWS Ii1VE DAYS-PJCke4 pOrm fte ~ a. canol faarmer now. Sster,DecllJ?lC ill aPd WllS rushed SJl'CIlt fl\.Vt) d.1ye a1 Angus Camp Ms'. and Mm. Dee Hickman left . JUST IN-L 6-L_ C. " I Oaea.r" I a:;ked fib brothel', Jlollis, how to Ruidoso s ~tnl, but Ehe 1:1 last \v«>.k, d:ri~ III bus load1 or SWlday tor 1>lIrom Oltla to vlslteltel/o un; c(Jilor ."tth-:Yeu." "fio~eP:t~ come 'l'eq left hun dnn.ctng in..~e improved llO\Y and Is b~k at youngsters uP· Mr. Plcn:e, forfner- relMivw of Mrs. H~'ll. They Biggest Stock In Ruidoso of

i •• - ..-- lttver JtwaJ." In color aIlCl", ~ trough and he replied, I m hame. Th'C h'Ucl>andl Wll9 nlro In. ly of Cn¢tnn anu now of E1 P-a~. may brin<I l!er mother home with MOCCASINSAUi'USt 3 11158 ()111~ alWlllYO a day 1nte £Uld OJ dollar but recuperatOO at his home and rome IIJld returned· the bus andIthem J! her helilih will allow it

To 'the people of Rui~' h &th°'7:u -:ow. live lkyl sh'O!'t." Mr. anll Mrs. Lewis Cum- bolh wue b~k !no church Sunday. ft.tld!ents to El PasO at Ute CllmP'S Lab news 1 bnve ot ,poopi"We em the Gtaft of the Crippled ~r:..:'eek.eTheep~:~::: mins returned l~ w~ from a Thea, \veDt Ito Cn.:r~ for lunch end. Numerous E.I P~ nntlfWho~ lU: Mrs. PadiLla. roo1heT of WEDGE SOLED - SEVERAL NEW STYLES

ClWdre.n'o Cllmp wi2h to e~d I from ThlU'lday. Aq. le, tbrowrh VISJ.-t in CaJ¥=a :Vhcre they at- an. unday with frimds. Io~ T~, and N'llW MextCOll.3. Ju;m nnt!t Itamon, of AlIlIlWC:o~ OJ( SALE ATour- ,thMks to the people of RUI.' MoDcla, Aq 18. n stan WJl tErnled Ted IJ wcdtitlng. The open Mre. CnrLton Cannon nndl tnnitly -too. have enjoyed! tJ\e cool cUmate and~ I'eSpt'.c."ttveJy a1so Mnid'cloo. We haVe the feelJn.g 'that 1lAm' Uoiden. ~bove center AI~ twu:e!or the bride and groom WCl.ll "(!<he ls better lawwn lIS At1S':lIlill and the activlti~of the camp thi3 Pn:bro Chavez, Capitnn.: ltJ m~ FIESTA NOVELTY SHOP~ bdrlnd. wr-ln ll.\I%Det'Ol1jl Guinda above leit. and' J~k IlII Jt~!be paJ'Cllts. the Zomora) are in Germany with the )~1Ult1 have 110t f<X!'COttm to fmproved and W<l8 10 be II:ble to And T T"'fWIOT 'E:' CHIEF CURIOS~. We CIm'~ tharlJw best by Uawldm. rkht. I.L.eWIS. Armed Forc:m. They will remainI~cII~mtl Into Capi- tho Ruidooo hcn;pital tor h\'!J' ........ .10 .10 W£ogiving )'0\1 a g!4mp::;e Into our pro- The DEmliB Coopers occupied about three yearl!. AmanW's Ili!:;tor. wn tor this ptU'pO:le. heme St.tnd::l,y. She 'has boen very .~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,il'llm. 'QUANTEZ' IS OFFBEAT their new home on Ea91 FltUl Cecilia CMrIl. Jemn Ware) and tam- DoyleC~ termerly of Cap. AU Mrn Luc'y Hlpp entexed Cwrrl- •

We giv-e the ehi1cfren n J>TCZrom 'OU1'DOOR AVTlON FILM I Su-eet lnat week. Dt.'mla:I.l did the 11)" are now living In Centerville, ~ but now stro.Yed to P=denn. ~ ~tal 1=1 wtlclt, b3ttling ••••••••••••••••• It••••••••••••••••••.:of tll.eropy. If you have mlzed i DI£o.4zrctJy O!f the beaten t..ruck OOJl::l:ruclion In. hiD~ time. Ala., where Wcre ill employed Il9 Calif., arIlivcU Cit Three Rivera reo- pncumonl.:l, and W03 cald to be • J. II. "Jim· Sill.1 PboDe HE-7-31oo •acemg our chUdreD £Ibolllt town It'D' trc;i...C'1!I bY' moo tronUe dm - Rev. Fred WhiUey from the Naz_ Il nw~ van driver. CtJcclia like cenUy to vl!;it hb parents. later quite ill. 6h\1 px:;ed her 92nd' nule_ • •bce:1u:e they ~ve been b~ at iI::J "Quantez," um UnJ~-1n~ I nrene Cump at An(:us Wa:J in Rw- the wlnfur c.linuw there but at>- c:om1Jrn to Angus and ¢O QlpltmJ ,. stolle last hbY. remember? • GENERAL SIGNS COMPANY •tho rifle ronce wlrere M'lllITllY i:l ~tl<JIUlJ pll:ture In eo:1<Jr and Cln-j d;o::o Satura:Jy while Mm. Whitley horn BUmmer!l heat. Bonio Znmor.a, to v1sfi the LoI.'o13 Cummins tam- Mr. ond M'I'I3, N. E. Britton at • •~h:Ing DtClldiDe::l andl muxle emt&opC oo-atn.rrill!! F~ Mnc b~ec:lJ h'a=lf canning cam. Tho-..e II bro:.her. now In cervlce, ba5 been l1y Fri~ la::;t \veek. They \vent on i Block RImCh Journeyed' to Albu- • •(XlIltro1; or ct the archery~ MWTll~ 'Doro1hy l&ion~ an d Angus DCOP1e don't CO h\mgs'y- mnUoncd at Ft. Gordon, Ga., for Q to Ft.~ to vls1t Doyle'o cb- qucrqUO J.uIty'D[) takin:J II dauqh- • ·Th. Orlglnll MAlCERS-FlX~l'J-PU·I·TERUPPERS· •w!fu LuciD. and Hcdy. Ann m:lgh1 : JOIDe:1 Bqrton whicll shows Sntur •for I ca11ediMrn. Pelero FrUI.1.v (lIld brief time. but expect.!! OVCI"CCLltl tel', Ellene, 41J1d' to meet a broth(ll'l ter. Nath.-dfo. nnd Arol'Dla TruJIllo • NEON - M.d. In Alamogordo •be tound M the G1.vim dock teaCh-1 day night~ at lbo Me. Vue~Iche WC3 busy !reeziIr2 gl'CCn pca5. duty dwrtly. from Tatum. of '<:apttml, who are to att..'t'\d a • •lng hqillStero; Ray b leeching bal- 1»"1} Orive-Iiio Theatre. . William Conder cpcct part of Dan J(uW!:novlch, tonllOI'!y Of We heard through Mm. EdJr-lr rJnC1Ul camp a1 <the t:l<Itt' unlv<'ndtr • TRUCX LET 1ElUNG •once in OUT horGcbuclt ridine pro- It'D the, exciting &tory of b::t week In Tula..tw3 aOO' Ahuno- Ft. SU!;1.toD, write;) he no1 oo1y .U!c Lon Mcrclr;m,!o are busy on' 'I'Itcy arc cpon:::ored by Capitan 8 • nOAD SIGJf8 •gram. For children wHb a creative four b:lIlU1t!l [lIld the girl flrIend gordo vlsltina trtend3 and' l't'Ja- r<m¢:J the doritO oldtime:ro write their w.~ tCI"fW, where they Band Boa:Jtero. They due bilCl1 • • GOLD LEAF :bent, lkr¢ nught be found.. turn- of 1110 leader of the bend who hcl'c Uv~. Cor the Cn:rrlzo:zo Outlook, but ho rn!;IlC cr0p3 and clro feed cait1e to:r heme to<fuy (F1r!d-ay).' RENTALBLng the potterll wheel. Pat wcrkB up tor one nil;ht In 0 recently I A DeYCrC hallitarm hit Ft. Stun- SBVc:J them ll:l well Re!crrlng to morket. She ro)'n they may not be Goorco Mc:Brldie. CapItan, 13 1'Cln- • •with weaving, bmIdJne. P:l1nUng oOOllldOOCdl dc::crt town ll:l thW~ Ion lest wrek, dropping huDt UW c:olunm. he mid "I read it l7:Jck tn thelr Linoo!n County home etroct4n-J a twroo for the munal~ • 101 W. 10lh Alamogordo. N•• Mexico =lU1d dmwJne, AIlco hC3 some of tJcdng from lJ WJCOO. It'D G ctory ctoIU'3. \vlth £1l'C"Lt ln~e It nl- for come time. ()f Bloch RI:nch-N. E, Brlttml The ~our cJU1diom bulldintl up our nO'- 01 C1'Ol2:IIllld doUbl'll-<:r<lal, !or the I Mm. P~l Pruitt 1etl bt.c 1llct \vnyn teJ1D oomethlng of friOtlb Mm. A. G. MClT)'1leld who wern quJ1rlcm bum~l b!;t )'c.2!l and' a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••turo mu:JeUm w~th moteric!:l ~1h- membcrn of the rabbeT bnnd dUl- week for Q vi:lIt at the JeXhn Pur- there at !no plaee where I re~- to lIer d~ter'll homo fm her t.anpo:rory lwnro~ been uood by - -_.. --_.rred on hunto wJtb Mr. F~er'l tru:;t cccb o.ther l:::l much ll:l thcy cella ranch, north of the Cnp1tanll. cd my hc:<llth, found my wife lUtl2, l!I reported l:::l Improving' the Brltl.<m:l (h~ A vL"')w at thoIt ,)'0\1 cen/t find 0~ In .fIate thelr ~crn. I wht:ro they h::wo GlIit:cp. Mrci. Pur- \vhcre our c1u1drcn were bolrin and tIne. Block R;mcb h!l('l b«'n D D BnI-c:/UI1;ll look for him out on the Rc:t,.1 1k=il1lC:l the o.=c. the Cllf;t In- cella J:) Mrll. Prultt'll cbuzhter. went to ct'llOOl-h:tpplcot dllYO of Horaoo E1lb and h1tJ cl5ter Mnl Ial, DalL'1ll, Tex.ervc.1ion where he ~ t.alren hiD dudc:J S)~ Cll:.:1pUn John Ga- The Youth 1.U1Jll) W~ In ac=;1on my llfe there in LJilooJo Caunty ., .SJ"Cillp far en~t. vtn, John Lt::n:h M:d Mtclmc1 An- aU bt week at the Na:orcme En- llfld 0Il0 con fin1i no more 1tC!Gb- ID UIlUy The,. JI !Urepgt!l SIX SECOND BERlIlON

AU a! our chllibco have camped earo. c~cnt at Anll\l:) tor boyv end barty• .tr1m.dly cndi clnccro people AllIed R.aUT Anodal.. "If God 00 fOT u.... who run beOUt. nt:!Dy nwrc~ once. EVQl atrl!l ()f~ ochool e<::c. A rocord t1uln in Capillm. L!ncoln. Ru1do:;o Phone 3303 - On Main Road ag;Ilmt u:>?" Rom 0 31fjw more oerl=y hen1l.1c:<l:PPOO 'MARACAIBO' OPENS WCALLY crowd at 1U5~ut tht'nl c.nd the l!o:lulv Vtillcy. Now3I"CU -;;;;;;;:"::,,,:::,.::,wo:¥;;...;;;,;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;children ~V'O found t2l:at ccTtt1!n T b e be x t \Vcd.. wero at JC::ltt 250 t.herc countbrU occ w~ )'VUr ncwo JD 00 d~ to ~~~....,..,~~••JlltC'¥1~ ......

