"' -• ;c x ·~··=-...

"' -• ;c x w =- ·-- .. - 7 • - 'f!""' ...- - r ----- ... ..-- ..... - - ., *" ..,_ ,.., .... ----------------- _. ---- ---- ....... - ...-- - ·- - - -- - - - - ....--- - - ,. ,. Warrior softball belts out another district win PAGE 18 ... VAMONOS The spirit of art lives in a ghost town .PAGE6D ij.' :survey in the works to find the p·ulse of Lincoln County businesses PAGE3£ HOME & FAMILY Montessori method is alive and well PAGE lC ... WEATHER Breezy and mild today ... INDEX The Arts .... 60 Business ..... 3C Classifieds. . 4 B Crossword ... 3B Going Out .. 30 Letters ...... 4A Movies ..... 7A Old West ... 1 OD Opinion ..... 4A Real estate ... 4B ...... 18 What's · Happening .. 50 Weather ..... 2A OUR 5 3RD YEAR lJII)OSO Ulbil fjJ J.iJj Ul Ji 04 VUtiLl•klna SOuiHWlJI io2i ( iMMLL Ilk lL ll y .. ' ( LJJ,J ''1.114! R U I D 0 S 0 , ·N E W M E X I C 0 F.RIDAY, APRIL 14, 2000 50 CENTS ISSUE NO. 92 32 PAGES Dianne Stallings/Ruidoso News Ralph Dunlap, a fonner Uncoln County Commissioner, stands in front of the green bridge, which Is on the National Historic Register: The 1902 structure across the Rio Hondo may be moved to the Farm and Ranch Heritage MLiseum in Las Cruces. The 'gfeen bridge' to tnake historical ntove BY DIANNE STALLINGS RUIDOSO NEWS STAFF WRITU A steel bridge built in 1902 and moved to the Rio Hondo near Pica- cho in 1944 may .be moved one more time in an attempt to pre- serve it. -.... Harkness, property devel- opment manager fur the Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces, a division of the state Of- of Cultural Affairs, said relo- cating tli"e"lJridge would serve a practical purpose as well. Along with the museum that opened two years ago, the state has 20-acres of property to be devel- oped.over the next five to seven years. "The property is divided by 'lbr- tugas Arroyo and during the rainy season, a significant amount of water flows," he said. "Our problem was how to develop a circulation for visitors from one side to the other. "We looked at building a bridge and then thought it would be nice if we could find a historic bridge in- stead." Museum officials were unsure· evert if they fonnd such a bridge tqat it could be moved, he said. At the other end of the probl'fun, Ralph Dunlap, a former Lincoln County commissioner, was inter- ested in finding a home for The Green Bridge, a 133-foot long, 16- foot wide, 22-foot high· span that was usurped in 1987 by a new bridge over the Rio Hondo. "The olcl bridge would only carry 15 tons and we needed some- thing with more capacity," Dunlap said Thursday. "But after the new bridge went in, Highway Department told ·that the old bridge had to be pre rved because it was the only one o its kind left in See BRIDGE, page 2A Officials disregard water law According to ordinance, 'extreme' conditions exist BY jAMES I<ALVELAGE RUIDOSO Nl:.WS STAJ-1' WRITER Ruidoso should have been in the most severe phase of its water conser- vation program since at least the end of March, according to a village ordi- nance regarding the issue. , The failure to conform to the water conservation ordinance bench- marks was raised during this week's village council meeting by councilor Leon Eggleston. "I know we're in phase three, but I got some reports from Richard · Sanchez (the village's water depart- ment director) that look like we should be in phase four," Eggleston said. "Probably within the next couple of weeks we will," said Robert Don- aldson, Ruidoso's mayor. "We sort of left it up to Richard (Sanchez) to say when he's not com- fortable," Donaldson said of the delay to move to phase 4 despite what is spelled out in the law. "And he said for now he's comfortable through mid- May, but that could change, too. As soon 'as Richard wants to go to phase four, we'll go to it." Sanchez conceded Thursday the triggers for phase four had been met. He said he was unsure at what point in the recent past the more restrictive criteria had been reached. The village's water contingency plan ordinance states that phase four, the most extreme water conservation phase, is triggered when any two of See ORDINANCE, page 5A Lack of moisture puts fire resources on 'high alert' BY DIANNE STAlliNGS RUIDOSO N.l:.WS STAFF WRITER The Sierra Blanca snow course, where the an- nual snowpack is measured, earned the distinction ofbeing the only basin in the state to record the low- est snowpack for a 15-year period every month this year. A snowstorm right before the last measurement April 2, saved the basin from going two months in a row with some of its designated spots completely bare. County Manager 'Ibm Stewart said state offi- cials are bracing for a tough year in terms of fires . He attended the Governor's drought task force meeting in Santa Fe April5, called by the New Mex- ico Office of Emergency Management. "The long-range forecast for rain during the pe- riod of April to June is not good," Stewart said. "Fire resources have been placed on alert around the state. As of this date, the state has experienced 301 forest fire incidents so far this year as compared to a total of225 fires in a normal year." According to Richard Armijo and Dan Murray, who prepare the monthly basin report for the feder- al Natural Resources Conservation Service, the snowpack data for Marrh set a new record mini- mum for the month at five percent of average, down from last year's 27 percent. "The snow season in the Rio Hondo Basin has been a lack luster season at best," they wrote in the report. The basin includes Ruidoso and follows the Rui- doso River along U.S. 70 to the point where it merges with the Rio Bonito to become the Rio Hondo, then continues east. The rest of the county falls within the Pecos River Basin. The snow pack is measured on the first or sec- ond day of February, March and April. The stream flow forecast for the Rio Hondo Basin is for 39 percent of average or 2,500 acre feet of runoff March through June. An acre foot equates to 325,851 gallons. Armijo said the basin received 49 percent of the average amount of precipitation for March, faring . slightly better than February, but still remains well below average. Rain Thesday that measured at less than half an inch did little to alleviate the situation other than wetting down the forest, officials said. Dick Wisner, a director of the Ruidoso River As- sociation, said water is barely trickling in the river. "It's the worst drought in 25 years," he said. "There won't be spring run off to recharge the aquifer (underground water supply) or to refill Grindstone Reservoir. "Whereas last spring, the river was flowing con- tinuously at 10 cubic feet per second or more, the highest flow any time this spring was just over two cfs." Grindstone Reservoir will have to wait on sum- mer monsoon rains to refill, he said. "The only good news on the drought is that the National Weather Service now predicts a wet sum- mer," Wisner said. The situation is better in the Pecos Basin, with See BASIN, page 2A .. $ ... ' .. ' '• Three different blazes keep area firefighters on their toes BY jAMES KALVEIAGE R.UID()$0 Nl:."WS STAI-'F \TIR1T£EI. ·li'irefighters in the Ruidoso area busy at the start of. the week, dealing with three· fires. An early Stmday morning struc- fire a seasonal resi- dence in ef Paradise · Firefighters from · · · a crew from Ruidoso Downs, as well as under $75.,000. a Fo'rest Service Hotshot team The blaze also consumed 1 114 to fought the blaze, which had spread 1 1/2 acres of land, Reynolds said. to wilderness adjacent to the home, Thirteen Ruidoso firefighters said Ruidoso Fire Department chief and six rescue/engine vehicles re- Virgil Reynolds. sponded to the fire. Ruidoso Downs The alarm was sounded at 5: 15 and the Forest Service supplied ad- a.m. of a structure fire at 268 Pearl ditional firefighters and equipment. Ave., southwest of the 90-degree A cause of the structure fire is curve on Paradise Canyon Road. undetermined. When the fir-st crews arrived, the A hillside fire Tuesday afternoon structure was fully engulfed in scorched a small area, adjacent to a flames and a sizable wild· fire was holn;e at 304 Gavilan Canyon Road. underway, accordin'g tb a Ruidoso Ruidoso firefighters were called Fire Department incident rep«)rt. just before 2 p.m., after a resident of - The residence was a:t • the home discovered flames shooting time 9f the Reynolds' said. ·, ·up a. tree behind the structure. , " A, Portales tty,;,: , .. !l'he blaze burned a 40-by- . . · · · i!. / _t, . "! .. 1;'\; . ; . ' t®t area. It was to have · Ftre creVO's ftt()m, 'ltdtd9Stf .r. begun near the base of a ut1hty.pole, and Ruidoso . aecording to fire officials. caus«; of structure blaze.· and tthen assuste.Cl .. the fite remams the Hotshots ill putting QU:t tHe· Three units and six members of flames in · .. · the Ruidoso Fire Department re- .The was sponded to the blaze. ;Wa,$ yalued at · Fire early Monday afternoon de- .. , ' . -:; .. , . . :",. ' stroyed a truck belonging to a local landscaping company. Firefighters from the Bonito and Ruidoso fire departments, as well as a crew from the Lincoln N a tiona) Forest and a private citizen, re- sponded to the vehicle fire, at a property along Gavilan Canyon , Road, about a mile south of State Highway 48. Alfred Trujillo. who operates a landscaping service, said he had just returned with the vehicle to his Gav- ilan Canyon Road residence. He said he detected the truck fire when he looked outside. Minutes earlier the truck had been used· to haul yard waste to a disposal site. "I notice the fire ·&otn inside (his resi4ence)," Trujillo said. "The were all over the cab." 'l'tujillo and a companion said initidl efforts to douse the fire with a hose were unsuccessful. ' 0 ., -···-) , I ' :, . " . •.. ··.·li. J -. :

Transcript of"' -• ;c x ·~··=-...

"' -• ;c x ·~··=- w =- ·-- .. - 7 • - 'f!""' ...- - r ----- ... ..-- ..... .....,......._..------...._....~._..--- - - ., • *" ..,_ ,.., .... ----------------- _. ---- ---- ....... - ~ ~ ~ ...-- - ·- - ·~ - -- - - - - ....--- - ·~ - ~




Warrior softball belts out another district win PAGE 18


The spirit of art lives in a ghost town .PAGE6D


:survey in the works to find the p·ulse of Lincoln County businesses



Montessori method is alive and well PAGE lC


Breezy and mild today


The Arts .... 60 Business ..... 3C Classifieds. . 4 B Crossword ... 3B Going Out .. 30 Letters ...... 4A Movies ..... 7A

Old West ... 1 OD Opinion ..... 4A Real estate ... 4B ~p~rts ...... 18 What's

· Happening .. 50 Weather ..... 2A



'~lllllllllllllllllllj Ulbil fjJ

J.iJj Ul Ji 04 ~ li4~ Hl~hu VUtiLl•klna SOuiHWlJI io2i ( iMMLL Ilk lL ~A~~ ll li~~l-~1~.4

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R U I D 0 S 0 , ·N E W M E X I C 0 • F.RIDAY, APRIL 14, 2000 50 CENTS


Dianne Stallings/Ruidoso News Ralph Dunlap, a fonner Uncoln County Commissioner, stands in front of the green bridge, which Is on the National Historic Register: The 1902 structure across the Rio Hondo may be moved to the Farm and Ranch Heritage MLiseum in Las Cruces.

The 'gfeen bridge' to tnake historical ntove BY DIANNE STALLINGS RUIDOSO NEWS STAFF WRITU

A steel bridge built in 1902 and moved to the Rio Hondo near Pica­cho in 1944 may .be moved one more time in an attempt to pre-serve it. -....

Dav~ Harkness, property devel­opment manager fur the Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces, a division of the state Of­f;i~ of Cultural Affairs, said relo­cating tli"e"lJridge would serve a practical purpose as well.

Along with the museum that opened two years ago, the state has

20-acres of property to be devel­oped.over the next five to seven years.

"The property is divided by 'lbr­tugas Arroyo and during the rainy season, a significant amount of water flows," he said. "Our problem was how to develop a circulation for visitors from one side to the other.

"We looked at building a bridge and then thought it would be nice if we could find a historic bridge in­stead."

Museum officials were unsure· evert if they fonnd such a bridge tqat it could be moved, he said.

At the other end of the probl'fun,

Ralph Dunlap, a former Lincoln County commissioner, was inter­ested in finding a home for The Green Bridge, a 133-foot long, 16-foot wide, 22-foot high· span that was usurped in 1987 by a new bridge over the Rio Hondo.

"The olcl bridge would only carry 15 tons and we needed some­thing with more capacity," Dunlap said Thursday. "But after the new bridge went in, the~s.te Highway Department told ·that the old bridge had to be pre rved because it was the only one o its kind left in

See BRIDGE, page 2A

Officials disregard water law According to ordinance, 'extreme' conditions exist


Ruidoso should have been in the most severe phase of its water conser­vation program since at least the end of March, according to a village ordi­nance regarding the issue.

, The failure to conform to the water conservation ordinance bench­marks was raised during this week's village council meeting by councilor Leon Eggleston.

"I know we're in phase three, but I got some reports from Richard · Sanchez (the village's water depart­ment director) that look like we should be in phase four," Eggleston said.

"Probably within the next couple of weeks we will," said Robert Don­aldson, Ruidoso's mayor.

"We sort of left it up to Richard (Sanchez) to say when he's not com­fortable," Donaldson said of the delay to move to phase 4 despite what is spelled out in the law. "And he said for now he's comfortable through mid­May, but that could change, too. As soon 'as Richard wants to go to phase four, we'll go to it."

Sanchez conceded Thursday the triggers for phase four had been met. He said he was unsure at what point in the recent past the more restrictive criteria had been reached.

The village's water contingency plan ordinance states that phase four, the most extreme water conservation phase, is triggered when any two of

See ORDINANCE, page 5A

Lack of moisture puts fire resources on 'high alert' BY DIANNE STAlliNGS RUIDOSO N.l:.WS STAFF WRITER

The Sierra Blanca snow course, where the an­nual snowpack is measured, earned the distinction ofbeing the only basin in the state to record the low­est snowpack for a 15-year period every month this year.

A snowstorm right before the last measurement April 2, saved the basin from going two months in a row with some of its designated spots completely bare.

County Manager 'Ibm Stewart said state offi­cials are bracing for a tough year in terms of fires .

He attended the Governor's drought task force meeting in Santa Fe April5, called by the New Mex­ico Office of Emergency Management.

"The long-range forecast for rain during the pe­riod of April to June is not good," Stewart said. "Fire resources have been placed on alert around the state. As of this date, the state has experienced 301 forest fire incidents so far this year as compared to a total of225 fires in a normal year."

According to Richard Armijo and Dan Murray, who prepare the monthly basin report for the feder­al Natural Resources Conservation Service, the snowpack data for Marrh set a new record mini­mum for the month at five percent of average, down from last year's 27 percent.

"The snow season in the Rio Hondo Basin has been a lack luster season at best," they wrote in the report.

The basin includes Ruidoso and follows the Rui­doso River along U.S. 70 to the point where it merges with the Rio Bonito to become the Rio Hondo, then continues east.

The rest of the county falls within the Pecos River Basin.

The snow pack is measured on the first or sec­ond day of February, March and April.

The stream flow forecast for the Rio Hondo Basin is for 39 percent of average or 2,500 acre feet of runoff March through June. An acre foot equates to 325,851 gallons.

Armijo said the basin received 49 percent of the average amount of precipitation for March, faring

. slightly better than February, but still remains well below average.

Rain Thesday that measured at less than half an inch did little to alleviate the situation other than wetting down the forest, officials said.

Dick Wisner, a director of the Ruidoso River As­sociation, said water is barely trickling in the river.

"It's the worst drought in 25 years," he said. "There won't be spring run off to recharge the aquifer (underground water supply) or to refill Grindstone Reservoir.

"Whereas last spring, the river was flowing con­tinuously at 10 cubic feet per second or more, the highest flow any time this spring was just over two cfs."

Grindstone Reservoir will have to wait on sum­mer monsoon rains to refill, he said.

"The only good news on the drought is that the National Weather Service now predicts a wet sum­mer," Wisner said.

The situation is better in the Pecos Basin, with

See BASIN, page 2A

.. $ ... '

.. '


Three different blazes keep area firefighters on their toes BY jAMES KALVEIAGE R.UID()$0 Nl:."WS STAI-'F \TIR1T£EI.

·li'irefighters in the Ruidoso area wer~ busy at the start of. the week,

dealing with three· fires. An early Stmday morning struc­

tur~ fire destrQy~~ a seasonal resi-dence in Ruidos~ ef Paradise ·

Firefighters from · · · a

crew from Ruidoso Downs, as well as under $75.,000. a Fo'rest Service Hotshot team The blaze also consumed 1 114 to fought the blaze, which had spread 1 1/2 acres of land, Reynolds said. to wilderness adjacent to the home, Thirteen Ruidoso firefighters said Ruidoso Fire Department chief and six rescue/engine vehicles re­Virgil Reynolds. sponded to the fire. Ruidoso Downs

The alarm was sounded at 5: 15 and the Forest Service supplied ad­a.m. of a structure fire at 268 Pearl ditional firefighters and equipment. Ave., southwest of the 90-degree A cause of the structure fire is curve on Paradise Canyon Road. undetermined.

When the fir-st crews arrived, the A hillside fire Tuesday afternoon structure was fully engulfed in scorched a small area, adjacent to a flames and a sizable wild· fire was holn;e at 304 Gavilan Canyon Road. underway, accordin'g tb a Ruidoso Ruidoso firefighters were called Fire Department incident rep«)rt. just before 2 p.m., after a resident of

- The residence was unoc~up).ed a:t • the home discovered flames shooting ~he time 9f the fir~, Reynolds' said. ·, ·up a. tree behind the structure.

, " A, Portales worp~P qwn."~d tty,;,: , .. !l'he blaze burned a~out a 40-by­. d.well~g; . · · · i!. / _t, . "! .. 1;'\; . ; • . ' ~:.,.10 t®t area. It was beheve~. to have

· Ftre creVO's ftt()m, bd~ 'ltdtd9Stf .r. begun near the base of a ut1hty.pole, and Ruidoso J?o~rtl:t_~x~ingu.islte~ t~~ . aecording to fire officials. ~ caus«; of structure blaze.· and tthen assuste.Cl .. the fite remams the Hotshots ill putting QU:t tHe· Three units and six members of flames in the·sUtJ<oU.ndbi~ nre¥t~· · .. · the Ruidoso Fire Department re-

.The setiEIQ~a}.,ti4J).'!e~··wnil:it( was sponded to the blaze. decl~feq·.a tot~l''lif~s! ;Wa,$ yalued at · Fire early Monday afternoon de-

"';:-,,;··-~,:-,.-~: .. , ' ~·\ . -:; <i··;;,~~·:~~.:··. ;~.~· .. , ;;'~~-. . :",. '

stroyed a truck belonging to a local landscaping company.

Firefighters from the Bonito and Ruidoso fire departments, as well as a crew from the Lincoln N a tiona) Forest and a private citizen, re­sponded to the vehicle fire, at a property along Gavilan Canyon , Road, about a mile south of State Highway 48.

Alfred Trujillo. who operates a landscaping service, said he had just returned with the vehicle to his Gav­ilan Canyon Road residence. He said he detected the truck fire when he looked outside. Minutes earlier the truck had been used· to haul yard waste to a disposal site.

"I notice the fire ·&otn inside (his resi4ence)," Trujillo said. "The flam~s were all over the cab."

'l'tujillo and a companion said initidl efforts to douse the fire with a gard~n hose were unsuccessful.

' 0 .,

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3.\ FRIDAY, APRu. 14, 2000

am 634a.m 6'32am 631 a.m. ............ ~~-::• Wed 136pm .;

Thu 240pm Fn 344pm

• • ""' .. Full

sat 446pm. Apr18 Sun 547pm 539am

m::J;J$1M!::z: ::"::;.: Noon .................. : .. so• 4 p.m ..••......•..•..•....••.•.......•.•....••. .-62"

'lbsl3HF aam lOam _, 2pm •pm

·~ u....,. u ""' 6->.- e-111.11¢ 10o.ll!fr"9' -.....w.leD>e-IOihe....,"s-18~ I

Spm . . 54" The Rculi=cel Ternpemlllle is a melliUil! or how •be weuther fer: Is, wking inw aa:oum IIJI -..u- fnc:lon; includu•g tempera!~. humidily. wind, wcalhcr and U \1 mdillllon.

MUI House. an old WhitE: Oaks mine.


A glimpse into Linc~ln County's past, compiled from local newspapers by Polly E. Chavez.

White Oaks Eagle April 12, 1900

White Oaks has no idle men. When the South Homes­take started up, miners were in demand and now all have employment.

Geo. Serborugh was killed at Deming a few days ago. He was one of the best officers and

detectives in New Mexico and killed by rustlers or cattle thieves as it is supposed. It is time the good people of this Thrritory took this thieving business in hand and hung a lot of gentry who steal for a liv­ing and way-lay and kill offi­cers whom they fear.

Carl Keith, Bird Keith, Geo. Keith, Ernest Langston and William Alexander, came for Capitan last week here.

Green Rivers - official whiskey' used in all hospitals, for sale at the Little Casino.

RUIDOSO NEWS Mailing Address: P.O. Box 128, Ruidoso, NM 88355

Phone' (505) 257-4001 Fax: (505) 257-7053 e-mail: [email protected]

BradL • ...._ .... , Publisher

ICelttl Green. En 19 .................... E4Jt«ioo AtMrer Gina l!oot)o. bt. 7 .. . .... OIWbtion Man.Jcer ICMt!l"l Payton, En. 6 .................. Office Mcrno:lier J811 Floras. Eon:. :14 ....... - .......... ~ ,_,e, 1on:o Anglada. bt. II ·--........... ~Manager Sandy Suggttt. Ext. IS ......... ~ Editor Usa~ bt. 20 .............. ~...._.., ICan!n Boehler. En. S .......................... Spota E4fiM

,' ',• . ' : ' ·.· . ,. ... ·' :' .'• '.• .-·

. . . >· . -:-· <· •. . " •. '

Terrance Vestal Ext. 18 Edl«<

01anne Sblllnp, &:t. n ........ eouncr P'"' ~w JaniS M~ Ext. 13 ...•••.•. Mmlroam SIIJII!IIIUOr

Su:unne Reed. "-- 8 .••••.•.• Ciasri/IU Ac:cowl1 ERe.

l.lnda ~: EocL 9 ........•.•...... .$cder A.ttDim1 btec

Louise Jensen. E& 10 ·········---·· I'Nifllcdcln jams KaMila*. ~-g) Yrlillfe pl,IBu$lrleU _._,

!CahYWike. &t. 11-······--·---Sales Acclilunr flee



'lbreefirmlo interested in op­wating the LinOQ)p County j.W were given . two mi>re -..I<s to· · · submit their proposale.

~ough the:res~ea orig­inally were due Apri15, the com­panies, two frOm the Albu~ querque area and a third from Calilbmla, aoked fur more. tiJm>. County Man,;:. lbm Stewart extended 1;be _dljp.& li>r two -..I<s to April 19. . . .

"Both firms askBd li><l!ll ex, ta>sion of time and addil;ional infurmation l;bet inclnded d&­t&led blue prints Of our jlro­poaed detention center," Stewart wrote in a report to 1;be commis­sion. The report will be suJmUt,. ted during· the commission's meetingat9a.m.April20,at1;be' cdunty courthouse in Canizozo.. day

A decision on wbieb linn to·­selectwillbe~byStew- tion art at the eommlsslon's Mey 4 budget meeting, be said.

:. :· " ·- ,··- ·,

BRIDGE: The museum is pl~ning a centennial celebration forthe bridge ·.

Continued ftom page lA

the State." . . _ I)unlap. wonied about the

potential county liability tbi­the old. bridge and began look-· ing for alternatives in the early 1990s. When the ranching be.-.. itage museum first opened, he propOsed relocation, but it took a few years for the idea to per-­colate.

"By having it at the muse-­um, people from all over the World could see it,.. Dunlap said. "People don"t stop ·there now and it's hard to see from the road with ihe fence arollnd it." . ,;;. . .

With the possibility of a new home for the bridge at the museum. Du,nlap said he J:tas started researchlng what hap­pened to the other two spans of the original three-span bridge built in 1902 across the Peoos River in Roswell.

"It was abandoned there when u.s.-.11811 went stTaight

~s . the river." be said. "We're tcying to see· if another section survived around ROswell somewhere. The cOun­ty (Chaves) may have sold it to a rancher ... · Dunlap had his doubta the green bridge could be _moved, but Harkness and. structural engineers took a look and determinea that it could. ,

"These things typicallY were designed to be -moved," Harkness said. "Tiuit's what Idakes it so possible. They're built kind of like an .....,tor set.

"This is the oldest and longest .. Pratt bridge in the state. It's called a through­truss. pin-connection, li~t gauge steel bridge. It's a classic example of bridges built in -that era.:

The bridge originally bad a wooden deck. but it was cov­ered With asphalt. Once at its new home by the museum, the woodM ·-deok would be · re­stored. as would any other as-

BASIN: Drought conditions are the 'worst in 25 years,' officials say Continued from page lA

stream flow projections rang­ing from 59 percent of average on the Gallinas Creek near Montezuma to 74 percent of average on the Pecos River nearPecos. ·

Year-to-date precipitation is 59 percent of average, up

from February's 41 percent. Snow pack was 57 percent of average. up from the previous month's 40 percent. The Pecos Basin takes in northern moun­tains at Las Vegas that re­ceived more snow and rain than the Sacramento Moun­tains around Ruidoso. It then stretches to the southeast to in­clude Roswell and Carlsbad.

pe$ of the bridge needing at- "We ba'\>e plans p,,.: <b"aft tention, ba said. . J¥>roesmmillwag(uls ailr<lss it

The green ~ is listed on rideS:"'hil.said. "'J>,rgoal, if on the National Historic Regis- everythlug cllills · m1lo ·place, is ter1 Harkness_ said. to develop a celebration

"We're looking into what it around this bridge for ita cen­will take to accomplish the tennlal birthday Ia 2002. We move with all of 1;be various see all kinds of possibilities govermnent ·agencies in- there." valved," be said. . lfl;be bridge stays where it

. That includes reCeiving ap-- is now, it 'Would .continue to de­proval &om the Lincoln Coun- teriorate, he said. If moved to· ty Co~si.on_ whi_dl owris ·the museum, it will be pre­the bridge. . served for generations .and

"All we've heard so far is serve a useful purpose. · support for the prcd~" Hark- "We have some incredible ·ness said. "We thirik the inter-- historic photographs we've l.ln· pretati"" potential fur some- covered from 1903 with bqg­thlng like this is huge - · a gies ~ across this brid!i!>." chance for~ museum to talk HarkneSs said. "We're Blso about transportation in New compiling in-house ·a history · Mexico. This type Of bridge book on this bridge and the. wa'l! bought thro1wh catalogs stacy of bridges in New 'Mexi­by pnvate landowners and co. Tl!at will be published and usSd lb< taU bridges." available in the gift shop, if

Museum officials eatimate this all materializes. • that the cost of dismantling Dunlap said to data be's the bridge, transporting the 1'\lll into no opposition to .the pi ....... and ~-·t Qt .• project. . · .. -- ...... , .. ·~· th\r'llrft>Yci' l!lit<! "'lri>idd iioo•hdlf'. • .. •eftil!eftF"'I'it'h th~··~· that of building a new bric!ge, ·historical society could not be Harlmess said. · reached for comment.