J()y in the out-<I1-docn'O. =acy nnu 1huro.:by at tho Ml yt::;ltorn and wcrlccm ot th~ eam~. tz:l," He mcntiOlWd mony Lincoln rJ_ ~ I LowWe b':lo tried to cre-..1c tar the Vue Sho-Dyn Drive-In Throtre Sprolter Wll:I Rev W. VlIntrerpcx'l, County pccp!e by n::uno In h1:l rIO:). ~..lnIru.ry~ en otmoqthcrc to \vtUcb htre w1U be ParUlWunt'o Ttthn1- N=lUlC P II II tor of Colorado tn/etc letter, Io ~'ccp n«!o nnt \let a burd.c:D. coloT "ndv<'mUfe-!Vm:.m~I...""Maro- S~. Co1.o. The Chorolin Atrc:l, lInd you CV'CT no1icc:d ho'.... n=;y HOUSEPOWERWO wenL Ulan (0 tittcmo oelf-, clluTi.n;J C(n~ \Vua~ and 0 ""'Up of cinl;crD IlIld mlC;1c!oD:l h:wc moved hem OUT~ to AI-, '.rclicnt and bo;lclul. A group a! J~Walwcc end ~brringA.bbe frcm ~:ldM;)~ In Clill1or- 'buquCTqm>? They tnch.t:ltc two of II fh. culpritcl!:ht ?"e:lr cld atrb out on an over. Ltmc, ~b I...cl1ercr, c.ndi Mkb- lib provided como frOOd mu:::1c. Jim .the lWbkl boYD and tamUlc:l, therdsht. awolro_thdr cotJII:XllOm the crl LtmltmJ Joe E. Roo, rolurtul Bond, Pampa, TC'X., ctudurt !tom Martin Moc:rc3. Ed Ebe)~ Ntm- BlllCkoulJl am .urt' du{'lJ. Th('ynext nw:rnm:l willi a ClC~ fire S;;t. lUtzlk ot Phil Sllvcr'o tclevl- _ ~_ .. - - aro elgnll that your wirillll ill oV()r·wbfch thC)' tmd bum the=lv~ (lion oc.rtc:1. b lmpo1':c.nUy frohJred. c * IrodOO. Thnt e whr applinncnLitt1'q1 elgm )"trJ o!d Ann:l. on i MM=a1bo" lclh a~ II ronnot 0l",rolo C1ffirll'ntly.cru1chc:l, fclJ inI'.o a errek em tho p::ck«l c!o:ry of cbn:c;er and ro- You cel rull t:t'rvioo and full vlIlllefl.a time Ln h«:r lifo and tclkB of m:mce oct in oll-rtch VCJlwuclo. (rom aU your C11t'ctrlco.l ('Quip.no1blnc cbo. At Ule C\-"cn'.IItl romp.. ,Wildl! ,POl·.a-a,)'O llQ expert. I mlmt wMn Your honw hila "'wltIre, ~o children~ them- devil flro.f~!crwho t::I cclkd en HOUSEPO\VER.cch'O with~ 4»d g;lmCfl. Ito qucllll~t1on()f tmmcn:e. ,AslIllJfer e HOUn'OWllletlnt I'"

We bLw<> 810~ OM dMl- t:n:2 dmU~ln<r propor.«m:J. It. Eo (BOB) CARTER ELECTRICco~od &1clt. aid ","'0 arc tc:ptG' to 7,._ •bo ~~ w4:b cudl an r..v....z U;] 0 ccmp11li eround. Mm. I ....... J .- _..._.- R d'- p_ t _ 0 p" •• PO. ..••~Cdf~unl~C:001~~';~c::.~~eq~pm~~;=~i #w &<Ie uDct..... ~ -.... oa .... .....u ate.a, ~~~..=~~ .Wo f'Ci1"G1. ~ W() cou.1d not &c:- 8UJ Hu.QlD !or' givlno our chU- C,BICKEN- STEAKS .cq1 them c!l~« 0"'" tu1J dJO) UlO thl'Ul of Ilhc Ilrc1 tl::b, thoPl~· In~ we aro fnr,lAam Club ferc:~cqul~ ROT ICE<k:btc:d to Herb llIld PaullooG~ tho l..l.nrom Intp.'cincii1 and F«:dfIC1000 tcr dvL.'l1J ourcllll'lP Il trome,l C<Jmp:;nY. the C. o.ndi L. ~r TACOSDr. Bmm V~ok. Mr. SoUto Co:mp:my, the Sw.n!C)' McN.:l\.b fo: Change of HoUl'l at

~~~~~;::r~ffE5=~~~~~ NOB HILL RESTAURANTH~C>COko tar~ GOO c.mmunl- Sport~ ~o A~ Trndlnll Enjoy them in our dining room orlien, Mr. Chino 01 Ma;cclcro 107 ~ Dr. ~ . D. lklc'...oo, Uxl 6ttrte ",_.& them boxed to go. __ _ Pcillcc. tho &nec:, BctD S4:mo U1Q

CABLE TELEVISION :::= ~Ub end tn:m:7 alb- Semng BreaJdut--()pen 7 a. m.T~ep~:~.::Jl .w~~~~~~ t.. a •• a·_w


7 g

Or Se& MelY1n Knox Al=-~lN!~MexiCO For Cement of Any ClanBUIDOSO TV SERVICE SIX SECOND SEUION_____: -=.- "AM Ja:t19 ccllcd 0 UtUo clrlId

umo H1m, t:nd tll?1 him in (he mi~~of them, end old, ,,-e~ I c:J3Ulrto )'eu. except ye be oom--ertcd.end bcromo C:J UttI.! ehllitren. )0duill 11m cn!tt ln~ the kf.nzd:ama!~.. Mntt. 18:2-3.

POI' The SlUOD •••



Reeentl,-lteuoftfN .w1thAUN..C~

ADd Othu SafetrF'eliurft Added..

a.t.htealhJl1dt&g 'flIWol"V.uq.jiKJ. jhe ~.ltom.tt1J&RaWF~.

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ON· THIS SCSNXa l:.lBLE CARIJt>!CD11*'$. !llghwat70'~ItOUJ.1fOOd··qcl. 1t~~.~Qm~".~··.. '- '" ..,...-. ,


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Lloyd L. DavIJ~ Jr.

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Prices from $225.00 to $975.00, 10 percentDown with Terms and Payments

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Is 1ocated..1n the hu.rt of RuldoIo-convenieDJIy .ltuated toIUghway,Post Office,~ Shopplng Areu. Thla unlt hu nicelarge Iota In beautlfully wooded Hdlon of Ponderou PIneland lOme of the Ruidoso Area's mod magnificent view 10D.City water will be In Itreet in front of all loU.





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Make Your Selection Early-the Choice Lo~ ao--FitillPhone CL 7·4675' Office on Mechem Drive

P. O. Box 1147Mary D. DJl'ril

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IS SO MUCH BEUER THAN IT USED TO BE,... ._- i r-."l .~- ... _'~ _ -.,::.._.,...,.~~ f.. ~; __ ~,:;,::::;; __ ,.-'-~".:--""',:; ~~,~l\

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AT COOl'SYou'UFind-


- ".~ .-




Genoral BuUdlng

Commercial and

Home BuUding

JobnR. Emde

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HOW BIG )"thlp~ thisbear I,T He's 10 feet tall,probabJY I.rjut ever.hoL A New Mexico manballed him norlh ot '~~rln St~!It. f P ."';~,~..

,,~, ....-..'


MAJ&TIAN CITY ot Mure n vlluaJli~ by sci·enlt-ts wllb folk from ollrElirth hVin, In flllly pressur·ized cfty dome••

-,-' ,

t;:' ..r' ,/' ..,.r~'. "'; '~<->;,_.~:._; ," '.

. . ,.' . ' , .,~ -, . . . ','" .. ..)"',PO"" " . " ..... ' .. .,. {",. , ,.' .'."~~': ;, "h'''- ',.'.' ..•." •..--~ ~;; '. "-:"", " ;,r<~~/ '·..·f ,.'. -,\", '-' -,:~

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,r;.';i,! SMALLEST switch, 1/2B~h ounco!r,,;, bothers Kevin McKIIY a bit, bu~. , Minneapolis-Honeywell engineers

. Gay It'll be big holp In guided mis­, slle .and other fields."." ' "'.,. ', ~ .~"l- ~.~"' '•• ~';""'111":""- ~ '::-1' ,." '

- . ~·",\·';\i"t. ;,''. ~ ~1--"'"

'. ';:{1

long Il!l the)' need n~;:l1~""':' Mm' l the now probl'em:J ot ortlu'ltb ondTLlmor o:ltd. "Mr, O'Connor made blrlh defcctll. Mr, O'Connor lnol­It very ck>~ that tltJo Is our prl- I calcd tha~ pfCCC;o Intarnu:rtlo:nmary rroporolblilly. BUI the Idea aboul tlro=c two 1I/"1Clt:J b not )'Clt01 lJ voluntary O=lotton dcdleut- IIvlJllablo; OltO at the tln;t thtnc:sl"d to lmp.rov'Ullonl of mrm'!J our chl:pler mU!it <to ID to Ic:1rn Flllll5 - FlaahbJllbahewth, rend)' [l1)d IIblc to move In. how man)'~ poUt::n1D there oro, • Tbermoa BotUn - Bun Oluaellwhawvcr direction celenlllic dltl-: what tneUlt.1<!::l wo h:lve tm O1Vlnzr Bun Tan LoUODeovt'r1c:l leud It. not ronflrwd to tI, lhem care andI the avlrllobUlly ofomLtle dll:c=. ID 1/ trtmeMo.." llu"hflc.d profc~an!l1 worltcro to (~meUcIl - Fluhl~bts. 11..11< nIDl 1 w the Job. Plall:) [ITO~ made Comette UeslUl

"The IIclltblc 10000c Uw Nn~lon- ~ ,,{ naUoncl hcadQuortcro to hclp FIlm BaJ:vM'1I Candia"t FoLlnrlallon now ".11 oceome Cl u:> ""ilia'.~ InlornnUon.lh.. rcull of ZO )'<'arll 01 planevr- "Our patient IIld pT03J'ilm lorlOll and lI..hleV('TJwnl by I:f:ICllt1Dto ehlldren lhrouLlh 10 who h:lve Cl3'­()lld laymen u~ut om MUon, chrltl:l ~ certaln birth ddcctll1t will tw II pnvdcc;e to h('lJ) loum-It Will 00 dovclapcd n:J we 1ctlmthw now ptugriUtl ' thc=n lbln~ anti b gubJ~t. of

Jo'Irt:&1U'11l1 DUpport lor the JI1."W <VUn:<'. l~ Ill'll wilhf\Ol= 01 peopleproal "m WIll be t;lIughl thJllllWt m W/lt'OIn CoUnly 10 r.Jve t::uttt­Uwlr"d,llonni Marelt of Dunc:J In elent 11=101 oupptrt lor~ PTO-,'J.ulWl' y. Mrn TUTllt'r emphMizcd. arumcutilmll .hOo. ulihtlonal rc;pan::lbllJ_ "Our ~oreh procrom. a:J Wa.::JUc::l undoubwd1y wlU mean artdl- l'lCpllUnlO,i (>1 the tclttlOt. IIlreadytina..I net ..' tur tuntb 10 l.llk"11n l!1 ocglnnlng to pun;ue new lrod:l, Propriellll1"VCUWlt)', ~ <,1t:t'Whero 1~ our prof=:un;ll c.tut"ution I - Jl

"W.. mu::1 plvpare thID Jonuary pror,r.:m Cl uJ):Irnteng," I & SundribSto ITlt'Ct now On:melal {'{JmttUl- I MCllical eare In arthrl~1.~ end On the Co I!utmMlI.:' llhe drdnrcd, "W.. chilli I hll'Ul cl!!fcet:l '" much Lite that fur of the~k .""t IJlt(mpt to nwve Into lhto nmv ptl:Jl-puIlO. Mtll, Tu'tu?r plIlnted I:::UllUm~u~ll~u::il:tiiuti1I1~II~n~I~Il:~:!!II!1Il!!I1:!!I::!!ll!!Jll!!:n~~~~~~~_~~~~_~ .'.7 , s~~~==.~"~.~.b_~S=~~.Ilrt'M ot paU<'ut Uld ovemluht A aut. , __'Z. _ - -- --- ~. - -_.'.~ -- ,_. _.Ul'C'ill dc.:l1 of further lrtudY and '"There ~ nu cp.!tl.C!mlc:':l.~ cheWOt k ~ clJ(oel1 lor IhtJ:)C of lCl In' Old. "but too p:l~lcn~ lUV wIth u:l I

the ehaP:cr. prt::P:utnll to tWa; with [all !lID time and n~ cmell occur I-u:zmzmn::mtmizmrmzmmlml:utU II/t a rnure or Ic:::l prcdlct..'1b:e rolettm::m:ru:an:u:r:mmm:rmmmuu, In pollD the thrcct of' cpllkm".'n,

Ihuns over 0 rommunlty every I

l:UmmCT end rw one t"01lW pred:cl Itht' numocr 01 CI:::l1O. New j<;.';Uf 01 '1lJ1hriUll and blroUl dctocto oct'Ur all)"ur rounrl, )"CaJ' In. amI }'i'ar out. I

,We mw:t do comcth1n'l fm u=p3l101::l oonl.1nuou::ly. Ju:;t 0 .....-e

, naw du tor po:;'.-pol1o:J.. Thb b Drrol ehallence to yoluntocm, I tccl

,certain Ow J>Wp!c 01 thb counl3wtll r'C:Jj)01td to .b cntllu:;t:l:;l!cal·I)'."

. ,






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1'101 r.:-~' clj '1lliO, 'Oia":&u cl lltllI, mojel, Of ccllll:lloa.,Thl, n_ SIc.I... re.,.. W:lh lh outOfftQ1Ic cooltln;fealurel will give you a mueh need.d U.xtro hand" Inlhe Ieltchen. The Thermol Eye butllOr will lOW youeounlle.. trip, 1o &nd from the kllchen to tum 0 burnerup and down-you .... the Thermal Eye burnar con­lroll lileif. lurm up Of down at lui' tho rlghl ttme •••malntalm lhe exad lemperature you "led, And thoThermal Eye burner I, IUlt ona of tho many deluxac(X)klng feotute, of thl, now SltalgD1 range. COM Into '" 1$1 aOOn-l.t U1 demomtrote the many cidva.,.tage. of Ihl, new S1telgol lOnge,

* Automatic Thermal lye lurner* Automatk Oven Ughtf.,.* thermostatically Cotttrotleel Ovtft* Smek...., I-piece n...* Ufetfm. tum... Que ....... , - - -

See us soon···we have alimitednumber of these new ranges. ••

ohere is anew kind of rangea range with automaticfeatures that costs

.... '


.. ,', • -'. ,.,-... ' ,~'" Fe'_" ,'., .• "~...•


NEW MEXICO WINNERS In the 1"1 Fldm' Bod1 Craf'"man'. Guild model eu competltlo. deslrned aad ••11& theseminiature drum can. The, won 1151 .. euh for their eftoriaUpper car ... built b, .Iolut E. IUlJDer. CIIW'" .....r car WIY

ereated b, Lan, Witt, Koo••1L

National Foundation Is New NameFor Infantile Paralysis Fund

The- Llnooln County chapter ~ eel the widened ~urpo-.e at the No.­'the NaU<mIl1 Foundation for In-, Uonal Found:rt1on "an exclUllfl newIWltlJ.o ParuI)"W, now known 113 concept In. the health field:'the NMlOfJaJF~, loolm tor. I TIle Na;I.Ulnal Fo\,Dl.daUon. w'hlloword wIth keen /lfltlclp:rtlan to oon'l4nu1ng ltD wln:nln:~ t I If h tpartlcLpatlon II' ita broad new, IIzruln:rt polio, piarul to ClCp;md ttsIwolth !)1'O::rum. Mrn J P, TlImCJ', tlo'Jvttlt";l I!lo Include Q wide rnnge<'ha!nnan. =td l4xby, I ot Iwl11lh probleJro. Inl Un] new

HotuAlmll !rom Albuquerque &aa1D will bo LU'tbrllli and birthwhore YQlun\4)cr loadma of the NIl_ dofcc1D I cmr~t!U malforma.­uoruu Fou:nd:1tlon In thl!l are:a m,.. 1tlow) , Vlru:l ~lIrctJ nnd 1nVClU­ul:ldtx1 0 ,,!o::rd n .....ull '1"1Lx-"""" tilt r.atlOrul ot dbordcm at tho centralWhich B=I O'C"ru,m, prroldcnt, rwrvoun Dyll!.em wlU be expanded."ulltne.i the fk"W obI"'" IV<':1 or lhe "Our chapter wUI rontlmro to~Uun auVP<J"wo by the meot ~!a obltgatlOll:l to poUo pa­Maroh or Dlmc:l, Mtll TUJTwr eall- UcntD In Llnooln Coun~y tor IlJI

,,.""T,',·" --,"-'

Page 7: NT·'I· .•' 'N:GS .. ''' - OD Mala (lold In Palmar Oat ... .. .I'x 8'- $la.95 '~





.-. ,-


. ,



.. -G.


Dflnk@)g/aSS8Sofmilk every day






There's An Extra Car

FOB THE BESTIn Butane and Propane


Service - AppllanceeBottla Service -::- Fertilizer






: • 4 I I


Powell Chevrolet Co.

Romosa VAB.


LoceJed in 'Upper RuidosoPhone CL 7·3205 - Night CL 7-4545

We Give S. & H. Green Stamp.

.. "'r

:'''ono 461 TuJarol'la, N.. Mex."1.1i VTI"\M BF1\JNFTT. Rttirfno:n RIJ1')Phon. CL 7-llSlll - Wl'llt of Janctlon 00 Wrbwa, 'I'

Finandnq - Insur811ce

I1l5'1 Chevro1e' l!·door. radio, belltu. 0 cJUnden.SlaUan WUOJl ' ' ,. . • _

185'1 Cbnrole' 2-door sedan. V-R. radio, heater•overdrive

18!>6 Ford .-door .latlon wqoo. v-a, 1"&410,heater. Fordomatle

11155 OhkmobUe HoUda, Coupe. radio. beater•b,dnm.Ue. power brak... ptlW", .teeMr

185. Oldsmobtle .-400r sWJUI. llUper·as. radJo. beaur.h7dramJIUc. power brakn. pow"r Dlftorlnlr unll.19M Ford J,-tGo ptcll-oP. hnter. F'ordomBtll' 11108511151 Clu'wolet SabUJ1l!ul. radIo. hnur• • ·DPff'd a.:!51051 OMC "-leD pldl-CD. radio. beawr 8350





, ••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••

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• "," -. "". j • I .' ,," - - ,

" ,

WE'RE REAL PROUDOf the Way the Local Peoplo

Have Started Buying Our Now

0' "''',' '

WHEN YOU WANT IT!Call us and tell U! whaJ you want.

and we can assist you with financing

that remodeling or repair Job, too..


-Hollywood-Don't forget we 8erTe you free coffee

whUe we're filling your order.

J. A. aOlfsLIR. & SUPPLY CO.

We appredeJe your patronage and

say "Keep It Upl"

We can deUver the kind of comont you

want right to your Job



Mok.,N.~t Egg.•

Grew Fa.t.r



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no o-.L b It-.. cna<m r...,. COl

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__~ nr.m an '- =d __..J., ...., P''- o!:=!J .end ..m:u~:,W~,,"~n.,...., (I) Fa'" __ ... (1) Fe. .,.~'ta'.1Illo.0) Fa b cab oJ"--':jiIIJ ••_ ro Te. &f ali., ... Cbri10 lJoolf...~ lola...., oW -W..."m. Ra- ..... 'lkrJo nP!1 ud -' 1= as.41..17.

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IlONDO COllDIUNJTY CIIUBCIISunrlay School each Sunday, 2 p.

LUTHERAN CHURCHII. M. 21mbrlck. Mlnhlu

ServiceD dJeeontinued tempor.arly.

FIRST amiBTlAN CHURCHWI.dpl•• Of Christ)

Mark C. Clouenh.,gu. MiDI.I.,Bible School. O:.S a. m.II o'clock. morning wornhlp

Communion ond Sermon theme,UA World' Church In A World

CrtmD."7:80 p. m.-EvDn<:c1b·1e Service.

Scnnon theme. "Data Goo K'lWNYou lly NomeY"

Fm5T !5APTt8T CHURCHIt... E. J. Tankenley. Paator

RuidosoSunday School. 0:.5 a mWorohlp Service. II :00 a mB. T U., 7:00 p. m.Worl:1l1p Scrvll'e. 0:00 p mWednesdoy Night Service. 7:30


HeY. W. It. P.n)'. MJDlatersun~ School. 10 Q. 01.. morn-

Inll VI Ip II o. 01.. evening wor_Dhlp 7 p. m.