FIRE: A lack of wind was helpful Continued from page lA

'ftujillo believes pine nee­dles, that collected undet' the chassis from the dump site, may have caught fire from a bot exhaust.

The fire quickly spread to the vehicle's interior, with flames then reaching eidtt feet into the air, said Trujillo.

Bonito Fire Department

.,_ \•

Chief Chris Denne declared 1;be cargo/flatbed truck a total loss.

"If the weather conditions had been such that the wind was blowing burning materi~ a1s it could have been seri­ous," Denne said.

The fue chief credited a lack of wind mid-day Monday for keeping an adjacent wood~ ed area free of danger.

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• • co:nutusston date of the comniis~ion·~ mid !?'ant ~tions, but com­action, nlissxoneno'moved a4ead to end

They clahn llOIIlJQil'sioners their involvemepU1~ , the pro­acted in bad faith, intentional- !!""" and to switch resJ;>OnSibil­ly or with negligence and delib· >ty to .the viii-. e~ate in<Ufferenoa t6 their Because· of the OOm:mis-ritW:ts. · · ( · ~- . ·· . . sion~s aCtions or omissions, the ·

· But at the 1;1ine; .~B- men contend they suffered sionet"s ~d they ~ rtmcting ~tal anguish, IQBB of income to criticism from ,\l«agii;trate and damap to their profes­Judge WiJ1i!>m Butq tliat the aional reputations, They state twoin~.®e_afonnersta.te'Jeg- in the .lawsuit that-"they were islator and the other, the brotb· humiliated, that their constitu· er of _IJ. 'ecmnty · CommissiOner, laclted ~r o:jualiflcations fur the!>' j~l$: liUtts said iil 1998 · thet the • viii- $hould take .over the program, .

State ollieisls reviewed the hiring·ofthe twO men and ruled they were lege! under state law

' -~ ..

tional rlght to prWedural due process was violated pnd that they suffi>red losoes other than wages,, .

The com.misSion failQQ to fulfill its end and pay them fur the one-year contract, they state.

Ruidoso . attorrtey · · •Gary Mitchell is representipg the tWo ¢Len. ·eounty attoroeY Alan Morel coq.ld not b~ re.ached fOf" comment. -


:::,',N¢~'Upp~ Canyoit,1fire ·station up and running

~ D:lane Harmon - Mlrasol CoUnseling

. UNDERSTANDING BEHAV!OR Mary -Ann Hickman - La VII~ Assisted Living

BY j. ~, KAU'UAGE Two truc:ks and a full-tune lire-fVIDOSu ,NbWS-_sTAFF \'f'iUtER tighter will -be Stationed at the fire

, • hoQSe 2~hoUJ's a ~ •. the fire. cJUef · Ruid~so's third mapned fire station "Said. "That staffing will .give us . s,

went into operation ~sday, said Vir- · qUicker size-up of any Upper Canyon gillWyno)ds, the vi"-'s fire clUe£ , fire situation," &~Ids said. Size-up

'J:'Iie O'pper C!UIYoo Fire Station, on refers to the assessm~mt of a fire. Main Roold, will "ijive better protection The project came in at the fire sta' and ~se time to reaidents in the· tion's eatimated .225,000 cost for land Upper CanJ!o~" ReYnolds said. · purcllas8, ~eering and <:onstruC-.

The. village eought· the $225,000 tion1 said, Cleatus Richerds, the vi1·· two-hay station, With. living qUaxters, )age's special ~ects director. FUr­in 1998, fQilQWing concerns ov~r· the ni&Qing and appliamcefi :&ave added" potential devastation a fue could .about $2,4001,hb said. Yet to be com­-~fliet in the c~<m, on Ruiaoso"s· west plete4 is.,pavmg of the station's eD.try side, · Bnd parking lot, That's esthnated at

' ,, • i-. .

' ,

. ,, -.. .-

·• " • ,,


• ,, .


$8,500, Richards said. Construction of the building began

in November 1999, and was completed last month. , .

The solo staffing of the fire house __ will ·not, at this P-oint1 bring ·an increased cost- to the aepartment, Reynolds said. The viUage.,s main fire station, on Eagle Street, and station nU:mbe,: two, on White Mountain Drive, will cOntinue to be-manned each· with two firelighters.

· The fire chief did say his proposed budget fur the 21)00'- 2001 fiscal year will include a requ• for three addi~ tiona! firefighters,· ·


CAAEBIYEfl PeRSPEcrriVE Dawna Reyes - Ruidoso Care Center

Ao'O\IJTII!S Thelma Lopez - Ruidoso Care Center



Daltr. Time:

· Dawna Reyes

RuidOSo Senior Center 501 Sudderth Drive Ruido$o, New MexlcQ-Apnl 17, 2000. Reglstrallon- 8-8:30 a.m. Sessions - 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

An. IH:Iuc:atlonal. training for camglvers, lamlly. mends and anyone interested ·in teaming .mote about memorY toss, Alzheimer's DIS"ease and otJ:ler IJ!IIaled dementia&.

R.S.V.P. By Aprll14, 2000 (505) 2$7-4645

Seating Is llm~llld

We',. EXPANDED!. ~· More DEALERS! . ·


' ..

-... ,




' '

·' . ·'


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. ·PJlBuSHED IMli!)'W~Y MIP ~· . A'f 104 P.wt AVIllll!E. RUIDOSO, NI!IV MExiCO

S..d L, 'fieptaw, Pi.1>llsher 1\onance ~ta~ il.utor . llddlGn:en. EdltQtfallldvl$0f . .



. Don't let visioning overwhelm the vision

' '

Visioning is apnicess. It was a hot topic in Ruidoso in 1997, with expert~! coming .b:l to prim& the pump ~com­munity involvement, cltweloP a · coDsen&Ull fin' posilWe change, build a solid fuunda~ fur JllllllBSWlble growth in a new centuey. .. . , . .

~ People got excite<J about the prospectS - using the re­souxces of a growing population to imprOve. the environ­ment, s.!lt workable paramet.ets fin' m~pal services, find fair ways to pay fin' the inft'astJ::ueture necessary to meetthe~enge~rapid,growth. · . '' ·

In ~ct, that prqject might be Sllen as ,the last · gasp of a departiug administration. Ama,.,.-was ~ted and a new one bounded o$ the stage. TbB''rillage man~ . ager left; ftir potentially greroer pastures. · ·

The A'esb new administration of Robert Donaldson charged 4bead with a vision o(.its own '- a blend of simle of tb:e things (like "impact tees~ on developem) that came out of the visioning exercise and a few things s.ome people said they wanted, like 'an indoor swimming pool and recre- . ation center. ~t fees- arguably the most workable and fair way

anybody bas ciome up· with to build and maintain necessi­ti8!1 like water and sewer lines on an ongoing basis- were put into effi>ct 'in an adu1~at,ecJ furm. Administration ~ the system with its cobb up long-term paymettt plan soon was clemopstrated to a nightmare, and it was dumped. The only tongilile ult was 11 huge backlog of building permits applied fin' befure the impact tee de,ad­line, making 1998 a very gOOd year for coruitru.ctilm, sta­tistically. That backlog also kept lots of constructioll work­ers busy through 1999 and eve11 into the new· century. ·-a .. thlit recr'oiatimi ..:.,.;-•..:0-terwas dro~~ the .7--.o., ' .a"~ ..... :_,. 11" > lis " ' ~-A-

' And now another "viliio.dui survey is about to start - see what the populace really wants :frOm its village goverlllllellt, prqject-wise. The $6,000 S1ll'Vey i>ackage pre­sumably will give village hall something to do that people will like.

Trouble iS, ilearly everybody bas a .ditl'erent vision of ltuidoso, one that only tbey can provi,de.

' '


U.S.SiiNAroB PJml V.JioMJNcl (R) 828 Hart.- BltJs.

Waa!W>st<m, DC206104101 (202) 2U<l621 U.S.Sau<tos ---(1))

708 Hart SeDate Bldg. w...m..s-. DC 2051o.a102 (202) 224-5521

u.s.RBP­JoB SBBBN (R), Dmr.l

2302 Rayburn H...., Bldg. Wasbington, DC 20616

(202) 225--2365

Govi!JrNOB GAmr JoBNSON (It)

SlateCal!ltol Santa Fe, N.M. 87603


~-PBI'B CAiiP08 (IJ), DJBr. 8 500 Ra,onolds AYe.

Las Vegas. NM 87701 425-0508

-~ D1JB WJtUAMS (II.), DIS'I'. G8 HC66·Box10

Glen- NM 88324 3'784181

. Elected oiRdals ~questiOn~ and CO{N'Ilents. _ ............ -......d ........... }tbe- .., ........ --~Attn. Molllleorii ......... - h, N. K 8'1'51»


.. .

Spendlqg ju$d8caticin 'lh the editor: '

. Your April 7 issue had sev­eml·artloles that pve me the feeliDg that our elelite<! officials are belug a little tOo cavalier In the ·expenditure of dur tax dol·

'laril . The ·administration "hould

publish· or make avallable the detailed studies utilized tp sup­po<t their decisiOJIS tp 1) ~ chase the Moncor Bank bUild" lug, and 2) e!iJnilUlte the' com·

acting facility, coDstructing a

~==~:~ Q!le<itlonli• tpobe· ~·

_,..: '

... -


istrawrs quit blowing smoke and putting faVi>rlli>le spips in attempts to justifY actions ~ that do not appear tp be necessary or cost-justified. ~ an example. Mr. <Alan) BrileY's comment thet the new hotel would genOJ'Rte $80,000 · l{l lodgers' tsx. The onl,v mell!llng­ful number is, !>bseilt the ·ho1ill belug built, haw · . · visit.oJjO would goelsew~~tingii.J alodgera'tax~? .

Last but not least, the Lin· ooln County coffi>rs are em~ but not to wony, a small tax in· crease will soon remedy de. ficl&nc.y.' . ~ · Serr#imJ "Steve" Cam ' · Ruit:IDso ·a·a:ciud"'ro:i· =:-j,~:

. by a: 1-4,1n-square-fuot B...,..,...,n.,...,.S ... ..__ tY/2 .. W!laUmp®twiUthe' • ~avn _...,..

pledgjng of the _. receiPts · 'lb the editor:: . tax <Wicated. tp in1J'ast:t:ucture · Reading the Ruit:IDso NeJ.iJs .iJDpi'OV8JiiejJtS lOr. the buildlnn: March 29 ·I was glad w read p..rci>Me at an ~tic>r> anii · · where County Mtmago)r 'lh'm i-etilrblshlng co(!~; ·of $105 a Stewart is going tp work on one square ,fuot haVe oil rsquired of his 1\lvorite ,~d"!#ii;::tM ~tet<>!01n'Wiite•SI'P- g=~~a.tlon, of .tol!l.c c 7bii'l! pfi and llelivery s~? · ,.. ~· ..

When I first arrived in Rui· For a long time it has been a doso in the not wo distant past. fllvorite place tp me, since an a simple phone call tp the vii- · my life wltll I came tp Alatn­lage was an lttook tp have pine· ogordo I was In Lincoln County. needles picked up within a A major tourist draw is week After purchasing an ex· what it would be if fundlug pensive piece of ' machinery, could come abOut with our big putting the -.rice on a sched-. boys pushing uled basis, a six-month or The location ofFort Stanwn longer wait is not unusual I'm is ideal in thet the weather is sure a study was completed never bad in the area, the views prior tp the purchasing of the from the location, and the loca­claw truck. tion is easy tp locate tor tourists;

It is time the vill~e admin- when they visit Smokey Bear at


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-.-; ' .

Cai>ltlu>. . or hiStoric Linlloin 'lbWn, then Fort Stanton is

~~ Mercbant l\larine Cemetery - sud> a histOrical place. ' .

. The bistorica1 CCC camp riearby has hi!'tory - did ""' one time 400 German. men were housed in the old CCC camp? They had been on the big cruise liiJer Columbwl; the Brltis'b Were ping tp sink It so the·~ did slDk the big siUp. There's blat<> about this in tbeAI~z;ary. ~ Col~ ~u.,..rr · 1 don't

kWti:::'~~~~nlacte into a .... ft •. ~ ·befi>te 1 kicktb""~ .. ·... . .

!' ·~c . .. . aliDII~~~ ~ .. .

Hm~l,'eSpOnse 'lh the . · . · · .

. Pamela. Olfr!>ia' Bud her . llnnilvwof4~W~ You fOr your prayEtrS, • t1owers and SUpP<!rt during her recent bQ!OPitalizatlon.

Thaiili you, tilM'l's and emergency room stslfthat wem on duty the night of, her -· dent.· Because of :J'DIII' quick ,... spouse and excelJeot medical care, Pamela is ....W home. ·

Thlmk you ngnln, and may God bless you an.

Ceasar, Mary. Pamela, • Donna, Canii> Garcia

Chad and JodiB Cart'oll RuidDso

.. ·&~cirith ..

Census 2000 is not a political issue

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IIEM4J.It!H $J.O ... 110 fQIIaU •ftQII'II.IIIVOIIIMEHi . Plil& 505"889-3325 or 505-&22-1111 · Funeral OirllctOr$ have been trained to loo~ out for their

best iilferest, and YOU better look Gut for yours.

Purchase any 6 11 sub and. .. . .get_.•-~~d.C.i".su~ of.

:· · .... equ~..-·leQer·p.-e -rr.e. ·

near the '~''


NET; . . . '~


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The Church of the Holy Mount, Ruidoso . . 121 Mes.:alero l<aU · ,.,

April16, Pa11n.Swiday . Uturgy of the Palms & Holy Eucharist . . (Child..Qte provided) _ . Apri120, Maundy Thursday Uturgy of Foot-washing & Holy Eucharist 7:00 PM . Apdl21, Good Friday GootfFriday Lilwgy & "Living Sla~ of the Cross" 7:00PM Apri123, Easter Day . The Great Vigil of Easter 5:30AM

(Cbild-c:are PJ'OVided} · . Holy Eucharist Rih! I (said) Pestivlil Holy El.lcharist .

(ChUd-care provided.} ·

The Chapel of St. Anne, Glencoe Mile Marker 274, Us. Hwy 70

April16, Palm Sunday : Apri121, Good Friday Apri123, Easter Day

Liturgy of the Palms & Holy Eucharist Good Friday Uttirgy & 3-houi Watch Holy Eucharist of Easter

9:00AM 12N-3:00PM


The Chapel of Sa11 Juan, Lincoln Hwy 380~ Lincoln H•storic District

April 16, Palm Swiday Uturgy of th;, Palms & Holy Eucharist April21, Good Friday Stations of the Cross

,L\J>ril23, Easter Day Holy El.lcharist of Easter ,

' · The Chapel of St. Matthills, cN..MJ.z'Sw' ' ,., .. "". · · 601 B. Street . 4

APril 16, Palm Sunday Li~ of the Palu!s &. Holy El.lcharist 9:30 AM April 21, Gpod Friday Good Friday Lilwgy & Sla~ of the Cross 12 N April 23, Easter Day Holy Eucharist of Easter .9:30 AM


Dr. JackY. Waters

Chiropraclic Physician

Fllminadng Spiual. Misalignments .

The wear and lear of _ieveryday tasks su~h as carrying,. driving, &an!onlng. and OVen Wdlkii!B puis Strains on our spillal column. This · is even truer with more serious s~s suc;h as automobHe acci­dents. s~rts iqjurics or falls. In chirotnaotic;:: sptQal problems ate called sublbxations.ln these prob­lem areas, the" Spinal bOnes mis.Ji~. The subluxations · tate lbCal nerves and interfere the communicatiOn between brain and your body.

Yourcliiropraetpreanreduceot eliminate theSe sUbluxatiOns with gentle adiustments 10 your spine. If the problem has only been ~ Cnt fer Q. short ~ only a few adjustmenrs will be necessary. lf tbe_y are long·tenn subluxations, it will take more visits before YQtir

'bodY. heals. You should get regular checkups from your cliiropractor 10 keep mjsalignments fronl recur-ring. ·

,, .

For The Horne You Want At A Price You Can Afford

\lis it One of T11esc Fine Hemilers Meeting nw NMMHA's Code of Ethical Stamlan!s

. ~- ... · '-.... : ::~:- ~ - '

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6.\ FIIIDAI; AP1UL 14, 2000 T · n.A"I ·Nmln· . · . . .,:

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WindoW broken at

.A Cedar Place resident discovered a front plate glass window -at her home broken· on A_pril 1.

The victim said it's believed ~ · marble . had been shot or thrOwn through the window. Police .recovered a yellow marble in the living room of the home. ·

The resident discovered the broken window after returning home.

The criminal damage to property is believed to have

'" \ .

occurred batwean 9 a;m. p.m.


' '

Juvenile fujurecl in fight .. . A jqveriile was· injqr~d

during a reported fight at the Ruidoso Jlii.wling Center pn March25. . Police tePO<ts indicate the 13-~old juvenile reoelVed a broken or· Cbipped el-bow and. a knot on the head from the oonfront~tion.

Tbe alleged light hap­pened at about 2:30 p.m.

The case reinaJns· .open. according to RuldC?8o :Police.

. : ... ... . .,. :- .. ...



. . ·· · R\lid<>.$0 pollee are investi­gating the apparent theft ·of tool& mnn the Comfort Inn · <OIUitlluetion site at 2707 Sud-

d""':}\,~r!,';.~arate 0\lbel>ntrao- Po~~ invell«gate Va · d ll · · · eel · . · ... · tor~ ;reported iteme .misBlnrJ cheCk fol'gety ' . ALIHIQl report · .. Wh\ID crewe returtled to work . . was·~ to Mon<lay rhorning. .· ,The Ruidoso Police. Criud- . throe 'Vehicle$; at Rio Gun<le · · An · Albuque"lue c:ontrao- .nal Inveeti,gations Division is. Materisls, 112 Cl<>ee· Drive io tor told police that $2,850 in investigating a fui'gery oase. Ruld<>fO. . itsins were Jt)issin!f from a The reporting party tpld · semi~tractor at i3lte. Police police a_ J>E!.rS<!:Dal cheick bad :·.., •.•• ,-••••••.• -.·'!'••••••• are reviewing the inoldent as been il>rged. The check was •

· felony larceny. . ·. · reportedly removed . by ~ Another contta.etor, from ."unknown -. nieans at · an :

l\lam.ogordo, _reported tools unknown titne." : . . • • • • • : .:

•- ~ ~tch~ StUff ·• :··. ·. Tu~d¥ Klii«::k-Knac~~-. ; l'

. S w.t .... a~ Merl's Wea~leS :. : · 1'1Knd- Women'$ WeaRibles -: • ••• • : ~ ,Oilldren's Weanlbles : . - ' ~-

. : · Saturdays Bocilcs, Gain'7 & Toys , ! . ' . . :. 'fum~ Collectibles,· ~ry lti irn::tuded. ! • Ruidoso Ktn.s't" Trile!IUJe ~- ,. • • i lig"sTrcasare ·~·

. . . : 1 00 GaVIIan e'an)'C?fl Road : : 9•30-4~~-M-F, sat.· 10~2 : : I 378-8113 ' r :

.•• -:· • "' ••••• t! •• ·• ••••••• -·. •-·

.llaindancer Y.e~~uth Servku, :anc~

·' •,

COVENANT HEALTHCARE CENTER WALMARlYRS-'tOok anod"t~ beating on efforts to uniqnlze'-:·

. Wal Mart.- Meat cutting will no. longer be done at .;_my ¢ the 720 ~I Mart stores.- :rhls ~ revolutionary idea Wil~ ~ · have all O'neal <\It at the processing plants.

Is seeking ~miliea' i~ · a.i..COJn ancl Olera counfleti '' ti> provide stablfl fiJ.m<d for yo~~tfl ~ ...,..ious .

~ ... \ ; ._.,., '. ' -~ beh~~ ~.,. • • • '

Announces Allergy Skin Testing and Treatment Available with:

Dr. Homero Renteria 1717 West¥nd Street

Suite ¥1101 Roswell, NM 88201 Please call 505·625-2239

For your appointment.

Gun fQeS; led by the Clinton admlnistradon, are threatening to use purchase.power: Qflaw enforcement ~enck$ to pressure gw. miJkers. They want poli~ tafa_Vor firearm makers· Wllljng to comply with SWeeping restrictions in ~ manufacturing anti marl<eting. · · .. ·· FBI ~gent,- Ooug: Beldon in Albuquerque_..reterred trus w.riter · to the Navada Gaming ·Board concerning the thek of rhe $41,000 worth of $100CasinoJ\pache Chips. The prose­cution wfU be. in Nevada. Tf:te diarge is the use of stolen chips. . . . . . . Hillary loll to the ground In front of the New Yor1< Yankee baseball dUJOJUL This prompted a Secret SeNice agent to whh;per to P"resldent BHI Cf!nton, "Sir. we said throw out the first PITCH:' . ·


tanclelight Communion

S • 1 erVlce. . . .

Friday. April 21 - 6:30p.m. Pastor leonard Kanesewah 111

Saturday, April 22 - 6:30 p.m. Pastor Toby Torres

PleGi.w ·ialte)!. '.nament tQ ~n~r 'th~ foUowlng quesHon" I . D<> you have a con!"'rn .for <hili!ren ansllamillea? 2'. 0Q,you beUeve a!l\;hild!"'n deserve a.charn:e? 3. ·Are yqu 21 years_ of Og' or oldet' · 4. · Are you· in goad p~yaiCQI an'd emot(ona! health?' ~- Do' you haVe o home with space for one more person,. 6. Can yau work coo~afhrely .wlth Olhersf · . . 7~ Would you like to le.Qm more oboUt treqtment bter care?

. If you answered. "yes" ro.tflese qUeStto.,s, tflere mcoy be. a child waiting ,.,.. yeur helpl

YoU-q,. Invited to a he orientation meeting

. a'"~ll's6rt~"Y',~~ ~r· For iiiFoi'ITICIIion, conlod Raindancer Votllh ~cas, 1nc'. !n Rul~ at (505) 258·3132 . . .



KWES Constant Country presents pop/country diva Ctyslal Gayle rn concert Saturday night May 6 (BPM. $40-$45) Wld SUnday afternoon May 7 ' (4PM, S35-$40) at the Spencer Theater tn Alto. Umited seating (Saturday's performance may be sold out before this ad runs). Call now (9--5 M~F} for tickets (888) 818-7872. (505) 336-4800 or tickets. com at (800) 905-3315.

Easter Sunday April23 -.10:3.0 a.m. Order tickets . . '

Easter Sunday R~urrectiort Miracle ·and Seed Off~rjnca, ,.SerVice ·

· Easter Eg~Hul1t Will FoHow Prize· e~s Glnd money eggs. wiD b.e. c:wailc::1ble. . ---_, __ ··-> ---~ ','. . . . ('

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,~bUee citptaiti cl~ars tiP. the role ofthe agency to ·area residents · . . . . . ' . ' ' .

We at Little Nellie's are proad io brina our l'amilg's oookina tradition io the heart ol' Ruidoso. Those ol' !JOO who have visited us in Las qruces are ParnHiar with our l'lne tradition ol' horne-stgle cookina. For those ol' gou that are not we WC)<Jid like io cordiallg invite !JOU and gour l'arnilg io Join us !'or a wonderful New Mexico dinlna experience. Little Nellie's has been featured in the "GOURMET' and the "SUNSET" rnaaa~ >ines on ci national level. In a more local settlna. Little Nellie's has been· awaded best S.W. Mexican l'aod 3 gear':; running in l..r;ls Cruces throuah the. people's choice featur .. in the "Sun News."

Litffe Nellie's Opper Canyon Restaurant Auth.entlo Mexican Food

Off the bedian path In the heart of ll<Jida110. Pleniy ol Pdrklng - 101 V!>lon st

For~""" emergency:cf111al'f•• 630-0911

Sprillg mn~llltet~~.strado~ and Developmental Screen~ l)ates · ··~ .. l. capitan . • . . .

' ' '.--:;-

2. ct:=on~:!:. ~-~~~~~ ~Ill

· Scrl!lllling: Friday, !\jltil28', 20i)l) · ·· . A througb.l\1;; l1:30-2:00

' ' ' ' .

his remarks as criticisl:nS of the stat.. pollee, his intent was mis­interpreted. __ ·

~we've ilever had a problem: with the stat.. police, • Vmlen said Monday. "We have a paid o1'5c<!r on-call to provide 24-,hc>ur service. I just think why not have him 9ut there 011 patrol. 'lb. me, the public umot getting its money's·worth." .

Every emergency cail out­side of the Ruidoso area oomes through the sherilrs dispatch in Carriz<>zo, Vmlen pointed out.

"We haVe to have someone · available to answer those'~ tioM/" he aaid. "We're paid to do thatjob." ,

B~tonstt~edthathls agency is committed tO working with local pollee departments .o.qd sherilrs offices. .

. "We have. a st..nding order from the chi¢f O"l'the st..te pollee .p;, work"with these law enforce­ment ag<lllcies,". he said. "We're 1\vailable for their use and Sllp-.; · port them in whatever endesv-

It's never too late to pursue youldreams, or to help your children, or to get a job!

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ors they're ~king. . . "Tlie position of our chief

iS that we all have a common interest in trying to ensUre the citizen- of this stQ.te live out thair lives free from be" vic' ~ims of crimea and, we '!TI1 do everythil;lg necessary to accomplish that effort.

common goal. Taxpayers today are demanding more and warit to pay less, So we are doing more with fewer resources. That's why it's important we work together.

"A$ the · ·population

"It· is his position we not engage .in polltioal infighting with"· other law enforcement

increases and gets older, it~ critical we work as a team. Anything else is a waste of resources."

agenci,tte."' ·-Balderston said he could

understand the sheriff wanti­ng more deputies.

"There's not enough of us ... he said. ''We shou.ld llaV"e a

.Citizens- who Want to deal with state pOlice On an is$ue, can either ask fur a state officer when calling the 911 emer­gency dispatch or call the Alam­ogordo office directly at (505) . 487-1813, Balderoton said.


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~· .•. ,., ...... , .. _~·· ................... ·-· ffld!!)l ~114

"11.:'.1\'!\,_ liondo, M..calero •• Coyote ~ 'lrtutn, 9 a.m. ·

-~·~·~ . ~id.QSO·•t Cobre (DH), 1'2· p.m. --1> . ' ~'=at ArU!!Sia, 1J ~·m. '

-~ldo$o hOsts Ruidoso lmtltationa~ 10

-. ~ .. __



-..m· ('.orcmq, . Mescalero at fOX and· Vixen 1\f!tays, ~rt Sumne~;- ·g a.m. - ..

Mor2 April17 · .

. Rit' o l'losb Leroy Good\ Invitational. · 'boyt;: at _Alto lakes, girls at Cree Mead-, ows ' ..

PteiniiPftbaH · ·, · . : RIJ.!doso .t·home vs. silVer.(~). 3 p.m. 1110!d<W Apdl18 "

· ~~ J\o$ts: ~GooCh k.vitational, ~ et.The Links. girls at Cre-e: Mead-QWS - --- . · Ci>Jiitoa, cairi=o, Corono. Meocale«> at.Trger: Relays. Capitan. 3 p;m.