FlRJT BAPTIST ClIt1RCHOrec Tne, K_ Mnic:oHeY, Ed C. Terry. PUlor

8\1nday SclJool, 9:411 •. m.C. T. Carpenter. S. S. SuptPreaching Service. 11 :GO •. In.Ttn1flln~ Union. 6:45 p m.E. L. WUt:on, DIrector T. U.Preaeh1ng Service. 7:33 p. m.Wednuday night cervlce, 7:00.Tho ehureb where pverybmly IJ

comebod)'. and nobndy • lltrOIlj/ClPhone 2241.GATEWAY CHVBCH OF C1UUST

C. Eo HItv1Bbolhlm. Mlnl.l.,Sunday Services:

9:45 8. m.. Dible Study10:45 a. m.. Won:hlp & Ccm.

tnuWco~Wt:1Ib1p ­

Wt:fnt!'!J1a7. 7:00 p. m.. Praye:­Mmm,.


ftrr. Edwutl DitlI:lIu. Mll'latnEar2y momm, wcnhlPt 8:45 ll. m.9;45 SundaY. Uel) Hill Adult

Bib10Clus meets.Morntn, Worahlpt-U:OO ll. 01.

Nti1'RrY providOO for 11:00 n. m.ServIce.

Junb' Chair~7:00 p. m.EvelliDC Servlc:e-'l:30 ". m.CJIJUITIAJr SCIElfCZ IEIlVICEa

Sunday &hool ll,uv!c:u eaellSlindat' at 1:4.5 .. m.. Evet1 Sunday, 11:00 a. m.. III

1tuidolCJ .bInID's Club. Testlmoll)mutll1, rOUowinl reJUlar Mrvie,each third StQld.y. A cordial wei: ltome ts extended to au who ml~

'tbtI Spedal Church Eature IIS~by the Merchants Wfs;.:u~\h HOLIKElBW1loM Ad.~lItI~ Belo* CHVJlCl! OF aW)Olo I>OWJfI

'1! n !let. ....., PMt_

J'" 'A. BUR',NS o~~. 'lt0~. "id Courve e ~~~n~~tmrr:;:~s.• WhisNll"ffitl Pm- Evatllt!llitle Sef\rlCfl""-7:JO p. mLbt•• Supply. . r¥a.7f' ~ Ptumblng at·.HWIng Pr.:~~et1nI-TU!SdW: even

~ a.•• el .., "alMI Cabms n::itr..!\- .i~hU !Af.i..!f~tr~~~· ervlce-...... 1*1 ,.,. Mr........ A. J. <Wet • ., ..~ nUr'"PJtU.Y1'ElU1.]f

ffeUrwW IbIWeIo .PWI\. Jqs . 11"", ••111 vo ~1IIt, Put.,.", n,


, ,5'-',..~~~1· ··.. 'F~r-" "",= Ruidoso ~u~~~~ ..

BnmeII'. P byt' • Skateland =,~:~~tf1ffi«r~~c~ .. . .l!Jil._ res '. enan. d ":<10- Pi m. .. . ".Iv..-' It. Cordial 'W'elcoml til AU.

" 'r .. ,. '_"'d ., 'n .. ChurCh _ -1uL~··_·~... -!~t-·e-·'-'u-"'","'ft....··"""ftft'_...,·""'·*i.-·_;..·· ,._'" ..!ea!·eUl~O··t~~.~rd'!"e···m~M,':0""

BennA......_ '" .Sa"·'..u·c·"ra~·'·"',+B!·."rJ':-o:!J:·~.;..··0".."..·' "Gill.. U;~Mkt",UIJII .....8)o(~.~~r*;;c 8th stind.,s,'.':.':'!.... . .' I.. '. ~ \I. . ro. ot '. ...• 51. ;:;11e'~ Chapel, Glencoe-ex; ~. ;,u.f........1... ' jiIt~....... tt tzAdI'.... .0 2nd. 4thStUJch1" 1;00 •• m. aM

. • . '\on'~~~r . !......_·..Jo' ....T HoJ,y COIMluclOll' tint .nd third,ilIL..Il··.It Ii'f_ .a.......a......... .' , "'!"'".,... .. :;-Q."=": .~..~ .8utl~, ':110*; l1'L ....c,.~~; .. ,. ~.. :"."n'''~, "~{:'~ ... Cb::-l)f~t... 1fo111(l1tlnt.ltul.

" :";"E5 '3~"W,. 1h.-;0 ,1 ,.hU' ·WH .... fi~I5_·;!- I 7 '.- > ,f Tie _t.:" e':·~:;;;.;::t (I ',"tj'o·(tV"f!l&t""lJin& ,. 'S'="'~.~"a,iIt, -.11• Ill.. .' .'. . a~.bt6~ " _ ' ..l.IL:...,,·:.····· .' ",' .;." ~"-=r~-"- .. "'~==I~:.=~,...." ..~., ~.........~*&. ~S··lIQII.,·~::·:.,.....,.'.·ft.Hh·l1......

,,', ~rft-~ ",JWiat'l'lrif.-~ . ". - _"" ,-.. . *IIIIW.......... d" ,,~...~'f:......

'.. N"M':Bred ~~:.:~." "H"\ ':. e ., ~. ".. "":':'~1'~ V; S; 'Mi4~~~'UAGlJQS' '. . ~Wl'. ~. Cbafi~ ~1t, Ad~, R. PAGE SEVEN , Mmch~ up 'l.20, 4.10, 2.70; B~et' 13.lOj~ Bml. 9.30. T-l:fl1.6.

. See1f:: /'U' .:.. "'C<IIIll:It"':·Gle.~: ~C·~· ~~ .," : ~,; l(r•.~~.g..~~! M~r~~~t:l~= ~am. fc~;~$,f'r.;p;'!~;~~~: 'J!.;~:"S8' ~·.~~~~~I ;.110: $t~e ~'::'fIO; ~K~E';Tf~N~S~i" . Wi"OD'" 0 ",' ~t. . AnI....-, ....' ....-.......~~, 3·lI.01 :tW} lilttlil-t lJljf.. m~(Ijl ~«~~.tJ'I..Q~ ..T~i4. .'." "", .. ~\;,...,,;,."~ ',. . ....... i·~IHace. iOO ~;; .dS--oIN~g:., " , L' ,,1/("

· . ',. "",..". . " ., ,J,qU . "~I"",,.• ,· .' . n~ l~~ .·to, -.,«), T~'l·'l·I_'ft~·aM UlI,t .Pt'l\t~~oCf1i ~t no ~tun. ~ '.t«~\b .t~.. 6' Ml~'Fleot "0'" D b no '" 6".... 1'0'""0 ~ W. 1.. M~.l. A~1l.. N.. . . ,1·D "Be' " .' ,,;. . " r " " ~~ 1"ou:e. 6~ t\trl~ ~m~~ :ton :MQn~ ~~.$mt, bt1J';J~ ""l$,;{.v.,oow* $t~1,)lle. AlbuqUCl'.. ... v, '"'fll Y nQ)'.,. v. ~- • ,'.... M., R. t-ujlilJ!, UP, t.w, olQ.(), a:to: .· O'WIIlR 'ttinj·':p!i... $5 MiDi"• ."":A@a :rldr.~A~e .ArtQilo, ho~. {A 24-'13 vldor.v,wllh' Allen que'; H. ;r(/\'f'¢l~ up, 00.10, ~UO. Sc.cond ~,6~ turlongs (,ll~.. '11roublo Om 16.110, 7.4111: T~e- n~p'f ~ "'" .

'," 'JJ~" . ·,~S on~J. M., E. Kittg ¥P, 5.9i), ::i.30, -2.90; R()..os;m'Ol Louis Ped'Cll' lbe wlnnlng ,1,(),(iI); »1' GIlirln,y.1,aQ" $4.70; V91e. ~l\f)'~. tt~s. ~ed Fa-Iuo. T-~.~. . Slom,Laundl'Y !. " .M1lfJculous, 13,511, '1.30; S~ r~ ~'tWt1. 4.;S0. T-l:13.8.' ., 10Q,f. I..;:lSV~. N....., own~r. Rob- 'l'wcl1th ro<:e. oUe milt:! and' '10 .