Scoreboard ······~···•'·····~·-~·················· T-Ill' April1t. --· . . RUidoso Vs. Hot Springs: resdled~led.

""" --t,all Ruidoso 15, Hot Springs 0 PtepW.n/5 .

Buidoso vs. Cobre: rained out .. Onl>eck ····&································ Softball m~ng

lUesday; Aprii1S. Is the last chance to enter a men's or women's team in the· :2000 Ruidoso· Softball League. A ma'ndatory meeting fqr aU league teams wid be -held at 6 p.m. at the Rui-­dos-o Senior Center, 501 Sudderth Drhte. A representative from each team must be at the~- All entry fee$ of $375 are due by Aprft 1 B. For more information, cafl Claudia Bran­ham at 257-500:0-

Pancake breakfast Tbt Ruidoso Fellowship of Christian Athletes is holding a pancake breakfast fn:lrn 8--11 a.m. April 22 at; the Ruidnso High SChool cafeteria. _Prices are $3 for a Short Stack and $5 for. a 'tall stack. l~dtng breakfast meat and a drink. Money ra&sed will be used for a mtsston trip to· Mexico. For mOJIJ lntonnadon. caQ Joshua Romero at 336-4856. ,

Fishing report. . *'!'•·-·--••ll•'•········•t••············· ..... jlyfublng-

RIO ciiUIDoS"O: - much d1anae fRHn lattwedc. Thesnowlastweekendhad no ch!Jnge in 1he flow ma on the river. The rivet above the cantzo Cleek CIX'Iftuence ;, flowb>o at lust 1.2 CfS. Below .... -fkH!nc:e. ihe fbuv is between 6 and 1 CfS. Wilh the deaeased water flow in the river; "fishing above the camzo Cleek can.­fhlence Is almost non-ex1s1ent. The. best fly sel<!ctlo>rB this past -'< haw been green rock wonns, bead head pheasant tail nymphs or bead head prince nymphs. A feW fish ~ caught: on stone fly nympm and BWO d')'-BONrro CREEK! Wait for water on the south Folk. The fishing is wery limfted. although lots of ·pocket water fishing and lots of natUral lleaUt)' are here to enlo\< . BONITO LAKE: The lake is open and flsh­i~¥.J well lhe number of stocker fish placed in the lake prioi'l.O opehlng day was less than in past years, but it seems a larger number of hOldover fish are pre­sent. making for a great outiflg. Severaf 1 patterns of dty ffles have been working ; near the lake inlet. including -yellow · humpies. black humpies,. Hendridcsons ! and ~I WUlff. The spin cast fishermen i have been doing ~I on propeller flios. EAGLE lAKES: the lakes are dosed for the 'season. Look for their- opening in

. . "' .· ....

.. ' "


fRIDAY, APRIL 14,2000 18

Softball squad gets another district win BY KABEN.BOEHUR · .. . "'lhey had a l<>t of goul;>le hitting her, ha-ve liked, but we did put tbe btill in aun>6so NllWS SI'ORTS!lP!T!!!J- . and whan ~hey did, we fielded the Dan." . play and the hits were kind of spread

. . . . _ _ ~-a91l eaid Gheer Wt:IS "redlly On" out over everybody," he Said. ~'We

out there and play well and not get psy­ched out. We've got to realize it's a long season still." ·

· The Ruidoao<O~all tea)D (S.S,l!-ll agaipst Hot Springs, and is COntinuing w<mm't making great contact, but scor-is on a roll,. and shOuld la!ow soon if to got better. on the mOUnd. . ing 15 runs, you·can't be upset about . they'll be going to. state. · · "She's cmnin_g along," ~e said. "Her · · that " ·

While anytl_ling can happen at. '!"Y . arm's getting stronger, shs's getting . The Warriors were ~uled to face

· He said the key to the season, against Cobre Thursday. and Silver at home Monday, is getting more hits.

"We've . teallr talked about putting the ball in play,' Baca s~. "Defensive-­ly, we've· done some good things. The defense is coming along well. But it's just a matter of contaCting the ball, get­ting runners -on base then we can put · (the opponents)· in SOQle bad situa-

game, the Warnors detl>ated Hot Spnng back in the groove. When shs's tbrow- . Cobrs in a doubleheader in Bayard easily Tuesday to put them on the win- ing well, sll.e's a pretty tough piteher." Thursday, and tbose gaDieS :were cru-

. track in district. Ruidoso P1Uil· otl\>nsively, the Warriors tallied sis cial. · ::::/!d the Til<ers 15-0 behind the one- runs. in .the first inning, tbrse in the "We know we've got to go out tbere hit pitching_ ol' Crystal Gheer. fourtb and f1!Xtb in tbe fifth. But Baca and play well," Baca aaid. ''The girls

~efensivel;r, Crystal ptched anoth- would have liked to see twen more runs. know the importance of these two er good game, said coach Brian Baca. "We didn't hit the ball like I would glUilO$, and reiilly we've just got to go .tions.}" ·

Mother Nature shuts out Wairiors BY KAREN BoEHLER · - .. RlllDOSO NEWS Sf'ORT.S' £DITOB. back tbat could hava led to the around to score oo a wild pitcl>,

·team's first district win, that an out and an error. . ot the skies reall~sned up and · On. the moUnd in relief;

Mother Nature rilust not be the game was ed. Locke shut the Tigers down 1~ a Ruidoso baseball lim. Ruidoso coach Mike Morris 2-3 in botb the tbird and fourtb

· Beca~e of a lack· of lights Wail (1hilosophical about tbe innings. . · • at the lie1d, _only four home 1-games. . · Ruid"oso picked up ' two gari>es were scheduled this sea- .'!,A little bit of e-verything's more runs in tbe third. son. That made it tough lbr. tbe happened." be ssid. "'f course, . David McNally singled aod players; who would have liked livmg in Ruidoao you e>q>eet 1\istan 'Ibrres reecbed first on tbe home.,lield advantage a few . tbinSS like tbat. The kids had a a fielder's choice. Swanner and "'ors times, and for tlie lims, rougll begimling but we were Ben Lundquist hit back-to­.who have to travel mDl'El to see coming On strong. So we're back singles that Combined the home-town favorites. looking forward to reschedul- witb an error ·by-Tiger piteher

Yet weather \Jvashed out ing it and starting from scratch Miles Bradley scored' 'lbrres two of tbe lbur Ruidoso games. and we11 do away witb those · and Swanner, closing the gap Tuesday's match against Hot. errors we had in the- firat ·to 6-3 Hot Springs. Springs was the latest casualty · inning_ or two.~ · When the rain came down ofweatber. A shaky start by pitcher in tbe fourtb, Matt Berry had

The Warri<irs began play Chad Swanper led to one run reached secorid on a single and under cloudy and cool weatber. fur· Hot Springs ill tbe first stolen base, and IWao Black­As the game progressed, play- imrlng. Then, more shakiness man was at hat witb no outs: ers and fans alike bundled up on the mound and tbree field- · .Because the game had not . in whate-ver tbey could find to ing errors put tbe Tigers up by rescbed the fifth inning, it will :~•dy'Wk!.,..,..,.~ """ wear. Wmds made tbe temPe'r- .sis. be rep!~ from tbe start. Membe,.. of the Ruidoso golf team are, fronrtx>p I dockwise, Amanda

b chillin. d · B thi the mistakes J tb ha McMasters, Kat Clark. Landree Siddons. LJndsa)' Eldredge. R1lehael Smith. ~ one ~ an soon ut s game . ust w en at ppens LeAnne "Gibson, Aimee Powers. LeeAnn Henson. Calla Wimberly, K:aJyn Ar-neue. rain began tailing. ::mow occa- didn't seem to aft'eet the War- depends on botb team's ached- ,_,., ••-'""· and Courtney Gl~. sionally miaed witb the drops, rinrs. Willie Lu,.dquist opened ules. ._,_,..,...., -·-but it wasn't un'til tbe bottom the bottom ofthe second witb a Ruidoao travels to Cobre of the lburth, when the War- walk. Matt Locke than reached Saturday for a doubleheader riors were beginning a comB- on a fieJder•s choice and came against the Indians. Lady golfers young Tracksters gearing for home meet. the .sqUad, having competed fi>r

the Waniors since she was a freehman.


Werrinr track coach Ronnie Maskew is glad the early part of the· season is over, -putting behind him a long baSketball season and the eeulor prom. Botb meant the Werrinrs speot most early-season meets with­oUt a fW1 complement of ath-letes. . .

Saturday's Caveman Invita­tionel was one oftbose masts.

"W<!re very happjr it's o-ver with, being the prom and all," Maskew said. "We knew it was going to be like that so w<!re not concerned. Now we~ eoncem.ed about the next five track meets."

The Lady Warriors only had time to compete in a few events befbre getting back on the bus and haading home to primp, leaving the team well down in the standings. The boys did a lit­tle better, tying tbem fi>r fifth

against some solid CODlplltition. "They did pretty well,"

Maskew eaid. "They got to do more events, tbough, tban the


Rain called a halt to tbe non-district tennis match· between Ruidoso and Cobre ~ butnotbefure the War­riors had a chamoe to get smne wins.

Tbe girls completed their doubles malichos and tbe boys Jiniehl!d· two ..,.Idles and were

the middle oftbe third when

a long match. Sbs's really start­ing to catch on. She's still a little too powerful fi>r her own good, but "l like that. I like it wben tbey're not afraid to hit the balL That's really a positive.•

Knabetishue teamed witb Janae Umbreit, llilling 64, 6-2, but doing well in tbe loss.

match,~a~~ hit some reallY good ehots. •

'Ibesde.% ihiiWaniors travel to Artesia fi>r what could be the mpst ~tmestofthe 1!1'8·

. son. . · ''It's a teal important

match," the OOI1I!h sai!L "For tbe

~dbr~~~ If we can 'lake tbenl, we'llloekin in third~ at district; I tlililk. we're · ptett;y ll')<d if we bestArtesitl . . · ResUlts· ~~ Ruidoso/Cobrll:


' .

. I d'» . . · Wi. tlh · . . . -"--glr fll~--- ---- -- -~ . 1 one J11tUor, one sot-...,.. · The only Ladr Werrinr p!ao. ., more ·and 11 freshmen and

ing was Kanum Sparks, who . eighth !!!'&ders, the Ruidoso finisbedtburthinthehighj1Uilp. gil'ls golf team i,s definitely

Ruidoso's boy Pole vaulters . young. . took the top three spots in their But that doesn't mean event, with · Thomas Schiele tbey're lacking talent. or the first, PhiUi Darby ·second and ability to get to state. B,yan ~ tliird. Dominic "We're kind of starting GOnzales brought home anotber over," eaid coacb Les Carter. gOld medal fur Ruidoao in the "But I'm real pleased and very shot put. · optimistic with what's been

'1\vo other area schools com- going on." petet! in Cerlsbad. Meecalero Freshman ;LeeAnn Henson and Corona oompsted in tbe is the team leader. She finished small schools division. tbird at tbe Great Eight '!bur-

Neither school placed any nament at 'lbe Links at Sien-a athletes, but botb OO!ll!hes were Blanca last week, just missing pleased witb tbeir team's perlbr- earning a leg by two strokes. manoes. "She's going to be real good

"We just did tbe best we if shs keeps working," Certer could out there," said ChiefS' said. "She plays a lot in the coach Sheldon Femando. "We're summer and is very serious improving on our times. Thet's about it, so I think she's going to about all I can ask for. Every- be fine."

Juuior Calla Wm1herly is See TRACK. page 2B the most experienced golfer on

_ "She's imprOving," Carter .eaid. " got a great swing . It's just one of tbose situations that when shs puts it all togeth­er she's going to shoot some good numbers."

Aimee Powers and LeAnne Ollison round out the top fuur Warrior golfers. But Certer said the rest of the squad, which includes J{el]y Rigsby, Rschel Smitb, Amaitda McMasters, Kat Clark, Barbara Eldredge, Lindsay Eldredge, Courtney Gibson, Kalyn Arnett and !.an­dres Siddens; is not far bebind.

"It's improving now to where it could be any five (at a tourn~nt)," Carter said. "'J'hey' · . all getting where they're ose enough toj!lilther that aoybody could qualifY."

With that improvement, qualiJYing for tbe state touma-

See GOLF, page 28

Corona track small but enthusiastic

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aJI. l'IUOAV, Af!UL 14, 2000 .

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Hondo track back after long· ab$eJi~·':.f'.!;~ ~CK::i$~1 . . . · 'ZoZ9 golfer must qu4lify soon BY KAREN. Bo~ . jump'tiiple jump· pit, and .. the . . . Even' ~gb P~.:t.!atti ·.j$·· . sdiools CQming.,Op.,,;.,-=~~l!!'Pm>J' · · • · ·· :. ··· · ~f"tl~~t"w • • ''tenoi®l' J;.;

' RUIDOSO NiiWS SPORTS !;p!!'OR . . team d~ SOme hUrdleo. <mJ;. ·~· , Montoya tluok... several Continued from page iB . . • "• . , . . · .. · . · . ,' elu:n a leg •tQ :t:'te, ~ with ofPVCpipl>j~fursom.etbblgto ~ !"'"""·will be a!lle to .· · . . . ·.:! ... ;,pp,m,:oo3<!;~ Jcme vamty \lQ)y thre~ tow...a111et1te lea~

It's beaa 15 years slnee ~Vo!ith. ·. . .· . ljll$lliY: .·~···. · • • . bi)j1y's$1.UltcyingthQlr-be$01lli $O~i¢!.~$/~}it'cloe8 if'tle Vega missed.a toutnat,nent in

=:~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~rof:!..'1 tl!~;;,;c<>l'01la,it.;.~th~fir8t w~=:~ra,r-te· llber ·~~x=:o~~tt=t Julie Montoya. a dozen young in any other opmts """"' out, either at . long Jump or 100," m.eet of the oeaeon, aiul with . tol)gb rounll at thues~uled !l"ins to have to go1; a qualilY-Eagleo ...,. getting a chance to with the rest o( the teem. boiog . Montoya sajd,' ·~ ~· !tad onlY• few atbleteo P'llti9ipating s~ inloet'March Ill, shoo~ mg. score·~ elltlh """· . . run, jump and throw this season. seventb end eighth _.mrs. II)II,Ybe a. week fl!l'l a bal£01:' good due. to FFA COJIU)li-te. It .. irlg a 94; · . . · · · · "We:te sure hoping he wUl bo

"I told coach <Micl>ael) Booty But thet!o a goo<! start, M<>n· practice, oo I thin!< he'D come wao a olt>w start. But Dennie· "lte didn't do as well ao he able to," ~. oi!i<t "We have one day, 'Le~s stlli't track, m Mon- toya said. end the few JBembers IU'OWld We're hoping to g<lt (Sa.ul· Garza won his flights in the wQrlted to do." sQ!d coaab. Jean- Amsla, RoSwell end then dis- · toya saicl. "(The ad!Dinl.otrationl oithe team ...,. enthi,I,Siaotic. ·Acosta) in the 1300 or the mile. • .shot end diseulo, j~ missing a na 1\forton. "He was -...ry fruo- !riel;. lfs j~ going to be a lwil tslks about we need to start fuot,. . "Yeah, they are," she said No mattor · how the small ribbon. .. · · · trated with• himself. 'lfe.· shot row. ~ j1!l't J!!iing t!> haw :to ball, we need to start traok, but ");;specially the ~NY~". 'I'h<!y did oqlllldperfurms, the ~tpart "But wasn't enough to consistent with bis ooo~e .in btickledoWliend!l"t<i&ti):.~ · DObody eVer wants to go oot and really good at a junior high, meet of the"""""" is getting other at~t-· ~· said .ooach J3i!!h Ard>eo: · doit.So.Itoldthem.weCO\Ildat in Capitan, ao that got them h#senthusedai>outtheoport.. 'He'nissedjustalittlebit." · G· o. ·u· .. •• Ladt'""s gettt'n·g· .. bert· er· · leaot do the running ......,ts end pumped up. They're gong ho :'Hopefully the · other kids The ather& used the meet to \,.. have a couple oflongjumpe." &bout it." · wllloee what It's all abOut," the get the feel of a big meet.

The Eagles· are basically . llecaW.e the team is oo coach said. "Tbey think, "lhwk 'They did· all right. It wao a' Continued from page !B can do at tha Leroy G<lach JnVI-stsrting from scrateh. They don't yeUng, moot of their seaeon «ioJl' Run; run, run.' And re~ as fur . pretty big meet end they got . tatkma) Mlm<lay and 'I\Jeodlly, have a track; oo they have to sists of junior high meets. But ao us JU>W, we don't have that ... used to that." ·Archer said. . ment DillY not be just fur one or then compete in Lao . Cr!>eeo, make do end rely i>n the ..,..;,. Booty. ocheduled ful..- varsity much to worl< with. We don't "l'heY1l be ready fur stare." . -two golll>ro. . Grants ani! at the state tourna-tanee Of others. . meets to giV!l the team a chance have the pole vaulting end the · Corona traveled .to Melrose . "Hlhlnk ifw" can kind o( get ment in So(l9n'O.

"'The kldo ~ run up the bill to oee what that l<wel of ootnpeti. Shot put .so~ done With J>l'llO' Thursda,y fur the llutlhlo Inv!ta-' things tqgether mi!ntally, w<(ve "They're . l!"tting batte~ we have," Montoya said ''Once a tion is like end to g<lt a chanoe to tice in an hour. Hopei\Jlly,'word tiOna! while Mesee!ero went to· got a de(inlte posm'bly of qualify- t!very .toununn<m.t, • Carter aaid. weak, we go to Capitan and use ~fur ata:te. . . · will get ari>und so ~ know 'llltum .. Both teame wlll be. in m~ the whole tem:n." Cartllr "Froin c>ur first townainent to thelrjield,sot!;>athelpeout.'llley • ,"We ~;q. to J!IOI:,tbem aio!'e thore's a lot more .to 1t. Tmck. FortSwnnerSI!t\U'<Iay, · • said. . . now,we~token30strokesotl'. can work on their"'- fur tho JUI)lor bigh(meets};J~ (toJ..,.p meets can be a lot of fim, but A few more athll>tes- have AI~ ,the ,girls didn't If we continue to do that, w..'ll long ~wnp and sto1t And we are. ~) attltud!w up," MontoJ'll !'4ey just don't realize thet. And come out. fur the. Mescalero comj\ete last~ becauSe Carter be ~ in the'te whert> we .can workingonapit'l'igbtnow." Sl!li4"1budon't'!"antthemtogot 1t's been so many years, they squad, _gi'l'lDI! them some field was ·bua,v Wlth the fuotball qu_aliiY the taam, .Wll~ ,JUSt

ConotructiOII Worl<ero at. the . ~ being beat by the oan't even talk to older .ones to Qt)JiliJOtition fur the tirst tline. . teem.; al!lil haven't earned any . -to worl< on the Qasi.., and ,, school..., helpiog bUild a.!Mg olderkldo." · · . oeewbatit'sallai>out." 'lbuy Chima! will be nl!>- · lege yet, they've ~·got six funtiilmi!n~.Ifi~worksoutby

S b ard ning the dlstence races; :while • cQaneee to measure up to the doing that that .. we CIU8liiY, then core 0 . Daniel Sago, Ophelia Prill$ end state 111DDberS. 'we'll be fine .. If noW; we'll k1!ep ············•·•·•••·············•··-•..-••••••;o·•··.;....................................................................... ~~will be~ .. 'lbegirlswillbegivin.glocal gettingbe;rt;'andget~fOr

cavem~n lnvltatiC»naJ. RuldO. resUlts too-fneter dash.:....._ Kayci Bfunit~ 14.12 3:46.92 the shot put an. d discus. . " Jans a chant;e to see what .they nexf year . ." -. · ("=dlstrlctqualtfler)· - · 40(Mn8ter. dash - Amanda Montes, Shot~t-6, Co~Gia~•. 38--10 , Boys,, team; 1, Clrtsbad, 107; l, Hoi:Jbi, 1;0JJ.25 Oisa.~s- 4, Cody .lass. 129-2 1/2: 6, Jo'y, . . . b b. I £ d • 67;3.A ..... IO,S6;4,<loddanlc50;5Cdo)' aoo ...... r "'"-Amanda Monte•,' 112-41/2 . coo·ONA·~ Num .. ers no pro ·.em or Car: s Ruidoso,42;Lovi~42;7,5ilver,33i8. ·~7.26 Ja\ielln-5,5parks,132-10 ft NMM/, 29; 9, GadSden. 27 , . 3;2oo-meter run- Eva Rehfeld, 14.20.23 long~ -.2\ Joel Armendarez, 18·10 Boys. Individual; . 10D-meter high hurdleS - (:arrie Une. Higll jump.,.... • Ryan SWitzer. 6·1*i 3, · r: 1 oo-meter dash- J>auJ LeBlanc. 12.62 . 21.06 . . numan Armstrong, 6-0* Continued ~rom page lB Arid even though the Car- , di•tri';t and 'state, it will be. 20CHneter dash -Jose Linares. 24.18 · High Jufnp-4, Kammi Spclrks, s.o .. Pole vault- 2, Ryan SWitzer, 12.0*; Justin 400-l'neter dash - Nathanael Hedlrt, l,.ong_ Jump - Amber Green, 16-02 1.Q:; Jones, 11"* 55,87 . Jennifur ~ 14~11 1/2; Kayd Brunell. Girls. team: 1, Fort Summer, 85.5; 2. Lov-1,600..meter run - Joshua Romero, fi-6 112 ing 84.5, 3, Dextet; ·&1; 4, Qpitafi, 60 5:10.51 Di,Kus - /Jibtry Figl.i~a. 84-4; ·Rachel points, 5, Hagerman, 42.5

·40D-meter relay- 3. R~o~idQio:: Thomas•. l.Qyit. 81...g . Girls. inr:fividual: Schiele, J.R Floyd, Jose Unares. Solomon Shot put -lbmarD Grant,. 25·5 314 2DO-meter dash - 6, Jessica Tully-Barnett. 43.65 · Mitchell, 30.87 High jump- 4, Jesse Hooper, 5-10; Ryan -~.:nne: Invitational, Ca:pltan 80CHneter run ·- 1; Jessica castenada,

"Kimbi"&ll, 5-6 8

~- 1 ~ 5 98 2 Ca . 2:34.92*: Jessica Tully-MRcheU, 2:45.86 . Long jump - 3, Thomas SchleJe, 21-4 op, • .-...rt umne~ ; • Pt- 1DD-meter intermedfate hi.m:tfus -·2. Jes--

1/.2; Tytel' Une. 17-7 tan. 81.!i; 3, Dextel; 16·5 sic-. Neal, 18.68; 5, Kaycee Gilson, 19.93 Discus - Dominic Gonzales. 1 16-2; Matt Boys, lntllvlddal: 30D-mvter low hurdles- 6, Jessica Neal. McMillan, 103-0 ,400-meter run- 6, Dennis Brockman, 55_16 Shot put - 1. Dominic GOnzales.. 51-00 55.'16 40D-rneter relay-4, Capitan, 56.94 1(2; 4, Matt McMillan. 44-8: Brandon BOD-meter .fUn - 1• Truman Armstrong, BOD-meter relay- 4, Capitan. 2:05.37 Brumlow, 40-00 1(2 ~.=~~eter run _ 1• 'llder Haughn- 1,600-meter medley l'elay- 3, capital\ Pole vault- 1, Thomas Schiele. 14-0; 2, •:r• 36 4:47 Phillip Darby, 12·0; 3, Ryan Kimbrel~ 12·0 S:07.7S; 4• Michael Becker; 5;29·3 1,60Q..meter relay- 3, Capitan. 4:37 Javelm- 4, Br.andon Brurnlolll(. 162-11 3.20D-meter run - 1• 1YJer Haughness, Dlscus- 5, Undsay Bush; 97-4 112• Glrb. team· 1 Permian Texas 136· 2 11:40.68;4,ArmondNicolet,12:26.40;6, h U d Bush. ca•·•·• t1'0;'3.Lov~ .... :im, atir;.. 4 'si~ Michael Becker; 12:31.01 S .~,ut-~,~ say,_;,. 28-6 ,QUIS..,. ... 2 ' ~ ' 4DD-meter relay -2. Capitan, 45.83 Jan:~•n- 3, M~M..a Ga, .. -. 90:-5 ver; 54.5; 5. Hobbs. 21; 6 {tie), Artesia, 17; BOO-meter relay _ 2, Capitan•, 1:35,45 Triple jump- 2. Krystal ~aL 29-9 Roswell, 17; B, Goddard, 6; 9, Ruidoso, 3; T,fiOO-rneter R!fay _ 2, capitan"', 3:54.S PoJe vault -.2. Kaycee Gilstm, 6-6; 3, Al'l-10, Gadsden. DNS t,60D-meter medley ~ay .,._ '$,·.01Pitan. ciaGarcla,·6-0 "· . . GirlS. individual: •· ,::· .. :" .. -:. .... :. ~·.:.'_!·; . .;:..· .. ~;;:.:: .:':.:~· ·.';~-.~. . ,. ~ . ··' .~


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.,, dinals are low in numbers,~ despite not only.lo,v·num:bers, something . all · the Cardinals, · Archer thinks the .Cardinalo but minimal equipment. including Sanchez and Roper, :might-do well agajna.t their dis- Corona practices on thei want ·to try, and Archer said he trict rivals. · football field, '1"hich h'!,s a may give them a chance. "I'm hoping we CPil get in small, non-regulation · dirt,

Something that's 1l1l8lq)eCt- there and do something at dis- .track surrounding i~ The team· ed for such a small team is the triot," he said. "We're lipping bad to dig out the long-jump posaibility of a relay team or the (points) we get will miiybe pit, aod there are po markinge two. . IUJioWlt . to something .. 1\1! 1\faybe on. the. grilsS fur the' pit''or the

Archer said he's consider- got a tirst here and a third here bigh Jwnp. The hurdles have · ing it. ' and it'll add up." heen repaired by the shop

"We've got the two l'UDJlerO He aloo thinks the team class; and the high jmrip poles and Drew can run! he said. has three good shots at going to are old and worn. "He's ·all right. Then w.e.~t ~te. . . · · · · Nevertheless, the Cardi· put oomebOdy eloe in there." "They're coming along," na1s are certain they're going

The coach said he won't Archer said: "l"m hoping we to do well againot their district run relays at big meets. but . can . get Drew, Bennie end rivalo. might• at Capitan 'lUesday and Albert to state, and maybe "They're lookin~ forward to at the district meet, where his somebody .else." and competing againot squad might have a chance. If the Cardinals show well • Archer said.

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• Peter Paul lliciuo!i, 38, and Lori Lee Emberlin, 28, issued and used Feb. 14.

'• James W. M<>sley Jr., 42, and Carla Elaine Medlock, 41, issued and used Feb. 14.

• Marcus Johnson, 23, and Allison M. Babb, 21, issued Feb. 14 .