· :M.U~a~ ~~p, Il' cbtStnut ~t ~ lit ~.lJ~. ~ll:!o, ;,.00. t... _.... ,.__. Eleventh ~!_6' tw'~ast crt Fend UP. 28.80. 10.40, MO; Rul- )'m~<t View, G. lWnell of Htlnv,,;C!"'U" :, OWtted by~ E. H'ellleT otU~, The traclc ~ ~ QIld the seventh race, 4~ y~Mi~ Stnbl~ ot ..ul>uqu~e. . Master. ~t V~~t Glendale, or's Champ. 3.;10. 2.(''9; JaY' Ten,' Bla .Spring, Tq:l(" C. Detlege up, J 'INt ~~Z .J N. "~ tmm ilie mid.dle,Qf 11 .weather cloUd.y llPd. cooL a;way H~ J\O(y ~. lIcpl~l Union,. Othol' blgbUght:l of the !I(Q' In- M~.• J.~ up. 13,30: 6,.20, 2.80'. T-J.2U. .8.10, 4.'10, 3.50; DevU FQ-et', 23.50, B h ' .,buPCh ~ 1!he last 51)~~ T1le ~s/~ld ~. bow. ~. M., J. Wallace UJ)l 3.lIa. lUO, ctudi«! th~ '50.t{)o W)'OU 10r a win 4.101.Dre~ Mtnt, 3:1Q, a.7Q, Mesa. D~1y double-$3'~~~.: J --~ __ -.' , .. " •• -' • _.. oug Dry ,S\U1'd:aY:. to win the $1,()()().a~ ~~, came- iIIt the ~ard! fifth 21.20jD~ Dial. 9.00. 3.30~ Nos. tlclret retU1'll.ed b.v Fleet Sis In the H"J..ll.90. T-l;J3.f. I 1"t\C'C. 350 o1¢1Vo=s cJn.lming· . ,~ew 'M~ bred Qu~ Hor5O race, lIS Bruce Br.iQkle,y booted et, oIosey~ 2.'lil. T-ZI.-5. llo.h lUld ·the $33 90 pay.o11 PTo, 'J'welflb r.t<S!, 1 llille c1klwanco -Wnll street. M. L. Willis• .PJnln· . ' We. Wah

'~~l~ .~ '1,200 f!lI1$ loolred on hom6 F~ Tom tw -the 1cJcgcst Eighlt!h. race. O*, t\l!rlom:s allow- vl(Jed by Be.rtO Bar-bane In the -GQJllni, C1rcl~ ~ Stable, Albu- View, Tex., Robert S~roU'roup. 7.l0. , INGROWN NAIL ~at li,ui.~P<»vns. pay 01 the ear!y ~CS. mdl Pil.ndI. a~Ulck ~t, Cln:w K 'Sm- sixth. qUQ'qe. J. Wcl.kJ.<:o- up, 1:1.20. <t.50, UO, 5.70; Hialeah. 21.50. 1{)o.8(): HUI!IltH' "(OUt 1:":1_1_.... W k

' ~ Pl.tIl, an out6lder, '11n- Bar and Li~ Ratfl-es Joe tlnW1ed! b@. AlbuquerqLle. J. W~ uP.l An estimate<! 5,900 fllJl3 watched 3.SOL Sol L. 9,3<1. 4.119; S1aml;ui1Y, ~.B<!m. 10.20. T-:-18.8. . ,L-............. ,.~ or.Jl;helf,~ In the lijleCla:l ~a- in a (Jeati heat tOr eewndJ ploce. lll.80, 7.3Q, 4.10; Konsa:s Oyctooe, the races lD claud,r nnd cool $3. ·4·-1:40.... ..-v-:l'1h roc:e, 850 ym-d9-WU. _.. Iture of ~~ dars 12-1'I!lce cal'<l, FIy1ng Tom ,p,ntd $30.70, ~12 and lli.ISO. 3.00i Jimo. 2.30. T-l:20.lJ. Iwellther. Brlpnll Collll Frlcla1 Featuro 1inms Gkl. N. W. Gotes. Ga~ ...." Soap - Starch - Bleachw,,",'_ J...,. ,_.... ".'0 .., w"'"'" ... -. - "'- ........ ,.........,.......... ... ""lop _ B -.. vln" - .. EIbort -". 'P, ..... ._~~.klIIIl.... I 'ffla~ .tnst the select field 01.. The dally double, based' m Pl"e-- Fort, Haymo.ker Fa-1m, Yukon, -Not ~~leLttmd~OY.Kirlt. ~~btev the 2:~~<ll" 3.20. 2.~;, Real Hug, 3.50. 3.31); I ~~ r.c;-:'=:-III":t'e Localed Aeron ab. m••r."q~.~ ll:3 til lQ,te nominee. ~ment ($l~.GO to wiJIJ) In the IOkla.~ Bnltous uPi 3.90, 3.10, ltmd, AJtlz., J. Cawtbron u,f.' 11.00, t1nmCd.';QD ~tnu- big raee FrifY.. H~rnY' Biu. 3.10. T-11l.9. ~ :!...,r:::~~ Low.r Pm of Parad1Ie- CaJlJoa~mp~ the $5.000.000 ~.5~W~in~e~~I~~ $5. T~2.::40, 4. 6: ~I' tho ~g;.a4.~,~~. ~:o~f' 3.30; ~_Q~"~~~h~~~ ,t.ffl!...U B31::;: ~Ji:' ~~o~~~~~ r:: -_. 'LOOK FOR OUR INOKm<lrk in tp;¥r.101Jllutuel hand!.e (or retUl1ll!d $84.00. I Tenth roCl:, «0- y&.rd3--Mr. BIU' Secondi~ 6 tur.loogs>-AtoJnlc on '"it'''' Ail..... ...... ............e ~"-'" N. M., Bruc:e artnlclw up, 20.70'1 ".,.,.~~the 1958 se~-as some 7,2OO~. Sund~y'fJ .rcsul~. !None, OscllJ" Jeffers Jr.• Wag~. Jip Flo~ Siuka Tuc:oon Ariz in~. 031 QWance. , 10.20, 7.80; Lady Hughes. UO, ., ,.. , " •.w1x;loro wllmed $2211,(41) on f.fle 12- Fln.'i r~l 6 fu:nion~ clalming- p~a"2~.8Ih~' ChllPm~BuP' Jack Walliloo u:p.' 5.80, 3.00. 2.00; ~h:"::::-=~ ~~~ =~~ u:&:~ :~,!~~ T~~. . .,r,a,ce~, lID Increll3e 01 $50,. Pr~n:men. E 1Wd. P Stables. "". • ., , ....llmOn(f.. Ill', Boy's Be Sure,' 3.00, 2.90; PIW'l1, for yearo outlasted TroubTe .GQ.J. . . I'll. ""'>t;:o> m s-- Hous'ewares TOYS Noti"ons000 over the 9imU:lr ~y 01 Tucson, J. Wl\l4ce up, llUIO. 6.60. 6.60. 4.80; Bond IssLle. 5.80. T- 6.40. T-l:1U. I1Ild Tee &au In the tuIrd-~ bt Poo Pere, D. A. Alllton, Kress. -.' .-19M. 3.10; Touchdown, 12.00. 4.10; 22.5. J)3~ double-$ll4.00. . 400-yard' sprinl Bri:;:o.nd OUSet} Tex., Joe Shuman up. 12.10, 5.60. .

Double Bl<f. owned by Clarent:o Brown Congo, 2.'i0. 1'-1:13.6. b El~venl:h rACe, 400 ~I)pu- 'I'ltW, rac:e. 400 )'~Perklns' by W L McDomldl of A.rbi~N 3Si9.2.:. PlG.::1n1 8~iOmeT P~7" ".20, 3.50; p-:._-- ."e I .. I' I-e WitJt.Al1 S....d 10 S"ornSehar:blluer Of MidLo.rid, Texas, Second:TllCC, one mile cla1JnUlg,..... Ie Dld, C~ence Sch<lrbaucr, Jcr., Ka-ty. Lee KIrk Perkins Okla. 1\1. '~d' ~4 80 $480 and $370 • ";!! ", . . --. .... .. ...._. _ ~ """" . . _ .. ~tl~ to v!etory I.n the fOO-ynnt Honeys Reward; A. F. BJltTel1, Mld:1Jm.d" Tex.. Jack Myers up, Rol;ert Ford u~ 4.20, 2.90, 2.60; No Jy 3000' ~. "",venth race. 4: furlongs maidensreat1l4'ed 111!l1 roee. the Gateway Tucson. J. Cawthron uP, 14.50, ~!~,~;'0F~; ~~, :06g. 3.10; Chick Fleet, 3.00, 2.70j Rusty Bal-I dtcrel:Udycltie3t=I:a~ J:~ T~~~':ak Mc~~e60~'.MotoreAU~. JookM~ wns 6:10, $fj Lx BaT, 6.80• •.60; PIUq. ~....... s ,.. - .• mY, 4.10. T-2U. lor pUShed the par.l-mutuel: ban SIn" ~b"lnvn'6Y8.' 3 el) 'J' •·up. I(wlioliPouble BI<V~ seoond fe<l- caw, 4.10. T-l:43.6.. TM~~~e. one mlle clal.min-g Fourth race. 449 YQJ"d& ebimlng d1~ to $1 IS 3116 a 30 SlCr I:mt in': ~~":b 3 ti(f'l'r::""s 2 ' . ; linnture moo victory atJ Ruldo:;o m Dilly double-$84.oo. - "" :t. William T. Ryan, -Hoo!ch W A SJmJlS'Oll Grove:l •~ d :to M 1:lst •• ..lese fuan three weeks. Third race 400 ynrdn G!lowQJj,Ce Iowa Park. nx.. J. Cnw;tluuv UPI Tex Bnice Brtnk1c:v Up 0.00 01 80' C'l"O;l:;e over same 0; ~ 1 th roce, S50 ~_Irish~ o1nth aDd lot.b tU~ wllre -CuctU3 Oo~ An Pollard, Tue- 13.60, 6.30. 5.30;, KhemacYI 13.20, 3.70;' FJtljole La(Jy, 14.'10: 7.00;~ YA' d<J.d}y doub! )'Off. de- 1J)~)", D. M. Gilmore, Sl\JlW Rro:i'l

botIb 1Jillls for the Ruidoso Qwr- 0011, J. FiguO'O:1 up, 4.60, 3.30. 2.90; 7.70; Leroo B, u.OO. T-I:'t2.2. tiance, UO. 1'-28.1. IIlght~thc rowd. ~~ Locket! N. MnJoe Sherman ~.,70. 3.30"fer Rq.rse Derby. The Derby quu1- Mr. Bruce, 3.80, 3.40; Stan The Handie $228.040. Traek fast, Filth n:ee. &% lurloogs claiming took the firothal! wltp My Cousin ~o~ 8Jv*. ~A~ 3.10; I) Mam-1f.lw.Uoo tUCC3 \VQre C!lJ)tlJl"ed re- Mnn, $5. T~0.8. '. we3lther cloudy and coot -Underhcnd C C Cooke Rul- In t on top In th 5CCOI1d' N' . - ..zpectlve1;y by Sp:mlsh Fort, owned Fourth rlLC'C. 400 yaT<b claiming Pll5t ~er, a el=y Gix-year- doso. N. M.; he' Brlnk1~ up, =:, ou . $314.60 e I ~..:..~. -PuY.! f~l~ r1.O'v-

tby Haymaker FllJ"m of YukQ!ll, -Running Iron. Roy B~, p~- old brown gelding, cr=;cl the a.l0, 01;50, 3.aO; Crafty Bond. 7.30, I Frld~su1tO' . I1Il V""", m. oe e'l' 0Ok1l1" oodt by Mr. Bur N<me, mVlr WI', E. &-mstrong up, Mo 3.50, wl:re flour lengths In trent to take 5.00; Advantage Jr., 6.00. T-l :0'1. FirsL race ~5 '1urlon claim. Carlsro(J. N. ~.t..D. Canchola UP.ed b;y Oscar Jetlers, Jr., of Wag-, 3.010; Hootch. 4.39, 3.40; N~tlon, the nUldoso liar Han~ p1 Ru!- Sbc~ rece. 50¥.! furlcmS"'..-Berto~Loc:k~t U. L.~ackson, ~50.i'~' t~"1oE.r1j:28·50•~r, Olcla. Bofu bome::J I;PrintesJ ~.40. T-20.6. 'dooo Dowll:1 Satur(3)" attero.Oo:n. Barbone Circle K Sbble Albu. Borter Tex ElbCr1 Minchey up • , an u co. . ' -. .the qlmJ"tcr mile In ld01Ueol ta:rt Fifth race, 550~ (l1lownnce The pm-mutuel handle 01 $195,_ querque: Jll'clt Wallace up. 33.90,' 0.30 6:30 4.60: 6tnrlo BI\le$ 8.30' ...~1bC~~n5~~I\'y~,J

. ,276 was 1he laCCl'S. in history 01 13.70, 7.00; LOCal News. 4.00. 3.90; , • , 'on..- . " , _. r z,. ...................................... Ithe track lor n Sd'l.l.Wltay excluslve Da=ur. 3.GO. T-l:OO.4. ' . ,

CARlIZ' 0 L·O··D'.G'E .ofp~~I'ifaa:l~ by Albert Iy;:e~~:~~lA!p~~J b~ , /' ~.. , VlzcaY\a of G cndale, Arlz~took W. Mortolh Phoenix, Ariz., Jock

D·· R'I' N O'. Jockey Jnc~ Wallace's prompting Wallace up, 12.30, 5.10. 9.60; Joo-mmg ftom'" 5 OW pe,n to p~ cl1c:ld an the rock omeh crry, 9.30. 2.00; Three 8111::1, 5.20.