• Jay Williams, 23, and Julie Gutierrez, 26, issued and used Feb. 14. ·

• Gilbert J. Barela Jr., 23, and Kimberly A Griego, 27, issued Feb. 14 and used.Feb. 15 .

• Victor Rodrigue.o SUva, 24, and Martina Salgado, 26, issued Feb. 16.

• William Ellis Hodge, 86, and Lo.-etta Proctor, 85, issued and used Feb. 18.


Scouts select new officers

APruL ::woo 3B

:. Efran Hernandez, :a2, and Nicolette Robinson, 19~ "issued and used Feb. 21.

• Gilbert Gomez Luera, 37, and Sylvia Rios, 41, insued and U.ed Feb. 24.

• Curtis James, 38, tm.d Sarena Gtilllin, 36, insued and used Feb. 25. · . • Gilbert Sambrano, 43, and Corina M. Chaves,. 36, issued Feb .. 23.

• Anthony Valadez, 27, and Dondi Edmiston, 26, issued Feb.25.

• Salvador Jaine.s Padilla, 43, and Saodra ~<Yon McNatt, 34, issued Feb. 28.

• Alan P. Briley, '\12, and Ruby c. McCisin, 45, issued and usedFeb.29. .

~e officers selected included three area residents: Lee Ann Longbotham of Capi­

The area Girl SCouts, Zia tan, who holds the post of Council, selected new otfiOOrs third vice p~dent, Evelyn at the group's board of direc- Genta, of Ruidoso, and Brad tors annual meeting on April·. · Tre"ptow, also of Ruidoso, Who 1. are members of the. board.

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4B Fluil.w, Aron.14, zooo

Mail To: , Rt~idO!O" News Cl~•lfkdal -~-

P.O. l28, Ruidolm, NM 88345

Customer Information: We caanot process your ad wil)aout lhis Ap Copv: ,<1!...) --- ---- _,..,,...,,.....,......_ ....;;..,.-· -~

PHONE NUMBER~;.:-'----NAME: ______ ,_


CITY;_· --------


Cl Check/Money Order Credit Card Card It:


LEGAL ADS: lPM MONDAY FOR CORRECT10N POLICY: Check your ad prompttv for accuracy. Claims for errors must be cash refunds or charge card Cl8dit. Tha Ruidoso News reserves the right to edit. categorlle or

LOANS AVAI'-ABLE for A.B. &. C credit Purchase and RJIJ~ nanoe. Call Tabby at PrlnciDal Mortgage Company 258-2370 or atop by 1092 Mechem.

NEED HOME • NO CREDIT, bed credit. Low down. Have trade bind home. I can helD. Rich Diclda NIDD-236-1 On", Mobile 5DS-289-SDS6.

PRE DEVELOPMeNT sALE.I Mounleln Props~ as aores from $39,900. COlorado/New MexJco border. Soectaclllar ranch acreage Just 10 mnes from Trinidad, Colorado! Plnan trees1 mountain views, year rouna access. Powef", phone, excellent financing. Pay no closing costs lhru 4J30/0D. Umlted i# avanabla. call now! 1-BOD-6~67.

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE AU real eatate advertlalng In thJa 1111W8paJtel,. ~act to the Federld Fair Houalng Act Df 1988 which malin If 11• gal to advertise. ""any prefer­ence, Dmltelii(Jn or dlacrlml­natfon baHd Gil race, colOr, religion, aex, handiOap! famlllar .aatua. or natlonBJ origin; or anv lntantlon to make anv auch preference, limitation or 41ecrlmlna­UQn... Thla newapapar will not knowingly accept any advertlalng tir mal ...... which Ia 111 violation Df the

'law. OUr readeq; are ttentby Informed that an dwelllnga advartlaed In thla newapa­per are available on an equal opportunity baal.. To com­plfiln of diScrimination, call HUD toll free 1-80D-424-115110.

REAL E.:;TA!t:

Landi Landi Landi 1/2 acre± With comm. water & sewer starting @ 12K, manufactured

housing allowed WIND DANCER REALTY

202 Mechem Dr. 18 c.n Ana. 0 2S7-0320

Enjoy the vtew from thla w~ deck on this

312 manufacluted home on 1.15 acre wooded pa!C81. Haa all of the comforts of home! Price lUst lowered



''•' ' ' .

-~· '''' :: •. ':' ~ -'i·_.

12 ACRES CLOSE TO TOWN wllh creak. Eleclrlci!Y on the property. Wooded views. Could be $1bdlvlcled. Needs well and septic. $182,400 #90182 Call Mary Parsons or Peggy Jordan at 257-9057 CentUry 21 Aspen Real Estate

ALTO, NM; BEAUTIFUL 1.67 acres, or&ek, level, trees, utili­ties, 5th ~eel, deck, $7o,OOD. 605-623~8106

APPROX 30 ACRES IN Hondo .Valley with Valley views. Pastures. water rights, Rio Bonna and lrrlgsuon dHch for farming and ranching. 850' 01 Hwy 380 frontage. Good eounty access roads. All 'Or part. 12 &Gres on li'YY 380, mO!!Iy __ ftat and useable. (310}467-3242 .


HOUSE FOR SALE- Custom bulh home m Rllidollo, 3 bedrooms, l Ill barhs,. ROlle ftr:eplace, 2 112 c:•r prqc 011 3/4 ..,;-, lo1 with the lx:st. mountain view in Ruidoso. Alao bll5 an ol'ft<:.e, posaible 4th blldulom nd a heated workshop. By appoih!JMril only. 258-S89S.

FOR SAr.l! Two wooded lou with tall Gr

;uad ~trees in W~ Hilb tubdivisio!ll. Good wdl, """""" .... . .

Gnvdol 'l';;,. • .-:r;;.:r: .. Z57-567:Z •

·'· -.. :.' . •. ;. ·;

HEAVILY 'WOODED 112 ACRE lot, Little CreEtk

· Esrates, $9,000, 336-8009.

Houst::s FOH SAl.E

'-, ;,-, ,•

~··-·, ----~ ~· - ' - .::. -:_

. . '··'"


D% DOWf.l t.OWI:ST PfiiCES GuarillrifeedU- $4· bedrooms stat<ng II! $199/monUt. Com· pare Cibt cost Invoice prices. to anyQnet '--t .l.fs help. 1-&QO.. 889-4717- '

.::-\·: . ,· ,::.,.:2:.>. --~! ';..;, ~-.:

" -· .. - . -· ... , ' .. ,.

~ Wlldnfa t • SeaaonlltCreek 4

~One Levelt ~ Easy Access 4 . .... ~ All Appliances t

~AreDIIilC94 ~ Fumlshad or UnfUrnished 4

~ $900-$1100/mo. t

.... , •,'


' .... -··



""·.-·:..· -·

ll!nl!!liKII'!.WS ',(''

i Deposit & References Aeaulredt

• Available May 1 t

Call :Z:"'7G7& 267-

,•. .,·,;_ ., ', .. :, '-<'' • "'.,;-,.- :-,..:~..:.: .~~-: ... .- ·-~.-,.;;,;.;,be.;: 'H· •• ;.,_·:.;.rL '""' :-~ .~

Picture of Sucwae Quality Service Producer

~ --7'21. Real Esta.le t'or the Real World'M

Aspen Real Estate 1-8011-658-2773 (HM) 336-1095


. ·. '· ". :.~_.·};, ·-- .... : :. .. · -___ ,_'

NEWLY REMODELED Four becfnxJm9. :2-314 belhs, new

lile.lalll& game roam, new crupat, 3---o~ioof.doubOga_..,.,

IBfl pa"les S179.SOO 192789 Call Joupb A. ZII!Dd at ftNI&7

CBCBCB SOC, RealtoJS 307 Mechem Ruidoso, NM 88345

:oiiL!N!I - ........ ~ ~ ' ~ . . - ' . . -

• • ...... ~ .. ~. -~ "' ~--- _,.,.



2100 ~ fef:t to work .wllh. On two lOIS, almost 'l/2w:re bt ~uido.s!J wi!h ~view of the mounlain.l.arp 4 bed­room, 2-:J/4 bnh. Nice WI$ around deck. lfil(il}iQQQ POW $1'!1-9,000. 1#9289131S SpringStmet

106 RoW1BII (built 1999) Two story; townhome; olose to downtown; 2 bdrm; 1.6 bath; feocad JHttlo; courtyard; haatedlfinishad garage; paved parking. Includes all ldtchen appli­ances wllh built-In microwave. Available rented or vacant 7/1100. $112,900.

108 - ... , (bull11999) Two story; townhome; close to downtown; 3 bdrm; 2.5 bath; fenced pado; courtyard; heatedlflnished garage; paved parking. Includes an kitchen appli­ances with buUt-ln microwave. Available rented or vacant 7/1100. $129,750.

320 Hu'l: (under construction) One story; 3 bdrm; 2 bath; heateclfflnishad garage; stucco; metal roof; great access; view; curb appeal. Customized with extrae and detail. Available 6100. $214,500.

:102 Allo Plnu {under construction) Two story. 4 bdrrn; 3 bath: heated/finished garage; metal roof. Awesome view; pond; 3.5 acres; 60 gpm well. Lots of extras and detail. Available 7/00. $265,000.

All homes Include 2xB constructiOn, upgraded win­doW and lnsullltkm packages, customized cabinets and countertops, fireplace, distinctive Interior light­Ing packaggs and attention to dsta/J throughout

--csos) 430-1917 or 2511-3204 for mcwe k•fonncdloa or to tour _., ___ _

BuDding flnii homes and dreams in Lincoln County sines 1981


.OFFICE .N REIMAX·CI!NTIJR 1009 Mechem. G88 e. water Pl:ll~~- $42$. Wayland ® Re1Max 2ss-sess



' . . ~0"""-.. . . .



·· O~~ysh~h -...q,~~ . . ~(14~


NEW CONSTRUCTION . • ' ' ' ONE BEDROOM: $2011· $332 TWO BEDROOM: $246 .• $395. ...

All Units Orou:J:¥1 Floor Accessible Wall to Wall Carpet - ·

Gas Heat Air Conditioned

J:ully Appliaonod ,Kitchono · • 1.6 Acre Wooded f.ark

Private Porches/B·alconiCs . Washers/Dryer Hook-Ups 24 Hbur Mflintenanc:e

MountrdntOolf Course Views . Quiet Reai<\Onlial Noighborhoo4 . Profossjonally Managed •.- .

Friendly Gommunity Building with grept room, ·libra[)-, cx.crcisc room, . ·• ~ommon lauridry room, cou;ununity kitchen, and interior inailroom'

. · For Mort= Joformatlon Call C11rmea. -Je:i-ry ot Daa at: SOS.z58.Z7;J1 Located Ia- Ponderosa PIDes atlfi7 Jaok LUtle Drlw (N-th• Links Gt>lfCourse) Rutd...,, NM.


.~~~~~\~~~~;~4~;:1~0~~~~~~:~room. with

~~--~~·!!~front porch and back deck. $132,500 192S7t

CALL JOfiiS.E HENRY'AH!57..g057

SECLUSION, SbENITY, LOVELY RANCHETTE . Lovely home sets.'ln the rnlddle of-40 mostly level acres. Wonderful treaa of all kinds and a great view of tbe Capllan Mountalm;. Three bedrooms. 2 baths. $190.000 191531


MOUNTAIN VIEW ESTATES Good. leVel building lot With beaUiifuf tree cover. Great access.

All city uOiitles. $23.500 192215 CALL KATifV CRAIG AT 257~9057

SINGING PINES - UPPER CANYON Thres badroam, 2·112 bath cabin on Rio Ruldolo River. lMng room/family room/tUning room. All city utilities.

$229,999 #92985 CALL ~EORGIA UNDERWOOD AT 267·9057

A ri\JsT SEE PROPERlY Horse facnltles, 4 b11drooms, 3·112 baths, large master suite has office or slmng room on oflt. Living room Is vety larg-. whh nice

bar area for sntartaJnlng. Prtvata entry has waterfall aM gOld fish. Other bBdrooms sharo a nice private 11enfgllrillt ~om ty~ seHlng, Sunroom fOr plal'\tQ Off llvlllgroom. $549.000 #92696


GREAT MiJUNTAIN FEEL Perfect for a nightly rental. Three bedtooms;a baths. a lavels,

good locaUon. Fully furnished. $82,000 192765 CALL MARTIN ROSE AT 26741057

EXCELLENT VIEWS flat lot. very buildable. Actoss from riVer. Juniper and cedar and

several cleared meadows. $58,500 #92832 CALL DEVIN MARSHAI...J.: AT 257·9051

CENTURY 21 Aspen Real Estate ()nlu~ -=r21. 727 Mechem Drive • Ruidoso 257-9057. 1·800-658-2773

1-01 High Mesa Drive· Alto 336-4248 • 1·800·687-6602

VISit us on-line at c21aspei.ruld090d:Om • ·E-mail us at: homesOzianet~cOttll Real Estate for the Real WorfdTM

. .

HI r - . . • . ·. ' •. . . . • •• • ! ' .







TRAILER-LAND package $650/mol Zero down avail­able. You've gotta

see this horne!

Call now 237-1010

DL61i. '.

CUSTOM Manufacterd \fomes ..

Feel) I'OT AUCTJ:ON 1st Saturday of the month

MOVIfiiG SALe: f!'Urnlture. blkesA Wonfprocessor, oddU·& ends. All must go. ·e130· to

. 6:30. Fddey & Saturday, April 14th & :16th. 400 GriltdSIOne , TAICIN&.c_~.N5JGNMENT5

$78-4891· . canyon.·. ..,

FRIDAY AND SA'flJRDAY~ 8:00am. ·Harttwara. flatbed traHer, beagle ·puppy, Rteclo~

. MOm$nts tWin betiding, ClOUt­ing, shoes, toddler tDf8,

., mtcrowave. &rid furniture, etQ. · '·"'f28 Old Lincoln ROad. ·

FRIDAY. SATURDAY, SAM­Safe -Deposit Se!f Storage ... Alr;Jine VIHEIQG Rd. FurniiUre, book$, ctothes, doll house fU,.. nltur&: wood stove wilh oven,

. mucti more. ·

MULTI~FAMILY GAJIAGE Salllt: Consln,lctiOn items, tools. 4 c:lrawer filing cabinet. Dke new e~QQ~r~c lyp&wrlter and Kenmore ISewl_ng. machine wtcabll'let, an!fqtlti crockS; antique oak Clarks . sewing • .. r,. et. storm J~Qor, fumlture, we beni:fl, tnlsc.. house· hoi !Wms. Saturday only, sam- 10B Park Place (Upper Canyon M""· !fght on ·ebfub. left on Perk Canyon, .. right an Park).· ·

NEARLY NEW MATTRESS & l:!ox spdrtg:J. electrfo lypewrUer and misc. eem-&pm, Friday and !Wu ...... """Healh.

i=RIDAYISATURDAV ROU'fa 48., #f6 Sferra Orive Al_to, rfahf at·mile marker 11. ·Shap toOis, wooc:twol-king & lawn eqllfp­m~nt. plumbing, chipper, corn- PATIO SAl.l!: PAl 6 SAT., pressor & some hm,~seflold . Bam·"? Space .r.i[!9, Chei'Qkea Items. 9:00am to 6:30pm. No Mobile VIllage, ·Hwy 70. HJde.. eerlyblrds. a·bed toveseat, rattan end GARAGE SALr! APRIL 2BTH ., ~~ = m~c;flng, 105 S"9WtmJ:I Ct., 9:00 a.m. ~ 2:00 p.m. Only. No Early -Sales.

GARAGE SALE;-112 NOGAL l"lace, Saturday 4/16. Bam-? Kenmore "Portable• dlshwash· er, (like new) hot tu.b.


3bedtoom,2balh dOublewldeL delivered

and s~tup, 1·80()..-530-8577

000546 ..

3BR 2flA, huge . · op!!n ki!<;:~!'l1<

bright open'~low-' plan, $299/mo w/$750 down.

Call 237-9042

0t.6J 2


32x80,4or5 bedroom home •.

Will help with the down payment .. ,DESPERATE!

Must sell ... call 1·800·721HOD4



VIsit our model and saleS office on tlule OWJc Road.

Ruidoso valley Estates . 3)6-4742 Eve. '336--1881 __

9;30-3:30 - . .,...,.


T/\X 1'1!\r" ~FU~IAL

;•. · ... ·, ",.,,.,· . ''


HousEs FOil ReNT

FOR RENT • CoJIIIIleJcial property on Sudderth Dr. for lease.

Jncllldes commercial building plus an apartmeut in back. $2000 per month plus utilities or any part thereof negotiable. Call Mark at Tall Pines Realty.

• 2 bedroom, 1 112 bath, unfurnished 2.level condo in great neighborhood. $57Sfmonth plus utilities,

• One leveL 2 bedroom, 1 bath unlimlished bouse. $6,0hnonth plus utilities.

Nightly rentals also omdlable! Pleue eall Katby at 25'1-77811


ROMNEY TURF & TRACTOR Lawn..-..-....... ~ ................. _... ~

We will deliver

(9f8)·6e8-9BB3 1-888-484-4880 FAX (&tit)- 58&-5818 S610 Mohtanli, El Paso. TX 79900

. ,,. ·- -:' .'

·.; __ , ;:. ;, --~;--~::·.: :·: ,.·· ~;:· ~~ \;·_·:.-l: .. ·~-~-~:~::·~.~~'Li~ i~}J~~,:~L .. · ~:· -~::...,•.~., . ....,...., ..... _,1.__.:'"":"':..:..:::;; .. .o:~.:""';,;,..;;..:.:..;,.,.. ... ~a~;;; .. ~-"·;,.,.."":~-..::L:..-..:..;.;;:;"',.;;.'"'~""'~:...::;;;. ...... ,.;;;.:;,;;::..:~;;.;; ....... ;.;.;...,.::.:.,. .. ~ .............. ,;c.J,;.;;..,;, .

.·. , ... .·.'.•.

;. ;. ·•! ~ • . · .. •· •. ·. ;::. ·:

I i I.

. ' '

Mgnllfleld Furl!itu..., •auy. Sell or :rrade" "New &'01.1~ ·~J"h)ture

& Mattresses .

1$141109 • ···~ o,; . . 340 ARTS

·~· Jesse & liJ Hofod<ei Hmllf. SuP.ervisur

Coll257-3921 for 'product

or . biiSiness opportlmlly


1111 ARlS


·s'Plrn~-lSale · Framing - 15% Off irr AP,_ril

ART SUPPL!ES . . Qrigil)al Art, Prints, Mats ... · ·. .all 1t1e. c,:m !lell ~


··~- cu.osa -·~ iitiSBMOKIWBI:o\Rm.liD CU'JTAN. NMf&JI .. 351-GU



AND SERVERS Accepting applications for all" other positions.

Apply at Sudderth or Mechem Pizza Hut



Interviewing now for posi­tion to begin by May 1. Managing and scheduHng housa...,pers, cleanliness 11Umdards, etc. Gl'ftt team 0/lenled · working lllm<is­llh•t@· aw SwliB Chalet Inn; HWy 48 nort~.

· call s. TallY flit liPJlOinlrnent 268-3333.


*------* Ruidoso Ready Labor

Dally Work/Dally Pay COnS11UCtkln, framers

geDenl.l labor, food service housekceJ)Cnl, clcrieal

All_sklll levels

Apply today! :Z57-7876 449 Sudderth Drive In Gateway Center


AGENTS NEEDED!!. Tall Pines Realty is look­Ing for self motivated sales people· to start work im­mediatelyc - olle• gen.­emus CorT~mlssion spirts, a private office and a great locatJon with pJenty of traffh:. . . . . Call Johnny i:lr Mark for a

confidential Interview. (SOS) 2S7·7786

1.1 "'- ( '() L:> COP\TY CHILl

Ai>Pb' ai ' .. ·. ~?I'(Suilf~tih .... . . :.· ;

. . ' ...... ' \'···

HEAD ~ LI~UARO< 'Y" Salary $11.87 houily. Applications accepted

until posHiont are llllad •. Complete job ' 11\1'llcriptlon and applications at the Village of Ruidoso, 313 Cree Meadows D~ve. RuidosO, NM 88345. 258'4343.

FAX 258-5361. f:EOE

LIFEGUARDS + Salary $&.14 houily. Applications acceptsd

until posHions are filled; Complete job

.description and appllqatioos at the Village of Ruldll~o. 313 Cree Meadows Drive, RuidoSo, NM 88345. 258-4343.

FAX 258-5361. EEOE




salary $5.75 hourly. Applications accepted until IUISiUons are lilted. Complete job description and_appli·. cations at the Village of Ruidoso, 313 Cree Meadllws Drive, Rui- ·

. 88345. 258'

of Ruidoso ·iS accepUng applications

far an experienced shifl supervisor, Prior restaurant supervisory experi~nce required.


331 Sudderth'

. -~Jf:C~ .. ·~=:::~.-+, J,·;..·_·:..·· .... '"~iii~ . .;.·.-·_-~.;./'-·".;..;.._ .... .;.._"1 , wliflkER . .. . . . ..

Salary $5.75.houily.· Applications aecepte!l

until posiUons' are <lllled. Complete job

description and applications at the Village of Ruidoso. 313 Cree Meadows Drive, Ruld!!B!J.t. NM . 88345. 25t~-<~;:~43.

FAX 2511-5361. EEOE

Excellanl banalll package Included

(Vlri:aUon, sick, retire­man! and lnsuranoa) . Appllc.ations accepted until4:00 ~.m. Friday,

AprU ·21, 2000. Complete job descrip­

tion and applications at the Village of Ruidoso, 313 Cree Meadows Dr.,

Ruidoso, NM 88345. 258-4343 or 1-BD0-877-

4343. FAX 258-5361, EEOE




· FOOD & BEVERAGE Line Cook(s).

Hostesses ~ Seruer(s) Watter(s) · Waill'ess(es)

Bartender(s) Kitchen Assistonl(s)

Bus Person(s) Dock Person(S) Dishwasher(s)

$EC'IJRlll' Stablt1 Areo Security Graftdstaitd $e"Cr.trlty


CASINO OPERA1IDNS Change Booth Cashien

Vault Audltor(s)


Program Person(s) Attendar11(s) Pari-Mutuel 'Tellers

Shuttle DrirJet'$ R"ea!pttonist

Moneyroom Audilor(s)

MAIN'I'ENAN(;£ Gtoul'ids Klfifpttr(s)


Deadlltt~ Po$1tlons are to be ftlted April 15 through May 15, 2000. (l!.eb.itnlng employe~ must contact the respecti'Ve Department Managt!t ASAf?.

lad'onnatlow for. lnfonnatlon teitat4lttg Job qaallfl· ~tl(Jtnl.. pl~~ call 505..S?fl.4:431: . '

How to ·.A.WIY: AppUc.atlons. ~ .. ii.\l'lilla.ble at the ~tloMst Dei):t ,loeated tm. the .flopr oJ the

. K.xeeuttve ()fffoe&; ·. . ..


TIME FOR SPRING Cleivllng, let ~m~ help. Honest .hpuse­ke_... ExCellent ............. wm do windOW$· and yard work. CaR Lisa 354-81-68.

T.N.T. MAINTENANCE, win· doW and l'rllll'OJ cJeanlng.. car­pet & upholsterY cle.e;nlng", hard lloOr8 a SPA mainle­nliJilce." 805~258-4866.

TRACTOR WORK - Small jobs preferred. Mowing, blade · w<Kt< and leveling, beci<O..,, trenching, BUQiilf." WB1er, etec­ttic., aewer lines· lnstalk;ld. "We're cheaper than l'fillhting eq"IOment". Call anytkne l!!;B-3788, 354~ 7000 .. {7am·6pm· 430-8644) .


Nursing A•sistants and Plrect eare Staff

needed at •. RUIDOSO CARE CENTER . .

contact Human ResourC4itS ~57-9071.

.$2000,00 Sign on Bonus · AN's and LPN's needed at

Ruidoso Care Center

certified Nursing Assistants .naeded at Ruidoso Care Center

Contact Human Resources. at 257-9071


Apply in Person. · i· · G.4s . , . A M~LERO APACHE liNTERPRISE

"/ViM Mexi«J'& MD$1 OistillgMI.rhi!d Restn'l" I& M-'elll, N.,. Mp)m

. 5051257-6141 . .

YARP t.'AINTENANCE;. mi)W­Ing, Weed eating, r.akhlg, pr\Jn· lng, hal,l\lf!O, gUttels Qleaned. Reasonable· rates! Free Eatt-­mates. Oependal?fel 267-3007

YARDWORK -cA!NTfiY, P&lnting, WindDI¥. Washing and Uahl Hauling a e at·rea­sonable rale$. call 857-3763. Cord. Seasoned Firewood for sEale $65. ·

YOU NAME -IT. WE DO IT Services. . Etc. Cebln Watoh Service, Hom• Repair$, Chim~ n~ Cleaning Tree Removal. Y~ Work, Hause Pain-Ing, Gutters, O.rywall, etc. a7B-. 1047:


DEPENDABLE llatiy dler ·Or elderly C!lrit in yow home. Days, nights, WNken4s, any. time; LoVes kids. own trans.­portatlon, 258·1731 ·


~~. ~e::u~Jd~~Yt,~ Ins okay. Call258·4482.

I HAVE 2 FUJ-LaTIME' open­ings In fny daycare. l.01s of caring,leamlng, fun. 378-5678

MOTH~RLY l.OVE State Licensed Child Care; 24/hrs, 7/da'J$. Attentive, lOVIng care. Toddler and Pre$Choof ci&SS" es.~78-~4 ·


COOke & Prep Cooka needed at Ruidoso

am, eentef · · _........., ResoUrce$ at 257a9071

Ills D~ecmrofNu~na .

lnlegrated Heallh Serv~, a 'pr&mler AatiOruil provider of l,TC servl~ heslfle fOllowing D.N.S. opportunities-In N.M.:

• 117·bed SNF In Alamogon:lo • 86-b&d SNF In Ruldo.IO

•120·bed SNF In LaSCrua, NM • FJoalirig DNS in NM, NV, CO

fdHI CIJtlriJdljfes Will tiS RN WIBSN prrjf'd; fJOfic. ~ previoUS .• LTC ~ce ~ $t#IBJfOf "'fl!!lt sldll8: & a desire fO advarlde your career. COniDelltive pay & benSflts. EOC. to iipp/y·contact fHS HR Ospl., 888-'T72-1682,1tlx117f!-126.(}6(18, WWW.ihS·lne.coltl

.,_ U lea Dining Room Man....-w-..


• Must have itt least 3 years Managerial ExPerience· • Will SUpervise the AM and PM shifts with about

20 or more employeeS ·• Fammar with the Micros System. • Must be able to work Holidays and Weekends.