U . P and win by 11 comfoI'table margin. T-l :46.4.. .BaIfet ~able .,.,.opm:-to--6.. hbUc- He paJd $13.30. ~6.20 ~$U!l.j El.1!hth ~ 400 )~Lnd:l'

Tfie- olgM-"Ji.l:liOO lc:lt-ii:roQ rooo Ga1e:! N. W. GGte:l, B:lteovd1le,7 Be m. untU lOC' m. \vc:I natTmvcd to nix when Tho I Tex., Elbert Mlnch~ UP. 3.GO. 3.40.

SERVIN Box wmJ ccrotc:hedenrl Hana Chlct

l2.50j F1y.lnz Belle,; Bn-by

_ . _ the G-6 OOU:3-<m fo.vonte, WCl:l in- Ducnec.3. 2.GO. T-20.6.Jul'Cd in n ,;1art!na gate ml3hcll· Ninth racc, 070 yanb-Htjo the

MEXlcAR r- I 00 It WI::) JocltC'y Jeek Wa11noo'lJ - --. . fourth WID of Ow d\}y, othera be- .. "'

. . ~ tthe =:oM. o.lxth and cevcnth..,~::':'>;.;.:.:.c.,......

Steaks - T'rout - Chicken calt~lIll~ce~utt~ ~~b~, hID fifth = when he guided- R guI D· Gcminl OV'CT the milo toe ar lODers equal the t:raclt rccor3 of 1:40.4,

. ' eet by QU1c.It 'l'hru:;t Aug. 17. 1057.Gennnt 15 Gwne4 by tile C~lc K ;-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••au d • ._ • t •


• •,

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•• , '.,,~," .••• ,"M ,._~_"~~+-'~.. _~_.......~_~.~.'~"~'~t"_.!o~'''_l!(M_-''r_'_··'_'_U'''!6'_''nn'''E_,...,..._....ttr...."· f....• ....iJt'...·ds...O...·JI...·"'...' " ...~-r...[t __7...·tt..,z""'-,;'._rwIlinJ?1iO'...'WIliiUS...·•s ."tII'.......' ..r .,''ll7It'II1II0.;:"II1II:111'II1II1:.0.'.'..~tiliTllilrllitl"···iI·FlIIIl::.C.'.·.'1'••'.''.a.·.PZ.'.........

Page 8: NT·'I· .•' 'N:GS .. ''' - OD Mala (lold In Palmar Oat ... .. .I'x 8'- $la.95 '~



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• ',T"~ .,' - ..


ES 8-40604 ' I •

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" Is j


'- .'

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.' : .. ~ ".: ," :::',/.' ~'>~'>:J~'_~; ",: ",..:. ',. ::'..,~:"':~~~-:~ :.-t., ',' :.'<:"" ,'::,:,'l. -~- "::~:·'t.:~·'·~:·" "~,'..... _=.•,..."_...,,. ~._~ ..~ i*"1,.,_.;.~~ .. t,.~I_(~-·J;;<J£>"",.,;.t·ir'~ ~t{<;,,~~,' ',,'0"

. INVEST' FOR THE ttJTlJRE·· '., A. . .'l/.'0\.IIt~ .or ~~. JA

AGTJ8.F1UAES1AWES'will be ~, Fb'1e a()~ d Ncl~boro.

Plenty Pure Splini Watet-Lati~Lof,$-An Weather RoadsBcau1~ Vwm ...... U1e Pmef;t Year 'n~CUmaw

SHAW MORTUARYLincoln County's onty M()rtuary


Formerly T. E. Kelley.Funeral Home- III Ope~~SInct 1.11 ....

w. Otter 1Mured Pa)'Inf,Qt PI.. It You Need Il, IbrbnaDd IlIIUftnce DalIMd toe jta)'meDt 01 Wst ExpeDlltl.

Prompt 24 Hour ServiceCall Carrizozo 101 Collect

'. " ..' ,,";

.,i , . ; •


d mo.



; " ,

" " '

. ." ,

Cabin SitesHome Sites

Business SitesNo Restrictions ...

Build Your0wIr Cabin!

Fred GressweU


, ,

-''',; '-:".", -, •.'., ,: :" r ;.:•." •. ,

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. , .-.;


"- b, L. J..L , ," ,,' ",', i,,' !,. 1.1 . £.£,1..:;;1.\ ._. ,r,•

", -' .

.-~'Mr. and Mm. J. L. Lee were up

from El Pua last 'Y<oeeL

.---Mm. Jet P~"Ct lmdI aon Joe loan

Sl1t.urday tor thclr homo in Tor­-r=ce. Clillt.



BUBDETT ...~ CAMPBELJ." ···.RealtOr•1;;00 East'Main-Phone CL-7--4125,

.' t2,ooo.oo-P<mn~oo~·nIJ;·~·~,~~.. W (II)p~ Itt Upper R~., . _ • . •

fU,OOO.OO-lWI.~. CaWP ydl,lJ. ~~e; ~tlo :mth. 0UfSk'e....., <l'ee4ed ~ ov~1.O!*fDI rlvv, On


f6.500.00-Tw9 aR~.b9~ c:om*Wly tIJ;rQBb~, NeaT 1River In tTW!:f Ruldollo. . I .. \

$2.500.00-Powopl~jMode:m 2 OOj FkePl.acili~. Now Open for Your nsp~tion

~ble year 'l'OUO(t!loroe: n~~. ~. .i· THE TEXAN' 'A' 1 '1 ~ h 't" 1 h .......$S,500.Of)-i\w) &Jl mo4'em,~ fl1leplaee, c:1ndel'block' • . -Qng ow ranc s y e Q"",&

I $S,OOO.~~~ ~ti 2 Ull mo<llWlJ, w~~ . I Completely furnished. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths.Stuc:co: t Oeedelllotl. beautiful patio with waterfall.Laqdsc~ped. .I.. ~__ , • $ 4 ,$ \.' $' ;!. < ,I( , • ,', • _ ...! '" ...". M'; ._"'_c.....".a;"•.::••::,;-;;m' .... ;AGE iranT' '" THE NEW MEX.ICAN""';Made, Qf kiln fired

FOR SALE-Good UPright HBmU~ R ..I ton plano (!»y Bldf;!win) $125.00; . . uldOIO ~.WIJ adobes. 2~ bedroom, 1 bat"h. Completely furnish..

.,,/ 'e~"'" tCfJ1W..l~~O 'Rd_. H,"""n...., I Fr1~. Au~ 8, 1953 ed Tw' • te t' l' :;.....dsc peddial CL 7-~Q. -=:.~~~~ , .0" •••,"'t'. '",' . .. _ :0 pnva pa lOS~J a .;~:e; ~~~~:or~:H~ Both homes have Fireplaces -.~entra1 Heat,~a~8O, qn HJ.gbwa.y 80 in PoooI, Sliding Glass Doors, Type WindowsTex., trQde !or Ruidoso home,

~~ '20,ooo.OOj box 876,~ ...,. .' .Just East of Ruidoso Downs•

of YI1eta, Texas, were ben! ~ As Low Asweek. Phone Griffith

MmeL Jllmf8 L. Borders, Mrs. ....,5 ~-..ownJohn I..t.woombe and Bob R:r-t ......-__cwne up froiD E1 Paeo last week.

The forest I'OiMi crew did IiOtne=.on tbo Eaile Credt rood last

The Earl KioII of n.o.wcU were 5here last wee:ll: wllh the Jim Mc~ . .Euerw. __





'.. , .

. .


"'. ,


" .~--------_O;;=:=-_""".··.--·-iiii·-;,;;;;;;;iii _.,,--~-~---~~, -:. .. " _.




M~ I<ELL'f WE'Ve, •JuST CH~NGEO ou~ PLAASANO OECloeo TO t;wrrCM I·· Jf1"tOU TO ou~ OFFICe. - I.

l~ CHICAGOI II!' '/o 'e


, .•


',E, .'. T' Xi

.. I q '.

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"ct, ... '''!''''~''''"'''~''~-f';- ':-r,·_~t_" .. i' .'.'J;c"_."'t:,'... ,,,.,.,', .,..:' ':;';'" ,',' ,', "",,' ""~' "CO" •• ';~, <-r I' ,#', d' '~; .. ",. e~.' .~....,~

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."-z-'.- . ,,

• YOU PIClOle lAY • • •


PI UNRING &BE~TlHG IFi,.tures & Installation "

ror Every Plu~bint! NeedDial CL 7-2055 Ruidoso. N. M.x.

..Nofltl", .x/'lmlv.• • • JUI ,ood low-eoll

/ill", SJJ-C.'·He,. It on H.()·N fa. we conrecommend to )'OU • • • and withfull confidence. This unla h~ an••c:epllonally stvrdy CO,.. withwrtlcol atlffene" and t«queplatft •.. to ".p It thot WftV.The drawe" are not lUIpensIon •type • . . but ahey corry heavyIoada arnoothly on high qucalltyroll., beorlngt. Complete wllftIvlde rods and follower WcKb.V.,-, fine boiled enom•eI 'lnlah tn Qrc, .,........ ~ .•'

Zello Great forMinorBurns,, a cSoctat'. fonnula. UQU1d011 oJnlmml. IOO!hd. tuolps healm!nor burna, cute. brI........ f lUJl1l7an~ _ aWa 01 /lUrlOaJ

n.shn. ecz:em-e lMn-a", I-lmp!<:a"athlcote'. foot. 'lops ~WalnRb'• &0a1da luter hcaUn.. F<n- atubbomcaaa, pi £ztn Btrmgth z"mo.


For Pl.UMBINGService '- Appliancos

Dial CL.7-2222


WNT A MJMJr•••_- lJ5fNf~-


Tou, ....·Ia.. DOW .ara 1'1. la­"r..a aI ftuldoao Stal. BaaL-

, "


-~~~~~~:=~~=p=======.:-:::_-:_-:!_-- ---- .aEAD illE -WANT AIMI rr NEVER FAD..S

---Allied AuoctalftPbone no, - OJ> MalD RHcSI. ODity na,. II IUr.alJlb

~1!ZIIIIIJIII!I'llalll:IIII:I:III'l!!alJalrtla12la12allrlllllar11'lltltltttlllllllllllll~tI2lIt-- .-

,fI,1 ~,'i t! ,1 ,.I 1; ';1

. j :~.'- :..-~ -." .. ,

\ \, ,j ,, .t' ;

,~ I


Page 9: NT·'I· .•' 'N:GS .. ''' - OD Mala (lold In Palmar Oat ... .. .I'x 8'- $la.95 '~




I ..

, • " 1

" ~ " <, " ,,'



·.f . ,) : ''j' > 'J

PiImro CI. 7-3345






Ditcb DlUlDe - Septic TankaLand te\oellna

Land8capln, and Dolet Work



SE.BVICE~ ttt.t...... otCL "I-db

P.o."'· 1_.~~ 'lIfiXtro



CONTRACTOREox 156 nulttoso, N. Yo


Bolt 124 Phcr~ ES B-:115~

rluld090 Down!!. N. M,

'1"1 f if .. '


Phono CL-'1-4155. nuld~ N. M.P 0 Boll 217, Hol1,ywood, N M.