SUbmit appD~oris to the Aset. Mana,ger of the Inn of the Mountain Gods

l lnnoll.m...ntAln .._.., "/IIU""'-ERE-"""CHI1~


.\Ito Lak<·s Golf' & ( 'ountry ('fuh

Earn $6 -:7 an hour · asa · Lifeguard (Must be Certified)

Interested parties eontact• Scott Foster @ (505)336-4132

Posi-lJeilios May lSib aod ends Sept. 4th


The successful applicant will be responsible for the completlo a normal daily workload. lncludlna. (but not limited too); Di&ftallnventory control, cabl<1

etwork lnstallati'!n, and trouble shooting. outside sales, and payment collection througllout u~ service· area. A high school diploma or equivalent, a valid drivers license, good ommunlcatlon skills and good handwriting skills are a must. A competitive salary and benefit

kage will be offered. The successful candidate wiD be required to pass a pre-employment ompany drug SCreening -t and a post-employment background check. Come by Charter ommunlcatlons ar, ii7 VJslon Dr, Ruidoso NM, to pick up an application or mall your resum. : Dan Sherrah, P. 0. Box 280, Ruidoso, NM 88355.

Closing date: April 20, 2000 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE '"Equal Opportunity Employer • Male/Female • A Drug Free Workplace*

~oM G)!~!~~~ •


Including, (but 110t · too): netYiprk maihtenance; and trouble sho~na. Soma o.utslde sales, and lllillection r.lbe=·:n'!i~~::::rJ our service area. A high ~~;hO(>Idlploma..,. a valid dliversll . · skills and good handwl'itlng skills are a . A <;omJ*.!Cive salary and benefit. be offered. 'l'be su~cllSSfl!l aan.dlda:te .will be requlreil to passa pte·~UY~ploymen• · $1lreenlni ~~~ aoid a· p~$~Wiploym4!11t baclrgtollnd l!hliilk. <:om• by j:h~r · .t, 117 Vl;tc>n Qr,.'J\UidPJ!i;NM, iO pick UP an application or mall your res.uil!e[ . . . o.84il'f~cll.u1~~!1'.iflil'1 8113$5 . . . . . .. . . . ,,, . . .... " ..

.' :,>

(:loainJ date! April 20, 20110 1'10 I'HOI'IE CALU>J>LEASE

•squill o;portlltii~··fflPJ~!' '~lll•fll•hlllle • 4 rwua f'ree WCirkPIIlet\,• . :0 -' .. . . . . . . . ., . ... . . . . . ·.

. ,· . : ,., .......


; .. ·

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Pursuant to rny authority under Sectlon -7~ NMSA_1978, 1 hereby extend the following· deadline found In Section· 7-38-17 of the Property Tax Code with respect to the 200().-tax year onlY: ·

' 1) The deadlln~ for tot811y dlsat?led veterans GDbt. to Claim ~ exempt Status for property that qualifies. ~adUne Is extended from February 29, 2000 to September 1, 20QO.

Done this 5th day of April, 2009.

·~ Ga,.g;:I:/Qn~ Tom G&rCit{Jr., oll'80f

· Property Ta>< Division


FREE PREGNANCY TEST Caring anti'· confidential assis­tance. 258·1800




NO. PB 99~10






A hearing on the Pedtlon for Order of COmplete Settlement of Estate by Personal Repre-­sentatiVes (the ~Pelnion" filed by the undersigned petltfonera Will be held a1 the Lincoln County COurthouse, Carrtzo.. zo, New Mexico on May 3, 2000 a1 8:30 a.rn. before the Honorable Karan L Parsons, Dlslrlct Judge, wllh 30 mlnules aHocalad ror thtt heartng. You are herQby rlotilkld that a.t 'thEf hearing th8 Court Will con91dGr the request by the petltfone;s that: .

1 . 1'hs Cdurt llpprove the ·Final Account attaet;fJd to ltie

· Petition aa EXhibit A.

2. The Court BJ)pl'dV.Jt thl! distribution of the eBfdft!li a · shown on the Selit!ldl.lfa'-4f ens-· ttlbUtiOh bftacit'llilcJ. k)· lhi!IJ 'f:JEJUM tlon as Exhlbll B. . . · .



Notice I& hereby given pur­suant to 22--8-10 NMSA, 1978 · thai. the eaam of EducatiOn of the Ruidoso School Dlstrlcl #3, County of Uncotn, State of New Mexico will present and publiclr review an operational bud!:le Increase for the 1999/2000 schOol year on Monday, AprO 17, 2000, 7:00 p.m., at the Ruidoso SChOols Board Room.

This Is rJ public hearing and all school patrons are tivled to attend.

Done at Ruidoso, New Mexi­co. thiS 4th day of April 2000.

Ruidoso School Board of Education

James Paxton, President

2702 2T(4)7,14

3. 1'ho Court . doclare '"" - fully .. dl·~··d .,.. . bh~ ~Tattel"lf M ftltthar d'alma or datnand any Inter>-:. . · estetf p-$r.sort. . ·. · • .... ~

''' '',.· ' · .... • !· ·..-:··· '. ·,, :>

. ': ,' .

2716 3T(4)14,21,28


after closing time will be retumed unopened. The VIllage of Rukloso reprves lhe right to reject any andJot all bids and to waive an lnlormauaes as allowed by the State of New. Mexico Procure-ment Code. ·

Qy Order of the · G'ovemlng BOdy /siTenl watarfleld Purchasihg ~ant VIDage of ~M~~~12 1T(4)14





NOTICE Is herebY given that lhe Village of Aulc:bsO, Uncoln County, New Mexico, Is reftuesting. sealed proposals for an ,:tnnual contract for OPEAA • ION OF CONCES­SION AT EAGLE CREEK SOFTBALL COMPLEX. Inter­ested proposers may secure a copy or tha R~esl for Pro­posBis from the PurChasing Agent at ttte PurOhaslng Warehouse, 421 Wingfield, Ruidoso, New MexiCO S8346, or by phOning (505)257~721. Proposals Will be received by the vmage of Ruidoso Pur­Chasing Agent located at 421 Wingfield, R'uidoao, N.M. 88345, unbl 5#J p.m. local Umo.~ Wednesday, April 2B. 200u. Submitted proposals Shall not be publicly openeCI. Proposals received after thai time will be rejected and returned unopened. The tact that a proposal was dis­patched will noi be consld­pd. The Village of Ruidoso reserves the tight to rejec:t any and/Or all p~als and waive all lnfeirnBIIIies as deetned In the be$1 lntore&t ot the Village.

', ''· ~ ) '• ., ' . ,' . .; '~' ..... '·-~- ·.· ... · .... . -~·" ... •' ,,,

0 $i11Aft down ~JID.

'17.,.w~· . ~ ........ . ..... - -., ....... ~, '"· ,lu!,ow ~--·-. ·.

w~RD ;.~~a suiill~ii:· : , · ·. 4>04. ,-di.:XI:~ \<1;'5-..... AlC.,_... 0 gssette. pw. P'• Cflllle. "tlk · . m

.... a,m-'11,118 'DCIIEVtCISGD-ID liP· •aiM fl·tu~lltle,pW.Pl. · · : .. D.,.• ~~ ... ~-&vraa ,.. sillilY ob-4;:~! ~-Wtiee!:Lid'.nir ........... ~

Mescalero BIA Law e:nlon;e­ment Services lB requeslln_g bids for the loltowing mealS sei'Vic;tt for lheMescaiW'O Trib­al 09,.nllon Center Inmate population: Three meals per day, 365 days a year. This will Include one hot meal. Meat delivery service Is required. To s$!tva an lnrnataEulallon on lhe. average of tteen (16) prisoner& per day. Is num· ber generally remains no less than 10 and no more than 30. Deadline to submit bids 18 at the close of business Tues­day, April 18 2000. law

· Enforcement Services busl·



DECKS. "PAAN1tNG &. ~IRS GAtwlli$ 81: CARPOM's


,•, .... ,., ' · . .. ·,,

'~- ,' ...

o ... !i4f_

'f8rGRDIXJ'I,ORIR .f dr. Xt.T;Ni!'lll,l,bowd. pw, pi, cusemt. CO,IUI)'Im

'tUORD BRONCO IUUSIZI . E4ilro"-,1ow.,I•I"'·V.O.- 0 $..aft cp,IU'infn& boards, ii ly loildelt must nel Nl ~~ IJICI.

2000 SUZUKI GRAND V1W1A . SJJ .fJC4 • .<4 dr.IIC.. fictory warranty. 0 ft extn.dlian ' •. - ~I'IXI. '91 •EP CHEROIIII . 0 $4ftl!' 4dr.fK4.NC.I!IIP&8rack.customwheel dow! ~I'IXI.

'H CHEVY SIO BIAHR · 4 dr, .fx4, casseae. pw. pl. A1C.!Uiiiie rKk

't7 SUZUKI SIIIIIIICK 4 dr; 4JC4, IIJCO. pw. pl; 'cit:dR, ilft-.

'H CHIVY 110 BIADR . 2 dr, 41t4, RC, Co. cruise, tilt, P\'4 pi

I • 'H FORD WltDSI'AIIS ,. ..... -...... -... fur NC. caSsette, pW, pl. 7 passeiWel'

' .. 0 .... '211-

o .... '"''""


'" FORD IIANGIR SUPIRICAB . . ~; .X!..T. 4:ov;6, only tl.OOO !'llles

'17 JORD.RAN- . ft tlf!f'~ cu~m wheels

'17 FORD IIIANGIR IUPIRCAB xar ~. ~o~c. s weed 't7 FORD RANGIR RC xr CasMttt. AJC. rear .slider ·

.,. MRD FoiSO SUI'ERCAB 4x41 4 cif .• lariat, leather, CD,


111 loaaed, ~ warnnl)' WAS ,,

•to SUBU~N tX•


'14·1- WAGONIIII 4d0c[4i4



o ..... •217-•-' o .... IW'~


0-'"'­.o .... ••-

2710 2T(4)12,14

ALL FIRED UPI Is being eold. Please contact 378-4491 for customer pieces by May 13th.·


354-2832 after 7:00p.m. or leave message

Hugh IL Lockey ~

!157-567!1 Uc. No. 2730


• 5 ton crane • 35 ton ctarie service ·~tanksth~

are actually 1250 gallons


··• · · ... • (50S) ~57-5920 . . . 134 ,Smtderllt Dlllve • Ruidosci 1\IM 88345 . ... ' ' .




! I I I '


' 'j

I' 4 ·- .$. 1!! a a$ kl.S, .i 4 2 1$,¢ #, ilk.;;; $2#$ v w a p. $_ ¥.¥. 44 4 ". AJI. ,;::;o.;s "'!. ,Ai!4 iii -If.- •. 4.1;:: *'' H ;: •• ,. "'· '*""!'' ·-- ... -·· 11- :" !" .. "":."l"" - .----....---.,..- """":""'""..,.-' ~ ~"" - -~· ·- --

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Aprll14, 195b

:r.r~·r.= .1\"')eetaeu.lpr ftre·oftiilde­

ter.mlned origin ptted the s.econd stozy: of the old grade · school. ~ilding a~ Capitan Friday !'4Jht,. ·despite elioits of the ·capitan;.·F<>It Stantcm and Carrieozo lire depart.. mente, which poured 55,000 gallons <>C water iiito the blaee. ·

The build;ng. in eonttnu .. ous use since-it was opened in 11103, had been tiilDccupied about thi'ee weeks ..• it was C<>Ddemned ibr school·plll1lO&c e;s s(JQ:).e 14 years · ~. althoUgh a - echool bulld'­in« to liowie its l)\lpi]s was not opened until !\4lirch 20.

· L. W; Clark, superinten­dent, Said. the loss waS cov~ ered by ilisur _ _.

April15, ~960 '



' . -~

Shaula Cull's Starlite . . Montessori· preschool . . ~ '

is in its 17th year of · operation,. and now het first students are graduating from high sctfool.

. ' . Cldzens utged .to hear Sudderth

Mayor Jack Hull bas celled ibr a meeting of the .cit­izens of ~so to hear <>f

The Montessori method alive atid. well I f<il" 'the im t of ~":&ad fti>n1 ~h-

walf. Col'rinlisl!iOnar John Sud-deltb •. · . ' 13;~· · · t<>ld Hull at

.SIU)tl> '" last week!'nd . he woiilii e here t<> discuss the bighway department's final commitJ:nent on the road, wbich may be a better dee! for the comm1mity than first expected. Bull said.

Apl'lU7, 19'10 ·

N-officers for Ruidoso Ja~ Installed

New officers f<>r the Rui­doso District Jaycees we·re iosbilled Tuesday niodlt, April 14, at the annual Jaycee. installation banquet.

~!'few Jaycee officers for 197o-71 are Doug McClellen, president; George BoWen, vice-president; Dick Looten. secretary - treasurer; Jim Clement, state director; and Tim Livingst<>n, direot<>r.

James Fitzgerald served as MC for the evening.

April17, 1980 The Silver Uning by Daniel Agnew Stann

I had a chOery cell today form our friend, that great pio­neer lady Mrs. A. N. Runnels, widely and affectionately known by her first nam.e, Lulu.

The surprise snow storm that came on Saturday the twelfth brought eleven inches of snow at her home on the

1 Bonit<>. The next day the ther, mometer went down to one beloW oeiO, as cold as the oold­<isj; day of the year in ;January. Many. bloOIIIS ....... <>ut, includ· 1ng peechee, e<>me of which seem til hmte ~ved perhaps through protectiOa of a snC>W oover.

At ags ei~. Lula Ill very active an11. ;n gcor1 health. and is .a great iospi._..ticm til. aU of us.

We wish her all Gc>.rs blessings always.

April19, 1990 . .

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2C FRIOA¥, APRIL 14, 2000

ASSI!IIIIIIX OF GO,I) _ ................. ... Mescalero. 671 .... 747. Dollald -.~Sunday SchoQI: 9:45 a.m.; . W~:~ntllp, 1&.45 a.m: and 7 p.m.; nesday services; 7 ~.,..

FlntA.slelllblralhil ~ ~o Road, Ruidoso. 1\e\( BID lsniu'd, Pascor. Sunday School. 9:30 a.m.; Sunday momfns worshiP:. 10:-45 a.m. (lndLides chUdrcn's church): Sunday evenlf11 pta1ce: 6 p.m.: Wednesdayfamlynlght:: 7 p.m.

BAP11ST --. llapMit:CIIurciiOIAIIO S&n:lay, 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.: Wednes· Clay, 7 p.m. Mne mariwr I, Hwy llQ, lJ-4 mi. up Alrpon· Rd. Rev. ,James Crowder; ']]6-1919.

.................... C'.antulzo. Hayden Smith, Pastor. SUI'Iday School: 9:45 a.m.: Sundil)r worship: II a.m., 7:15 p.m.:~rch ti'UIIJ'W: 6:30 p.m. Sundl)l' ---420 Mochem 'Dffla. Ruidoso. NM 11:8345. (SOS) 257·2081. Tim GHiilmd, _Pastor. Sundrty: 8:30 a.m. Contempolal')' Pndso and Worship Senrlcu; 9:30 a.m., Continental a.-ldast;; '1:45 a.m., Sundl)l' Schooi.IBiile 5tudy: lla.m., 'hdi­tlonal Worship SeMoe: 5 p.m., Adult and Qlklren DldPieshlp clus:eS, Youth' Power Hour; 6 p.m., Wonhlp ServlceiBJble s~ Felowshlp Hat Weclnesdl)l': 6:30 p.m., .Adult Bible Study. youth and ch*lrens aaMtles.

--....... -420 Mech!tm Drive. (Sunsbna ~· room) ~en Robledo, Pastor. Culto de ~lead~ 3 p.m. -.... - .. . -.,.-.ljuo .... ....... IQ B~R-: Wor$hlp f I a.m.,1:15.p.m.: Trainlna union 6:30 p.m. _Wec~u-day SW\IIcel 6:]0 pm. . __ .. _. 126 Chun;h 1Jri...e. ~Gateway. W.,Ooj-. ,_, SU""" SdoaG}. 1M!i a.m.; Sunday wonhlp: 10:45 a.m., 6 p.m.;~ BlblelllUdr-7p.m. . . ............................. - ~·.......,. ~8) M. """"" Ad 35-J-ZO+f, Sunday School:,9l30 a.m.: Woi'Shlp: II a.m.: Stcnecrofc. Frlend$hlp Blble.Cotrec Wed. 9:31).. II a.m.; Awalll: Wed. -6-8 p.m. (5

)'1"5. dtoru&h 5th ,grade); Thurs: 7 p;.m. Body-Ufr,; Fellowship.-

BAHA'I fAITH ............ Meeting in members' homes._l57-2987 or 336-m9


st. EleiMr CdiOIIc Cl.-dl Ruidoso; 257-2330. Revere~ AI

' Galvan. Sacr.lrnent of Penance: Sa. 4:3o p.m. or by appolnlment: Satur­day Ma55: 6 p.m.; SW~day Mass: 10 · a.m. (Enatlsh). II :30 a.m. (Bilingual);

First Federal Bank 398 Sudderth Drive • Ruidoso

257-4006 • FAX 257-2503


APARTMENT HOME COMMUNilY For more infonnacion call 505.258.2.727

Loc:m~d :11 107 jack L1nlr Dr1vt (Near the Links Golf Courw) A REALlY TRUST DEVELOPMENT


1'605 Sudde1·th D1·ive • Ruidoso

WcDAlD AUTOMOTIVE 1021 Mec;hem Drive • Ruidnso.

251!-~381 • Specifflizin/lht .F.CIN/gtl & QomesJIC ~Nice & Rep:llr.,

CHURCH OF CHIII.ST - ........ Capitan - Htghway 48. Les Ear-wood, Minister. Sunday Bible scud)r. 10 a.m.; Sunday ~hlp: II a.m., 6 p.m.: Wedne$day8ibleswdy. 7 p.m. _ .. _"'""'" . 415 ~. Ruidoso. 257 .... 381. ~ Sponsman, Mlltlsw.,Smday Blbla study. 9:30 a.m.; Sunday WOf'o ship: 10:30 a.m., 6 p.m.; Wednesda)' ~~i:ly:7p.m.

FUll. GOSPEL __ .. __ San Patrk:lo. $unday School: 10 a.m.; Evenlrl£ sai'VIces: ':3D p.m. 'Smday, 'IUesday and friday.

POWER PLUS CAR WASH Stlf service • Full service• Dltllllng

1001 Sudderth Drive • Ruidoso • 257•2107

J L AUTOMOTIVE 1001 Sudderth Drive • 257-6918


Casrrol Pen~:DII Yal~lme Qu•~«>r Starl'

APACHE TRADING CO. 2500 Sudderth Drive #13 at the Four seasons Man

257-3086 "Speaializing In Jewelry RepairsR

"·, : .. ·•··,- '._' -·:,:' .. iA' >

'._.·: '" .- "


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. . .

' ' ' ~·!

' .


. ,,

Worship at the church of your clwice

State uc::eneed Chllt-J care • Todt:ller & Prtt-&hoo1 aasses 24 hours. 7 e.lays mle<



I 00 Cliff Orilla • US 70 at NM 48 378-8180 • I :800-800-8000 "Support your local church"

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~ ~~- ' '

' -'·

Ill= =-Staffing

PACK CONSTRUCTION CO. 354-3375 ° 257-8427 ° 420-5862

Ray Pack, owner Uc#060471


i : ,._. • ... -, .

Carpet, Tile, VInyl Hardwood Furniture

I 509 Sudderth Dr. 257-8427


·.·. -.-



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ClOUdcroft Chamber -gets new dkector

' CLOUDCROFT - A new executive director has been named to the Cloudcroft Cham­ber of COIQJJiel'ee. Ron Gilmore, ·area· business owner and resident, r<lJ>Iaced outgoing director Randy Michael.

"'Ron is very qualified for ·this jJOBition and we look tbr­wanl to the contributions he can make to further the iriter­ests of the C!oucioroft connnu­nity,"! said. Berle Van Zandt,

, presi.dt!nt of ·.~he chamber • board. "He bnl)gs a back­ground well prepared fbr the demenda of this position."

Gilmore was both an aesls­tant director and director of connnunications at Baylor Col­lege of Medicine in Houston fur eight years. He had also held management positions at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Gilmore also had worked as a news writer.

Gilmore hae cwaratsd his own business, Fresh Aire Com­munications. a public relations company that caters 'to large mar~ clients in academic set­tings.

New Mexico exports set record last year

SANTA FE - New Mexico registered a 71 percent inCrease in exports in 1999, according to the lltate's Eco­nomic Development Depart­ment.

Exports totaled $3A billion, the highest percentage inereaee fur any U.S. lltate laSt ye!"Je"aid Roberto Castillo, the '1\- Division director in the

....... .

department. Castillo credited the

increase to sustained economic p-owt!> and manufacturing mvestmant throughout Asia.

"This is a tremendous improvement from 1998,'" Castillo said. "W'e are e~pecial­ly pleaeed with the way exports into the Asian markets have rebounded.'"

In the Asia/Pacific arena. exports to Japan increased more than 77 pereeot, while state exports to Korea grew more than 186 perc~nt. E~ to Mexico last r.ear drOpped by DU>re than 10 'j>ln'l' cent.

U.S. exports las~ year rose 1.8 percent.

cattle Baron president beads restaurant group

Jeff Wilson. president of Cattle Baron Restaurants, Inc. was inlltalled as president of the New Mexico Restaurant Association, at the organiza­tion's annual member meeting earlier this month. , ·

W'llson fuunded the Cattle Baron Steak and Seafood Restaurant in 1976, and hae since expanded the chmn to eight New Mexico and west Thxas communities, including Rbf.doso. Cattle Baron Restau­rants also operates Farley's Food, Fun ·and Pub in Ruidoso and Las Cruces.

As president of the New Mexico RestaurantAssociQ.tion, W't!son said he plans to keep the association involved in memberShip growth, educa· tiona! programs connected to the fuod service industi'Y; leg· isl&tive issues and partner·

·ships with like-minded groups. ·


Watch out for 'mega-debt' BY Ros.u.l'N l!O!JINsON - S.VINtlt""'!!' ..

-:· . . .• ,.

FRIDAY, APR!~ 14, 2000 3C

C:oming this rQII: .. . . . REGIONAL··_·· BUSINESS SURVEY.

Measuring· Lif1coln . County business

activity and need~ . ~



n- Ruidoso Valley Chiunber· of ommerce wants to lind out

_ "where the business community is" as the commercial sector· mOves into the new mi11ennium.

A SUI"Yey of registered businesses should fulfill the goal, said Joen ~e1 the exe~utive director of the chiimber. · Zagone said the idea Is to determine

"what business areas are f!!howing the moat~· The DIOj!t neede. What are the trends.' What neects to be done."· ·

hiring of 1\ project man­ager, from. Al.\gust to November.

Look for the · sUrveys in the harids of busiDesses

. ··.


The survey_ will query . busi­nesses on the number of employees, what kind· of benefits are offered to workers, and where their

beginning '--------~-,...-.,.-----~--'--' Sept. 15. .

employees live. · . '"It's going t-o tell u=;;: things like affordabl~ housing;· and -the need for airline service,"' the ch~Ptlber director said. "We're also going··to ask people abQUt how much shopping they're doing out of town, and why.

. "We decided to cominit to an in-per­son survey for some (businesses),"' she said. "It will be maUed out to others. ADd we'll reach oqt. too, through. s~rvice clubs, with ~sentation at their meet­ings."

Zagone said the eurvey, in part, could also help indicate what new busi· ness opportunities are·-m the cards.

"Not knowing -is the problem/' Vobm:teers will accomplish the Zagone said ... A lot of businesses estal).. survey.

"The need ·has been apparent the last number of years," Zagone said of the effort to ~ake a snapshot of the busi­ness community. "It's not only about a lack of information, but also that much of the information we do have is very dated."

]iSh· thew.selves without having the "We're looking for a ~um of 100 knowledge about what's out the~.· volwtteers," Zagone said. "Fifty teams, We're hoping to be able to identilY with two fbr each team. One will be an what~ here. And asking what business- · interviewer and the other a scribe,'" she es are needed." said of the in~ person int.ervieyvs. _

The Regional Business SUrvey 2000 initiative ·waS conceived from the seed of former business retention sur­~ys.-The New Mexico Economic Devel­opment Department and New Mexico

. Stete University had undertaken the retention surveye in the past, but fund­ing fur the effort dried up, said Zagone. She said it is noW up to. ~he regional business community. throtigh the Cham­ber. to identity what business needs are.

"We have been working·on this sur-:-'· ofeY'Ibr if'inllhber Qf months,"· ·Zagone

said. "We got a copy of 8. recent Roswell survey, the last New Mexico State Uni­versity survey done, and we rew-or4&d it so· it"s more appropriate for Lincoln County. We aleo embellished it because we're a tourism economy."

The undertaking will require the

A .great n11111ber of busines!H'S ·will be surveyed. representing a wide range of businesses, she said.

The ch_a'Jnber is looking for support from- financial institutions, utilities, vil­lages, the county. and other organiza- . tions, such as the Small Business Development Center. Zagone s~ there are an est;imaif:m

800 businesses in the Ruidoso area, and another 100 commercial opei-ations in Survey information will remain the rest of the oo1,Ulty. The list of busi~ confidential, identifying a business with neeses will be oompilad from business an -m number. reg!s~rations in LinColn COUJ1ty munici~ Wheil the survey work is com:pleted palities and the county. · the deta will be compiled into bound

In addition to collecting information copies and the_ infonnation would be on a specific -business~ cliaracteristics, made available just after Jan. 1. 2001.

. the 16~page survey Mdl1- 49k-Business ·· "I'm somewhat c,oncerned," Zagone oWtiers or operators iliiP.t'f' their satis- said of buirihesd 'Cbl!p'etfttlbn in the tiiJr"- . faction level on local serv1ces. the labor vey. "I'm hoping that people ·wiU find pool. the Ruidoso area ·community and reason to ~articipate in this. We"re not· more. The queries are presented over a alone; WI:! re related here in Lincoln 16-page questionnaire. ' County to businesses throughout the

. "It's not golng to be about hoW much world. And we need to. build a strong your business earns, or any thing I.Qre business foundation here. ·'lb do that, we that," Zagone said. "Jt•s not invasive!' need to kn~ where we are."'

Connty's worker pool increase stays ahead of jobless rate BY }AM£5 KALVEIAGE aumoso NEWS STAFF W'RnER

The ranks of' the unem~ ployed dipped during February in Lincoln County, according to figures from the New Mexico Department of Labor. The job­Jess rate flill to 4.5 percent, fol­lowing a January level of 5 per~ cent.

Neighboring Otero County and Chaves County also regis­tered a February drop in the number out·ofwork. ·

"Things are continuing to look _ _pretty good," said Jerry Bradley, a labor analyet with the labor department. "It's a

continual strength­eqing economy in Lincoln County. YouVe gotten to a reslly good plaoc."