Pbonc CL 1-3345




'," .

. '

60 Fl. troataeo on l'ofuJn St.with .. tou:r loom botPc.

:; ij" ., '

. .


.', .•

PHONE, OFFICE CL 7-3'l1G-no. CL 7-3100

LUTHERBYNUM,REALTOROne Block Eu\ 01 Postoffle_

Not Door to l'donjellu eaf.



, '

~'*.! ''';~)y''''~;.f.' ~"+~4t;:.'" )Jp,... .,#.q4_lIF~lT;(¢.....'........ 4SOlf1't\..,,,lC:S.~P t:/¥ ."laobutA........__ .1........'" dl"'O((71(lll ~7J."''''' a4b;1i.P#~--r~ar;,"4 pJ)Fo;.rt,,*, 4.'4O?Y'¥,....4';.'rt, '~'I .




Real Estate


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-'REALTy Phone CL7·3303-- ,


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Commercial LotsGood b1l1l oo:;:) loczUOJl:J llI'lil ~I If you wom the

Irn-al l~llim for )"'Q1U' blL'"'lm::3. tee U!J about thCoo 5"conttnu01O 1o'.D IJJ UID C¢Dte:l' of the Gc'lewoy ch~tlI"Ca.

Dan D. Swearingin, Inc.Dial CL 7-4255

FOR SALETlmt'o right! Thls very 01.00 f~ mountaln

...~ wit'll two~b:lth,kitchim, l1vlnZ room nndflrcpbco 1D aclualy golng for $5.500 totn1 price. with=e1lcnt lcmt:l.

Year 'Round Living Comfortwo Wn-e three b:lutilul ltom.e:lllC:lr Creo Mc:ldo">'Jl!I

Golf Col1J'<'..c pl'hfClftrartl ~17.000 to $3'0,000. Theon orotnp:ll

In The Pines With Scenic ViewIn tho pines lUlU 01.'ttloo!rlnG tho Golf Cou:roo with

• OO:luutul view of tho mountoln::J. TbW very pice homeand now tl.u'ni::h1n<P wllh () beautiful lob Cor only510.000, ,



Acreage ValuesA OO:lutlful an Qm'C tract of lonrl covered wIth yOU1la

timber llDd allu:Itcd DCm' the p3W=t bn Hlflhwoy 31,Thb rtcb form bnd would a1=o be Idrol for building dtc3or Dud'lo Ronm lDention.

Residential Inc.ome PropertyCbock thb for no extro wee re:;idcnticl homo mWt

two excellent rcnt:l1 how:elJ IOC:Itoo~ the ebun:hlO3.. achoob llDd~ corter. Complet.cly devclapcd end

prroently rcn'.oo to pernunent rc:;ldenb.

.A. E~ AND V. A.Mn.,LERBui1ditJg



Th~a 1t~~ aere. For You

(And Tetms 1'00) Tom W. Jones, I'TRAILER ON·3 NIC! LOTS ARealttOfFo&

'1400 I gen r*, '

'esrA~ RUSTIC CAB~l.EOTMODERN R'd Realt C In, t<:UUU Ul OSO ;Y 0., C.

FOR SAI.E .Modem two-bed- * Slncc 11133room nI.ccly fuml.:DIcd mnne well1 3 ROOMS, RUIDOSO DOWNS Lots For Leue OJ' SaleWcatcd grad1Cclly IICW w'tnter- $2400 Rul~ upper Canyon and.--0 3'1 ....... buy ._ R·..•d ! * upper Codar Creek. ,..."". 0:1"=,"'. ~. ... 030 II ROO!I'lS. MODERN. IN PINES '

We have exelu:>1vc ~Itt<l on tool $3500 Two new, 2-bcdroom. V..ountl11nWeatherby Cabiro, =d to oetUe * HomesJ; 125 x ItO 10'.0; f.lrcp!cct:Jthb c:nate, we ean ofter th1t:l~ 12-BEDRooM CABIN. SKYLAND with htttdcn \\tOlldboXC3i tully In-Inromc property at a prloo you I &3750 I;lJbtcd; 1m'CO lJOilCnea po:reh<'.:l

nft _ •• _ .... t -.. h ......A ._ * willi bcautLful vlcwo: fuml!:hClt·C~. La"""U\·,,\ ,",""" ••" ...n. 2-BEDROOM RUSTIC IN PINES tcnn:r; •.. •

FOR SALE I $MOO No. 1-$9.500,00' follow tho orom.An extra mee ftew hmne. locoted I * ~o cuutb of 1st Drldce.

.In pinel, 1aTce Uvlrlu room modem 2-BEDilOOM MODERN. No. :>---S0.200.00; folw..v the red

In cvCT)4 re;pccl.~ ldt. priced RUIDO£,? DOWNS CJJOWD ooutn lIT ict filttt;c, f;~~;:;:~~:::::-=====:=:=====}rcaconatl1e $;)500 Ju=t oompWtcd 3 bOO:room cum- t . - -- - -- ~ -'. • • ' * mer lwmo In Flwoo Can)"Cm Sub. FOR 8ALE-Snzrltl.ce,." complolO

FORDT.'1\'PT' I TWO 4-ACRE BALDY VIEW CO It 170 l~ lot ut $SO.OO pel' unltD. wlntorlJted. paU03, on tho HOUSE BEAUTIFUL-Thb b anJl,.H J. I SITES >....a:r Untumlclltd; $0.500; 1c:rm:l. rivCJ'. Ono bIotic back of Ruldo:;n <!duxe homo locmcd on lH!thway

A well locakd office buildinG $7500 DIAL CL 1-2005 I Bar. By-the-WIlY Cnblnl. OO-tfe 70 \vttbln one-fourth mllil cr I Rul.-on Main Street. I * I PlANO T'timNo-Ex;;:r1 t~ing:do:;o ct~ Ilmlt4. j!J romp!ew wIth

• • • GATEWAY, FURNISHED. (>VOr)1h1ntl' Q JX'roon v,-owlt wootI I hll~ (;Ome weI! lot'Otcd Income MO~ERN FOR S~E-SI~.Al ItiUcll:l. call ~c:Jp~:rt~~r~~.~:DoElU~t; for eom!aN o.nd broul)' 1'llroc h«I

prop4lrty eon=riJ;Unn 01 0 very nice $7,,00 CL7-4..t:l5. Miller a Mute!. &-ttl.' 3-'l3:l2 Picacho N M. a4-ttc' roonn. two b:ltlu. hUlle IlVln(l rm,•two-bedroom home and throe fUT- 3-BEDROOMS. FURNISHED. - --.- ••. .---- /l:1tu",'/J oir-<'O:ltUUoruna, ('('fllrnlnll;hOO modem rent holmell on MODERN FOR RE.."IT-Modcm unlltl. real)- NATIONAL TAILORING CO,. ~c:Jt for ,~n'll!r romfo:r1, l1u~p::1vl'trIent. l.aree plot ol cround, tlCOOll onoblo monthly ral<'ll, one blork Clllroco. III CIW Gi!bcrt. fc:c:orv hou::t!. c~ home. tn:lhb'ThW brfn(!ll In Cood IJ1C(Ime. Will * ~ . baek at RuldollO B:Jr By-lw.>-Woy IqJrc..'"Ul~Uve. men and wwncn'D Quarurm. exqull;lwly fUTll1':hC'docll re:J.40

n:lblo oM ron::ll!er well 3 BLOCKS OF POSTOFF1( E, Cllbltu. 5O-Ife floo clothe., m:tdD to jOUJ' rcqlrtro- throu;;hout. b<!uUlull,y Innd.:x-;:p«l. Our un<'llt'C'!I~ fO('lllllc:!, ITdD-

located RUldo::o hofue In trode, M~J': AliTISTSUPPLIES F~-~;;i';-;t mental fj1 ond WtJl1ait:::tdup au~r- , 2 :1 3 ot"~ 01 land. Ina llfitl ('~l1rn,'(>. ('.c:l no moraMunsey Real Estate * tOO TrovlD Art Gallery. behind the cmecu, Trn; Gra::;) TcllurIn;r (c, N 0 111'-'1 of:<'n, ;<":0

PHONES- 2-BEDROOMS. MODERN. ~..o!!1ce. 50-tfo Den.."U. CiliO,: v,.~ tn:P. ~n TIC EF

URNISflED -- -" -, - ~ bdk:f culm. aptrl OlDU. c:~dr,le I h JDay CL-7-24!l1; NluM CL-'1.2321 • BOOlt MATCHES-Flnc:n UncI 01 p:ulb. C:llr..nblc c;;hl:r'b, write CWf ove uct Uc;t!'d 000 01 Uw.....;:..- .~____ 1/10.000 00011. malchell " Allier leu \lUU Gilbert, P. O. Den 322, JIollY\'-'lIOd nW('91 and mid popu'f.r tourlnt..* . . lrontt CL 7"7(;() ~ • rnurls In RUldn::o F(}R SAI.F._ . _ ---- I TWO LARGE RUSTIC .ul.ud!lrd dClllgllA. slDlllt' or dOllhh p. \,,;::;..-:..~C1JS)Ointfficnt. Thl. ('ourt •• In fl -"Ill

HOftWES EA H "Le. Dom, WillI ut' "ork, or wrll. r.,ond:1y, .........~. 'fburway h '" ne ron... ona., C 'our o\\n l'uJ)) <. ul " .. ,dom Nt'WI It«: and ll!l cl~cn nmtal unltD plttl

We Are' Hopl'ng $10.000 ,nd calcnmoll Will I all wllh lIl1m. \'('r) nle(! Llvlnll quor1<>rll and ID* Il!ClI " FOR SALE-t.1lnWuro ~Ul'n. lot'DI<'d on MaIn Rood, ,

These Lots Should S-BEDROOM~ MODERN. <o, - --- • AKC rqrbtcrod, 6-v;tXlm c;rl. Rul. The Prioo 1:1 rla.~t ond v<>r,/ reo- _CLOSc;-IN FOR S~r IrodC', laxl fran- d:o:::o Triillcr Cc:Jur4.~ fio. 23. tOnoblcl wmu,

Be Ready to Show $11.030 ~~~~~I,o~1 ~l~bUs;j- ccll~tn (l\-~~, _ "c~~ Itp "',\~ McCARTY FOR RENT - New tv,.~

By Aug. 15th. " .3.BEDROOM9~AIm>1ENTS. __~ 51-lfe ~~~ ~~~fI-~~!~~I:nc~ \' REAL =.I~'1!!-.J~:25Y' ~)~GREEN MEADOWS ! $11.000 HILL TOP TRIM rondiUon. Sec nt . r'8 Store on l~ ESTATE* tho Bonlto. S:l-ttc.