"Unemploy­ment is ... stable, fluctuating around 300 ... "

does. though. tigh~ rate normally avoids any sharp en up during the ups and downs. summer months." !P "'lburism areas can be ve~

Over last sever~ cyclical." Bradley said. "Thats al years Lincoln not quite the case in Ruidoso. County has aver- But it is the case in Taos." aged a first-quarter Lincoln County"s latest jobless rate around unemployment figure of 4.5 4.5 percent, Bradley percent compares to a 4.2 per-

The figures show the labor pool, Febru­arY 2000 compared to February 1999 grew, by 3.1 percent. The

Jerry Bradley, State labor analyst

number of employed in Lincoln County nearly kept pace with the increaeed labor furce. Emph>ymeijt went up 2.8 percent. ·

"Unemployment is real lite­hie there, tluctusting around 300," Bradley said. "It really

said. During the sec- cent 4wel a year earlier in Feb­and qUBrter a typi- ruary 1999. . _

cal unemployment rate will be - Otero County posted a F-eb­in tbe 4 percent range. The \ruarY 2000 jobleas rate of 4.4 July-August-September quar- percent, the same as 12 months ter can bring the jobless rate to earlier. In Chaves County the

· al'OUild 3.5 percent. most recent unemployment The labor official said Lin- rate is 6.4 percent. In February

coin County's unemployment 1999 it liad been 9.6 percent. . .

Other markets besides stocks affect the economy . BY SUNG WON SoHN wlllf·~ WEl.l.SFAIWO- ·


4C FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2000

Fund ·for crini.e· victims ' . . , .

. ·should benefit· district ··:· ALAMOGORDO - News after a traumatic event," the

that $2.67 million was allocat. senator said. •'I thit;dc. it~s fittj.p.g ed by the U.S. Department of that the funding for this pro... Justice to provide services for gram is generated by fines paid · New Mexico crime victims · ·by convicted federal offenders~·~ could mean more money fur The money is used to help ·· the local program. victims and survivo:rs of

As part of his operation, domestic violence~ . sexual 12th Judicial District Attorney assault, child abuse, drmik Scot Key employs three crime . driving, homicide and . other victim advocates in Otero crimes. · County and one in Lincoln Targeted are reimburse­County under program dire.c- ments to victims and their tor Dawn Vail Arnam. families for crime-related

'. ... ~ ' . :: '

. . \ ..

"The grant program helps , expenses such as · medical support invaluable services to · costs, mental health counsel­New Mexicans who have been ing, funeral and burial costs Victimized by crime," said U.S.· and lost wages or loss of sup:.. Sen. Pete Domenici <R-NM). "' port. .


optimist contest bringS onf18' young ·o.:rators He announced the award The 1984 Victims .. of · . Eleven ~girls and 'teu' boys E-ldredge. ~Q.d Sanchez

to the New Mexico Crime Vic- Crime Act established the on April 4 gave. speeches were in . competition with tims Reparation Commission Crime Victims Fund. The titled ''Growing · ·Up · in winners .from· Clovis and last month. Domenici · is a money in the fund is derived Toda,y?s World"· at the Teepee · Roswell ·at th~ Optimist Zone · member ofthe Commerce, Jus- from fines, penalty assess- .Loun~e ·at ll.uidoso High Contest last Saturday.··. ·:.' tice, State . and Judiciary ments and bond forfeitures . , School, · tak~,ng '. ~~rt in . the · •· Eldredge capte in ~~bird at Approptjations subcommittee from convicted federal offend- 8th ann1,1!11 oratoncal contest the zon~ contest, satd Vera that sets priorities and funding ers, not taxpayers, ODomenici ~ponsored by the. Optimist Wood nf the Optimist Club. levels for the Department of emphasized. .Olub'ofRt~idoso. . ' .. . First-place win.ners in Justice. The $2.76 million alloca- W~nners· for the girls Roswell w.ere to advance to

''Through no fault of their tion will . cover programs for · were Barbara ·, the district contest in )'aos own, victims of crime are the the Albuqtl.erque-based com- daughter of Bruce a:r;1d.Janet this Saturday, April 15. Fin­ones left to pick up the pieces mission to September 2002. Eldredge, first; Ashley Bril- ishing: . first there would

lante, daughter of Thomas ··mean a $1,500• scholarship

111~1- BIRTHS

Births reported by Lincoln County Medical Center in Rui­doso during the, of March, 2000, included the fol­lowing: ·

and Lisa BriUante, ·second; for the winners. · and Elsa Frey, da~ghter of · Since its start in 1928, Steve' and Patty Fr~y; third. the Optimist International

Samantha Allison Shepard, to Winn~ts for the ··boys oratorical ' contest · has Sherri and Wayne Shepard, 6 , were Ben ·Sanchez, son of ... become the longes-v-running lb., 15.6 oz., 19,.1/2" long. Sonny Sanchez _and Debbie .program. eponsored by the

March 20- A son,, Sterling TJ;tomas,. first; Just\Jl Huff- Optimists.

·: ·~ : .

March 1 . - A daughter, America Davila, to Elizabeth and Rafael Davila, 7 lb., 7. 7 oz., 19-1/2" long.

Anthony Ament, to Michele mon, son of Shane aiid Dana ,Nearly 2,,000 .clubs par­and Eric Ament, 7 lb., 12.2· oz., Huffman, second;·.· and ·Davis ticipate in the program each 21-1/2" long. · Warner; son ·of Davfd and yea.;r, The contest is designed

March 21 - A daughter, Debra Warner, third. · for' teens to gain experience . . . . . ' Courte$Y

First-place winners. Barbara Eldredge and Ben Sanchez competed in the zone CC?ntest in Romell last Saturday. but failed to advance to district competition.

March 2- A son, Aloysius Wi1liam Comanche:, to Bernadette Mendez, 8 lb., 3 oz., 21" long.

Patricia Lee Orciuoli, to J;=leter All the contestants are in public speaking and to ,and Loti O.rciuoli, 6 lb., 5,.1 oz.,. · students of Diorly Stierwalt, pro~ide them with the oppor: · 19" long. . langpage arts teacher at tunity to win a college schoi-

Match 22· - A son, Zane Ruidoso Middle School. arsh"ip.

March 6 - A daughter, Marissa Elvira Ramos, to Feli­cia and Raymond Ramos, 6 lb., 11.1 oz., 19" long. ·

Gabriel Cox, to Tammy and Dallas Cox, 6 lb, 2.8 oz., 19" long.

March 23 ...:. A daughter,. . Carolina Danielle Salcido, to Geraldine Mc'Thigue, 6lb., 14.5 March 16 - A son, Garvin

Neo Chavez, ·to Dorothy and Leo Chavez, 5 lb., 1.1 oz., '19" long.

oz., 19" long. . . March 25 - · A daughter,

Briza Natalie Rey~s, to Rosa and Antonio Reyes ni,. 7 lb., March 16 - A daughter,

Alyssa Nichelle Free, to Miranda Free, 6 lb, 13.3 oz., 19 1/2" long.

3.5 oz., 20" long. • '\. • ' · March ~9 - A daughter,

Amy Brette Hough, tO Sunmer and Roy Hough, 6lb., 4 oz., 19'' March 17, a son, Carlo

Christopher DeSantis, to Lori Helmstetler, 8 lb., 3.3 oz., 20-1/2" long.

long. March 31 -A son, Anthony

Felix Portillo Trillo, to Aurelia March 20 - A daughter, Portillo, 7lb., 19" long.

Dr. French will be returning to Ruidoso in April at the office of Dr. Vickie Williams to specialize q

in diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

Please call 1-888-353-4175 To schedule an appointment.

200 Sudderth Reftrrals Ar:r:epted

Assisted Liviag Coaur.auaity WANT TO STAY HEALTHY?

The Aristocrat's Wellness Program . meets rour needs Including:

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(505) 257-6682




. '

QUEST Personnel, INC .. · 1092 Mechem

258- 23·59 • Now Se~ing Ruideso !

Clerical • Industrial • Sales "remporary and P~r~anent .

Reliable • Responding • Afford~ble Tabby Cummings, Mgr.

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Emeraencv cash Rai~sinu Sale 3 oavs OliiJ Fri .• Sal .• sun

Evervthing in Store 200/o 400/o oFr

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. . . . . . . . Sandy Suggltt

Jli~·RO~~~d~'O;WfiifE ~A,1?s)·.·~~'Whl~·o~~{~~~t)' .•. offe~··.$0roe of'th~·;~t·mutlful SCI!rll!~ hi tl)il·~.~ Willie ~ ~Q#wwrrJs. ~;sl~:lif ~ ~li~~do,t~a!l(tc~l~ll!f~I~I!S,~.~~ j!!lpc6l>; •··.

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'· . . '--.- . ' ,. -- . ' . • Going Qut · ·. . •

'The History ofRock and RoJI' •. , ; • , .. ~ •••.•.•...•.•. ·• , •. 3D · Sc:9tt Weliuo .talk llhout .racing .. : •....•..•.. , . • • • . .. .40 . ~~!s,fH~peniitg ......... .. ~ .. · .................. , ........... SD

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· . • ·Funny Bone . ' C~olce betWeen death and taxes getuasler and ~fer .•.•.... 'D

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Law (well. 5Qrt o~west of th~. Pec~s. •.••••...••.. , ••. · •... 10p •

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vamonos:staff .

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procluc:tlon mgr.

. ' .

Dianne $c311inp, . staff writer

· Sha\lna VJUado high schooll.ntem


. '

Mimonos!, the arts and entertainment magazine of Lincoln County, Is pub· lished everY Friday by th'\1 Ruidoso News. Literary submissions ar:e welcomed .

Submit for consideration to Sandy Suggitt, Vamonos! editor, P.O. Box 128, · . . .

Ruidoso, NM 88355, or call 505.257.400 I. •

. '

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THIRD-GRADERS will bring back music and dance of the rock era in a performance at the Spe~cer Theater Thesday. .

-------- -- -~-- --

' . I

· r.·e-dyed T.shirts, beads and hoola hoops are some of the props used in the song·

·. and~anc;e perfonnance of"The History of Rock and Roll" at the Spencer Theater


. . "In the beginning there was a rock, and like aU · year as 11 run way of teadting language and reading, rodls1 the$!! rocks needed to be moved," intones nam- vocabulary, discipline, perfonnance skiDs. tor/di$c jodrey Ron Thomson. This necessit¥ led to a "There are so many things that they can leam from discovely: "the easiest way to move a rock is to roO something like this that they can't learn from a book or out" from day-ttHiay dasses." she said. "It g;~~,exdlted

The dasses of Susie Cox and GaJy Stamper have and it gives them a dimension that been lebearsing the songs and choreography sino: Feb. places." 1 and had ~ir first perfonnances in fiont of an audi- "The HistoJY of Rock and Rolf' wiD be performed at ence at the White Mountain gym Thesday. 7 p.m. Theiday, April IS at the Spencer Theater by two

'1t's an original wolk. a take-oll"-on EMs, the third-grade dasses from White Mountain 8emental)' Temptations, Beatles, Beach Boys and some disco," Cox School. said. "It takes you through the steps ofthe progression Tickets are available tree at the school and 3f!l of RICk and roll." required for admission.

Cox said the dasses do a production like this evel)'

.... '


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Sandy Sug:gill

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· GOING OUT · · · ·· .· · ·-. · · · · . · · · · · · · · .. · ·· · : . . _.· . . ' . . . . . --. ; . ' . . :· .. ' . . . . .,. ' . . ·. . ' . ,- . • • • • • • • • _., ••••••••• , •••••••••••••• , •••• ,., •••• , , • , , •• •• ••• • ,. •••••••, •• ,,, • ,. ••-•• "-•·•"'¥"',..,,.,:.,+ •.. ••• •••ll!'f:'~ "-~•-.•,•~~>!!1:••,,., ••• , ••., "'" "' ••••-• '"'~'', t!lllll., ~.,, •• •• , .:. "'. ••·••-· •'t•, •• 11•, ••-•••• •••• ·····-~, ••,

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· · Boys Don't Ci')' The Bachelor ·

,., .. ·. . ....



· Music·~hhe Heart · ·. · Flawle~ ·

. · ,.._10 rentals April 6 • AprJII1

Fqr ~~e l-ove of the Game · co,., ... ·"e" e · · :. . · ""'MI.tiL!O~ . .

.····.· ~-Ki· . ·, . . . . ... IIJ$ .... T!i!Jibi!IW"e~s

.•. . . Mumr<lfd.· Stuart '!Jttle

' · . 'tife$$,!1ng$r · . · S11persijr ; ..

. . · .. APr~ns . -


Star Wltf:;:: r;piSode I H~pp(l'~ ' &one Qollettclr · Th~ to Tailgq

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Fi(e photo.· ,.

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On Thesday, April 18 at 7:00 pm, Scott Wells horse racing was more than just sport; It was like will present "Riding to Glory: America's First the arms race. One of the reasons southerners Professional Sport" at The Hubbard Museum of decjded to go to war was because they were sure the American West. The presentation consists of · they had the better horses." historical highlights and humorous anecdotes ·· · The earliest recorded horse race in tbe United from the world of horse racing. Included are stil· Sfates was near present-day Bernalillo, New ries of slaves who earned their freedotil,.and went Mexico in 1532 betWeen the Spanish conquistador on to win the Kentucky Derby; . scandals and .Qironado and one of his captains. Not long after­superb performances which changed the nature of Wards, colonists on the east cOast began racing the sport; and the stories of Haynie's Maria, Black their horses, leading to the development of the Gold, Man O'War, Citation and Secretariat, among "Celebrated American Quarter-Running Horse," others. the ancestor of the Quarter Horses who .race at

"Few people 1alize just how important horse Ruidoso Downs today. Between those early days racing was in an earlier era," notes Wells, who and these, the history of racing has been one of serves the Museum ·as Curator of the Ruidoso controversy, glory and glamour. _ Downs Race Horse Hall of Fame .. "The regional · "Riding to Glory: America's First Professional rivalries over which state produced the fastest Sportff is open to the public, and admission is free. horses were very serious, and impoitant races ·The Museum is locatedjusteastofRuldoso Downs· were the equivalent of today's Super Bowls. But Race Track & Casino.

HAIR Women's Haircut & Style ...........•.. $18 Women's Perms ... -.·.-·-·-···· -)~.JWea Men's Haircuts. . ................... 510 Prom Speml Dos And Updos (shampoo/set & style) ................ $16

•"~-"'-·"'-''" _,_ TAJOONC IJ.iiCW.S

I session . ..... ~ ....... , ............. $3 10 sessions ......................... $25 Monthly (unlimited sessions) •...•....•• $37

i.alj! appointmenls available 11, request

FINAL TOUCH Hair &Tanning Salon 258-2051 • 1204 Mechem Drive In White Mountain Plm

Jackie Srevens, owner/styllst • jodie Taylor, stylist

(Also, looking for an Hairdres.!er & Nail Tech to work In a fun estabflWd SliiOI't.J

.. , . . . '

• •

Fight Club

Koren Boehler The Chippendale's dancers women 21 years and older....:no

will appear at Shooters Pizza, men allowed. Get your tickets 8:311 p.m. Mori~ay. 1itkets will quick or you may not be able ttl cost $25 V.I.P., $20 ~gular. get in. Shooters is 2 miles east Tickets can be purchased at of Holloman AFB. For more Shooters. The show Is for information call (505) 44J.6000.

Silver City/Grant studio

and gallery tour -There will be · a San played throughout doWntown

Vincente Artist's · Studio & Silver City 'and in seve~al stu·. Gallery Thur from·to a.m.-5 dlos within a short drive. Free p.m. on Saturday, April IS, tour map~ showing the loca· and from 12 noon untiiS p.m. tion of artist's studios and gal· on Sunday, April 16 at select· leries are available at the ed -sites.· There is a wide vari· Silver City/Grant County ety ofartists in this year's San Chamber of Commerce, 201 Vincente Artists group with a N. Hudson, Silver City, N.M. as wide range of disciplines well as at the individual including' painters. ceramic artists' studios. The tour is artists, sculpture . artists, free to the public and guided mixed media artists, fiber tours for school and other artists, photographers, pen & community groups are avail· ink artists, jewelers!·. stained able with advance notice. For glass and woodturning. more information call (505) Samples of work will be dis· 538·5232.

• ~ ' • • 1 • • ..

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. . "

........ ~ .......................... ~·····~ .... , ............................................................. · ................................................. W.~.~ I.~~ ... tl.Af-~ ~.~ J.~ ~. Friday, March 14

lllnderpmn lle&iSI1itlon • fte&lstntlon 9 a.m.-noon at the Capitan Elementary, Cummins Gymnasium. Publilller for Seniors 9 a.m.-noon. lnSUlJcted by Michelle Volk. 1111111050 Rose Day . Ruidoso Evening . Uons Club 7th Annlvellal)'. AARP Free 1U A,s$1stance Last day for tax iiSSiltanl;l! at the Rutdo$o Senior Ceniei. SPI Sliddelfh. 257-4.565. ''111ree Utile ·Pipn .. . 7 p.m. at tb~ Spl!fl(er :rf!!!ater. Calll36-4800 for.mbre trifortnaihlli. · · . .

misSion. llul4lql Mllllcfal Sdi!!Ol Qislrkt'$ Gllld ......... *llff Conlmllile Meeting

. 5 p,m. at the Admlnlstralic;>n Building on 2.00 Horton Circle. The public is invited. 257-'4051. .


Thursday, Aprll20 Sletl ilnun land. ' 6:30p.m. and 8 P,tn.:at SNMUin Portales. (505) 562-~1117; . . ' ~ . . . . ·. ~3. tl!ill1y~-- .... ·6: Oatthelnpe·~MountalnGoil:;. Na-11951 dlnnw followed bY gambling. 354~ , 2635·or 378-8025. . . · · .

"Slap Palnllo&i" . EfiMU Dance Production . Friday, Aprll 21

8 p.m., urt. tld«ots $7 general admlsslpn, $6 senior cltize11$, $5 pre,r;ollege, · $4 . Fiddle COI1te$t . ENMU 5\Udents. (505) 562-27§7. · to a.m.-4p.m •. With tunc~ break 1111d

Saturday, Aprll 15 •

White GaleS $IU$o 1bUr All day. Map a'lilitabie at th~ RuldoSI> Valley Chamber of C0111merce. 251,7395. ·

·"Nettll!t' --. Worksbop I 0 a.n1.-l p,m. at the College Ubrary ill Ruidoso .. 257-lllO.or 800-934-3668. Three 11ivf!!t ... ff.!,tit!llal ~~,~·· · ..... I 0 am. lll'lliill pl~llic lu~ If yo~ wlih .. Hike up thecall)'rm,toleam ab614 the~

7p.m.-IO pm. Ticllets are ~,00. At lhe CIVIc Center, 400 W. Fourth Street. Truth · or Consequences, New Mexlc:O; (505)894-2908. lntwniaonal Fiesta Fiddle COI1te$t All day at lhe CMc Center, 400 W. Fourth Street In Truth or Consequence$, N!>W .· Mexico. The public Is invited. Festival con­tinues through Sunday, April 23. Contact· New Mexico Old Tltne Fiddlers ·at (505) 894-2908c;>r write to P.O. lltlx 4.69. Tru\h or Conequences, New Mexic;d 87901.

and Its plalit llf~. Meet the Thret RM:rs . , · Trading Post onHW,. S4 (36 miles north . . Ongoing Alamagordo). Call. Sob H~l at 258-~!140 In . . . ~ . · Ruidoso or Unda (;reen at 687-3103 In "'1*1 ..., SdiOo,l of Dance Cloudcroft for morelnfonnaiion. ' Gla$Sic &!let, Jazz and tap for all ages. Cud ParCy • • BeainneB and volunteers always wei-6:30p.m. die games begin, Call Margret at cane. 1204 M.m. 258-1946. 257-40n. lllod~CIInk EfiMU Stm-"101111' Onlles.._ · .Mond~ •. frid•• ~. a.m.-4 p.m. at the .• 7 p.m. :it'\i~charian H;l•located In the Ruid~ Se; Center. 50 I Sudderth. IIUidciSo l'lllilk library and everyone's favorile party girl. She ENMU · School of Music In Portales. 257-456'5. 107 Kansas ~ Rd. (next to lhe Ruidoso shares thjs roller<aaster lifestyle of hop-f'roceeds'it) benefit Untvml!y $)'111pholl)' l!rlfp . Vii~ Halq 1i8-esd3104. 0

0pen Mo

7nday 10 ping ~boyfi:Oil1 dance du~ to bar til hangover

Leaguescholarshlps •. (SOS) 562- At· the RukiOSI> Senior Center. 501 a.m ..... p.m.. u ay I a.m.•. p.m., witll iiencjjasp\!1'-handsome, magnet· ......... _._ 25~ '565 · · Wednesday and Thursday 9 a.m -6 p m k: and ~a~ 10 life on lhe wild

· · ..t... til 6 :::-_,;.··~~~~ . · ...... _d_ at t·.•o . Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday 1'1 a.~.-3 side. Ufel$justan~etnde)?auc;hery-Sunwav Ap. 1 ""'N - .... ~ ...... _,. • unti1Gwe~)-~fut••her$ts-. · n · .~.· OU. pi~ ·1 ~~~-. • To~....... , ~-~ of lhe Ubrary lltlok Shoppe are ter !JIY'$ W'eddiJII, 'When sht!'Bels drunk.

Whiii~SIIIfiD'Ibllr ur"'•~ ...,u.,. 10 3 Monday, Tuesda ~theNmollridlimi:~a . . . Thursdt/5. ~and Satii.Jday$, I p.m. ~~·~·. p.m. ' y, DUI··.··.o. •.• ........... 'In-·~~ .......... ··· .. ·-.. '"'·~,· Allday, .;MllableattheiWkii)SQYalley · antl·lhursdayat7<·P.rllo . , ..... ......,andfrlday, .. . ,.NI<R)M'f• ~ .............. -

ChamberofCommerce, 257-7395. ....-.. . ..................... . . • . • . 'l'hert, G~ ~ faq, to~ With a _....,,.__ .. , illllqtle ~et t>f ~(like no' <:ell· phones). 106 • S. Uncoln Ave. Free registration. Exhibits & 'fteceptiOO.S and rituals pil«< chanting) embraCed by an

Mondav Aprll 17 Open Tue$day and Friday to a.rn.-2 p.m.. as5QIU1Ient of l.ilsd!Wing fellow re~ 'II w.......""".IO a.m.-7:30p.m., Thu"'~- 1'- II .. ~-, ·-, ..nladlaaHIIIilrtSflalr ~: Eddle, Gelharclt. Ollvior, Andrea.

Mc11f1r 11it111 Faalllllln 1j1r111 IOa.m.-5:30 p.m .. Saturday 10 a..m. - 2 lobby of the Golden Ubnrf through April Roshanda, and BIBle '-•ft A jaded ritvglrl 7 p.m. at Clvlst's Church 1n Roswell. All - p.m. Info and renew by phone (505) 35+ 211n Portales. (505) 562·2787. 10 the core. Gwen (;'~ned-~ to men ate welcOme, no chal&e. no offerings 3035. · ~ If....., IIMIIII~ · eonform. Theil she meets Counselor wiD be taken. Cheny pte and co1Tee Wtfl • spanish worlcstatlon available 10 lhe · In foeCry 1111 ftlrlkiiiii.U Coniell, who~ IQ break thtough her be served. - public. Write and learn In Spanish! The Museum of Fine Arts In Santa Fe, carefuly eormruca!d deleiises. ud facw

~ lilllmll'niiiiiJ Exhibit runs .....,...,June •• (505) 476-- hertotalloadoserlook~whoshereally 1b .,,t...,, Aprll 18 Wednesdays, 6--7:30 p.m. at the Capitan 5058 or (sosi4~ool. Qo , Is. Ultimately, through the companionship

e"'""1' . Public Ubmy, 106 S. Uncoln Ave., tii .... Min~,_ . ofhergrO!!paswellasadevastating loss, Capitan. Please call to reserve a space. New Mexico Sartos by ret4blo at!lst Poly Gwen grackJally loses her cynicism and

...... lonllllllrtiSfrlll Serlls ..... ..., lfllodlllll SIIIW" I :30 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Spencer Theater for the Performing Arts. Performance wll leatwe third and fourth piers from White Mountain Elemenwy School. 336-4800 or 888-81B-78n ltlltlly of .... ...,. Ltdln 7 p.m. at the Hubbord Museum of the American West. leclure wil be given by Scott Wels, CUI1IOr of the Rze Horse Hill of Fame. Admission il free. 378-4142.

Wednesday, April19 llitiiJIIIIIIIIjlllillloa • Clal~cnft 9 a.m.oflOOI'I at the Cloudcroft Elementar)r gymnasium. 257-2368. • lllalilllrlll At the Ruldoso High School Publlc ~Room. Must be ·JByear; of • or elder, or 17 )'llai'S of• With parent per-

(SQS) 35+3035. E. Chavez wiD be 011 display at the Ruidoso begins the toni stJvde to take back her ._.. c-ty Ulnty CGIIIIII 'lllfar Public ~ thtough April 19• 2S8-3704 life. Ma)'be, she d'~SCQmS, >-our insides can Register. for 111101' training 10 be held matdJ your OlltSides. · Sunday, April I and Sunday, April Bfrom 9 Erin lllldlllllldl a.m.- • p.m. at the Uncoln County \'Vorl<$ . Memes 1>rw1 office. All cralning and.matWis are free. R;led Rfortquage Contatt lletty Hambrick at the Uteracy Siena Cinema ~)jail<>l>sts,Morgf-fel&8ibeiger,Aar<ln Councii630.SIBI or 800-934-3668. n 1 Mechem Drive EcklliiT, SCDll)l l.eawnWarth and .tiler!: Fhinoy

Call257-9#4forsh0wtimes. "'--'by•--•-~...o. 1111111 Gil Wlllell Slllllr Fooil..... """""'" ._ ............ Monday-Friday, noon a1 the 2la Senior FrociJced by~ DoW..; MllfliOI Shmlberz

Cenl!r.IWidosoDowns,intheoinlnghal. ~~-13 ror mature t11emat1e e1e- =-.~~~andSu!amah Forthe Ruidoso ;rea. 378-1659. nlenlsinvoiYIIW substlnce abuse, langiDge en. ~~ and same sensuality. DiSirlbula: ~.~nt.=~l'lcllns .. ~.-, .. 3:30-5 p.m. at the Rulcloso Starring: Sandra Bullock, Azura Skye, Synapsis; In a world whete heroes ore often In Public Ulny, 107 Kansas City Rd. (next Elizabeth Perkins, Diane ladd. Vtgg~~ shc!n S141P1y, the lllliY of Eri1 Broci<OYich t .. n to the Village Hal). Children's ~ Mortenson lr•phdonalratllnclorolthepc>W!I'clthelunan nited G or PG. 258-3704 .Dnctedby Betty Thomas $Pirlt.

ThuMo$diao!SIIIylllle Producedbyjemo'lbpplrw llllkiiOI-VJ•It

rsdays. II a.m.oflOOI'I a1 the Capi1al Wiitten l!y Susinnah Gran!: 1bna: 2 r.... 03 mn. POOlic l.inrjt ~ and tliell' Distributor: Columbia 1itstlr ~biRR fot-Giwor~ and fer lan-p;renu/c:are givers all welcome! 35+ Syncpsis: Gwen Culnnqs iluJcc:essful .,. 3035. New Yorlc wri1!l' IMng l!fe In the fast lane ~ ~ Leo Janes, Mark ~

... '

Samuel L JacksOn: John Speredokco, Guy Pean:e · .Directed by Witflaffi Friedkin; produced by Scott"

Rudin and RJd)ard 0 Zanu;k; wri~ by Stephen

Goghan Oistri\Mor: Paramount PiCll.lres When tile U.S. Embassy ill Yemen is <urrounded by a laige crowd of dem01l$trators, Col. Terty ChilderS, USMC, is ordered to lead a squadron pi

· MarinO! to bolster security at the embi.ssy. He has

orders to evatuate the ambassador and his f<m~ly . ~ tile siq;laUon tljrns violent A lew short houn alw Chlldll!> jaunq,e, his m~slon, the amhas· •• , :;afety Is segu-ed, but tllnoe of Child""'

men are ~. lllqng v.;t~~ m~ lhah ·me 80 . . . Yemeni men, women and dlildren killed by

Marlile gunfire. Childers .I\OW fates a court-mar­·. tiaJ lor.. violating tile"'"" of engagement by killing ~ cMiia!lS. He denies tile ch"'ie. con­tending the pro~ were armed and had

· oPened fl~ on the Embassy. But k appears lhat ·: . ' '• . '

· the ~rnenthas made tlletolonolllle fall guy for an ugly dlploma~c aisls: the ITie11 who c:nukl

have b!Stlfied. im h~ tiehalf have been kiUed In

lakin. one of the witnesses seell!S to be ~1ng.

and d)e f'nlsl~s Na<lonai Security M~ . destrvts !!Vi-mai m~Jht help Childers' case · Chi~ reiUsC$tp go down quietly !"'d tljms to · ·

hll k>oz~!rne frti'!Jd,H~,I:J<!#w. to defend h1m.

1ltf ~cf toll Milo ' ; . . . .

Comedy. I hf, 29 min. . . ~aid: I'G for mild ~tlc mamrial and ian· guage. . ' . Slalring: Kevlll:!Oine, Amland Assanm, ~ Br.magh, Edl'iardjarnes.OI~ and Rosie Perez Oirfl<bld by Don Paul ~nd Eric Bergeron; pr<>­duced by Penney A~ Cox. Sandra Rabins, Broolce Breton and ll9nne Radford; V'riiiOil by

Ted ElliOtt <!Ni TonY Rosslo Tullo and Mif.Uel, a jliilr ol two-bit con men, believe they have foundtltelrpath to lorwne and glolywhen .they wtn a map to El Ooi>do, the leg­endary Cit)' of Goltl: There's only one problem they've wound ~ Jock.d In the brig on a ship of the Spanish. explorer Conlls. After a daring escape.. Wlth the ·help or li clever war horse ·named Altiw>, they ....,. to suonble onto El Dorado only to lind their IIIU>IIs are just belif>-,q. -

·Music (fte MalloWs cony Cllill Uve muslt fNety night plano from 5 p.m. 10 7 p.m., dancing Wednesday thrOugh Saturday. 7 p.m.-II p.m.

11le DecldllluSe ..... Uve mU$Ic every Friday and Saturday night, 6-11 p.m. On Mechem in lhe Adobe Plaza. .... Inn Western, Tex Mex and old rock'n roll inU5It Friday and Saturday 9p.m.-1 a.m. by l..onghorri l!and. AcrQss from Ruidoso Ford.

~-l.alllll Open Wed • .sat. In the Enchantment Inn. · Uve music. Geneva performs on Thursday. The Longhorn Band plays Friday and Saturday. Call Patty at 378-40.51 for more Information.

'1111 Qllllters Live inU5It tlr-ough Sunday. ~ on Mcndtys and Tuesday$ at 2535 Sudderth Dr.

MI,Pia&SIIIIIr Uve music by Wid Cart from 8:30 p.m.IO 1:30, through Sunday at 2516 Suclderth Dr.



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PALLA PAINTS~ Carrizo l'lounraln from· her stUdio 111 Whlte Oaks.


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A i/tosirown comes aRVtthis,·ke~Os 14 arti~ ~l/Jitthir .~ ..... ; i.. . ·· · : ;, : ' i·; ·. for the sev;nth amutab1rti~ts of;WhiteOaks Studio tour.' ·. . . . ·.· :.>. :: ,·, . . . . . . >.:::, . '

. --~ ·~'"-...- .•. :...~·J • ·~ • • •. - • • . •... ,- '·' .,.' .... '· ·. ~-- ~ •• ,. • • • • • • -· " • <> .- . . .. ' . '_.' :-·. > . . '. · .• ,' . ":' . . .• ;,. . ; • ' ,· ·,·. ,, . . . ... _.· . -..... - ' ~

· ·. 'toilndedinlil~;thistoWfiwasoncedneoftile ~n,1993, tv/9'pain~t'$ fi'Qm.'i'®il·moved ID White :ittlSI$~Thehl$.ti:C:Wfd~OaksSdloolbousewl11df$- · · · : · l~ri~settlemen!S i~lincoln CountyWhengol4 'Wils O~b~JimMack andjonn Duncan,followed alitlfelat• play the WOlf< ~$1l~.artl$ an~ studio-tOur: map~ ~ , · . ·· . • . · · discovered.;. alii! rent0\lf:4,_The' @illllad byp~. ter .bY paint¢r lklb Reynie®ili ijlid.Jh~ l,l)WII was tllfi ~pid<e!ltlplhere.·· ; . ·. ·. • ' . .' • . ·. ' ~Oaks-, though,and wenttfJiougllcatriZO~i.OO.' Olll'efllo're 1f budiling~ colony.:: · . ·, · : Qltatot~ltl.t~lie, wbowasJ;Qrn andrai~in ,. ;. : _ · : . lllllst ·of the residenl$. picked up- theirhooses. aod · · ' Si:\'en buildings or studios wiiJ:bl:' ~fi'Qm White oa~,_\'!iU ~ bllltand to sfloWVi$itotsaround · . -. ; · .. moved !liere,leavitig White oak$ to the ghos!$. . . · 10 a.m. tG 4 p.m. S3ttiiday'llitli;Stifj(fay {except the · themilS¢1llli 'ilpstaitt\Wlfdfhoo~ ai'ljfa~<indpho:-': · · · . ·

1be.l970S broug\ settle~S a~ ardsls~lted · :Gym-New. KOI.Ise wftidi 'Will be OWn. 1.Q·-.m~2 p.m. t~pb~9fdie tum-of-~ntul'}' gold-!ltiht118' ~ra. • . · moving ,in lind fonniog a ~mmunity, but II)()St·.of SatU~y and 10 :a.m. of p.m. Suncfi!y) to displil)' ~ Ll.iiidl $id eltlgant d~!111 will )le·9fti!red thi!re by· · them left for placeS' where iliey.Clillfd make a Jiving. work of nine White Oaks :resid~ts .and five .gUest .i'i!tCooperattd ~lrie&cptt.Titf~!!S!illllAifowed''

', . ' -.. . . . . . . . . ; ' .. .. . , .

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· ... ····.. ·· .· . . ·· . · · · · · · ·· THE ARTS .... , ...... , ... !•······· ... ·~ ..•.............. ···~·tl ... ,. ......... ""' ............ ········· .............................................. ~ ... -. ........................ " .................•..•............. ~ .. ·~ •, ..

White Oi!l<s Saloon on d1e main ing, including photographer Brad lidded jars and a series of teapots .. street will also be op~n. Cooper, whose Worl< has appeared in Her upstairs srudio received a fa~lift and the views from . Exhibit$ of paintillgs, pottery, Sunset Mqgazine, Texas Monthly. Better the window~ ecl1o the simplicity and elegance of her work.

photogrl!phs, sculpture, . Homes and Gardens, Golf Digest and var· Guest artists at White Oaks Po(!:ery ind1.1de lb!nate Shiver's !l~lewotk 'alld. !i~or~tive ... ious iri-dight airline magazine covers. hand-built coil pots, wall pieces and floor sculptures d1at result willliVe\l th~ .old $htl:lt town .. . ·.·· Cooper is marketing director for the in spontaneous organic forms and what she calls "controlled 'makc:Jor!lme))tor.t~lew~kend ... · Spen~r Theater in Alto, a writer and forced forms."

From .CarriZQi:o,· tik~ Route graphit deslgneras,well as a photog· "Coils represent d1e influences, pad1s, roles and expe1i· 3~0 ~ttoWa.ll! \iilugbii, and JoQk • rapher- and a White Oaks resident. ences which shape our lives," Shiver writes. "\~'hen I use coils.· for th!!Whlt~OI\ks ~ign.lfs a JQ\ie- ·· Cooper's work displayed in d1e I feel as if the form being created is in 'harmony with the ly (lrie· drive through the · · main schoolroom of the ·schoolhous,e pro~ss of living." · niount,ain~·!Wiii :R!Iidoso .. · showcases local scenery· and South· Shiver explores du~ separate realitillS inherent in each per·

· · . · · .. ~ western themes. · son's unique journey yet il¥herent in acontinuum repffS'fllta- .. . 'Rle lh'Owil .._ . -Came and David Stott, also. resl· tive of human evolurion. Communicado11, love and evolution

This buil~l~gwa~ o~~ the first · dents, will display their work here. Car· are the ideas she cOnveys wid1 day. school ln wfilfe ·Oatcs:~~ibe first. . rie xon will be showing her .illtrit;ate- ' The work of Pat Brazie of Nogal will be Oil d[splay: intricate Shriner's. lo4ge in New . Mexi~o. IY· embroidered quilts, .t~a tOwels, pil· pastel~ of varied subj~rts - gypsy tortune tellers and flowers.

· and Brown Merca11tile was estab- low cases and pillows and her hus· in both .realistic ahdfantaw styles. Brazie's formal background lishea bere. Realist p~inter Bob llarid, David Sco.n, will display his is.ln graphiedesign and printing but she's be~g drawing all her Reynierwn wilt ~hlbit.more than carveq · wal)dng sticks frem native life and wo*)ng wid1 pastels for d)e ]ast 25 years. . three dozen oils ·of all si~es and •;~;;;:,'4 .. woods. lit; will also display a group of Brazie's fild1er. Ted Bi'azie, will also have:C).ls~om-built and severllldotenfflllli®wateawlor$.. small wooden buildings depicting sl}lled frames front.walnut, oak. and cherryd'~t'a reasonable

. He will ai$Q' have liniited~ditidll · · . tiontier life. .. , price," he said. . · prints .an~ small paintings oflocal . 1lle GUIMfew H. ouSe "If an a_rtist is g\lod .~nough to mal<e ;the painting, they

· subjects, such a$ the Valley of Fire. · ought be able' to choose the frame they-want rad1er than using . One!:l known as an equille · . A maje~cVictoriao house beyond ·just run-of.mill," Brazie said. . <- . · ·

.aytist inl<e~llldcy. ~ie!'50il ha$ "HOYLE HOUSE AT SUNSET" die sd1oolbouse a11d 'visible from the · Maggi~ Doyle, a nationally recognized fourth generation · . $1nce ai.'QUite$1 a 'Jl:Piltatiol! as a . mad, the- historic Gumm-New House hand weaver, will als~ display her wor~ at White Oaks ·Pottery . . · West~l;ll- artjs~ •. ,Rl(!'i~ ·.~ev~n~ }. , · .·.. · '. . , . will be open to visitors from IOa.m,·to. Doyle' has lived in Capitan for 20 years,lt!amed weaving from y~ar 10 d1e stu~IP toUr.. ~~.\YJ!I, ~d:iit SOI!t!Jwest landscapes 2 p.m. on Saturday ~nd from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. The her grandipOther, .and has been W~(lving for 40 years. she · and contemporary cowboy att, InCluding paintingS' of the mus- studio tour offers. visitors a rare opportunity to tourthe~two· re~ived.a master's degree in fine arts in textile$ 'and has two . tangs of White Sands and Barbary sheep ;md oryx that Were storY white wood house, Which private' owners are renovating. V pie~s ·in a permanent i:ollectiori atlhe Smithsonian l!lstitute. imported fromAfrica. She spins, dyes, knits and weaves; She has a working we<IVefY.

Reynierso•I receiVed a bachelOr's degree in ·art liom d1e ·11Je 1laylor House in Capitan called Maggie Doyle Handwoven Designs and University of~ntuCky and studied under ~era! European . Palla's impressionist paintings are exhibited in this historic exhibits her work in shows "bad< east." ·· . . . artists. Long an abstract expressionist, in re~nryears he's cop· house, built abOut 1895 and on~ the reside~ of the White tarJ McD~niel, a fifth-generation Nogal resident, will dis· centrated on realism, pften with an abstract or impressionistic Oaks blacksmith. She paints from her airy 'Studio overlo~Jking play P,Ots and picture ,frames at White Oaks Mtery. His bowls, background. . • . .. ·• • . <:ani~ Mountain and on' the top floor of the old Lutz Building cylinder vessels and ,utensil holders are in ~old design.s wid1

Also exhibiting in the Bi'oWilHiluse is bro~ze scitlptorS;tm in CitmzoZQ for larger work.· . blues, greens, whites and brush strol«:s. " Huston. Huston, currendy a state trooper, is li'former profes· Her re~nt paintings focus on different views of Camzo sional boxer and rodeo coWboy.w.IJo ~Ok\lp scu.lpting horses Mountl!in at different times of the day. as a means of entering rodeo~. Ashe began to take his art.serl· "Each time you look at it you see it newly," Palla ously, he took.lessons in the R1'91111¢Pn of bronze sculpture said."You get really attached and there's a real feel-and studied under Westero artiSt: We5 Smith. . . · . · · irig for it."

White- Sch'Oc! ' . I " _,

Several artists will • . -, ··~ .

. . ., '

·' .. ' . Gliilst Town Whlnlsles ' ·, ' •· fo • ~

\il~}lrW!ltk 11::this histll•ric:p . . . . The stUdio ofValerie Thorn~ features an array of .!·,,:·h.··~·, ...•. ·.,6llftS~;Uiprures-whimsical "lady. bears" with jointed

·. Wooden legs, rabbits, babies. oil lamps, freestanding cedar birdfeedeis prnaments and other decorative items. Thomas is a' resident ofWnite Oaks anil ~~

· a week drives to Alamogordo to workas a. registered nurse. · , .. ·

. ' '


. jean ~n Will ·open her stu4io ~,display new wood calVing$ of mars. monks, nativities and 5111\tlls and pain~· de(OrativeiUm(tilre with south· .· ~estelll motifs. Her carvings are Made liom single '·. blil!:ks of wood and pall)tea. · . . '

. An.dersoQ moved to·WJJjte Oaks three' years ago· . · "

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; ' ~~~~·-·~··~~~~~··'.~~~

·· 'lium .Montana. She stUdied art ln Montana and has cal'l/ed undetJ~:Vet-11 mastl!ttarvers. ·

> .. • ' .. ' ~

Oalrs , . . • .. . . her hquse ~nd her , . • 'a~obe . . She got booked on . · .. · · . . potWJY in her fonnal · . e.ducation for · apprenti~ships ·

. ill (ie()Jgia, Mexico lind Wash- . . Jngto~. .· . · NotQI for her blatk, blue and green glazes, her · · . sl~b.built, hand-thrown• pottery has gone t:hrQugh

.. some cbanges recently with new forms and com· . pletely diffi!rentgli!Zes. ,. · . ·

· . · ."fve been stul!ying likt! :cr.IZYr taking worksh9Ps · and I developed a yellow gla~e lfum a recipe of II ·: friena that ·looks like Winter grass;' 1-Jeymann said. '111e ·new oombination of colors .includes teal· and (Op~r, ·and she's developed new fonns for bowls, '

IVY HEYMANN .In her stUdio at White Oaks P.ottery.


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Adobe, The '

190S Sudderth Drtwe, 257,S19S, JSJ-4489 (residence). Upscale and unusual sUver jewelry, metal works, accessories, paintings, pottery, hardwood items by local artisan$ and crafters.

Art and Artifact 107 S. Uncoln Ave., Cilpltan, J$4-816. A contemporary gallery featuring One a!'l

·and rare, unusual objects for collectors. Gallery hours are II ;Lm. to 7 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, or by appoi11tment

S46 SUddel'lll, JSJ·IOS6. Pottery and past~s by Kenyon Thomas, fine weavlngs by Marcia Thomas. Cilll for gallery hours. · ·

New Orleans artist Jim l,W;uri! lzes In portraits of ~llenn' angels, He ;d$o pain!.$ IU!g!!li¢' $ChOCJI and church murals, · walls of .private hPrnes an.d

Lorene & Larry's Frame & ·His stU~fl!ls <~pen tQ the .

' .

m 08 THE ARTS·.

. Art appplnlmj!Jit, . ·

Bella!~ Artes Gallery zas Main Rd. capltaQ, JS4-zeos · . ·· .· Sptbiu ~anvon. Gall. " .• .v··.· .•. ·. · :> -·• .No. ·~ Jlra Plua, JOO'~dlem, (811) · Orlgloal a11, . waterd)lor palntlhg,. . . . ·e · '1 · ":"I

6JD-Be01 · SouthWestern prints anct custom design . Uile Sllddlll'lll Drift, hi•ISo,lS7. · ~I.SI,I• · · Featuring the sophistiCated art of Manuel furniture by Larry. . , . . . . , . . ··. , Lopez Cia. · . · . . Artist MJ~~ l\1~plca o~ , Sptl"'

• . • · di. ~yon SJ:~~Iptunng studioo :to~~~~; ·· · J. MaWttsen St!! Q. whereyo!/ca(lhleetthe.~ Benson Fine Art SOI·B can:llo Canyon Rd., JSJ.Q48 as a crea~on.uorolds.before. ·

OH Hwy. .70, san P~trklo, ISJ.4081 f 1e 1p S and burl 0 · Now open In Its new location rn San reesl)' scu . lures. · .tone • · Haul'$:· I a.m.· 10 5 p.m, Patricio, caJI653-4081. wood. Also works-by Apache sculptor :rhuilday, ~'10 a.m. ·!Q 7J3.1Fit

, Jordan Torres. AIWJ,ys open. · Friday • Sllfiday.

Calil'otnia Colors Lincoln State Monument · · · .. '' , Stribling Fine. Art _ , 101 CGunlry Cl"'8d., Ruidoso, 257~011 Hwy. J80, Lincoln, 6SJ437t , ·

Barbara DelhPWestbroak Is the artist In Featuring tfie newly renovated .Montaiio ' ' · · · · · · residence of this gallery of art. Store and temporary exhibits highllgh!lng ICQI '~~lllllr.o IJIJ(qsjl, lSa~.

Cruces Art Bronze the Montano family, Hispanic c~ntlibu· Featuring ,. c<~nte'l!porary Southwest · _ !Ions to lh• area artd adobe architecture. paintings by New .Mexlto artist Stephen

S!4 Sudderth, 257-1186 Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Frtd~y tQ Sunday; Stribling. Located In The.Attlc complex Foundry, gallery and jewelry. Specializing Admission fee included In the $6 dally .. (upstairs In back). Hollis: 10 a.m. ·!Q 2 1n custom bronze casting, bronze sculp· pass which can be purchased at the . •p.m. Thursday • Sunday, or by appt. ture, alabaster, and rna"~!:, Open dally Court House far admission to seven from I 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. ' builqings Including facilities ol the

Expressions .in BroJ!Ze lOOJ SUdderth, lluldDSO, 257-3790 Dave McGary's facility features a finish· ing studio and a gallery which Showcases a two-decade retrospective collection of his "Images In Bronte." Gallery hours are 10 to 5 p.m. Mom!ay • Saturday.,.

Hubbard Museum of \he An\erican West.

McMahon Fiile Art No, 7Jin Plua, JOO Jledlem, ZS7~10Z Tom McMahon features Internationally acclalmeil artists In a variety of .media. American pal~tlngs and works oq paper, 18th to 20ih Centuries. · ·


. ' 'the Tree's Hoose 1- ' •

Nlljll CIIIJOII load ollll'wy. U betWeen m11e lilrters m. NoJII, JS.t41oe, · . The Laggs'are WOCJdW4»-ke" who de51gn

.. and create a variety <~f functional ~-. works, Including doors, sci'eehs and lamps. Loc:ated In Npgil) at Hwy. 37 alid N. Canyon Road. FtUit of the Trees

Hwy 380 bet. mile ..... 9S and 96, Mtn. .Arts• GaJIPI'V & . .. Unique Creations .. 6SJ.4fi9 . • ' -~

Artist Paula Wllspn and bookbinder · · · JltllpJiog • 11op1ical, JS4.3SOO JS4.4l03, Beverly Wilson showcase their h011d- JSSO Sil~ilerlll Dl'., llultiQso, 2St~4t ,...__ · · . · by ~.~ Hartl. made paper, blank joutnals and multiple The ·W!!IY feai\Are$ C!ligfnal$ an~ prllltS ~tlve upresslons -·v' t!f products - all with paper. Tum north at 11y 1~ .. litdst'leri SOcii! •. ~ b)> IIlli lnduile fiber art furniture, etChed and . the sign on HY/fi '3Bil between mile . );Ueoti;·:Mtcballl Atkli®n, Jud>'. Larson, stained glass, original macrornt~ head· marker 95 and 96, fo]low.the drive and. Oal!l·· Tllt'b.\lsll~ Robe~ Carver,· $Uanne bclards, wall hangings etc. Open by signs tQ the studio; , ~·~ "1~· Hand~W!If;li:ts. appointment for Interior CQOSUitadon,

... · pp~ ~lnas and nJ&$• 011¢11 seven CQmmlsslons and gift items.

"yard art. glass sculp­

jones. and


;to. Hurd.-La Itinconada ' ' - '

Gall~ry Ofl Hwy. JO Ill Saltl'alrldo, •

. · dat'$/l9~f!i. co~ p.m. t. ·· · .• , , -. " ' ' I . -, ,, ' "'

\•,;·, ;'• ·_., ·~ : . , Western ~Gallery llOtut Silolray .... Qplflll 1$4-.tlOJ, . '

' Original westemQis, a CQIIe«;tiQn of quaJ. 1ty Indian jew~ry and artifacts, unique ethnovaPI!Ic and reg1Q8al crafts ••

White Mtn. Pottery Giinery 2121 Sill~·"' Dr.,IIUIKn, JS1-3M4i Established 1n 1975 and featurinc a CQI­Iectlon ·<~f t3lented clay artiSts, It offers tableiwre, lamps andacce5torles lly local and nationally lcnQwn potters. Call for gallery hours.

White oaks Pottery Studio and Gallery

;· CGuntesy

m.::Artist .. of the MQrith at t~e Ruldpso •' ..


Chamber Artist ' • 0


of ·the ·Month .... - -;". ,, .

Bruce Chapman's woft will be at the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce from April18 through May 1. Chapman ·is a self. taught artist who has beeppainti(lg for. more. 'than 30. . years. Chapman has painted large_,Cil!lVases r,rom flu ad, ~ow­·mg abstracts to )and and seasCl!P~s Ui a vanety of medaums such as airbrush, sand, cloth, palette l<olfe and 'Sponge and bnish. Sin.;e moving to Ruidoso in 199$ where: he a~me to paint, he has become known in local circles as The Sunset Artist after' his 1997 release of three limited·edition .prints.

Among bls. juried shows is the annual ~rt Walk in San Diego In 1~92 and 1993, the 199·7 Fall Alllencan Art Show at the Museum of the Hors.e, the Wine Connoisseur Classic in l999, and t~C! Free Spiritsjuried Fine and D~corative Art Show and Sale in ~~~~9. a~4 29{19, at tb~ Mu~eum of tile ~orse.

So wbaf iS b1s mspirabon fO~pa•ra"ng7 ''I pamt because crl!atirtg a 'jiltfUre:~nd ttl~ be~. · .' t~~~!~,f(.tlie 'btidge t.hat

. connects my hfe teJ·my soul. XS 1 w~gle soars:)n .f~~do,ln ~f · flight ... so does 111~ sou' Wben'tie~:f'l!ate 1\''tbingi)fbeiiU):y.l. · · have seen ... tendering it to gm\la$to share With tf!Ps~'Wito

" see.'' Bruce Ch~Jpli!a~. · , ·

Easter:· . .. cet&r~ ~~t the M·. )unt~•in ~~::,d_:~~!~! Higbway 37 ritile marker 3 and needed materials will · using your own design p.m. For moll!

April22•23 at the Mountain lllilrker 3. On Saturday t.ll e ei. 2-6 p.m. o)'l' Slfnday mi•)riliit a.m-12 cos~ is $5 peo:rr


more all, (505) 3' . Among featured at the Fifth Annual

at San sdiool) tiallery in San Aacia

., -. ' .. ' .. . '' ' '. . _;· ' .

"·' ' .. '

''·' - ..

', .. '

E. Chavez. · will run through May . the artists 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Satulrda r!IPnl· ;.:!1> with and ¢t:aditional music show will and wn1rlr and

and half a .· · east, miles north of Socorro. For more information 1007. .


! ' l

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' ' •

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n. ·-a easier and. easier


es to do, such as adding new regu· Some people have suggested lations to the Tax Code. 'In fact, that our tax laws should 6e sim· NOBODY has ever read al~ the plified so that the taxpayers . way th~!lgh the Tax Code. The' could actually understand them. last attempt to do so was made How could this be done 1 My in 1987 by a squad of coura· friend john Oorschner proposes geous volunteer Certified Public this system: ~very year, on April . Accountants, accompanied by 15, all members of Congress Sherpa guides. The last survivor would be placed in Individual . made it as far as Sect.ion 2038· prison cells with 'the necessary 1239·0293.423.49.112.6(b)(m), tax forms and a copy of the Tax "Guidelines Concerning the Fidu- Code. They would remain locked ciary Depredation of the Pitu· ·in the cells, without food or

JJcu,o {]..;,, itary Exemption for Certain lllk water, until they had completed

1rva•s Wop•o Parts." According to the corqner, their tax returns and successfully . T~!DUNk EPIA SERYI~·· . 'what was tert' of his brain undergone a fUll IRS audit. Of

· .: , . :;looked like mayonnaise." course this system would proba· • . ,·· • .: , ": '.'

1'1, ·,: ~ :;, .:";1)ui(for fu#; let's look at an bly result in a severe shortage of

,It's tifD;e JC?r 1mYJ»P!'al i'~x ...,~ual ,"sent~n~~from t~e Tax c~ngresspersons. But there GUide, l-Vhlch .tllke., ~9.11, .~Je!},"~},(':, -~ ~pde :~at .I ~W not makmg up, m1ght also b; som~ drawbacks. step tiJroqgh tije fed:~ill 11~111g ;~t!nt ,1n by alert CPA Paul For the t1me bemg, however, process, from 'obtaining the Mangum: you must follow the current laws proper tax forms all the way to · "Notwithstanding paragraph in preparing ·your return. So getting that desirable upper (b)( I) of this section, a partner- gather together your tax forms, prison bunk. .· · · . ship, S corporation, or personal your financial records, your cal·

I'll start with an important service corporation is consid· culator and your three to five reminder: This year, April IS falls ered a member of a tiered. struc- · quarts of gin, ani! get started! To on a Saturday. which means that, ture if the partnership, S corpo· guide you through the process, · by law, your tax return is due on ration, or personal service cor· here are the answers to some M~CH IS, which was several poration, or related taxpayers common tax questions: weeks ago. (This mu'st be true, have organized or reorganized Q. What are "capital gains"? because it is being printed' in a their ownership. structure or How can I tell ift have them1 newspaper.) If you missed ,tl;le operations for the principal pur· A. This requires a urine test. · deadline, tlfe Internal Revenue pose of obtaining a significant Q. Recently, without realizing Service says not to worry. "This unintended tax benefit from what was happening, · and is a totally understandable error making or continui~g a section through no fault of my own, I made by many taxpayers," states 444 election." accidentally married a multi-mil· IRS Commissioner Charles 0. As a trained English major, I lionaire on nationwide televl· Rossotti. "They will be audite4 have read this sentence several sion. What are the tax implica· with meat hooks.· times, and 1 THINK it's saying tions of this?