ON RIVER. lJ BEDROOMS. I NOW OPEN .... ~----~~. - ~ E LUcll~ McCartyOne Block South of ~ LOTS CRAB APPLES For J~ Chc:ro- " ~ Reo1101'

$11.600 ,Upholstering and ~~ &~ E. u. Paloot 11 ~ Phone CL 7·24MTelephone Office I * CSt Co . lte 0< ~.1",,1f'

The 7.5O().fom elevation uffcmb CAmUZO CANYON. ar ea vermg \VM"'TED IMMlIDIATZLY~ -----..:------, , ' ' cool rummel'll end Uvroble wID- 2 BEDROO~ ,.~.~O..:_.~~~GC - Ruld=! Ruldroo. 1IlC;l,.rom wblle trntn!n;l. n __

~M IRONING-DiDl CL 1- FOlt SALE-Girb~ elze a ters. G:rem McadowD O~l'll 0 yeor $13,1lOO D<=1b!o $1,llOO.oo ,arb.~ PICTURE FRAMES. 00c eocll ==;:::::;;::;-=-:---:--:::::-~ _~. _ .. to.!t::l!'Q.. ~nn:1 ellihtly 'l'O\md IIome for ro1lcJ who de:1ro * un.. __ . You Need To Mr, Tc:lclC)', 801 p,u15,y:vcnill. while tht'y laQI KathrylY.! Hllil For 'u'o-to''r- t:".....:"ht

. • • WJOO. PiulooCl.c;:uv,-ntc:r "41'1~I' wry~ in torotIon ona ilCGI~ n ~!'!'~~ j YY ill:ll Ala~o. lL 111. 4-t1e Trn.... lll SludlQ, behind 1M JllJZgf. 1Y.1 1l1l::Jh

USED APPLlANCES - Wuben. fc beauty of the mmmfnln::t. "-All..-"'....... I Mak A H lJce So-Ife Service DinTautomttm acd regular. refrtgcra- HELP WANTED-~ance in I' $14,.50(1 e· urried Trip FOR SALE-U1Jlld [rom, Mbtc=, - ~~--_.-t~n. ete.,B.uclme;"& 4I-tfc .....~, ttd.el, ,~.c.,..~~.'Ik ~ W. E. MUNSEY ! 4

tL.. ,...,..".,. lI*BEDRooft ..". I other =U opplltIr'--. In IWOd DO YOU N'EEl> A Iwo-d:rowe:r CL 7-3445, _ ""'I ~ ...._~ Dfet"",- "" ...~ LoA> -eo condlUon. BuclaJer.\ IDe. 3-4.fc b!l O/' "xD ulQ{'1 CQrd tile? \'10

1'011 REN'l'-Qur~ tnW- red. mtm be" aVanab1e to& Suod!,li' REAL ESTATE I MODERN ntact- Itavo ellll~r ml(' In om cUke ready Suman I1eyaol!h, Acm1nt'*~ willlt!DllOdel to eult vroxk.G1'EeD Tree~ dial ES ' . $15,000 $40 TV An"..c!lC8l UIelt 3 mcmth.9. 10 denver. prl~d richl Ruldow tL PASO PECOS VALLZY~C!af:ke'!~....._~3e 8-4185. o. ~. 3-tfc ExclUSIve Agents I * RALPH BROWN fm' hcl1 prtro. I~Baf!d1,Utroe- NPWD I~~~~~oodron SAU' 1951 Ford Del Rio FOR SALE OR TRADE-1952 Plto.~ 4 BEDnoO~i~ CArJYO!i FLY CIIAR'1"ERED PLANE ~~~ &x::~~ p~~ ron ONLYSI0 a mcnth yO~ -~an - ~ ~ , -station~ or for !:rIade. alto Bu!clt P~. good rubbl!1', Day- CL-7-24g1' fnght CL-'l-2321 * --- -- - - - ('!ol~ and feed an o:rphan chIldI9S3 .r~ Pielc-'tQ, 4..wbce1 dl!.ve. ratL'n,be3tu. 1'J;jd:F..ma11e drive, - •. 95-Yl". ON RIVER, AmPOfiT I pnoNl: CL ,.mt "or delall.!l write ChristlaD Cbll-ean CL 1-2330. 5=2c low ~, 1ii£'clt;mfca'11Y good, - _.._- -- 2 BEDnooo..m. r,.gw DIAL (l Fo ..ap........ dren', Fund Ine. ChIco OMs..TBAlLEn p~Ax!e - sprlng3, el«'.m ~'"5 al1IIi tronl 8e&1. FOR RENT-~itituoted $15.000 CL-1-4331 (.I FOS'.~" AU~ Ihhmond. Va: or Sew the Chll.3 ......1s, bitch ~'with"'~- ~bte:-W. E. MI~neey.. I~ ~_~ li1 pa;'~ blcek .---- (.I Few T-.J- dnn Foun:!m;on. Inc, Bolt 010.ay w~d~,=,inIqua.rtc1; kl rear, see HOME. ll()()..FT. ON MAIN noAD ...... ~tTWD:l<, Ctlnn 112·tIdhn1lie brolre't. ca7V tarp. two R0SE.'3 In bloom, clemaU3 v!ncs, Dan D. SweaIing1n. 3-tle $16000~.. ,.' ~tanks, SNIt's. nm lawn llted, t"OIIe epray, f(MMl dust. _ • ' ;, , f. IS" MAP cOUroi&-Olrfl;. -----------

""'..."'.>..... Up ferll1lzcr tot' "our Ja........ wUl loan PEriCIL 9 0 "oro -AY ED ,.or" Y'O'" MO'DERNIZE ·nr,. 'lilt' III RUldo.o NeWD • - _.. -....~ ... 'llfP1't!ader. Slule ~ In 50 lb. paper, ~Ilimachine paper, rub- Gn-'BlY ,2 B ROOl'...., u=, I Roswell Pet Shop

WANTED- bal'. Peat m~ Rul/bo NUfl!l\!~, bel'~ paper cllps, file fote!- $19fOO REMODEL I THEn -- m:o E. S«~ &t.Your Bookb!ep1ng aod Steno- ~lal ~5: ., '. ". ~~tf~ U'um~~~,lbbons, ete.. &1 1 CREE MEADOWS. 1\!J BATHS A SHIER TROPICAL AQUARIUMarapble Work. Will Work In REPAIRS on .mau appUII\tle!l n.. I I ,22,500." ADD A ROOM '9<:0: FLOWERS Birds, DnJ:- Cob. Monkey"" sman

Your Office or MIfte. Budtner'Il. Inc. 2'7-tfC ",nu.u '-"U"" _ D my home, REPAffi ~ POI' reo PLANTS - CORSAGEa P/l~ 0 Do3fd, Trum Bh'dI.Prompt and ReUabtci. - phone CL 7-3182, up GOoVllan can_I '\ GATEWAY SHOWPLACE. ~.. CUT FLOWEIID -Qroomlng-Mrs. Wayne Wantiez· . JOO in beek of hl&b IIChool. away' 3 bEDROOMS· NO MONEY DQWN "0 Flowers tor B8flquetfl, CO~ftteu~u~: fl:~~~

Pbelae. CL .,-3303 or CL 7-2754 ~_' ~ trame. Mar'y Hicks. I-tte" $2'l,llOO 38 Mollthu 10 Pay .. Annlvcnmrlcn." ,,s * Fref! Estimates HolldaYIl for Any Occasion. FOR SALE--5O-tt. £rontage on l II MODEm1 INCOME ~ . -- Phones CL-'1=32t5 or CIA-aIM

OPPORTUNITY ORNAMENTAL Highway 10 In Green Tree, unffn-! HOMES, GATEWAY BONNELL HOU-YWOOD. NEW MEXICOMAN OR WOMAN I3bed bulld!nl. fruit~ home or $30,000 Jodie Filleman I·' .. ,~=..,,=..r= .= IRO~~RK. ~":..~~>L: nutnoso'8. 1lZAUTII'UL .H~~.~, ~ldg. SuppUes BuUding Contractor -F_~CEw~ri:"1autom&Uc d.iilpeoeers. No Ielling. n--n.... Iron WILL ACCEPT A .r-. num..:"... $33(000 •.. . :III'". .....CIIIr' • Any Kin'd~ tiOt ~erences. u ......"" '.... ... -.""'... I.aD4 ~.oo. to.$700.00Jm!m!m'enL ;;rW:~TM::'U.!"2.~"l...~~~~m~~f ..~k"vt=i!=. 3-BEDC~~.*!2Tl1S, ! aesldentlal -- CmtunerCla' I Any Amount=:m~~u:!r~~! -p~~=:';;: ~~I=:.~ '~'35P;J"S __lIMItl l Ca~::~.o:;:;::.. .Write a Postcard to , ~N~ttR~~C~... ....,~ T A X S E R V ICE

Box se Ruidoso. N. II,Dlal CL 7-4245

I"" ........ G.... up ""I" "'--<.~ RANCHES - OncBAIlDS :=J , IeIllO 0 ",', ..;,0".' ,. . , " ". ~=~~~~~~~==" UUO~ __ " "" """'....., . 0 - ', •• _.. " --"- .:::


" ." , I

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Page 10: NT·'I· .•' 'N:GS .. ''' - OD Mala (lold In Palmar Oat ... .. .I'x 8'- $la.95 '~

-.. -



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RuJdoIo.. N. No]3 [

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'(~ -

C~etk Benne!lts f~r Your Materials." .. ;.


"'. p .,"

, '. '.. - f'~ " ' . F

Such things .i Sheetrock.' llooflng, Lumber, PI....... . l •.. . 1 .,. c··

~. WlndOWi, Pue1Board, C'arpenter'.,TcdI,"· ':1. - .,.,. - ~ - ,.-.' ...::::- - .. ~-_.

BWld,ra' Budwltt, ete•• U.hgU!arly c:ani4kl bt'l~ ' .,:: ' - - -, -"~""'- ~

. .hi luld.'.mo.! fWl1·ttqQtptHMI *16:te. '.' .·w' -

Phon., Di~ 38,25 , $ 7 2 7 •• 2' ,

i • _ •

-JIo.nJJBIJ Il.c.· .~ .. Bldg. S"Arj~'- - .' - ,

," i,i-:-;. 'WataWmttlf~''r

"t4Kf"~ "~~ '.. .~~,*,*'." . - .", .•_ ·,w·....

-'," ,. - ..'Il!l[~ .... ~,'. • '., ;t



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.7for 11••. ~1~ OJ., '.'

· · · 49~',

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. ,

-..- ~ -- ~"." . -

,. .

Diamond .Brand


LUNCHEON MEAT.KlmbeU' 300 C .'.. • an


, -', ,


DJamond303 Can', .TOMATOES ..••POUND

r _.~.


.' ., ,;'t



U. S. D. A. Choice


",." '



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FRANKS . . . . 3lb. bag S1.39BOLOGNA-All Meat. · . .Lb. 49(·



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1'Il0lle CL 7·1ll11~


Mt. Vue••••••••••••••••••••••••

, .... ' . ,', ,,...,'J'l ',f .,.