Here's another' important" l:lfAt"if'}'oU deliberately trY to A. You must file IRS Form reminder: As a taxpayer, you a~ obtain a benefit that you do not I 092-348-498597-EZ, "Declara· required to be fully in compli· intend to obtain, then you 'tidn of Total Bases Reached on ance with the United States Tax belong in a "tiered structure." I Nuptial Night.". An IRS

Wants To Be A Millionaire" wins ABOUT THE TAX LAWS? The IRS the top prize, how long is it urges you td ,:-ontact your con· before he is contacted by the · gressperson at home ·late at IRS? night, and stresses that "you carl

A. IRS guidelines call for the fully deduct the' cost of the lad· first dog to clamp onto his leg der."' · whi.le he is still hugging Regis.

Q. I understand that I can now file my taxes electronically . How does that work?

A. It's easy! You simply fill out some forms on your computer, then log onto the Internet. Within seconds, all of your per· sonal financial information is in the hands of a 17~year·old hack· er known as The DataBooger.


FRUS With YOUR exercise program?

(Dave Barry is a humor colum· nist for the Miami Herald. Write to him c{o The Miami Herald, One Herald Plaza, Miami FL 33132. The Dave Barry-for-President campaign needs you/ Check out Dave's Web site at h(tp:l/· barry/ for secret orders.}



"30 minute fitness & weight loss centers"

fl"'~llflt iuic;omplete ~110rkl1ut lhlll only takes !J() minutes/ •It's Fun •It's user friendly •Is designed for WOIIIml

• Bums bodv fat • Be21ns when vou show u11 • Code, which is currently the size have no idea what a "tiered spokesperson stated that "this

and weight of the Budweiser structure" is, but it doesn't kirid of thing happens all the Clydesdales. The Tax Code was sound good. I picture a pyramid· time" and noted that "generally 1 WEEK FREE MEMBERSJIIP Call or Stop By Today written by Congr11ss; although of · siJaped iron cage deep in the all that happens is you lose your or 25 7-1313 course no member of Congress bowels of the lkS building, pop· house." extiting rorttWitdi«ount bas ever actually read it: Con· ulated by spiders the size of fox Q. Speaking of television, on ezuolbnent ~ . ;~::t~~~ gress has more important things terriers. when a contestant on "Who L.!!:=======:!::=:L. _ __::::.· =-~-----l


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When a dead man

was found near the

river and brought up •

to the saloon, it was ·

discovered that the

unidentified corpse

had $40 and a pistol

on it. Bean immediate-'

ly fined the dead man

$40 for carrying a

concealed weapon.

1R•IMIU.- • ...

' .. l.···" "·:

' ,,



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I CDS '" " ' '


TK'£ ftllliBAH~ OF l'H! AME!IIq-~


' .. '

' ' . J udge Roy Bean is one Qf the most · colorful characters hr Americ~n his­

tory and quite possibly the most color~

Oh, and by the way, Langtry, Texas is not named 'for the actress · . . Ullie .. Langtry - but I'll get to that,

ful character in· American jurispru- BeJinnlll$ Uttle . is

· dence. And while the .Paul Newman !mown of Roy's · early · years.

movie The Life and Times of judge Roy r:rnt~~e::w~ 1830s . as

Bean was incredibly entertaining, it Phantly Roy ' Bean, he l~:ft his native Ken· tucky, . along with his first name, at about . the age of 15.

was only marginally historically accu­

rate. Wl;lich is not to say. that the real Roy ·Bean • wasn't interesting and,. in ~~:Wa::~ ~~ . Judge Roy Bean .

fact, incredibly entertaining· in his OWO :~ inh~~e ':~. though~ He bad t\\to older brothers that pre-ceded him on .that journey. One of them, joshua, became the

right- although not in the Way,that firstmayorofSanDiego,Califomia. . . With his other brother, Sam, Roy jc>ined a wagon train that

th film' took him first to New Mekico where he cut south, aossed the e _was. Rio Grande andfounded a trading post In Chihuahua. '11te Mex· Many other Western characters haVe had tbt:lr historical lean population there simply loved Roy and Sam's last name;

"come-uppance" in the last 20 years or so. People arejinaHy real· constantly referring to them as "Los Frijoles." · · · izing that Billy the Kid did not kill2t men, that Wyatt Earp may They weren't there long before Roy reportedly shot and not have ever owned the legendary Buntline Special, and that killed a local plstolero and the Beans were headed north again. most of the-characters in the Old West were vefY little like the · Parting company witltbis brother at the bordet,ioy headed far· people that play them in the movies-whidueems to truly dis· ther west to visit with joshua i!l California. While there. by all. appoint many, many movie-goers who want desperately to reports, he did his best•to live up to the image as a hardened believe that the movies has it "right." Westerner .

Roy Bean. however. remains firmly entrenched ·in myth. I Strutting about San Diego, which in 1849 was nothing more mean, did he ~1/y say "Hang 'em first, try 'em later" before sen- than a pueblo, Roy carried two pistols thrust into his belt and a tenl:ing scores.of men to the gallovis? No~. Available evidence bowie kniftl in his boot. To complete the effect, he wore a som· indicates tha~ Bean never sentenced anyone to hang. He reaDy brero iiJJd embroidered pants. The local senoritas. bought the did have a pet bear that liked to drink beer and reportedly was image and Roy became exceedingly popular with them. able to pull the corks with ifs teeth, though, In fact, things went quite well for Roy in San Diego until1852






. . . . . PAST TENSE · . ···························~········t····················~········t······~············~··~··••t•••············~···························································~·············~····~·~····

.. 'fll!!~ p~ ~oundw ~.~~~map in ex~qly sufi!:r f9~1$,, In those days, ply said ''Them three fellers is prize fighting. Despite the fact . Bean's end was far from roman· -~~U~l!Jill$.;~r.otb~'l'~n?tapp,~:. tbeofd S~YJn~~~e: "West of bound to die." · · that prize fighting was Illegal i1i tic. . · ~~~r~~~-~~.:~om~tllile<~~o~1 b.e . th~: PetQsthe~ISJlo law; West of Roy did not permit cursing in . most Western states, there were · In March of 1903, Bean went

. b~d;j#~~~~Y ~ llelltell~nt.W ilie El Pasq tJ,ere IS n~God." his courtroom, which of course, ·many fans, <~nd almost as many . on an extended binge at Del Rio . . $(~~ ~mJbtl~; · 'Roy'·$\'lls. arrested, Nevertbele~s •. m· those days, was also his saloon. When a man promoters, eager to 'circumvent ·. The next day, friends found him

, . . ~~};~~~~~~~~Wallfdi~ qot long a Roy's best. aistomer was, W!!ll, cus.sed, he suddenly found him· those laws. }\nd Bean was the wandering, confused, around his · Prla!lli. m~~e for h1m,. and he Roy . B!!an, alt~ough he never . self being fined the exact anwunt man. to h~lp them circumvent "courtroom." He died peacefully

~~~a$edJlilll$elf on his own ret' arrested himself for being drunk ., that. Bean owed ·him. in change. th!ISi! laws. He invited promot- .. the next morniog, a victim of his . ogjij~~~~-S,.veral'!iionth~ la~\1r,' and disorderly. He "Was, apparent· And then there is. my personal ers, fans, aQd the two heavy- own excesses. But his legelid

J~~h·wa~!d!led by a I'QIJIPntlc rwal. ly, God's Own Mowmouth, favorite: When a dead man was 'weight figliters, Bob Fitzsim· lives on. . '!lli~i':J~gy~ he~ded .batk' to New though, bec~use.vlrtually no one found near the river and brought .11111ns and Peter Maher to join And you know what? His idol . . ,\\.1~CQ~~ereSam had became a · wanted to get into an argu111ent · up to. the Sjlloon, it was discov· him at · langtry. The Texas Lilly L~ngtry, really did come to lawman. · · , . . . . · with him: It w~sn't that he was ered that the unidentified Rangers tagged along, .too, the town that bore her name.

· FQr the nel<t se\ietal ~rs, Roy such a ~angerous cu~tomer, itwa~ corpse· had $40 and a pistol on expecting to stop the tight. As it Unfort'unately, she didn't· s~ow behaved himself, working as a that he was capable of .driving it. Beaq._'immediately fined the turned out, tile judge outWitted up U!Jtil 10 months after !lean's bartend-:r in· brother Sam's everyone crazy.: with his non-S1;op' dead man $40 for carrying a con· them. He hel~ the flghr on. a :death. Miss Langtry was regalled saloon. At the outbre~k of the babble. .. . . 1 cealed weapon. ·sandbar in ~he Rio C.rande''close with tale5 Qf the_colorful judge .

. War Betw!!en the States, Bean ,And, with the nearest court- · to. the Mexican side, In that way and Was then presented. with · bl!(ame a Union blockade runner, room S!lmewhere in the. vicinity JurisprudeNce ·the fight was 'held in no country. . tw1;1 of his ·prize possessions: his transporting goodS from Mexico of a week's ride away, Roy decid· As far as his hanging miscre- not the USA and not Mexiq>. six-shooter and hi~ bear. Beauti· i»tj) 1'¢lil$i/$bptfiY after tJie. wa~ ,~d that his totm qeeded a ju~ge ants went, Roy had. nothing qn Leg~lly speaking, . it haPp!med . ful as she was, the bear to.ok ()ne Pe!llli·-'·D~W.·~OIIf;~ ye~rs .old, -~114 .what;betterm~n for the wb . Isaac Parker, who·reai(Ji was the nowhere. The· R~ogers liad to look -at her arid fleil into the 11\krri¢d i!·'M~~ic;Ql teenager·and tl!ailthe.bartertd,efhimself? After· Old West's "hanging judge." watch helplessly for 95 seconds' .. ife~ert. never to be seen again. ~s.e(!:le~ in Sall'Antonio. ··. all, Roy WiJS ~im~iderably better Parker sentenced 172 men to;, until · Fitzsl•nmons decked ·· · . And slu~ s~id it all in her auto: . . : . ,., , • · .· · · .·· . • . · educated than miilly of the other the gallows, 88 of wh01n actual· · Maher. . . .. . biogr~phy... remi•,iscing allout ~ ~ JfJI)~:~II'f- . lo.C!IIS. He bad t/lree whole months ly took the. plunge .. Beag never • ·· Unlike ~he many fanciful eJ1d· .her visit to langtry, sh~. conced·

, : ~ »1'di¢ l!I70~. ROy was toiHng of· schooling b!lbind him! On hanged anyolle. He threatened to . ipgs concocted.forthe Judge (in ed fllat the visit was -a short one. hatd at~ n«ro~et of decidedly dis- ~ 2, 1882, tl)e commission· scores, some say lrundreds. · the ·movies be is· usually killed but tliat it, like the man .whO ran hone~tlll$t.IPiltions. Hey, by that . ers pf Pe~os County made wliat One or; l:Ylo even ·-made the and in Latry McMurtry's "Streets it's court, was "unforge,ttable." time,be.bat) fi\fe kkts.~l.t $'!pportl !JIBY h~y~: ·.been . their ."!ost dreaded trip 'to the gallows, but' of Laredo" he is hanged~ on his · · .: , Twoofh!Sblgge,n-saleltelll$were 1mpbrt~nt. ltlstor•c deciSion. were then allowed'(() escape. own front porch- why Larry, Sources: HANG 'EM FIRST. TRY

• firewoodandmilk;Thefirewood, They"otder.edthatRoyBean·be Oneofthemorefamous,and why must you.twist'history- 'EW!"tATER by B~ce Watson and .. he would cut down on another and is hereby appointed the Jus- document~d (for a change). sto·. don't you .. realize that people. ENCYCLOPEDIA .OF WESTERN man's property and the milk he tice of the Peace for Precinct No. ries about "His Honor" involved ·take your work as gospel?) GUNPICHTERS by Bill O'Neal.

. .

watered. down. One story about f:i, Pecos County, Texas." the wat,ered-down milk goes li~ · Packing his be!ongingsi this: When a. customer .com· whiCh consisted mostly of liquor, plained that he had found a min· w~apons, and a single law book, now 1o his milk, . Bean, thinking Roy rel6cated to a small settle· quickly,- proclaimed !',By, Gobs! mellt abave the Rio Grande. The !"BY Gdb~" )vas de~~itely tbe>, name of the settlement, which · JUdge'sfiillbtlte explll$$Jog)TbQt's . was. most!Y, t~nts, saloons and what I get for.wa~ijl)';thel)l,~; • . 4it~~!lhall$i~· was.\ · "Langtry," d(IWJl . at. t~niVerlllo''liVentulil!y,'~ · ilp!l}~d fc).;-}1 railroad ~oss who Be~lfs!Telghbrlrhood fn $an:Anto· ba!lput ti'll!!k through 1t. nio became:kiioWiHJS.ttUe.aJ&il!l!" f;!tt SJ::~ '·'"' · !hant<s·to Roy's'llum~rolts'~sHaify. LIJIY;,j .. business deals. Things were going . Roy- had many a "big windy"

·well, but ill the early 1880s, his to tell his customers, and for marriage began to break up, and that matter, anyone else who Roy iilected . to head for Wilder wpuld ·us_ren. He claimed to ·be climes. related to Daniel Boone, to have · ·In the summer of 1882, one of fought in the war· with Mexico, the San Antonio papers, the and of course, that he had Eltpress printed a notice from named Langtry for "Miss Lillie." Eagle's Nest Springs, up ip Pecos Miss Langtry had been known as County; "I would announce to my "The jersey Lily," and Roy did friends and the public in general, name his saloon for her, mis· that I. have opened another spelling her name in the process saloon at the above place, where . (lilly) .. The picture ()f Roy Bean's can be found the best of Wines, · '1ersey lilly" is one. of the most liquors and cigars... Visitors will recognized in Western history. It always find a quiet, orderly place, .is nearly impossible to Jist all of where they can get a good drink... the bizarre rulings that the The . water is good and the Judge made over the years, but scenery grand. Will be pleased to following is a few of the more see any of my friends at all times. · memorable ones: On one occa· - Roy Bean" . . siol{. ~taltroad bridge collapsed

At the edge of a rail~ad camp and ten workers plummeted then known as ''Vinegaroon, • Roy . some 300 fe~t to the canyon's began soliciting the business of bottom. Now,V Roy was paid $5 railroad workers intent on spend· for every coi'G'IIer's inquest that ing their hard-earned pay on he performed, and he immedi· booze. Bean couldn't help them ately pronounced all ten work­out quick enough. Of course, Roy ers DOA. When it was pointed had to be pretty careful, as that out to him that three of the country, in that time, did not workers were still alive, he sim·


bac and let us come .


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Sensational steaks, seafood and a 46·item salad bar are fea· tured on Cattle Baron's menu. 1

Fresh trout, catfish, Pacific snap· per and King salmon and spe· ciality dishes like filet mignon with green chili beamaise sauce are also patron pleasers.

·. . . . ,.

$$·$$$ 257·9355 • 657 Sudderth Dr., Ruidoso

,11 a.m. to 9:30p.m. Sun. • Thurs.; 11 a.m~ to 10:30 p.m. • F~~ ~d Sat.


Good food, food fun and good prices is what Farley's Is all about. The atmosphere .is light and fun and there are 16 domestic beers on tap. Cooks Pedro · Bonilla and . Nick Lawrence grill olfe of the best burgers around and you won't want . to miss the wood-fired PIZZa.

S·SS 258·5676 • 1200Mechem Dr., Ruidoso

The restaur~nt opens at 11:30 a.m. 7 days a week·

LA LORRAINE Low chandelier lighting, .

softly draped ceilings, lush flower arrangements and sooth· ing music is merely an introduc· tton to a dining e~perience ful· filled by meticulous service and · unforgettable gourmet menu Innes including Salmon, Steaks, \'ral Chop, Rack of Lamb, and Duck to name a few. The meals o~re enhanced by an excellent wme list including vintage bordeauxs.

$$·$$$ 257-2954 • 2523 Suddenh Dr., Ruidoso (in midtown)

Lunch & Dinner: Wed.-Sat. 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Dinner: Monday-Thursday 5:30·9 p.m·• Friday and Saturday 5:30·9:30 p.m.


Enjoy ·great charbroiled steaks and seafood, Texas-style chicken fried steak and fresh

. pasta in a casual Western atmo~

. phere. The menu also featUres tenific coconut shrimp and fried catfish. Uve music on weekends and' cocktails are the perfect complement to a Texas. Oub meal .

s-s~ 1'. 258·3325 • 212 Merz Dr. in lnnlbrook ViUage, Ruidoso

Lunch 11:30 a.m·5 p.m • Dinner S-10 p.m. • (Closed Mondays)

' ' .

THE DECK. HQUSB. ·. RESTAUAANT · Established in tb ·I !164,· The·.

, :Deck Rouse Restaurant · llp. all :or youdavl;irites: unique : l.ndian corn bread, original sl!\lr ·

· ·· C,re;tm enchiladas, ·and . . : famous squaw bread. plus tiAil'u ·' specials such ·as sizzling fajitas, , came adovada and. green chile steW, just to nam~ a few. To·go otde10 are welcome. Uve enter·

"", ' ·'·· ,, "• '

·' , ."·;·,

.,. ..·

tainment on Friday and Saturoay nights. Southwestern family dining at its best.

m 257·3496~2QOMechem fnAdobe Pla~a


. . . Steaks, seafood, prime rib.

. and the · best salad. wago~ in town await dinel'$ at K Bob's .. Open since I 979,. the steak house. serves up some heartY country bre~l<fasts ilnd daily · :!~ncb an~ dinner specials, as. w~tl as catetin,ll for all occa· si(>qs. Y'all come in. . . .

$-$$ . 378-4747 •· West Highway 70 • Ruidos.o Downs

O~n 7 dayM weeldrom 6 il.lii. : , .. ' . ' ' ' .

I • t ' •

. .,;.. ~ ' . . ., J- ·'.

utnE NELLIE'S : Home·style

M~xl-can cookihg . found in the heart Uttle Nellie's has in Courmet and zines and was voted best

. :.vestem Mexican food 3 yeari; t\lllnlng in Las Cruces, NM by

. the "People's 'Choice'~ featUre in · the Sun News. little Nellie's cor­'filially Invites you and your fami·

···;. .. '·.· ' .... . . ' . . . ;_~ .~ .

ly to sample our family's cooking tradition.


' ' '' ., '·' . ~· . . .

63().()911 • 101 Vision St. "atthe Circle" .• 7 days a week . . ,.


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'to advertise · . · your reStaurant,

call Usa, Unda or Kathy -at 257-4001.

Price range key: entrees priced $7 and under = $; entrees $7 to $15 = $$; entrees $15 and over = $$$ · Paid Advertising . . .. . . . . . .. " ' . . ..

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Alto White • $250,000 • 810 Deer Park Drive

Three bedroom, 2 bath, single car garnge on Oat comer lot. with nice decks and full golf membcishlp! Complete with fur. niture addenduni. '


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White Mountain Meadows Radziewicz • $248,500 • 110 Coker Lane

Three bedrooms, 2 l/2 baths, 2-car garage, fenced yanl. Hardwood floors - nice hobby or office room downstairs. IMge bedrooms - bright interior -Victorian styled. A must see home!

At to Powers • $335,000 • 824 Deer Park Drive

New construction - pick your colors - contempomry I level home:3 bdrms., 3 3/4 baths. Social membership ·

Alto-New Construdion Thompson • $269,000 .•114 DelMonte Drive

Three bedrooms, 2 l{l baths. The floor plan is so .in!Pres­sive the entry is greeted by a staln:ase that leads hallWay up to a den with wet bar then continues to the upStairs liv­ilig room and kitchen. Upstairs is a lot of glass Windows with great views, Full golf members!Jip. Real different.

- ... ,.

Country Club Estates Cooper • S 117,500 • 306 Hull Drive

3 bdrm., 2 bath, 2 car garage. Knotty pine accents and wood vigas give this home Ruidoso charm. 24-hour notice to show: Just let us know!

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#l4T-boxandfairway!! Cozyimtnaculatehome! ~bedrooms,21/2baths. I.Dvely harowood floors .•. beautiful suoroom with a grand VieW up,#l4 ... a

. must see! Price includes golf cart. Full golf membership: Furniture addendum.

Brown•$325,000•215BroadmoorDrive. .

Alto Lee • $269,500.• 234 Broadmoor Drive

Under construction- 3 bedrooms,21/2 ba~,2-car garage complete with social· membership. Owner will upgrade to fun golf membership with acceptableoft'et Alii level with special attention to year round living. Great floorplan - call now and pick youc colors and lend youc to the finishing tOuches!

Hanson • $3 t 5,000 • 103 Mountain Place Four bedroom, 3 bath with gated patio and 2-car garage. Most all the tl,uni· ture stays - full golf membership.

Pine Creek Estates Franklin • $2691500 • Tract One

Home on 5 acres built in 1994.Three bedrooms, 2 baths. Hardwood floors, screened in porch, covered deck, horses allowed This is a very private setting with creek frontage. Interior has lots of wood. Very mountain feeling.

. .. Volley . LewiCki• $1,2001~ • .II+ aaeson River

Beautiful3,000 sq.ft.home.l4 x 80 mobile with 2-caf carp~rt.t4oo sc(ft. · ·. bam. This is a unique pieq; pf property with wa~er rights! .... , " . .

Kru!Jer • $1351000 • 206Sierra Blanco Drive ~ 1 I , ,

Full membership, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths -·completely redone in very good taste. This home is darling inside. Please inquire - you won't be disap­pointed.

Awesome Commercial Acreage with Sierra Blanca Views

Robinson • $1,250,000 9.3 :1: acres. Seller is motivated on this large mWti·use potential piece of property in the heart of Ruidoso with Sierra Blanca views, large tree5 and easy access. OWner will carry paper and/or joint venture. Submit all offers .

. . -.

Great Commercial PossibiUties on the River Laine • $275,000 .

Home on the river plus four 1 bedroom, 1 bath monthly rental units. 618 Sudderth Drive. Call for an appointment to view - It never hurts to look!



Williamson • $259,500 • 721 High Mesa" . Four bedrooms, 3' baths. Veryr contemporary interioa: witlt hardW(lod floors, · a fuD den, an upstairs loft bedroom/office combo. FuH golf membership and large master suite with ]acu~i tub. · . · · . · \.... .

. O.P. Addition Capitan '· , Ford•S651000~302Un~lnAvenue 0

Two bedrbom, 2 bath 1976 .modular on 3 lots: R.Y, pad and hookup,16xl4 heated work rooni off garage: . . .

Spring Pa-t Green • $52,500 • 242Mountaln VIew Drive

Two bedrooms, I bath, completely remodeled. Nice front deck for enjoying the views.AH new inside. Ready for new owner - make an offer! Moti\fated seller. Let us show you how to own this cabin cheaper than renting.

Behind Loma Grande Acres Smith • $350.000 • Bonita Drive Road

Six bedroom, 3 bath main house; 2 bedroom, 1 bath guest house. Horse lilcili­ty consists of 6 box stalls, 9 stalls with runs, tack room, round pen,roping arena, small orchard and enormous views!

... -- -· - - ---·-

Btack Forest ColOns • $159,000 • 123 Black Forest Rd ·

. On 2 lots, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. 2 1/2 baths. This home offers that Ruidoso chalet. feeling with the master bedroom overlooking the living room area. Downstairs has large bedrooms that open onto a big deck with · nice views.A 6rep,lace in the master bedroom makes for that perfect atmos-

. · . relax and unwind! A must see homel!

Acres· Rhodes • $65,000 • North Road

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Three bedroom, 2 bath 1979 double wide, septic, domestic wen, natural gas. Furniture addendum on file.

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Alto· ~/'. .,

Davis Ent. • $325,®0 •11 0 Pinon Drive New 3 bedroom, 2 bath beautifully constructed Alto home. Exquisite tile work throughout. Sierra Blattca view, refrigerated air and 2-car garage.

Hamilton Terrace Retcher • $249,000 • 454 Mechem Drive

Great location for all kinds of business or can be used as a super large home.l.l205 acres- separate guest efficiency.

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Alto Townhome ScoH • $315,000 • 601 Deer Park Drive

Three bedroom with possible 4th on lower level. Very spacious with high ceilings and magnificent panoramic views from decks. Furnished by an Albuquerque designer. FuU goJf membership

·MidTown Ruidoso Cadus Rower Gifts $92,500 2330 Sudderlh Drive Located in the heart of downtown Ruidoso is this very successful business. Business, inventory, fumi· ture, fixtures and equip­ment. Lease assumable with landlord's approval. Call Doug for details. This is a turnkey operation for some· one and a great opportunity to step into a gift shop with proven success!

Powers • $547,500 •110 Doe Drive Four bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, game room and wet bar. Gorgeous lot with great views of the Capitans, valley and Siena Blanca. Social member· ship! Will upgrade to full membership with acceptable offer.

·Country Club Heights Word • $549,000 • 413 Hull Road- 3.6 acres

The large living room has an expansive glass view of Sierra Bhuu:a. The kitchen is very cool, very up to date with all the touches of the decomtor magazines! More than a house, a real home. Horse facilities14 bedroom, 3 1/2 baths, large master suite has office or sitting room off of it.Living room is very large with nice bar :trea for entertaining. Private entry has waterfaU and gold ftsh. Other bedrooms share a nice private den/game room type setting. Sunroom for plants off living room. A must $!e

County Club Estates· · $159,900 •·207·Nogal Place

1\yo living areas, 1 upsraiis w/2 bedrooms, 1 bath, den with viet bar downstairs w/2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Neat floorplan offers priva· cy for 2 families. Big back yard, large stomge room, level access on first level and cathedral ceilings . in livingroom upstairs with kitchen and dining area! Close to schools and very easy access all

round! Over 2800 feet!

Commercial Downtown Cape • $299,900 • 2001 Sudderth Drive ,

Commercial building on level lot WITH PARKING i'n Midtown Ruidoso. Nice size show room with·fireplace · 2 bathrooms- priV'.tle office separate entrnnce · aL1rm system! All one level· higfi visibility!

High Sites Subdivision Hale • $125,000 • 103 Monica's Court

Three bedroom, 2 bath with large fenced back yard and nice front lawn area. Very easy access; located on a cul-de-sac in the . Ruidoso Care Center area! Pergo wood floors, wood window blinds and kept in immaculate condition. A must see family home!

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